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Name: Group:

Task 1
Define what a target audience is:

A target audience

Task 2
List four different characteristics of an audience:

1. 3.
2. 4.

Task 3
For each of the audience characteristic you offered above, describe what features an ICT product could
include in order to be suitable:

Characteristic Features that could be used to make a product suitable for this

Task 4
For each of the following audiences you should offer four ways in which their needs could be met:

Audience Features that could be used to make a product suitable for this

Young children 

Teens/Adults 

IGCSE ICT: Unit 9 - Audience Page | 1

Name: Group:

Seniors 

Task 5
Explain four negative outcomes of not matching an ICT product to the correct audience:

Negative outcome Description of negative outcome

Task 6
Explain why it is important to match an ICT product to the correct audience:

It is important to
match an ICT to the
correct target
audience because….

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