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Chapter 6, 7, and 8

1. Define the following:

a. Human relations
 Interreletionship among people as they interact or work together.
b. Conflict
 A process that begins where one party perceive that another party has
negatively affect, something that the fist party cares about.
c. Substantive conflicts
 Involved disagreessent over issues such as goals, the means to
accomplish goals, respossibilities and rules.
d. Emotional conflicts
 Feeling of distrusf, dislike, fest ,ressemtent , rejection and personality
e. Netiquette
 Never send anything you don’t want made public.
f. Modified block
g. Memo
 Often called memo, It is for internal communication only. Less formal.
h. Agenda
 Outline briefly the topics to be discussed, It allows participants to
prepare a necessary report before the meeting.
i. Minutes
 Consist of list of members present ,list of members absent date and
time of meeting , statement regarding the acceptance of the previous
minutes brief discussion, list of reports that were submitted ,date and
time of the next meeting ,adjournment time and the signature of
chairperson and secretary.
j. Leadership
 Skill or ability to encourage people to work together and do their best to
achieve common goals.

2. What are the fundamental principles of human relations?

 The greatest human craving is to be appreciated or
 Everybody likes to feel important; everybody wants to
be somebody.
 All human interactions should be mutually beneficial or
 People like to be treated with respect and dignity.
 People yearn to be recognized for doing a good job.
 People expect to be treated fairly and impartially.
 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

3. Identify the sources of organizational conflict.

 Personality clashes
 Incompatible goals
 Contrasting perceptions, expectations and values
 Ambiguity over responsibility or jurisdiction
 Poor communication
 Competition for scarce resources
 Organizational change
 Differing ideas
 Unreasonable policies, rules, procedures or standards
 Threats to status

4. Describe the FIVE conflict management strategies or approaches.

 Accommodating - the accommodating strategy
essentially entails giving the opposing side what it
 Avoiding - by delaying or ignoring the conflict, the
avoider hopes the problem resolves itself without a
 Collaborating - integrating ideas set out by multiple
people to find a creative solution acceptable to
 Compromising - calls for both sides of a conflict to
give up elements of their position in order to establish
an acceptable, if not agreeable, solution.
 Competing - operates as a zero-sum game, in which
one side wins and other loses.

5. What are the 11 typical components of a business letter?

1. Letterhead - the letterhead consist of the name of the practice or
physician, address, telephone number, fax number, and company logo. The
letter is often in color and centered on the top of the page.
2 .Inside address - the inside address refers to the name and address of the
person to whom the letter is being sent.
3.Date the date includes the month, day and year. - It should be positioned
two to four spaces below the letterhead. The date must be typed on only one
line and abbreviations should not be used.
4. Subject line
5. Salutation - to greet the receiver. (Dear Mr., To Whom it May Concern,
Dear Sir or Dear Madam)
6. Body of the letter - message of the letter Single space and double spacing
between the paragraph.
 If the letter is more than one page long, try to avoid dividing a paragraph at
the end of a page. If you must, leave at least two sentences at the bottom
of the first page. Tables and graphs should not be broken. They should
appear on one page only. Web address and email addresses should fit on
one line and never be continued to another page.
7.Closing means concludes the letter. (Yours truly, Regards, Sincerely)
8. Signature and typed name
9. Identification line (indicates who dictated the letter and who wrote it.
(reference line)
10. Enclosure (any document included in the letter)
11. Copy (c to indicate that a duplicate letter has been sent. Usually letters
are copied to managers, supervisor that the given information be dispersed)

6. List the FIVE common types of leadership.

7. Describe the FIVE common types of leadership.

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