Levels of Alien Interference

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There are 5 levels of alien interference, of which we have known only the first, before my


The first level of alien interference describes the abduction as an invasive phenomenon, in
which some little beings, dark gray or black colored, sometimes blue colored, take the
subject and bring him in a technological place where he is undergone to surgical
procedures, on a sort of operating table; both males and females are implanted with
control microchip. This is all what appears clear among what the American researchers
have exposed. Actually the situation is more complicated. In fact, there are at least twelve
alien races that have to do with the humanity, even if with different methods, they are
searching the same thing, as we will see up ahead.


The hypnotic environment and contexts which let reach the exposed conclusions will not
be described here. Also here are no technical explanations, cause otherwise there will be
necessary various books: I will just expose the basic conclusions coming out from the
We found out immediately that there was a problem regarding the mammal kind for which
we had a solution. They were looking for immortality!
No matter that I„m convinced of boring nature of the immortality, I‟m aware that not
everybody think it the same way. The aliens‟ desire of immortality and the determinacy that
they have demonstrated on following that target perplexed me enough regarding their level
of intellectual maturity. But I continued my research: maybe there was some mistake.
Under hypnosis all the abductees reported always the same:
“The aliens live across us and our mind...”
In that kind of abductees there is a strong brain dichotomy which may be identified by any
psychiatrist as an acute schizophrenia. However the detailed analysis of the subjects
shows that they were completely healthy mentally. They usually feel different, as if they
were not from this world. They had some flash-back in which they were remembering the
past lives and images by an alien context, as if themselves were aliens.
Obviously they had some access denied zone in their brain where there were hidden the
memories about alien‟s life: so it means that the results of hypnosis could be real. Namely
the brains of abductees are used as a store by the aliens for their memories (by
informatics terms it would be some kind of back-up).
By that hypothesis the aliens are looking for the immortality which they still can‟t reach.
Cause no matter that they already live more than us, at the end they also die. But they are
able to make their memories survive inserting them into the brain of some terrestrial baby
– an entire life memory of some alien into the brain of some terrestrial baby which may
also die after that.

The baby grows up and at some point of his/her life the person‟s brain may show the signs
of other personality which would create a lot of problems in her/his existence. The alien
memory remains anyway inaccessible, except if we don‟t use some kind of key-procedure
(similar to the password of computer), which would be able to open it and liberate its
content. Before the death of back-up abductee, the aliens return and copy all the content if
it is necessary into the brain of one of their newborn.
He reserves the memory and survives becoming all one with the previous terrestrial host.
In this way his personality survives even if his body dies and he reaches a surrogate of
immortality. The newborn alien will not need to make the whole experience starting from
the very beginning till the end, for example, an alien (or his personality) 30.000 years old
would be formed of the memories of 6 aliens with 5.000 years life duration per each of
them. Plus an elevated number of terrestrial memories of abductees used for back up. The
final product of application of this idea will be a single personality in evolution which uses a
lot of bodies in order: a kind of pseudo-immortality that permits the aliens to conserve all
the fundamental characteristics of their original meaning.
It is noted that the aliens prefer the human brain for back up of their memories, actually the
abductees were told many times during the abduction that:
“Your brain is perfect: the machines may be broken, but the human brain won’t…”.
Here we understand what they mean when they say:
“We live across your brain…”!
The application of intelligent hypnotic methods permits us to elaborate a key-procedure in
order to access to the hidden alien memories into the abductee‟s brain. So we dispose a
big reserve of information about alien lives, including their language. The procedure is
tested and reproducible on the abductee in any laboratory. The study of alien phonemes
actually is continuing. But we will talk about it in other occasions.
The key-procedure is an important discovery without any doubt. I decided to verify if there
are the “carriers”, namely the traces of the memories of previous back up
abductees/transporters in the access denied part of the brain of actual abductee as our
brain should be an undeletable memory (a real and proper ROM – Read Only Memory).
Actually in the brain of the abductee there must be present the memory of one alien
composed by many sequential fragments and the memories of all those who served the
aliens as a back-up. The confirmation of that hypothesis was a great satisfaction.
The work of Weiss, the American psychiatrist who solicitudes the memories of past lives
by the hypnosis, must be re-interpreted? There is no reincarnation and it is simply about
the memories which are not ours actually, but they belong to the previous back up
abductees? Later we realized that the things were more complicated: actually the other
aliens. It is more than a simple back up of the memory.


I found the memories of locust or serpent kind aliens in the abductees that I have studied:
how it is? The brain of reptilians or locusts are compatible with the human brain?
Maybe the right answer is following. The memory of some locust kind alien answered
under hypnosis: “your brain is bigger than ours. We use it all: the space that you don’t use
is used by us. We have created you this way on propose, in your DNA you have got both
reptilian and our DNA. That’s why we are so compatible.”

During the hypnosis there were coming out both insect and reptilian environment. I was
thinking what would happen if the back-up abductee would die suddenly in some accident
or anything else: the aliens would lose millions of years information together with the
abductee. They couldn‟t let it be!
What we would do if we were them? The obvious step: to copy the brain of abductee.
However, in order to obtain the complete function, we should make a copy of the whole
body. The body is not so important, but it is necessary to keep alive the brain with the
precious info about the alien life.
During the hypnosis there came out sometimes the memory about the “resonance room”
“matrioska room”, “metallic cylinder room”, these are definition given by the various
abductees describing the same situation. Namely it was about the copy process to which
the abductee assists across the lateral whole of the metallic cylinder in which they were
put while in the same time there was his/her copy in other transparent, vertical cylinder. A
real copy of abductee with all info inside the brain.
The involved person as a result looses the proper personality and suffers of psychological
crisis difficult to support. It seems that the copy is saved in some secure place in a kind of
“freezer” as a reserve back up, the original is to be brought back to his home.
These kinds of operations are done in some subterranean place by presence of terrestrial
militaries! (I have got exhaustive answers to explain the reason of terrestrial militaries
presence, but we will talk about it in other occasions). The most important question at that
point of research was: “What do they take down there: the copy or the original?”
We would keep the original. And the aliens? The memories of copy and original were the
same completely, so there was no difference which could help to solve the problem. But
seems that the aliens had a weak point in their procedure: the cylinder where they insert
the abductee was horizontal (by the first description) while the copy was created in vertical
cylinder. So if the abductee under hypnosis remembers that goes out from the same
cylinder, it means that he is the original. If he goes out from the vertical one, so he is the
copy. The abductee remembers going out from the different cylinder, so he is the copy!
It was an error. Actually I found out that there were 4 rooms with cylinders. Each of them
had a precise function. But under hypnosis sometimes the memories were mixed or
overlapped. We will see later why. Actually the original comes back home always as it was
stated by the results of hypnosis.


There was happened something strange during the process of copy of human body by
aliens. The abductee describes a strange sensation, some vibration passing through body.
There was a lot of light in the cylinder and then something detaches and vibrates in air.
By that moment the abductee describes the scene from upside and sees both of cylinders,
the metallic one and the another one transparent. Both vertical. His original body in the
first one, and something else in second one. What is that third position? At first view it
seems impossible, even without discussing about the accuracy and credibility of hypnosis
techniques when it is done properly.
So it is necessary to stipulate some kind of question chain in order to understand who

• An alien with its memory?
• A copy?
• An original?
• One of carrier memories?
The chain of questions was simple like following:
What is your name?
How old are you?
What is the date?
Watch your hands and describe them.
But the answers were terrifying!
Question: “You are looking down?”
Answer: “…No.”
Question: “So how can you see what is going on under you?”
Answer: “… I don’t look down, I’m watching contemporarily everywhere…”
Question: “ Watch your hands.”
Answer: “… I don’t see the hands.”
Question: “ Watch your body.”
Answer: “… I don’t have a body.” (perplexity)
Question: “What is your name?”
Answer : “… We don’t have a name…”
Question: “How old are you?”
Answer: “… What does it mean?…”
Question: “By how long time do you exist?”
Answer: “… By always…”
So there came out the creature which defines itself as a “matrix of light points” living
between “this and that time”, they present themselves as “ the human Soul”! The thing
which gives you an eternal life!
Yes, that is what the aliens look for… now everything is clear.
In around one year of research I understood that the aliens were trying to catch the matrix
light points in order to use it for their targets.
Terrible! But fortunately, at least from the first analysis we got that they still couldn‟t reach
that target. To keep the Soul constantly and for a long time was impossible for them
because of the incompatibility between their and Soul‟s biogenetics. The Soul was
perfectly aware of these facts, but didn‟t stop them or cause it didn‟t want or couldn‟t.
During the hypnosis there came out the description of a strange force camp which
transports the Soul into the body of aliens. But the union went on only few time after which
the Soul detached totally and irreversibly. It was making crazy the alien which one more
time has failed and couldn‟t get united to the matrix light points.
Actually we have something in our DNA which is compatible with the Soul as it is declared
also by various alien memories inserted into the brain of abductees. It is possible to
activate the alien memories of abductee across some kind of password. It is like watching
the secret papers of the aliens without being noticed. The compatibility of our DNA
explains the reason of the experiments done by aliens in order to use our DNA. Probably
they try to change their DNA in order to be similar to ours. The Soul was very clear during

the interrogation: the abductees have the Soul besides the other requisites. The Soul that
not all human beings have got! (approximately 20/25% of people).
Furthermore the Soul after detachment doesn‟t stay for a long time in the body of alien, so
after that they put the Soul into the copy of abductee for a while and then put it back into
the original body of the abductee which is the unique body compatible for a long time.
They don‟t take away the Soul of abductee for a long time.
“The Soul can’t be copied.”, say the matrix light points during the interview under hypnosis
with me “The aliens know it and so they try to use your Souls. But they need to modify
their DNA in order to be able to connect the Soul to their body.” That‟s why the aliens try to
create some bridge – race between us and them across the genetic experiments which
they do on us. That race should possess this important piece of compatibility of DNA. Only
after that they will be able to rip off the Souls from the habitants of our planet or other
planets and they will keep the Soul forever. That is the alien agenda.
All the abductees repeat exactly the same things. No exception! It was time to say the truth
to them.
This is the secret of Life Tree, Hebrew Cabbala, the Egyptian constructions of pharaohs,
the Indian Kundalini and the so called saint grail searched by many secret sects.
Everything was simple: something in our DNA was the source of eternal life and the aliens
were looking for having it from us. We even don‟t know about the existence of this strange
The Life Tree of Terrestrial Paradise which is visible also in some crop circles: that is the
thing which the aliens search in some of us, only in some of us.


We were missing still one ring of the chain: the ancient Egyptians actually were talking
about the physical body, the Mind and the Soul, but also about the Spirit. We didn‟t know
what it was about.
In short, we found out some alien memories into the brain of abductees which were totally
different than us: the light beings, of different nature, which live a long time, but they were
mortal anyway. Cause only the Creator and some human beings possess the Soul.
These light beings probably were the “immortal spirits” defined by our mythological culture.
They control the aliens which organize the abductions and those aliens control the Grey
“cyborgs” which control the humanity.
The light beings had something similar to the “Spirit”, but different than the Soul.
There are different kinds of human being:
1. The Body with Mind.
2. The Body with Mind and Soul.
3. The Body with Mind and Spirit.
4. The Body with Mind, Spirit and Soul.
So we understand now also the so called phenomenon of “diabolical possession” which
means that the person doesn‟t like the strange light beings inside himself - that parasite

and negative creature inside. Are there any negative creatures which can live inside the
persons possessing the Soul?
Did the light being prefer to live there in order to absorb the Energy of the matrix of light
points – namely the Soul for eternal life?
Everybody want the Soul, cause it means an eternal life and all that creatures come to the
unique place where the Soul stays who knows maybe by mistake.
Finally I have got the solution of all these phenomenon. This explanation brings together
the physics, the metaphysics, the esoteric science and the history of our planet.

Source: C. Malanga, Alien Cicatrix, p. 21-26

Translated by Godfire for www.sentistoria.org

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