Grade 11 Physics Worksheet Momentum

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Grade 11 Physics Worksheet


1. A solid metal ball and a hollow plastic ball of the same external radius are released from rest in a
large vacuum chamber. When each has fallen 1m, they both have the same
(A) inertia (B) speed (C) momentum (D) kinetic energy (E) change in potential energy

2. A railroad car of mass m is moving at speed v when it collides with a second railroad car of mass
M which is at rest. The two cars lock together instantaneously and move along the track. What
is the speed of the cars immediately after the collision?

(A) v/2 (B) mv/M (C) Mv/m (D) (m + M )v/m (E) mv/(m+M)

3. A stationary object explodes, breaking into three pieces of masses m, m, and 3m. The two pieces
of mass m move off at right angles to each other with the same magnitude of momentum mV, as
shown in the diagram above. What are the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the piece
having mass 3m?

Magnitude Direction

(A) 3

(B) 3

(C) 3

(D) 3

(E) 2V
Questions 4-6

A ball is thrown and follows the parabolic path shown above. Air friction is negligible. Point Q is
the highest point on the path. Points P and R are the same height above the ground.

4. How do the speeds of the ball at the three points compare?

(A) vp < vQ < vR (B) vR < vQ < vP (C) vQ < vR < vP (D) vQ< vP = vR (E) vP = vR < vQ

5. Which of the following diagrams best shows the direction of the momentum of the ball at point

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

6. Which of the following best indicates the direction of the net force, if any, on the ball at point Q ?

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) There is no net force on the ball at point Q.


A tennis ball of mass m rebounds from a racquet with the same speed v as it had initially as
shown above. The magnitude of the momentum change of the ball is
(A) 0 (B) mv (C) 2mv (D) 2mvsin (E) 2mvcos

The two blocks of masses M and 2M shown above initially travel at the same speed v but in opposite
directions on a frictionless surface. They collide and stick together. How much kinetic energy is lost to
other forms of energy during the collision in terms of M and v? (10pts)




In a physics lab, a cube of mass 3kg slides down a frictionless incline as shown in the figure and
strikes another cube of mass 2 kg. The cubes stick together and leave the incline horizontally and
follow the parabolic path shown in the figure. Find d, the horizontal displacement of the combined
mass. (Use g=10m/s2 and ignore the air resistance)


A child in a boat throws a 10 kg package out horizontally with a speed of 10m/s. Calculate the
velocity of the boat immediately after, assuming it was initially at rest. The mass of the child is 40 kg
and that of the boat is 60kg. Ignore water resistance.

A bullet of m is fired with a speed of V horizontally into a large block of mass M. As a result of the
collision, the bullet and the block together swing up to a maximum height of h. Prove that;

𝑉= √2𝑔ℎ
where g is the gravitational acceleration. (Ignore the air resistance.)


A student obtains data on the magnitude of force applied to an object as a function of time and
displays the data on the graph above.

Draw the best fit line and estimate the increase in the momentum of the object between t=0 s and

A stationary object breaks into six pieces with an internal explosion and the momentum vectors of
the five pieces immediately after the explosion are as shown in the scaled diagram.

Draw the momentum vector of the sixth piece.

10 m/s A cart of mass 2kg moving at 5 m/s is hit by an object of mass 1kg
530 moving at 10 m/s as in the figure.
5 m/s Find their common velocity immediately after the collision.

15) 10 g bullet moving at a vertical velocity of 200 cm/s hits the 90 g wooden block and
embedded in it. Find the maximum height they can reach.
The 950 g wooden block is at rest when two bullets hit
10 g 40 g
it simultaneously in opposite direcitons as in the figure.
300 m/s If the bullets emmbeded in the block what will be the
200 m/s
velocity of the system

17) Two particles with masses of “m” and “2m” moving on a frictionless plane at same speed of “v”
as in the figure. If they will make a completely inelastic collision at point O, find the direction of
motion of the final mass

m 2m

18) A 6 kg object at rest explodes in to 3 parts with an internal explosion. The mass and the
velocity of the two particles are given; find the momentum and the velocity of the third particle.

3 kg, 2 m/s


2 kg, 3 m/s

19) Mass A is moving at 12 m/s, it makes completely inelastic collision with B which is at rest, and
then they collide with C which is at rest and all three move together. What is the velocity of the
combined mass?

1 kg 2 kg 3 kg
2 kg object is moving toward east on a frictionless
2 kg, 1 m/s surface, at point P it changes direction toward North,
find the magnitude and the direction of the affecting
impulse at point P
2 kg, 1 m/s


A 70 kg woman and her 35 kg son are standing at rest on an ice rink, as shown above. They push
against each other for a time of 0.60 s, causing them to glide apart. The speed of the woman
immediately after they separate is 0.55m/s. Assume that during the push, friction is negligible
compared with the forces the people exert on each other.
(a) Calculate the initial speed of the son after the push.
(b) Calculate the magnitude of the average force exerted on the son by the mother during the push.
(c) How do the magnitude and direction of the average force exerted on the mother by the son
during the push compare with those of the average force exerted on the son by the mother?

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