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Registered nurses’ experiences of organizational change

in acute care settings: a systematic review protocol
Darlaine Jantzen 1  Lorelli Nowell 2  Patricia Scott 3
Department of Nursing, Camosun College, Victoria, Canada, 2Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, and 3Learning Services,
Camosun College, Victoria, Canada

Review objective: The objective of this review is to explore how registered nurses working in acute care settings
experience organizational change.
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Keywords Acute care; experiences; nurses; organizational change

JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep 2017; 15(4):855–861.

Background Healthcare reform in the late 1990s and early 2000s,

ince the mid-20th century shift to hospital- driven by neoliberal governments and globalization,
S focused health care, registered nurses have
played an increasingly significant role in providing
impacted all healthcare practitioners, including regis-
tered nurses.3-5 More recently, various approaches to
safe, competent and caring health care.1 Over transforming nursing practice, stemming from a series
the past decades, many organizational and health- of reports from the Institute of Medicine6 in the United
care innovations and changes to service delivery States, and increasingly energetic initiatives related to
have altered the registered nurses’ workplace. For patient safety have resulted in organizational change
example, increasingly specialized medical care and that has shaped nursing practice. These initiatives
technological developments have resulted in the include, but are not limited to, Transforming Care
development of specialized practice at the point at the Bedside,7 Productive Ward – Releasing Time to
of care. More recently, the demand for fiscal effi- Care,8 Care Delivery Model Redesign (CDMR)9 and
ciencies, in both private and public healthcare other changes in nursing care delivery informed by
systems, and broad reaching austerity measures Lean design, originating with Toyoto.10
have also impacted healthcare organizations. The In the first decade of the 21st century, quality
current emphasis on shifting to primary health improvement initiatives, often based on business
care, community-based health care and a develop- models,8 have resulted in a significant increase in
ing commitment to support aging in place, which organizational change and have affected nursing
has been led and strongly supported by registered practice. White et al.8 acknowledge that these types
nurses,2 is creating significant changes to nursing of changes are ‘‘very complex social interven-
practice. These innovations, adjustments and tions’’8(p.1635) implemented with little supporting
developments have translated into organizational evidence for their effectiveness. Reasons for organ-
change, which has shaped and altered nursing izational change include responding to increased
practice and the registered nurses’ workplace. acuity of patients; however, the most common
As with many contemporary systems and institu- reason for changes in skill-mix is a real or anticip-
tions, change is ubiquitous in health care globally. ated shortage of registered nurses.11 In addition to
Fiscal efficiencies and a collective desire to improve these widespread initiatives, healthcare organiz-
the quality and safety of patient (client) care have ations undergo change such as amalgamation, re-
driven much of the constant change in health care. structuring, program and unit closures, renovation
and ‘‘improvements’’ ranging from revised organ-
izational philosophy and vision statements to adop-
Correspondence: Darlaine Jantzen, tion of new nursing practice models.
There is no conflict of interest in this project. Organizational change driven by advances in
DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-003043 technology has also contributed to significant change

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across levels and areas of practice. The addition of of patient care when hampered by changes in organ-
new skills and new nursing roles to match techno- izational structure, protocols, practice requirements
logical advances and innovations is remarkable. and administrative discourses in the workplace.15
For example, the development of telehealth, whereby Registered nurses have a pivotal role in the pro-
registered nurses are able to assess or monitor patient vision of health care and are exposed to vulnerabilities
status and implement interventions remotely, has in the midst of continuing organizational change.
created a new area of nursing practice. The imple- Given the ubiquitous nature of organizational change
mentation of an increased scope of practice and the in healthcare systems and registered nurses ongoing
addition of other healthcare providers, including commitment to improving patient care, we are
personal support workers, licensed practice nurses interested in understanding the experience of
and care aides, have shifted the role of the registered organizational change for registered nurses. We
nurse in many highly acute healthcare settings. believe that this systematic review is timely and
Organizational re-design often results in turbu- potentially valuable for decision makers and stake-
lence for nurses in direct care related to changes in holders throughout organizations. The results of this
roles and responsibilities. This can negatively impact systematic review will provide healthcare administra-
working relationships and the quality of care12 and tors, nurse leaders and those implementing changes in
create confusion in terms of role identity of the healthcare organizations (including CDMR, health-
caregiver.3 Drawing on a common commitment care restructuring and quality improvement initiat-
and high expectations for patient care, organiz- ives) with a clearer understanding of how registered
ational change is often presented as a means to nurses experience organizational change and inform
improve the quality of delivery of services to efforts to ameliorate the negative effects of organiz-
patients; however, it is often seen by healthcare ational change on nursing practice and the provision
professionals as a direct threat to patient safety of quality health care.
and quality of care.11 Poorly implemented change A search of the literature was undertaken to find
also has a negative impact on workplace engagement literature relating to registered nurses experiences
and employee attitudes and beliefs.8 with organizational change. The Cochrane Library,
A number of studies have evaluated changes JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Imple-
to models of nursing care delivery. These studies, mentation Reports, Scopus, PROSPERO, MED-
together, highlight the importance of empowerment LINE, CINAHL and Epistemonikos were sear-
of staff for success.12 Staffs’ attitude, perceived ched, and no previous systematic reviews on this
support (or lack of support) and emotional responses specific topic were identified as published or
to change, including uncertainty and perceived loss of currently underway. Two quantitative systematic
control, all affect the implementation and response to reviews have explored organization structures and
organizational change.11,13 Registered nurses should their impact on nursing practice and behavior.16,17
and want to be involved throughout change process However, due to the very narrow inclusion criteria,
including identifying common desirable outcomes only a maximum of two studies were included in
along with maintaining effective communication, edu- these reviews. The paucity and poor quality of
cation and de-briefing.11 A collaborative approach literature included in these reviews resulted in no
across levels in the organization is recommended. firm conclusions being drawn about the effective-
Organizational change, intended to respond to ness of organizational structures to support nursing
healthcare reform, often results in significant learn- practice. The authors of these quantitative reviews
ing for nurses in direct care.14,15 In a recent grounded suggest that if policy makers and healthcare organ-
theory, organizational change was found to be the izations aim to promote evidence-based nursing
most common, and the most challenging, trigger practice, more funding and support must be pro-
for professional development, including formal vided to ensure that rigorous research is conducted
and informal workplace learning.15 The constant, to generate the required evidence to guide policy.
often seemingly random, nature of change and the Interestingly, initial examination of the literature
resulting demands on the time, energy, concen- revealed a number of qualitative studies explo-
tration, knowledge and skill of the nurses create ring nurses’ experiences with organizational
challenges to maintain the nurses’ high standards change,12,18-23 with no current synthesis of high-

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quality evidence to guide practice. It is this gap be utilized in this review. An initial limited search of
in literature that we aim to fill with this MEDLINE and CINAHL will be undertaken fol-
systematic review. lowed by an analysis of the text words contained in
the title and abstract, and of the index terms used to
Inclusion criteria describe the article. A second search using all ident-
Types of participants ified keywords and index terms will then be under-
The current review will consider studies that include taken across all included databases. Third, the
registered nurses who work in direct patient care in reference list of all identified reports and articles
an acute care setting. Registered nurses are educated will be searched for additional studies. Studies pub-
in state-approved institutions and write a licensing lished in English will be considered for inclusion in
exam on completion of their education, either at the this review. Studies published in other languages will
diploma or Baccalaureate degree level. Acute care be tallied (but not translated) to provide an indica-
settings provide a range of services, generally in a tion of the range of international literature available
time-sensitive manner, aimed at diagnosis, urgent on this topic. No limitations will be placed on dates
care, stabilization or cure.24 Nurse managers, nurse of publication.
administrators, nurse educators and nurses working The databases to be searched will include
in primary care will be excluded. Nurse prac- CINAHL, ERIC, PubMed, PsycINFO and Embase.
titioners, clinical nurse specialists and advanced The search for unpublished studies will include
practice nurses who work in direct patient care in ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, The New
an acute care setting will be included. York Academy of Medicine Grey Literature Collec-
tion, The Canadian Health Research Collection,
Phenomena of interest Grey Matters CADTH, Open Grey, British Library
The current review will consider studies that explore Ethos and Trove.
nurses’ experiences of organizational change. The Initial keywords to be used will be ‘‘nurs,’’ ‘‘atti-
experiences include nurses’ perceptions, perspectives, tude,’’ ‘‘perspective,’’ ‘‘perception,’’ ‘‘view,’’
views, challenges, feelings and thoughts about organ- ‘‘experience,’’ ‘‘reaction,’’ ‘‘organizational cha-
izational change. Organizational change is defined as nge,’’ ‘‘organizational reform,’’ ‘‘organizational
alteration in nature, content or course of a (health- transforming’’ and ‘‘hospital restructuring.’’
care) organization including but not limited to re-
structuring, transformation and CDMR. Assessment of methodological quality
Qualitative papers selected for retrieval will be
assessed by two independent reviewers for methodo-
Acute care settings will be considered. This review
logical validity prior to inclusion in the review using
will exclude aged care and primary care settings. The
the standardized critical appraisal instrument from
context of nursing work in these settings occurs
the Joanna Briggs Institute Qualitative Assessment
under a different model of care to the acute care
and Review Instrument (JBI-QARI) (Appendix I).
setting; therefore, the research findings generated
Any disagreements that arise between the reviewers
from aged care and the primary care setting are
will be resolved through discussion, or with a third
considered to be outside the scope of this review.
reviewer (PS).
Types of studies
The current systematic review will consider studies Data extraction
that focus on qualitative data including, but not Qualitative data will be extracted from papers
limited to, designs such as phenomenology, grounded included in the review using the standardized data
theory, ethnography, action research and feminist extraction tool from JBI-QARI (Appendix II). The
research. data extracted will include specific details about the
interventions, populations, study methods and out-
Search strategy comes of significance to the review question and
The search strategy aims to find both published and specific objectives. Authors of primary studies will
unpublished studies. A three-step search strategy will be contacted if information is missing or unclear.

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hospital work environments. West J Nurs Res 2006;28(6):
narrative form.
14. MacIntosh J. Reworking professional nursing identity. West
Acknowledgements J Nurs Res 2003;25(6):725–41.
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assistance of Dr Christina Godfrey, Deputy Director/ experienced nurses’ lifelong learning. Alberta: University of
Methodologist for the Queen’s Collaboration for Alberta; 2012.
16. Flodgren G, RojasReyes X, Cole N, Foxcroft DR. Effectiveness
Health Care Quality for providing methodological
of organisational infrastructures to promote evidence-
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Appendix I: Critical appraisal instruments

QARI appraisal instrument

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Appendix II: Data extraction instruments

QARI data extraction instrument

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