Application and Assessment 1: 1. Socrates

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Application and Assessment 1

In your own words, state what “self” is for each of the philosophers enumerated below. After doing so, explain
how your concept of “self” is compatible with how they conceived of the “self.”

1. Socrates
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
For me the self is exists in two parts physical and soul. One part is the physical that living on the earth
and this is the part that is mortal and can be change. Earth also belongs to this physical realm that our bodies
belong in. Second part is the soul what I believed is immortal and it is living on your body and once you die
your soul leaves the body. It is compatible to Socrates philosophy because he said that every man is
composed of body and soul. The body will imperfect or impermanent and the soul will perfect and permanent.
2. Plato
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
For me the self is aspects of the soul to know your own desires and behavior. It can help you to
understand and think what you need to do as a person and learn a lot of things on what you experience in
every situation that you in. Also you may face the situation that can help you to expand your knowledge and
critical thinking to things that you may not know about that. It is compatible to Plato philosophy because there
are three components of soul first is rational soul, second is spirited soul and the third one is appetitive soul.
3. Augustine
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
For me the self is once you die your body will bound on the earth but the soul is going to live eternally
with God. Also transforms himself into a metaphor of the struggle of both body and soul to find happiness, which
exists only in God’s love. It is compatible to St. Augustine philosophy because I believed in him that man is of a
bifurcated nature that your body once you die will bound to earth and your soul living eternally in realm of spiritual
bliss in communion with God. He reads his life as an allegory to arrive at a larger truth.
4. Descartes
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
For me the self is having body and mind because your mind will think and understand all things in this
world. Mind will help you to move your body in every situation on what will happen or what you need to do as a
person. It can guide you as a good or bad person because your mind will think what the best to do the things.
It is compatible to Rene Descartes philosophy because conceived of the human person as having a body and
mind and the body is nothing else but a machine that is attached to the mind.
5. Hume
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
For me the self can know and understand things by experience because you will learn a lot of things
in every situation that will happen. It is not about physical body, it is about experiencing the situation that can
help you to grow up on what your next thing to do and this will help you to become better person even if you
are failure at least you experience and you can change it for success. It is compatible to David Hume
philosophy because he said self is simply “a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each
other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement”.
6. Kant
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
For me the self will learn a lot of things on what will happen in this world because when you interact
with other people you can know them and they can know you as a person. Impressions to the other people can
judge them and you may judge every situation that will happen. It can help you to build your critical thinking on
what you should do to interact on other people. It is compatible to Immanuel Kant philosophy because he said
that there is necessarily a mind that organizes the impressions that men get from the external world.
7. Ryle
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
For me the self can judge by his movement as a person. If you have respect to other people you can
be good them, but if you don’t have you will judge by them as a bad person. Behavior can help yourself to
identify of who you are in this world. It can see by other people as you interact with them, also you can know
the personality of this person. It is compatible to Gilbert Ryle philosophy because he said that “Self” is not an
entity one can locate and analyze but simply the convenient name that people use to refer to all the behavior
that people make.
8. Merleau-Ponty
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
For me the self is all in one that can experience, that can give his/her thoughts, and they have
feelings that can affect our emotions. In every situation this can be happen as you interact in this world. There
are things that can help you or they can hurt your feelings. Also there are things or situation that can express
your thoughts, your feelings or experience to share it to other people. It is compatible to Merleau-Ponty
philosophy because he said that the living body, his thoughts, emotions, and experiences are all in one.
Application and Assessment 2
Answer the following questions cogently but honestly.
1. How would you describe your self?
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
I would describe myself in just three words. First, as a mature person because I’m am college student
now so I need to become mature as I can to understand and know what is my real mission as a person in my
life on this world. Second, as a independent person because I want to make myself strong to face all the
problem, I know my family will always at my back but it can help me as independent to do my responsibilities
as myself only and also I want to make my parents to have a less problem about financial for me to study. The
third one is being always positive-thinking because I always trust God that he will guide me in all problems that
I can face. He always makes a solution for this and I know that God will not give this situation or problem if he
knows that you can’t do it or make it. I always positive-thinking to become strong person even if it is hard I will
try and try until I can make it successful.
2. What are the influences of family in your development as an individual?
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
The influences of my family in my development as an individual person are the happiness on what we
do as a family. It can help me to become strong in any problem that I face because I know that I have family to
make me happy. Also I want to dream so high because I want to give my family a better life in the future and I
want to make them happy because of my hard-work. My family help me to know and understand of what is
being independent because they said that yourself is the only one can help you to become better person and
you can make yourself successful in the future to have a better life and happy family like them. They always
said that you need to try and try until the end and make it successful because if you became tired or give-up
your life will become mess. Also they said that always be yourself and the mindset is you can do it even it’s
hard to do.
3. Think of a time when you felt you were your “true self.” What made you think
you were truly who you are during this time of your life?
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
The time when I felt that I were true in myself is when I’m down because of the problem that I can’t
find a solution for that but one thing happen that I feel God is there with me to help and guide. Then I became
strong person as myself and I said that I can finish this and I can solve it on my own way with the help of God.
I’m a mature person now that can face all the problems because now I have confident in myself that I can do
whatever it takes I need to become successful whatever happen.
4. Following the question above, can you provide a time when you felt you were not
living your “true self”? Why did you have to live a life like that? What did you do
about it?
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
Last September 01, 2020, that day I was sad because I feel that no one interested on what I do and
on what I say to them. I feel like I’m alone because even I’m doing paying attention to them and they don’t
care to me. That day I just want to have some friends to talk but no one interested to talk with me. So I don’t
know that time that I’m true with myself because I’m really sad that time. But I talk one of my friend on senior
high days and she comfort me and help me as she said that just be yourself and then someday other people
will interested on what will you do.
5. What social pressures help shape your self? Would you have wanted it otherwise?
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
Be responsible in all things because this type of characteristic will help your personality to become a
better person as living in this society. I just need always to understand the things that I don’t know what should
properly do that. Become responsible person helps you to be a good to others and it can be no bad outcome
for you. Be respectful to others, if you want them to respect you also and don’t do things to other, if you don’t
want to do to you.
6. What aspects of your self do you think may be changed or you would like to
Write your answer (Maximum of 5 sentences)
I would say that aspects may be changed base on myself is being selfish sometimes because I know
in the future I need to give something to other people and I don’t want to become that person in the future. I
would like to change my aspects on being sad always if sometimes no one will interested in me because I just
want to become person that I don’t care even if no one will interested in me, I just need to focus on myself and
do things where I become happy.

Application and Assessment 3

Answer the following questions.
1. Do a research and list 6 things to boost your self-esteem or improve your self-concept. Cite your
1. Master a new skill
2. List your accomplishments
3. Stand at edge of your comfort zone
4. Read something inspirational
5.welcome failure as part of growth
6. Face your fear

2. Analyze which of those tips are more likely to backfire and make someone conceited or narcissistic
and revise them to

The tips that are more likely to backfire is face your fear because in every situation that we
may experience sometimes we say “I can’t because I’m scared”. But if we have self-confident
to our personality as a person we can change it to “I will do anything as I can”. Always face
your fear because it can help you to become stronger person. So it can ready you in anything
problem comes into your life. Facing your fear helps you to do what you want. For example,
you are playing basketball and you are a freshman player and your mindset is you can fight
your opponent even if you are only a freshman, you can do it better because you have
confident and trust to yourself.
Application and Assessment 4
Answer the following questions.
1. Create a representation, diagram, or concept map of the SELF according to Filipino culture.

Provide a brief explanation of your output. You can also cite books and researches about Filipino
culture, self, and identity to further elaborate on the topic
- This Filipino culture can describe our self for being who we are. Filipino culture can
help our self to know what is being a Filipino. Culture can help our self to improve our
personality. It can practice this culture for example, being respectful when you are talking
adult people, being resilient on what problem that you are facing it, and for being helpful to
other people on what they need just like “bayanihan”.
Filipino culture

*Filipino is very resilient

In times of calamities and catastrophes, Filipinos always manage to rise above the challenge.
Instead of wallowing, they manage to pick themselves up and smile.

Filipinos take pride in their families

In the Philippines, it is family first. So whether you are part of the immediate family or you
belong to the third or fourth generation, you are treated as a family member. Sometimes, even
the closest of friends are considered family, too.

Filipinos are very religious

In all corners of a Filipino house, you can find brazen images of crosses and other religious
paraphernalia. They go to church every Sunday, or sometimes even twice or three times a

Filipinos are very respectful

From the moment they are born into this world, they are already taught how to be respectful by
using these simple catchphrases po and opo, words that end sentences when addressing
elders. They have a culture of pagmamano, which is where they raise the backs of the hands of
their elders to their foreheads as a sign of respect.

Filipinos help one another

More popularly known as bayanihan, Filipinos help one another without expecting anything in

return so that undertaking their tasks and responsibilities become much easier. Sometimes this
is called “community spirit.”

Filipinos value traditions and culture

For Filipinos, traditions in their home and in their family are important. They usually set aside a
specific day for a certain celebration like festivals, birthday parties, reunions, etc. And of course,
every gathering is dedicated to keeping up with each other over sumptuous food.

Filipinos love to party

Yes, Filipinos love to hold celebrations and fiestas. Bacolod has its MassKara Festival, Davao
has its Kadayawan Festival, and Marinduque has its Moriones Festival.

Filipinos have the longest Christmas celebrations ever

Even as early as August, you can hear Christmas songs and jingles being played in the malls or
in the restaurants in the Philippines. The mood becomes festive, with many people shopping
and in good spirits. Christmas celebrations last until around the first or second week of January.

Filipinos love to eat

Aside from breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Filipinos manage to squeeze in a little meal in between,
too. Whether they eat every hour or every three hours, they savour every bite. Oh, and they do
love going to buffets!

Filipinos love to sing

This is the reason why karaoke has become so prevalent. As part of their recreation, Filipinos
spend some quality time with their families or friends singing or belting out new and old songs.

Filipinos love art and architecture

Just look at the massive and tall buildings everywhere. Filipinos have a penchant for bringing art
and architecture to a whole new level. They love to design creatively, to think intuitively, and
have a passion for anything different and unique.

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