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How do you describe arts as a cultural document?

 Human self-expression is understood by art. The inspiration for it comes from all
directions, including cultural belief systems, race and birth, and many other
sources that are also personal. Art is not just self-expression. The consensus
and understanding of the outcomes and the artist's purpose have something to
do with the classification.

In your own opinion, what are the purposes of art during ancient time in Europe?
 Ancient times. The importance and achievements of human beings have been
emphasized by art. Even though much of Greek art was intended to honor the
gods, in the image of humans, the very gods were created. A lot of artwork was
funded by the government and planned for public display.

Why are ancient arts mostly found in the caves? What are they’re significant values?
 In my view, they used to live in the cave and they kept some of the oldest items
or bones of the old human in the cave. Cave art is important because it was what
people did to document history and culture in prehistoric times.

What are the importance of stone during paleolithic period? Explain.

 During this age, humans used stone to make tools, and as part of the actual tool,
stone was used several times. Tools are artifacts that facilitate our lives.
Examples of modern-day tools include a computer or a mobile phone.

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