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UNIT 1: The 8 wastes.

NAME: Islas Yáñez Yara Lizeth


PROFESSOR: Ing. Rey David Del Angel Jimenez

SUBJECT: Lean Manufacturing

Reynosa, Tamaulipas. Enero, 2022



PROBLEM STATEMENT...................................................................................................3





It was requested that line P702 TITL TELE increase the rate to 10%, so a study of
times and elements was carried out to verify that it was possible to make this
change in the rate and upon verification it was observed that the routes it made
Op.10/20 to Op.30 was long and the planned times exceeded the required ones.

It was noted that it did not have certain guidelines and details that the line should
have, such as; identification cards, Wip to place material and Racks where material
is stored to process within the line.

Problem statement

Within the Tilt-Tele P702 line, certain problems were observed that the mass
presented, for which a Gemba walk was carried out to be able to identify in more
detail the problems or opportunities for improvement that the line has, within the
Gemba walk some observed of the 8 residues that it has, for example; Waiting
time, Inventories, Movements, Overproduction


Increase the rhythm based on the time and movement studies and thus be able to
have a better perspective of the problem and identify the opportunities for
improvement that could arise within the line at the time of making the movements,
this in order to have an improvement and successful help. facilitate operations in
the work environment.

What would be the benefit of reducing the paths of the operations and redefining
the activities with the help of a balancing of elements? this is so that there is a
balance of time between the operations carried out by the operators.
Collaborate with a Kaizen event equivalent to the savings of 1 operator and meet
the established metrics, contributing to the savings and goal of the current year
2021, which is to save 1 million 600 thousand dlls equivalent to 90 operators.



Table 1. Action list

Do: A restructuring of the activity layout was carried out in order to avoid waiting
times, likewise a movement of machinery was carried out, obtaining a reduction in
space and avoiding movements that are not marked on the operator's activity
sheet and reducing the routes. Unnecessary, these changes avoid overproduction,
since if the operator does not have a well standardized process between them, it
could generate overproduction and waiting times between operations.

Image 1. Before and after the change

Act: When making a change or improvement within a production line, ramps of
1 complete turn must be carried out, this action is carried out to ensure and
verify that the change made had a positive result.

Below is a table where it is verified that the times are within the planned cycle
time, so it said that Kaizen had a positive impact within the line and the
improvement was a success.

Op. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T.C T.C.P PZ*HR

Op. 10- 28.31 27.53 28.32 29.12 26.58 27.97 31.33 128
20/30 y 40
Op. 876 y 29.32 28.43 28.87 27.35 28.64 28.58 31.33 125
Table 1. Times after Kaizen

Image 2. After the movement of the line.


Within a project as ambitious as this one, continuous improvement is always


Therefore, it is recommended to future students who are interested in the project

the continuous improvement within the production processes, and even more
recommendable would be the implementation of more Kaizen in the production
process, this to have positive impacts and monetary savings within the companies

Another recommendation would be to continue implementing the 8 wastes, so that

the system adapts to constant change.


López, B. S. (2021, 24 septiembre). Balanceo de línea. Ingenieria Industrial Online.

Balanceo de línea y control de producción. (2019, 21 marzo). Universidad Privada


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