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Perpetuation means continuation of species. This is ensured by reproduction, since reproduction aims to increase the
number of organisms of a species over time. Reproduction is the life process which ensures the perpetuation of life and
genetic diversity is mainly generated through recombination processes in sexual and asexual reproduction, which is,
hence, a process of fundamental importance for population and species. While the numbers of organisms of a species
are increasing over time, life will also evolve.

One example of specie that reproduce are humans. Human reproduction is essential for the continuance of the human
species. The male's job is to produce sperm cells and deliver them into the female reproductive tract. The female's job is
to produce ova (eggs), receive the sperm, and nourish the embryo that grows inside her. But how long it takes a human
to reproduce? The normal duration it takes for the development of the fetus from the time of fertilization in the womb
of its mother is called the gestation period. In humans, the gestation period is for about 9 months or approximately 280
days. It is calculated from the incipience of their last menstrual period. But not all reproduction will be going to be
normal. Some will experience difficulties.

The question is, how will the offspring be affected if one of the gametes or one of the parents carry an impaired number
of haploid chromosomes? Aneuploidy can be lethal or result in serious developmental disorders such as Turner
Syndrome (X monosomy) or Downs Syndrome (trisomy 21). Turner syndrome is a condition that affects only females,
results when one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or partially missing. It can cause a variety of
medical and developmental problems, including short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects. And
down syndrome (sometimes called Down's syndrome) is a condition in which a child is born with an extra copy of their
21st chromosome — hence its other name, trisomy 21. This causes physical and mental developmental delays and

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