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UNIT 3: Language Test



Exercise 6
VOCABULARY Can order food in a cafe or restaurant
Exercise 1
Can use make and do accurately 1D
1 a mess 3C
2 a decision 4H
3 best 5A
4 mistakes
5 time Scoring: award 2 marks for each correct answer.

Exercise 2
Can talk about food and drink
1 lemonade Exercise 7
2 garlic Can write an email to a friend
3 peaches
4 cucumber 1 It was great to hear about your holiday.
5 crisps 2 I can’t wait to hear more about it.
3 I’ve/I have just finished school this term.
Exercise 3 4 We went on a great school trip last week.
Can talk about food and drink 5 We had a picnic in the park in our town.
6 Everyone took their favourite food, and I made
1A salad.
2C 7 I chopped lettuce and tomato and boiled some eggs.
3F 8 We haven’t eaten all the food yet! It is in the fridge!
4D 9 Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to come
5E and visit at the weekend?
10 Let me know if you can make it.

Exercise 4
Can use the Present Perfect with ever, never, just,
already and yet

1 Have you ever cooked

2 haven’t finished
3 has just arrived
4 ’ve/have already had
5 hasn’t seen
6 Has your brother ever studied
7 ’ve/have already tried
8 has ever made

Exercise 5
Can talk about duration of time and be general and
specific about experiences

1 saw
2 Have you ever eaten
3 didn’t like
4 since
5 did you go
6 did you do
7 haven’t finished

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

UNIT 3: Language Test



Exercise 6
VOCABULARY Can order food in a cafe or restaurant
Exercise 1
Can use make and do accurately 1C
1 time 3A
2 best 4D
3 homework 5H
4 mistakes
5 decision Scoring: award 2 marks for each correct answer.
Exercise 2 Exercise 7
Can talk about food and drink Can write an email to a friend
1 chocolate 1 It was great to hear from you.
2 lettuce 2 I ‘ve/I have just finished my school project.
3 lemon 3 Have you done your project yet?
4 Pineapple 4 I made dinner in the kitchen earlier this evening.
5 chilli 5 I fried some onions for the burgers.
6 I didn’t make the bread rolls, though.
7 By the way, I was wondering if you’d like to come
Exercise 3 to my party.
Can talk about food and drink 8 Mum wants to have a party for my birthday next
month – 26th!
1D 9 Let me know if you can make it.
2A 10 See you soon. Bye for now!

Exercise 4
Can use the Present Perfect with ever, never, just,
already and yet

1 haven’t sent
2 Has your mum ever made
3 ’ve/have already done
4 has just given
5 Have you ever seen
6 has never tried
7 hasn’t drunk
8 Has anybody ever had

Exercise 5
Can talk about duration of time and be general and
specific about experiences

1 watched
2 Have you ever tried
3 hasn’t been
4 since
5 did you finish
6 didn’t come
7 did you go

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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