Literature Review - Energy Storages

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Muhammad Fachrian Hafizh Refinur Amir Muhammad

Energy Systems Engineering Energy Systems Engineering
Universitas Indonesia Universitas Indonesia
2006543522 2006543541
Email: Email:

This study aimed to focus on how the role of energy storages are important for future
energy systems. Indonesia is one of the largest Country in the world with approximately 250
million people. Therefore, energy is an essential commodity for social and economic growth.
However, the energy sector currently faces new challenges in the context of sustainable energy.
But, turning from fossil energy to renewable energy is not that easy, as we know that renewable
energy in other hand is intermittent energy. So, it is so hard to connecting the supply and
demand of load electricity. In this paper, we are going to review about potential energy storages
as the answer of this challenges considering that Indonesia has huge potential renewable energy
sources, such as; Geothermal, Wind, Solar, Biomass, Ocean, etc.
Keywords: storages, future, renewable energy
1. Introduction
2025 Indonesia's Energy
This study aimed to focus on how Mix
the role of energy storages are important for
22% 30%
future energy systems. In this work, an
overview of the most important energy
storage methods available or under 25%
development today is carried out.
Indonesia is the largest country in
consuming energy in ASEAN which Coal Oil
consume more than 36% of the ASEAN’s Renewable Energy Natural Gas
demand and consuming 66% more energy
than its second largest consumer, Thailand. Figure 1. National Energy Mix by 2025[1]

Indonesia’s demand of electricity is

growing rapidly due to economic and 2. Indonesia’s Potential of
population growth. The electricity demand Renewable Energy
increased from 134.5 TWh in 2008 to 203 Indonesia is promising country with
TWh in 2015 which growth about 6% per all due renewable energy potential,
year. In the same way, household including geothermal, hydropower,
electrification growth from 68% in 2010 to biomass, wind, and solar. With a total
88,3% in 2015. Therefore, Indonesian approximately technical potential of more
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources than 273 GW (exclude ocean energy), only
issued an Electricity Supply Business Plan about 4% of renewable energy that have
(Rencana Umum Penyediaan Tenaga been utilized. Hydropower is the highest
Listrik, or RUPTL), in order to achieve an source of renewable energy with an
Indonesia electrification rate of 100% by estimated capacity of 75 GW and only
2026. To achieve this level, Indonesia at about 11% of its potential or 811 MW that
least must construct about 77.9 GW of has been used. In the second place, biomass
power plants by 2026[1]. with 32 GW of potential and only 5% of
In other hand, Indonesia has that source which has been utilized for
committed to a renewable energy through electricity generation. Due to its location in
its Nationally Determined Contribution the middle of equator and ring of fire,
with a target of 23% by 2025 for national Indonesia has a huge potential for
energy mix. For this reason, geothermal and solar energy. About 40% of
implementation of renewable energy is global geothermal potential, located in
crucial to achieving Indonesia’s energy and Indonesia, accounting for more than 28 GW
climate goal[1]. and with an average solar radiation of 4.8
kWh/m2/day and only about 71 MW of
solar energy systems that have been
installed. In other hand, Indonesia has small
of potential in wind energy, with low
speeds from 3 to 6 m/s[2].
Table 1. Renewable Energy Resources in ASEAN region[3]

Table 2. Renewable Energy Resources in Indonesia[4]

power generation as their output is
3. Intermittent Energy Challenges relatively volatile and depends on the sun,
Switching from fossil energy to water or wind[7]. If not managed properly,
renewable energy is not that easy. The uncertainties result in energy imbalance,
biggest problem of intermittent energy is a which induces mismatch between demand
supply and demand thing. If demand is low, and supply[8]. Furthermore, other factors
then we need to reduce the amount of including weather conditions, temperature,
energy going into the grid. That’s okay with number of occupants, holidays and regional
controllable energy generation like gas but events may affect the end user's behavior,
is a problem for things like wind and solar. which mainly contribute to electrical and
For example, wind turbines. If the wind is thermal load
blowing so high but the demand is low, the Some countries may go a little
frequency rises too high. If the demand is further, but without sufficient storage
high but the wind blowing slow, the systems in place or with viable costs there
frequency of the grid falls too low and we will still be limits and the industry will
begin to experience blackouts. These persist for a long time to come depending
fluctuations caused by intermittency can, if on fossil fuels[5].
not properly managed, can cause a lot of Large-scale storage and retrieval of
damage to the grid infrastructure, which renewable electricity becomes a priority as
would be extremely costly to repair. the share of renewables increases in the
It seems to be clear that system electricity mix. Given the intermittency of
operators have always faced difficulties in these energies, doing so will require
adjusting production to demand; however, significant storage capacity. Storage can
this has always occurred more intensely take a main form: the use of batteries, which
(except in electric accidents) due to will be facilitated by the development of
fluctuations on the demand side (economy, electric mobility. However, such storage is
climate and other specificities). At present, costly given the current state of technology
with exacerbated effects, the difficulties of and yields relatively low returns[9].
adjustment between supply and demand
have become more intense due to the 4. Energy Storages
intermittence of renewable sources and Energy storage systems has positive
whose resources cannot be stored such as effect of the associated economic and
coal, oil, gas and hydroelectricity[5]. environmental aspects. It shows that the
Besides that, there is some studies combination of energy storage systems and
that proves the violation of the voltage renewable energy sources can be perfect
limits during the peak load and the peak of option for increasing energy independency
intermittent generation periods and and decarbonizing, while achieving
concluded that the load or the power economic, energy and environmental
generation leads to a poor voltage quality or sustainability. Energy storage systems can
even to equipment failure[6]. take part in handling the fluctuations
The share of sustainable but associated with uncertainties. The energy
intermittent energy sources is likely to storage systems not only provide the
increase as new plants become operational. solution of load-generation imbalances, but
However, they cannot be used for baseload
also play a key in reducing the total energy The applications for long-term
cost of the system through energy arbitrage energy storage include counterbalancing
and by selling energy back to the grid. the intermittency of renewable energy
Energy storage systems are utilized to serve sources like wind and solar power, levelling
as countermeasures for the mismatch the loads (‘load balancing’) and time-
between the day-ahead scheduling and real- shifting periods of peak demand on the
time demand[8]. grid[7].

• Energy Storages in Smart Grid Systems

Smart grids begin to connect into a would be connected directly to the grid,
network attached storage. This technology which effectively becomes a giant battery.
of electricity grids will be self-balancing, Solar energy could be stored for the night’s
self-healing networks, which optimize the use, while wind power could be stored for
energy production using demand response calm times.
algorithms and sophisticated prediction On the demand side, grid operators
models. and utilities in numerous countries plan to
Smart grids and connected grid roll out smart metering devices in every
energy storage will allow electricity household. This development would allow
producers to send excess supply to the harnessing of valuable information
temporary storage sites that become energy regarding the consumption habits of end-
producers when electricity demand is users and consequently optimize the flows
increase, optimizing the production by between baseload and intermittent power
storing off-peak power for use during peak plants, as well as smart grids and connected
times. Intermittent energy producers would storage facilities[7].
not need any local storage devices, but

Figure 2. Future Smart Grid Scheme[7]

• Energy Storages in Wind Sector
Wind power is an efficient source of wind systems type, both fixed speed and
energy which is good for the environment variable speed, wind field size on the
because its generation does not cause the capacity of the storages for wind power
emission of carbon dioxide and other plant and design and dynamic power
harmful greenhouse gases. The use of right management of storage system for wind
tools for efficiently harnessing this clean plant energy storage systems are being
energy resource can make this green source studied by energy researcher around the
of energy a solution to the world’s concern world[10].
of finding renewable sources of energy to The Fig. 3(a) and (b) shows two
supply the needs of every individual, every popular topologies for locating the energy
home[11]. storage system in wind power generation
In wind energy application, energy systems. Comparison between demand
storages technology aspects are heavily response programs, power smoothing and
researched, such as; optimal management power ramp control, sensitivity analysis on
and coordination of battery energy storages locations of energy storage and power
and demand response programs, optimal fluctuation alleviation using cascade
sizing of energy storages system, and STATCOMs in wind power generation
optimal onshore wind power integration. systems incorporating energy storages are
Moreover, an analysis on the impact of the other key aspects worth mentioning here[10].

(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a). Energy Storage Coupled to the DC bus; (b). Energy Storage Coupled to the AC bus through
AC/DC converter[10]

• Energy Storages in Photovoltaic Sector

The development of new and cost- requirements[14]. The same way as wind
effective methods to harness renewable energy applications, there are many
energy has become crucial to maintain the researched that being developed for PV
energy supply that underpins our society, energy storage systems, such as; optimal
and solar power is one of the main allocation of PV and energy storage
candidates to make a substantial systems in a given power network
contribution to fulfil our future energy configuration, the use of PV power plants
oriented east, west and south with energy responsive loads which is being researched,
storage system for electricity generation in is the more likely scenario of a future power
different time intervals is analyzed, and a network[10].
cascaded photovoltaic system integrating
segmented energy storages. Two circuit The basic concept was to collect solar
configurations of PV-battery-storage power energy using a large satellite (which would
conditioning systems are shown in Fig. 4(a) be able to capture the full strength of the
and (b)[10]. solar radiation continuously), and transmit
Moreover, the bigger picture of it to the ground using microwave radiation.
Stochastic-based scheduling in a Micro The receiving station would then convert
Grid having integrated wind turbines, the microwave radiation into electric
photovoltaic cells, energy storages and energy to be made available to the users[14].

(a) (b)

Figure 4. (a). AC-Linked PV-battery-storage power conditioning system; (b). DC-Linked PV-battery-storage
power conditioning system[10]

5. Conclusion
Indonesia is one of the biggest developing energy storage, a new kind of
Country that blessed with an enormous technology that will answer those
renewable energy potential, in contrast, imbalance problems. Energy storages in
electrification rate in Indonesia is still a smart grid systems play a key role in energy
huge market to penetrate. The other hand, storage development. The systems will be
government has committed to the Paris self–balancing and optimize energy
Agreement or COP 21 which concern in production using supply and demand
CO2 emissions and climate change. There is algorithms. So, the use of energy storages
no greater answer than increasing the use of could be seen as an essential feature in
renewable energy. But, combining those regard to future power networks. But, in
concern is not that easy. Making renewable order so many limitations in this paper,
energy, as we know that renewable energy author suggest that further research of
is an intermittent energy, as the main engineering and technology aspects are
energy brings up new challenge. It would needed.
be difficult to match generating capacity to
the peaky demand profile due to respond to
swings in supply and demand. In order to
handle that, researcher around the world are
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