Human Development: Let's Check

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Week 1-3

Let’s Check
1. What is the importance of studying human development?
- The importance of human development is to advantage a know-how of your
personal existence experience, assist others recognize what they may be going
through, recognize the connection of society and person growth, lead extra
effectively, and help the bodily and intellectual fitness of others. As kids undergo
their exclusive ranges of life, they method studying in unique ways. When an
educator has a difficult expertise of human development, they could use that know-
how to make tests approximately the behaviors of youngsters with inside the

2. What is the difference of cephalocaudal and proximodistal development?

- The difference of cephalocaudal and proximodistal development is that,
Cephalocaudal development refers to growth and development that occurs from the
head down. Proximodistal development occurs from the center or core of the body
in an outward direction.

In a Nutshell
You have learned in this lesson the definition of human development and its three domains
namely; cognitive, psychosocial, and physical. Most importantly principles of human
development were also discussed where growth of an individual must not be compared to
another for development rates vary and development patterns show wide individual
differences. Now, your turn. Share your reflections and realizations after the discussion about
the principles and the domains of human development.
- As I read and understand the lesson, my reflection and realization is that Human
improvement is a lifelong technique of physical, behavioral, cognitive, and
emotional boom and change. This method begins off evolved with inside the early
tiers of existence from babyhood to adolescence, early life to early life to adulthood,
wherein big modifications take place. Through this method everybody develops
unique attitudes and values that courses choices, relationships, and understanding.
Another critical developmental level is sexuality, that is a lifelong procedure. Infants,
children, teens, and adults are sexual being. It is crucial to decorate a child’s
physical, emotional and cognitive boom, it's miles vital to put foundations with a
view to assist at some point of the child’s sexual boom.
Let’s Check
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the congenital triad effects of rubella to the newborn babies if a mother
contacted it in the first trimester of the pregnancy?
- Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is the main hassle related to rubella infections.
Measles contamination of the mom in the course of the primary trimester of being
pregnant is related to encephalitis, listening to loss, and blindness withinside the
new child infant, and, later, highbrow disabilities.

2. List down the four stages of pre-natal development.

 Conception and Pre-natal
 The period of Ovum
 Period of Embryo
 The Period of the Fetus

3. What hormone sends signal to the mother’s body that a baby is forming inside her
- In women, oxytocin is responsible for signaling contractions of the womb during
labor. The hormone stimulates the uterine muscles to contract, so labor begins.

4. Sequence at least five factors mentioned above that commonly impacts the pre-natal
- The germinal stage occurs from conception until 2 weeks (implantation), during
which the zygote begins to rapidly divide. The embryonic stage lasts from
implantation (2 weeks) until the 8th week of pregnancy. During this stage, rapid
growth occurs and organ systems develop. The fetal stage lasts from week 9 until
the child’s birth (usually between 38 and 40 weeks). Throughout this stage the brain
continues to grow and develop at a rapid pace.

5. What is considered as the most sensitive stage in the pre-natal development? Why?
- First Trimester (0 to 13 Weeks) The first trimester is the most crucial to your baby's
development. During this period, your baby's body structure and organ systems
develop. Most miscarriages and birth defects occur during this period. Your body
also undergoes major changes during the first trimester.
In a Nutshell
As a future mother/father, what are your realizations after the discussion on stages of pre-
natal development and the influences/factors that could affect the pre-natal development?
- As a future mother my realization about the pre-natal development is that Prenatal
care facilitates lower dangers at some point of being pregnant and will increase the
danger of a secure and wholesome delivery. Regular prenatal visits can assist your
physician screen you being pregnant and pick out any issues or headaches earlier
than they turn out to be serious. Babies born to moms who lack prenatal care have
triple the danger of being born at a low delivery weight. Newborns with low
beginning weight are 5 instances much more likely to die than the ones whose
moms obtained prenatal care.
Let’s Check
1. Andrea's brain has recently reached its adult size, though it continues to develop;
her body's growth has slowed down for now, and her motor skills are more
coordinated. She is busy with learning and testing in school; her friendships with
other girls are especially important. Considering all of this information, Andrea is
probably in this period of human development:
a. Middle childhood
b. Late adulthood
c. Adolescence
d. Early Childhood
2. If cross-cultural research reveals that certain aspects of childhood physical
development are the same and happen at the same ages in different countries, this
would most likely be evidence for:
a. The influence of nature in the human development
b. The different courses of human development
c. The influence of nurture in human development
d. The discontinuous process of human development
3. The period between puberty and adulthood in human development that typically
falls between the ages of 13 and 19 is:
a. Pubescence
b. Senescence
c. Adolescence
d. Pre-Adolescence
4. What is development?
a. the process by which an organism (human or animal) grows and changes
through its lifespan
b. the first five years of life
c. the process of growth from infancy through to adolescence
d. all of the above
5. What frequently happens between adolescents and parents?
a. They compete for family resources
b. They violate one another's expectations
c. They reject one another's personal space
d. They get along well because they share similar levels of cognitive development
Let’s Analyze
Discuss the different characteristics of the various stages of human development starting
from pre-natal development until late adulthood.
-Prenatal development is the process that occurs during the 40 weeks prior to the birth of a
child. There are three stages of prenatal development: germinal, embryonic, and fetal.
Prenatal development is also organized into three equal trimesters, which do not
correspond with the three stages. The key components of Erikson’s model of human
development include stage one, infancy, trust versus mistrust; stage two, toddlerhood,
autonomy versus shame and doubt; stage three, preschool years, initiative versus guilt;
stage four, early school years, industry versus inferiority; stage five, adolescence, identity
versus role confusion; stage six, young adulthood, intimacy versus isolation; stage seven,
middle adulthood, generativity versus stagnation; and stage eight, late adulthood, integrity
versus despair.

In a Nutshell
Which period or stage of development are you in right now? Are you dealing with similar
issues and experiencing comparable physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development as
described above? If not, why not? Are important aspects of development missing and if so, are
they common for most of your cohort or unique to you?
- I am in the adolescence stage of development right now, and yes I am with similar
issues and experiencing comparable physical, cognitive, and psychosocial
development as described in the text. Behaviorally, adolescence is associated with
volatile emotions and boundary-testing behavior as individuals explore and assert
personal identity, learn to navigate peer relationships, and transition to
Week 4-6
Let’s Check
1. ___________ involves thinking about thinking.
A. Metacognition c. Higher-order thinking
B. Creative thinking d. Critical thinking

2. The effectivity of a method is not through to all thus; students must create a
collection of thinking as a strategy to cope with the complexity of the learning
a. Goals of the learning Process C. Thinking about Thinking
b. Nature of the Learning Process D. Strategic Thinking

3. Learning is most effective when physical, intellectual, emotional and social domain
is taken into account by the teacher.
a. Social Influences in learning c. Individual Differences in learning
b. Learning and Diversity d. Developmental influences in learning

4. Studies have shown that the more motivated a student is, the more effort he will
exert to improve learning process.
a. Effects of motivation on effort
b. Nature of the Learning Process
c. Motivational and emotional influences in learning
d. Thinking about Thinking

5. Eagerness to learn as vitalized by personal interest, personal choices and self-

control has influenced learning more than external factors.
a. Effects of motivation on effort c. Intrinsic Motivation to learn
b. Thinking about Thinking d. Construction of Knowledge

6. Learners are social being which needs interaction and communication with other
classmates for learning to take place.
a. Thinking about thinking c. Social Influences in Learning
b. Intrinsic Motivation in learning d. Developmental Influences in learning
7. Conduciveness of the learning environment like comfortability, safety and security
and the situation brought by the teacher inside the classroom have considerably
affect the learning of the learners.
a. Construction of Knowledge c. Assessment and Standards
b. Context of Learning d. Thinking about Thinking

8. Building links between the new information and the prior knowledge to create a
new assumption and novel idea is the primary aim of constructivism.
a. Construction of Knowledge c. Assessment and Standards
b. Context of Learning d. Thinking about Thinking

9. Each education level has its own goals of the learning process yet the function of the
teachers remains still to guide, facilitate and reinforce students’ learning.
a. Goals of the learning Process c. Thinking about Thinking
b. Nature of the Learning Process d. Strategic Thinking

10. Positive emotions, such as curiosity, has enhanced motivation thus, facilitate
learning and performance. However, negative emotion like frequent anxiety and
panic has proven to undermine learning.
a. Effects of motivation on effort
b. Nature of the Learning Process
c. Motivational and emotional influences in learning
d. Thinking about Thinking

In a Nutshell
From the topic on Learner-Centered Psychological Principles, I realized that … successful
learners used strategic thinking in their approach learning, reasoning, problem solving, and
concept learning. In this, they started thinking in every instance of their life.
Let’s Check
Provide the correct answer to the following questions.
EGO 1. This personality type tries to meet the desires of the id in a way that is socially
acceptable in the world. It deals with the reality.
Id 2. A hungry baby crying until he was fed is an example of what?
EGO 3. Sally was thirsty. However, she knew that her server would be back soon to refill
her water glass, so she waited until then to get a drink, even though she really just wanted
to drink from Mr. Smith’s glass. What is this an example of?
EGO 4. Mary really wanted to borrow her mom’s necklace, but knew her mom would be
angry if she took it without asking, so she asked her mom if she could wear it.
What is this an example of?
Id 5. In line at the salad bar, Amy was so hungry that she shoved a handful of croutons
in her mouth as she waited for the line to move. This is an example of what?

In a Nutshell
Provide a scenario where the concepts of Id, Ego & Superego are applied.
 Id - Bart was stuck in traffic. He just wanted his vehicle to move! Enraged at the situation,
Bart pulled his car onto the shoulder and sped forward, not caring that he was clipping
people's side mirrors as he tried to get ahead of the cars in front of him.
 EGO - Hillary was so sweaty after her workout that she wanted to change her clothes right
there by the car. However, she knew the other people around her would not approve, so
she waited until she was in the restroom to change.
 SUPEREGO - Maggie couldn't remember the answer to test question #12, even though she
had studied. Nate was the smartest kid in the class, and from where Maggie sat, she could
see his answers if she turned her head slightly. When Mrs. Archer turned her back, Maggie
almost cheated, but her conscience stopped her because she knew it was wrong. Instead,
Maggie took a guess at the answer and then turned in her paper.
Let’s Analyze
1. It’s Christmas and Uncle Job is giving “Aguinaldo” to the children. Five-year old Kris
did not want to receive the 500-peso bill and instead preferred to receive 50 peso-bill.
Her 12-year-old cousins were telling her it’s better to get the five hundred, but they
failed to convince her.
Why do you think Kris preferred to receive the 50-peso bill? Explain and relate it to the stages
of cognitive development.
- I think Kris did not want to receive the 500-peso bill and instead preferred to
receive 50-peso bill because Kris think that 50-peso bill is larger than 500-peso bill.

2. While eating on her high chair, seven-month old Rhea accidentally dropped her spoon
on the floor. She saw mommy pick it up. Rhea again drops her new spoon and she does
this several times more on purpose. Mommy didn’t like it at all but Rhea enjoyed
dropping it the whole time.
Why do you think Rhea appeared to enjoy dropping the spoons? Explain and relate it to the
stages of cognitive development.
- I think that Rhea appeared to enjoy dropping the spoons because she enjoys the
sounds of it and enjoy seeing her mother pick up the spoon.87

3. Differentiate assimilation and accommodation.

- Alteration of existing schemas or ideas as a result of new knowledge is known as
accommodation. Therefore, the main difference between assimilation and
accommodation is that in assimilation, the new idea fits in with the already existing
ideas while, in accommodation, the new idea changes the already existing ideas.

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