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Post Graduate Programme in Management

Batch: 2023
Name of the Course: Business Statistics
Term: 1
Submission Number: 2
Title of Submission: Case Study – Managing Ashland MultiComm
Team Number: 5
Team Members:
Names Roll Numbers
Ingilela Bhagya Sree 2101161
Varun Nair 2101169
Roshni Vidyadharan 2101178
Sree Ram Vigneshwar A T 2101185
Torikonda UmaSai Kumar 2101195
Yanagandula Aishwarya Lakshmi 2101199

Individual Contribution:
Managing Ashland MultiComm Services

1. Compute the sample statistics and determine whether there is evidence that the population
mean upload speed is less than 0.97
Answer: -
H0: µ => 0.97
H1: µ < 0.97
Given the hypothesis, it is a left-tailed test
1 0.854 26 0.993
2 1.023 27 0.762
3 1.005 28 0.814
4 1.03 29 1.108
5 1.219 30 0.805
6 0.977 31 1.223 x-bar: Sample mean = average(sample)
7 1.044 32 0.884 µ: Hypothesized population mean = 0.97
8 0.778 33 1.024
9 1.122 34 0.799 s: Sample standard deviation =
10 1.114 35 0.87 STDEV.S(sample)
11 1.091 36 0.621
α: Standard level of significance = assumed to be
12 1.086 37 0.898
13 1.141 38 0.818
degrees of freedom = n-1 =49
14 0.931 39 1.113
15 0.723 40 1.286 t-stat = (x-bar- µ)/ (s/sqrt(n)) = -0.5 114
16 0.934 41 1.052 t-critical = T.INV (t-stat, degrees of freedom,
17 1.06 42 0.678 Cumulative) = -1.67655
18 1.047 43 1.162 p-value = T. DIST (t-stat, degrees of freedom,
19 0.8 44 0.808 Cumulative = 0.305685
20 0.889 45 1.012
21 1.012 46 0.859 Conclusion x-bar 0.95872
22 0.695 47 0.951 µ 0.97
23 0.869 48 1.112 Given the 0.15596
24 0.734 49 1.003 above s 8
25 1.131 50 0.972 calculations t- t-stat -0.5114
critical is t-critical (0.05) -1.67655
lower than t-stat and α is less than the p-value. 0.30568
Hence, we Accept the null hypothesis, H0. p-value 5
The actual population mean will be greater than or equal to 0.97, the hypothesized population

To: The Management, Ashland Multicomm Services
From: Business Statistics - Group 5, IIM Tiruchirappalli
Subject: Results of upload speed for all Internet service subscribers

The purpose of this memo is to inform the management that the steps taken by the technical
operations department to ensure that the mean target upload speed for Internet service
subscribers is at least 0.97 have been successful. The t-test conducted for the purpose have
proved that we have achieved a target that was more than the target value of 1.0.

The t-test showed that the t-critical is lower than the t-stat value and α is less than the p-value.
Hence the null hypothesis holds true and we can conclude that upload speed for all internet
service subscribers is greater than or equal to 0.97.

Congratulations for the entire team for the exceptional results

2, Since the data are paired and sample size is less than 30, paired sample t test
is used to compare the two interfaces (as shown in table 1).
Table 1: Update Times (in seconds)
Email Email For two different Email Interfaces
Row Interface 1 Interface 2 Difference
Email Email
1 4.13 3.71 0.42
  Interface 1 Interface 2
2 3.75 3.89 -0.14
Mean 3.674 4.072
3 3.93 4.22 -0.29
Variance 0.088968571 0.127245714
4 3.74 4.57 -0.83 Observations 15 15
5 3.36 4.24 -0.88 Pearson
6 3.85 3.9 -0.05 Correlation 0.152712748
7 3.26 4.09 -0.83 Hypothesized
8 3.73 4.05 -0.32 Mean Difference 0
9 4.06 4.07 -0.01 df 14
10 3.33 3.8 -0.47 -
11 3.96 4.36 -0.4 t Stat 3.596283002
12 3.57 4.38 -0.81 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.001459969
13 3.13 3.49 -0.36 t Critical one-tail 1.761310136
14 3.68 3.57 0.11 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.002919939
15 3.63 4.74 -1.11 t Critical two-tail 2.144786688  
Table 2: t test: Paired Two Samples for Means

Difference = Email Interface 1 – Email Interface 2

Ho (Null Hypothesis): The mean difference the update times of two different
email interfaces is zero
H1(Alternative Hypothesis): The mean difference the update times of two
different email interfaces is not equal to zero
Reject Null Hypothesis because:
 t Stat (-3.596283002) is outside the t Critical values (2.144786688).
 p value is less than alpha value (0.002919939 < 0.05)
 As the t-Stat value is negative, then the mean of second data set (Email
Interface 2) is larger (4.072 > 3.674).
The mean number of update times of email interface1 is significantly smaller
than the email Interface 2.

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