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(EXERCISE 1: Case Study)

1. Brian complains that his virus protection doesn’t work. What do you think has gone wrong?

I think Brian's virus protection is ineffective because the anti-virus software installed on his
computer is a free program, this spyware program is a program that runs in the background without your
knowledge (hence the term "spy"). It can monitor what you're doing and what you're typing through
keylogging. The keylogger recorded all of Brian's keystrokes on the computer, including his log-in,
passwords, and emails sent to her friends. It then sent all the information to the software developer.

2. Choose at least three of the mentioned online safety tips and explain.

1. Do not just accept terms and conditions; read it.

To Prevent Abuses. A Terms and Conditions acts as a legally binding contract between you and
your users. This is the agreement that sets the rules and guidelines that users must agree to and follow
in order to use and access your website or mobile app.

2. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites.

Avoid visiting unknown websites or downloading software from untrusted sources. These sites
often host malware that will automatically install (often silently) and compromise your computer. If
attachments or links in the email are unexpected or suspicious for any reason, don't click on it.

3. But the software, do not use pirated ones.

Software piracy is the stealing of intellectual property. It is also risky to download pirated
software as it may contain viruses, malware or spyware that pose security risks to your computer. Always
purchase or download software from the official or trusted sources.


1. Copyright infringement
2. Spyware
3. Trojan
4. Virus
5. Spam
6. Phishing
7. Worm
8. Malware
9. Ransomware
10. Adware

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1. Virus
2. Ransomware
3. Trojan
4. Spam
5. Worm
6. Phishing
7. Keylogger
8. Spam
9. Phishing
10. Spyware


My experience has taught me that I should always read the terms and
agreements before installing an app, software, or signing up for social networking
sites, and that I should be cautious when visiting a website without first checking its
domain. I learned that these types of things are one of the most important things to
check because they have the potential to access a virus or spam, or they may also
threaten our privacy by being invaded by hackers. I am constantly seeing people
posting personal information about themselves and using vulgar words online; these
types of incidents fall under the standard of online safety and etiquette, and we must
avoid doing such things in order to avoid being harmed.

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