Electrostatic Theory

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Coulomb’s law;
Electric field and
Electrostatics is the class of phenomena
potential; Electrical
recognized by the presence of electrical
potential energy of a
system of point charges, either stationary or moving; and

charges and of the interaction of these charges, this

electricaldipolesina interaction being solely by reason of the
uniform electrostatic charges and their positions and not by reason
field; Electric field of their motion.
At least 90% of the topies that are normally
field; Gauss’s lawand
classified as electrostatics are concerned with
its application in
the manipulations of charged particles by
simple cases, suchas,
to find field due to electric fields.

infinitelylongstraight In this chapter we will study about electric

wire, uniformly charges, electric field, electric potential.

chargedinfinite plane
sheet and uniformly
1. Electric charge ............................................................................................. 01

2. Coulomb’s law .............................................................................................. 03

3. Electric field ................................................................................................ 05

4. Electric dipole ............................................................................................. 07

5. Electric field due to various charge distributions ......................................... 09

6. Electric lines of force .................................................................................. 11

7. Gauss’s law ................................................................................................... 13

8. Electric potential ......................................................................................... 14

9. Relation between electric field and electric potential .................................. 15

10. Equipotential surface ................................................................................... 19

11. Electrostatic potential energy ...................................................................... 19

12. Conductors ................................................................................................... 21

13. Sharing of charge between two conductor .................................................... 21

14. Earthing a conductor .................................................................................... 22

15. Pressure on a charged metal surface ............................................................ 23

16. Assignments

Exercise-01.................................................................................................. 26

Exercise-02.................................................................................................. 48

Exercise-03.................................................................................................. 61

Exercise-04.................................................................................................. 73

Exercise-05.................................................................................................. 84

17. Answer Sheet .............................................................................................. 88


Charge is the property associated with matter due to which it produces and experiences electrical and
magnetic effects. The study of electrical effects of charge at rest is called electrostatics.
A body may be positively or negatively charged depending upon deficiency or excess of electrons in
the body. If a body is neutral then it has equal amount of +ve and – ve charge.
Units of charge
The SI unit of charge is 'coulomb'.
[1 coulomb = 1 amp-sec.]
In cgs electrostatic system, the unit of charge is statcoulomb or esu of charge or frankline.
[1 statcoulomb = 3.336 × 10–10 coulomb]
Methods of Charging
A body can be charged by these three methods
(i) friction
(ii) conduction
(iii) induction
Properties of Charge
1. Charge is a scalar quantity.
2. Charge is always associated with mass i.e. charge can not exist without mass, though mass can exist
without charge. Particles such as neutrino or photon have no rest mass, so they can have no charge.
3. Charge is transferable from one charged body to another body which may be charged or uncharged,
if they are put in contact. This process of charge transfer is called conduction. Whole of the charge can
not be transferred by conduction from one body to another except in case when a charged body is
enclosed by a conducting body and connected to it.
4. An accelerated charge always radiates energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.
5. Charge can be detected and measured with the help of gold leaf electroscope, voltmeter or ballistic
6. Charge is invariant i.e. charge on a body does not change, whatever be its speed. Specific charge
depends on speed as mass depends on speed.
specific charge = q/m
where m is the dynamic mass and m0 is the rest mass.
7. Quantization of charge :
Charge exists in discrete packets rather than in continuous amount. One such packet is named as one
quanta, this is referred as charge quantization. One quanta is the smallest discrete value of charge that
can exist in nature and it is equal to the charge of an electron. Charge on an electron is –1.6 × 10–19C.
In some theoretical speculations, the elementary particle such as proton and neutron are supposed to
 1   2 
be composed of quarks having charges   e  and   e  . However quarks do not exist in free
 3   3 
8. Conservation of charge :
The total charge ( the difference between the amount of positive and negative charge) within an isolated
system is always constant or conserved.

Objects can be classified into two broad categories :

(a) Conductors : Conductors are the materials which allow the charge to flow through them. These mainly
comprise of metals.
(b) Insulators : Insulators are the material which do not allow charge to flow through them.

Methods of charging :
(1) Charging by friction : When two bodies are rubbed against one another, a transfer of electrons take
place from one body to another. The body which loses electrons, now has excess of protons becomes
positively charged. The body which gains electrons becomes negatively charged.
(a) The positive and negative charges produced by rubbing are always equal in magnitude.
(b) To charge the bodies by friction one of them has to be an insulator.
(2) Charging by induction : Every charged particle attracts another particle having opposite charge. This
method can be used for charging conducting as well as non conducting bodies.
Charge induction in conducting bodies :
Example : When a positively charged rod is brought near a conducting body, it attracts the electrons of
the body which start drifting towards the positively charged rod and get collected at the surface of the
body near the rod. A charge -qi develops at the near surface and charge +qi develops at the opposite
Charge induction in non-metals
When a neutral atom is brought near a charged element (+q) the electrons of the atom gets attracted
towards the charge.


(a) (b)
Thus due to presence of an external charge the atom gets transformed into an electric dipole. So when
a charge is placed near a non conducting body all of its atoms get aligned towards the external charge


This phenomenon of alignments of dipoles in a non-conductive body due to an external charge is called
induction in non conducting bodies. Induced charge is always opposite in nature and qi  q
(iii) Charging by conduction : When two conductors (at least one charged or both charged) are brought in
contact the flow of charge takes place from one to another until both are at the same potential. The
charges produced are similar in nature.
Illustration : 1
A copper sphere contains about 2 x 1022 atoms. The charge on the nucleus of each atom is 29e. what
fraction of the electrons must be removed from the sphere to give it a charge of +2  C ?
The total number of electrons is 29 (2x1022 ) = 5.8 x 1023.
Electrons removed = (2x10–6C) / (1.6x10–19C) = 1.25 x 1013,
so the fraction removed = electrons removed / total number electrons = 2.16 x 10–11.
Since loss or gain of electron is responsible for creating charge on a body and electron is a particle with
mass, every charged body will have mass also.

Illustration : 2
Which of the following charge can not be possible.
(i) 1.6 × 10–19 C (ii) 1.6 × 10–18 C (iii) 1.6 × 10–20 C (iv) 1 C
1.6 × 10–20 C is not possible because it does not obeys quantization of charge


Force between two point charges (interaction force) is directly proportional to the product of magnitude
of charges (q1 and q2) and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them i.e.,
(1/r2). This force is conservative in nature. This is also called inverse square law. The direction of force
is always along the line joining the point charges.
q 1q 2
q 1q 2
F=K where K is a constant
40 for vacuum

K= where    0  r , for medium other than vacuum
  permittivity of medium
r relative permittivity or dielectric constant.
40 = 9 × 10 C /N-m
9 2 2

0 = permittivity of free space = 8.85 × 10–12 N-m2/C2

Coulomb’s Law in Vector Form

Suppose the position vectors of two charges q1 and q2 are
 
r1 and r2 , then, electric force on charge q1 due to charge q2 is,
 1 q1q 2  
F12    3 r1  r2 
4 0 | r1  r2 |
Similarly, electric force on q2 due to charge q1 is
 1 q1q 2  
F21    3  r2  r1 
4 0 | r2  r1 |
Here q1 and q2 are to be substituted with sign. Position vector of charges q1 and q2 are
 
r1  x1î  y1ˆj  z1k̂ and r2  x 2 î  y 2 ˆj  z 2 k̂ respectively. Where (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) are the
co-ordinates of charges q1 and q2.
Superposition Theorem
The interaction between any two charges is independent of the presence
of all other charges.

Electrical force is a vector quantity therefore, the net force on any one
charge is the vector sum of the all the forces exerted on it due to each
of the other charges interacting with it independently i.e.
Net force on charge q,
   
F = F1 + F2 + F3 + ...........

Limitations of coulombs law :

(a) It is valid only for static charges. If the charges are moving with same velocity then they will have
magnetic field associated with them and thus the net force is the vector sum of both electrostatic force
and magnetic force .
(b) It is valid only for point charges and not for extended bodies due to induction in charged bodies.
Eq . Consider two spheres having charge Q each. The centre of their charge are located at their
respective geometric centres. Now when they are brought close due to ind ction the centres of charge
shift apart due to which effective distance between them increases and force decreases.
+ + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +
(a) (b)

Fcoul =
Fcoul > feff
Feff =

Illustration : 3
Three charges each of 20C are placed along a straight line, successive charges being 2 m apart as
shown in Figure. Calculate the force on the charge on the right end.
Q1 Q2 Q3
2m F1

F = F1 + F2 F1 =
kQ 1Q 2

9x10  20x10 
9 6 2
 0.225N
r2 42

F2 =
kQ 2 Q 3

9x10  20x10 
9 6 2
 0 .9 N
Q1 Q2 Q3
r2 22 2m 2m

F = 0.225+0.9 = 1.125 N to the right

Illustration : 4
Four identical point charges each of magnitude q are placed at the corners of a square of side a. Find
the net electrostatic force on any of the charges.
Solution :
Let the concerned charge be at C then charge at C will experience the
force due to charges at A, B and D. Let these forces respectively be
  
FA , FB and FD . Thus forces are given as
Aa Ba y
 1 q2 q2  î ĵ 
FA  along AC =  
4 0 AC 2 4 0 2a 2  2 2 
 Da x
 1 q2 q2 FA
FB  along BC = ( ĵ) FB
4 0 BC 2 4πε 0 a 2

 1 q2 q2
FD  along DC = (î )
4 0 DC 2 4πε 0 a 2
   
Fnet  FA  FB  FD

q2  1   1 
  î   1  ĵ   1 
4 πε 0 a 2   2 2  2 2  

  1  q2 1  q
Fnet  2  1    2 
  4 a 2 2  4 0 a 2
2 2  0

Illustration : 5
Find the force between a uniformaly charged rod of length  and charge Q and a point charge q placed
at a distance d from the centre of the rod at its axial position.

Solution :
dq   dx
d / 2
F 
d  / 2
x2 dx

Kq KqQ
F F
 2 2   2 2 
 d     d  
 4  4

Every charge sets up around it a space in which any other charge will experience electrostatic force.
This space is known as the electric field. Electric field at a point is given as the force experienced per
unit charge at that position.
The charge over which field is checked is purposely taken small so that it does not affect set up of other

charges. Field is denoted by E . Mathematically..

  F
E  Lt   .
q 0 q
 
SI Unit of Electric field is N/C

Electric Field Due to a point charge :

Force F on a charge q at P due to a point charge Q lying at origin (O) is
 1 Qq
F = 4π 
0 r 2 r̂
Force on unit charge at P

 F 1 Q
E 
q 4 0 r 2 r̂

In Vector Form,

 1 q 
E = 4  r
0 | r |3

Where r is the position vector of the point P with respect to the charge. If the position vectors of point
 
P and charge q are rp and rq respectively..
  
then r = rp – rq q P
 rq rp
if rp = x1 î +y1 ˆj + z1 k̂

rq = x2 î +y2 ˆj + z2 k̂



q ( x1  x 2 )î  ( y1  y 2 ) ĵ  (z1  z 2 ) k 
4 0 [( x1  x 2 ) 2  ( y1  y 2 ) 2  ( z1  z 2 ) 2 ]3 / 2

1 q(x1  x 2 )
hence Ex = .
4 0 {( x 1  x 2 )  ( y1  y 2 ) 2  ( z1  z 2 ) 2 }3 / 2

Similarly expression for Ey and Ez can be written.


In case of many point charges, field at a point is given as

 
E   Ei

{Where  E represents vector sum of the field at P due to individual point charges}

 For a given setup of charges, field is the property of a point.

 Field is a vector quantity hence it can be added vectorially only, not algebraically.
Illustration : 6
A charge q = 1 C is placed at point (1m, 2m, 4m). Find the electric field at point P(0m, –4m, 3m).
Solution :

Here, rq  î  2 ĵ  4k̂

and rp  4î  3k̂
 
 rp  rq   î  6 ĵ  k̂
 
or | rp  rq | (1) 2  (6) 2  (1) 2  38 m

  3 rp  rq 
1 q  
Now, E
4 0 | rp  rq |
Substituting the values, we have
 (9 109 )(1.0 106 )
E (î  6 ĵ  k̂ )
(38) 3 / 2
 N
E  (38.42î  231.52 ĵ  38.42k̂ )
Illustration : 7
Four particles, each having a charge q, are placed on the four vertices of a regular pentagon. The
distance of each corner from the centre is a. Find the electric field at the centre of the pentagon.
Solution :
Let the charges be placed at the vertices A, B, C and D of the pentagon
ABCDE. If we put a charge q at the corner E also, the field at O will
be zero by symmetry. Thus, the field at the centre due to the charges
at A, B, C and D is equal and opposite to the field due to the charge q
at E alone.

The field at O due to the charge q at E is

4 0 a 2 along EO.
Thus, the field at O due to the given system of charges is 4  a 2 along OE.

Two equal and opposite point charges placed a short distance apart, form an electric dipole.

The product of the magnitude of either charge and the distance between the charges is called the
electric dipole moment. It is a vector quantity whose direction is along the axis of dipole pointing from
negative towards the positive charge.
dipole moment (p) = q. (2l)
The S.I. unit of dipole moment is Coulomb-Metre
The practical unit of dipole moment is Debye
I debye (D) = 3.3 × 10–30 Coulomb-meter
Dipole Moment of a System of Discrete Charges
Since dipole moment is a vector quantity, hence in case of two or more than two dipoles, the resultant
dipole moment will be the vector sum of the dipole moments of individual dipoles.
   
p = p1 + p 2 + p 3 + .............
The real dipoles are the chemical dipoles such as H2O and CO2 .H2O has some dipole moment but
CO2 being linear has zero dipole moment
Illustration : 8
Three points charges +q, –2q, +q are arranged on the vertices of an equilateral triangle as shown in the
figure. Find the dipole moment of the system.

Arrangement of the charges is equivalent to two dipoles having
dipole moment p each as shown above.
Net dipole moment
Pnet = p cos 30° + p cos 30°
Pnet = 2p cos 30°
= p 3 = qa 3


1. At axial position,
r 2Kpr
E= 3 E

2. At equatorial position
r r
Kp r
E= - 3
r 
3. At general point,
E = 3 1 + 3cos 2 q
- 1 ætan qö
 = tan ççç ÷
è 2 ø÷
Dipole in electric field
If a dipole is placed in a uniform electric field E,
Force on the dipole is zero.
Torque on the dipole is given as
  
 = p E sin  or τ  p x E +q
 
where  is the angle between p and E .
The potential energy of the dipole is
 
U = -p E cos  or U = - p. E (taking U = 0 at  = 900)
 
When  = 00, the dipole moment p is in the direction of the field E and the dipole is in stable
equilibrium. If it is slightly displaced, it performs oscillations.
 
When  = 1800, the dipole moment p is opposite to the direction of the field E and the dipole is in
unstable equilibrium.

Illustration : 9
For a given dipole at a point (away from the center of dipole) intensity of the electric field is E. Charges
of the dipole are brought closer such that distance between point charges is halved, and magnitude of
charges are also halved. Find the intensity of the field now at the same point
Pi = 2q
q  Pi
Pf  2 
22 4
rf  ri f  i
p 2 E
E = 4π  r 3 1  3 cos θ  Ef  i .
0 4
 Final intensity of electric field is E/4.

Illustration : 10
A dipole of dipole moment P lies in a uniform electric field E such that dipole direction is along field.
If dipole is rotated through 180º such that dipole direction becomes opposite to the field direction,
find the work done by the electrostatic field.
 
U i   P . E   PE cos 0º = – PE
U f   P.E. cos(180º )  PE
work done by the field =  U  U i  U f  2PE


1. Electric field due to point charge
 Kq  Kq
E  3 r or E  2
r r
2. Electric field due to rod
(i) E
a (a  L )

(ii) Ex  [sin 1  sin  2 ]

Ey  [cos  2  cos 1 ]
3. Electric field due to a charged ring

at a point on the axis

E 2
(x  R 2 )3/ 2
R x
4. Due to arc with linear charge density at the centre of are

2 K 
E sin
R 2

5. Electric field due to disc

E (1  cos )
2 0

  x 
 1  

2 0  
x2  R 2 

6. Electric field due to spherical shell

(Conductor and non-conductor)

E0 = rR

E I  zero r<R

7. Electric field due to solid sphere

(i) conducting, spherical sphere
E out = rR

E In  zero r<R
In this case, the sphere behaves as a spherical shell.

(ii) non-conducting, uniformly charged

solid sphere
EO = rR
KQr rr
E In = 3
= r<R
R 3e0
8. Electric field due to infinitely long
cylindrical shell
 0 r r  R

E 0  zero r<R

9. Electric field due to infinitely long uniformly charged cylinder


R 2
E0  rR
2 0 r

EI  r<R
2 0
Illustration : 11
In the following diagrams, electric charges are distributed uniformly with l Cm–1. Determine the field

intensity E at the point P in each case.

(i) (ii)

Solution :
(i) Due to two semi infinite wires, field is towards right and its magnitude is 2K/R and due to
semi circular ring field of magnitude 2K/R is towards left. Hence
Enet = Ewire + Ering = 0
(ii) Field due to arc in second quadrant and forth quadrant cancel out. The net electric field is due
to arcs in first and third quadrant

Enet = 2E
2 K 
E sin
R 2
 = /2
2 2 K
E net 
Electric lines of the forces are the imaginary path on which a unit positive test charge moves or a
electric line of force is an imaginary curve, tangent to which at a point gives the direction of intensity of
the electric field at that point. The idea of lines of force was introduced by Michael Faraday.
Properties of Electric lines of force
1. They usually originate from a positive charge and terminate into a negative charge

2. The number of lines leaving a positive charge or entering a negative charge is proportional to the
magnitude of the charge. This means, for example that if 100 lines are drawn leaving a + 4 C charge
then 75 lines would have to end on a –3 C charge.
3. Lines of force never cross each other because if they do so, then at the point of intersection the net
intensity will have two different directions which is not possible.
4. They never form a closed loop when produced by a static charge because if they do so, then the work
done round a closed path will not be zero which contradicts its conservative nature.
5. They contract longitudinally (lengthwise) producing attraction between opposite charges and expand
laterally producing repulsion between similar charges.

6. The number of lines per unit area crossing a surface at right angle to the field direction at every point is
proportional to the electric intensity and hence the lines of force are closely spaced where the intensity
is large and are widely separated where the intensity is small.
If the lines of force are parallel and equally spaced then they represent a uniform electric field.

7. Electric field lines also give us an indication of the equipotential surface (surface which has the same
8. Electric field lines are always directed from higher potential to lower potential.
9. In a region where there is no electric field, lines are absent. This is why inside a conductor (where
electric field is zero) there cannot be any electric field line.
10. Electric lines of force end or start normally from the surface of a conductor.
Illustration : 13
Electric field lines are shown in figure. Then which of the following is correct
(A) EA > EB (B) EB > EA
(C) EA = EB (D) none of these
Solution :
The density of the electric lines of forces at A is more then density at point B so EA > EB.

Illustration : 14
If Q1 = 12 C find the value of Q2 in the given figure.

Solution :
Q1/Q2 = –12/5
Therefore Q2 = –5 C


Flux of Electric Field
If the lines of force pass through a surface, then the surface is said to have flux
linked with it. Mathematically it can be formulated as follows :
The flux linked  with small area element on the surface of the body :

d = E.d s

Where d s is the area vector of the small area element. The area vector of
a closed surface is always in the direction of outward drawn normal. The
total flux linked with whole of the body,
 
=  E.d s total electrical flux
 
=  E.d s total flux linked with closed surface
where  is referred to closed integral done for a closed surface.

Gauss’s Theorem
This law gives a relation between the electric flux through any closed surface (called Gaussian
surface) and the charge enclosed by the surface. It states that the total electrical flux  through
any closed surface is equal to 1/0 times the net charge enclosed by the surface i.e. total flux.
  q net
=  E.d s = 
[qnet Net charge enclosed within the Gaussian surface]
Note : Gauss theorem is a fundamental theorem and it is applicable only for the closed surfaces, the
closed surfaces may be real or hypothetical and of any shape or size.
The above formula is always applicable whether the electric field be uniform or variable.
Illustration : 15
A charge Q is distributed uniformly on a ring of radius r. A sphere of equal radius r is constructed. With
its centre at the periphery of the ring (fig.) Find the flux of the electric field through the surface of the

From the geometry of the fig. OA = OO1 and O1A= O1O. Thus, OAO1 is an equilateral triangle.
Hence AOO1 = 600 OR  AOB = 1200
The arc AO1B of the ring subtends an angle 1200 at the centre O. Thus, one third of the ring is inside the
sphere. The charge enclosed by the sphere  . Thus flux through sphere 3 
3 0

Illustration : 16
Three point charges –q, +q and Q are placed in a region as shown. P is a point on imaginary Gaussian
sphere enclosing –q and +q and Q is outside. Q
(a) What is the flux over the gaissoam sphere?
(b) Which of the charges contribute to the intensity of the field at P?
-q +q

q in  q  q 0
Solution : (a)         0 P
0 0 0

(b) Field at point P is due to all the three charges.

Illustration : 17
A charge Q is placed at the centre of an imaginary hemispherical surface. Using symmetry arguments
and the Gauss’s law, find the flux of the electric field due to this charge through the surface of the
hemisphere (figure).

Solution :
Let us imagine another identical hemispherical surface over given one.
Both being symmetric with respect to Q, hence flux will be same through both the hemisphere (1  2 ) .
1   2 
 1   2 
2 0


Electric potential at a point in electric field is defined to be equal to the minimum work done by an
external agent in moving a unit positive charge from infinity or a reference point to that point against
the electrical force of the field.
Electric potential at a point in electric field is numerically equal but opposite in sign to the work performed
by electrical force to bring a unit positive charge from infinity to that point.
If W is the work done by external agent in bringing a positive test charge q0 from infinity to a point then
the potential V at that point.
Wext W ( work done by electric field)
V= q V=– E
0 q0
Unit of potential is joule/coulomb or volt. (S.I. unit)
Electric potential difference
Potential difference between two points is equal to the minimum work done in moving a unit positive
test charge from one point to the other.
VB – VA = q  WAB = q0 (VB – VA)

WE is the work done by the electric field then ;

– (VB – VA) = q
WE = – q0 (VB – VA)
Wext.(min.) = – WE


Consider a charge q0 which is moved in an electric field.

The external agent would have applied an equal and
opposite force on the charge to move it without acceleration.
 
F = – q0 E
 
If due to the force F , charge moves a small distance d  along the path, then minimum work done by
the external agent is :
   
dW = F . d  = – q0 E . d 
Therefore total work done in moving a charge from A to B ;
 
WAB = – q0  E.d 

 
q0 = –  .d 

 
VB – VA = –  .d 

In rectangular components, the electric field is

E  E x î  E y ĵ  E z k̂ ;
and an infinitesimal displacement is dr  dx iˆ  dy ˆj  dz kˆ
 
 dV    E .dr

  [E x dx  E y dy  E z dz]
for a displacement in the x-direction,
dy  dz  0 and so
dV   E x dx. Therefore,
 dV 
E x   
 dx  y , z constant

A derivative in which all variables except one are held constant is called partial derivative and is written
with  instead of d. The electric field is, therefore :
 V V V
E î  ĵ  k̂
x y z

Illustration : 14

The electric field in a region is given by E  (A / x 3 ) ˆi . Write a suitable SI unit for A. Write an expres-
sion for the potential in the region assuming the potential at infinity to be zero.
The SI unit of electric field is N/C or V/m. Thus,
N  m3
The unit of A is or V-m2.
( x , y, z )  
V(x, y, z) = – 

E.d r
( x , y, z ) A dx A
= –  3
 .
x 2x 2

Electric Potential Due to point charge

To calculate the potential at point P, due to the point charge, calculate the potential difference between
the point P and infinity which automatically will be the potential of the point. Consider any point lying
between P and infinity at a distance x from the given point charge.
Potential difference across dx
 
dV = – E . dx
dV = – Edx cos0°
dV = — Edx
1 q
dV = – . 2 dx
4 0 x
0 
1 dx
 dV  
4 0
.q x 2

1 q
VP = .
4 0 r
Electric Potential due to a given distribution of Charge
The potential at any point due to a group of point charges is the algebraic sum of the potentials contrib-
uted at the same point by all the individual point charges.
V  V1  V2  V3  ....
The electric potential due to a continuous charge distribution is the sum of potentials of all the infini-
tesimal charge elements in which the distribution may be divided
V   dV
4 0 r
Illustration : 18
Two points charge q and –2q are placed at a distance 6a apart. Find the locus of the point in the plane
of charges where the field potential is zero.
Solution: Y
Let us take the charge on X-axis;
q at A (0, 0) and –2q at B(6a, 0) C O q -2q(6a, 0)
Potential at a point P(x, y) is (-2a, 0) A X

q  2q
V 
2 2
4 0 x  y 4 0 ( x  6a ) 2  y 2


q2 4q 2
 
x 2  y 2 ( x  6a ) 2  y 2

 the locus is ( x  6a ) 2  4 x 2  3y 2 .

3x 2  3y 2  2(6a ) x  36a 2

 x 2  y 2  4ax  12a 2

( x  2a ) 2  y 2  16a 2
 Locus is a circle with centre (-2a, 0) and radius 4a.
Electric Potential Due to a Dipole
Kq Kq
V(  )   , [ rl  r  d cos ]
r1 r  d cos 

Kq  Kq
V(  )   , [r2  r  d cos ]
r2 r  d cos 

 1 1 
V  V1  V2  Kq   
 r  d cos  r  d cos  

 r  d cos   r  d cos   2d
 Kq  
 r 2  d 2 cos 2  

Kp cos  Kp cos 
V 
 d cos  
2 2
r 2 1  
 r2 
Electric Field due to a Dipole using electric potential
There are two components of field, one in radial and one in perpendicular direction
Er  
1 V
E  
r 
2Kp cos  E
Er  Eq Er
r3 

1   Kp sin   Kp sin 
E    
r r2  r3

E E r 2  E  2 
-q +q
E  3 1  3 cos 2 

Angle of Field from Radial Direction

E 1
tan     tan 
Er 2
+ +
Electric Potential due to a Charged Ring z  R 2  r2


+ +

+ + + +

+ + + +
1 Q O r P
V 4 0 . R

+ +
2 2
(R  r )

+ + +

Electric Potential Due to a Charged Disc at a Point on the Axis

 2
 2 1/ 2
V  2 ( R  r )  r 
0 z  x2  r 2 r

when r  R . x O

1 Q
4 0 r , where Q  r  is the total charge on the disc.

Electric Potential Due to a Shell

A shell of radius R has a charge Q uniformly distributed over its surface. Let us calculate the potential
at a point
(a) outside the shell; (r > R)
1 Q
4 0 r
(b) inside the shell (r < R).
1 Q
4 0 R

Electric Potential due to a Non-conducting Charged Sphere

(a) At an external point
1 Q
 V
4 0 r
1 3Q
4    0 R

(b) Potential at an internal point

1 Q

 
4    0 R
1 Q
 V 3R 2  r 2
4 0 2R 3 R r
Variation of potential with
distance from centre.


If all the points of the surface are at the same potential, the surface is called an equipotential surface.
Work done in the moving a charge between any two points on an equipotential surface zero.
Equipotential surfaces can never cross each other because there will be two normal at the point of
intersection giving two different directions of electric field which is absurd.
Equipotential surfaces, are always perpendicular to lines of force.
For a point charge, the equipotential surface is spherical. For a line charge, equipotential surface is
cylindrical and for uniform field, the equipotential surface is planar.

Equipotential surfaces are closely spaced where electric field intensity is large and widely spaced
where electric field intensity is small.
Properties of Equipotential surface
(i) Potential difference between two points in an equipotential surface is zero.
(ii) It a test charge q0 is moved from one point to the other on such a surface, the electric potential
energy q0V remains constant.
(iii) No work is done by the electric force when the test charge is moved along this surface.
(iv) Two equipotential surfaces can never intersect each other because otherwise the point of intersec-
tion will have two potentials which is of course not acceptable.
(v) Field lines and equipotential surfaces are always mutually perpendicular.


In the figure, if a charge +q is moved from B to C in the electric field of charge +Q, the work will have
to be done by some outside agent in pushing the charge +q against the force of field of +Q.

+Q +q
This situation is very similar to that of a mass moved in gravitational field of earth away from it. Work
done against the gravitational pull of earth is stored in Gravitational potential energy and can be
recovered back. Similarly in electric field, work done against an electric field is stored in the form of
electric potential energy & can be recovered back. If the charge +q is taken back from C to B, the
electric force will try to accelerate the charge and hence we recover the potential energy stored in the
form of kinetic energy.
As the work done against an electric field can be recovered back, electrostatic forces and fields fall
under the category of conservative forces and fields. Another property of these fields is that the work
done is independent of path taken from the one point to the another.

Potential Energy of a System of Two Point Charges

The potential energy possessed by a system of two-point charges q 1 and q 2 separated by a distance
r is the work required to bring them to this arrangement from infinity. This electrostatic potential
energy is given by
q1q 2
4 0 r
Note : While writting potential or potential energy charges must be multiplied with their signs.

Electric Potential Energy of a System of Point Charges

The electric potential energy of such a system is the work done in assembling this system starting from
infinite separation between any two-point charges.
For a system of point charges q 1 , q 2 , ...... q n , the potential energy is

1 n n qiq j
U 
2 i 1 j1 4 0 rij
(i  j)

It simply means that we have to consider all the pairs that are possible.
Important points regarding Electrostatic potential energy
(i) Work done required by an external agency to move a charge q from A to B in an electric field with
constant speed
WA B  q[VB  VA ]
(ii) When a charge q is let free in an electric field, it loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy, if it
goes from A to B, then loss in potential energy = gain in kinetic energy
1 1
or q (VB  VA )  mv 2B  mv 2A
2 2

Illustration : 19
What is work done by the electrostatic field when we put the four +q -q
charges together, as shown in the figure? Each side of the square has
a length a. Initially charges were at infinity. a
-q +q
U i  0 [Where charges are separated by infinite distance] a

1   4q 2 q2 ( q ) 2 
Uf      [for 6 pairs of charges]
4πε 0  a 2a 2a 
 

1 q 2 
Work done by field =  ΔU  U i  U f  (4  2 )
4 πε 0 a 
1 2 . CO N DU CTO R
Conductors (such as metals) possess free electrons. If a resultant electric field exists in the conductor
these free charges will experience a force which will set a flow of current . When no current flows, the

resultant force and the electric field must be zero. Thus, under electrostatic conditions the value of E
at all points within a conductor is zero. This idea, together with the Gauss’ law can be used to prove
several interesting facts regarding a conductor.
Properties of conductor
(i) Inside a conductor, electrostatic field is zero.
(ii) At the surface of a charged conductor, electrostatic field must be normal to the surface at every
(iii) The interior of a conductor can have no excess charge in the static situation.
(iv) Electrostatic potential is constant throughout the volume of a conductor and has the same
value (as inside) on its surface.
 
(v) Electric field at the surface of a charged conductor is E  n , where  is the surface charge

density and n is a unit vector normal to the surface in the outward0 direction .
Electrostatic Shielding
Suppose we have a very sensitive electronic instrument that we want to protect from external fields that
might cause wrong measurements. We surround the instrument with a conducting box or we keep the
instrument inside the cavity of a conductor. By doing this, the charge in the conductor is so distributed
that the net electric field inside the cavity becomes zero and so instrument is protected from the external
fields. This is called electrostatic shielding.


When two conductors are connected to each other, then charge flows between them from the conductor
at higher potential to the conductor at lower potential until the potential of the two conductors becomes
same. Also, during sharing charge remain conserved but loss of energy takes place.
Sharing of charge between two spherical conductors :
Let us consider two spherical conductors separated by large distance having radii R 1 and R2 and
charge is Q1 and Q2 respectively as shown in the figure(I). When they are connected by a wire as
shown in the figure(II) the charges on the two conductors becomes Q1 ' & Q2 ' .

(I) (II)
Then by conservation of charges ; Q1 + Q2 = Q1 ' + Q2 ' ..............(i)
Q1 ' Q2 '
Also their potentials becomes same ; 4 R  4 R ...............(ii)
0 1 0 2
Q1  Q 2 Q1  Q 2
Solving (i) & (ii) ; Q1 '  and Q 2 ' 
2 2
If 1 ' and  2 ' are the surface densities of the two spheres then ;
Q1 ' R 1 1 ' R 2
  
Q2 ' R 2 2 ' R1

Potential of earth is often taken to be zero. When a conductor is connected to the earth, the potential
of the conductor becomes equal to that of the earth, i.e., zero. If the conductor was at some other
potential, charges will flow from it to the earth or from the earth to it to bring its potential to zero. The
figure given below shows the symbol for earthing.

Illustration 20
Given two concentric conducting spheres of radii r and R(r < R). The inner surface carries a charge q0
and the outer sphere is earthed.
(a) find the charge on the outer sphere.
(b) find the potential of the inner surface.
(a) Let q be the final charge on the outer sphere.
The potential of the outer sphere is given by
Kq 0 Kq 1
V2   {K  }
R R 4  0
Since it has been earthed, V2 = 0
Kq 0 Kq
Thus,  0  q = – q0
(b) The potential of the inner sphere is given by
Kq 0 Kq 0 L
1 1O
V1 

 Kq 0
Nr  R P
Illustration 21
In the previous example, if the outer sphere carries a charge q0 and the inner sphere is earthed, then
(a) the charge on the inner sphere; and
(b) the potential of the outer sphere.
(a) Let q be the charge on the inner sphere.
Kq Kq 0 1
The potential of the inner sphere is given by V1   {K  }
r R 4  0
Since it is connected to earth, V1 = 0
Kq Kq 0 r
  =0  q  q 0
r R R
(b) The potential of the outer sphere is given by
K r Kq 0 Kq 0 r
V2 
q 0

R  V2 
1 5 . Pressure on a charged metal surface
Q 2


Any charge given to a conductor will spread on its outer surface to mutual repulsion of the charge.
every element on the surface of the conductor experiences an outward normal force due to remaining
charge. Consider an element dS on the surface of the conductor.
At a point just outside the surface, the electric field intensity is given by

E .....(i)
Thus E = E1 + E2 where E1 is intensity due to the charge on the surface element dS and E 2 is the
intensity due to rest of the surface of the conductor.
Now at a point B just inside the surface (the directions of E1 & E2 are shown in figure) the resultant
electric field intensity should be equal to zero.
E1 – E 2 = 0 ....(ii)
E1 = E 2 .....(iii)
from (1), (2) and (3), we have

E1 = E 2 = 2 

2 ds
The force on the element surface dF =
2 0

dF 
dP = 
dS 20
so the pressure experienced by the surface is P =
2 0

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