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f ‘i | @) \ Peimariat. PRocessron Psazm 121 “ir lise up mg eyes tothe [hills : but [ore Shelt- T/fiidl alt hol [Gomes from Lore > has Haven ond earta- 3 He boil ey Se ait amd he Ko betas [ over you, ee + (be oe “che als will f nocittor| & fh pe tha. kor is yom defence. lupe f your] vig Wt [ hand, 6-\ihe. Sun Shall af svi you by ey norf shall taf Inwon by night- T-\the hord will el you ffiom all evel + ib és [he tho. © pote [ guard Your] Gah | 9 |e Lord wi defend on een wae Coming ts Cone, Petals / / @ vsaum: tiagay C8 al Sr mayne \hiyge 6 Fotske me not © Godin mine old age * when Iam / gray headed: until have sheweed thy strength unto this generation * and thy power to all them that are / yet / for to / come. Howag!7: THY righteousness © God is / very / high : and great things are they that thow hast done # © God / who is ike. unto / thee? ! \nwe 18.0 what great troubles and adversities hast thou shew-ed nje * and yet didst thou tum / and re- ‘fresh, me : yea and broughtest me from the deep / ofthe /¢ arth a-/ gain, \ Qe 19, Thowhast brought me to / great / honour : and comforted / me on/ever-y / side, nr 20: Therefore will I praise thee and thy faithfulness © God * playing upon an instr / ment of / ‘musiek: unto thee will I sing upon the harp * O thou / Holy / One of / Israel {ks 21. My lips will be fain when I sing / unto / thee : and so will my soul / whom thou / hast de-/ liver Ww 22. My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness / all the . d ‘and brought unto shame that / seek to / do me / evil, GLORIA Hevemey lay / long : for they are confounded j 4 ¢| zl i BG, Hnstis | &) = a 3 alee): a ae TNS YS my: any Thun Voi, Sldodlarh it: rds d: id: A ldo dy iS: id: ifit 4 s 6 i 4 |do¥|S im! imof[mi ri vi vym|ri cd: 2. if Mint 2S GS? ft ft fos [fy omy tm o |e; But T|leno te vise In the fms oP 3 bey dlAreHr rdy Keb ibitet tb: Fo a If Aint tdyd |G G39? SoS |S: a: gd : 7 5° Refrain ° L\yomifi fir ylaAim |mof si-imi- ok ts a Naqwinne |[Rar— ery ZINES PUI StS |Sie: + fe Sie aler divs eg |i Vena Mim Arab Pod, be |clos~er demanto| Tove — [Draw |Mear-2rj Nearer, A heAlh yi S: Slain: Wdod lA: Aide de 20 24 an LIL AGYIS:AUyi: dt fimiyt—: om: a hepom gable gf: (gic! | Sf Meare blessed Level 70 the|Ceass whore thou bast] diac, Deaw me Bia diddid:ddldA: ditid|tbi-: : dor tiff pid: m- mite min: d|Si—t : dod le 4 ef re 16+ HSM my: Yifims tdim: tet a ld:d:s eDi. Bae 3: [mem hit in ing [Sie 4 5: 55-5 a Pe Giens Heat Sido The “Litealy Precentor + God the elt Precaler + Govern anc citeck. Your tity Chrsi i SS xy : Fy 38415 inly ( 7 ae oy | 333 g ; ¢ a a If Z5j2 » oy r ae toy EE tay3 gE been ie Via =e A als st it i 2 = ANS Vy ts p gu EUS Bay fat Ree P of oi. a ive ites =, £3 + £ ae he MY HH wig Oe /bob= A Mejor y Tine Z. re SG yh De NR Rear 4 WILTON Eins 886] S- Stanly 22 g (IIE To ‘Teach Sviourhe Stars in let alf Ty Chucche I) Wisclom and 2oal and fai Firmness wily Mookness, ‘he Truly as To bem lo. Lénd Ine. Souls °s pains be. it impart, r, above, in Thaw heavty Drom “th Aait les re | SRS . ysaoeg4 west. CHURCH OF NIGERIA 7 LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST. Key BP THE PREPARATION Time Prucst|M- MA iz dt didldity a) - r iW bless ee fas alAl¢: r mL BlS [yt GY His |Praise jut | 31M Id: EA 4 ys Puest| A dix ds ty ly =i t © |mag—ni- fy te [ord with me |. |v : tA A 78:4 id dA ED bd et US fea is. ta doy wk th rc has madd) ae - yr |mifpistd- ddr i Dy . sls ® Joie and. be | Sbad_in. 215 tai YIyi s he iz are lb sled t aa BY, | dé td-d fy. ji bY ADVENT/LENT ; Faust] Ais di dids dd ttedi vin Bless the hard Who for|sives Cur— Sins |. a Pp WRizvidid A: Coals mers Ais iy A: nr Ba Key F Magor Custos] a PrestiMizmi bi SJArrimizfp = heist Our Lord: IS bora for us, se bizbis:m|s:-is:-] aa 4: aldizdited i dim Come lt us a- dove Hin a lfirFemil Ae : UIs aon EASTER bay, To PRuEsT] A :— = — aloe aye AL — b-|w— Ww Chat a primicim| fim: mr He = is |¥i— Sen, Rfid aed: A:— li: ta 2S: Si- |S: ts |yi— ALS ore l os te— TT = = q Da 1 7 BEB BBB RB EB BBP PRWWE S$ OR PenTECOST Key © MaToR yh Time # GLORIA IN EXCELSIS 4 KEY BD MATOR _|MopeRaTo 2 3 a hr Glo-ry be t God, Bley bot God) | Yi ve my Hish— aos 1g-8* bet a Yr. > z w e B : a | lit. of-myee dcwed : ae wdlt: Ary: J fe King Av- Inigh-by God and | is? Se G a3 i | ; Wbs-isizslm: mif :f[$ is: dbl _|Fa= thor, she ive You thanks, We gia gemler— "hee [Reise You far Your| Slo— vy a8 49 Lebibed A Pr beb i ay fee. belo ae ey be to Da S a) SB FPFeSE SS SF SBS SS 22 2 2 ww 2 sa | ‘ it ° = ‘Su: Sidi al vis im |] : (oa, fy lanh of God You aia thy | 30 ~ Ene Sins : mf) 8 see Ss : Sued. at! yest heed OF tie Fa- Thor | rab:S: bel i Sif Min Wy_one, ou a= oat a Palko , aE ose GSS: qe ryi tin 2 ih mest high | — Sus _Chist, 48 49 Yd :tlbs vba ated it | Sport in tte [Glo-ry of God thay WSS EES. Scene ESTERS Ye EM 90 e-~y UE S - THE DECALOG! TEN COMMANDMENTS: HS TF HES SHES Y 3. | foeata se Fees de ACT OF PENITENCE iy _rastoagog bIw FSF x Sy ag lo <§ add as4 __ |THE MOS im ge i a, SuMMARY OF I i | TRE LasT CommanomenT IN The DecAtoGuE 7 S| thay WE Mh me AN HE HK Nm St PRIEST A Jord, have mart % 3 _ PRIEST __ PRIEST ee eae KYRIE Et ELEISO DoH =Ay Magor . ldtsyim: = Lg iH 4 Arzrim: Aly in: gi- Loyd, have mor-——y mis fe s i diszrim pdt yin: Yim Christ, ioe mor—~p—~~~~ a oe ee Chis Pao: hie ms =f S$: gsm [dana Sis Yi Six poe con if TRISAGION Dou = Ah Roa me ee & a Ab mazor Aiar: 2. - ua ‘So Y 8 THE GoSPEL _ 4 a 3 Aim|yinid: L ia f: Bopp DG» sor aunts 2 por=BP TNE NICENE CREED - CHANT 4 PAdapita to then ctouble chants] JHE NICENE_CREED:.. UNISON. ee We. boliove inf ont God, the! Father, te [AL=lmigh=}-ty, | maker of/ heaven and / earth, of all that. is | Sen and|'| Un —] Seen: a Hagmony - — le belive in/ one / Lord, Jesus cist, the. Only Son. of God, eternally besotten| of te/ Fa —[ ther, GoX fom. Ged] Liokt frem/ lisht» true God from tue Gods | eevetten not made, of one be-ind {with the | Fathore | ~ ro 6. * |2nd Part CSlow) 7 Harmony [Descari and Unison: : oo - |We belive in Ona, Holy Cathol’c and Apos|tol’c/ Church; 12 Through hin all] thin 5 195 Were/ made; for us men and for_our Salvation » he came/ door fom heal ; the ae The Holy spirct, HE became incarnate c he / Virgin Mary; and [was|madefman Fer our sake, He was Crucified umdler] Pentius| Pela) He Suffered doath,| and wide [bu fad. . : pongo pce ae On tie third doy He rosk again, in accordance] _ With the /Scriptares: He ascended inte heaven, and is Seatel at the/ right hand/ of te! Fatior. He win | Come again in Slory, te judge te living| and te] | dead, and ths kingclorn| wit have [no-[enk:_ |. [We belive in ‘te Hoty spit, the. Lord, the | giver of | life, voto peanesfon he} Father! and te] Son-Wik te) _ thar and the Son, He (8 / worshipped and/ Slorifibal; We has/ Spoken through tie] Prophets. _ We acknowledge ong bagtism for the | forgive [ness off | Suns eee Pesca : (eel dee als lock for the resurrection] of the] dead, and t| i lige of tal word ts | Coma. Ac man . “A an bee tee ~~ [ THE INTERCESSION (A and 8) hop=G 2 -AlY: Time 4 iY | ‘lord. tA Your} mar- cy Dob=G _ Tine 4 THE INTERCESSION CC) ae - ~ = [YU A ri- Fer the Peaw--:--- let us Pray te the Lord Pres- [Blessed ave You, Lord God ah through You- “Seednnss eee) 7 5 Pe Cae the Bread of Life or =G RESPoNSoRAL FoR THE PREPRRATICA I - OF GIFT pres: |Blessad are You, Lord God of atl Ceedlion , though Your Ugnpdnass so 00° Te will become Ow” Spiritual drink Alle REPERT AS AWE Th will become fr us 1 Rot=A¥ “Yours Lory Seprcte c i Allegro 2 Ein a qq. African ches iim] / in Ata-ven and en As for: evry thing» for Set) «m0, = Mp my yo Yerimy yer fyi hee an da.) | fu a ¥ re = me MA on Botaar Yours LonpSeopArs CC ‘ Cn a yunsi African chow iim] ; Bly +: myo my Yel er ey Hn i had vn en d+: porac Tevephine + a 14. by Sin S$? feu ae is Yeu Ay Gi aAji- ba Yours ao S vid Ge Al Fs ac op 2S: A hs lin fu 2My Vim MF i ig: pb FOLK 2 eae 1g = |e -Im: oun tdidy dnd al ess Gt fn oe did dd d- alt. things Gav -from|yoy ae CR SR Bak Ss ORS ES 6 BER OS, & g OEiga | SS SORES ES PY ia i ie 2.8 BORA — \ | aL SRS 22 Bethe o yes, ny ae St fe: >. All (der 2 Mere His All Hee Piast |m-m: rf lat all im m rarer Spi-rity is with uS sup your Your ‘ao me mrixwd thom to — tha sord Mm: Wot us sive fans To - f pr diye nmrm Yy it £ indood visht/it iS our eal and our joy . . mrm times and. tn all placas/ to give. you thaksar Pa rade f me Mm m ev Or Prais-ing you. and Sing — 9 | Pres: LC Acoopt our Praises-+. To be ead J | \ i At t I I pes. i All q fal i Zz az gees All 1 AcchamaTins AGNuS BEI boy =D Andante rmiflricim? fe d-way fie Sin of aera: Pate, Heavenly Father, We remember + everlasting DLA mevidey Havejntar-sy on us-|

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