Unit 4 Taking A Glimpse of Art History

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Taking a Glimpse of Art History

Art shows the beauty of the past as history tells us the story of earlier times.
Learning about prehistoric art is like travelling thousands of years back and give s
us opportunities to learn how art was utilized by our ancestors, how they valued it
and how this depicted their daily lives.
In this module we will journey back to visit the cave paintings of prehistoric
people during Stone Age. We will appreciate the beautiful ornaments they carved
with their hands using limited hand tools and see how these things were
intertwined with their daily activities. The module will familiarize you with the
monumental and architectural structures erected in Southern England, Egypt,
China and other parts of the world. We will explore the beautiful artworks also
found in our own country.
More will be unpacked as you go along this module so pack your curiosity and
inquisitiveness as we travel along. Bring your artistic sense and knowledge of
history. These will all be your travel guides in our journey to appreciate arts
thought the history.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

1. Be familiar the different artworks from the different parts of the world.
2. Differentiate the characteristics of the different artworks from Asia,
Philippines and the Western countries.
3. Show appreciation of the different artworks through different activities.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Topic 1: Prehistoric Art

Time Allotment: 3 hours

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the module, you will be able to:
a. Distinguish salient characteristics of artworks produced by pre-historic
people from different countries;
b. Create a collage capturing the way of life of the pre-historic people; and
c. Demonstrate your appreciation of the different pre-historic artworks
through differentiated activities.

Activating Prior Learning

I. Have a closer look at the artworks. Give their names and indicate where you
can find them. Pick out your answer in the box provided below. Write your
answer on the blanks provided.


Place: EGYPT Place:EGPT



Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Artworks Place
TajMahal, Manunggul Jar, Hanging Garden , China, India, Philippines, Greece, Italy,
Ziggurat, Pyramid, Colosseum, Sphinx, Great France, Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia,
Wall Japan, Vietnam

This time, let’s see if you have a rich background as regards appreciating these
great artworks in the world.
Try to assess you performance based on the given scores and their descriptive
22 - Excellent
17-21 -Good
8-16 - Fair
0-7 - Poor

Congratulations! You did a great job.

Presentation of Content
Instruction: Read the text and try to answer the following guide questions. Get
ready for sharing your answers to the class.
1. What artworks are found in the different places in the word?

2. What are the main characteristics of these artworks?

- Aesthetic, structural arts and crafts

3. Which of these places would you like to visit? Why?

- The place that I would like to visit is the colosseum, visiting the past is
such an interesting thing, it is such a great opportunity to go in the
pp-0=colosseum that is well-known because it was the site of gladiator
battles under the Roman Empire. Furthermore, Dion Cassius stated
that 9000 wild animals were killed during the amphitheater's first
hundred days of celebrations. Compare to the other places it has more
historical events.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Prehistoric Arts from the Different Parts of the World

The prehistoric period covers the three periods of Stone Age (roughly from
14,000-2,000 BCE) which include Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), Mesolithic
(Middle Stone Age) and the Neolithic (New Stone Age).
Archeologicalartifacts reveal magnificent artworks found in caves such as the
Hall of Bulls in Lascaux, France during Paleolithic Period. Contours of animal’s
body can be seen in the drawings evoking naturalism. Some say that these kinds
of caves also found in other parts of the world served as a kind of sanctuary where
religious rituals are performed. (Caslib,Jr. 2018).
Development in the civilizations are also seen in the Stonehenge located in
Southern England which until now is a mystery. Its purpose is yet unknown.
Chinese Art.Prehistoric art in China emerged during the period 7500BCE to
2000BCE characterized by a more settled lifestyle based on farming, rearing of
domesticated animals which led them to create crafts such as pottery and
weaving. Though arts for them is functional artists were able to focus on
ornamentation and decoration as well. Jewelry, carvings, sculptures in wood and
stone. Other forms evolved in China which capture the richness of the Chinese
culture. (www.visual –arts-cork.com)
Egypt Art.Egyptian prehistoric art can be described as
spiritual and religious. Tombs were erected for the
pharaohs which shelter them as they journey to the afterlife.
They decorated the tombs with the things they use in daily
life. Pharaohs are also given absolute authority and revered
as a deity. The pyramids were constructed by workers who
painstakingly moved huge stones and materials ensuring
the excellent quality of the outside and inside of it. The
palette of King Namer is larger than the others and some
figures such as lion-like figures with intertwined necks, denoting authority and
power of the king. (Caslib,Jr. 2018)
Philippine Art.The Philippines is known for its Manunggul jar, a burial jar,
found in Palawan in the New Stone Age dated 895-775 BC. It represents the
artistry and understanding of early Filipinos about their belief in the journey that a
soul travels in the so called life after death or “kabilangbuhay”. The jar’s lid is
designed with two human figures representing two two souls on a vogaye to the
afterlife. (www.nationalmuseum.gov.ph.)

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

The oldest known works of art form from Philippines prehistory are the Angono
petroglyphs. The Angonopetrogylphs are located on the island of Luzon in Rizal
province. A petroglyph is an engraving in a rock face. It can be found all over the
world and represents the work of prehistoric peoples. A petroglyph is different
form a petrograph. Petrographs are drawing or painting on a rock face. Some
petroglyphs are thought to be a form of communication. They may be maps or
even an early form of writing. Petroglyphs may also have an important cultural
and religious significance to early cultures.(http:www.alearningfamily.com/main/angono-

Greek Art.Prehistoric Greek paintings bear motif of sea and nature during the
pre-Greek period. In the next
period Egyptian influence can
be seen. Human characters are
expression of divine system.
Prehistoric sculptures were
figures of nude male statues in
Daedalic Period. In Classical
age came sculptures of gods and
The Parthenon, 447-432 BC, Athens
goddesses. The human body
became the emphaisis of art during this period. Moving to later Greek period
showed figures of human with minimal clothing. In architecture, Ancient Greek
temples consist of three architectural orders called the Corinthian, Ionic and Doric
Orders (Ariola, M.M., 2014).
Parthenon in Athens reflects the Doric order. It ranks among the masterpieces of
world architecture. It has monumental entrances or propylae. It is best represented
by the famous gateway to the Athenian acropolis.

Roman Art. Greek and Etruscan influences were evident in Roman art.
The Roman important contribution to the development of
architecture are: its structural engineering particularly in
developing concrete reinforced by embedded brick arches
and powerful materials for creating new vaults. These were
the flexible groined vault and the dome, and the (2)
engineering design in planning cities in orderly blocks and
in creating the balanced layout of the great civic centers
called forums.(The Development of Western Thought,
Reading in Art…Vol. I 1976, pp.93-94) http://www.colosseum.net/listingview.php?

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

I. Identify at least two major artworks contributed by each of the countries.
Countries Artworks How does the artwork describe the
culture of the country?
Philippines Manunggul Jar It represents the artistry and
understanding of early Filipinos
about their belief in the journey that
a soul travels in the so called
Angono It says that some of its used is for
Petroglyphs communication. So, it describes that
character of the Filipino being
expressive to his or her
China It describes their culture of being
Pottery and wise because they use arts not only
Weaving for aesthetic purposes but also for
essential things or functional arts.
It describes their culture of being
Jewelries and ETC. creative because they managed to create
or to do things for aesthetic purposes to
catch the attention of others.
Greece Classical Greek art evolved quickly in
The Pergamon altar response to Greece's wars and imperial
transformations. It became much more
emotional, sensual, and even
sensationalist during the Hellenistic
The Riace bronzes These tremendous statues found in the
sea off southern Italy in 1972 are
important because of few original Greek
bronze statues survive. Most of the
classical nudes in museums were carved
in marble in the Roman era, as
reproductions of such rare, and now
largely lost, originals.
Rome Raphaels Frescoes The room is dedicated to the victory of
Christianity over paganism. Its frescoes
represent this struggle from the life of
the Roman Emperor Constantine, and
are the work of Giulio Romano,
Gianfrancesco Penni and Raffaellino del

Colosseum The Colosseum is a symbol of how

advanced Romans were in architecture
and building. This monument represents
strength, power, cruelty and violence.
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Egypt One explanation for this anomaly is that

The great sphinx of the Sphinx is the earthly representation
Giza of the constellation Leo, which has a
lion's body. Images of the sphinx are
found in various sizes and shapes, as the
collection at the Egyptian Museum in
Cairo and the temples throughout Egypt
attest. It represents the culture of Egypt
as a form of the powerful sun god, and
is the incarnation of royal power and the
protector of the temple doors.
Tombs They decorated the tombs with the
things they use in daily life. Pharaohs
are also given absolute authority and
revered as deities, the original purpose
of a tomb was to protect the dead and
provide the deceased with a dwelling
equipped with necessities for the
afterlife. Tombs probably arose from the
prehistoric practice of burying the
deceased in their own homes. This
represents the Egyptian people value
their kings and queens.

II. Read and analyze the given statements, then identify whether it is true or false.
Give explanation to support your answer.
Statement Answer Short Explanation
1. In pre-historic times, TRUE During this period many artworks was
artworks reflected the made to represent life, afterlife and
beliefs of humans about feminism
life and fertility.
2. Asian art is essentially TRUE For example in Egyptian prehistoric
religious in nature. art, can be described as spiritual and
religious. Tombs were erected for the
pharaohs which shelter them as they
journey to the afterlife.
3. The impact of contacts TRUE A great deal of the confusion in
with peoples of mainland cultural identity stems from the fact
Asia and the middle East that Philippine art belongs to the
resulted in new ideas in western tradition in its use of paint
and canvas and other materials, as
art among the Filipinos.
well as in such influences as
impressionism, expressionism,
surrealism, cubism, pop, minimalism
and so on
4. Different places in the FALSE Pottery is from Philippines
world were known to
their famous art creations
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

such that China is noted

for its pottery, while
India is famous for its
TajMahal and Pantheon
is to Greek; Parthenon is
to Rome.
5. The art works found in FALSE Pabaon", as present-day Filipinos
burial sites reveal the know, is the tradition of including the
traditional practice prized possessions or items of the
“pabaon” among people dead to its grave because of the belief
that these things might be helpful to
on Southeast Asia.
the deceased as it travels to the life
after death. This has been a practice
since the neolithic times.

II.Group Activity.Form a group with five members. Create a collage capturing the
salient characteristics of the artworks of one country that the group will select.
Outputs will be graded using the given rubrics below.

5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity Very creative Creative but Minimal qualities
lacking some of creativity is
component observed
Content/Message Shared much Content is enough Content is limited
information and to convey message and the message is
the message is quite vague
very clear
Originality Qualities of work Some techniques Techniques used
stand out from the or content can be in presentation
rest seen from other and content are
works similar to others
Resourcefulness Used materials Materials and time Materials and time
and time in a very are spent just right are spent poorly

III. Diad. Find a partner from your class and do a survey of artworks in your
surroundings by list down some of the prehistoric artworks that are still be
existing in your community. If none, what are these artworks which are somewhat
similar to the prehistoric artworks? Write your answers in a paper.
Prehistoric Artworks Similar artworks existing Qualities that are similar
today to both artworks
Molding clay was used
to create the bot
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

manunggul jar and the

tapayan jar. Both jars
were used in native
religious ceremonies
such as the burial of the

I. Read and identify what is being asked in the given statement.

Stone age1. It is known as period of prehistoric human culture, during which

work was done with stone tools.
Music and dance2. It is considered as the oldest form of art in China.
Calligraphy3. It is the art of writing beautifully, generally in freehand, with
pen or brush on paper or any similar material.
The “S” form4. It is the most simple abstraction of the serpent and this is the
most commonly used figure in Maranaw art.
Neolithic (stone age)5. This period shows that development of glass technology
and art
of weaving in the Philippines as the Filipinos strove for better
control over their environment.
Sphinx6. This combines the body of a lion with the head of the Pharoah
Khafre and the largest surviving colossus and a majestic
symbol of royal power.
Ziggurat7. It is an impressionic structure, rectangular and with enclosed
elaborately engineered interior.
The colosseum 8. . It was called the largest amphitheater in the Roman
Corinthian oeder9. It is the tallest and most slender of the three architectural
it has a capital featuring curling acanthus leaves, and it has
Cave paintings 10. This early form of art communicate something about life
during the New Stone Age. It is thought to be a form of

Topic 2: Appreciating the Philippine Indigenous Art

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Time Allotment: 3 hours

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this topic, you will be able to:
1. Be familiarized with the different indigenous art forms, materials
and sources from in the country;
2. Create written outputs highlighting the characteristics and uses of
the indigenous artworks from the locality; and
3. Show appreciation of the indigenous art of the Filipinos by
creating using the designs or motifs of the Filipino indigenous art.

Activating Prior Learning

Write a one-liner statement about various indigenous arts that can be found in
your locality or province. Statement can be about basketry, wood carving, jewelry
making, pottery, weaving, mat-making and others. Write as much statement as
you can in three minutes. Share your ideas to the class.

Presentation of Content
Read the passage and try to answer the following questions for the discussion.
1. What are the indigenous arts that are still practiced in your locality
Pottery and weaving arestill being practiced today in Philippines
2. What are the uses of these indigenous arts for the community today?
Nowadays, pottery is heated through the use of a kiln. It's widely accepted that
the ancient Egyptians created the first kilns, lined with bricks made with clay
and straw for insulation

Philippine Indigenous Art, Uncovered

As Filipinos, how well do we know about our indigenous art? Do we still see
traces of our indigenous designs and motifs in our contemporary arts?
The Philippine’s unique topography and diverse cultural environment with the
distribution of mixed and indigenous groups resulted to cultural heterogeneity.
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

The climate (wet or dry), location (sitio, barrio, or poblacion, cities), topography
(mountains, plains, riverbanks, coast) religion of various beliefs and sects, and
membership to cultural groups from all over the country, all of these have
influences in the material culture that are produced including art. Philippine
material culture is consist of wide array of utilitarian and ceremonial objects (Dela
Cruz, M.J. (1988). Many forms combine aesthetic concerns with utilitarian
purposes (Baesa-Pagay, et.al.,2003) including pottery, basketry, mat-making,
jewelry, metal works, textile weaving and carving. These are the indigenous art of
the Filipinos which are surviving up to this time.
Indigenous art are created by the people in the community which often uses
materials found in the locality. These are art forms are still created in the
community and has survived as industries for the locals.
In the succeeding part of this module, let us rediscover the Philippine indigenous
arts that are still surviving today and try to see where these can fit in our daily
lives as Filipinos living in the contemporary world.

Pottery is one of the oldest arts which combine design and function
(Guillermo, A. 1989). The Manunggul Jar, a burial jar, excavated in Palawan is
an artwork having its design of two men rowing a boat expressing the beliefs of
Filipinos that spirits of the dead travel to the afterlife also expressed in the
Filipino expression “sumakabilangbuhay”. More of these burial jars were also
excavated in Cagayan Valley and other parts of the country.

Source: https://www.slideshare.net/danshiernans/art-of-luzon-highlands?next_slideshow=1
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Basketry and Mat-making

Basketry is known to be older that pottery

tradition but because it is highly perishable most of
artifacts cannot be found in museum displays. With
the abundance of materials such as bamboo, rattan,
pandanus, nito and other materials in the country this
is done in almost all parts of the country. Mats are
used to sleep on or to wrap the deads. While baskets
of different shapes and sizes are used for activities in
the household and in the economic activities of the
Filipinos. This artform has survived even today and
designs, colors and uses vary from one place to
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/danshiernans/art-of-

The carving tradition in wood and metal has existed a long time ago when
our ancestors learned to use small hand tools to engrave and carve details in wood
and metal. The earliest pieces of materials with carvings are found in on the boat-
shaped coffins in Palawan. Later, carvings were found in gold, wood, and ivory in
the highlands and lowlands of Luzon and Mindanao. Even boats used by our
ancestors were decorated with intricate carvings. Carvings has utilitarian,
ornamental and even ritualistic functions in the Philippine society. This tradition
is still existing today and are used to display the skills and love for work of
Filipino carvers.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Source: https://i0.wp.com/wanderingbakya.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/retablo.jpg

Textile weaving is one of the
indigenous art that Filipinos have
grown up with. Different indigenous
group all over the country produce
their piece of textile embellished with
intricate geometric design, symbols
and color. Tapis, malong, abel are
It is an indigenous
some pieces of textile whichart made only
thatadornment. In the Filipino
this indigenous art culture
is stillit
also revealsColorful,
surviving. the statusvibrant
of the and varied
designs show how refined and skilled
are the Filipinos.
Source: https://ph.asiatatler.com/life/weaving-the-threads-

It is an indigenous art made only for adornment. In the Filipino culture it
also reveals the status of the wearer in the community. Datu and his family wear
various jewelry with intricate design made of beads and even precious metals that
symbolizes their high stature in the community. Even warriors and women
members of the community create their own jewelries for adornment which
actually symbolizes their activities and accomplishments in the community.
Hunters and warriors may use beads, animal bones, wood and metal for making
their jewelries.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Source:http:// Source:https://theculturetrip.com/asia/
www.ethnicgroupsphilippines.com/people/ philippines/articles/a-guide-to-the-indigenous-
ethnic-groups-in-the-philippines/bagobo/ tribes-of-the-philippines/


I. Did You Know?

Let us have a glimpse of what other knowledge can we learn about
Philippine indigenous art through this short activity. Have you known the
following facts about the various indigenous art in the Philippines? Put a check (/)
on the items that you already know and a cross (x) on the items that you don’t
know yet.
Did you know that…
___/__1. pottery is one of the oldest form of arts that indigenous people have in
the country.
___x__2. the art of carving known as ukkil by the Tausug, okir by the Maranao
ukil by the Badjao can be found in their weapons and other belongings.
___x__3. pottery has two uses: for the household and for funeral.
__x___4. there are group of people like the Tausug who do not use human
representation in their artforms but show geometric patterns and vivid
___/__5. Sarimanok is one of the art symbol that Filipinos in South produce that
shows the uniqueness of their culture.
___x__6. abel, malong and tapis and are some pieces of textile which shows that
this indigenous art is still surviving
__x___7. the Cordillera’s bul’ul is a product of their carving skills that is used in
rituals and symbolizes their beliefs.
__/___8. various Filipino indigenous art forms has basically two functions, can be
funerary and for the household.
__/___9. indigenous backpacks are made of indigenous materials such as the

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

pasikingof the Ilocanos andbangoof the Ifugaos.

__/___10. wood and metal carving can be found in weapons, jars for burial, and
other materials used in the household.

Try to assess your knowledge. Based on your score, check the level of your
knowledge using the following scoring guide.

9-10 You have a wide knowledge about the topic. You can still add
more to what you already know
7-8 You are moderately knowledgeable about the topic, you can
still learn more.
5-6 You have knowledge about the topic but a lot of learning may
increase your knowledge.
Below 5 It seems that you have very little knowledge on the topic but
you’ll enjoy learning more as we go along.

II. Let’s Play Art Bingo.

Fill in the Bingo Card with the motifs or designs that you can find from
the materials or artworks of different indigenous groups. You can find these
designs in their textile, jewelries, engraved in metals or carved on materials made
of wood. You may research from the internet. Write the name of indigenous
group below the drawing.


Hagabi by: Ifugao Pinya weaving by: A malong bearing

woodcarves negros people okir designs by
Maranao people

Bul’ul Manunggul Jar Sarimanok

By:Ifugao excavated in By:Maranao
Woodcarves Palawan People

Bawisak earrings Leta-leta cave Ikat (Made by

by: Ifugao tribes archaeology Mandaya people of
excavated in Davao Oriental,
Palawan Bagobo and

Good job! Check on your score using the following point system.
20 points – if 9 boxes are filled up correctly 10 points – if 4 boxes are filled up
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

18 points – if 8 boxes are filled up correctly 8 points – if 3 boxes are filled up correctly
16 points – if 7 boxes are filled up correctly 6 points – if 2 boxes are filled up correctly
14 points – if 6 boxes are filled up correctly 4 points – if 1 box is filled up correctly
12 points – if 5 boxes are filled up correctly

III. Indigenous Art Appreciation

Choose one of the following samples of indigenous art and try to analyze the
artwork by answering the following questions. Write your answers in a paper and
be ready to share your ideas to the class.

Questions for Analysis

1. Based on the design that you see from the artwork, what story is it trying to tell
1. design made
about the of beadsgroup
indigenous and even
that itprecious metals that indicates their high
2. social
What dostatus design
you like made
about of beads
the artwork? and even precious metals that
3. What their high social
characteristics of thestatus
artwork describe the indigenous group who created it?
2. I adore jewelry making because this consists of decorative items worn for
personal adornment,design made of beads and even precious metals that
symbolizes their high stature in the community.Such as brooches, rings,
necklaces, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and cufflinks. In the Filipino
culture it also reveals the status of the wearer in the community.
3. Beads, animal bones, wood, and metal that used to make jewelry by
hunters and warriors even women whomake their own jewelry to wear,
which represents their activities and accomplishments in the community.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Manunggul Jar excavated in Palawan

Source: ncca.gov.ph.

Bul’ ul from the Cordilleras Cagayan de Oro textile displayed in an exhibit

Source: ncca.gov.ph. Source: ncca.gov.ph.

I. Debate (Fish Bowl)
The class will be divided into two big groups according to their opinion regarding
the issue “Which should we promote today, our indigenous art or contemporary
art which are heavily influenced by Western design?”
Those who choose indigenous art shall stay on one side of the room and the other
group who chose contemporary art stay on the other side. Each of the team shall
choose four speakers for every group. They will compose the discussion group
and will be seated in front. They will be given time to have a conversation to
share their opinions regarding the topic. Each one shall be given opportunity to
talk and give reasons for their opinion.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

The rest of the students will have to listen to the group’s discussion. After all the
participants in the fish bowl have raised their opinions, the listeners will be given
their turn to give their opinion or ideas on what they have heard from the
discussion. They could agree, disagree or add information to what was being
discussed. This way the discussion is enriched and every member of the class is
given a chance to talk.

II. Post Test

Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer to the following questions.
__A__1. Bul’ul is a carved figure from the __________ that symbolizes the
Gods looking after the bountiful harvest.
A. Cordilleras C. Visayas peninsula
B. Cagayan mountains D. Mindanao
___B__2. Using materials from the earth such as sticky clays _________ as an
indigenous art is known in the entire Philippines with their unique designs
and numerous uses.
A. carving B. pottery C. painting D. weaving
__C___3. Which of the following art forms do not include products of weaving?
A. abel from Ilocos C. barong made of pinya fabric
B. tapis of Visayas D. okir of the Maranaos
__A___4. The people of Quezon are very skilled in making hats, fans, and mats
which are products of basketry and mat-making also popular in other parts
of the country. Which of the following are indigenous materials
commonly used for this art?
A. bamboo and rattan C. twigs and vines
B. buri and pandan D. plastic strips and textile
___C__5. The Manunggul jar excavated in __________ tells us the belief of
Filipinos that spirits of the travel from the world of mortals to the world
of spirits or what we usually say “sakabilangbuhay”.
A. Cagayan B. Mindoro C. Palawan D. Sulu
__B___6. Kalisor krisis a _________ from Mindanao which is a product of
skilled metal carving bearing intricate design.
A. eating utensil B. weapon C. vessel D. boat
__C___7. Paete in ________ is one of the many places in the Philippines where
wood carving tradition has flourished throughout the years and is the seat
of carving capital in the country.
A. Batangas B. Bicol C. Laguna D. Mindoro
___D__8. What are the most common design that are embellished in the
indigenous textile in the country weaved by Filipinos?
A. human figure C. geometric design
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

B. animal figures D. fancy designs

__B___9. Indigenous people use ___________ usually made of beads and metals
not just for adornment which also reveals the status of the wearer.
A. clothing B. jewelry C. tapis D. weapons
__B___10. One of the oldest form of arts of the indigenous Filipino people is
____________which are used for household and some types for burial.
A. basketry B. pottery C. weaving D. wood carving

III. Appreciation
Create a pattern or design inspired by our indigenous arts that can be used
as decorative of any material such as Shirt design, textile, ID lace, furniture or
others. Sketch the product bearing the design. Write a short description of the
inspiration of the design.
wooden craft design is my inspiration
in making this, and that is because
wooden art is well known in my

Use of indigenous design – 5 points
Artistry and creativity – 5 points
Color and texture – 5 points
Innovativeness – 5 points
Overall appeal – 5 points
25 points

Topic 3: Western Art: Its Influence to the Philippine Art

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the module, you will be able to:
a. Identify the characteristics and various influences of western art to
the Philippine arts;
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

b. Compare the styles, design, and other features of the characteristics

of arts evolved in the different periods; and
c. Analyze the western and indigenous influences to the Philippine

Activating Prior Learning

Form groups of five. Within two minutes list down two examples of art pieces,
architecture or other art forms which you believe are influenced by western art.
Prepare a short explanation for the sharing. Each group will be given one minute
to share their answers.

Presentation of Content
Read the passage and try to answer the following questions for the discussion.
1. What are the basic characteristics of Western artwhich evolved in the in
the different period?
2. What Philippine architecture are influenced by Western art?

Western Art and its Influence to Philippine Architecture

In the latter part of the 19th century, it can be observed that the Philippine art is
westernized with the exposure to European liberal and secular ideas where artistic
creations became highly specialistic, separate from everyday life amdfocused on
the assertion of individual ego and driven by commercial success (De Leon Jr., F.
M., 2015). This is brought by the access of Filipinos to western art works and
ideas through education and trade during the Spanish colonization. Through time
Filipinos are exposed to Western art as technological advancement continues and
communication technology reduced the boundary between cultures in the global
community. Filipinos could easily have access of various art forms through the
internet and increasing human mobility.
Western art influence could be seen in many art forms in the Philippines. They
can be seen in paintings, sculpture, installations and architecture. It is notable to
see the Western influence in the Philippine architecture especially in the churches
and buildings that were erected where western influence fused with the
indigenous Filipino designs. In the succeeding part of this module discover the

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

intricacies of Western art in the different time of history and be astonished on how
it blended in Philippine art.
The Greek art development evolved during the four periods namely: Geometric,
Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic. Artworks in Geometric period used geometric
shapes and patterns while human figures are given importance in the Archaic
Period. The Classical Period marks the peak of Greek sculpture and architecture
when the Greeks had the interest on rebuilding their temples and focused on the
creation of artworks. Hellenistic Period during the time of Alexander the Great
focused on showcasing emotions in the different artworks and depict reality.
Artworks show balance and pose varied emotions evoked by subjects of the
artworks. Greek art shows artistic perfection. The golden age of Greek art
emerged in 5th century shown in paintings on vases. In sculpture, the proportion of
figures shows balance which became the canon for years. Indeed this intricacies
of Greek art made it popular up to this time.
The Greeks significant contribution to architecture are the three famous columns
from the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian Orders. Each order has its unique design and
which is popularly used in many architectural buildings until now.

Source: smarthistory.org
These characteristics can be seen in the sculpture of showing vividly the figure of
the supreme god in Greek mythology in the Statue of Zeus. The Temple of Zeus is
lifted by massive and intricate columns that mirrors the strength of the Greek god.
In the Philippines, this Greek design is adapted in a mausoleum built in Manila
Memorial Park built with strong pillars and styled with intricacies.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Statue of Zeus
https://www.crystalinks.com/ Temple of Zeus https://www.crystalinks.com/greekarchitecture.html

Mausoleum owned by Po Family in Manila Memorial Park

Source: newsinfo.inquirer.net

The Roman artespecially in sculpture has influences from the Greek which has
humanistic basis. Roman art though, produced realistic portraitsshowing the
specific and individual. In architecture, huge domes reflected in the Partheon
were used in Christian churches. The Romans modified Greek columns design
and contributed new design known as Tuscan, Roman Doric and Composite
which are used to build great architecture still known today.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus


In the Philippines, the Immaculate Conception Cathedral erected in Cubao,

Quezon Citydisplays the Roman architectural influence displaying Roman designs
in the building and having the detailed design in its interior.

Immaculate Conception Cathedral Cubao, Quezon City


Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Christian Art emerged oriented to represent intangible spirituality and developed

into stylized abstractions which are characteristics of Byzantine Art. Christian
architecture flourished adorned by sculptures in the Romanesque and Gothic eras.
The designs of churches are elaborately decorated and biblical subjects and
theological ideas are represented.

Source: natio

Gothic architecture style
values height, sizable
windows and exaggerated
arches. Advanced
engineering allowed for
increasingly collosal
buildings with vaults, buttresses and pointed tops. Gothic revival
can be seen today having Gothic spires and lancet arches in the
exterior of buildings and pointed arches are in place. Long lancet
windows are installed as well as high steel columns found in
Basilica Minore de San Sebastian.

Basilica eMinore de San Sebastian


Byzantine architecture (4th -15th century) basically focuses in interior rather than
the exterior. Churches are characterized by impressive dome ceiling, are eclectic
and irregular and uses vaults and round arches. Byzantine masonry uses bricks for
the entire wall. Interior décor uses fresco, mosaics and engraved marbles on the
walls and ceilings. The best example of this is the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul,

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

The Renaissance period showed the development of naturalism and individualism
as recognized in the various sculptures produced during that time. There is a
strong interest in perfecting the anatomical interest and correctness of structure.
Paintings bear clear details that affects its viewers. Papal commissions in Rome
made way for the artistry of great artists Michaelangelo, Raphael and Da Vinci.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

UST Main Building – Renaissance Revival by Fr. Roque Ruano


The Baroque age in the 17 th
Century opened up to diverse
styles of arts seen in large-scale
mural and ceiling paintings.
Characterized by subtle, intimate
and revealing works in painting
and sketches are very evident.
Royal commissions gave birth to
various artworks
St. Thomas for the
of Villanueva king
Parich andin Miagao, Iloilo
Source: Study.com
queen. Baroque architecture
were characterized by dramatic buildings still holding its antique forms but were
modified. Sculpture during this time evolved into dramatic, intense and even has
theatrical characteristics. The fortified building, bell towers constructed for
protection, unique style.
Symmetry with plan layout consisted of Latin cross,
austere exteriors, ornaments concentrated in the
interior with moldings, paintings and sculptures, altars
and columns is another characteristic of Byzantine
architecture. The interior of San Agustin Church shows
detailed design influenced by Byzantine architecture.

Neoclassicism San Agustin Church


Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Neoclassicism is a movement in Europe in late 18 th century to early 19th century.

This is a reaction opposed to Baroque Period or Rococo style giving emphasis on
elegance and sophistication which gives importance to symmetry and basic
classical geometrical style. It does not emphasize on sculptural volume and
decorations are minimal. Domes and towers are replaced with flat roofing for
buildings. In the Philippines this style is adapted during the American era in the
construction of government buildings.

The National Museum (left) and

Manila City Hall (below)

Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

I. I Knew It…
Choose three Western art influences notable to you based on the discussion
above. List down as much information you fromthe discussion. Enrich what you
have learned by doing a quick search for additional information that may help you
understand more about the characteristics of the different Western art by filling
out the diagram below.

1. Gothic

A church of resurrected gothic architecture, best known as the San Sebastian Church,
is located in the proximity of Manila and on the quieter side of Quiapo. It is also known
as the Basilica Menor de San Sebastian and is one of the country's oldest churches as
well as the Philippines' only all-steel temple of God.

2. Christian Art

Christian art is religious art that incorporates Christian ideas and images. ... The most
prevalent subjects are images of Jesus and narrative events from the Life of Christ, and
scenes from the Old Testament appear in the art of most religions.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

The art of Ancient Rome, its Republic and later Empire includes architecture, painting,
sculpture and mosaic work. Luxury objects in metal-work, gem engraving, ivory carvings, and
glass are sometimes considered to be minor forms of Roman art,[1] although they were not
considered as such at the time. Sculpture was perhaps considered as the highest form of art
by Romans, but figure painting was also highly regarded. A very large body of sculpture has
survived from about the 1st century BC onward, though very little from before, but very little
painting remains, and probably nothing that a contemporary would have considered to be of
the highest quality.

II. Art Appreciation Activity

Choose one of the pictures from the discussion part. Give your analysis and show
your appreciation of your chosen art form or artwork by answering the following
questions. Present or share your responses to the class.
1. What are the characteristics of the art form or artwork that captured your
interest? Explain why? - The neoclassical architectural style of the
building, as well as the dome and supporting structure that will cover
the courtyard of the six-story building, piqued my interest
2. What are the characteristics of the art form or artwork do you believe are
of Western influence? Give support to your answer. - The Baroque
Period, often known as the Rococo style, is distinguished by its
elegance and sophistication, as well as its emphasis on symmetry and
basic geometrical form. It doesn't put a lot of emphasis on sculptural
bulk, and the ornamentation are sparse. Buildings have flat covered
instead of domes and turrets
3. What are the characteristics of the art form or artwork do you believe are
inspired by indigenous art or culture? Support your answer.
4. What is your opinion regarding the fusion or blending of the Western and
indigenous art in the chosen art form or artwork? - A prominent style
adopted by artist from an aerial angle geometric form classical design,
combining western and indigenous art design. Taking in both natural
and metaphysical forms or markings. This distinct style made the
building popular, and it has resulted in some wonderful masterpieces.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

III. Let’s try this.

Identify what are the western influence and indigenous inspiration in the design of
the architecture below. Write your description about the architecture showcasing
what is indigenous and the western influences and what you think is the fusion of
both. Write short answers in the Venn diagram. Share your output to the class.


The Athena building, that has a huge dome in the
Some natural and metaphysical forms that The building was inspired by a center, inspired by roman art, in architecture, huge
design in this building, western design from the first to
domes reflected in the Partheon were used in
the last floor, and the
quadrangle, some natural and Christian churches, and the Greek-inspired building
metaphysical art forms of the decorated with Corinthian columns and designs
athena building that were
inspired by indigenous art
design, which made the part of
this into an amazing one is the
proof that combining the two
artforms can create a great
II. Post Test

A. True or False
Instruction: Write if the statement is True or False on the space provided.
TRUE1. The development of Greek art evolved in three periods which
showcases artistic styles from geometric shape patterns and human
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

FALSE2. It is observed that in the earlier part of the 19th century Philippine art
creations focused mainly on describing the daily life activities of
TRUE3. The Romans produced realistic portrayal of individuals which can be
seen in their sculptures.
TRUE4. The Christian art basically represent spirituality and faith through
elaborate decors of churches using biblical subjects for ornamentation.
TRUE5. In the Philippines, paintings and churches are adorned with symbolic
figures of saints, cherubs, angels and the Sarimanok which are often
found in the altars.
TRUE 6. Tall windows and columns with the presence of exaggerated arches are
the basic characteristics of Gothic architecture.
TRUE 7. The Byzantine period gives emphasis on the interior of structures which
are somewhat eclectic and irregular.
TRUE 8. The artistry of the great artists Michaelangelo, Raphael and Van Goh
contributed to the creation of great artistic works during the Renaissance.
TRUE 9. Impressive dome ceilings and intricate décor in the interior of churches
or architecture are characteristics of Byzantine architecture.
FALSE 10. The grandeur of the Roman arts is opposed in Neoclassicism which
brought back the use of on basic geometric style and focused on

B. Essay.
Instruction. Choose one of the questions and write two paragraphs for your
response. Give your opinion and support to your answer. (15 points)
1. What do you perceiveas the effect of Western influence to the Philippine
art today?
2. Which period of the Western art history do you find most common in your
locality? What are the examples and where can you find them?
3. As a Filipino, how are you going to utilize the western influences in the
arts without forgetting to give importance to our indigenous art?

- Western art spans a wide range of cultures, periods, and

historical events. All of this paints a vivid picture of the
past for us. Whether you're a painter or just a fan of art,
there's something for everyone. Western art and its
influences have a lot to teach us. Western art
encompasses the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and
several technologically advanced periods. We can't deny
that it had a significant impact on Philippine art. Keeping
the history of western arts as we keep on learning about
it, utilizes the western influences in the art. Using western
art as your base can help you create culturally rich pieces.
Wendy Joy M. Garma
Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

That reflect real-world ideologies. There are several

places to find western art online and in-person. You can
perform a simple search to locate numerous western art
inspirations. All of which you can use to create stunning

Rubrics for the Essay

5 points 3 points 1 point
Content Shared Content is Content is limited
information more enough to and is quite vague
than what is respond to
expected question
Supporting ideas Enumerated at Enumerated one Supporting
least two supporting information is
supporting information present but does
information not suffice to
support the
Organization of Explanation is Some ideas are Ideas are
ideas made clear and are not well expressed but not
ideas are organized well organized
organized well

Summary of the Unit

To appreciate arts it was helpful to understand how arts evolved by learning about
the prehistoric arts of the different countries. Every country has their own
character and beauty to show the present generation through their art. These
enriches ones interest in the arts and value them as part of great human
In this module we also had a glimpse of the treasury of Filipino indigenous art
that has existed through time. Our indigenous arts have evolved and kept the
qualities of Filipino creativity and mirror our rich culture. Indigenous groups have
distinct cultures which are reflected in their indigenous art. Through time they
have continued to create and improve these indigenous arts to adapt with the
growing needs of the members of the group. On the other hand, we recognize the
Western influences to the arts and also appreciate how these blend well with what
is indigenous.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

Learning and appreciating art surely remind us of who we were, who we are today
and will lead us to where can these treasures will mark the Philippine art in the
contemporary world and in the global community.


Post It…
Go around your community and write a short article about the one form of
indigenous art that you can still find and are created by the people of the
community. Take a photos of the artwork and if possible, the artist or artisan who
created it. Include caption for the photos. The article should describe, promote
and encourage people to patronize the indigenous art. Post the article in your
Facebook Account or create a class Facebook Page where everyone in the class
could post their outputs in the Art Appreciation class.

Ariola, Mariano M. Introduction to Art Appreciation. Quezon City: C & E
Publishing, Inc.
Baesa-Pagay, Jenalyn S. et al. (2003). The Aesthetic Experience:An
Introduction to Humanities. Makati City: Grandwater Publications.
Dela Cruz, Mercedita J. (1982). Sourcebook of Philippine Traditional Arts
Motifs and Crafts Processes. UNESCO.
Tabotabo, Claudio V., Ronald M. Corpuz, &RyanF. Hidalgo. ( ) Introduction
to the Humanities and the basics of Art Appreciation.Intramuros,
Manila: Purely Books Trading & Publishing Corp.
Caslib Jr., Bernardo N. et al. (2018) Art Appreciation. Manila: Rex Book Store,
Baldwin, Roger and Roskill, Mark. (1997). Grolier Encyclopedia.

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

De Leon, Felipe M., Jr. In Focus: Philippine Arts in Context. 2011, July 29.
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objectId=11070(Retrieved on Oct. 18, 2018)
art/(Oct. 18,2018
www.visual –arts-cork.com
https://mythicalroutes.com/greek-architectural-orders/(Retrieved on Oct. 19,
https://www.tajmahal.gov.in/(Retrieved on Oct. 19,2018)
http://www.colosseum.net/listingview.php?listingID=1 (Retrieved 2018, Oct. 19)
http://www.colosseum.net/listingview.php?listingID=8(Retrieved 2018, Oct. 19)
https://www.invaluable.com/blog/art-history-timeline/(Retrieved 2019, June 17)
classical-architecture-in-manila-philippines/ (Retrieved 2019, June 19)
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churches-in-metro-manila-for-your-visita-iglesia/story/ (Retrieved 2019,
June 19)
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characteristics-examples.html (Retrieved 2019, June 19)
http://www.thousandwonders.net (Retrieved 2019, June 19)

Wendy Joy M. Garma

Cagayan State University – Gonzaga Campus

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