2nd Quarter Assessment Test HOPE 11

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Department of Education

Region III – Central Luzon

Schools Division of Tarlac Province
San Manuel District
San Miguel, San Manuel, Tarlac

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade/Section: ________________________________________ Remarks: ___________

2nd Quarter Summative Test in

I. Multiple Choice:

__________1. Which of the following muscle movements requires exertion of energy such as
running, swimming, dancing, etc.?
a. Physical Activity b. Aerobic c. Exercises d. Workouts
___________2. Which of the following is considered structured and planned physical activity?
a. Zumba b. Aerobic c. Exercises d. Workouts
__________3. Which of the following terms refers on how your body uses oxygen to sufficiently
meet energy demands during exercise?
a. Physical Activity b. Aerobic c. Exercises d. Workouts
___________4. Which of the following activities can make you sweat, can cause you to breathe
harder, and can get your heart beating faster than at rest?
a. Physical Activity b. Aerobic Exercise c. intensity d. Workouts
___________5. Regular physical activity promotes a healthy lifestyle as it improves our health
and helps lower risks of .
a. Sick b. Illnesses c. Fractured d. Arthritis
___________6. It strengthens your and trains your cardiovascular system to manage and
deliver oxygen more quickly and efficiently throughout your body.
a. heart and lungs b. large muscle c. Esophagus d. Backbone
___________7. Exercise such as running, swimming, and cycling for more than 30 minutes will
help improve your
a. Flexibility b. Power c. Endurance d. Balance
___________8. What is the advantage of physical activity?
a. Improve quality of life b. Outlet of stress
c. Decrease chronic diseases d. All of the above.
__________9. It is also important to try different exercises and activities to avoid a. Sleepless b.
tiredness c. boredom d. fatigue
__________10. When doing specially to lose
weight, frequency is an important factor to make it more effective.
a. Cardio exercises b. Physical Activity c. work out d. sleep

__________11. Which activity increases your breathing and heart rate, keeps your heart, lungs, and
circulatory system healthy and improves your overall fitness?
a. Endurance or aerobic b. Strength or resistance training b. Balance d. Flexibility
__________12. Which activity make you easier to walk on uneven surfaces and help prevent falls?
a. Endurance or aerobic b. Strength or resistance training b. Balance d. Flexibility
__________13. Which statement indicates what you can do to make the most of your workouts?
a. Choosing activities that work all the different parts of the body, including your core
(muscles around your back, abdomen, and pelvis). Good core strength improves
balance and stability and helps to prevent lower back injury.
b. Choosing activities that you enjoy. It's easier to make exercise a regular part of your life
if you have fun doing it.
c. Exercising safely, with proper equipment, to prevent injuries. Also, listen to your body
and don't overdo it.
d. all of the above

__________14. Which of the following is NOT included in creating a fitness plan?

a. assessing your fitness level b. adding flexibility exercises c. creating a cardio plan d. preparing
fitness attire
__________15. Which of the following activity is the bread and butter of fitness?
a. strength training b. cardio c. flexibility d. rest
__________16. Which of the following term is also called as weight or resistance training that builds up
muscles and endurance, make you stronger, strengthen your bones, raise your stamina, and give you other
mental and mood boosts?
a. strength training b. cardio c. flexibility d. rest
__________17. Which of the following is NOT an exercise precautions and safety tips?
a. Wear comfortable clothing and well-padded shoes that can protect the heels and arches of
the feet
b. Replenish extra fluids before, during and after physical activity, especially for prolonged
exercise like hiking
c. Do not take appropriate breaks after activity
d. Do not exercise with an empty stomach. Eat something light (such as toast with jam or
skimmed milk) to give you some stamina. Do not exercise immediately after a full meal
because this will affect digestion
_________18. Which of the following is NOT a proper etiquette and safety in the use of equipment and
a. Be Alert and Aware in the training area.
b. In performing exercises and movement in general, practice good form first.
c. Return all equipment in place after use.
d. Always warm up before doing exercise and cool down afterwards to lower the risk of strains
and sprains
_________19. Which of the following is an event where the activity is considered "fitness level" because it
was performed at a higher intensity than your normal, routine activity?
a. fitness event b. participation c. initiative d. performance
__________20. Which of the following terms is defined as making arrangements or preparations for an event
or activity which are often arranged in a systematic way, especially on a largescale?
a. planning b. staffing c. organizing d. budgeting


Direction: Write True if the Statements are true, and false if the statement are not true.
__________21. Flexibility sometimes gets a back seat in exercise programs. Still, you should be sure to add
basic stretches to your program.

__________22. Don’t stretch with cold muscles. You can injure yourself. Instead, do a few minutes of warm-
up cardio to get blood flowing before you start stretching.

__________23. When you stretch, gently pull the muscle and joint in a smooth movement and hold it for
about 30 seconds. You might need to hold for 60 seconds in problem areas, areas that are inflexible or
__________24. Be careful in using facilities and equipment. In consideration of the school's effort and of
other students who will benefit from using the facilities and equipment, it is in good form to handle them
with care and use them solely on their purpose. This is to prevent having them misplaced, stolen or
became unnecessary clutters in the training area than can cause accidents.
_________25. Only use equipment that you are familiar with. Do not leave or pass on equipment disarray
or dirty.
__________26. Be alert and aware in the training area.
___________27. In performing exercises and movement in general, practice good form first.
___________28. Bring all equipment back in place after use.
___________29. Do not hug the equipment.
___________30. Keep the venue clean. Doing improper exercises improper deficit its benefits. Do not
monopolize the equipment’s. Allow everyone a fair use of the facilities.

III. Practicum ( 20 points Video presentation)

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher II



School Head Teacher III

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