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Name: Salhin Bin Bolkeri

1.State the elements in Cell Theory.

 Cells are the “basic unit of life”

 All organisms are composed of one or more cells.
 New cells are produced from the earlier cells (mother cells)/pre existing
cell through cell division.
 Cell is a unit in which all metabolic processes take place.
 Each cell carries heritable/genetic information that can
be passed on to the daughter cells during the cell

2. Draw and label the basic structure of a prokaryotic cell.

3. Draw and label the bacis structure of an eukaryotic cell.

4. In prokaryotic cell, state the function of:

(a) Pili= Used to transfer DNA to other cell

(b) Flagella= Rotating the filament that pushes the cell forward.

(c) Capsule=structures that help protect bacteria from phagocytosis and desiccation

(d) Cell wall= Structure that provide support and shapes the cell.

(e) Ribosome= Sites of protein synthesis.

5. In eukaryotic cell, state the function of:

(a) Mitochondria= Provide energy from food.

(b) Golgi apparatus= Sort materials.

(c) Chloroplas= Makes plant food.

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