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Infinite Futures © 2010 - 2011 Avalon

Games. Department 13 © 2011 Avalon

Games. All rights reserved. No part of this book
may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews and for personal
printing and usage without distribution
upon purchase from a licensed vendor.
Comments, suggestions and other contacts
can be made to
or by way of review in the acceptable practice
of the vendor the book was acquired from.

Jennifer Seiden

Robert Hemminger

Frostbrand Art Studio

Introduction 1
History 3
Department 13 8
The Nazi Regime 14
Technology 19
Character Development 27
Villains and Monsters 31
Gaming in the Department 13 Setting 36
“What if the Nazi regime could be destroyed, Professor?”

The elderly gentleman nearly choked on his food and quickly

grabbed a napkin to press against his lips. The professor purposely
switched the conversation back to German. “I don’t know what you
mean, sir. And this is certainly not the place to discuss it,” he ended
with a hiss.

“Professor,” the stranger began with a bored tone, although in

German to not upset the peace any further. “I asked you to meet
me here to discuss your work, specifically the studies regarding
extrasensory perception that our Nazi hosts have so graciously allowed
you to continue under their strict supervision.” The man finished his
glass and smiled at the elderly scientist. “Yes, there is a gentleman by
the bar watching you right now to ensure you do not meet with any
unsavory freedom cell leaders. Unfortunately, I happen to be one.”

Before the professor could panic, wide eyes looking for an

escape, the young man leaned forward, the flippant demeanor gone.
“We need you, Professor. I know you have found ways of using the
mind to defend and push away the creatures of darkness. I am here
to help you escape from under their cruel thumb and join the side of
right. You know the Fifth Reich is hell-bent on destroying our world.
Come with me now, and help us save it!”

His voice never rose above a conversational tone but the urgency
was irrefutable. The Professor looked out the restaurant window and
found himself nodding, hope quickening his sad heart for the first
time in months. This is not the America he wanted to grow old and
die in. Perhaps there was a chance for the human race after all.

They both stood to leave when the front door of the restaurant
slammed open. The Professor found himself staring at a half-dozen
Nazi troops, all of whom looked dead and rotting. The rebel leader
grabbed his arm and pulled him around. “Through the kitchen….”

They fled, and the dead followed.

Welcome to the sourcebook for Department 13,

Avalon Game’s science fiction/horror game. This
sourcebook is based on the Infinite Futures game
engine, which is Pathfinder compatible, but the
source material can be used for any campaigns
based in an alternative history where the
Nazi regime has succeeded in global
domination through arcane magics. Department
13 is set in the late 1950s to early 1960s, but
can be readily altered for nearly any era.
“Get in, Professor.”

The car that pulled up with a squeal

of brakes was black and sleek, a Galaxie,
he suspected even as he dove headfirst
into the backseat. The Germans started
firing and the back window shattered
spectacularly. The other gentleman
landed on top of him and the car was
moving before the door shut. The gunfire
quickly faded behind the roar of the
car’s engine.

“Are you all right?”

This voice was distinctly feminine

and the professor looked at the driver in
surprise once he was let up. He
straightened his spectacles. “Yes, I believe
so, Madam, thank you.” He glanced to the young
gentleman next to him, who was holding his shoulder.
“Your friend, however, appears to have been shot.” The woman
quickly twisted around to look over the seat at them.

“I’ll live,” he stated shortly, grimacing only slightly as he turned

away from the window.

The woman turned back to the road and nodded. “We’ll be at a

safehouse shortly.”
1933–1945 Third Reich
(Nazi Germany)
1945–1952 Fourth Reich
(Nazi Europe/Undead Europe)
1953–1963 Fifth Reich: Present Day
(Nazi Earth)
On April 30, 1945, as Soviet
forces overran the streets of Berlin,
Adolf Hitler committed suicide in
an underground bunker and was
cremated that evening. Three days
later on May 2, just as General
Weidling was about to sign the
surrender of Germany to Soviet
leader General Chuikov, Adolf Hitler
approached, followed by several
thousand German soldiers with
glowing red eyes. The horrific sight
caused many Soviets to flee, and those left even the
that stayed were destroyed by the most stalwart
monsters. Hitler himself feasted upon quivering in fear.
Weidling even as the officer screamed
for mercy. Joseph Stalin readily
supported the fuhrer
Adolf Hitler, upon clearing Berlin after the annihilation of
of foreign invaders, met with his his troops in Berlin. He
remaining staff and explained the kowtowed to Adolf and was
situation. He had been preparing himself responsible for millions
for this moment for several months, of deaths but it quickly became
having found evidence that there was clear to Hitler and his occult
a series of gateways through which scientists that Stalin was trying to
ancient gods could be summoned and steal the arcane power from Germany.
brought forth. With their help, the Stalin vanished in 1951 and the Soviet
Fuhrer insisted, Germany would rule Union was abolished that same year
the earth even as their new masters to be called Western Germany.
ruled the stars.
Northern and western England had
From there it was a bloodbath. a worse time of it as Adolf consistently
Hitler’s untoter forces from Berlin pushed toward Britain. It is estimated
numbered 22,000 and were joined that nearly 80 million soldiers and
by more as they crossed the whole civilians were killed between 1945
of Europe. Hitler would not give any and 1952, the Jews and Slavs all but
quarter and millions were slaughtered extinguished, before the inhuman
by his freakish military. Countries Fuhrer was permanently destroyed
that immediately surrendered to in London by the early members of
the undead armies were merely Department 13.
“occupied”; those that tried to fight
were subjected to such atrocities that
The group that became Department was, it was trying to bring its masters
13 was originally spawned by several to earth and this was not the first
of Hitler’s closest affiliates, one of time in earth history that this attempt
whom helped cremate the Fuhrer’s had been made. The secret society of
body three days before. When it freedom fighters grew and branched
became clear the choices were to join out, gaining members all around
Hitler in welcoming these strange the world to become the Global
dark masters or become food for Resistance, of which Department 13 is
them, these first three or four cabinet the key unit for Arcane Studies.
members fled the burned city in
search of ways to stop him. They were Department 13 was able to stop
able to find the couple of German the changed leader just as he opened
occult experts Hitler had in his employ a gateway in England for his dark
and together they escaped Germany. masters. Many were killed by the
resulting explosion on July 12, 1952
Over the next seven years these and the untoter fuhrer was destroyed.
original German rebels worked from The entire London area was sealed off
various secret hideouts throughout by the German forces behind a wall.
Africa and Australia, committing Although the actions undertaken
most of their energy on research to by the members of Department 13
determine what the Fuhrer unleashed did not eliminate the threat of Nazi
to give him power over death. It domination, they successfully kept
became clear that Adolf Hitler was the world safe for a while longer and
not the thing that rampaged Europe’s vanquished the monster that led the
countryside. Whatever this creature domination effort.

Obviously, others had also taken Germany. Reichsmarschall Göring

up the monster Hitler’s causes, due now controlled Europe (now known
to loyalty or force. There were some as the Germanic Empire) with an iron
surprises, however. Reichsmarschall fist, content, leaving the occult behind
Herman Göring was still alive, having him.
vanished after Adolf demanded his
arrest seven years before. He took Others were not so fortunate,
over the command of the Nazi Empire however. One of the most influential
without protest from the undead leaders over the next few years was
masters or the occult sorcerers of the Generalfeldmarschall Wolfram von
Nazi regime. Their attention was no Knonner, an undead field marshal
longer focused on the domination of whose soul was trapped inside his
body permanently. He could only Even though the White House
escape if he succeeded in his cursed guaranteed occupancy by Germany,
mission: to bring forth the powerful the individual states were not as easy
dark beings that called the Elder to conquer. It was strongly suspected
Gods. Until then he could not be killed by the members of Department 13
or destroyed, his body regenerated that President Truman had been
when he fed on living flesh. Even brainwashed by sorcery, now a mouse
vaporized he coalesces on a living more than a man that timidly hid
being as a green mist until he absorbs away from the frightening undead
enough energy to re-form. Nazis. The states, however, did
not immediately bow down to the
After a short hiatus due to the Germans and there were many areas
destruction of Hitler, where the arcane of the United States where rebellion
Nazi regime re-gathered its strength, could take hold.
Herr Knonner launched a full-out
campaign against the countries of But it was also immediately clear
South America and used the wake of that Herr Knonner was not interested
destruction to push into the United in controlling the whole United
States of America from several States. Indeed, he was specifically
fronts. Unable to fight against such seeking more of the supposed gates
a terrifying threat, the United States throughout the world where the
surrendered rather than be destroyed ancient evil deities could be called
like so many other countries of forth. One had already been destroyed
Europe. and now the Generalfeldmarschall
could only hope to find another before
what was left of his mind was mad.
The year is 1963 and everyone
walks on pins and needles in
Occupied North America. After almost
fifteen years of listening to the horror
stories of former Europe and then the
full-scale invasion onto US soil, most
people are bilingual and tend to use
German in public; to do otherwise
would be to call attention to yourself.
And no one wants to call the attention
of the German sorcerers.

Despite the constant threat of being

taken away to feed dark creatures of
the night, most people live as before,
although there seems for the wealthier
contingents to be more of a celebration
every night as though it was their last
night on earth. The poor are no longer
as obvious, having fed the Nazi war
machine or vanished to safer ground.
There are also several places on earth
where Germany has not overtaken the
local government and these regions
are havens for those who wish to avoid
the Nazi regime altogether.
After what seemed a lifetime of driving the car returned to
Philadelphia and continued on east until it reached the warehouse
district nearest to port. Most of it was dark.

“The garrisons are to keep Americans from getting out of line

as the end of the world approaches. Places such as these are only
raided when attention is called to them.” The woman supplied the
answers to the professor’s unasked questions.

The response roused the Professor from his thoughts, however,

and he looked at the back of her head in interest. Then she shut
the lights of the vehicle off and pulled into the garage door of a
pitch-black building. There was a moment when he could not see
anything but the professor heard the grinding of the door shutting
behind him. Then he was blinded by light.

“Welcome to Department 13, Professor.”

In the beginning years of the the occultists claimed was a place

Resistance, it was established by where more answers could be found.
the fleeing members of Adolf Hitler’s
establishment that everyone involved The Resistance and Department
needed to learn about the occult, 13 were synonymous at first, but it
and quickly. Fortunately, on the quickly became clear that the Nazi
road out of Berlin, they were met by sorcerers who remained in Hitler’s
a half-dozen of Adolf’s secret occult service were capable of sending
scientists, who had known of the death over long distances so long as
transformation about to take place they had personal information and
and opted to leave rather than help effects of their target. The rebel occult
Hitler find the gateway to what could scientists assisted their comrades
only be described as hell. Together in defenses against the dark arts
they were able to fight their way out and did much to hide themselves
of Germany and head to Egypt, which from the searching eyes of darkness.
Department 13 became its own entity organization, save that it exists in
where its members could do their own multiple places at once and no one is
research without endangering the certain just how high up the ladder
whole of the Resistance. each individual is placed. All anyone
does know is that the Department is
After the successful take down of headed by a Director, of whom no one
the Fuhrer in London in 1952, most sees. Some say the Director is the last
of the remaining original members of the remaining escapees from the
of Department 13 were hunted down Battle of Berlin. Many more believe the
and destroyed. The Nazi sorcerers had Director is not human at all.
developed their dark arts to where
they could direct attacks with even The current Director replaced Herr
the slightest knowledge of a person, Helmut Kempff, who was killed in the
and the near-opening of the Gate explosion when the Gate collapsed
allowed many more monsters to join in 1952. Written instructions told
their efforts. What members exist in the remaining staff to clear out and
Department 13 now remain shadowed head for Australia. From there the
in secrecy and magical wards for the Department moved a majority of
safety of everyone involved. its agents into New York City well
before Knonner invaded. Most of the
The Department has several Department’s operations are situated
supporters, although many do in and around the city-maze, able
not recognize them by name. to keep hidden under the Reich’s
Reichsmarschall Göring may have watchful eyes. The Nazis cannot
given the undead creatures control of control the amount of traffic that
the New World, but he secretly funnels flows through the city and its ports,
old campaign funds to his friends in making it the perfect place for several
the Resistance. Göring certainly does Resistance cells as well.
not want the end of the world any
more than any other sane human. The rest of the agents are divided
Several other governmental leaders up into fields and then labeled. The
throughout the world continuously field agents generally use letters of the
fund the effort in the hopes of American alphabet for designations.
stopping the inevitable Armageddon. The occult scientists tend to use
Greek letters. The director is simply
The current state of Department “Director” and corresponds via mail,
13 is so shrouded in secret that very telephone, or speaker.
few know the full dynamics of the
The voice that one hears when speaking
to the director is unidentifiable in gender,
race, or country of origin. Very rarely does
the Director allow emotion to vary the
speech patterns, often providing a very dry
humorless tone to otherwise funny bits of
information. What is known is that for over
ten years the Director has kept most of
Department 13’s secrets safe and has used
everything in its power to prevent the coming
of the new gods and the destruction of earth.
The older agents speak in deference for the
Director, acknowledging his or her skill in
keeping evil at bay.

This is an elderly German gentleman that

wanders the earth searching for answers.
A top occult scientist and the last surviving
member of those who helped Hitler discover
the Elder Gods, Agent Alpha is the highest
ranked member of Department 13 that
is seen face to face. It is rumored he is a
powerful sorcerer, although no one has ever
seen him do any magic. His accent is thick
but he prefers English of German and then
looks over his spectacles at people as he
berates them for not understanding him.
He knows his occult science, however, and
can answer many questions regarding the
subject. He is tightlipped regarding Hitler’s
transformation 17 years ago; he feels it is
best left to the “lips of the dead.”
The lady is smart, sassy, and Cajun.
She claims her mother was an Egyptian
fortuneteller and her father was a vodoun
priest from Haiti. Whatever her ancestry, her
exotic features are noted by those who meet
her. Agent L once had dreams of going to
college and becoming a police officer but the
current horrors of the world encouraged her
to study in her father’s footsteps and learn
the ways of ancestors. She claims she felt a
need to join with the Department against the
evil and sought them out using what she calls
her good spirits. She is in her late thirties or
early forties and is quite fit. In the past five
years she has taken much of the recruiting
tasks for new agents and is usually one of
the first that strangers meet. This may also
be due to the fact her good spirits always
seem to indicate to her when betrayal is at
hand and the woman won’t blink at shooting
anyone the voices tell her is a Nazi spy.
Unable to maintain control over through a series of subway tunnels
the large city, Herr Knonner bombed using their own train system. Here
it repeatedly and then abandoned they have their own shooting range,
it during his search for more Gates. gymnasium, and hospital. Most
Over the past ten years he has agents have their own private quarters
bombed it again maybe a half-dozen somewhere else in the city to allow
times but has found it more difficult for privacy although they may not see
to procure weapons of that size as them for weeks at a time. Some of
his campaign in Occupied America the agents work as staff, wandering
continues. New York City takes the from apartment to apartment to feed
bombings in stride; its rabbit warren pets or water plants and keep an eye
of tunnels, subways, and basement on things while the field agents are
dwellings has helped its smartest working.
population remain unscathed. Here
is where the Resistance has made its From New York City it is very easy to
North American home with satellite transport agents or equipment in and
offices throughout the northeast from out of the city; the submarines sent
Boston to Washington, DC itself. by the German Empire are readily
bypassed thanks to the unspoken
The majority of field agents for deals made with Reichsmarschall
Department 13 currently work Göring. The Nazi soldiers do very
underground out of a series of little to stop the Resistance from
abandoned skyscrapers in Manhattan. entering or leaving the island, so long
Which set of buildings, no one is ever as the people do not call attention to
certain—the only common access is themselves.

New Mexico is one of the few states Albuquerque is where most of

that have been left nearly untouched the Department’s funding ends up
by the Nazi regime and because of this funneling through to various ends,
many influential people and celebrities mainly using the television stars
have taken to living in this resort and musicians as cover-ups. The
town. From here the local Department Department owns a restaurant in the
13 is capable of sending agents and city, called The Wishing Well. Also
scientists throughout the west and in town is a brand new movie set,
south to Mexico and South America. as the Nazi regime does not want to
New Mexico is also one of Department waste time watching over people and
13’s testing grounds, using the desert feels having regular, albeit monitored
and high mountains to test various programming is soothing for the
artifacts and machines to determine masses. The small garrison never even
what they can do. noticed when Department 13 set up
shop and the Department feels directly to keep shop.
under the Nazi nose is the best place

Despite having many artifacts sealed correctly and guarded by spells

regarding the Elder Gods, untoter and talismans. The Department’s
Hitler avoided Egypt in his search for scientists have spent the better part of
Gates to Hell. The occult scientists the past fifteen years seeking out this
also noted that the Nazi sorcerers were gate so they can see how it was done
unable to successfully attack anyone by the ancients two thousand years
who happened to be close enough to prior. Cairo is the main location for
the ancient Egyptian monuments. most of the scientists that work for the
Cairo was the first location for Department since they can learn more
Department 13 in those first years of about the Elder gods here without
the Fourth Reich and remains a safe accidentally summoning them. The
area for the Department to this day. scientists also do not need to hide
themselves as much here, since the
The Department’s occult specialists region is avoided by the undead and
feel that the reason for this avoidance the dark monsters summoned by the
of the region is due to the existence Nazis.
of a former Gate in Egypt that was

Many of the escaping German The aborigines’ Dreamtime stories

bureaucrats, deserters, and fugitives have also roused the suspicion of
found themselves following American the occult scientists and they have
troops as they too escaped the spent the past decade trying to learn
nightmarish fourth Reich armies. The more about the native traditions to
American troops used the South West determine if they hold a clue to the
Pacific Headquarters of Brisbane in Elder Gods’ past. Unfortunately,
Queensland, Australia to return home it has been discovered that others
and allowed the Germans passage are curious, too, and Nazis have
through there as well. When it became been reported in both Melbourne
apparent that the Resistance would and Sidney as early as 1962, so the
need to keep routes open between the Department members have spent the
Old World and the New, it was decided better part of a year hiding their outfit
the former US base in Brisbane would in underground bunkers and ensuring
serve well enough. their information cannot be found.
The young gentleman was
whisked away, and it was only
then that the professor
realized he didn’t know the
names of anyone he had thus
far met; therefore, he would
be unable to ask after the
wounded man. He stood
next to the car and looked
around. The warehouse was
dark beyond the single light
that burned overhead. It was
also nearly empty, save for some
vehicles at the far end and crates
scattered throughout. The
woman driver had followed after
the small group of two men
with the third injured one
between them.

He wasn’t alone, however, as he

heard footsteps coming from the dimness beyond a
couple of stacked boxes. Although he had guessed from the footfall
that it was another woman, he was still surprised when he actually
saw her. She looked like a dark-skinned warrior-princess, he
thought, reminded of some pulp fiction he had read when he was
younger. Her outfit, however, was very professional and demure.

“Professor, I am glad you could come.” Her voice was low and
accented, French, perhaps. “I am Agent L. I am here to answer
some of your questions and ask you some things as well. If you will
follow me, we have a more private room.”

He followed her through the warehouse to a series of back

rooms. “Is this really your headquarters?”
“No, this is a satellite office so we can do business here in
Philadelphia. If everything proves satisfactory and we find a window
of opportunity, we will move on to our main offices within the

The tall woman led him to an office that was much like his
own, with a desk and two plush chairs in front of it, which she
motioned to once he divested himself of his outer garments. There
was a tea cart to one side, and he grateful accepted her offer of a
cup. She took the chair behind the desk and waited patiently until
he seemed ready.

“Tell, me, Professor, what you know of Hitler’s deal with the
alien gods, and I will try to fill in the blank spots as best I can.”

It wasn’t until the Battle of Berlin of the flesh as it carefully detailed a

began that Hitler knew everything was horrific nightmare of directions. Hitler
lost. His commanders had betrayed almost threw it out in disgust.
him and not followed his orders. There
was nothing left. Except for a book. He But something had stayed his
had read many books over the years, hand. Now, nearing the eve of his own
but this one was special, handed to demise, he cleaned his pistol in the
him some three months before by a bunker and happened to glance into a
hooded man in a Berlin crowd. Several small crate filled with his books. The
saw the man with glowing red eyes booklet with its plain brown leather
who spoke three words in German as cover was on top.
he pressed the book in the Fuhrer’s
hand. “Destroy your enemies.” Hitler He was going to die anyway. But
called for assistance in finding the the ritual did not require just his own
strange man in the crowd but he had death. It required several, including
vanished. The book remained. children, and this was where he had
last closed the book. This time he did
It was a hastily transcribed not stop reading and continued all the
notebook, sewn loosely together with way to the end of the ceremony. To
a false cover. Inside the scribbled the promise of live after death and the
German text was a set of instructions power of a god.
on how to completely destroy the
enemy when all else had failed. The It is believed on that night he
sentences almost did not make sense, prepared the ritual, including his
discussing rebirth and the destruction marriage to his mistress, Eva, and
in the following two days, April 30 information were omitted, although it
and May 1 of 1945, the ritual was will remain forever unclear whether
carried out. Hitler and Eva suicided. Hitler would have changed his mind
Soon after, Goebbels and his wife had he known what the ritual truly
killed their six children and then did. The spell allowed something
themselves. The bodies were cremated, from another dimension to enter this
as per Hitler’s instructions. world without a pre-existing doorway;
in fact, the bodies of those who died
Although the German translation served as a miniscule crack in the
of the booklet was never found, foundation of reality.
eyewitnesses who defected and came
over to the Resistance swear they saw Not one person believes that
Adolf Hitler reading a plain leather- the Hitler that returned two days
bound notebook in the morning hours later with an army of undead was
of the final day of April, with weapons the true Fuhrer. It looked like the
and strange items and symbols all Fuhrer, although the eyes seemed
around him. The descriptions of the to glint red under certain light, and
objects, symbols, and what words it sounded like the Fuhrer, but after
could be read over the Fuhrer’s the destruction of the Soviet forces
shoulder were enough to convince in Berlin, this Hitler-puppet seemed
later Department 13 occult specialists interested solely in opening some
that the notebook was a transcribed sort of gateway between the earth
ceremony from a larger tome of works and somewhere else. Gone was the
discovered in the Middle East. leader and in its place a monster that
spouted knowledge of horrific things
It was also clear that whatever and nightmarish concepts that he
was given to Adolf Hitler was not the wanted to build or create.
complete text. Several key bits of
The Resistance has very little descriptions
information regarding the “Elder are horrific-
Gods” of Hitler. Some believe they are giants that crush
not gods at all, but alien life forms the earth beneath
that use trickery and deception to their footsteps,
move to new planets or dimensions creatures that
and take advantage of the sentient consume all emotion
species there. Regardless of what and feast on souls.
members of the Resistance believes, it They have names that
is clear that the creatures have gained are unpronounceable, or
a foothold in this world through Nazi the letters have been obliterated.
Germany and will stop at nothing less The monster Fuhrer never mentioned
than total domination. any individual Elder God by name in
the presence of any humans, so they
Whatever these Elder Gods look remain a mystery.
like, one can only speculate from
pictograms and ancient texts. The

It was clear early on that untoter Then there was a long period lasting
Hitler had one goal in mind: London. until 1949 where Hitler directed his
After Berlin had been cleansed of occult scientists to build several
foreigners, Hitler continued to march strange machines and devices. His
his mindless zombies further out undead army was frightening but
in concentric circles. Those who could not follow more than simple
defected later thought that, despite directions and could not be controlled
the speeches of Gates and God, over the English Channel; the Fuhrer
Hitler was generally working toward learned this quickly with a short-lived
a unified German Europe. He spread assault. He would have to transport
the Fourth Reich’s borders back to the undead via air or boat and have
where they were prior to D-Day by someone with intelligence to control
the end of 1945. From 1946 to 1948, them.
Hitler solidified his power in Eastern
Europe and pressed attacks against To make intelligent undead, Hitler
the United Kingdom from France. directed his scientists in the creation
of a horrific machine that allowed the
soul to be captured in a recently dead what was left of the United Kingdom.
body with its memories still attached. German submarines ring the island
That these creatures had the same and guard the English Channel, but it
glowing eyes as the stranger that first is assumed by the Germans that the
handed the book over to Hitler those United Kingdom is no longer a threat.
many years ago was not unnoticed by The Resistance knows otherwise;
the Resistance. underground contacts confirm that
the royal family and Prime Minister
With the introduction of wandelnde were elsewhere, but London itself is
leiche, Hitler was able to cross the gone.
Channel. The British fought to the
bitter end and were finally taken in
spring of 1950. Amidst the rubble
that was once London was the British
Museum. Hitler’s goal was here; within
the museum was a set of bronze gates
from an ancient Babylonian city.

The Resistance almost failed in their

mission to protect the earth, since
Hitler’s target was unknown until it
was nearly too late. These “Balawat
Gates” were never actually set up for
people to enter and exit the city, but
found in one of the temples against
a wall. So it was learned that these
Gates were created to open up an
interdimensional doorway, and not
a moment too soon; the Resistance
discovered this on the eve of Hitler’s
attempt to create his ritual.

Fortunately, the Resistance was

able to use information from various
artifacts and documents to stop the
ritual. A simple bucket of saltwater
while the Fuhrer stood in front of the
opening Gates caused a disruption
to both, resulting in a spectacular
explosion. Few escaped, but it was
considered a success by the desperate

When the Gate was destroyed in

London, the Germans abandoned
The woman had stopped talking, but the Professor’s eyebrows
were still glued to his hairline in shock. “This…this does not sound
like very good odds.”

Agent L held out her arms and smiled sadly at the elderly
man. “I won’t lie to you; it is very unlikely that we will stop these
creatures from crossing over…but we must try. For the sake of our
world, we must try.”

“Well,” the professor sat back a little and adjusted his

spectacles. “I suppose you are right. What do you need me for?”

Her smile widened and he was again struck by her exoticness.

“If you will follow me, Professor; I would like to show you a device.”

They traveled together back down the hall and abruptly turned
to the left before they reached the warehouse. She looked over her
shoulder at him. “You may recognize it, of course.”

She opened a door and stepped through allowing him to

pass her as he walked into a rather large room. He did not notice,
however, eyes riveted to the strange humming machine in the

“My God,” he murmured. “You built it. You built my machine.”

“We copied your notes, yes. But we need you to help us

understand what we are doing. Can you help us?”

They came closer and came around to the front. The

professor’s eyes were alight with glee now, see years of work
constructed in front of him. “…Of course, I will,” he whispered,
feeling a sting of tears at the realization of a dream.
Due to the occupation of Germany in most countries, the standard weapons
created prior to 1945 are those currently being used by most militaries. The
only exception is the AK47; after its debut into the Soviet military it gained
popularity among Resistance members and has been traded or sold through
covert channels to everyone but the Germans.

Walther P38: Damage: 2d6, Critical 20,

Range: 50m (164 ft), Rate of Fire: Semi-
Auto, Weight: 800 grams (1.70 lbs)
Mauser Rifle: Damage: 2d10, Critical
20, Range: 500m (547 yds) iron
sites/800+ m (875 yds) optics, Rate of
Fire: Single, Weight: 3.7–4.1 kg (8.2–9
MG42 Machine Gun: Damage: 2d10,
Critical 20, Range: 1000 m (547 yds),
Rate of Fire: Burst, Auto (1200–1500
rpm), Weight: 11.57 kg (25.51 lbs);
Ammo 50- or 250-round belts.

Colt M1911: Damage: 2d6, Critical 20,

Range: 50m (164 ft), Rate of Fire: Semi-
Auto, Weight: 1105 grams (2.44 lbs)
M1 Garand: Damage: 2d10, Critical
20, Range: 402m (440 yd), Rate of Fire:
Semi-Auto, Weight: 4.31–5.3 kg (9.5–
11.6 lbs)
Browning Automatic Rifle: Damage:
2d10, Critical 20, Range: 914.4–1370m
(1000–1500 yds (Max. range: up to
5000 yds), Rate of Fire: Auto (500–650
rpm), Weight: 7.25–11 kg (15.98–24
lbs); Ammo 20-round box magazine
M1919 Browning Machine Gun:
Damage: 2d10, Critical 20, Range:
1370 m (1500 yds), Rate of Fire: Burst,
Auto (400–600 rpm), Weight: 14 kg (31
lbs); 250-round belts.

Webley Revolver: Damage: 2d8,

Critical 20, Range: 45.72m (50 yds),
Rate of Fire: Single, Weight: 1.1 kg (2.4
lbs), 6 round cylinder
Lee-Enfield Repeating Rifle: Damage:
2d10, Critical 20, Range: 503m (550
yds), Rate of Fire: Single, Weight: 4.0
kg (8.8 lbs)
Browning High Power 9mm auto:
Damage: 2d6, Critical 20, Range: 50m
(164 ft), Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto, Weight:
1.0 kg (2.19 lbs)
STEN Submachine Gun: Damage:
2d10, Critical 20, Range: 60 m (65.6
yds), Rate of Fire: Auto (400–600
rpm), Weight: 14 kg (31 lbs); 32-round
detachable box.

Tokarev pistol: Damage: 2d6, Critical

20, Range: 50m (164 ft), Rate of Fire:
Semi-Auto, Weight: 854 grams (@1 lb
14 oz)
Mosin-Nagant Rifles: Damage:
2d10, Critical 20, Range: 500m (547
yds)/750+ m (775 yds) optics, Rate of
Fire: Single, Weight: 3.4–4.1 kg (7.5–9
Automat Kalashnikov Model 47
(debuted 1947, adopted for Soviet
military 1951): Damage: 2d10, Critical
20, Range: 300m (330 yds) Full-Auto/
400m (440 yds) Semi-Auto, Rate of
Fire: Semi-Auto, Auto (400–600 rpm),
Weight: 4.3 kg (9.5 lbs); 10-, 20-, or 30-
round magazines, or 40-round box, or
50-round drum

Rubber Truncheon: Most of the untoter

forces of Germany are no longer able
to operate pistols or rifles safely, their
hands shaped more like claws as the
ends of their bony fingertips punch
through the undead skin. In many cases
these undead forces are given rubber
truncheons, which are billyclubs made
of a one-piece ball-on-a-stick.
Damage: 1d6, Critical 20, Range: hand-
to-hand, Weight: 3 lbs
Salt Ammo: Once it was deemed that
sea salt (not rock salt) was effective
against these particular undead,
special bullets were created for the
various makes and models of guns in
True Death Capsules: Aside from
cyanide, these suicide capsules have
a mixture of poisonous herbs that
render the dead body incapable of
rising from the dead by a command
from the wandelnde leiche. A mortally
wounded Resistance member can take
one (or have one broken in the mouth)
to prevent being used by the Nazis
after death. Every Resistance member,
whether Department 13 or otherwise,
carries one.
Zombie Dust: The top secret
ingredients are placed in canisters and
either shot over a field or used as an
aerosol. Whatever the dust is made of,
it speeds up decomposition of generic
untoter soldiers, causing them to fall
apart within minutes. This formular
does not work on wandelnde leiche or
These are machines currently used by the Germans or the Resistance to
create occult-like events. It was an unfortunate innovation from the monster
Hitler that certain symbols or spells can tie the soul and all its power using a
contraption to harness or hold it. This new type of necro-machinery is for many
the most horrific product of the Fifth Reich. The Resistance has also learned
to create machinery using some of the arcane designs, but have strived to use
the mind rather than the soul and preserve life as much as possible. Therefore,
Department 13 has few devices, while the necro-Nazis keep producing more.

These are the Devices that have been thus far identified. It is unknown what
else is under development.

Wandelnde Leiche Machine: this is spheres and used elsewhere. It may

essentially a lethal injection set-up take hundreds of spheres to do the same
that forces the soul to remain within job as a half-dozen living sacrifices, but
a re-animated dead body. The result is the job can still get done. The liquefied
a fully functional undead creature that meat that is produced on the other
cannot die unless killed by an Elder God. side is usually supplied to the local
Thus it becomes the primary operative contingent of untoter troops or used for
for the victim to find a way to achieve fulfilling blood sacrifices. This machine
the Elder Gods’ desires. It is said the was created by Herr Heinz Shomer and
wandelnde leiche suffers constant pain there is only one like it.
as long as it lives. The machine also
grants the power of reanimation and Automaton (Laufroboter) Device:
control over untoter troops, which are Soon after the creation of the Wandelnde
mere mindless zombies. There are three Leiche, it was discovered that these
in existence. same glyphs and instruction could be
used to reanimate things other than
Armageddon Machine: A device that flesh. This is how Herr Heinz Shomer
works as a giant automated meat survived his decapitation and how he
grinder, it destroys the body so painfully was able to create an army of robots.
that it also rends the soul, breaking it Technically a wandelnde leiche trapped
down into its powerful components. inside an automaton, Herr Shomer was
Canisters in the shape of spheres collect resurrected and his head was placed
a portion of this energy (much of the in a robotic spider-like appendage.
power is lost), and can take about five Currently, Herr Shomer is the only
or six victims’ worth of soul power each. leiche capable of producing and
This is a portion of what a live sacrifice controlling soul-driven robots and has
can do, but the difference is that this the only machine capable of creating
power can be stored indefinitely in the automatons.
These are the Devices that have been
thus far identified. It is unknown what else
is under development.

Psychic Enhancer: This helmet is or “evil”

designed to enhance brain waves for both that
sending and receiving psychic symbols. seems to
Rather like a motorcycle helmet with come
an opaque visor, the psychic agents exclusively
puts it on and then opens himself or from the
herself to any possible thoughts from Elder Gods
a target, usually kept in another room and their minions.
unaware of the situation. It has a range It is unknown if
of 100 meters (328 feet) and enhances this is an actual
any unprotected thoughts, giving the power against
psychic double the chance of success. aliens or magic.
The person is
Spell-Shields: Spell-shields come in placed in a special
the shape of white, thumb-sized oval chair within the machine
discs. These discs protect someone from and special glyphs along the inners
being targeted by a spell, but require a walls are lit in a particular order. It
sacrifice of blood and soul to activate. appears the soul responds to these
Once activated, the disc glows blue and glyphs innately, as thought remembering
renders the holder virtually invisible to a code. A common volunteer is able to
all targeted spells for 12 hours, after hold these strong powers for a little less
which it requires another sacrifice. The than 48 hours, but a psychic agent can
blood sacrifice causes d6 in damage retain it much longer, up to a month,
and the soul sacrifice another d6 in before the soul begins to forget. The
damage. The blood sacrifice can be power is similar to telekinesis in that
healed by regular means but the soul creatures of darkness, such as zombies,
damage requires a priest or a week’s leiche, or other related monsters, are
worth of rest to restore. unable to come any closer than five feet
to a sleeping or unconscious person
Telekinesis Device: This room-sized with this ability, and will be pushed
machine enhances a person’s personal away up to 200 yards by someone who
power (i.e. soul energy) to be able to is actively trying.
sense and push back the dark force

For 1963, there a definitive difference between what could be expected in

terms of the automobiles seen in traffic, and what is currently in existence
in Occupied America. Although standard vehicles up to and including 1962
models do exist, they are few and far between as the Germanic Empire
continues to take tributes and leaves little to civilians throughout the world.

Volkswagen Kübelwagen: four-door

utility roadster. Crew: 1, Passengers:
4, Cargo: L, Init: -2, Top Speed: 80
k/ph (50 mph), Defense: 8, Hardness:
5, HP: 36, Size H. Lightweight with
considerable ground clearance, the
Kübelwagen was capable of being
modified readily and did not have a
radiator so was more invulnerable to

Opel Blitz: Generic German Light-

and Middle Weight Trucks. Crew:
1, Passengers: 2 (in cab; up to 12
passengers in back), Cargo: M, Init:
-2, Top Speed: 97 k/ph (60 mph),
Defense: 8, Hardness: 5, HP: 36, Size:
H to G. essentially a large truck to
carry personnel or cargo. Could also
come in six wheels, eight wheels, or a
half-track version.

Hanomag Sd.Kfz 251 Half-Track:

Half-track armored personnel carrier.
Crew: 1, Passengers: 11, Cargo: L,
Init: -4, Top Speed: 52.5 k/ph (32.5
mph), Defense: 6, Hardness: 15, HP:
58, Size: G. Slow-moving but capable
of moving a large amount of troops
into place despite heavy fire.

BMW R75 Motorcycle: Motorcycle/

sidecar combination. Crew: 1,
Passengers: 1, Cargo: 0, Init: -1, Top
Speed: 97 k/ph (60 mph), Defense: 9,
Hardness: 5, HP: 22, Size: L. Popular
vehicle among officers.

Schwerer Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz

232 armored scout car: Heavy
Armored Car. Crew: 4 (Commander,
gunner, driver, secondary driver),
Cargo: L, Init: -4, Top Speed: 85 k/ph
(53 mph), Defense: 6, Hardness: 15,
HP: 58, Size: G. Designed for recon
missions and taking heavy fire.

Leichter Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz

222 scout car: Light Armored Car.
Crew: 2, Cargo: L, Init: -4, Top Speed:
road 80 k/ph (50 mph)/off-road 40
k/ph (25 mph), Defense: 7, Hardness:
15, HP: 50, Size: G. A lighter version
of the above.
“Your problem is here, my
lady. Whoever copied my notes
missed a scribble that actually
meant to put the casing in
upside-down.” The elderly gentleman
carefully pulled his head out from
beneath the compartment.

“Excellent. I can’t wait to see how

it works.” The beautiful agent’s voice
changed, becoming louder. “And
here is your first test subject.”

The Professor looked toward the

door at Agent L’s words and recognized the
young woman who drove him there. “Madam… Agent….?”

“Agent D, Professor.” She came right up and shook his hand.

“And how is your wounded friend?”

“Agent G? He’ll be fine.” She smiled warmly at the Professor.

“He’s had worse and, really, he should know better than to put
himself out there to get shot.”

Agent L approached them, joining in the laughter. “In any

event, we’d like to use Agent D here to test your machine and see
what the effects are.”

“Because she is a psychic, yes?” The professor looked from

Agent L’s knowing eyes to Agent D’s startled ones.

“How did you know?” Agent D recovered quickly and smiled,

still with warmth, so it appeared he had not overstepped his bounds
“In the car. You answered my thoughts. I may have been
broadcasting very loudly at that moment.” He returned the smile
and they were all nodding. “Well, then, Agent D, let me prepare the
machine for you and we will begin. With these enhancements, we
will find out what you are truly capable of.”

This is established as a Pathfinder-compatible game, which means that you

got a hold of this supplement already knowing something about the system.
We’re going to assume that, in any event. Also note that incorporating another
system isn’t difficult; we’re providing the basics here and you should be able
to make the conversions readily enough. First, let’s establish the likelihoods of
developing a character in this setting.

1. You’re a human. You may be an enhanced human with special abilities

but it is very unlikely that you are an alien or creature of some sort.
Should a player or a GM find a reason to create a zombie, leiche, or
monster to roleplay, just crib off the monster notes later in the next

2. You are or will be a member of the Department. Makes sense; this

is called Department 13. Even if the characters are not members,
they should at least be working with the Department. Nazis are bad;
Resistance is good.

3. We can throw out the bias. Yes, we know that a realm of 1963 that
there should be certain societal rules. Well, forget it. Billions have died.
The world’s been unified against the Necro-Nazis. Forget racism and

4. Pick a class. Dept. 13 uses the Infinite Futures game system so dig
though the rules and pick a class. For the most part the classes can
be played as they appear in the core rule, although they may need to be
modified in small ways to fit the time and genre. The Psychic class and
the Mystic (As outlined in Infinite Mysteries) are both excellent additions
to the game. It is highly recommended that you use the rules for magic
as outlined in Infinite Mysteries.
There are very few super-agents out
there. These are psychic agents that
have been trained to use their psychic
abilities to keep evil at bay. They are
trained in stealth, combat, and psychic
attacks, as well as magic shielding.

The Super-Agent is capable of working

alone or with a group, and generally
one super-agent does not know of the
existence of any others unless they
have worked together before. Most
other types of agents just assume the
Super-Agent is an ordinary agent with
psychic abilities, not understanding
the training that the super-agent has

Base Attack of 3, Knowledge (paranormal) and Stealth of rank 4 or higher
Hit Dice: d10
Class Skills
The Super-Agent’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Drive (Dex), Escape Artist
(Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (military, modern culture, paranormal) (Int), Linguistics
(Int), Medical (Wis), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim
Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int Modifer

Agent Base Attack Fort Ref Will

Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 0 +2 0 +2 Combat Feat, Single Psychic Power
2 +1 +3 0 +3 Endurance
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 No Hands
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Great Endurance
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Slippery Mind
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Combat Feat
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 Second Psychic Power
8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Resist Disease
9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Damage Reduction
10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Evasion
Class Features the length of time a super-agent can
All of the following are class features of exist under adverse conditions without
the super-agent. penalty increases. When determining
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A the number of rounds a super-agent
super-agent is proficient with all simple can hold their breath or run; the
weapons and personal firearms. number of hours the character can go
without water; or how for below zero the
Combat Feat: The Super Agent gains
character’s hit points can drop before he
bonus combat feats at 1st and 6th
or she dies, their effective Constitution
levels. These feats must be chosen
score is their actual Constitution,
from the following list. The outlander
plus 1/2 his or her super-agent level
must meet all normal prerequisites for
(rounded down).
the feats.
Acrobatic Step, Heavy Weapons Proficiency Slippery Mind: The Super-Agent is
(flamethrower, bazooka), Catch Off-Guard, cold and logical enough to recognize
Combat Reflexes, Defensive Combat Training, when impulses are from an outside
Dodge, Improved Initiative, Nimble Moves, Run,
source and ignore them. If a techie is
Save Enhancement, Skill Specialization, Throw
affected by an enchantment effect and
Anything, Toughness, Well Versed.
fails his saving throw, they can attempt
Psychic Power: Each super agent it again one round later at the same DC.
can control psychic disciplines as They get only this one extra chance to
their exposure to the horrors of the succeed on his saving throw.
Nazi occult has awakened their latent
Resist Disease: The character gains
a +2 bonus to saving throws to resist
The agent may pick one discipline of diseases.
which a single power of level 1 may be
Damage Reduction: At 9th level, a
chosen. Said power may be used once
super-agent gains damage reduction.
a day per Intelligence modifier of the
Subtract one from the damage the
character takes each time they are
See the Psychic powers rules. For more details.
dealt damage from a weapon or natural
At 7th level the agent may pick another
attack. At 13th level, and every three
power, from the same discipline, which
super-agent levels thereafter (16th, and
may be of level 1st, 2nd, 3rd level.
19th level), this damage reduction rises
Endurance: A super-agent gains by one point. Damage reduction can
Endurance as a bonus feat at 2nd reduce damage to zero but not below
level. zero.
No Hands: A super-agent with this Evasion: When he reaches 10th level,
talent receives one additional move a Super-Agent develops a knack for
action per round while controlling getting out of harm’s way. If they
a vehicle. This action can be used to make a successful Reflex saving throw
perform an additional driving stunt. If against an attack that normally deals
the driver only uses one of his move half damage on a successful save, they
actions in a round to control a vehicle, instead takes no damage. A helpless
they may take a full round action, such outlander does not gain the benefit of
as a full attack. evasion.
Great Endurance: Starting at 4th level,
“Agent L! Nazis are coming through the neighborhood heading
straight for the warehouse.”

“Blast it. We’re not ready.” She turned to the professor. “Get
Agent D out of the machine. We’ll hold them off at the doorway.
Bring her as quickly as you can.” The woman vanished out the
room’s door, joined in the hallway by several heavily armed men in
military gear.

The professor ended the machine’s programming and, with two

technicians, walked the still-groggy Agent D down the same hallway
to where gunfire resounded closer and closer. Agent L was behind
the line of fire, looking grim, although she turned with relief as they

“Excellent, we’re running out of time. There’re about three

dozen zombies out there. And they have Spawn.”

She spoke to Agent D, who stiffened, but the Professor was the
one who answered. “Spawn?”

Agent L turned her gaze to the professor and he could see

the fear in her amber eyes. “Monsters, professor. From another
These walking dead soldiers are
resurrected and commanded by the
Wandelnde Leiche. Once awake each
untoter soldier functions as a mindless
shambling corpse without direction; it
takes a command from the leiche to
make the zombie functional and
quicker. The undead will follow
the command until it is finished
or changed.
These zombies do not eat their
victims (unless commanded), but
attack to grab or pummel with
their rubber truncheons. They
will bring their targets to their
master or whoever the master
indicates in his absence.

Hit Dice: d8
Str 17 Dex 10 Con 0 Int 0 Wis 10 Cha 10
Saves: Base save bonuses are
Fort +1/3 HD, Ref +1/3 HD, and
Will +1/2 HD + 2.
Defensive Abilities: Zombies lose their
defensive abilities and gain all of the qualities
and immunities granted by the undead type. Zombies gain DR 5/slashing.
Untoter are sensitive to sea salt and mandrake. Severing the spinal cord or
burning or disintegrating the entirety of the untoter kills the zombie.

The leiche of the Fifth Reich were created through a series of experiments
designed by the monster Hitler. The devices trap the soul within the body
and impart a magical forcing binding them for eternity. The leiche cannot be
destroyed except through the touch of an Elder God, or so these leiche believe.
The ritual binding causes much discomfort to the leiche and they are in great
pain for as long as they remain this way, motivating them to find the means to
bring forth the Elder Gods and end their torment.

Hit Dice: d10

Statistics: As a living NPC, but Con becomes 0.
Defensive Abilities: Cannot be Destroyed. Spells that disintegrate or blow up
the leiche’s corpse just do not work.
Physical force will cause the corpse to
fly apart but it reforms almost instantly.
Sea salt does cause pain, agony, and
repels the leiche, although it does not
kill it. Only the force of an Elder God
can destroy the leiche.

The robots of Herr Shomer generally

are only seen wherever their master is,
since he is the only one who can control
them. Although they are created using
the same process as a leiche their souls can
be released by destroying the automatons
they inhabit. Unable to speak, it is unknown if
the soul feels anything within the robot’s body.

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, Low Light Vision;

Perception +0 Init +2
AC 18, touch 13,
flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5
armor), DR 5, hp 23
(1d10+13), Fort +0 Ref +3
Will +0
Speed 70ft.
Str 16 Dex 10 Con 16 Int 10
Wis 10 Cha 10
Base Atk +1 CMB +3, Feats None
Skills: Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers +6 Stealth
Languages None
Find Target: Find Target (Su) Shomer can order it
to find and a specific creature. The creator must
program some set of parameters in order for the
laufroboter to follow orders.
The Elder Spawn are
essentially wormlike monsters that
have been able to slip through the cracks of
reality into this world. Many came into being during Monster Fuhrer’s reign,
although it is known some were destroyed when the Gate collapsed in London.
These creatures remind people of leeches or predatory eels with strange red
bulbous eyes and clawed webbed hands. Their teeth are massive and they are
towering creatures when they stand on their hind legs, almost two meters tall.
They will just as readily bite at the humans in their path as claw them and
they his and gurgle, sometimes in human languages. Some believe the Monster
Fuhrer was possessed by one of these creatures.

Senses blindsight 30 ft., scent; Perception +0, Init +1

AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex), hp 19 (3d8+6), Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +1
Speed 10 ft, swim 20 ft. Melee bite +5 (3d6)
Str 14 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 18 Wis 10 Cha 1
Base Atk +2 CMB +2 (+10 when attached);
CMD 13 (can’t be tripped), Feats None
Skills: Swim +8

Treat as summoners or other demon-calling magic users. Generally the Nazi

sorcerers are operating from a distance and will surrender when faced with
physical violence. They need little to curse someone with a visitation from a
demonic entity: a name, a face from a photograph, a piece of clothing.
Use the Bargainers field of magic for these evil mystics.
Wandelnde Leiche, Mystic Level 11
build using the rules described in Infinite Mysteries

XP 9,600 CR 10 CE Medium humanoid

Init +1; Senses Perception +15
AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+5 Def +1 Dex), hp 60 (11d8+11)
Fort +7 Ref +3 Will +7
Offense Speed 30ft. (Fleet0), Melee Claws +8/+3 (1d4/20), Ranged Pistol
+8/+3 (2d6/19–20)
STR 15 Dex 13 Con - Int 19 Wis 12 Cha 10
Base Atk +8 / +3 CMB +2 (+10 when attached); CMD 13 (can’t be tripped)
Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Artist, Combat Reflects, Leadership, Mystic Talent,
Personal Firearm Profligacy
Skills: Acrobatics +2, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +5, Intimidate +10, Knowledge
(Arcane, Earth and Life Sciences) +10, Linguistics +2, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10,
Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3
Languages German, English, Russian, Yiddish, French, Greek
SQ Cannot be destroyed, Channel Energy 6D6, Talisman, Path (Bargainer), Blood Pact

Spells per day:

0 level x4 (Bleed, Light, Mending, Read
1st x5+1 (Bane, Cause Fear, Command,
Doom, Entropic Shield, Inflict Light Wounds)
2nd x5+1 (Bull’s Strength, Death Knell,
Desecrate, Inflict Moderate Wounds X3)
3rd x5+1 (Bestow Curse, Blindness,
Contagion, Inflict Serious Wounds X2, Speak
with Dead)
4th x4+1 (Inflict Critical Wounds, Poison,
Sending, Tongues, Unholy Blight)
5th x3 (Commune, Dispel Good, Inflict Light
Wounds, Mass)
6th x2 (Anti Life Shell, Forbiddance)

Equipment: Walther P38, Hitler’s notebook

Wandelnde Leiche, Level 8

Str - Dex - Con - Int 25 Wis 10 Cha 1
Automaton Body:
Str 10 Dex 15 Con 16
With spiderlike legs the laufroboter can move quickly when Shomer needs it
to. If the robot is destroyed the head will continue to live on as it was made
Wandelnde Leiche without the body attached.
There are eleven wandelnde leiche in existence. Generalfeldmarschall
Wolfram von Knonner is the highest ranked member and in the Americas. The
remaining ten wandelnde leiche are divided up between the Americas, portions
of Europe, and Australia. It is unknown whether any of the three leiche-making
devices are still working. It is estimated there are about 50,000 untoter troops
walking the planet. Each leiche is responsible for up to 5,000 walking dead
within 100-mile land radius.

It is estimated there are a total of seven Gateways. The one in London was
destroyed and the one in Egypt is currently sealed. It is believed the monster
Fuhrer was unable to give anyone else information on the remaining Gateways,
due to Hitler’s confidence the Gateway in London would succeed.

Although things are strained, the untoter troops can only operate within a
hundred miles of their leiche master and not over saltwater. Although large
populated areas of America are bombed or overrun with Nazis, other portions
are relatively free, so long as attention is not called this way or that.

This is a very open setting. There are a lot of ways to expand on it depending
on whether you want an action-packed, kill the monsters type of game or
perhaps a tension-filled horror noir setting. One could readily set up a quest
for a lost clue through any number of ancient historical sites, trying to get to
a magic artifact or gate before the bad guys get there. The player characters
could all be clueless gang members not yet recruited by Department 13 or they
can be statted as super-agents, quite capable of ripping someone apart with
their minds but with a definitive lack of control.
The monsters can be emphasized or pushed into the background. For
those that prefer settings with more variety in monsters, they can be added
at a whim. The monsters statted above were those that have been previously
mentioned in setting, but obviously in a realm where magic is just about to
come bursting through, the amount of species available is limitless. Likewise
this could become a very human-oriented game, with the leiche in another
country or continent along with their untoter troops, and the focus being
strictly on the player characters in a mission.

Obviously any campaign should be about stopping the Fifth Reich from
opening up a Gate between this world and the one that holds the Elder Gods.
Just about everything the Fifth Reich is planning on doing involves locating
and opening these Gates. This should be the underlying concept for most

Other plot hooks include:

Rescues: Save the Agent, Girl, Director, Prime Minister, Diplomat’s
Daughter, Yourselves.
Finding Clues: Seek out the clue among ancient ruins, Steal the
clue from a Nazi location, Getting the clue from some other secretive
Defense: You must protect the Occultist, scientist, newly found
Gate, clues, key piece of a puzzle from Nazis, untoter, leiche, or
Infiltration and Recon: Finding out what Group A is doing due to
Suspicious Activity.

Or go off on a tangent and make things up. That’s what gaming is all about.
Look for new adventures for this setting coming soon.
All games available at
(Click on the name to visit their site)






Avalon’s premier game system the S&G battle system allows you to play skirmish level
engagements, and do so with a fast, easy to learn system that also allows for endless
expansions and genres. With S&G you can fight battles between fantasy based elves and
orcs, or blast off into the cold hard future with space marines and aliens.

 Weapons and Armor
'  Warlord Grom Weapons As mod Damage mod Notes____ 

 Special Abilities
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“Fantastic artwork, wonderfully created and well thought out
as well as a beautiful addition to any fantasy RPG.”

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