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Academic English

Assessment Rubrics: Essay

Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
(0-49) (50-64) (65-74) (75-84) (85-100)
Highly developed
Relatively good
analytical skills. Essay
Merely described analytical skills.
Some evidence of offers a complete and
the issue under Different
analytical skills, but objective picture, the
Critical Thinking Merely regurgitated examination. perspectives are
a dominant tendency problem is thoroughly
and Analysis information. Poor or no considered, the
1 to describe. The evaluated and
attempts to offer ideas are mostly
view is biased. independent
an evaluation. objectively
conclusions are
30% total 0-9% 10-15% 16-20% 21-26% 27-30%
Limited amount Overall, good
Extensive research of
of valid research/ Satisfactory amount amount of valid
proper academic
analysis of of valid research/ research/ analysis
Research: Very little or no quality. Evidence is
references. analysis of of references.
Depth, Quality, evidence of research skillfully integrated
Unskillful references. Some of Evidence is
2 Use of Evidence in the work. and effectively
attempts to the evidence properly integrated
supports and develops
integrate supports claims. and supports
evidence. claims.
25% total 0-11% 12-16% 17-19% 20-22% 23-25%
Disjointed, poorly Relatively coherent A coherent line of
Argument Argument poorly A sustained coherent
structured. but still difficult to argument but not
Structure and constructed with and logical line of
Disconnected understand in some thoroughly
3 Development some coherence. argument.
paragraphs. sections. sustained.
25% total 0-11% 12-16% 17-19% 20-22% 23-25%
Identified and
Very little or no Identified and Identified and
Not consistently referenced many of
Referencing referencing; incorrect referenced most of referenced accurately
referenced. the sources used, but
4 referencing. the sources used. all sources used.
still some missing.
10% total 0 1-3% 4-5% 6-8% 9-10%
Poor grammar
and vocabulary Satisfactory Good grammar and
Unintelligible Sound grammar and
expression. grammar and vocabulary, very
Language Use and expression; vocabulary. Academic
Academic vocabulary, few errors. Writing
Style unacceptable writing style is
5 writing style is occasional errors. mostly follows the
numerous errors. precisely followed.
seriously Inconsistent style. formal style.
10% total 0-4% 5% 6-7% 8% 9-10%

NB: 10% of the final essay score will be deducted in case of late
submission, incorrect formatting of the title page and/or body of the essay,
lack of task completion (e.g. essay content does not match essay title, or
the essay length is outside of the word limit).

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