Educ 1 Activity 1

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Activity 1: The Child and Adolescent Learners

Educ 1 Sunday Class

Complete Name: Peter Monsanto Campilan

Contact #: 09064547790

1. List down the rights of the Children and Young Persons. Identify at least two rights
that are often violated. Give reasons to what extent the school has participated in
child advocacy.

Rights of the Child. – All children shall be entitled to the rights herein set forth without
distinction as to legitimacy or illegitimacy, sex, social status, religion, political antecedents, and
other factors.

(1) Every child is endowed with the dignity and worth of a human being from the moment of his
conception, as generally accepted in medical parlance, and has, therefore, the right to be born

(2) Every child has the right to a wholesome family life that will provide him with love, care and
understanding, guidance and counselling, and moral and material security.
The dependent or abandoned child shall be provided with the nearest substitute for a home.

(3) Every child has the right to a well-rounded development of his personality to the end that he
may become a happy, useful and active member of society.
The gifted child shall be given opportunity and encouragement to develop his special talents.
The emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted child shall be treated with sympathy and
understanding, and shall be entitled to treatment and competent care.
The physically or mentally handicapped child shall be given the treatment, education and care
required by his particular condition.

(4) Every child has the right to a balanced diet, adequate clothing, sufficient shelter, proper
medical attention, and all the basic physical requirements of a healthy and vigorous life.

(5) Every child has the right to be brought up in an atmosphere of morality and rectitude for the
enrichment and the strengthening of his character.

(6) Every child has the right to an education commensurate with his abilities and to the
development of his skills for the improvement of his capacity for service to himself and to his
(7) Every child has the right to full opportunities for safe and wholesome recreation and
activities, individual as well as social, for the wholesome use of his leisure hours.

(8) Every child has the right to protection against exploitation, improper influences, hazards,
and other conditions or circumstances prejudicial to his physical, mental, emotional, social and
moral development.
(9) Every child has the right to live in a community and a society that can offer him an
environment free from pernicious influences and conducive to the promotion of his health and
the cultivation of his desirable traits and attributes.

(10) Every child has the right to the care, assistance, and protection of the State, particularly
when his parents or guardians fail or are unable to provide him with his fundamental needs for
growth, development, and improvement.

(11) Every child has the right to an efficient and honest government that will deepen his faith in
democracy and inspire him with the morality of the constituted authorities both in their public
and private lives.

(12) Every child has the right to grow up as a free individual, in an atmosphere of peace,
understanding, tolerance, and universal brotherhood, and with the determination to contribute
his share in the building of a better world.

The following rights are often violated in our country:

Right 4- Every child has the right to a balanced diet, adequate clothing, sufficient shelter,
proper medical attention, and all the basic physical requirements of a healthy and vigorous life.

Poverty is a major issue here in our country, there are children being part of a Filipino families
that fall below average income suffer hunger and inability to meet the demand for basic needs
(food, shelter and clothing). This thing clearly shows that this right is being violated.

Right 6- Every child has the right to an education commensurate with his abilities and to the
development of his skills for the improvement of his capacity for service to himself and to his

Another effect of poverty to the rights of the children is the inability to access quality
education. There are children that engage in early labour in order to help their family for the
food that they will be sharing on their table. For those children, being in school is a waste of
time because they need to earn to feed their family.

Give reasons to what extent the school has participated in child advocacy.
School is cool. A good way of teaching and an easy access to various students’ needs are
qualities of a cool school. Meeting the needs of the students is just a tip of the iceberg in
making a successful student. Teachers and the capacity of the school play a vital role in shaping
the future of the students. As a facilitator and mentor to students, the school together with the
teachers should give young people the opportunity to speak out and communicate with
decision-makers and communities, and encourage them to be active participants in decisions
affecting that affect their own lives. In this case, we can assure the positive outcomes of child

2. Submit an article about the present situation of Filipino children and adolescents. How
can education help to solve the problem?

The Philippines is an ethnically diverse, middle-income country with a young and rapidly
urbanizing population. More than half of the population of 101 million is under the age of 25
years. The 2017 National Situation Analysis of Children in the Philippines identifies a range of
gaps in the fulfilment of children’s rights. Despite progress in many areas, many children in the
Philippines are deprived of basic rights. Filipino children are still facing multiple and deep-
rooted deprivations and vulnerabilities that impede their survival, development, protection and
participation. (Coram International, October 2018)

The Filipinos are mostly middle-income earner and some fall under below poverty line. In this
case, access to education is mostly disregarded by some Filipino families because of monetary
matters that results to early child labour in order for them to help their family. Even though our
government offered free education from kinder to college, but still requirements and activities
that involves money hunt down some students that experience poverty. Then, how can
education help this problem if the money for education is a problem at the first place? In this
case, the efforts of the teachers come in, for the student to learn continuously, eliminate first
the mind-set that education involves money. Instead, educate the students that education gives
job and knowledge to the world that will eventually results to compensation of job efforts,
which is money. By doing this effort and encouragement to students, a teacher being the
facilitator of education can change life and can make the students shape their future.
3. Describe brain development during childhood and adolescence.

Brain development during childhood

Children’s brains develop rapidly from age’s birth through three. Brain development
affects all areas of a child’s growth. There are four main areas of development: motor
(physical), language and communication, social and emotional, and cognitive. Brain
development is part of cognitive development. Cognitive development describes how a child’s
intellect grows, and includes thinking, learning and problem-solving skills. These skills affect all
other areas of development. The first three years of a child’s life are critical for learning and
development. Many parents ask how they can help their child’s brain develop. The best way is
to actively engage your child through everyday activities like playing, reading and being there
when he or she feels stress. (

Brain development during adolescence

Adolescence is the phase of life between late childhood and adulthood. It is a time not
only of physical maturation, but also of mental and emotional development into an
independent, responsible adult. The major developmental tasks of adolescence include the
establishment and nurturing of intimate relationships and the development of identity, future
perspectives, independence, self-confidence, self-control, and social skills. (Nature reviews.
Neuroscience. 2012)

4. What is exceptional development? Differentiate it in terms of physical, sensory

disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.

Exceptional development depicts various kinds of problems with respect to behaviours, not
able to communicate with the other individuals in a normal manner due to problems such as,
autism, hearing impairment, language impairment, speech impairment and learning disability.
Learning disability is a disorder, which is because of the problems such as vision impairment,
hearing impairment, cultural and language differences, emotional disturbances, brain injury,
brain dysfunction, dyslexia, developmental aphasia, and perceptual handicap. (Categories of
Exceptionalities and Definitions, 2001)

Physical – Physical disabilities are the disabilities that require the utilization of particular
devices in order to learn and understand in an operative manner. It is a condition of serious
physical limitation and deficiency that requires special assistance within the learning situations.
The special assistance services and the devices are utilized in order to make provision of the
opportunities for educational attainment that is equivalent to the individuals without any kinds
of exceptionalities who are of the same age or developmental level. Visual impairment is
considered to be an imperative area that is under the category of physical exceptional
development. It is a condition of partial or total impairment of sight or vision that affects the
educational performance of an individual in an opposing manner. Hearing impairment is
another area; in this case, normally the hearing aids are put into the years of an individual in
order to facilitate listening. (Categories of Exceptionalities and Definitions, 2001)

Sensory or Intellectual – The intellectual abilities amongst the individuals develops into
unusually advanced levels of intellectual abilities that require differentiated learning
experiences in the depth and breadth. These individuals possess the intellectual abilities that
are beyond the school curriculum. They possess the general knowledge that is actually beyond
the regular capacity of children from their age. Mild intellectual disability is a learning disorder
that is characterized by possession of the ability to gain academically within a regular classroom
with the help of considerable curriculum modification and supportive service. Another point is
the inability to gain because of slow intellectual development and possession of a potential for
academic learning, autonomous social adjustment and economic self-support. Another area is
developmental disability, individuals experience intellectual disabilities because of slow
intellectual development; there is establishment of special education programs, so that
students are able to benefit from them and this problem makes provision of less room for
academic learning, autonomous social adjustment and economic self-support. (Categories of
Exceptionalities and Definitions, 2001)

Behaviour (attention deficit hyperactivity disorders) – Behaviour has multiple meanings; it is

referred to the actions, performances, conduct, manners, activities and comportment of the
individuals. The problems that are associated with one’s behaviour are considered to be the
learning disorders that develop over a period of time. These behaviour problems prove to be
adverse and negatively affect any kinds of tasks and activities that a person is involved in. The
educational performance of an individual gets affected, i.e. he is not able to score well in class
tests and assessments; he suffers from the inability to maintain interpersonal relationships; a
person experiences excessive fears and anxieties, he sometimes feels troubled in even going
outside his house; and he experiences inabilities to learn and understand various things, such as
any kinds of skills or proficiencies. (Categories of Exceptionalities and Definitions, 2001)

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