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SchoolofEconomics Businessand
A.Y. 2020–2021

Course Title:

TheContemporaryWorldCourse Code: GE3

Numberof Units: 3 units
TimeAllocation: 18 weeks/3hrs perweek


CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: ChristianS.Suarez

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NAME: Bautista, John Manuel A. COURSE: BSCA


Respond to the following in a post (google classroom) with aminimumof100words, then
comment on at least TWO otherposts of yourclassmates.
people/personalexperienceswouldbe good justification
Thisis agradedactivity

Let`s DiscussThis: Globalization

Is globalizationgood orbad? Isitbeneficialordetrimental?
Concept map of globalization

CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: CHRISTIANS.SUAREZ

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Is globalization good or bad? Is it beneficial or detrimental?

Globalization is a process that affects people’s lives and nations’ economies. It is

something that is almost on everybody’s lips these days. Globalization brought economic benefits

to many people and provided cultural and scientific enrichment worldwide. It is good because it

can help to growth the economy of our country, for example investment and international trade

from the other country. It can help also the people in this society because globalization can make a

connection worldwide. Globalization provides more employment opportunities for people especially

in the export and import sectors.

Globalization has also advantages and disadvantages for our country. The

advantage of globalization has increased awareness among global consumers of different

opportunities for investment, economic trends and new products. The development of information

and communication technologies helps facilitate awareness of these opportunities. Technology

likewise made the transmission and channeling of financial assets quicker and

simpler.globalization provides populations around the world betterinterconnectedness. Culturally, it

promotes the increase in the exchange of values and ideas. It boosts the political activities of

nations toward a global level through coordination with intergovernmental organizations. But there

is a disadvantage of globalization like as more cities, communities and countries become

industrialized due to globalization because it’s about the loss of biodiversity, growth of the local

population, and climate change as well.

CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: CHRISTIANS.SUAREZ

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Environmental Cultural

Religious GLOBALIZATION Political

Ideological Military


Explanation about the Concept map of Globalization:

Globalization has important impact to all people in the society because they can help to

develop your personality as a person. It is a process of making connection and interaction to all

country on worldwide. Globalization can help to grow and develop our economy because it can

make our country to have an opportunity to make a connection in other country. For example,

like trading products, investment from foreign people and different technology that can help our

daily life.

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies,

and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment

and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture,

on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-

being in societies around the world.

CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: CHRISTIANS.SUAREZ

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QUESTION 1:Howhave you experiencedglobalization?

QUESTION 2:Whyisit criticaltoemphasizethatglobalizationisuneven?

CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: CHRISTIANS.SUAREZ

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1. How have you experienced globalization?

I experienced globalization when I’m playing online games in computer and then I met

someone and he became my friend. We added each other in social media like facebook, we

always have communication in game or in facebook. Last June he asked me question if I want

to go in Roma in the future and I answer him that yes I can go to that country. Then he said if I

go in Roma, he will tour and guide me in their country. Also he tells me different culture and

tradition in Rome. Different foods that he wants me to try it and he told me that I will smile

because of good taste and some places that have a beautiful nature and good looking. I’m so

happy because it so excited if I became successful and I will meet him personally and makes

this adventure.

2. Why is it critical to emphasize that globalization is uneven?

It is critical to emphasize that globalization is uneven because there is advantages and

disadvantages. In other people, they see that it brings bad things for them, but in the other

people they see it helps them a lot. For example, there are investors that want to build a

factory company and then some people are happy because they can have a work. But if there

are some people living in this place and their home will demolish. Globalization creates

accelerated growth. the richer we get the more uneven the distribution. Unless the state take

counter measures. The free enterprise economy does not work, not for the poor, neither for

the middle class.

CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: CHRISTIANS.SUAREZ

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I. Identifytheanswerinthefollowingquestions.
Writeyouranswerinthespaceprovidedbefore eachnumber.

1.ModelUN activitythatGioand Latifparticipated in,is aninternational

2.AMalaysianinvolvedin the modelUNinSydney
3.Aglobalcitythat derivesitswealthandinfluence fromthe globalcapital that flows throughit
4.Aglobalsocialnetworkingsitethat providesinstantaneouscommunicationacrosscountriesandcontinents
5.Itrepresentsthemany processes thatallowforthe expansionand

II. Whatisthe differencebetweenglobalizationandglobalism?Elaborate

CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: CHRISTIANS.SUAREZ

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CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: CHRISTIANS.SUAREZ

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madestuff,discusswhycertainproductsaremadeinthePhilippineswhileothers areproduced

Made inthePhilippines ForeignBrands

Items fromyourroom
Items fromthelivingroom
Items fromthe kitchen

CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: CHRISTIANS.SUAREZ

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CourseTitle:The ContemporaryWorld Prepared by: CHRISTIANS.SUAREZ
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