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Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
College of Teacher Education
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Name; Arthon E. Cabrera

Section: BSE-SST, I-1
There is no doubt that being a patriotic is the best way to love your own country.
Knowing the constitution, law and order, rules and regulations. By implying it to our
mind and souls digging deeper and knowing to ourselves that we are really a Filipino.
This code of Citizenship and Ethics was promulgated by President Quezon through
Executive 217 on August 19 1939. There are 8 sections; First is ( Have faith on Divine
Providence) this makes sense to me because there is no other than GOD that actually
do miracles and also guides us every time and every day without him our love and
compassion to our country will not be implied. Second is ( Love Your Country ) it is
linked to no. 1 if you don't have love and trust to God therefore you don't love and trust
your country either. For me loving your country and able to sacrifice the life makes me
feel patriotic. Third ( Respect the Constitution ) respecting the constitution, means
respecting the country and also the people, without the constitution we are going to
abuse our freedom. Do whatever we want and cause harm to the people around us.
Fourth, ( Pay our taxes ), this also implying to love our country by doing such that. We
can help our country grow and making infrastructure that helps our fellow citizens to
male their life easy. Fifth, ( Safeguard the Purity of Suffrage ), this means that by voting
wisely and responsibly we will be able to secure the future of our country. Analyzing and
checking the background of the candidates can help us on choosing the right persons
for our government. Remember that practicing the right to vote is being healthy to our
country. Sixth, ( Love and respect your Parents), this is means me a lot I love my
parents more than others. Seventh, ( Value your Honor), maintaining our health and
grooming, is like valuing our Honor. By doing such things we will be able to attain a true
Human being. And finally the Eighth, ( Be Truthful and Honest in Thoughts and Actions),
This one makes me feel to be more proactive at being a kind person, I usually do
something to other people by helping them pick the things they dropped. Being patriotic
doesn't ends here, keep up the good work.

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