Visual Analytics With Tableau

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Visual Analytics with Tableau

Peer-graded Assignment: Customer Scatterplot

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1.What is the difference between a bar chart and a line chart?

A Bar Chart is best used for discrete data while a Line Chart is best used for continuous data.

Question 2
Which of the scenarios below is best suited for a bar chart?

1 / 1 point

A chart showing a student's favorite after school activity

Question 3
Which of the following correctly describes how you would overlay one chart on top of another using

Create both of your charts, then right click on the second measure pill on your Rows Shelf and select
"Dual Axis"

Question 4
How do you change the sizing options on a bar chart?

Drag a measure to the Sizing option on the Marks Card, click on the Sizing option and then
change the size of the marks.

Question 5
How do you edit the colors on a Tableau chart?

1 / 1 point
Drag a measure to the Colors option on the Marks Card, click on the Colors option and then change
the colors of the marks.

Question 6
What is the purpose of the Tableau Tooltip? (Select all that apply.)

1 / 1 point

To provide the end user with additional information on what information is shown in the worksheet


To provide the end user with additional information not shown in the worksheet or chart

Question 7
How do you edit or customize the Tooltip in Tableau? (Select all that apply.)

1 / 1 point

Drag any measures you want in the tooltip to the tooltip on the marks card.

Click on the Tooltip on the Marks card and make your edits directly in the Tooltip dialog box.


8. When you have continuous data what would be the recommended kind of chart to use?

Line chart

Question 9
How do you align the axis on a dual axis chart?

Right click the secondary axis and select Synchronize Axis.

Week 2
Peer-graded Assignment: Shipping Details


Which of the following are examples of discrete dates? (Select all that apply.)

1 / 1 point

Quarters in different years

Months in different quarters


Question 2
Which of the following describes how Tableau handles a continuous date?

A continuous date will be colored Green when dragged to the Row or Column Shelf

Question 3
Which of the following describes how Tableau handles a discrete date?

A discrete date will be colored Blue when dragged to the Row or Column Shelf

Question 4
Under which circumstances might it be advisable to manually change the date field? (Select all that

When you have a year date field and need to change it to months


When you have a discrete date and need to convert it to a continuous date Correct

5. How do you convert a discrete date to a continuous date?

1 / 1 point

Drag your date field to the Rows or Columns shelf and right click on the blue pill and click on
Question 6
What is the date hierarchy used for?

To drill down into your data and show each date level (i.e. Years, Quarters, Months) Correct

Question 7
Under which of the following scenarios would you use the date hierarchy?

If your date is showing Years and you need to show both Years and Months

Question 8
What is the first step to go from a date year to a date month?

Right click on the Year date pill and select Month

Question 9
Which chart is best for discrete dates?

1 / 1 point

Bar chart

Question 10
Which chart is best for continuous dates?

1 / 1 point

Line chart

Question 11
Which of the following shows the correct steps in the correct sequence to convert a continuous date
to a discrete date in Tableau?

1 / 1 point
Right click on your green date pill and select discrete

Question 12
What table calculation function would you use to determine the difference between two dates?

1 / 1 point


Week 3
Peer-graded Assignment: Sales Spotlight

Question 1
What is a table calculation?

Table calculations address data in the cache table and allow you to perform calculations on
visible results

Question 2
Which of the following are ways table calculations are used?

1 / 1 point

Table calculations are used to create new calculations

Question 3
Which of the following are among the 10 table calculations we covered? (Select all that apply.)

1 / 1 point
Difference Correct
Percent Difference Correct
Percentile Correct
Moving Average Correct
Percent of Total Correct

Running Total Correct

Question 4
Which of the following best describes or defines a calculated field

A calculated field is a new field that is not in the current data set

Question 5
How do you create a calculated field in Tableau

Right click anywhere in the data pane and select Create Calculated Field

Question 6
Which of the following is a quick table calculation? (Select all that apply.) read question properly if
not is written remaining two options are selected

1 / 1 point
Running Total Correct
Percent Difference Correct
Percent of Total Correct
Difference Correct

Rank Correct

Question 7
Why is a worksheet filter used?

To narrow down your data table or chart to specific fields and/or data

Question 8
How do you apply a worksheet filter in Tableau?

Drag a dimension or measure to the filter data pane

Question 9
How do you show the filter options on a worksheet?

Right click on your filter pill and select show filter

Question 10
What are Tableau parameters?

Parameters are dynamic values that can replace constant values in calculations, filters, and
reference lines
Week- 4
Peer-graded Assignment: Dual Layer Maps



Question 1
Which of the following are geography fields that Tableau can utilize? (Select all that apply.)

State Names Correct

Country Names Correct

Zip Codes Correct

Question 2
How do you change the size of elements on your map in Tableau?

Click on the size option on the marks card and increase or decrease the size of your map

Question 3
How do you change the shape of your map elements in Tableau?

Click on the Shape detail option on the marks card and pick a new map elements

Question 4
How do you change the map layout to better fit your data?

1 / 1 point

Click on Map on the options bar and select Map Layers

Question 5
How do you combine multiple maps onto one map in Tableau?

1 / 1 point

Right click on the second Map Pill and click on Dual Axis

Question 6
Which of the following are ways you can edit unknown geographic locations in Tableau?

1 / 1 point

Click on the notice on the bottom right hand corner of your Map and select Edit Locations

Question 7
Which of the following are reasons you might use a Tooltip feature in Tableau for your map? (Select
all that apply.)

1 / 1 point

To summarize the same information that is shown in the Map

To give the user tips on how to use the map


To add additional information that is not shown on the Map


Question 8
How do you change the colors of your map elements in Tableau?

1 / 1 point

Click on the Color option on the Marks card and change the color

Question 9
In what ways might you use a map in the context of data visualization?
1 / 1 point

To chart geographical data

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