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1. The minimum charge onan objectis coulombb

1) One coulomb 2) One stat
3) 1.6x10 coulomb 4) 1.6x 10

. Other unit for the quantity having the units Nn2 s

farad m
1) farad 2) 3) 4) farad

3. 1 coulomb ofchargecontains... number ofelectrons

1) 6.25 x 10 2) 3.125x 10* 3) 6.25x 10 4) 3.125x 102

4. Two identical metallic spheres A and B of exactly equal masses are given equal positive
and negative charges respectively. Then
1) mass ofA> Mass of B 2) mass of A< Mass ofB
3) mass ofA= Mass of B 4) mass of A> Mass ofB

. Two charges are placed at a distance apart. If a glass slab is placed between them,
force between them will
1) be zero 2) increase 3) decrease 4) remains the same
6. A negatively charged particle is situated on straight line joining two

narticles each having charge tq. The direction of the other stationary
motion of the
particle will depend on negatively charged
1) the magnitude of charge
2) the position at which it is
3) bothmagnitude of charge and its
position 4) the magnitude of situated
7. Four charges are arranged at the corners +q
of a
The force on the charge kept at the centre
square ABCD as shown in the
0 is figure.
1) zero
2) along the diagonal AC
3) along the diagonal BD
4) perpendicular to side AB
8. Two identical +ve charges are at the ends ofa straight line AB. Another identical +ve
charge is placed at "C°such thatAB-BC. A. B and C being on the same line. Now the
force on 'A
1) inereases 2) decreases 3) remains same 4) we cannot say

9. Two identical pendulums A and B are suspended from the same point. Both are given

positive charge. with Ahaving more charge than B. They diverge and reach equilibrium
with the suspension
of Aand B making angles , and 0, with the vertical respectively.
2) 6, <0 3) =6, 4)The tensionin A is greaterthan that in B

10. Two point charges -q and +2 are placed at a certain distance apart. Where should a
third point charge be placed so that it is in equilibriun?
) on the
line joining the two charges on the right of +2y
2) on theline joining the two charges on the lettof -4
3) between -q and +24
4) at any point on the right bisector oftheline joining -4 and +24.

11. An electron is projected with certain velocity into an electrie field in a direction
opposite to the field. Then it is
1)accelerated 2) retarded
3) neither accelerated nor retarded 4) either accelerated or retarded

12. The acceleration of a charged particle in a uniform electric field is

1) proportional to its charge only 2) inversely proportional to its mass only
3) proportional to its specific charge 4) inversely proportional to specific charge

13. An electron and proton are placed in an electric field, The forces acting on them are

and /F, and their accelerations are a, and u, respectively then

1)F =F 2) F+ F, =0 3 =| 4)l
14. The bob of a pendulum is positively charged. Another identical chargè is placed at the

point of suspension of the pendulum. The time period of pendulun1

1) increuCs 2) decreases 3)becomes zer 4) remans same.
8. Two identical +ve ehanges are at the ends of a straight line AB. Another identical +ve
charge is placed at C" such that AB-BC. A. B and C' being on the same line. Now the

1) increases 2) decreases 3) remains same 4) we cannot say

9. Two identical pendulums A and B are suspended from the same point. Both are given
positive charge. with A having more charge than B. They diverge and reach equilibrium
with the suspension of Aand B making angles , and , with the vertical respectively.
) 6 > 0, 2) 6, <0 3) , =0, 4)The tensionin A is greaterthan that in B

10. Iwo point charges - and +2y are placed at a certain distance apart. Where should a

third point charge be placed so that it is in equilibrium?

) on the line joining the two charges on the rightof +24
2) on the line joining the two charges on the leftof -4
3) between -q and +2
4) at any point on the right bisector of theline joining -y and +24.

11 An electron is projected with certain velocity into an electric field in a direction

opposite to the field. Then it is

1)accelerated 2) retarded
3) neither accelerated nor retarded 4) either accelerated or retarded

12 The acceleration of a charged particle in a uniforn electric field is

1) proportional to its charge only 2) inversely proportional to its mass only
3) proportional to its specific charge 4) inversely proportional to specific charge

13. An electron and proton are placed in an electric field, The forces acting on them are

and F, and their accelerations are a, and u, respectivelythen

1)F=F 2) F+F, = 3
4- 4o l
14. The bob of a pendulum is positively charged. Another identical charge is placedat the

point ofsuspension ofthe pendulum. The time period of pendulun

1) increuses 2) deereases 3) becomes zero 4)remains same.



uniformly constant

ofelectric ficld inside a zero

15. Intensity 2) non tor


1) zero 4)inversely
3) change withr a TOrce of
charged body
at a Pneara
body at
charge q, placed charged
POSitive field E of the
repulsion ofmagnitude
F the electric
4) F
2) 3) centre of
1) 4 o field at the
The electric
has charge q at each ofits vertices.
ofside 'b°
the cube will be
4) none of these
2) 3) 9
1) zero electric lines of
direction of the
Anelectron enters an electric field with its velocity in the
force. Then
circle 2) the pathofthe electron
will be a parabolaa
)the path ofthe electron will be a
electron will increases
electron will decrease 4) the velocity ofthe
3) the velocity ofthe
An electron is moving with constant velocity along x-axis. Ifa uniform electric field is
applied along y-axis, then its path in the x-y planewill be
)a straight line 2) a circle 3) a parabola 4) an ellipse

20. An electric dipole is placed in an electrie field generated by a point charge

1) the net electric force on the dipole must be zero
2) the net electrie force on the dipole may be zero
3) the torque on the dipole due to the field must be zero
4 the net torque and net force on u e aipole aue to the field is not
equal to zer

old at a Doint at a distance'T from an electric
dipole is proportional to
1) 2) 3)
22 Two point charges q and -2q are placed some distance
the location ofq is E, that at the location of-2q is 'd'apart. 1 the electric field at
1) 2)-2E 3)
4) -4E



23. E
r e negative sign signifies that
1) Eis opposite toV 2) E is negative
3) E increases when V decreases
4) E is directed in the direction of
decreasing V
24. Acharged particle is free to move in an electrie field
1) It will always move
perpendicular to the line of force
2) will always move along the line of force in the
direction of the field.
3) It will always move along the line
of force opposite to the direction of the field.
4) It will always move along the line of force in the direction
of the field or opposite to
the direction of the field
depending on the nature of the charge
25. Two parallel plates cary opposite charges such that the electric field in the
space between
them is in upward direction, An electron is
shot in the space and parallel to the
Its deflection from the
original direction will be
1) Upwards 2) Downwards 3) Circular 4) does not deflect

26. A cubical Gaussian surfaces encloses 30 C

per unit permittivity of charge. The electric
flux through each face of the cube is
1) 30 C 2) 15 C 3) 10 C
27. Mark the correct options
1) Gauss law is valid only for unsymmetrical charge distributions
2) Gauss law is valid only for charge placed in vacuum
3) The electric field calculated by Gauss law is the field due to the
charges outside the
Gaussian surface.
4) The flux of the electric field through a closed surface due to all the charges is
equal to
the flux due to the charges enclosed by the surface

28. If the flux of the electric field through a closed surface is zero then
1) The electric field must be zero every where on the surface
2) The electric field must not be zero everywhere on the surface
3) The net charge inside the surface must be zero
4) The charge in the vicinity of the surface must be zero


in a
medium of
a ("/nn'
clarecd to charge
sheetofa metalis
w i l bD
29. niniteplune the nmetallic
K. Intensityofclectric
eiectric constant
4) E24
1) E =- 2) E
2E 3)E2,K
is made21and
. Its value ifedge of
30. The electric flux froma cube ofedge /is

charge enclosed is halved is

3) 4 4)
1) / 2 2) 2

31. Ifthe electrie flux enteringand leaving a closed surface respectively is ý and o,,the

electric charge inside the surface will be

1) ( +0)/6, 2) (-6)/ 3) (+)E 4) ( - ) ,

32 Electric flux over a surface in an electric field may be

1) positive 2) negative 3) zero 4) positive, negative, zero

33. The electric potential due to an extremely short dipole at a distance from it is
proportional to


34. The angle between the electric dipole moment and
the electric
field strength due to
on the equatorial line is it.
1) 00 2) 90 3) 180
4) 60
35. Two thin infinite parallel sheets have uniform
Electric field in the space between the two sheets densities is of charge +o
1)alE 2) a2E, 3) 2 E
4) zero


36. n the
abOve question, if
the sheets were thick and conducting, value of E in the space
between the two sheets would be
1) 2a/
2) ol E 3) zero 4) 4a/ E,

37. In the above problem the value of E in the space outside the sheets is.
1) ai E
2) o/2 E 3) zero 4) 20i E

38. Theelectric fhux over a

sphere of radius 1m is .Ifradius of the sphere were doubled
without changing the
charge enclosed, electric flux would become
1) 20 2) /2 3) o/4 4)
39 A charge qis enclosed in a cube. What is the electric flux associated with one
faces of cube of the

2)4 3) 64 4) 6

40. A chargeQis placed at the corner of a cube. The electric flux through the cube is

2)6 3) 4) 73

41. Apoint charge +q is placed at mid point ofa cube ofside L'.The electric flux
from the cube is

1) 2) 6yL 3) 6 4) zero

42 The angle between electric dipole moment p and the electric field strengthE when the
dipole is in stable equilibrium
1)0 2) T/4 3) T/2 4) T

43 Debye' is the unit of

1) electric flux 2 electric dipolemoment
3) electric potential 4) electric field intensity
44. rlactric intensity due to an electrie dipole varies with distance (r) as E o ". where '

1) -3 2)-2 3) -1 4) 0


electric field experiences
the direction ofa
45. cleciic dipole placed with its axis in force
torque but

1) a force but not torque 2) a

nor a torque
neither a force
3) a force as well as a torque 4)

field experiences
46. An electric dipole placed in a nonuniform electric
1) a force but no torque
2) a torque but no force
3) a force as well as a torque
4) neither a force nor a torque

47. 1f E, be the electric field intensity due to a short dipole at a point on the axis and E, be
that on the right bisector at the same distance from the dipole, then
1) E, = E, 2) E, =2E, 3) E, =2E 4) E, =

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