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maintaining the will of the people as the directing power; the

this exclusive Tuscan purism has disappeared in subsequent

tract, in the course of phylogeny of the common ancestors

slips were thrown down promiscuously on a white cloth. whence

welfare, as the supreme test of government. In this labour,

Pisa, which was called by some cardinals in opposition to a

about 200 B.C. The gradual development of this script into

of timber trees, such as odum (Chlorophora excelsa),

was neglected. Ultimately in 1518 he found his way to the

majority of earthly phenomena out of the merely physical world

Hudson's Bay Company succeeded in coming from Hudson Bay to

occupied himself in portrait-painting. In 1780 he removed

peoples. This is constituted by the tsetse fly, which renders

3 Ass. Deeds and Doc. nos. 23, 168, 228, 385.The

to sophisticate the same. At another time eight pipes of

Pope Felix I. (A.D. 269-274) decreed that ``mass should be

C. Ulothrix sp., zoospores escaping. C23, stages of conjugation.

After the renewal of the war between Spain and Holland in

COMMUNITIES) may be taken as the starting-point of English

ALEMAN, MATEO (1547-1609?), Spanish novelist and man of

subjects of frequent prosecutions. The element of intentional

Further than this there is little to substantiate their claim.

of these compounds. The substance AuAl2 is the most remarkable

(see Ellis's Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China,

Bresse, in the south of the marshy Dombes. The chief rivers of

home of one species being in Kaffa and other Galla countries

irregularly and accidentally, e.g. buds or roots out of

(Plato, Phaedo, 61 b). Demetrius of Phalerum (345-283

According to some accounts he was the son of a sausage-maker,

retirement at Padua, where she was followed by Lodovico

equal strength, were engaged in operations round the island of

there were in existence the following institutions--(1)

nine, was quashed, and he was married to Irene, daughter of

became a second centre is quite uncertain. The council of the

acid are now thoroughly well understood, and it is possible

it is extremely valuable, being a clear, comprehensive and

New types of grenades filled with high explosives detonated by

A. Cloister gallery.

and grist mills, planing mills, foundries, and factories for

(1595-1632), who extended Vieta's results in various branches of

sentient being, those of reason to the intelligent mind; that in

encouragement. The climate is hot and humid, and fevers are

of silicon in the reduced metal. The Amfreville works

Certainly the largest factor in the better state of things has

administration being conducted under the navy and victualling

for the word, which may be therefore taken as partly derived

live-stock societies in the United Kingdom are

belonged to the state, a good system of roads, and several

prologue to the siege of Granada points to the conclusion

Now how far has the author of Acts followed the practice

below the melting-point of any of the four metals. But these

Scottische Alexanderbuch (1893); and Unters. uber das

as general throughout the public service as indiscipline

Allen wrote to Reims that he owed the hat, under God, to

ammonia to the acid phosphate (NH4)2HPO4. It is soluble in

regarded as numbering five, viz. infancy, lasting to the

heavens. On the 23rd of September he detected near the

that the word ``was suggested by Huxley at a meeting held

of rhetoric; and a Fusikos lolos. Lastly, his Mouseion

and air free from chlorine leaves the apparatus at the top.

esteem. The expenses necessarily incident to it are

obtained. It can also be synthesized by heating catechol

AMERIA (mod. Amelia), a city of Umbria, situated about 65 m.

its invention being ascribed without authority to the Jews,


and Isaac. As Sarai was barren (cf. xi. 30)2 the promise

General hospitals.

dipped the child in the waters of the river Styx, by which

way the magnificent waterfall of the Handegg (151 ft.), past

O.S.B. Ordinis Sancti Benedicti.

ALBANY, DUKES OF. The territorial designation of Albany was

persuaded Felix to appear before a synod at Aix-la-Chapelle

flow of tribute and bribes which he directed to Constantinople;

438), and not the presence or absence of tide, salt water,

Potatoes 213 5 9 1 195 3

is so small, and it is not easy to secure a good cycle of

Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New

practically on the entire question of tests and disabilities.

by one of the amir's generals he took refuge in Persia.

Novella in Florence, as well as the family palace in the Via

Magazine, to which he contributed articles on biblical

he held till the fall of the Commune. On the conclusion

Alexandria. His principal pupils were Herennius, the two

by J. Ravenel, with a notice by Sainte-Beuve (1846)

on the N.E., where the line of the old fortifications has

the war into the province of Oran, from which Abd-el-Kader

(1847-1867), though the abstract and the concrete often

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