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Volume : 9

Issue : 107
E Mail :

Religious leaders
in forefront to heal the
wounded and reaffirm
the trust between people of
different religions

The clashed between the Muslims and Sinhalese that sparked off in Kandy in early February 2018 brought about a distrust
among the people of different regions who lived in harmony for centuries. However it is a well-known fact these attacks
were organized by few extreme groups with ulterior motives.

The 2018 Sinhala / Tamil New year celebrations organized by the Human Rights Office in Kandy brought together not only
leaders of all four major religions but also the faithful to join hands to heal the wounds an reaffirm the trust. Around 175 -
225 survivors of Torture, Rape, families of the disappeared and the families of the prisoners came together on the 21 st
April 2018 to the premises of the Fatima Church in Kundasale - Kandy to celebrate the 2018 Sinhala & Hindu New Year.

It was an occasion to integrate the survivors to their own families and to the larger family, the society. The event also
helped the survivors and their families to release their stress and meet courageous survivors of similar Human Rights
violations and find strength in them. Majority of the participants being Buddhists & Hindus, celebrated this National event
together as a family with joy to mark the dawn of the New Year.

The chief guests, Ven. Dr. Athipla Mangala Thero, Dr. Muzzammil Cader from Samadanam institute, the Hindu priest Rev. Sr.
Philomena, the superior of the Padiwatte Convent, and Fr. Nandana Manatunga along the gussets lit the traditional oil
lamp to mark the inauguration of the 2018 Sinhala & Hindu New Year celebrations.

The religious representatives then observed their religious rites and spoke of the unity
and harmony and the need of bonding as a human family irrespective of differences in
language and religion. The annual celebration of the Sinhala & Hindu New Year was
another occasion for the survivors coming from different provinces of the country to
meet and renew their friendships and collaborate with one objective namely to seek
Justice and Redress. Some of the survivor families had started off their journey on
the previous day morning to make sure that they are on time for the celebration.
The staff of the Human Rights Office Kandy and the members of
the support group organized several traditional New Year events
for the participants of different age groups. The participants
consisted of survivors and their families, of rape and torture, the
families of the disappeared and of the prisoners.

The activities were a relaxation for the survivors as well as a

healing; hence await for this occasion. There were special events
organized for the staff and the members of the support group by
the end of the celebration and prizes were distributed to the
winners of different events held during the celebration.

Having shared the mid day meal as a sign of unity, peace and solidarity, the participants returned home with Joy having
celebrated the 2018 Sinhala / Tamil New Year gathering.

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