Twelfth Night Act 4 Summary

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(Enter Sebastian and Feste, the Fool)

The play starts near Olivia’s house where Feste runs into Sebastian and mistakes
him for Cesario. Feste then asks Sebastian to return and speak with Olivia.
Sebastian, who was confused exclaimed to Feste that he did not know him nor
Olivia. Feste accuses him with the word "strangeness". Sebastian offers Feste some
coins to leave him alone or else he will give him “worse payment “. When Feste is
about to run off with the money Sir Andrew enters followed by Sir Toby, and
Fabian. Sir Andrew punches Sebastian. Socked, Sebastian returns the punch and
asks, “are all the people mad...?!”. Feste says that he is going to report miss Olivia
about all that has happened and that she will not be happy about it. Sir Toby and
Sebastian begin to fence. Olivia rushes in and orders Sir Toby to stop and sends
him away and he takes the other two with him. She apologizes to Sebastian, and
he is surprised and cannot believe his eyes. If this is a dream, he says, he would
like to keep on sleeping! Olivia begs Sebastian to marry her and without hesitation
he accepts the proposal and off they dash to look for a priest to perform the

Scene 2
(Enter Maria and Feste, the Fool)

At Olivia’s house. Maria and Toby have locked Malvolio in a dark chamber to cure

his "madness" where Maria orders Toby to put on a gown and beard and pretend
him to be a great scholar “Sir Topaz”. While Feste is putting on the gown Maria
goes to fetch Sir Toby. Feste who is now disguised as Sir Topaz walks to the door
of Malvolio’s cell and Maria and Toby listen to their conversation. Malvolio tells
Feste that he is not insane and begs Feste to get him out of the room. Feste tells
Malvolio that the room is not actually dark but is full of windows and it is light as
day and that he is mad or possessed as he cannot see it. Malvolio denies all of
this and begs to test him whether or not he is mad by asking him questions. This
is the question and the answer What is the opinion of Pythagoras concerning wild
fowl?" Malvolio replies (correctly) that Pythagoras argued that the human soul might
just as well inhabit the body of a bird. Sir Topaz asks what Malvolio thinks of this;
Malvolio (who, we will recall, is a Puritan) says that he thinks nobly of the soul and
does not in any way approve of Pythagoras' opinion. Sir Topaz concludes by telling
him to stay in the room; he will not be let out until he believes that a human soul
could just as well inhabit the body of a bird and leaves the room while leaving
behind Malvolio who cries out as he does. Sir Toby mocks Malvolio’s cries and
says that they must find a way to get out of this prank situation to avoid irritating
Olivia any further. They both go to Sir Toby’s room. Feste returns to Malvolio’s cell.
Malvolio begs Feste to bring him a candle, pen, ink, and paper, so that he can
write a letter asking Olivia for help. Feste promises to give him the items.

Scene 3
In another room in Olivia’s palace. Sebastian is wandering around, trying to make
sense of what had just happened with him. He wishes he could find Antonio to
discuss this situation with him but for some reason Antonio was nowhere to be
found at the Inn when Sebastian went to meet him. Olivia enters with the priest
asking Sebastian (who she still thinks is Cesario) if he is still willing to marry her.
Sebastian happily agrees and both of them go off to get married.

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