Chapter 03 Edited

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Chapter 3: Technical Background

3.1 Include in-depth discussion on relevant technical aspects of the project

This chapter contains technicality of the project, details of the technology to be

used in creating and how will the project work.

Technicality of the project

The present system of school aim to collect and record the final grades of the
students from the teacher in semester. Also this is where the students enrolling
happens, their payment will reflect on their portal in few or more days. The students
can download their official registration form and checked their grades in the portal.

 Some final grades are not reflecting in the portal.
 When paying the tuition it will take several days to be updated.
 Large amount of time waiting for the final grades.

Technologies to be used in developing and implementing the proposed system

In this proposed project the developers used Client-side JavaScript Frameworks,
Firebase Backend as a Service, and Figma.They also used Visual Studio Code(VSC),
React Native, JavaScript, Hyper-Text Markup Language(HTML) and Cascading Style
Sheet(CSS) for designing the website application.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a code editor. Like many other code editors, VS Code
adopts a common user interface and layout of an explorer on the left, showing all of the
files and folders you have access to, and an editor on the right, showing the content of
the files you have opened. VS Code comes with simple and intuitive layout that
maximizes the space provided for the editor while leaving ample room to browse and
access the full context of the folder or project. The developer used VS Code because it
helps to be instantly productive with syntax highlighting, bracket-marching, auto-
indention, box selection, snippets and more.

React Native

React Native is used by the developers because it allows app developers to

create an application that looks feel and perform closely like a Native application. It uses
the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps.

 React Native is an open-source framework ideal for hybrid app development.

 Offering a wide choice of native-like UI components.

 React Native apps contain 85 to 90% codes consisting of JavaScript and JSX

React Native for App Development

One app that targets multiple app platforms including iOS, Android, Windows or
Web with the same code base and efforts. The developers used it because it boasts
large community support for developers and it adds the native support to the app which
means that they can choose a native code that fits the use case or app type.


JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows to implement

complex features on web pages every time a web page does more than just sit there and
display static information to look at displaying timely content updates, interactive maps,
animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video, etc. The developers used JavaScript because
it gives the ability to create rich interfaces and also it can run immediately within the
client-side browser.

Hyper-Text Markup Language(HTML)

HTML is the markup language that we use to structure and give meaning to our
web content. The developers used HTML for the portal because it can define headers,
paragraphs, links and images so the browser knows how to structure the web page
you’re looking at.

Cascading Style Sheets(CSS)

CSS is a language of style rules that we use to apply styling to our HTML content.
The developers used CSS for designing, to make it look more attractive for the user and
to increased expressive style and creativity.

Client-side JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript frameworks are an essential part of modern front-end web

development, providing developers with tried and tested tools for building scalable,
interactive web applications. Many modern companies use frameworks as a standard
part of their tooling, so many front-end development jobs now require framework

Firebase Backend as a Service

Firebase is a Baas owned and operated by Google and aids in developing and
growing Custom Mobile Application Development. It was first developed as an YC11
start-up and later on evolved as the next generation of Google’s mobile app
development platform in a concise span of time. Firebase Backend as a Service is
becoming a very popular option cause of various factors, and presently most of The
Mobile App Development Companies are choosing Firebase Baas for all their future


Figma is a web-based graphics editing and user interface design app. The
developers used it to do all kinds of graphic design work from wire framing websites,
designing mobile app interfaces, prototyping designs, crafting social media posts, and
everything in between. Figma is different from other graphics editing tools. Mainly
because it works directly on your browser. This means you get to access your projects
and start designing from any computer or platform without having to buy multiple
licenses or install software.

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