(I / H / F / D / B) : Name: Family: Final Exam First Friend 2

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Padida English Center

Name: Family: Final exam first friend 2 part 1

1 2
Write the proper letter under the pictures. (i / h / f / d / b)

…… …… …… …… f
2 Circle the odd-one picture. 2

(1) window ( ) game

( ) kite ( ) eraser
( ) rectangle

3 Match the words with the pictures. 4

1 2 3 4 5
4 Count and write. 2

9 ………. ………. ……….

5 Draw the words. 3

face board Pat
6 Listen and number. 4

1 ……… ……… ……….. ……….

7 Write the missing letters. 3

a , b , c, ……… , e, …….. , g , ……… , i , ……… , k

8 Write the capital letters. 2

a A, b …… , c……… , e……… , i……… ,

9 Match. 2

 What's this? a. 8 books.

1. What color is it? b. I am 10.
2. How many books? c. I am Adam.
3. How old are you? d. it's pink.
4. What shape is it? e. It’s a robot.
10 Write the correct words. 4

(cpienl) (licrc) (ilrg) (geg) (plaep)

pencil …………… …………… ………….. …………..

11 Color. 2




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