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Volume : 4

Issue : 58
E Mail :

Celebration of the World Mental Health

Day is a significant event to the Human
Rights Office Kandy in its commitment to
seek justice and provide the utmost care
for survivors of violence. We celebrated
the day on the 05th of October 2013 at
Lewella Fatima Retreat House. The
participants of the celebration were
mostly Our survivor groups- survivor
group of families of disappeared,
of torture rape, survivors of Human rights violations, and their family members,
members of the support group, the family counselors, and the friends and well-
wishers. There were around 125 participants for the celebration.

World Mental Health Day (10 October) is a day for global mental health
education, awareness and advocacy. It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative
of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organization with
members and contacts in more than 150 countries. This day, each October
thousands of supporters come to celebrate this annual awareness program to bring
attention to Mental Illness and its major effects on peoples' life worldwide.

The theme of the global Mental Health Day in 2013 is “Mental health and older
adults”. Research reveals that “the number of older adults is growing fast all over
the world” and “the socioeconomic impact of such demographic changes is adding

to the overall mental health

consequences.”We the Human rights
Office – Kandy adapted theme in
Unisom with the growth process of
our survivor group as “Mental Health
and Growth Process”.

The visual presentations, soul

soothing music embodied the
meaning of the theme “Mental Health
and growth process” and generated
meaning of the day. The welcome dance “BharathaNatiyam” invoked the blessings of the Deities on the participants.

The traditional
oil lamp was
decorated to
highlight the
hope of our
survivor group,
with all the
survivors all
over the world.
With the lighting of the oil lamp they wished that the shadow of all mental darkness may be diminished from our
society by the enlighten knowledge and awareness.

Rev. Fr. Nandana Manatunga the Director of

the Human Rights Office raised awareness
of the participants by presenting cases of
recent Human rights violations taken place in
Kandy district and shared his vision on
Mental Health and his expertise in the
process of dedicated services with survivors
of Human Rights violations.

With great pleasure the Human rights Office

and the survivor group of families of the
disappeared presented the publication
“Nadiaya” meaning “the River”. The magazine portrays the importance of mental health, the life experiences of the
survivor group as well as shared knowledge and expertise of the educated and the professionals. The secretary of
the families of the disappeared briefed the gathering on the vision goal and the objectives of the magazine. She
expressed her hope and wished
that the inspiring articles in the
magazine may guide us towards a
positive outlook which in turn
would pave the way to overcome
all challenges and obstacles that
may fall in our life’s path.

The chief guest for the occasion

was Mr. Dominic Nanayakara a
psychological counselor. Mr.
Nanayakkara spoke on “The
importance of leading a happy and
meaningful life” and Ms. Seetha
Wickramasinghe demonstrated
very appealing relaxation exercises in between. The participants
enjoyed the activities. A tone of joy and happiness prevailed in the
whole house when all of them took part in relaxation exercises. We
assume that the invaluable knowledge guided the participants towards
a brighter and healthier life style.

At the culmination of the day’s program

Mr. Senarath the coordinator of the
Families of the Disappeared delivered
the vote of thanks.

At the end of the day’s celebrations the participants enjoyed the lunch provided for
them and returned to their homes with refreshed and reinvigorated mind, heart and

It was a healing
experience for the
survivor group to be
relived of the tension and
stress taste of raising
their minds to a high level
of thinking and enjoying.
The day ended with a
tone of joy and happiness.

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