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Environmental impact

The US Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday that Volkswagen could face penalties of
up to $18 billion for cheating emissions tests on some of its diesel cars.

In 2012, the World Health Organization's cancer research agency classified diesel engine exhaust
as cancer-causing.
Environmental impact
Direct influence
Harmful emissions
When emission control was turned off, Volkswagen’s pollution hiding cars emitted NOx at up
to 40 times above what is allowed in the US (BBC News). Volkswagen’s manipulation of
emissions tests on 11m vehicles means they could be responsible for almost 1m tonnes of air
pollution a year, almost as much as the emissions from all the UK's power stations, cars,
industry and agriculture combined, according to Guardian analysis. A campaigner called for a
royal commission to investigate carmakers’ activities in the UK Simon Birkett said “Diesel is
without doubt the biggest public health catastrophe in UK history. Even the black plague
didn’t affect everyone in the population” (The Guardian)

Put people’s health at risk.

Nitrogen oxides, toxic gases that linked to increased asthma attacks, other respiratory illness
and cardiovascular related effect, are found in the fumes of diesel cars as the ones
Volkswagen had admitted to fitting with emissions-cheating software. Nitrogen oxides has an
effect on mortality equivalent to 23,500 deaths every year in the UK. Many countries
including the UK, United States and China devote to reduce NOx in a bid to reduce risks in
public health. Diesel engine exhaust caused by Volkswagen scandal, which was classified as a
carcinogen by the World Health Organization's cancer research arm, had a serious public
health impact, exacerbating a series of health conditions, including asthma, bronchitis, and
emphysema. According to the latest figures available from the OECD, premature deaths and
ill health caused by air pollution cost the UK $86bn (£56bn) in 2010.(BBC News)

Indirect influence
Harmed the world’s shared resource
Although it knew that NOx is a really grievous pollutant, Volkswagen still trying to
misleading and cheating consumers and regulators, which led it faced penalties of up 30
billion euros in regulatory fines and vehicle refits. The conduct of cheating emissions tests on
some of its diesel cars clearly showed that Volkswagen’s was weak in sustainable
development and social ethics. It polluted the environment more than it had disclosed, causing
considerable harm to animal, plants and the ecosystems and contributing to a warmer planet,
not just simply affecting humans and air quality. What’s worse, it was no antidote once the
damage was done. Attempting to stay on track with reducing emissions and producing electric
vehicles, Volkswagen formed a so-called sustainability council after its diesel-emissions
scandal. We all hope that its efforts can actually accelerate the company’s transition to
sustainable energy and do not produce excess harmful tailpipe emissions again.

NOx Gases in Diesel Car Fumes: Why Are They so Dangerous? (2015, September 23).
Retrieved October 20, 5AD, from

Anderson, R. (2015, September 16). Diesel Cars: What’s All the Fuss About? Retrieved
October 20, 5AD, from

VW Scandal Caused Nearly 1m Tonnes of Extra Pollution, Analysis Shows. (2015, September
23). Retrieved October 20, 5AD, from

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