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Star Women Care Insurance Policy

Policy Term: Two Years (Including Tax)

1A - Female only - Final Premium
Age-band 5 Lakhs 10 Lakhs 15 Lakhs 20 Lakhs 25 Lakhs 50 Lakhs 100 Lakhs
18-34 17,858 23,093 28,563 31,287 35,805 41,802 50,849
35 19,127 24,749 30,464 33,416 38,146 44,733 54,364
36-39 20,537 26,590 32,576 35,782 40,748 47,990 58,270
40 22,916 29,627 36,049 39,648 44,986 53,236 64,535
41-44 25,559 33,002 39,908 43,943 49,694 59,065 71,497
45 27,072 34,935 41,601 46,041 51,637 62,278 75,400
46-49 28,754 37,083 43,484 48,371 53,797 65,848 79,737
50 30,193 38,984 45,183 50,495 55,799 69,182 83,841
51-54 31,792 41,096 47,071 52,855 58,023 72,887 88,402
55 36,008 46,576 53,374 59,912 65,786 82,589 1,00,047
56-59 40,692 52,665 60,377 67,753 74,412 93,368 1,12,986
60 46,087 59,700 68,480 76,844 84,416 1,05,894 1,28,034
61-64 52,082 67,518 77,484 86,945 95,532 1,19,812 1,44,755
65 59,202 76,778 88,130 98,871 1,08,647 1,36,210 1,64,434
66-69 67,114 87,068 99,960 1,12,122 1,23,220 1,54,429 1,86,299
70 76,375 99,106 1,13,803 1,27,622 1,40,276 1,75,749 2,11,877
71-74 86,665 1,12,481 1,29,184 1,44,844 1,59,227 1,99,437 2,40,298
75 98,697 1,28,124 1,47,180 1,65,001 1,81,396 2,27,150 2,73,554
Above 75 1,12,066 1,45,506 1,67,175 1,87,398 2,06,029 2,57,942 3,10,506
2A - Female & Male - Final Premium
Age-band 5 Lakhs 10 Lakhs 15 Lakhs 20 Lakhs 25 Lakhs 50 Lakhs 100 Lakhs
18 -34 26,310 34,224 41,387 45,737 51,723 62,014 75,903
35 28,731 37,373 45,009 49,794 56,189 67,595 82,599
36-39 31,422 40,872 49,033 54,301 61,151 73,795 90,039
40 35,797 46,506 55,484 61,507 69,062 83,640 1,01,816
41-44 40,659 52,765 62,653 69,513 77,853 94,579 1,14,903
45 45,103 58,468 68,664 76,427 85,080 1,04,354 1,26,664
46-49 50,041 64,805 75,342 84,109 93,110 1,15,216 1,39,733
50 54,417 70,519 81,428 91,144 1,00,512 1,25,305 1,51,940
51-54 59,278 76,867 88,189 98,962 1,08,737 1,36,515 1,65,504
55 67,302 87,306 1,00,190 1,12,401 1,23,520 1,54,994 1,87,679
56-59 76,217 98,906 1,13,524 1,27,334 1,39,946 1,75,526 2,12,317
60 86,566 1,12,383 1,29,039 1,44,725 1,59,083 1,99,469 2,41,066
61-64 98,065 1,27,357 1,46,279 1,64,047 1,80,346 2,26,072 2,73,008
65 1,11,632 1,44,991 1,66,558 1,86,758 2,05,330 2,57,305 3,10,486
66-69 1,26,707 1,64,585 1,89,090 2,11,992 2,33,090 2,92,009 3,52,129
70 1,44,346 1,87,514 2,15,460 2,41,527 2,65,576 3,32,610 4,00,853
71-74 1,63,946 2,12,990 2,44,759 2,74,342 3,01,672 3,77,721 4,54,991
75 1,86,870 2,42,795 2,79,035 3,12,728 3,43,897 4,30,508 5,18,334
Above 75 2,12,340 2,75,912 3,17,120 3,55,379 3,90,814 4,89,160 5,88,716
Children - Final Premium
Age: up to 25* 5 Lakhs 10 Lakhs 15 Lakhs 20 Lakhs 25 Lakhs 50 Lakhs 100 Lakhs
1st C 8,049 9,304 10,011 10,672 11,232 12,903 14,898
2nd C 7,320 8,452 9,091 9,685 10,190 11,692 13,486
3rd C 6,670 7,690 8,262 8,800 9,259 10,605 12,219
*Female child can continue maximum up to 30 yrs if unmarried and unemployed
Optional Cover: Cancer-Gross Premium
Age 5 Lakhs 10 Lakhs 15 Lakhs 20 Lakhs 25 Lakhs
18-34 2,007 4,024 6,031 8,049 10,055
35 5,421 10,848 16,263 21,690 27,111
36-44 9,215 18,429 27,633 36,847 46,062
45 15,268 30,536 45,798 61,066 76,334
46-54 21,994 43,988 65,982 87,976 1,09,970
55 26,768 53,541 80,308 1,07,076 1,33,849
56-64 32,072 64,155 96,227 1,28,298 1,60,381
65 39,293 78,587 1,17,881 1,57,174 1,96,468
Above 65 47,317 94,624 1,41,941 1,89,258 2,36,565

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