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Exercise B and page 147 exercise see a lecture about temporary art welcome back everyone

as you remember last week we talked about art in the 20th century today we're changing
topic I want to talk about our that you won't find in a museum that's because it's temporary
art temporary because it's not supposed to last forever only for a short time let's look at my
next slide can everyone see it what kind of animal is this it looks like a dragon that's right I
think it's snow it is snow and it looks like a sunny day so the sculpture is not going to last it
snow so it's going to melt snow sculpture is part of a winter festival in Montreal Canada and
sculptures like this made from snow or cheese or even chocolate or nothing new there
popular at festivals and they tell us two important things about temporary art first we often
see it Outdoors instead of displayed in an art museum contemporary art in public places it's
a public Street and second closely at this picture do you see the crowd of people around the
sculpture temporary art brings people together plaid you'll see an artist and he's working on
a copy of the Mona Lisa right but he's not working he's working outdoors in a public place
and as a result people are coming to watch him work what else do you notice I see some
money there are coins on the street that's right artists and other creative people need to
make a living temporary art outdoors in public places brings people together because it's fun
it's interesting to watch the artist work and people will pay for that of course chalk is always a
temporary medium and rain and people's feet will damage this piece because it is outdoors
not every artist wants to attract a crowd of some artists like to work with materials they find it
a particular location the material affect the artist self for example artist can create beautiful
patterns and designs using sand on a beach the artist Jim Donovan works alone and it
usually takes him about giving out while he is working he is constantly moving and making
marks in the sand because of the ocean tide is work will soon disappear he is conscious of
this of course but it doesn't seem to bother him like any temporary art denizens work doesn't
last forever

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