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Activity 2.

Directions: Look at the two images below. Relate them to a person’s journey to life.
Make a reflection by answering the questions that follow the pictures.

Picture 1 Picture 2
1. What can you say about the pictures?

The picture tells about the person is about to choose where he/she wanted to go. This

2. Have you been in this kind of situation?


3. What are the things that you considered in making choices?

Activity 2 .1B
Direction : Read and answer the questions briefly and substantially. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the understanding of freedom according to Aristotle, Thomas of

Aquinas, Jean Paul Sartre, Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau?


2. What are the good and bad consequences of an action according to these


3. Explain, “If there were no intellect, there would be no will.”


5 4 3 2-1
Ideas were Ideas may be Ideas were Ideas were
Development clearly evident but present but poorly
of Ideas organized, on the vague developed and
point and organization of lack
supported thoughts need organization
with valid to be
reasons strengthened
Well written Well written Awkward Poor writing
and fully and most writng style with little to
Elaboration elaborated points and points are no specific
points with elaborated general. details
clear and with clear and Errors are
accurate detailed also present.
information information

Activity 2.1C
Direction: Read and understand the following questions. Answer it substantially.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Explain Sartre’s belief: “Human being is free, human being is freedom.”


3. Reflective Journal: Write a short paragraph based on the following questions as a

guide and write it on a separate sheet of pad paper.
Journal 1: In your view, what consists ‘free choice’? Cite examples in the current

Journal 2: Are you a slave to something (e.g., technology)? Why or why not?
5 4 3 2-1
Ideas were Ideas may be Ideas were Ideas were
Development clearly evident but present but poorly
of Ideas organized, on the vague developed and
point and organization of lack
supported thoughts need organization
with valid to be
reasons strengthened
Well written Well written Awkward Poor writing
and fully and most writng style with little to
Elaboration elaborated points and points are no specific
points with elaborated general. details
clear and with clear and Errors are
accurate detailed also present.
information information

Activity 2.1D
Direction: Answer briefly and substantially the following.
1. Despite our genetic defects, are we free? Defend your answer.

2. To what extent does the environment affect our choices? Cite examples.

3. Explain: “To be free individual is to be responsible not only for oneself but also for

4. How can Filipino values such as utang na loob promote or hinder freedom?

5 4 3 2-1
Ideas were Ideas may be Ideas were Ideas were
Development clearly evident but present but poorly
of Ideas organized, on the vague developed and
point and organization of lack
supported thoughts need organization
with valid to be
reasons strengthened
Well written Well written Awkward Poor writing
and fully and most writng style with little to no
Elaboration elaborated points and points are specific details
points with elaborated general.
clear and with clear and Errors are
accurate detailed also present.
information information

Activity 2.1E

Directions: Analyze the situations found under the Action Column below and write
the consequences of each on the other Consequences Column. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper. A.

A student studying his or her lesson

A driver observing traffic lights

Athletes practicing in the gym

A person taking illegal drugs

A student practicing conservation of
natural resources

Answer briefly and substantially the following questions based on the topic learned.
Write your answer on a separate pad paper.
1. Why is weighing reasons important in making a choice?

2. What are the four kinds of values that are helpful in giving weights?
3. What did you personally learn from the statement of Sartre’s claim that we must
recognize the moral choices we make for all humankind and must resist the urge to
escape this responsibility for all humankind?
5 4 3 2-1
Ideas were Ideas may be Ideas were Ideas were
Development clearly evident but present but poorly
of Ideas organized, on the vague developed and
point and organization of lack
supported thoughts need organization
with valid to be
reasons strengthened
Well written Well written Awkward Poor writing
and fully and most writng style with little to
Elaboration elaborated points and points
points with elaborated are general. no specific
clear and with clear and Errors are details
accurate detailed also present.
information information

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