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Persuasive Speech Outline

Specific purpose statement: Stem cell research should be supported and continued


I. There is so much we have left to discover in the sciences of human biology and body.

The research and experimentation of stem cells has been introduced to the scientific


II. Stem cell research should be continued even though many disagree

III. There are ways our own bodies and biology can help us improve our health and find

solutions to diseases.

IV. Stem cell research should be continued even though it is controversial in politics,

religion, and ethics; because there are lots of benefits from it such as groundbreaking

discoveries for diseases and cancer, and organ regeneration but it should be done in a

more ethical way.

First what are stem cells and why is this important?


I. There are two types of cells, embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

The embryonic cells are stem cells used from unused embryos, they result from vitro

fertilization procedure and become donations to science (Stanford, 2021).

The adult stem cells come from developed tissues such as the brain, skin, and bone

marrow (Stanford, 2021).

Since they can be used as any cell there are lots of different experiments done on the

cells proving how beneficial they are. 

A. According to the article Religious Perspectives on Embryonic Stem Cell

Research. In Fundamentals of the Stem Cell Debate it states, “Many scientists believe

that these pluripotential embryonic stem cells have the potential to improve the

knowledge and treatment of life-threatening diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s

disease, diabetes, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and heart diseases (Jafari,


1. cardiovascular diseases are responsible for about 20% of noncommunicable

diseases. These diseases are responsible for nearly one-third of deaths globally

(Ebrahimi, 2021).

2. Rising evidence demonstrated stem-cell therapy could improve heart failure

by inducing neovascularization, decreasing cardiomyocyte apoptosis, and forming

resident stem-cells (Ebrahimi, 2021).

Now there are some ways we can support to help continue stem cell research

II. Proposition 71 and 14 is a way to keep researching for new treatments and possible

A. I would like for people to become more aware on Prop 14, it is funding to

continue stem cell research.

1. It would be beneficial for people to become more educated in stem cell

research through a podcast, ted talks or even social media to look at its

benefits. Another way we can all agree on stem cell research is searching for a

more ethical way to collect the stem cells, such as human stem cell donations.

2. If we understand the process and become more educated in stem cell research,

we can see the positives of the research in the long run. With the education on

these cells there are endless discoveries for what we believed was uncurable.

The more ethical way can provide further issues with society and will have

more liberty to continue stem cell research.

3. end at 2:02

another example is Joseph Davis, he had sickle cell anemia. He was 7 years

old at the time he received umbilical cord blood, which has stem cells from

his then 5 year old brother. He was saved because his family decided to give

stem cell research a chance. (Stem, 2007).

“The numbers of teams performing Cord blood donations

HSCT in Europe increased from 41 in 1997 to 159 in 2008, hence numbers of teams
performing CB HSCT increased more than the number of teams performing
allogeneic HSCT (Gratwohl, 2010).”

As we have heard of these testimonies think of how one day this research can help you and your


III. A. There is a way to treat or bring a solution to our problems and can help

extend the life of our loved ones

1. We would be able to provide more treatments for diseases such as diabetes

infertility and different cancers

2. We won’t be able to provide solutions to disease we thought we never could

have a treatment or solution for.

Now we have seen both sides of stem cell research, supporting and continuing stem cell research

is for the best.



I. Stem cell research should be continued because there are lots of benefits from it such as

groundbreaking discoveries for diseases and cancer, and organ regeneration but it should

be done in a more ethical way

II. We want to continue this research; it will help us one day. We must get educated on what

it is and why we need it. We need to take into consideration it benefits and think about
prop 14. Look at YouTube videos explaining stem cells and prop 14 make sure it is

unbiased or you could even use gale database or the Fresno state library

Stem cell research could be saving you and your family


Ebrahimi, A., Ahmadi, H., Ghasrodashti, Z. P., Tanideh, N., Shahriarirad, R., Erfani, A., NN

Ranjbar, K., & Ashkani-Esfahani, S. (2021). Therapeutic effects of stem cells in different

NN body systems, a novel method that is yet to gain trust: A comprehensive review. Bosnian

NN Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 21(6), 672. NN


Gratwohl, H. (2010). European survey on clinical use of cord blood for hematopoietic and non-

NN hematopoietic indications. Transfusion and Apheresis Science, 42(3), 265–275. NN

Jafari, M. (2019). Religious perspectives on embryonic stem cell research. In Fundamentals of

NN the Stem Cell Debate (pp. 79–94). University of California Press. NN

Stanford University. Stanford Children's Health. (2021)). NN NN NNNN NN
Stem cell testimony. (2007). Jet, 111(17), NN


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