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Tuburan Faith Bible Baptist Church
Pastor Eliseo B. Mantos
Pastor John Clifford Mantos
October 14, 2021

1. If possible, pray for a theme.
● Master the basics of Christianity like salvation, prayer, bible, church,
etc. before going to the difficult topics.
2. Master the text with all your heart and mind.
● If there's anyone who must be the expert of the text, it should be you
the preacher. Read it repeatedly and try to understand what you read
by putting your feet in the shoes of the character.
3. Read your bible everyday as faithfully as possible.
● The more you are expose with the Bible (the whole message), the
easier you get the particular message from God.
4. Bathe your preparation with prayer because we are just
● We are not changers. Only the Holy Spirit can convict and transform
the hearts of the listeners.

1. Remember this principle: “The text determines the message.”
2. Write down the random ideas that comes in. Always prepare
beside you a note tool to easily record every thought in mind about
the message. After writing all the ideas, group them together to
avoid similar/related points or redundant points.
3. Observe and take note of the key words and key repeated words
to get the main idea of the context.
● ALWAYS get the context (whole idea) by reading the whole chapters
and asking WH questions in determining the key events.
◆ Who are the people/characters involved?
◆ What happened?
◆ Why did it happen?
◆ How did it happen?
◆ Where did it happen?
4. Use simple words in making the framework/outline.
● Why? The goal in preaching is to convey the message, that even the
least and uneducated person would understand the preaching. Its
not your goal to look intelligent. You can use bisaya words.
5. Use this pattern as your guide in formulating your outline.
TITLE: (this is the main idea/topic of the sermon)
TEXT: (reference of your sermon)
CPT (Central Proposition of the Text) - this is usually a question
that leads to your points.
1st Point:
2nd Point:
3rd Point:

6. In developing your points, write first the temporary ideas, or the

thoughts, or the drive of your point that you want to emphasize
in phrases or sentences. It does not necessarily need to be
alliterated. Now after completing the temporary thoughts, finalize
them by shortening the phrases or the sentence in ONE word or a
short PHRASE. This is one of the HARDEST part in developing a
7. For the purpose of ALLITERATION, use the thesaurus.
8. Take note of your grammar. All of your points should be in noun
forms, or verbs, or adjectives, or adverbs. Don’t mix it. To check the
accuracy of your point, use the CPT (Central Proposition of the Text)
as your guide by answering the CPT with your point.


1. Take note on the parts of the sermon: introduction, body,
2. As you now begin to add muscles to the skeleton of the
message, ALWAYS write down what do you want to say.
● Use Microsoft word, notepads. And save them for future purposes.
Don't memorize, but internalize and familiarize. In this way, you

speak from your heart.

3. Master the flow of the sermon: a. State the point, b. Expound/
explain the point, c. Illustrate the point. Site the example of Jesus.
4. How can I make my introduction and conclusion?
● Short story, short video, quotations, news, articles, background of
the text if it is narrative or the context, photos, personal experiences,
striking questions, supporting bible verses, objects, personal
experiences, that are related to the title of the message.
5. In developing your points, read Bible commentaries to enhance
your understanding about the text (Use Matthew Henry
Commentary, Barnes Commentary, Warren Wiersbe Commentary,
● It’s also helpful to use PC Bible study softwares including
concordance and topical books.
● Remember that Bible commentaries are not perfect and final. But it
can help you get some ideas or the important lessons about the text
that you can incorporate in your sermon. We sure commentaries
because there were already people before us, who already devoted
their lives in studying the Bible. So, why swim in the river when
someone already made a bridge to pass.
● During exposition, FOCUS in the connection of your title and points,
to avoid out of topic.
● Establish and explain thoroughly first your point in the text during
exposition, before going to the supporting verses. Emphasize the
words, phrases, sentence, or even the whole verse, in the text where
you get your point.
6. ALWAYS discern how many supporting verses would be enough
to support your point. Don’t put too many. Just enough to make
your point stand.
● How to find supporting verses for my points? Use concordance and
topical books. You can find concordance and topical references in
7. Use relevant illustrations as possible. This is where reading
magazines/articles/news gets in. We should always be updated as
possible to the happenings around us. Other platforms, google
news, flipboard, pocket. Site Jesus' example.
● Other sources of sermon illustrations can be found in the internet,

just simply type in the google search box, “sermon illustration about
● You can also go to or go to PC BIBLE STUDY
8. The center of your message is the Lord Jesus Christ. Always
point your message to Jesus Christ.


1. The message determines the delivery.
2. Pay attention of your voice. Don’t be monotonous but dynamic.
Always speak loud enough for the last person in the pews/chair to
3. Don't ignore the CPT. This is your guide to stay in your topic during
the preaching. Pay attention to your time.
4. Watch your gestures.
Wear the appropriate attire during preaching.
1. Don’t get discouraged. Mastering the art of good preaching does not
happen overnight.
2. I discourage you from copying the sermon of others in the internet or

What are the benefits if I will be the one to prepare my own

1. You will learn how to make of your own sermon and desire to
2. You don’t have to worry when there is no stock of sermons left.
3. There is confidence.
4. You can possibly hit the target in expounding.

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