Assignment No 6 Section: A Submitted To: Maam Ameena Tanveer Subject: Pak Studies

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Assignment no 6

Submitted By: Laiba Arif

Roll no: 1703 B.COM-2020
Section: A
Submitted To: Maam Ameena Tanveer
Subject: Pak Studies
Constitution of 1973:
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, also known as the 1973 Constitution, is
the supreme law of Pakistan. Drafted by the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, with additional
assistance from the country's opposition parties, it was approved by the Parliament on 10 April
and ratified on 14 August 1973.The Constitution is intended to guide Pakistan's law, its political
culture, and system. It identifies the state (its physical existence and its borders), people and
their fundamental rights, state's constitutional law and orders, and also the constitutional
structure and establishment of the institutions and the country's armed forces. The first three
chapters establish the rules, mandate, and separate powers of the three branches of the
government: a bicameral legislature; an executive branch governed by the Prime Minister as
chief executive; and an apex federal judiciary headed by Supreme Court. The Constitution
designates the President of Pakistan as a ceremonial Head of State who is to represent the
unity of the state. The first six articles of the constitution outline the political system as federal
parliamentary republic system; as well as Islam as its state religion .The Constitution also
encapsulates provisions stipulating the legal system's compliance with Islamic injunctions
contained in the Quran and Sunnah.
The Parliament cannot make any laws which may be repugnant or contrary to the Constitution,
however the Constitution itself may be amended by a two-thirds majority in both the houses of
the bicameral Parliament, unlike the previous legal documents of 1956 and 1962. It has
been amended over time, and most recent impulses for political upgrades and reforms has
been amended. Although enforced in 1973, Pakistan, however, celebrates the adoption of the
constitution on 23 March—when the first set was promulgated in 1956—each and every year
as Republic Day. Technically there are 26 amendments but 23 amendments were made in
constitution and three were not passed by the parliament.

The 1973 constitution of Pakistan was adopted on April 12, 1973. This constitution fully
represents the ideology and democratic aspiration of the people of Pakistan and constitution is
the supreme law of the land and it is considered as an instrument by which a Government can
be run. It replaces the basic laws of the state. It decides the attributes of the government and
provincial Govt. in constitution is federal cum parliamentary in its characteristics. The
constitution of Pakistan is based on principle of tracheotomy of power. It is a social contract
which binds people, society and a state to act within the framework of the constitution.

Salient Features of Constitution of Pakistan 1973

Following are the salient features of the constitution of Pakistan 1973
Written Constitution
Constitution of Pakistan 1973 is a written constitution. It comprises of 280 Articles. It also
contains 6 schedules, which has been divided into 12 parts.

Rigid Constitution
The constitution of Pakistan 1973 is rigid because amendment procedure is not easy. This
constitution provides that 2/3 majority of votes of members National Assembly and Senate, and
assent of President of Pakistan are necessary for its amendment.

State Religion
The constitution of Pakistan 1973 announces that Islam would be state religion.

National Language and Official Language

In accordance with Article 251 of the present constitution Urdu has been declared as National
Language of Pakistan but the official language is English.

Federal Form of Government

Constitution of Pakistan 1973 provide federal form of government consisting of four provinces
of the central government of Pakistan.

Parliamentary form of Government

Parliamentary form of government has been provided for the government in the constitution.

Direct Elections
Constitution of Pakistan 1973 has provided method of direct elections to elect members of
National Assembly and Provincial Assembly.

Bi-Cameral Legislature
The Federal Legislature is bi-cameral consisting two houses. Senate (upper house) and National
Assembly (lower House).

Preamble means an introductory part of statue; it is not the part of the constitution. It is stated
in it than sovereignty over entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah.

Holding of Referendum
The president of Pakistan is authorized to order for holding a referendum on any issue of
national importance.
Single citizenship
The constitution of Pakistan 1973 provides single citizenship.

Independence of Judiciary
An Independent Judiciary has been provided in 1973 constitution. Judiciary safeguards the
fundamental rights of the people of Pakistan.

Rights of Minorities
Rights of Minorities have been protected in the 1973 constitution.

High Treason
The abrogation of the constitution through unconstitutional means is high treason. It cannot be
abrogated by the use of force.

To conclude that the 1973 constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a democratic state,
parliamentary with bicameral legislature in its nature. It is the constitution of elected people.
All major political parties of Pakistan unanimously accepted it. Minorities also have safeguard
and fundamental rights in such constitution. Maximum Efforts Were Made To Improve The
Character Of This Constitution. Like Other Constitutions, 1973 Constitution Also Provide
Principals For The Protection, Propagation And Enforcement Of Islamic Ideology. Maximum
Efforts Were Made To Improve The Character Of This Constitution. Like Other Constitutions,
The 1973 constitution enlisted the main principles of State Policy. Maximum efforts were made
to improve the character of this constitution. Like other constitutions, 1973 constitution also
provide principals for the protection, propagation and enforcement of Islamic Ideology.

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