Ambassador 2011-05-22

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Ashlea Gardens

Church of Christ
180 Club Avenue
Ashlea Gardens
Tel: 012 997 1983

Whose campaign will get your vote?

A mbassador 22 May 2011

The local government elections may be over, but another, far more important campaign
is still going on. While not all the elements of the following story are Scriptural,
the lesson it provides is compelling and one not to be ignored.
While walking down the street one day Also present is the
a member of Parliament is tragically hit devil, who really is a
by a truck and dies. very friendly and nice
His soul arrives in Heaven where he guy, who has a good
is met by Peter at the entrance. time dancing and
‘Welcome to heaven,’ says Peter. telling jokes. The MP is
‘Before you settle in, it seems there is a having such good time
problem. We seldom see a high official that before he realises
around these parts, so we’re not sure it, it’s time to go.
what to do with you.’ Everyone gives him
‘No problem, just let me in,’ says the a hearty farewell and
man. waves while the eleva-
‘Well, I’d like to, but I have orders tor rises...
from higher up. What we’ll do is have The elevator goes
you spend one day in Hell and one in up, up, up and the door
Heaven. Then you can choose where reopens at Heaven, and he finds himself in the middle of
you want to spend eternity.’ where Peter is waiting for him. a barren land covered with waste and
‘Really, I’ve made up my mind. I ‘Now it’s time to visit Heaven.’ garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed
want to be in Heaven,’ says the MP. So, 24 hours pass with the MP join- in rags, picking up the trash and putting
‘I’m sorry, but we have our rules.’ ing a group of contented souls moving it in black bags as more trash falls from
And with that, Peter escorts the from cloud to cloud, playing the harp above.
man to the elevator and he goes down, and singing. They have a good time and The devil comes over to him and
down, down to Hell. The doors open once again, before the MP realises it, 24 puts his arm around his shoulder. ‘I
and he finds himself in the middle of hours have gone by and Peter returns. don’t understand,’ stammers the MP.
a green golf course. In the distance is ‘Well, then, you’ve spent a day ‘Yesterday I was here and there was a
a clubhouse and standing in front of it in Hell and another in Heaven. Now golf course and clubhouse, and we ate
are all his friends and other politicians choose your eternity.’ lobster and caviar, drank champagne,
who had worked with him. Everyone is The MP reflects for a minute, then and danced and had a great time. Now
very happy and in evening dress. They answers: ‘Well, I would never have said there’s just a wasteland full of garbage
run to greet him, shake his hand, and it before, I mean Heaven has been and my friends look miserable. What
reminisce about the good times they delightful, but I think I would be better happened?’
had while getting rich at the expense of off in Hell.’ The devil looks at him, smiles and
the people. So Peter escorts the MP to the el- says, ‘Yesterday we were campaigning.
They play a friendly game of golf evator and he goes down, down, down Today you voted.’
and then dine on lobster, caviar and to hell. God doesn’t send us to Hell; we
champagne. The doors of the elevator open choose to go there.

Fred Bergh Chris Gerber Hennie Mulder Sean Bowes Henk Taljaard Alan Page Marcel Bergh
Men’s Retreat
• Izak Connoway is alone in Saudi Ara-
bia, away from his family, friends and
Christian brethren. Please email him at
• The Rappard family in Benoni needs
encouragement following Esmé’s
recent diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Theo can be sms’d on 083 608 8221. Prayers of Supplication
• Andy and Freda Jooste in the US are
going through a stressful and emotion- Esme Rappard has been diagnosed with
When: 19-22 August
al time with Freda’s illness. Andy can be pancreatic cancer.
Where: Linga Longa
emailed at Freda Jooste has had a pacemaker fitted.
Cost: R480 (adults),
She is still in the care home.
R240 (boys U12)
Jana Kruger’s mother is undergoing
RSVP: Owain
preventive radiation therapy for cancer.
Don Wilmot continues to struggle with his
More than
R480 wa’ss heart function.
t last week
collected a g the Isabell Harding has chronic back pain.
e y tr a in, bringin
m o n around Izak Connoway is working in Saudi
a l am o u nt so far to Arabia.
to Owain & Nadine
R780. Deon Connoway and Isak’s partner,
Henk at the company and workshop.
Paula Heger (family of Krista), as well as
for arranging the Hobo Party several members of our congregation
are urgently looking for work.
Jabu Manzini’s son, Siya is going through
a difficult time.
The elderly: Vivien Bloem, Salmon Ger-
Don’t look down ber, Chris and Heillie Gerber, Dorothy
Kruger, Tina Verwey, Danie and Pat
on anyone Fourie and Hedda Botes.
Christo (Salome’s nephew in Belgium)
unless you are James – 23rd has colon cancer.

helping them up. Izak – 27th

Study Privileged to Serve in Worship

Today (22 May) Next Week (29 May)
to show thyself Opening prayer: Sean Bowes Opening prayer: Henk Taljaard
approved Table: Don Wilmot
Servers: Deon Taljaard
Table: Chris Gerber
Servers: Deon Taljaard
Keenan Bowes Sean Bowes
Theo de Weerd Willem Lombard
Athan Page Byron Harding
Reading, prayer: Mdu Mhlophe Reading, prayer: Owain Bowes
Closing prayer: Alan Page Closing prayer: Gavin de Steur
Youth & Evangelistic Sermon am: Fred Bergh Sermon am: Fred Bergh
Tuesday @ 19h30 pm: Neels Botes pm: Marcel Bergh
Allen & Isabell’s home Key, money orderly: Christo Gerber Key, money orderly: Deon Connoway
Security bs: Bernie Meyer Security bs: Hendrik Pieterse
Ladies am: Owain Bowes am: Mdu Mhlophe
pm: Christo Gerber pm: Bernie Meyer
Wednesday @ 10h00
Venue to be announced

Tea duty: Sanet & Alet Tea duty: Hannie & Kristel
If you are visiting with us today Table preparation: Regina Table preparation: Yolande & Melissa
please sign our visitors book. Flowers: Sanet Flowers: Vivien

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