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This game represents the clash of patrols somewhere between the enemy lines each player
will have a force of normally 8-12 individually based 20/28mm figures. Some forces are
much better than others but the victory points system gives extra points to the weaker
forces to offset their disadvantages.


For a 2 player game the table should be 4 x 4 feet in size there should be lots of terrain
exactly what will depend on where the combat is taking place. The tabletop should
represent an area that patrols would be sent to investigate so a game set on the Russian
steppes could be based around a farm or village not an open plain where you can see
everything for miles around. The best approach to setting up the terrain would be for the
players to do it jointly and then randomly decide who starts on which side. The terrain
pieces should be defined before the game starts so everyone knows what effects they will
have before they start putting figures on the table.


The players should alternately deploy figures within 6ins of their baseline until all figures
have been deployed. The first figure deployed should be the unit commander and the other
figures must all be deployed within sight of this figure.


The players alternately activate figures until all the figures have been activated, when the
command figure is activated they also get an extra activation for one figure in sight of the
commander and within 6ins of him. At the end of each turn roll 1D6 and keep a running
total when this reaches 24 the next turn is the last turn.


When a figure is activated it can move, fire, close assault and in some cases move and fire if
the figure has a morale marker it must first take a morale test. Figures that have not yet
been activated can shoot at an enemy moving in front of them during the enemy figures
move, this counts as their activation.


Figures that have a morale marker must take a morale test before they can be activated, roll
1D10 and consult the table below.

Troop Quality Act as required Move to cover/shoot Retreat

Raw 7+ 4-6 3 or less

Experienced 6+ 3-5 2 or less

Veteran 5+ 2-4 1 or less

Elite 4+ 1-3 0 or less

Bonus’s No friends in sight -1 Out of sight of commander -1

Wounded -1 Each marker after first -1

Move to cover/shoot if in the open move to cover if in cover may shoot troops that can
move and fire could move to cover and then shoot.

Retreat, move a full move away from the enemy if they reach the table edge they are
removed from play.

Once rolled for the morale markers are removed unless rolling as a reaction to a close

Figures get a morale marker for any of the following

Shot at when in the open, Wounded, Out of sight of all friends, A friend is killed in sight of
them, Commander is killed

Morale markers for out of sight of friends are applied at the start of the turn the others are
applied when the event happens.


Normal movement is 6ins and must be in a straight line, the figure can change facing once at
any point in the move or twice if they move a maximum of 3ins.

Half movement if moving over difficult terrain such as rubble, marshland or soft sand

Crossing low obstacles deducts 2ins from movement

High obstacles up to the height of a figure take a whole move to cross anything higher is
considered impassable.

A figure in the open can add 2ins to its movement to end the move in cover, figures doing
this will not be able to move and fire.

Since this is a skirmish game with each figure representing one man the terrain should be
treated the same so things like model trees represent a single tree and figures will have to
move around them.

There are lots of possibilities in terms of terrain and any none standard items should be
clearly defined before starting the game.


Apart from the movement effects above terrain can also block line of sight and also act as
cover when shot.

Normally anything taller than a figure will block line of sight it is possible that a hedge might
not block line of sight particularly for a figure that is right behind it.

As far as cover is concerned anything that would stop a bullet is classed as hard cover and
anything else as soft cover. A wall, tree or armoured vehicle would be hard cover a hedge,
fence or unarmoured vehicle would count as soft cover.


Weapon Range/Dice Thrown Notes

Bolt Action Rifle 0-8ins/1 8-16ins/1 16-32ins/1

Semi Auto Rifle 0-6ins/1 6-12ins/1 12-24ins/1 May move and fire

Automatic Rifle 0-6ins/2 6-12ins/2 12-24ins/1

Assault Rifle 0-5ins/2 5-10ins/2 10-20ins/1 May move and fire

SMG 0-3ins/2 3-6ins/2 6-12ins/1 May move and fire

LMG 0-8ins/3 8-16ins/2 16-32ins/2

Pistol 0-2ins/2 2-4ins/1 4-8ins/1 May move and fire

1D10 score to hit 4+ 7+ 9+

Bonus’s Raw shooter -1 Veteran/Elite shooter +1

Target in cover -1 Shooter wounded -1

Reactive fire -1 Moving and firing unless with SMG/Pistol -1

Figures rolling multiple dice can choose to split then between 2 targets within 1ins of each
other in which case roll separately for each target. For each hit scored roll on the damage
chart so see what effect it has.


This can be done by a figure that has not yet been activated when an enemy figure moves
within its line of sight should the shot cause a hit the target figure stops moving at the point
in its move when the shot took place and will not be able to fire if it would otherwise have
done so.


Grenades can be thrown a maximum of 8ins and will attack all figures within 1ins of the
point at which it lands.

Pick a point for the grenade to land and roll 1D10 needing 7+ for it to be on target

+1 Elite/Veteran -1 Raw -1 Wounded

-2 Throwing through a window unless next to it

On a natural 1 the grenade is a dud else if a miss the grenade lands 1ins away in a random
direction if throwing through a window it lands directly outside the window.

Roll to hit each figure in the blast zone with -1 if they are behind cover needing 6+ to hit or
4+ if they are in a confined space, roll for damage on any figures hit ignoring the plus for
shooting at close range.


When a figure launches a close assault their opponent may react to this by shooting if they
have not yet been activated, the target of a close assault must also test morale if they have
a morale marker any result other than act as required and they will retreat, if the attacker
can move and fire they can shoot at them as they retreat.

Both figures roll 1D10 and add any bonus’s if there is a difference of 2 or more then roll on
the damage chart for effect else there is no effect and the figures will continue fighting the
next time one of them is activated.

Bonus’s Elite +3 Veteran +1 Raw -2 SMG +2

Wounded -2 Assault Rifle +1 Each morale marker -1

Advantageous Position +1 Outnumbered -1/extra opponent

Pistol +1 LMG -1


Roll 1D10 with the following bonus’s

Target in hard cover -1 Shooting at close range +1

1-3 Near miss figure gets a morale marker

4-7 Wounded and receive a morale marker

8+ Killed

A figure that receives two wounds is killed


At the end of the game total up victory points to see who has won, if the player with the
most points has up to 10% more it is a draw else a victory over 50% more is a major victory.

+ Difference in force points for the weaker force

+ Points value of all enemy troops killed or retreated from battlefield

+10pts/figure on the enemy table side at the end of the game

+5pts for whoever has a figure nearest to the enemy baseline at the end of the game

+5pts/figure on high ground at the end of the game


Each player has a force of 8-12 figures the points cost for these is as follows.

Raw 3pts Experienced 4pts Veteran 5pts Elite 6pts +1/grenade

+1 LMG armed +1 has a special ability -1 has a handicap -1 Pistol armed

Each figure can have a maximum of 1 special ability and 1 handicap except the leader who
gets the command ability for free and can have 1 other special ability


Command Can give 1 figure within 6ins and in sight an extra free action

Corporal Can take over as the commander if commander killed

Marksman +1 when shooting except at close range

Fighter +1 in melee

Agile Add 1ins to movement and only loses 1ins of movement to cross obstacles

Tough Ignores the first wound that they suffer

Brave +1 on morale tests


Green Gets a morale marker when the first shot of the battle is fired

Weak -1 in melee

Short Sighted -1 when shooting except at close range

Slow Reduce movement by 1ins and lose 3ins to cross obstacles


These are basic guides to the forces available and the example forces should just be used
samples of how the forces could be organised. Most nations forces varied a lot throughout
the war so feel free to change things to suit a specific force or campaign as required.


The American troops used semi automatic rifles and automatic rifles(BAR) in place of the
LMG’s used by most forces, early on in the war the quality would be quite poor with many
raw troops this improved as the war went on. The marines and paratroopers were much
better quality troops with mostly elite and veteran troops.

Regular Infantry 1944

Veteran leader SMG Command

Veteran Support trooper Auto Rifle

6 x Experienced soldiers Semi Auto Rifle

2 x Raw soldiers Semi Auto Rifle

Points Cost 40pts

Marines 1944

Elite Leader SMG Command

Elite Support trooper Auto Rifle

4 x Veteran Soldiers Semi Auto Rifle 1 is marksman

2 x Experienced Soldiers Semi Auto Rifle

Points Cost 41pts

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British and Commonwealth

Most British forces were of average quality throughout the war with a mix of troop qualities
the forces initially stationed in the far east would be of lower quality. British troops tended
to be better shots than most so marksman ability would be likely for some troops and
fighter for Ghurkhas. Specialist forces such as commando’s and paratroopers would be of
higher quality.

Infantry 1944

Veteran NCO SMG Command

Experienced Support Trooper LMG

6 x Experienced Soldiers Bolt action Rifle 1 is marksman

2 x Raw Soldiers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 41pts

Paratroopers 1944

Elite NCO SMG Command

Elite Support Trooper LMG

5 x Veteran Troopers Bolt Action Rifle 2 are marksmen

1 x Veteran Trooper SMG

Points Cost 45pts

Ghurkhas 1942

Veteran NCO SMG Command

Veteran Support Trooper LMG

3 x Veteran Soldiers Bolt action rifle 2 are fighters

4 x Experienced Soldiers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 42pts

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The German forces unlike most got worse as the war went on due to the loss of trained
personnel though they would always be of reasonable quality. There are many different
types of forces available some very good and some very poor later in the war some elite
troops were equipped with assault rifles.

Regular Foot 1940

Veteran NCO SMG Command

Veteran Support Trooper LMG

2 x Veteran Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

6 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 45pts


Elite NCO SMG Command

Elite Support Trooper LMG

2 x Elite Troopers Assault Rifle

2 x Veteran Troopers SMG

2 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 41pts


Experienced NCO SMG Command

Experienced Support LMG

10 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 39pts

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Russian troops started the war very poor and improved as the war went on some troops
particularly the Naval foot used automatic rifles, there were also forces equipped entirely
with SMG’s.

Winter War Infantry

Experienced NCO Bolt Action Rifle Command

Experienced Support LMG

10 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 39pts

Regular Foot 1944

Veteran NCO SMG Command

Veteran Support Trooper LMG

5 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle/SMG

3 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle/SMG

Points Cost 40pts

Scouts 1944

Veteran NCO SMG Command

Veteran Support Trooper LMG

3 x Veteran Troopers Bolt Action Rifle/SMG 1 is Marksman

4 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle/SMG

Points Cost 43pts

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There forces changed little during the war most of their troops could be either brave or
fighters. Specialist such as paratroopers may be better quality

Infantry 1942

Veteran NCO Bolt Action Rifle/SMG Command

Veteran Support Trooper LMG

8 x Experienced troopers Bolt Action Rifle Half Brave OR Fighters

Points Cost 47pts


Have a bad reputation but most troops were of average quality with some better quality

Infantry 1943

Veteran NCO SMG/Bolt Action Rifle Command

Experienced Support LMG

4 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

4 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 38pts


Veteran NCO SMG Command

Veteran Support Trooper LMG

3 x Veteran Soldiers Bolt Action Rifle

4 x Experienced Soldiers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Value 42pts

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Mostly average quality troops some of the colonial forces varied a lot more, the troops in
the pacific were generally of poorer quality.

Infantry 1940

Veteran NCO Bolt Action Rifle/SMG Command

Experienced Trooper LMG

4 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

4 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Value 38pts

Resistance Fighters

Veteran Leader Bolt Action Rifle/SMG Command

4 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle/SMG

6 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle/SMG

Points Value 39pts


Average quality troops the marines were better the troops in the Far East were worst

Infantry 1940

Veteran NCO SMG/Bolt Action Rifle Command

Veteran Support Trooper LMG

3 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

5 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 38pts

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High quality troops some militia units of lower quality

Infantry Winter War

Veteran NCO SMG Command

Veteran Support Trooper LMG

2 x Veteran Troopers Bolt Action Rifle 1 is a marksman

5 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 42pts


Generally poor quality with some better units, forces defending Budapest varied a lot.

Infantry 1942

Experienced NCO SMG/Bolt Action Rifle Command

Experienced Support LMG

3 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

6 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 39pts

Budapest Defence Force 1944/45

Veteran NCO SMG Command

Veteran Support Trooper LMG

4x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

6 x Armed Civilians Bolt Action Rifle Green

Points Cost 39pts

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Mostly poor quality with some better troops early in the war once they changed sides the
quality of all the troops dropped.

Infantry 1941

Experienced NCO SMG/Bolt Action Rifle Command

Experienced Support LMG

4x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

5 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

Points Cost 40pts


Mostly poorly trained but good morale best represented by classing as brave, variable
equipment some units equipped by Americans.

Infantry 1940

Experienced NCO Bolt Action Rifle Command

Experienced Support LMG

3x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

6x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle 2 are Brave

Points Cost 41pts

American Equipped 1944

Experienced NCO Semi Auto rifle Command

Experienced Support Auto Rifle

4x Experienced Troopers Semi Auto Rifle

5x Raw Troopers Semi Auto Rifle 2 are Brave

Points Cost 41pts

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Generally good troops they used the American BAR instead of a LMG, later war forces
should be based on British or Russian units.

Infantry 1939

Veteran NCO SMG/Bolt Action Rifle Command

Experienced Support Auto Rifle

4 x Experienced Troopers Bolt Action Rifle

4 x Raw Troopers Bolt Action Rifle 2 are Brave

Points Cost 39pts


The force lists above should be seen as examples and modified as required using the various
special abilities can produce very different forces and better quality forces need to do better
in the game to win.

The rules could be used for other conflicts such as the Spanish Civil War or the Korean War.

If you have any questions then feel free to get in touch.

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