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Pediatric Anesthesia ISSN 1155-5645


Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children:

guidelines from the Association of the Scientific Medical
Societies in Germany
€ mpelmann1, Karin Becke2, Sebastian Brenner3, Christian Breschan4, Christoph Eich5,
Robert Su
€ hne6, Martin Jo
Claudia Ho € hr7, Franz-Josef Kretz8, Gernot Marx9, Lars Pape10, Markus Schreiber11,
Jochen Strauss & Markus Weiss13

1 Clinic for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Hanover Medical School, Hanover, Germany
2 Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Cnopf0 sche Kinderklinik/Klinik Hallerwiese, Nuremberg, Germany
3 Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, University Hospital Dresden, Dresden, Germany
4 Department of Anesthesia, Klinikum Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria
5 Department of Anaesthesia, Paediatric Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Auf der Bult Children0 s Hospital, Hanover, Germany
6 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
7 Section of Paediatric Anaesthesia, Department of Anaesthesia, Kantonsspital, Luzern, Switzerland
8 Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Klinikum Stuttgart, Olgahospital, Stuttgart, Germany
9 Department of Intensive and Intermediate Care Medicine, University Hospital of RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
10 Department of Pediatric Kidney, Liver and Metabolic Diseases, Hanover Medical School, Hanover, Germany
11 Department of Anesthesiology, Ulm University Medical Center, Ulm, Germany
12 Clinic for Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine and Pain Therapy, HELIOS Klinikum Berlin Buch, Berlin, Germany
13 Department of Anesthesia, University Children’s Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Keywords Summary
fluids, salt solutions; fluids, colloids; salt
solutions; fluids, child; age, infant; age, This consensus- based S1 Guideline for perioperative infusion therapy in chil-
neonate; age dren is focused on safety and efficacy. The objective is to maintain or re-
establish the child’s normal physiological state (normovolemia, normal tissue
Correspondence perfusion, normal metabolic function, normal acid- base- electrolyte status).
€mpelmann, Clinic for
Prof. Dr. Robert Su
Therefore, the perioperative fasting times should be as short as possible to
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
prevent patient discomfort, dehydration, and ketoacidosis. A physiologically
Medicine, Hanover Medical School, Carl-
Neuberg-Strasse 1, D-30625 Hanover, composed balanced isotonic electrolyte solution (BS) with 1–2.5% glucose is
Germany recommended for the intraoperative background infusion to maintain normal
Email: suempelmann.robert@mh-hannover. glucose concentrations and to avoid hyponatremia, hyperchloremia, and lipo-
de lysis. Additional BS without glucose can be used in patients with circulatory
instability until the desired effect is achieved. The additional use of colloids
Section Editor: Francis Veyckemans
(albumin, gelatin, hydroxyethyl starch) is recommended to recover normovo-
lemia and to avoid fluid overload when crystalloids alone are not sufficient
Accepted 14 August 2016
and blood products are not indicated. Monitoring should be extended in
doi:10.1111/pan.13007 cases with major surgery, and autotransfusion maneuvers should be per-
formed to assess fluid responsiveness.

Rationale for the selection of the subject matter of fluid therapy in neonates, infants, and toddlers (1),
the guideline which have now been updated and revised in line with
the rules set forth by the Association of the Scientific
Pediatric anesthesia almost always includes periopera- Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF).
tive intravenous fluid therapy. Errors may result in com-
plications and negative outcomes. Therefore, in 2006,
Guideline objective
the Scientific Working Group for Paediatric Anaesthesia
(WAKKA) of the German Society for Anaesthesiology The purpose of the S1 Guideline is to contribute to ensur-
and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI) published guide- ing simple, effective, and safe perioperative intravenous
line recommendations for perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children. The existing recommendations

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Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 10–18
€mpelmann et al.
Su Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children

from 2006 were reviewed and updated, taking into controlled. Usually, an intraoperative background infu-
account recent developments. The formal outline as well sion is given to meet perioperative maintenance require-
as content of the S1 Guideline were structured such that ments. If required, fluid therapy with crystalloids to
it provides users with recommendations that are as clear maintain normal ECFV and volume therapy with col-
and simple as possible and furthermore acceptable from loids to maintain normal BV can be given in addition.
the children’s perspective. The implementation of the S1 To maintain normal metabolic function, the back-
Guideline was intended to result in more favorable peri- ground infusion may also contain glucose.
operative outcomes in children and a reduced risk of
infusion-related complications. This S1 Guideline should
Consensus-based fundamental statement
be updated again at a later point in time, and reviewed as
to whether a S2 or S3 Guideline should be compiled. The objective of intraoperative infusion therapy is to
maintain or re-establish the child’s normal physiological
state (normovolemia, normal tissue perfusion, normal
Members of the panel compiling the guideline
metabolic function, normal electrolytes, and acid–base
The panel comprised 12 members with a background in status).
pediatric anesthesiology and pediatrics as well as clinical
and scientific expertise in the subject matter of the
What has changed since the German guideline
planned S1 Guideline and the methodology of guidelines
recommendation from 2006?
and evidence-based medicine.
Balanced isotonic electrolyte solutions with 1% glucose
were approved for general sale in 2009 in Germany and
How a consensus was reached
need no longer be mixed on-site. A decentralized Euro-
A representative panel of experts compiled a guideline in pean authorization procedure was finalized in 2016 and
informal consensus development; the guideline was sub- a similar solution will be available in many European
sequently reviewed and approved by the DGAI’s Execu- countries in near future. Balanced isotonic electrolyte
tive Committee. solutions, which mimic the composition of ECF more
closely, have replaced Ringer’s lactate and normal saline
solutions in most cases (Table 1). Clinical studies in crit-
Handling of conflicts of interest
ically ill adult patients have resulted in a great deal of
Possible conflicts of interest were declared in writing, uncertainty regarding perioperative use of artificial col-
using a form sheet detailing tangible and intangible loids in children. There is more and more evidence sug-
interests. A complete list of updated conflicts of interest gesting that liberal transfusion of blood products may
statements from all participants is provided in the guide-
line report (
Table 1 Composition of extracellular fluid (ECF) and various elec-
032.html). The guideline was compiled without any exter- trolyte solutions for perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children
nal funding. There were no major disagreements in the (in mmolL1)
consensus process or the review by the DGAI.
ECF NaCla Ringer RLb BS-G1c

Na+ 142 154 147 130 140
As compared to adults, small children have a larger K+ 4.5 – 4 5 4
extracellular fluid volume (ECFV), larger blood volume Ca2+ 2.5 – 2.3 1 2
Mg2+ 1.25 – – 1 2
(BV), higher metabolic rate, and higher fluid turnover
rate relative to their body weight. The objective of intra-
Cl 103 154 156 112 118
operative infusion therapy is to maintain the normal HCO3 24 – – – –
physiological state in children (normal ECFV, normal Acetate – – – – 30
BV, normal tissue perfusion, normal metabolic function, Lactate 1.5 – – 27 –
normal electrolytes, and acid–base status). Instances Glucose 2.78–5 – – – 55.5
where a loss of volume was underestimated are the most Theoretical osmolarityd 291 308 309 276 296
common cause of perioperative cardiac arrests in chil- a
Normal saline.
dren (2). Larger volume turnovers should therefore be b
Ringer’s lactate.
carefully anticipated and be managed by planning ahead c
Balanced electrolyte solution with 1% glucose.
so that the child’s condition remains stable and d
Σ (cations+anions).

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 11

Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 10–18
Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children €mpelmann et al.

increase morbidity in children (3,4). Use of blood pro- short, perioperative intravenous fluid therapy should
ducts should therefore be reduced by preoperative opti- not necessarily be performed in children beyond neona-
mization, use of blood conservation techniques during tal age who drink sufficient volumes and undergo short
surgery and a restrictive approach to transfusion. procedures (<1 h) with a venous access in place.

What is the role of preoperative fasting times? Which solution for infusion should be used for the
intraoperative background infusion in children?
Various studies (5–7) have shown that the currently re-
commended fasting rules for children (6 h for solid The purpose of the background infusion is to meet nor-
foods, 4–6 h for infant formula, 4 h for breast milk, 2 h mal fluid and glucose requirements over the course of
for clear fluids (8,9)) are significantly exceeded in many the perioperative fasting time during which the children
cases. In particular in small children, this may result in are not allowed to drink. A ‘European consensus state-
patient discomfort, lack of cooperation, dehydration, ment for intraoperative fluid therapy in children’ from
and a drop in blood pressure when anesthesia is 2011 stated that solutions for the intraoperative back-
induced. If relevant glucose deficiency develops, break- ground infusion in children should have an osmolarity
down of lipids and production of ketone bodies and sodium concentration as close to the physiologic
increases, resulting in a decrease in bicarbonate concen- range as possible, should contain 1–2.5% glucose and
tration and base excess (BE; ketoacidosis) (10–12). A should also include metabolic anions (e.g., acetate, lac-
Cochrane meta-analysis found that children fasting for tate, or malate) (15).
more than 6 h did not benefit in terms of gastric fluid As compared to the previously used hypotonic solu-
volume or pH level, whereas the well-being of children tions for infusion with 5% glucose (16), use of isotonic
who were allowed to drink clear fluids up to 2 h before solutions for infusion results in a lower risk of hypona-
induction of anesthesia was significantly better (13). The tremia with possible encephalopathy, cerebral edema,
volume of the clear fluid ingested did not affect gastric and respiratory insufficiency (17–26), and the lower glu-
fluid volume or pH level. Another clinical study showed cose concentration of 1–2.5% results in a lower risk of
that postoperative well-being was also improved if the intraoperative hyperglycemia (27–32). In particular, in
children were allowed to eat and drink ad libitum, the perioperative setting, children are at risk of hypona-
whereas there was no difference in the incidence of post- tremia and cerebral edema, as they have a smaller
operative nausea and vomiting as compared to a fasting intracranial volume, and the increasing levels of the
group (14). antidiuretic hormone (ADH) when the body is subject
It is generally not beneficial to cause iatrogenic to stress inhibit the excretion of free water (21,23). Neo-
dehydration, ketoacidosis, or reduced well-being by nates also have a higher risk of hyponatremia if hypo-
excessively long-fasting times, only for those iatrogenic tonic solutions for infusion are used intraoperatively
conditions then to be resolved by differentiated periop- (33). As compared to normal saline, hyperchloremic aci-
erative intravenous fluid therapy. From the children’s dosis occur more rarely if solutions for infusion with a
perspective, it is also more beneficial to keep preopera- lower chloride concentration and acetate as bicarbonate
tive and postoperative fasting times as short as possible precursor are used (34,35). Two observational studies
in compliance with current guidelines, and to actively demonstrated that intraoperative infusion of a balanced
encourage the children to drink clear fluids up to 2 h isotonic electrolyte solution with 1% glucose with an
before induction of anesthesia. In many children beyond average infusion rate of 10 mlkg1h1 in neonates and
neonatal age who undergo very short procedures and preschool children aged up to 4 years resulted in stable
drink sufficient volumes, this might even render periop- circulatory conditions, sodium and glucose levels, and
erative intravenous fluid therapy unnecessary. In various acid–base status (36,37). An average intraoperative
pediatric departments and clinical studies, the clear fluid background infusion rate of 10 mlkg1h1 is higher
used is (diluted) apple juice (10,11), which is usually than the maintenance rate calculated as per the 4-2-1
liked well by children and contains more carbohydrates rule, which is justified given that fasting-related preoper-
and electrolytes than water or tea. Fizzy drinks are gen- ative and postoperative fluid deficits should be taken
erally not that great a choice as they contain too much into account from a pragmatic point of view. A clinical
sugar and no electrolytes. study on children with tonsillectomy found that nausea
Consensus-based recommendations: Perioperative fast- and vomiting occurred more rarely when
ing times for children should be as short as possible to 30 mlkg1h1 instead of 10 mlkg1h1 of fluid was
prevent patient discomfort, dehydration, and ketoacido- administered intraoperatively (38). In case of longer
sis. If preoperative and postoperative fasting times are surgeries and in particular in children with relevant fluid

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Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 10–18
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Su Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children

deficit or excess, however, the background infusion rate

Which solutions for infusion should be used for
should be adjusted to the actual requirement if possible.
perioperative fluid therapy in children?
Perioperative glucose requirements may also vary
strongly. In case of children at risk (e.g., neonates and The purpose of perioperative fluid therapy is to replace
premature infants, children with metabolic disorders) additional fluid deficits in order to maintain normal
and longer procedures, blood glucose levels should ECFV. Small children have a larger ECFV than adults
therefore be measured regularly and glucose administra- (e.g., premature infants 60%, neonates 40%, infants
tion be adjusted to ensure normoglycemia. If blood glu- 30%, adults 20% of body weight), but the composition
cose concentrations intraoperatively increase within the of the ECF is similar across all age groups. Therefore,
normal range or remain stable at the upper end of the the same solutions for infusion as for adults can be used
normal range, this can be regarded as a sign that suffi- for intraoperative fluid therapy in children. As com-
cient substrate is available. Perioperative glucose defi- pared to ECF, conventional Ringer’s lactate solution is
ciency in most cases results in a catabolic reaction with somewhat hypotonic (276 instead of 308 mOsmolL1),
glucose concentrations at the lower end of the normal while isotonic sodium chloride solution contains too
range, release of ketone bodies, and/or free fatty acids, much chloride (154 instead of 95–106 mmolL1,
as well as decrease in BE (ketoacidosis) (10,29,31). Table 1). Therefore, infusion of large volumes may
In children who are admitted to the operating theater reduce osmolarity or result in hyperchloremic acidosis.
in a catabolic state (e.g., after long-fasting times) or who In case of infusion of small volumes, these changes are,
have high metabolic rates or low glycogen reserves for however, usually compensated by the children. Balanced
developmental reasons or due to disease (e.g., premature isotonic electrolyte solutions mimic the composition of
infants, small neonates, parenteral nutrition, liver dis- ECF more closely. In a direct comparison, they are
ease), a glucose concentration of 1% in the background therefore closer to the physiological range of children,
infusion may be too low (39). In these cases, the infusion too, and also have fewer undesirable effects on osmolar-
rate or glucose concentration of the background infu- ity and acid–base electrolytes balance (Table 1). In case
sion should be increased (6 ml glucose 40% in 250 ml of preexisting imbalances, balanced isotonic electrolyte
solution for infusion increase glucose concentration by solutions shift the status more toward the normal range.
1%), or a glucose solution with a higher concentration These properties provide additional safety in case of
should be additionally given using an infusion or syringe infusion of large volumes (32,41–43). In compliance with
pump or, in case of hypoglycemia, as a bolus (e.g., the German S3 Guideline on Volume Therapy (44), bal-
200 mgkg1). Special care must be taken when adminis- anced isotonic electrolyte solutions can therefore also be
tering electrolyte-free glucose solutions with a higher recommended for perioperative fluid therapy in chil-
concentration; never may they flow freely as accidental dren. By way of exception, isotonic saline can be used
over-infusions may result in deleterious incidents (e.g., for chloride replacement in children experiencing vomit-
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic coma (40)). Many pedi- ing and severe hypochloremic alkalosis (e.g., pyloric
atric anesthetists use a balanced isotonic electrolyte stenosis, gastroenteritis).
solution with 1–2.5% glucose for the background infu- A perioperative fluid deficit may be caused by insuffi-
sion in children up to school age. However, for shorter cient supply (e.g., long-fasting time: deficit equivalent to
surgeries (<1 h) without relevant tissue trauma (e.g., fasting time multiplied by maintenance requirement as per
inguinal herniotomy, circumcision), a background infu- 4-2-1 rule) or increased losses (e.g., gastroenteritis, ileus,
sion containing glucose is not necessarily required in bleeding). A fluid deficit that developed slowly can best be
children beyond neonatal age with short preoperative deduced from the disease-induced weight loss (weight
fasting times if the children are allowed to drink and eat loss = fluid loss). If no precise weight from before the
again soon after the surgery (1,41). onset of the disease is known, an estimate for the degree
Consensus-based recommendations: A balanced iso- of dehydration can also be based on clinical criteria (1%
tonic electrolyte solution with 1–2.5% glucose should be dehydration equivalent to 10 mlkg1 fluid loss).
used for the background infusion. The background infu- In patients with circulatory instability, the highest pri-
sion may be initiated with an initial infusion rate of ority is to quickly restore the circulating BV. For that
10 mlkg1h1 and be adjusted to the actual require- purpose, balanced electrolyte solutions can be given as
ment during the further course (target: normal ECFV). repeat-dose infusions of 10–20 mlkg1 until the desired
In case of children at risk and longer surgeries, blood effect is achieved (maximum volume, e.g., three times
sugar levels should be measured regularly and glucose 10–20 mlkg1 to avoid interstitial fluid overload).
administration should be adjusted (target: normo- Whenever possible, preoperative deficits should be
glycemia and stable acid–base status). replaced before anesthesia is induced.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 13

Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 10–18
Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children €mpelmann et al.

Consensus-based recommendations: A balanced iso- compliance with the German S3 Guideline on Volume
tonic electrolyte solution should be used for fluid ther- Therapy (44) and the EMA recommendation (57), artifi-
apy (target normal ECFV). Preoperative deficits should cial colloids therefore can continue to be used for intra-
whenever possible already be replaced before anesthesia operative volume therapy in children with healthy
is induced. In patients with circulatory instability, kidneys where treatment with crystalloids alone is not
balanced isotonic electrolyte solutions without added sufficiently effective. A colloid overdose may cause
glucose can be given as repeat-dose infusions of intravascular hypervolemia with a disturbance of the
10–20 mlkg1 until the desired effect is achieved. vascular endothelial barrier function and dilutional
coagulopathy, and also has to be avoided (59,60).
Consensus-based statements: Colloids (albumin, gela-
Which solutions for infusion should be used for
tin [GEL], HES) are associated with more adverse drug
perioperative volume therapy in children?
reactions than balanced electrolyte solutions. In children
The purpose of perioperative volume therapy is to with hypovolemia, colloids can be used intraoperatively
quickly normalize BV, e.g., in case of circulatory insta- where crystalloids alone are not sufficiently effective and
bility or loss of blood. A normal BV is the most impor- blood products are not indicated. In order to avoid
tant prerequisite for adequate venous return, which in hypervolemia, a restrictive approach to giving colloids
turn is an important prerequisite for adequate cardiac as infusions should be adopted (target normal BV).
output and sufficient tissue perfusion. A decrease in BV
initially shifts interstitial fluid toward the intravascular For use in healthy children, there seem to be no signifi-
space, stabilizing BV and reducing interstitial fluid cant differences as regards clinical benefit–risk ratio
volume (45). Therefore, the first step to stabilize the cir- between the currently available artificial and natural col-
culatory system should be liberal infusion of balanced loids; at least, no clinical studies in children demonstra-
isotonic electrolyte solutions to maintain normal ECFV ting a preference with certainty are available to date. Use
and BV. In case of a large turnover of volume, however, of colloids in children also varies greatly from region to
monotherapy with crystalloids necessarily results in an region (49), which can be seen as a further sign suggesting
interstitial fluid overload with hemodilution, which may no great differences in clinical efficacy. As compared to
decrease oxygen supply and delay postoperative recov- natural colloids (albumin or plasma protein solution),
ery (46–48). In order to avoid this situation, colloids are artificial colloids (HES and GEL) are much more cost-
often used during major surgeries as the second step to efficient and readily available without restrictions. Fur-
stabilize the BV more effectively and prevent interstitial thermore, they are not subject to batch documentation
fluid overload, in particular when restrictive use of blood requirements. Assuming similar efficacy, the lower costs,
products is desired (49,50). While artificial colloids are, better availability, and less stringent documentation
as compared to balanced isotonic electrolyte solutions, requirements are arguments in favor of using artificial
more effective with view to volume, they are also associ- colloids. As compared to HES, GEL triggers allergic
ated with an increased risk of adverse reactions (e.g., reactions more frequently in adults (61,62). At present, it
allergy, impairment of hemostasis, and renal function). is, however, unclear whether this is also the case with
Various clinical studies have shown that renal failure children as no large studies investigating use of GEL in
in adult intensive care patients with sepsis occurred more children beyond neonatal age are available yet. However,
frequently after infusion of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) a large multicentre study investigating use of GEL or fro-
(51–53). However, meta-analyses of studies on adult sur- zen plasma in neonates was conducted; this study showed
gical patients with HES found no adverse effects on no difference in morbidity and mortality as compared to
renal function (54,55). An observational study on a control group (63,64). GEL and HES may affect blood
1130 surgical pediatric patients with HES also reported coagulation, depending on the dose. With moderate doses
no cases of HES-induced renal failure (56). According to (total dose 10–20 mlkg1), adverse effects are likely to be
a recommendation by the European Medicines Agency rather mild, and no bleeding diathesis is to be expected
(EMA), HES can continue to be used to correct hypo- (56,65–69). When it comes to HES, third-generation
volemia where treatment with crystalloids alone is not products with a molecular weight of 130 000 Da
considered to be sufficiently effective (57). On the other (HES 130), which are associated with fewer adverse reac-
hand, according to the German Medical Association’s tions, should also be the preferred choice in children (70).
current guidelines for therapy with blood components In three clinical studies investigating use of HES 130 in
and plasma derivatives, alternative use of blood pro- pediatric patients requiring cardiac surgery, no increase
ducts only for volume therapy (e.g., not to correct ane- in blood loss or renal failure was observed even after high
mia or a coagulation problem) is not permissible (58). In HES doses (total dose > 20 mlkg1) (71–73). In an

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Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 10–18
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Su Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children

observational study investigating use of HES 130 in 1130 clinical examinations (e.g., capillary refill time [sternum,
children, adverse events were found more rarely in cases forehead], skin turgor, fontanels). Intraoperative basic
where a moderate total dose (10–20 mlkg1) was given monitoring (pulse oximetry, capnography, blood pres-
than in cases where a high total dose (>20 mlkg1) was sure, ECG, body temperature) is sufficient for minor
given. No serious adverse drug reactions were observed procedures in children in normal hydration state. If
(56). In compliance with the German S3 Guideline on there is any doubt, (peripheral venous or capillary)
Volume Therapy (44), it is recommended to also use col- blood gas analyses (BGAs) may be performed to assess
loids in balanced solutions for children, as the acid–base the acid–base status (BE, lactate) and blood glucose
status is affected less by them (74). levels. Unfortunately, in children, cardiac output,
Consensus-based recommendations: In patients with ECFV, and BV cannot be measured directly using sim-
hypovolemia or circulatory instability, colloids (albu- ple means, and a blood pressure within (or near the
min, GEL, HES 130) can be given as repeat-dose infu- lower end of) the normal range does not guarantee suffi-
sions of 5–10 mlkg1 until the desired effect is cient cardiac output (75). In case of major procedures
achieved. GEL or HES 130 should be used in balanced with larger volume turnovers, it is therefore recom-
solutions. If HES is used, third-generation products mended to extend the monitoring (e.g., arterial and cen-
(HES 130), which are associated with fewer adverse tral venous catheters, serial BGAs) so that is easier to
reactions, should be the preferred choice. If possible, a assess the efficacy of the intraoperative infusion therapy.
moderate total dose (10–20 mlkg1) of HES 130 should In order to assess the fluid responsiveness, the position-
be given, and it should be used for an as short period of ing maneuver facilitating autotransfusion (Trendelen-
time as possible. The daily maximum dose (50 mlkg1) burg position, passive leg raising) proposed in the
should never be exceeded. German S3 Guideline on Volume Therapy (44) is unfor-
tunately not suitable for small children as the differences
in height produced by repositioning the body are insuffi-
How should perioperative intravenous fluid
cient. For a rough guide, fluid responsiveness may in
therapy in children be monitored?
these cases be evaluated by applying calculated external
The hydration state can be assessed rather well by pressure to the liver, causing BV to shift from the
enquiring about the actual fasting time and simple intraabdominal to the intrathoracic space. If there is
fluid responsiveness, the invasively measured blood pres-
Table 2 Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children (rule of 10s) sure and/or the endtidal CO2 in the capnography will
Solution for infusion Initial/repeated dose
increase (increase in pulmonary blood flow at constant
ventilation leads to a short-term increase in endtidal
Background infusion BS-Ga 10 mlkg1h1 CO2 (76,77)). Further parameters that can be used to
Fluid therapy BSb 910–20 mlkg1 assess fluid responsiveness are blood pressure curve vari-
Volume therapy Albumin, gelatin, HESc 95–10 mlkg1
ations over the breathing cycle (systolic blood pressure
Transfusion RBCd, FFPe, PTf 910 mlkg1
variation, pulse pressure variation), the perfusion index,
Balanced isotonic electrolyte solution with 1–2% glucose. or pleth variability index calculated based on pulse
Balanced isotonic electrolyte solution. oximetry and an echocardiographic measurement of
Hydroxyethyl starch. stroke volume or blood flow velocity (78–80). Due to
Red blood cells.
e catheter-related risks, pulmonary arterial or transpul-
Fresh frozen plasma.
monary thermodilution catheters are not routinely used

Table 3 Proposal for perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children

Preoperative Keep fasting times short (clear fluids up to 2 h preoperatively)

Minor procedures Background infusion 10 mlkg1h1 BS-Ga
Intermediate procedures Adjust background infusion to actual requirements during the course of the procedure
Plus: BSb if additional fluid is required
Plus: colloidsc if additional BS is not sufficiently effective
Major procedures Same as intermediate procedures,
Plus: blood products in case of critical hemodilution
Postoperative Allow children to eat and drink soon after the procedure
Balanced isotonic electrolyte solution with 1–2% glucose.
Balanced isotonic electrolyte solution.
For example, albumin, gelatin, and hydroxyethyl starch.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 15

Pediatric Anesthesia 27 (2017) 10–18
Perioperative intravenous fluid therapy in children €mpelmann et al.

in small infants. Pulse contour analysis has not been val- also possible for short procedures. For premature
idated in small children. Central venous pressure also infants and neonates, it is generally recommended to
does not correlate with circulating BV or fluid respon- intraoperatively replace at least the deficit caused by
siveness (79,81). In case of major surgeries, regular the preoperative fasting and the maintenance require-
BGAs should be performed at the start (baseline level) ment with a balanced isotonic electrolyte solution with
and then in e.g., hourly intervals; central venous oxygen 1–2.5% added glucose. Additional solutions for infu-
saturation (ScvO2) over time can be used as fast and BE sion for fluid and volume therapy can in neonates and
and lactate concentration as slow indirect parameters infants be given using perfusor syringes (20 ml or
for tissue perfusion. When analyzing the BGAs, it is par- 50 ml) and, in case of older children, also as free-flow-
ticularly important to note changes over time so that, in ing infusion. In order to avoid accidental over-infu-
case of a negative trend, countermeasures can be taken sions, the superfluous amount can be removed from the
before pathological levels are reached. Urinary excretion infusion container and be discarded. For pressure infu-
usually decreases intraoperatively due to, for instance, sions, compressible infusion containers (e.g., bags)
stress-related increase in ADH levels and/or a decrease should always be used to prevent air embolisms. For
in renal perfusion (e.g., in case of procedures with pneu- the initial dose, the ‘rule of 10s’, which is easy to imple-
moperitoneum and increased intraabdominal pressure) ment, is a tried-and-true approach (Table 2). Over
and is therefore not a valid parameter on which to base time, infusion therapy should then be based on the chil-
intraoperative infusion therapy (82). In general, individ- dren’s actual requirements, determined by monitoring
ual parameters on which the infusion therapy is based that is adjusted as required (Table 3). The children
should not be assessed in isolation, but rather under should be allowed to drink and eat again soon after the
consideration of the overall clinical constellation and surgery unless there are any other reasons against it (8).
the other monitoring parameters. Consensus-based recommendations: In neonates and
Consensus-based recommendations: The hydration infants, a syringe pump or infusion pump should be
state should be evaluated by way of a clinical examination used for perioperative intravenous fluid therapy. In tod-
of the children (e.g., central capillary refill time, skin tur- dlers, gravity infusions with 250 ml containers are also
gor, fontanels). In order to assess fluid responsiveness, an possible. For pressure infusions, compressible infusion
autotransfusion maneuver (e.g., pressure on liver, passive containers (e.g., bags) should always be used.
leg raising) should be performed. In case of surgeries with
larger volume turnovers, monitoring should be extended
Ethics approval
(e.g., arterial and central venous catheters). In case of
major surgeries, regular BGAs should be performed, and No ethics approval required.
in case of negative trends (ScvO2↓, BE↓, lactate↑), coun-
termeasures should be taken early.
The study received no external funding.
Recommendations for clinical practice
In neonates and infants, a syringe pump or infusion
Conflict of interest
pump should be used for perioperative intravenous
fluid therapy in order to avoid accidental over-infu- A complete list of updated conflicts of interest statements
sions. The pumps should have a pressure limit. For from all participants is provided in the guideline report
toddlers, gravity infusions with 250 ml containers are (

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