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How smoking affect a person lifestyle

Research Statement
My research focuses on the study of how smoking affect a person lifestyle. This study
helps us find out how smoking can affect people’s daily routine. Having knowledge of smoking
and how it affect our body can help a lot of people to decide and consider if they will take or do

Smoking is the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material. A
variety of plant materials are smoked, including marijuana and hashish, but the act is most
commonly associated with tobacco as smoked in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe.

Smoking affects many aspects of your body, including your physical endurance. If you
smoke, you get less oxygen in your heart, lungs and muscles. This reduces your physical fitness.
It can also cause inflammation in your bones and joints that may contribute to other conditions
like osteoporosis.

Statement of the Problem

1. What are the effect of smoking?
2. How you become addicted?
3. How can we avoid or prevent smoking?

Scope and limitations

This study will focus in smoking and how it can affect to the peoples lifestyle. Because of
the ongoing pandemic the data collection will be conducted through online research. This study
will not cover other problems that are not related to smoking. This study will only be done
through online research from the internet.

Background of the study

Stress is one of the most common feeling that a human experiences through different
situations such as when a person experiences hardships, economic pressures, difficult work
environment and unmet needs, etc. These kind of situations can trigger a person to release the
stress in the way of unhealthy habits like smoking. Stress is also linked to many diseases and
may also be the cause of the disease to be worse. The relation of stress and smoking turns out
to be that by means of smoking, most smokers believe that smoking can help a person to feel
calmed because nicotine is a mood-altering drug that can reduce negative feelings when
inhaled. Smoking is a global problem. Once a person starts smoking, it will be continuous. It
becomes unstoppable unless you are determined to stop or something is wrong with your
health that you are required to stop. Nicotine is addictive and increases cholesterol levels in
your body and carbon monoxide reduces oxygen in the body. Passive smoking is the inhalation
of smoke, called secondhand smoking. Secondhand smoking causes many of the same diseases
as direct smoking including cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases.
Smoking people are increasing and what they can’t notice is it starts to affect our environment.

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