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Group 5 :
- Andre Hartanto
- Dhetya Octaviani M.
- Jocelyn Sheryl L.
- Michael Christian G.
Table of Contents

01. Introduction
02. How to Play
03. Fun Facts
What is Egrang?

Stilts or Egrang is a traditional game in the form of a

long stick made of wood or bamboo with a footstool
that a person can use to stand on it and then walk a
certain distance. This game requires the players to
learn how to balance while walking on two sticks.
The History of Egrang
At first, egrang/stilts were a traditional sport or game which, if examined, is quite difficult to find where it came from, but some
researchers say this game has existed since the Dutch colonial era and this game was influenced by Chinese culture.

This egrang game is actually quite unique and quite draining. Because players must be skilled in maintaining body balance and
walking stably on a long wooden stick. The game developed and was quite popular in the 1900s. There are some who make stilts a
traditional game, but there are also those who consider it a traditional sport.

Currently, egrang themselves can only be found when celebrating the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on 17 August.

Actually, these egrang do not only exist in Indonesia, but several countries also have a sports culture or this egrang game, such as in
Europe. In ancient times, postmen delivered letters using egrang. In Japan, stilts are also a traditional game, and are used as
competitions in a series of sporting events in elementary schools.
The History of Egrang
The history of stilts goes back thousands of years—all the way to the 6th century B.C.E. In the Landes region of
France, shepherds used tchangues (English: “big legs”) made of wood. These stilts were around five feet tall and
helped the shepherds move more easily over the area’s marshy ground.

From their stilts, shepherds could watch over their sheep and spot any predators approaching from a distance. For
generations, people in Landes learned to walk on tchangues. Some were so good at it that they could walk and
even run long distances. In 1891, Landes native Sylvain Dornon walked all the way from Paris, France to Moscow,
Russia on stilts!

One folk legend about the origin of stilts says that a foreign ambassador of the Spring and Autumn Period
(722-481 B.C.), Yan Ying, one day went to visit his neighboring kingdom. Because he was short, Yan Ying was
often laughed at by the officials of that kingdom. So, he tied 2 stilts on his feet to make himself taller than
normal people. By walking with the stilts, he spoke sarcastically to those who had been laughing at him. After
that, the tradition of stilt walking spread to the common citizens, and people turned the skill into a dance to
celebrate large events and festivals.

Another popular legend says that stilt performances were influenced by fishermen in coastal villages who
used this technique to catch fish with sharp sticks.
How To Play
How To Play Egrang

For beginners, it will be difficult to do it because

we need to maintain balance on just two poles, with that
beginners often fell a lot while trying at first.

To prevent severe damage, first have someone to

help you stand on the egrang.

You can climb the stilts by positioning the

bamboo leaning forward, not parallel to maintain
balance when the feet will go up to the designated place
to put you feet on the stilts. Even climbing the stilts
must have one foot at a time. After being able to stand
in a balanced manner, players must step their right and
left feet alternately using the bamboo (walking).
How To Play Egrang
Next the game, the rules of playing an egrang game
(race) is :

1. Egrang participants consist of at least three people

2. Before starting the game, the participant must not
hold or be in a ready position on the stilts
3. Participants must walk on their own trajectory/space
4. Before substitution, the previous player must cross
the substitution line along with his stilts
5. The next player is outside the substitution line
6. The winning team is the team whose three members
have crossed the finish line

The rules above only apply to teams. If a game with a

system drops each other, then the participant who
falls first loses.
Fun Facts
Fun Facts about Egrang

The name for this egrang game in each region is

different. In Kalimantan it is called Batungkau, in
Central Java it is called Jangkung, then in
01. Bengkulu it is called Ingkau, while in West
Sumatra it is called Tengkak-tengkak. However,
people are more familiar with the term egrang.
Fun Facts about Egrang
Stilt-walking records

● 1891 Sylvain Dornon (fr), a stilt-walker from the Landes

region of France, walked from Paris to Moscow in 58
02. days.
● 1 October 2001 Saimaiti Yiming of China walked 79.6 km
(49.5 mi) on 73 cm (29 in) stilts in 24 hours in Shanshan
County, Xinjiang, China.
● 15 November 2006 Saimaiti Yiming of China took 10
steps on 16.41 m-high (53.8 ft) stilts to break the
Guinness World Record for walking on the tallest stilts.
● 2008 Roy Maloy of Australia took 5 steps on stilts 17 m
(56 ft) high, an unofficial record for the tallest stilts.
● 30 March 2008 Ashrita Furman of the US ran 1 mi (1.61
km) in 7 minutes 13 seconds on spring stilts in Dachau,
Fun Facts about Egrang

Stilts/Egrang became one of the games

03. competed at the Tafisa Games 2016 and
Potradnas 2019.
Fun Facts About Egrang
Stilts can be played by dancing. The name of this dance is the stilt dance
04. (tarian egrang) which is usually played by 5 dancers, this dance is often
accompanied by traditional music (usually the traditional music of the
area). This dance is combined with several movements such as back and
forth, turning, jumping, or lifting one leg on the shoulder.
Fun Facts about Egrang
Traditional forms and games of egrang developed, therefore has various kinds of egrang sticks and
its purposes. These are a few examples of different kinds of stilts and its purpose :

-) Peg stilts: also known as Chinese stilts, are commonly used by professional performers. These
stilts strap on at the foot, ankle, and just below the knee. Peg stilts are often made from wood but can
05. also be made of aluminium or tubular steel. This type of stilts are the most lightweight ones and allow
a user to walk quickly, to turn suddenly, and even to jump rope or dance. The stilt walker must keep
moving at all times to keep their balance.

-) Drywall or Dura stilts: Drywall or Dura stilts are designed to allow the stilt walker to stand still or to
walk. They were originally designed for people to work at an elevated height during drywall or
plasterboard construction, painting and other such activities.

-) Spring stilts: are spring-loaded stilts that allow the user to run, jump and perform various
acrobatics. Spring stilts were patented in the United States in 2004 under the trademark "PowerSkip",
marketed for recreational and extreme sports use.

-) Articulated stilts: are similar to drywall stilts in that they allow the stilt walker to stand in one place
without shifting their weight from foot to foot. These stilts are commonly used in theme parks.

● Rahmalia, G (2021). Egrang: Permainan Tradisional

Untuk Melatih Keseimbangan.
● Adillah, Z (2021). Inilah Cara Bermain Egrang Yang
Benar. Hobring
● Stilts Walking.
● Hatma, R. Bisa Melatih Motorik Anak, 7 Fakta Menarik
Permainan Tradisional Egrang. theAsianparent
● Kiddle Encyclopedia (2022). Stilts Facts for Kids.

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