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Euna Maye Villarama


21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Quarter 2 – Module

Lesson 7: World Literature Adapted Literary Outputs: Self-Assessment

Watch any video clip that demonstrates the understanding of the 21 st Century Literature from the World
Literature and do a self-assessment or rate this video clip. Use the rubric below.

Title of the video clip and short description Self-assessment or rate the video clip based on the
Brief Overview of 21st Century Literature in the The video helps me in properly comprehending how 21st
Philippines and Around the World is the title of the video. century literature differs from other literatures. It also
The video explains what the 21st century is and how it catches my interest in 21st century literatures since the
differs from the 20th century. It covers the highlights of speaker in the video effectively explains how 21st century
21st literature, such as literary works, genres, and well- literature inspires us to a world where differences are set
known authors. aside, and old traditions live harmoniously with current

Make a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts in terms of forms and themes, with a
description of each context derived from research used the video clip.

Jose Garcia Villa wrote a short story called "Footnote to Youth”. It's a great literary piece because it emphasizes the
necessity of being calm and patient before making life-altering decisions; it also advises young people not to overthink
things and come to hasty conclusions, only to later regret their decisions. It emphasizes the importance of appreciating life
as a teen and not allowing youthful mistakes to become a burden in later life. The story is told in the style of a typical
Filipino family custom, and it depicts and portrays traditional Filipino values and beliefs. It also portrays the characters as
a reflection of the culture of the period and place, as well as the realities of the time and place.

As stated in the video clip, topics in literary texts in the 21st century are mostly concerned with current events. Footnote to
Youth is related to the challenges surrounding teenage pregnancy, which is one of the country's most serious problems.
Teenagers today are impulsive and aggressive, and they want to do whatever they think and feel right now. This story was
intended to open our eyes to the possibilities of what might happen if we aren't careful with our choices. We should
consider before making major life decisions, and we should set priorities in life while we are still young. Because once a
decision is
made, you must be willing to confront and accept the consequences.

Task 1. Make an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using any multimedia resources available
at home. Use the rubrics below to be guided.



Task 2. Ask your family or peers to critically analyze your output in Task 3 and follow the rubric below.
Write the comment inside the box with their name and signature.

“The animated adaptation of Footnote to Youth that you created effectively conveyed the story's central theme. I believe it
demonstrates that people would always act on their desires without hesitation, and that they will go to any extent to obtain
what they desire, particularly among the youth, only to regret it afterwards. I like how the story was written because
nowadays, young people believe that marriage is all about having fun and playing games, which may often be superficial
and disappointing. You must learn from this story not to hurry decisions since it is necessary to think about things a
hundred times before making a decision so that you do not regret it later.”

Overall impression: 23/25

Task 3. Make a self-assessment of your output. Please be guided on the rubric below.

Since I spent the entire day editing it, I can confidently say that I did an excellent job. As I'm not used to editing, it is
difficult for me to edit these kinds of videos. In my animation, I believe I successfully conveyed the primary theme of the
story. I am extremely pleased with my version of the footnote to youth. And it makes me very glad that my mother, who
analyzes my work, recognizes the message that the animation is trying to portray. It has shown how much my edit is

Overall impression: 23/25

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