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Soil tests for Embankment construction on Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance (SSCM) of roads and bridges

Soil Test on Reference Test No on BS-1377-1975 General Description Test Requirement condition as on
SSCM- SSCM for Embankment
1804 construction
1. Sieve BS-1377-1975 Test - 7A This method covers the quantitative As required by the Engineer.
analysis test Or Determination of the particle size determination of the particle size
(1804.1) ASTM D 44-62 distribution – Standard method by distribution in a soil down to the fine sand
wet sieving size.
The combined clay and silt fraction can be
obtained with this method by difference.
Preparation of sample by wet sieving to
remove silt and clay sized particles,
followed by the remaining coarser material.

2. Liquid BS-1377-1975 Test – 2B Cover the determination of the Liquid limit As required by the Engineer.
Limit Or Determination of the Liquid limit of the dried soil. The method may also be
(1804.2) ASTM D 423-66 – Preferred method using the used on a sample of soil in its natural state.
Cone Penetration method
3. Plastic BS-1377-1975 Test – 3 Cover the determination of the lowest As required by the Engineer.
Limit Or Determination of the Plastic limit moisture content at which the soil is plastic.
(1804.3) ASTM D 424-59
4. Standard BS-1377-1975 Test – 12 Determine the mass of dry soil, when soil
Compaction Or Determination of the dry density/ compacted in special manner over range of Type I material- Maximum dry
(1804.4) ASTM D 424-59 moisture content relationship (2.5 moisture contents, including that given the density>=1600kg/m3
kg rammer method) maximum mass of dry soil per 1m3.In this
test 2.5 kg rammer falling through a height Type II material- Maximum dry
of 300mm is used. density>=1500kg/m3

 Each sol type to be tested at

least once.
 Thereafter, one test per
1000m3, frequency-for Type I
 One test per 2000m3,
frequency -for Type II

5. BS-1377-1975 Test – 16 Determine the California Bearing Ratio As required by the Engineer.
California Or Determination of the California (CBR) of a soil, which is obtained by
Bearing ASTM D 1883-73 Bearing Ratio (CBR) measuring the relationship between the
Ratio force and penetration when a cylindrical
(CBR) plunger of cross- sectional area 1935mm2 is
(1804.5) made to penetrate the soil at the given rate.
At any value of penetration the ratio of the
ratio of the force to a standard force is
defined as the California Bearing Ratio
6. Field BS-1377-1975 Test – 1
moisture Determination of the Moisture
(1804.6) content

Test – 1A - Standard method This method covers the determination of the

(oven drying method) moisture content of soil as the percentage of
its dry mass.

Test – 1B - Subsidiary method This method covers the determination of the Embankment construction-
(sand bath method) moisture content of soil as the percentage of  Field moisture content test
its dry mass. It is intended as rapid Prior to compaction and one
alternative to Test 1A,but is less accurate test per 500m2 frequency are
and is more suitable as a site test. tested.
This method shall not be used if it is  If material is too wet- dried by
suspected that the soil contains a large aeration
proportion of gypsum, calcareous matter or  If material is too dry-
organic matter. sufficient wetted
Test – 1C - Subsidiary method
(alcohol method) This method covers the determination of the
moisture content of soil as the percentage of
its dry mass. It is intended as rapid
alternative to Test 1A,but is less accurate
and is more suitable as a site test.
Because of large quantity of methylated
sprite required and the consequent risk of
fire this method is not advised for use with
coarse- grained soils.
This method shall not be used if the soil

contains a large proportion of clay,
gypsum, calcareous matter or organic

7. Field BS-1377-1975 Test – 15A This method covers the determination in

Density Or Determination of the Dry density situ of the dry density (mass of dry soil per Embankment height (H)> 3m
(1804.7) ASTM D 1556-64 of the soil on the site – by Sand cubic meter) of natural or compacted fine- Compacted,
replacement method suitable for and medium grained soils for which a 4-6 passes 8-10 Ton Roller
fine – and medium grained soils Top layers up to 450mm- Type I
(small pouring cylinder method) Test Degree of compaction of
compacted density of layer,
Be not less than 100% MDD

Bottom layers - Type II

Test Degree of compaction of
compacted density of layer,
Be not less than 95% MDD

Test Degree of compaction of

compacted layer at frequency of
One test per 1000 m2

Embankment height (H)< 300mm

For existing ground as sub grade
4-6 passes 8-10 Ton Roller
Test density of original ground,
Be not less than 100% MDD

Road formation, is by excavation

and formation level below 300mm
For exposed surface as sub grade
4-6 passes 8-10 Ton Roller
Test density of exposed surface,
Be not less than 100% MDD

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