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r k lrs
lr s w crbk
UQ_IDJ ?11? IUU\L #5? e cc `
Kcd’t Dlw UN@U\DJ

@nkl fcr [rnkidj
Gly Blvlbs


@ccd [ikl Cvlrvilw

Zhisplr ^uilt [rnkidj

Lbbictt Znvl Qriel ndk [i`l   Klnbidj with Kistrneticds

[nrjlts ndk thl U&Q
 Lbbipsls ndk thl Znr Eyebl
Z.K. Jndd’s @nss Qrlssurl
Fcrlenstidj [lehdiqul
Kcuobl _lQldtrnticd Qnttlrd
[rnkidj thl [ruths cf thl @nrglt
  Qnst tc Qrlkiet thl Futurl
@urrly @nth _lnb-[i`l Ucftwnrl
Qrlkiets _lvlrsnbs  
  Ucftwnrl _lvilws
Nd Idvlst`ldt Utrntljy fcr Lvlrycdl  
Occg _lvilws
Qrnetienb Nppbienticd cf nd Nuthldtie
‒Uqunrl cf Didl‐ - Qnrt Cdl   Bnrry Mnecos - Lkitcr
Ziddlr cf thl ?11> Zcrbk Eup
@nrglt Eyebls Nd Cutbccg fcr ?11? Ehn`picdship cf Utceg [rnkidj

Hcw tc \sl Ec``it`ldt cf [rnklrs
_lpcrt fcr Futurls [rnklrs
Ecdsistldt Qrc﬎ts frc` Uhcrtidj Cpticds 
[hl Klstrueticd cf Ycur [rnkidj Ucub Cdbidl strln`idj `lkin
Lvcbvidj Dnsknq= [hl _isl cf UuplrUcbls
 sl`idnrs, wcrgshcps
_lnb [rnklrs [lneh Znddnols Hcw tc [rnkl
Q_ID[LK ID \.U.N. 
$;.9< \.U. $6.9< Endnkn 
 ndk lxhioitcrs

Hnbbiglr’s Ide.
?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg QNIK
1   :;;:1 :69>?   < Upridjfilbk, @C 6<8>1 BIOL_[Y, @C
KIUQBNY \D[IB Mud. 51, ?11? Nkkrlss Ulrviel _lqulstlk QL_@I[ DC. :?>


 DN[\_NB C_KL_= [hl `cst pcwlrfub wny tc trnkl ycu wibb lvlr blnrd.
 @crl pcwlrfub thnd ndy ‒systl`‐!  Fcr `l trnkidj is dct n enrllr ― it is n enbbidj.
[hl Dnturnb Crklr @lthck is `y bifl’s wcrg.
`nrglts.Crklr nppbils
nppbils thl sn`l bcjie tc `ndy
\dbigl n ‒systl`‐ vldkcr, I kc dct trnvlb tc
 sl`idnrs cr ecdflrldels tc `nrglt `y `lthck. I’k
 Nbbcws ycu tc trnkl with `ueh blss risg. rnthlr trnkl thl `nrglts fubb-ti`l.
\denddy neeurney `lnds blss risg ― dc `nttlr
whnt `nrglts ycu ehccsl tc trnkl.  I n` wibbidj tc shnrl `y `lthck with trnklrs fcr
whc`  fniburl is dct nd cpticd. Nftlr ec`pbltidj
`y ecursl, thly wibb rlnbizl Dnturnb Crklr is whnt
_LECJDI[ICD. thly’vl olld slnrehidj fcr. Uc if ycu nrl slricus
 Utnegs cf ebildt trnkidj stntl`ldts ndk tlsti`cdinbs nocut trnkidj, I’bb jivl ycu thl gdcwblkjl ycu dllk
tc nehilvl ycur jcnbs.
  Dnturnb Crklr stukldt
stukldt pbnelk id tcp tl
d id \.U.
[rnkidj Ehn`picdship.
Ehn`picdship. Unik, ‒Olst `lthck I’vl Utlphld Ecx, Klvlbcplr

uslk id >< ylnrs.‐

Cur stukldts usl Dnturnb Crklr tc enpturl prcfits id= Qut Dnturnb Crklr tc wcrg id ycur neecudt !
Neticd @nrglt [i`l Qrcfit
Futurls Utcegs ndk Cpticds Ulbb HHH (Idtlrdlt HCBK_’s)  ? knys $<.;? / shnrl
DNUKN^, KCZ ^^^ cpticds & KIN Ouy NCB / [i`l Znrdlr ? knys $<.91 / shnrl
Ulbb Ulpt _usslbb ?111 ? knys $6?<1 / ecdtrnet
U&Q <11, _usslbb HCBK_s= Idtlrdlt, Oictleh, lte. Ulbb Ulpt Kcw 5 knys $?6<1 / ecdtrnet
Ouy Kle Uwiss Frnde 5 knys $?511 / ecdtrnet
Qcrg Olbbils, Hcjs Zl tlneh bcwlr risg trnkidj! Ouy Kle Uibvlr 6 knys $???< / ecdtrnet
Ulbb Kle _usslbb ? knys $;:11 / ecdtrnet
@ltnbs, Jrnids, lte. [rnkl bcdj cr shcrt Ulbb Kle Blnd Hcjs ? knys $:61 / ecdtrnet

$UQX= U&Q <11 Ec`pcsitl (Kniby onrs)

U & Q <11 Ec`pcsitl
Jrnphlk oy thl 'Dnvijntcr Qrc ?.?<' --`

Mud 16 >>/?9/1>0 >>;1.?1 (+>>.68) >511 OLU[ [_NIDIDJ NDYZHL_L.

Mud ?? Mub 1<
Mub ?5
 0 Ouy Bcdj
   Nuj 1:  0 Ulbb Uhcrt >?<1 Zl hnvl olld tlnehidj
tlnehidj Dnturnb Crklr sidel >989.
>989. Oy
   Nuj ?> X  0 Biquikntl cdby
bi`itidj thl du`olr cf stukldts pbnelk id ndy 51 kny
 Nuj ?:
X  Dcv ?1 >?11
 plrick wl end idsurl thl hijhlst qunbity trnididj.
X Ulp 16
 Ycur slnreh ldks with us.
Cet >: Cet ?6

 >><1
Ulp >>
Kcw   X
 X

Ycu end usl Dnturnb Crklr tc X

>1<1 >-811-:81-1:81
fidk prcfitnobl trnkls id n wikl 
vnrilty cf futurls `nrglts.
Cet >1
>111 Idtlrdnticdnb= (9:?) 9;5-;>>>
Uc`l ibbustrntlk sijdnbs wlrl 
fcudk id cthlr stceg idklxls! X Ulp ?:
51< Upridj Erllg Vibbnjl  Knbbns, [X :<?;8

Mud-1> Mub-1> Nuj-1> Ulp-1> Cet-1> Dcv-1>

Visit us nt www.thl>`
 Dnturnb Crklr sijdnbs ec`oidl with cur pcwlrfub
pcwlr fub fibtlrs tc DN[\_NB C_KL_
jivl ycu prleisl ldtrils cd thl lxnet kny n prcfitnobl `cvl oljids. LK\EN[C_U
Mcid thl >% ebuo ndk put cur euttidj lkjl `lthcks tc wcrg fcr ycu!
C_U ID [_N

Qnst plrfcr`ndel kcls dct dlelssnriby junrndtll futurl rlsubts.

r lsubts.
? Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Dcw vilw
[H L
OL [[L_
[L_ Z
Y thl netunb trnkl rlsubts
cf slblet systl`s nt


Bigl `cst slricus stceg ndk futurls Zhlthlr ycu utibizl ycur cwd systl`
trnklrs, ycu rlnbizl thnt fcbbcwidj n cr utibizl n ec``lreinbby nvnibnobl prcjrn`,
systl`ntie trnkidj npprcneh rlquirls fubb- whlthlr ycur npprcneh is ec`putlrizlk
ti`l nttldticd ndk tctnb kiseipbidl. [hlsl cr dct, Uystl` Nssist [rnkidj Ulrviel wibb
sn`l jcbkld rubls fcr sueelss end nbsc turd put ycur trnkidj strntljy tc wcrg fcr ycu...
ycu idtc n priscdlr cf thl `nrglts, gllpidj ycu ehnidlk tc prcvikidj thl tirlblss trnkidj kiseipbidls dllklk tc nehilvl
ycur ec`putlr fcr flnr cf `issidj n sijdnb cr n `nrglt `cvl. ycur slbletlk systl`’s hijhlst pctldtinb.

It kclsd’t hnvl tc ol thnt wny

wny.. Zith Uystl` Zith Uystl`
Uystl` Nssist,
Nssist, ycu `ny snvl cd
Nssist [rnkidj Ulrviel, ycu end trnkl n stceg  thl ecst cf ec`putlr hnrkwnrl ndk scftwnrl,
cr futurls systl` cr hctbidl withcut trnkidj pbus rlslnreh, klvlbcp`ldt ndk histcrienb
nwny ycur biflstybl. Olenusl whibl ycu’rl kntn. @cst i`pcrtndt, ycu’bb snvl ycur `cst
ldmcyidj jcbf,
jcbf, tlddis, fishidj, sgiidj,
sgiidj, cr prleicus ec``ckity... ti`l. Fcr `crl
trnvlb, wl wibb ol fcbbcwidj lvlry tieg cf thl `nrglt, lvlry idfcr`nticd, idebukidj `idi`u` neecudt sizls ndk
trnkidj kny, tngidj lvlry sijdnb ndk gllpidj ycu idfcr`lk. flls, enbb _cooids tckny.

Jividj stceg ndk futurls trnklrs thlir `cst prleicus ec``ckity...
ec``ckity... ti`l!

>-811-;<5-;;;; • rcooidstrnkidj`
.ec` • >-5
Qrlsikldts Qbnzn • 8:11 Z.
Z. Oryd @nwr • :th Fbccr Ucuth [cwlr
[cwlr • Ehienjc, IB 6165>-5<1:
[rnkidj sleuritils, futurls, ndk cpticds cd futurls is dct fcr lvlrycdl. [hlrl is suostndtinb risg cf bcss id trnkidj sleuritils, futurls, ndk cpticds cd futurls. Uleuritils nrl
cfflrlk scblby oy _cooids Uleuritils, Ide., `l`olr DNUK. UIQE. Futurls ndk cpticds thlrlcd nrl cfflrlk scblby thrcujh _cooids [rnkidj Ec`pndy. Ec`pndy.

Dnturnb Uqunrls Enbeubntcr frc`

 Z.K. Jndd’s
Jndd’s Netunb
Netunb Zcrgid
Zcrgidjj @cklb!
[rnkl usidj cdl cf Jndd’s `cst i`pcrtndt fcrlenstidj tccbs!

[hl Dnturnb Uqunrls Enbeubntcr ecdtnids
Enbeubntcr ecdtnids n I hnvl olld nd nvik Z.
Z. K. Jndd stukldt fcr
udiqul rlvcbvidj kntl ridj. [hl Enbeubntcr >< ylnrs. Hnvidj purehnslk ndk stukilk nb`cst
lvlrythidj writtld nocut cr oy @r. Jndd, [hl
end ol uslk tc enbeubntl octh dnturnb ti`l Dnturnb Uqunrls Enbeubntcr cr
Enbeubntcr cr Uqunrl cf Didl
ndk priels. stndks cut ns cdl cf his `cst i`pcrtndt fcrlenstidj
ndk trnkidj tccbs.
[hl Dnturnb Uqunrls Enbeubntcr ec`ls
Enbeubntcr ec`ls
[hl Dnturnb Uqunrls Enbeubntcr wns
Enbeubntcr wns erlntlk
 with n `ndunb thnt lxpbnids thl strueturl cf frc` thl wlnbth cf crijidnb Jndd `ntlrinb,
thl enbeubntcr, ndk id n kltniblk stlp-oy-stlp `cst cf it prlvicusby udpuobishlk, cwdlk oy
`nddlr, its `ndy usls. Bn`olrt-Jndd Quobishidj Ec.

 Ycu end purehnsl thl Enbeubntcr ndk `ndunb [his lxeitidj dlw prckuet, erlntlk oy Bn`olrt-Jndd
Lkuentcrs, Ide., wibb jivl thl trnkidj wcrbk n eblnr
cdbidl nt www``

 visicd cf thl `nthl`ntien
`nthl`ntienbb jldius cf Z. K. Jndd.
cr oy enbbidj 811 6>5 89>8 (Idtlrdnticdnb  Kr.. Mi` Lbklr
 Kr Lbklr,,
+> 95: <8; ?899). [hl priel is cdby $5;9.11 Ebidienb Qnthcbcjist,
 Oir`idjhn`, Nb.
pbus shippidj.

Uuoseriol F_LL tc [hl Dlw

 Z.K. Jndd [lehdienb
[lehdienb _lvilw.
[c cotnid ycur F_LL
F_LL suoseripticd
 suoseripticd tc [hl Dlw Z.K. Jndd [lehdienb
_lvilw , tc rlnk thl bntlst nrtiebls, cr blnrd nocut thl bntlst Jndd
prckuets, visit us cdbidl nt…

olrr tj
d lk
ntcc r s. c`
; Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   <

Nbbljrc [rnkidj Uystl`s

[hl Eblnr @issicd…[c [lneh [rnklrs ndk Idvlstcrs
Hcw [c Fudeticd id thl [cp Cdl Qlreldtibl!

[his Ecursl Is Nd Id-Klpth Nbbljrc Ecursl idebukls=

• Kny [rnkidj
Utuky Cf Hcw [c Olec`l • Uwidj [rnkidj
• Bcdj [lr` Idvlstidj
Uueelssfub Id [rnkidj • [hl @nthl`nties cf [rnkidj
• [rnkidj Utrntljils
[hl Utceg @nrglts Ndk • [rnkidj Ldvircd`ldts
• Nbbljrc [rnkidj Uystl`s
Futurls @nrglt Oy \sidj N • [EI [rnkidj Uystl`s
• [rnkidj Ucftwnrl Ulttidjs
Uystl`ntie Npprcneh. • @cdly @ndnjl`ldt
• [rnkidj Qbnds
• _isg @ndnjl`ldt ndk Ndnbysis
• Qsyehcbcjy cf [rnkidj
Jcnb tc
Blnrd Nbbljrc’s
[rnkidj Uystl`s=Ec`putlrizlk • Hcw Klvlbcp [rnkidj Kiseipbidl,
Lstnobish Comletivls ndk Nvcik thl [rnps cf
  L`cticdnb [rnkidj
• Crklr Qbnel`ldt ndk [lr`idcbcjy
• U&Q <11 / L-@idi Ndk Dnsknq >11 • Hcw tc Ult up nd Neecudt with Orcglrnjl
Fir`s thnt End Jivl Ycu thl Olst Lxleuticds
 / L-@idi [rnkidj Uystl`s (Frc` • Hcw tc Ultup _lnb [i`l Kntn, Ehnrts ndk
Ecdslrvntivl [c Njjrlssivl Cd Kny • Hcw tc \sl ndk Idtlrprlt thl _lnb-[i`l
[rnkidj Ndk Frc` Uhcrt [c Bcdj Kntn, Ehnrts ndk [lehdienb [ccbs @nrglt
Ndnbysis - [lehdienb, Fudkn`ldtnb ndk
[lr` Cd Uwidj [rnkidj). Lecdc`ie Ndnbysis
• Ehnrt Ndnbysis ― Ehnrtidj, Hcw tc Ikldtify
• Utcegs Uwidj [rnkidj Uystl`s Ecdtidunticd ndk _lvlrsnb Ehnrt Qnttlrds
(Uhcrt, @lkiu` Ndk Bcdj [lr`) • Idtlrprltnticd cf Endkblstiegs ― Hcw tc
Ikldtify Ecdtidunticd ndk _lvlrsnb \sidj
• [lehdienb [ccbs ndk Utukils

Nwnrk Ziddidj Ucftwnrl Bcts cf kltniblk idfcr`nticd nt`
Cr enbb us nt

Nbb trnkidj idvcbvls hijh risg.
_ndglk #> oy [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl Qnst
rlsubts is dct idkientivl cf
_ndglk #> oy Utceg `njnzidl
6 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

lUijdnb dcw cfflrs

 Ycu end Lurcplnd
Utceg Kntn!

`ngl `cdly ,
 Nkk Lurcplnd kntn pnegnjl
fcr ns bcw ns $?</`cdth! †

lvld id
Hcw3 Zith tckny’s `nrglt
Hcw3 Zith fnst, neeurntl ndk rlbinobl idfcr`nticd tccbs eritienb tc `ngidj thl rijht trnkls.
frc` lUijdnb, ycu’bb ol nobl tc fidk tcp jnidlrs ndk
It’s thl sn`l kntn prcflssicdnb trnklrs klpldk
bcslrs, vcbu`l blnklrs ‛ nbb thl suppcrt ycu’bb
cd lvlry kny. [hlrl is dcthidj olttlr.
dllk tc `ngl ycur trnkidj kleisicds.
Fidk cut why `crl trnklrs usl lUijdnb thnd ndy
 Zhntlvlr ycur trnkidj stybl, bcdj cr shcrt,
shcr t,
cthlr slrviel. Uijd up fcr n 51-kny trinb* tckny.
lUijdnb suppbils nbb thl ti`lby kntn ndk thl olst

@crl _lnscds tc Uuoseriol=

 _lnb-ti`l strln`idj quctls kirlet frc` thl lxehndjls!
 DLZ! Lurcplnd stceg kntn frc`
kntn  frc` nbb thl `nmcr Lurcplnd
lquitils lxehndjls, pbus thlir idkiels
 Nkvndelk nblrts vin l`nib, elbb phcdl cr klsgtcp
 Kltniblk ec`pndy rlslnreh , idebukidj fudkn`ldtnbs
Eustc`iznobl ehnrtidj ndk
ehnrtidj ndk `crl thnd ?< cf thl `cst
lffletivl ndnbyties tc suppcrt ycur trnkidj kleisicds
 Qcrtfcbic `ndnjl`ldt   , sc ycu end lnsiby `cditcr
 idkivikunb trndsneticds,
trndsneticds, ns wlbb ns thl tctnb pcrtfcbic vnbul

lUijdnb ‛ nkvndelk scftwnrl ecupblk with

 strln`idj rlnb-ti`l kntn ycu end trust 
Visit us nt 
Upleinb Cfflrs!`
 fcr kltnibs cd thlsl
 51-Kny [rinb *  jrlnt klnbs!

 F_LL Dlws Qnegnjl with nddunb prl-pnik suoseripticd

 F_LL Dnsknq Blvlb II  with nddunb prl-pnik suoseripticd

 ?dk `cdth F_LL  if ycu trnkl up frc` n ec`pltitivl slrviel

Fcr n 51-kny trinb, enbb=
Vctlk Olst
9 Ylnrs id n _cw!
Olst _lnb-[i`l Kntn
U & E _lnklrs’ Ehciel Nwnrk
>995 ― ?11>

* If slrviel is endelbblk withid thl 51-kny trinb, n $59 prcelssidj fll nppbils7 lxehndjl flls nppby.
† Lxehndjl flls nppby. lUijdnb is n kivisicd cf Idtlrnetivl Kntn Ecrpcrnticd (Dnsknq= IKEC). x>?>89 Id Lurcpl, enbb= +;; (1)?1 :8?< 8::1
 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   :

[hl \bti`ntl [urd Gly

[rnkidj Eldtlr 
N Ec`pbltl [urd Gly _lnb-[i`l Futurls[rnkidj Ucbuticd frc` thl blnklr,

@lrehndt Enpitnb, Ide.

_lnb-[i`l Ucurel
fcr Futurls Kntn
Ehnrts, ^uctls
& Dlws

Kirlet   [hl 

Neelss @lrehndt Enpitnb Ide.
Ide [rnkidj

Ycur _lnb-[i`l
[rnkidj Ucftwnrl
@ltnUtceg Qrc
N[ @L_EHND[ ENQI[NB wl strivl tc stny cd thl Blnrd lvlrythidj ycu dllk tc gdcw
euttidj lkjl cf tlehdcbcjy id thl ec``ckity futurls nocut slttidj up ycur _lnb-[i`l
trnkidj ndk idvlst`ldt idkustry, cur `issicd is tc= [rnkidj Eldtlr. Zhnt gidk cf n ec`- U  l  H  c w  
Qrcvikl cur ebildts with plrscdnbizlk slrviel, thl putlr ndk `cditcr kc ycu dllk3 _  l t  u  p  Y  t  c  
Kc ycu dllk n onttlry onegup3 n 
b   c 
bntlst tlehdcbcjy id crklr lxleuticd, ndk udpnrnb- i  ̀`   u r   
[  r  n  - [  
[  i  
blblk `nrglt rlslnreh nbb nt n rlnscdnobl ecst!‐ Zl Zhnt gidk cf trnkidj ehnir kc E  l  k  i  d j  l 
d t  l   
jivl ycu n ec`pltitivl lkjl nt n ec`pltitivl priel!
ycu dllk3 Zhnt’s thl olst  S S r  
typl cf Idtlrdlt slrviel fcr  S
 S S
_l`l`olr Nt @lrehndt Enpitnb Zl Zcrg Fcr Ycu!  S S
trnkidj3 Zhnt scftwnrl ndk  S S
rlnb-ti`l kntn slrviel kc ycu dllk
Zl end slt ycu up with thl bntlst `ubtipbl `cditcr fcr trnkidj ndk `crl... [c blnrd `crl
trnkidj ec`putlr whieh is suplricr tc ndythidj cd nocut thl [rnkidj Eldtlr kcwdbcnk cur
thl `nrglt. Zl usl @ltnUtceg Qrcflssicdnb trnk- frll L-Occg nt=
idj scftwnrl whieh is thl ubti`ntl ndnbysis tccb fcr www.``/rtte/`b
rlnb-ti`l trnkidj. Nd wl nbsc usl Futurlscurel
Utrln`idj Kntn with sueh scphistientlk kntn ndk @lrehndt Enpitnb Ide.
Futurls ndk Cpticds Orcglrnjl Fir`
ndnbysis tccbs, ycu end `ngl `cdly rljnrkblss cf
upwnrk cr kcwdwnrk trldkidj `nrglts. Zl jivl ycu thl lkjl id trnkidj.
[cbb Frll 811-819-886>, Idtb. ;1>-:8>-16>>

@l`olr DFN EF[E rljistlrlk

Kisebni`lr= Futurls trnkidj enrrils sijdi﬎endt risg ndk shcubk ol udklrtngld oy thcsl whc end nffcrk tc bcsl sc`l cr nbb cf thlir idvlst`ldt. Qnst plrfcr`ndel is dct idkientivl cf futurl rlsubts.

8 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Ecdtldts   Nkvlrtislrs
[rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl QJ NKVL_[IUL_U ZLO NKK_LUU QHCDL DC. 
Issul Dc. 5? - Upridj ?11?  1> [rnklrs Ecdflrldel
1? Dnturnb Crklr Lkuentcrs
15 _cooids [rnkidj Ec`pndy`
www.rcooidstr` 811-;<5-;;;;
>1 Lbbictt Znvl Qriel ndk [i`l 1; Bn`olrt Jndd Lkuentcrs```olrtjndd`811-6>5-89>8
[nrjlts ndk thl U&Q 
U&Q  1< [EI EC_Q.`
www.teitrnk` 811-99?-;6?<
oy _colrt @idcr  16 Nbbljrc [rnkidj Uystl`s`
www.nbbljrct` 811-669-95?1
>; Kcd’t Jlt Ldrcd’k 1: lUijdnb`
www.lsijdnb. ec` 811-::9-18?5
  oy Utlphld Oijnbcw  18 @lrehndt Enpitnb Ide. www.`lrehndtenpitnbide.
ec` 811-819-886>
>> Kydn`ie [rnklrs www.Kydn`ie[`
www.Kydn`ie[` <?1-:9:-5668
>8 [rnkidj thl [ruths cf thl @nrglt >? _lnbity Onslk [rnkidj Ec.`` 866-888-:<6?
  oy Olddltt @eKcwlbb  >? Nstrc Nkviscr`
www.nstrcnkvi` 8>8-881-1>8<
>5 Qri`us [rnkidj ‒Utrntljy‐ www.pri``
www.pri`ustr` ?<6-;6;-1855
>9 Nd Idvlst`ldt Utrntljy fcr Lvlrycdl
Lvlrycdl   >< Qyrnpcidt`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?88-;?66
oy _colrt Fisehlr  >6 NK@ Idvlstcr Ulrviels`
www.ndspnehlr.e c` 811-6?>-?:>9
>: [rnklrs Ecneh`
www.trnklrse` 8<8-69<-1<9?
?> Klnbidj with Kistrneticds >8 Jndd @nstlr Ehnrts \dvliblk www.trnklr`` 811-?88-;?66
  oy Nkrilddl Bnris [cjhrnil  ?> [lehdiec` Ide. www.tlehdiec``
www.tlehdiec`` 9<;-<68-58;8
?? Gdcw Ycur Futurls`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?88-;?66
?; @urrly @nth _lnb-[i`l Ucftwnrl
Ucftwnrl   ?5 trnkidjcdtnrjlt`
www.trnkidjcdtnr` 9>9-8<>-8?88
Qrlkiets _lvlrsnbs
  oy [. H. @urrly  ?6 [ @itehlbb www.t``
www.t`itehl` 8>8-881-1>8<
?6 ;.< Eldts [lblphcdl www.ik.dlt/3uci8bn
www.ik.dlt/3uci 8bn 811-?88-;?66
?8 Qrnetienb Nppbienticd
Nppbienticd cf nd Nuthldtie ?: @urrly @nth [rnkidj Uuppbils`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?88-;?66
‒Uqunrl cf Didl‐ - Qnrt Cdl ?: NI_ Ucftwnrl` 811-6<9->?;:
  oy Gld Jlrolr  ?9 Jndd @nstlrs www.trnklrswcrbk.ce`
www.trnklrswcr bk.ce` 811-?88-;?66
?9 Unerlk Ueildel Idstitutl`
www.snerlkse` 811-:<6-6>;>
?9 Z.K. Jndd’s @nss Qrlssurl 5> EUI Kntn`
www.esikntn. ec` 811-?:;-;:?:
Fcrlenstidj [lehdiqul 55 Ehciel Qiegs`
oy Kndilb [. Flrrlrn 5< @cdly[` www.@cdly[`
www.@cdly[ikl.e c`
5< Uuplr[i`id
Uuplr[i`idj j`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?88-;?66
51 @nrglt Eyebls Nd Cutbccg fcr ?11? 56 Idtrc tc Nstrc [rnkidj`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?88-;?66
  oy [i` Zcck  59
[rnklrs Biornry Fcru`
www.tbfcru`. ec`
811-?:?-?8<< U81
5? Hcw tc \sl Ec``it`ldt cf
[rnklrs _lpcrt fcr Futurls [rnklrs ;> Cpticds ;1 id ; www.glyvcbu``
www.glyvcbu`` 811-85;-1;>> x >?-w
  oy _colrt Mn`ls Klnk`nd  ;? Z.K. Jndd _lnb [i`l [rnkidj` 811-?88-;?66
;5 Qnttlrds cf Jndd`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?88-;?66
5; @ccd [ikl Cvlrvilw
Cvlrvilw   ;5 Bnrry Qlsnvldtc`
www.trnkidjtut` 811-:>6-1199
oy Nb Bnrsld  ;; [rnkidj Occgs`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?:?-?8<< x O:>;
  ;9 IDUIIKL [rneg [rnkidj`
www.idsii` 651-65:-196:
56 Lbbipsls ndk thl Znr Eyebl ;9 Lbbictt Znvl Idstitutl` 811-656-9?85
  oy @ybls Zibscd Znbglr  <1 UQX [i`lr www.spxti``
www.spxti`l` 8<9-?5;-869:
<1 Bcdj [lr` [rnkidj www.bcdjtlr``
www.bcdjtlr`t` <51-:<8-6969
5: Ecdsistldt Qrc﬎ts frc` Uhcrtidj Cpticds  <> Qid Qcidt [rnkidj Ecursl`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?88-;?66
oy Nbnd Qnrry  <? Upleinb [rnkidj Occgs`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?88-;?66
<; [rnklrs Zcrbk Nrtieb
ls cd EK`
www.trnklrswcr` 811-?88-;?66
58 Kcuobl _lQldtrnticd Qnttlrd
Qnttlrd   << [rnkidj Ucbuticds`
www.trnkidjscb` 811-65;-55?:
oy Mcl KiDnpcbi  <: Nbnrcd [rnkidj`
www.nbnrcdtrnk` 811-9?9-<611
;1 Lvcbvidj Dnsknq= [hl _isl cf <8 Bividj Eyebls`
www.bividjeyebls. ec` 811-?88-;?66
UuplrUcbls <8 Zidsgi 9;>-<9;-5959
oy _colrt Unbls   <8 Uwidj [rnkidj Ehnir www.trnklrswcr`` 811-?88-;?66
<9 `ibblddiu``
`ibblddiu`-trnk` www.`ibblddiu``
;> _lnb [rnklrs [lneh Znddnols
tc [rnkl Znddnols Hcw
Hcw 61
6> Jnddscft
NFJ Quobishidj
Quobishi dj Ec`pndy````nkntrnkl. ec` <19-68;-:65:
oy @igl Orikjls  6? Dnticdnb [rnkidj Idstitutl www.>` 811-858-551;
65 Qrcjdcsis www.prcjdcsis.db
www.prcjdcsis .db 5>-><-?>?5<;5
;? Gly Blvlbs 6; ]npFuturls`
www.znpfuturls. ec` 811-;;>->6>6
  oy Qnub Dcmid 
;5 [hl Klstrueticd cf Ycur
Ycur [rnkidj Ucu
Ucubb [`
oy Bnrry Qlsnvldtc  Cdbidl Utrln`idj @lkin - Ul`idnrs, Zcrgshcps ndk Lxhioitcrs
Hnbbiglr’s, Ide. puobishlr cf [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl is stnrtidj thl first Cdbidl
;9 \sidj thl Qnst tc Qrlkiet thl Futurl
Futurl   Utrln`idj @lkin Ecdflrldel fcr [rnklrs. [his wibb ol nd cdjcidj ecdflrldel,
oy Mcslph Nrlehijn whieh wibb ec`pbl`ldt cur `njnzidl. It wibb flnturl wcrgshcps, sl`idnrs ndk
lxhioitcrs prlsldtlk vin strln`idj nukic/viklc. Ycu’bb ol nobl tc sll ndk hlnr
<; Fiocdneei [rnklr ;.1 fn`cus trnkidj lxplrts frc` nbb cvlr thl wcrbk ndk nvcik thl idecdvldildel ndk
lxpldsl cf trnvlb. Fcr Frll _ljistrnticd
_lj istrnticd jc tc=`
<< Zhisplr ^uilt [rnkidj
[rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl - Quobishlk oy Hnbbiglr’s Ide.
<6 @ltnUtceg Qrc :.? Lkitcr= Bnrry Mnecos - Ziddlr cf thl ?11> Zcrbk Eup Ehn`picdship cf Utceg [rnkidj
Cplrnticds= ]nehnry K. Mnecos, Uusnd Qrultt, Kl`ltrn Bnrrieg
<: [hl C`di[rnklr ?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Kr., Upridj﬎lbk, @C
@C 6<8>1
Ecpyrijht ©?11? Hnbbiglr’s, Ide. Nbb rijhts rlslrvlk. Idfcr`nticd id this puobienticd `ust dct ol rlprckuelk id ndy fcr` withcut writtld plr`issicd frc` thl puobishlr. [rnklrs Zcrbk ℯ (IUUD
>1;<-:691) is puobishlk qunrtlrby fcr $>9.9< plr ylnr oy Hnbbiglr’s, Ide., ?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Ut., Upridjfilbk, @C 6<8>1. Qrlscrtlk Utndknrk Qcstnjl pnik nt Biolrty, @isscuri ndk nt nkkiticdnb
`nibidj cffiels. Qcst`nstlr= Uldk Fcr` 5<:9 nkkrlss ehndjls tc [rnklrs Zcrbk ℯ, ?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Ut., Upridjfilbk, @C 6<8>1 \.U.N. Qridtlk id thl \.U.N. is prlpnrlk frc` idfcr`nticd
olbilvlk tc ol rlbinobl out dct junrndtllk us withcut furthlr vlri﬎enticd ndk kcls dct purpcrt tc ol ec`pbltl. Futurls ndk cpticds trnkidj nrl spleubntivl ndk idvcbvls risg cf bcss. Cpidicds lxprlsslk
nrl suomlet tc rlvisicd withcut furthlr dcti﬎enticd. Zl nrl dct cfflridj tc ouy cr slbb sleuritils cr ec``ckitils kiseusslk. Hnbbiglr’s Ide., cdl cr `crl cf its cf﬎elrs, ndk/cr nuthcrs `ny hnvl n pcsiticd id
thl sleuritils cr ec``ckitils kiseusslk hlrlid. Ndy nrtiebl thnt shcws hypcthltienb cr sti`ubntlk plrfcr`ndel rlsubts hnvl elrtnid idhlrldt bi`itnticds, udbigl nd netunb plrfcr`ndel rlecrk, si`ubntlk
rlsubts kc dct rlprlsldt netunb trnkidj. Nbsc, sidel thl trnkls hnvl dct nbrlnky olld lxleutlk, thl rlsubts `ny hnvl udklr - cr cvlr ec`pldsntlk fcr thl i`pnet, if ndy, cf elrtnid `nrglt fnetcrs, sueh ns
bneg cf biquikity. Ui`ubntlk trnkidj prcjrn`s id jldlrnb nrl nbsc suomlet tc thl fnet thnt thly nrl klsijdntlk with thl oldl﬎ts cf hidksijht. Dc rlprlsldtnticd is olidj `nkl thnt ndy neecudt wibb cr is biglby
tc nehilvl prc﬎ts cr bcssls si`ibnr tc thcsl shcwd. [hl dn`ls cf prckuets ndk slrviels prlsldtlk id this `njnzidl nrl uslk cdby id lkitcrinb fnshicd ndk tc thl oldl﬎t cf thl trnkl`nrg cwdlr with dc
idtldticd cf idfridjidj cd trnkl`nrg rijhts. Qrckuets ndk slrviels id thl [rnklrs Zcrbk Entnbcj nrl suomlet tc nvnibnoibity ndk priels nrl suomlet tc ehndjl withcut dctiel.

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   9


Lbbictt Znvl, Ulpt. ?11> bcw thrcujh `ik-Flo. If eblnrby

shcws thnt thl Ulpt. tc Mnd. rnbby suokiviklk
idtc fivl-wnvls whieh is typienb cf n Znvl-
Qriel ndk [i`l N. [hl Flo. 6 bcw hnk dct rlnehlk thl
`idi`u`  ti`l ndk priel rltrnel`ldts tc

[nrjlts ec`pbltl thl Znvl-O bcw sc thl nssu`p-

ticd is it is dct ec`pbltl. Cdel thl Znvl-O
bcw is ec`pbltl, thl U&Q shcubk ec`pbltl
ndk thl U&Q n Znvl-E rnbby tc nocvl thl Mnd. hijh
tc ec`pbltl thl bnrjlr kljrll ecrrleticd
Oy _colrt @idlr, Kydn`ie [rnklrs Jrcup, Ide. olfcrl thl bcdj-tlr` olnr trldk rlsu`ls tc
d Mnd. cf ?111, thl Kydn`ie [rnkidj bcw is must n Znvl > cr N. Frc` n trnk- wlbb olbcw thl Ulpt. ?11> bcw.
`lthck cf ndnbysis ndk fcrlenstidj prc- idj cr idvlstidj pcidt-cf-vilw, it kcls dct Lvlry thidj npplnrs tc ol fnbbidj ikl-

`nrglt tcpthloyU&Q wcubk
@nreh `ngl
?111 n fidnb
whieh oubb
wcubk `nttlr whlthlr it is n > cr N. Id lithlr nbby
hijhidtc pbnel
id thl fcr qunrtlr
slecdk n olnr `nrglt
cf ?11?ecrrletivl
ensl, thl U&Q wibb lvldtunbby klebidl
ol fcbbcwlk oy nt blnst n thrll ylnr olnr `ueh bcwlr. oy n rlsu`pticd cf thl olnr trldk idtc nt
`nrglt ndk thl U&Q priel wcubk ol eut id Ehnrt O is n wllgby ehnrt cf thl blnst ?115 rlnehidj n `idi`u` cf 8?: ndk
hnbf olfcrl thl olnr `nrglt wns cvlr. [hnt U&Q frc` thl @nreh ?111 hijh tc `ik pcssioby `ueh bcwlr.
is dct nd nftlr-thl-fnet fcrlenst out cdl thnt Flo. ?11?. [hl wllgby ehnrt shcws thl Lvld if thl U&Q shcubk vnry frc`
wns spleifienbby idebuklk id thl Kydn`ie ud`istngnobl fivl-wnvl klebidl. N Znvl this iklnb cutbccg, it wcubk dct idvnbikntl
[rnklr _lpcrt id lnrby ?111. [hl fidnb tcp > cr N shcubk suo-kivikl idtc fivl-wnvls. thl prcmleticd thnt Ulpt. ?11> shcubk dct
wns `nkl id @nreh ?111 ns prcmletlk. Ns cf N ecrrleticd shcubk dlvlr ol n fivl-wnvl ol thl olnr `nrglt bcw. [hl olnr `nr-
thl kntl cf this nrtiebl, Flo. ?11?, thl U&Q is i`pubsl trldk bigl thl @nreh ?111 tc glt rnbby cff cf thl Ulpt. bcw `ny tngl
wlbb cd thl wny tc fubfibbidj thl slecdk pnrt Ulpt. ?11> klebidl. [his i`pbils frc` nd n `crl ec`pblx fcr` cr `ny tcp olfcrl
cf thl fcrlenst fcr n ecdtidulk olnr trldk tc Lbbictt wnvl pnttlrd plrspletivl, thl Ulpt. rlnehidj thl Kydn`ie [rnkidj `idi`u`
wlbb olbcw thl Ulpt. ?11> bcw. ?11> bcw shcubk dct ol thl ldk cf n ‒ecr- ti`l ndk priel tnrjlts out thl olnr trldk
Blt’s bccg nt thl eurrldt pcsiticd cf thl rleticd‐ out `ust ol must thl first phnsl cf shcubk stibb hnvl n bcdj wnys tc jc.
U&Q ndk sll why thl lvikldel is cvlr- thl olnr trldk.  
whlb`idj   fcr n ecdtidulk olnr trldk. Ehnrt Zhnt typienbby fcbbcws n fivl-wnvl Fnir Znrdidj
N olbcw is `cdthby U&Q kntn frc` thl Nuj. i`pubsl trldk3 N ecrrleticd jrlntlr id Zhy hnvl I stueg `y dleg cut id pridt with
>98? bcw thrcujh lnrby Flo. ?11?. [hl oubb sueh n spleifie fcrlenst3 Cdl rlnscd is
trldk frc` thl Nuj. >98? bcw ec`pbltlk ti`lfivl-wnvl
thl ndk prieltrldk
thnd ndy
thnt ecrrleticd withid
typienbby udfcbks thnt’s `y mco. It is whnt I hnvl olld kcidj
n tlxtoccg Lbbictt fivl-wnvl i`pubsl trldk id nd NOE pnttlrd. Ns wl wibb sll frc` sidel >986 id `y nkviscry rlpcrts. [hl
whlrl lneh cf thl idtlricr i`pubsl wnvls thl kniby ehnrt, thl Mnd. hijh shcubk cdby idtljrnticd cf prnetienb Lbbictt wnvl pnttlrd
eblnrby suokiviklk idtc fivl-wnvls cf blsslr ol n Znvl-N cf thl NOE ecrrleticd up ndnbysis with `y udiqul Kydn`ie [rnkidj
kljrll. frc` thl Ulpt. ?11> bcw. ti`l, priel ndk trldk tnrjlt ndnbysis hns
[hl oubb trldk frc` thl >98? bcw is [hl iditinb nssu`pticd is n ecrrleticd slrvlk `l wlbb fcr cvlr >< ylnrs cftld
dct n ‒histcrienb‐ oubb `nrglt, out cdl cf tc n fivl-wnvl trldk shcubk ol n `idi`u`  prcmletidj wllgs ndk `cdths id nkvndel
thrll si`ibnr oubb `nrglts `nkl id thl pnst cf n <1% priel rltrnel`ldt ndk 58.?% thl `idi`u` ndk typienb ti`l ndk priel
eldtury. Lneh hnk vlry si`ibnr ti`l, priel ti`l rltrnel`ldt. [hl Mnd. hijh flbb shcrt tnrjlts fcr trldk cf ndy kljrll.
ndk pnttlrd ehnrnetlristies. [hl nftlr`nth cf octh thl `idi`u` ti`l ndk priel tnr- N ecdtidunticd cf thl stceg `nrglt olnr
cf this oubb `nrglt is biglby tc ol si`ibnr tc jlts whieh furthlr suppcrts thl prconoib- trldk shcubk ecideikl with `ndy lvldts
thl nftlr`nth cf thl pricr twc oubb `nrglts ity thnt thl Mnd. hijh is cdby thl Znvl-N thnt ecubk ol ecstby tc rlnklrs. I wndt ycu
with n prcbcdjlk olnr trldk bnstidj ylnrs, hijh. If this is thl ensl, thl U&Q shcubk tc ol prlpnrlk. N ecdtidulk stceg `nrglt
dct `cdths. lxellk thl Mnd. hijh olfcrl thl ecrrletivl olnr trldk shcubk klei`ntl `ndy snvidjs,
Id Lbbictt wnvl tlr`s, thl iditinb klebidl rnbby is ec`pbltl. idvlst`ldt, lkuenticdnb ndk pldsicd fudks
frc` thl @nreh ?111 hijh tc thl Ulpt. ?11> Ehnrt E is thl kniby kntn frc` thl fcr thcsl whc idsist cd stnyidj idvlstlk fcr
>1 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Junrndtllk [c Krn`ntienbby I`prcvl Ycur

Futurls, Utceg ndk @utunb Fudk [rnkidj
 _lsubts cr Ycur @cdly Oneg 

_colrt @idlr’s
 Kydn`ie [rnklr   

Ucftwnrl ndk [rnkidj Ecursl

Zhy is Kydn`ie [rnklrs Jrcup thl cdby tlehdienb ndnbysis scftwnrl klvlbcplr,
trnkidj lkuentcr ndk trnkidj nkviscr thnt cfflrs nd udecdkiticdnb `cdly oneg
junrndtll cd nbb its prckuets ndk slrviels3 End it ol olenusl wl nrl thl cdby ec`pndy
thnt hns ec`pbltl fnith cur prckuets ndk slrviels kc whnt wl sny thly wibb kc3

If ycu nrl slricus nocut krn`ntienbby i`prcvidj ycur trnkidj rlsubts, jc tc

 Kydn`ie[` ndk blnrd lxnetby whnt thl Kydn`ie [rnklr Ucftwnrl ndk
[rnkidj Ecursl wibb kc fcr ycu!

[hl Kydn`ie [rnklr Ucftwnrl ndk [rnkidj Ecursl is n ec`pbltl ndk prnetienb
idtljrnticd cf Jndd, Lbbictt, Fiocdneei trldk ndnbysis ndk trnkidj strntljils.

F_LL K[ [rnkl _lec
ds Lvlry @cdkny Lvld
F_LL [rnklrs Lkuenticd [utcrinbs lvlry wllg.
Kydn`ie [rnklr Futurls ndk @utunb Fudks _lpcrts

 Kydn`ie [rnkidj  occg
 occg dn`lk thl [rnkidj Occg cf thl Ylnr
 Kcd’t ol ndcthlr bcsidj cseibbntcr cr systl`s mud
gil.. ^uit tryidj tc fcrlenst thl
`nrglt ndk blnrd hcw tc trnkl. [hlrl
trnkl. [hlrl is dc `ystlry tc trnkidj. It is n prnetienb ndk
thl Kydn`ie [rnkidj  wny.
bcjienb ousidlss. Klnb with rlnbity ndk blnrd tc trnkl thl Kydn`ie  wny.
Kydn`ie [rnklr is n ec`pbltl trnkidj lkuenticd.

Jc [c www.Kydn`ie[`
www.Kydn`ie[` fcr ycur F_LL rlpcrts,
trnkl rlec``ldknticds ndk trnkidj tutcrinbs.
 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   >>

If thl U&Q ecdtiduls tc nkvndel tc

nocvl thl Mnd. hijh ns prcmletlk, thl
Kcw Mcdls Kcwd :% Id ?11> cvlrwhlb`idj ecdebusicd cf thl fidndeinb
U&Q Kcwd >5% Id ?11> `lkin wibb ol thl olnr `nrglt ndk rlels-
DNUKN^ Kcwd ?>% Id ?11> sicd nrl cvlr. ^uitl thl cppcsitl shcubk ol
thl truth. N ecdtidulk rnbby nocvl thl Mnd.
Onoeceg Uystl` Neecudt \p 65% Id ?11> hijh shcubk ol thl iklnb fubfibb`ldt cf thl
olnr `nrglt rnbby ndk quiegby fcbbcwlk oy
[hl Onoeceg Uystl` Kl`cdstrnticd Neecudt wns dct cdby up id ?11> n ecdtidunticd cf thl olnr trldk.
out it wns up id thl bnst >1 cut cf >> ylnrs. [hlsl nrl rlnb prcfits [hl dlxt cdl-thrll ylnrs ecubk ol thl
`cst i`pcrtndt id cur biflti`ls. It wibb
`nkl trnkidj with rlnb `cdly. Dc dllk tc wnteh thl `nrglts with eblnrby ol n ti`l tc klnb with rlnbitils ndk
cur nutc`ntlk prcelss. [rnkidj systl`s wcrg ndk wl end prcvl it! dct hcpl ndk ibbusicds. It ecubk ol n ti`l
Enbb cr l-`nib tckny fcr frll idfcr`nticd. cf i``ldsl cppcrtudity cr cf plrscdnb
ndk fidndeinb kisnstlr. Qblnsl rl`nid nblrt,
_lnbity Onslk [rnkidj Ec`pndy nwnrl ndk `ngl bcjienb ndk rnticdnb klei-
Qhcdl 866-888-:<6? cr <51-6::-:<6? sicds.
L-`nib=` If ycu wcubk bigl tc gllp norlnst cf
thl bcdj tlr` pcsiticd cf thl U&Q ndk` cthlr fidndeinb, stceg ndk ec``ckity
(Qnst trnkidj
trnkid j rlsubts nrl dct idkient
ivl cf futurl rlsubts. Ec``ckity trnkidj end ol `nrglts cr if ycu wndt tc blnrd hcw tc
risgy ndk rlsubt id bcss cf enpitnb.) trnkl ndk idvlst id ndy `nrglt ecdki-
ticd, plrickienbby visit cur wlo sitl nt
Ecdtiduidj [hl Oruel Onoeceg Bljney  www.Kydn`ie[` fcr `nrglt
upkntls ndk frll trnklrs lkuenticd tutcrinbs.
thl ‒bcdj-tlr`‐ whld n ensh pcsiticd is thl jlst thl wcrbk ns wl gdcw it is jcidj tc
 _colrt @idlr is thl nuthcr cf Kydn`ie
cdby cdl thnt `ngls sldsl if thl ckks fnvcr kisnpplnr. [hl prconobl ecdtidunticd cf
[rnkidj whieh wns dn`lk thl >999
n ecdtidulk olnr trldk. thl stceg `nrglt olnr trldk ndk kllpld-
[rnkidj Occg cf thl Ylnr. Hl puo-
N ecdtidulk stceg `nrglt olnr trldk idj cf thl rlelssicd is si`pby thl dnturnb
bishls thl Kydn`ie [rnklr Futurls
shcubk ecideikl with n wcrsldidj rlelssicd ndk idlvitnobl cutec`l cf thl spleubntivl
whlrl mcos, ousidlssls ndk enrllrs ecubk ol lxelssls idtc thl oubb `nrglt tcp id ?111. ndk @utunb
 sccd Fudks
oljid thl rlpcrts
Kydn`ie ndk Utceg
[rnklr wibb
thrlntldlk, nd iderlnslk blvlb cf `ibitnry If wl nrl nwnrl thnt it is thl prconobl
 _lpcrt. His ec`pndy Kydn`ie [rnklrs
ecdfbiets ndk iderlnslk blvlb sceinb ecdfbiet. futurl, wl end dct cdby prctlet cur enpitnb,
Jrcup nbsc cfflrs thl Kydn`ie [rnklr
[hl ndnbysis ndk fcrlenst shcwd nocvl ousidlssls, mcos ndk idvlst`ldts, out lvld
Ucftwnrl ndk [rnkidj Ecursl. Hl end
nrl dct `lndt tc frijhtld ndycdl cr suj- prcfit oy it frc` shcrt snbls ndk olnr `nr-
ol rlnehlk nt www.Kydn`ie[`
glt `utunb fudks.

Ziddidj ndk
Bcsidj [rnkls
nrl Zrittld id
thl Utnrs!


(8>8) 881-1>8<`

>? Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

[Q_I@\U [HL [_NKIDJ ‒U[_N[LJY‐

hl Dnticdnb [rnkidj Idstitutl is thl frllkc` thnt thl trnklr’s biflstybl
n rnpikby jrcwidj lkuenticdnb nffcrks, out `y ycudjlst ehibk is cdby
fneibity thnt tlnehls plcpbl hcw njl >?. \dtib hl is cut cf thl dlst ndk (E))
tc trnkl ec``ckity futurls oy pniridj cff tc ecbbljl, I dllk tc put `y isbndk
thl`, U^\N_IDJ
cdl-cd-cdl, CF Q_IEL
with nd lxplrildelk hcppidjZI[H [I@L
ndk @ni \UIDJ
[ni-sippidj [_INDJ\BN_ EHN_[IDJ 
cd hcbk. EHN_[IDJ 
trnklr/ecneh. @cst stukldts dlvlr sll   @y wifl bcvls tc spldk `y
n trnkidj pbnd fcr trnklrs thnt nrl rlnky tc neelpt dlw trnkidj ecdelpts. [his cfflridj hns olld
fneibity, cr `llt thlir tlnehlr fnel tc trnkidj prcfits, out shl kclsd’t shnrl
fnel. [hlyvlry enrlfubby.
rlelivl thl `cst It prlsldts`y
nkvndelk ecdelpts dlvlr
ldthusins` olfcrl
fcr thl jn`l.cutbidlk
If I tlbb fcr trnklrs7 ndk shcubk hnvl vlry
trnkidj `ntlrinbs ndk scftwnrl nvnib- hlr nocut nd lspleinbby
slricus n ecdsiklrnticd cd ycur pnrt. I kc dct `nib cut fndey bitlrnturl jcck kny id prc`isidj thl hcby jrnib. I kc dct
nobl tckny7 out thl netunb blsscds nrl thl `nrglt, hlr rlspcdsl is, ‒[hnt’s
hntl it! Ndk
ecdkuetlk oyittlblphcdl
is dct nndkobneg ocx
l`nib. [hlnffnir lithlr.
diel, Klnr,Itdcw
is ntngl
cut thlecdelpt
jnronjl.‐thnt hns tngld 5: ylnrs tc plrflet
oybneg cf physienbndk
klkuetivl ecdtnet kclsd’t sll`
idkuetivl tc [rnkidj
strntljils, pbusistrinb
`y prcflssicd
ndk lrrcrndk `y hcooy
stukils. I wns cdl cf Z. K. Jndd’s bnst stu-
kltlr Hl
lvlry thl kilkcr idnfflet
`cdth, thl ylnr
trnklrs whc
thlir Isueelss.
ldrcbbhis nbb
tc rcbblk
tnbg [his
nocut Q_I@\U
it. Nt ID[I, [_NKIDJ
bcvl Iit,end I bcvl ‒U[_N[LJY‐ is cfflrlk tc ycu
whc bccg olycdk
N prlvicus stukldt cfthlcdl
prc`isl cf jbcssy
cf cur trnk- with `ybitlrnturl. [his is(frc`
flbbcw `ldtcrs `y nbbbntlst
oneg-kisecvlry cf priel ehnrtidj. [hl
lrs wldt cd tc wid thl nddunb  Futurls jrcudks idebukidj fbccr trnklrs frc`
@njnzidlcf priels
 trnkidj id thrll ki`ldsicds,
ecdtlst. neecrkidj
Ehienjc) ndk `y tc thl ‒Bnw― cfplcpbl
stukldts thl [rindjbl‐. [his wns klvlbcplk
Zhy nrl fcr stceg
thly trnklrs
sc ndxicus thnt tc
whc nrlnns stceg trnkidj
fnseidntlk oy prcjrn`.
trnkidj ndkHcwlvlr, Q_I@\U is n si`pbl
trnkidj hcw tc trnkl ec``ckitils3 thl `nrglts
prlsldtnticd thnt is >11% usnobl fcr trnkidj octh stcegsns I n`. It’s fud ndk lxeit-
ndk ec``ckitils!
Qlrhnps it wns thl fniburl cf nbb idj. Ndk, tlnehidj gllps `y cwd trnk-
thcsl ‒`’s.‐ Qlcpbl wndt tc idj ns shnrp ns it end ol. Nftlr hlnridj
idvlst id sc`lthidj tndjiobl bigl n nocut `y onegjrcudk, `y stukldts end
oushlb cf whlnt cr n onrrlb cf cib. rlbntl tc `l ns n hu`nd olidj with thl
_cdkidcdl stntls= ‒Iwith
its kissntisfneticd kc dctsn`lenrlwndtswhc ndk thl
dllksELC ns thlircf n ec`pndy is= dcr kc I enrl if
cdl’s eurrldt
thly kc cr mco. mkc
co. dct
[hlrlpny nrl prleicus
n kivikldk= [hl dcrnetunb
kc ecursl
I enrl oljids with n`ngl
if thly prc- krujs, ehips, onslonbbs,
onslonbbs, nu-
flw cf us whc end fcbbcw cur obiss ndk fibl enbb whlrl wl wibb kltlr`idl whieh
`nglcr rnislbividj
n kleldt kuegs. it. Dcr
nt it. Jcckkc I enrl
trnk- whlrl
trnklr thly wibbthl ol pbndlts
wcrgidj with nrl, cr thl stnrs, `ccd cr Uud nrl!
lrs `ngl jcck `cdly, ndk it kclsd’t upcd thlir lkuenticd, sueelss, ndk stybl
tngl thl` nbb kny tc kc it. [hly end cf trnkidj thus fnr. Zl thld idtrckuel
pby thlir trnkl frc` ndywhlrl id thl thl` tc thl ecdtldts cf cur ‒tccbocx,‐

  M\U[ BL[ @L ULL N EHN_[ 

wcrbk with n tlblphcdl bidl. [hly thl trilk-ndk-trul idkientcrs oy whieh
lnrd thl `cst prleicus ec``ckity wl prlkiet priel kirleticd ― @NEK,
If thl priel is nocvl `y [_\L [_LDK BIDL, I[’U N
cf nbb ― ti`l. [i`l tc kc whnt thly %_, Mnpndlsl endkblstiegs, fiocdneei
wndt, id n pbnel thly wndt tc ol id, rltrnel`ldts lte. Zl thld npprcneh
O\Y! If thl priel is olbcw `y [_\L [_LDK BIDL,
with thl plcpbl thly wndt tc ol with. @nrglt ndnbysis, hcw tc jlt id n trnkl,
Qlrhnps it’s thl `ldtnb ehnbbldjl. hcw tc spct n trldk rlvlrsnb olfcrl it
It’s n ULBB QL_ICK! 
@ndy trnklrs rlvlb id thl jn`ls`nd- ceeurs. It’s nocut hcw tc `ngl lffle-
ship ndk strntljizidj. [hly ldmcy tivl usl cf thl cbk nknjl, ‒[hl trldk is
pittidj thl
thlirtrnkidj rubls thl
idtlbblet njnidst thntjrlnt
frildk.‐with ti`l.
Dlxt, It is vlry
wl tnegbl
tnegbl `cdlysi`pbl, lnsy ndk bcjienb. Zhld
thl priel
ecs`ie is squnrlk,
fcrel cf thl @nrglt. thl trldk
Uc`l wibb ehndjl7I sc
`ndnjl`ldt. shcwblt thl
thl` hcw priel
tc `nglkc thl tnbgidj.
lvld bigl thl fnet thnt whld thly wid, surl thly end nffcrk thl trnkls thly tngl.
thlir fnelblss cppcdldts `ust bcsl id @cdly `ndnjl`ldt is nocut hcw tc jlt
Jndd stntlk= 
thl jrlnt zlrc-su` jn`l Lvlry`nd `ustcut
cf trnkidj. jltcfhis stceg
n trnkl `nrglt
― whld thidjslkuenticd
jc cur ndk `ust rl`l`olr thnt cdl dlvlr
cu r wny,
Zhntlvlr thlir `ctivnticd, D[I’s ndk whld thly kcd’t. It’s nocut hcw
jrnkuntls frc` Znbb Utrllt Uehccb. Ycu `ust tngl Qcst Jrnkuntl ecursls lvlry ylnr tc gllp up with thl ti`ls.
stukldts nrl udklrstndknoby sglpti- tc `ngl lffletivl usl cf thl cbk nknjl,
enb iditinbby. [hlir first qulsticds nrl ‒Blt prcfits rud, eut bcssls shcrt.‐
usunbbys n jift cf ZLBEC@L
sc`lthidj bigl= ‒Uc, whc’s tc UY@@L[_IEU
Fidnbby, wl bccgtrnkidj, I n` jcidj tc prlsldt ycu with n cdl
nt thl prnetienbitils

this @ldtcr juy3 IfCFFL_ hl’s sueh n $;11.11
jcck cf thl trnkidj`y ousidlss. Zhnt[_NKIDJ `nrglts
trnklr ti`l
why JIF[ isd’t hl cd sc`lcf trcpi- tcwnrk
shcubk thly trnklQ_I@\U
tngidj idtc neecudt ‒U[_N[LJY‐. Ycu wibb nbsc
enb isbndk sippidj `y 58 ULBLE[
n kridg [_NKIDJ
with n bittbl _\BLU
thlir enpitnb onsl OCCGBL[
ndk ti`l idvlst- ‒F_LL‐. _ubl #58 end `ngl ycu
rieh! [his idecubkit3 Zhy ol nisshcrt
hl tngidj his `ldt3
ecbbljl ecursl Hcwwithkc nwlkljrll
pbnel n stcp crklr3
enbblk ‒Q_CFI[U‐. _l`l`olr= [hl
prleicus ti`l tc tlneh nd X-rny tlehdi- [hrcujhcut, I l`phnsizl thnt thl olst
thisIcwn[_NKIDJ ‒U[_N[LJY‐
hcw tc trnkl3 [hlsl trnklrsis dct
nrl thl
thcsltrul wcrth7
whc hnvl fcudk Zhnt
n trnk-it end Q_CK\EL is thl [_\L
nrl fnir qulsticds.
VNB\L! H\__Y![hl ndswlrs [CKNY!
C_KL_ wcubk idj `lthck thly end nppby ecdfikldtby
ol sbijhtby kifflrldt fcr lneh @ldtcr. ndk lnsiby, ndk whieh kcls dct cvlr-tnx
Out, `y plrscdnb situnticd hns `ndy thlir plrscdnb blvlb cf risg tcblrndel.
Yls,  I wndt
lbl`ldts tc crklr
ec``cd tc Mcl
cf `y [hl DnticdnbMcslph
[rnkidj N. _cdkidcdl,
Idstitutl hns Qrlsikldt/Quobishlr
ecbblnjuls’, sc hlrl’s `y cwd oic. fcr`lk n strntljie nbbindel with thl
?1; Qnb`lr _k. @nkiscd, NB 5<:<8
I’` n <5-ylnr-cbk ‒U[_N[LJY‐
dntivl Enbifcrdind, (E) 
_lutlrs-cwdlk ec`pndy, Lquis, `ng- Mcl _cdkidcdl
wns cdl cf thl
I hlrloy njrll
`nrrilk with dctgiks.
thrll tc kisebcsl,
I lrslxehndjl
cf @ltnUtceg Qhcdlehnrtidj?<6-;6;-1855
scftwnrl. bnst stukldts cf
fcrwns n eivib trinb nttcrdly, out I stnrtlk Nbb cur stukldts rlelivl n suoseripticd
trnkidj ecursls crcd`lthcks,
ec``ckitils thl sikl nocutslbb cr
tc tlneh
_lutlrsfcr www.pri``
KntnBidg, ndk thl bntlst vlr-
Z. K. Jndd

frll cr fcr
fiftlld ylnrsfll, njc.thlBigl
`ndy cf cr `y
sicd cf cf thl Ldebcslk
@ltnUtceg fcr thlir `nrgltis `y ehleg fcr $<9<.11. U/H $5.9<.
stukldts, I snw nd nk fcr
Q_I@\U [_NKIDJ ‒U[_N[LJY‐ tc ndycdl. sc`l occg cr ysis. Id nkkiticd, lvlry stukldt rlelivls=
Cvlrslns nkk $?<.11
It ecursl
is fcr
fcr it, `y plrscdnb
cd futurls
klvcurlk it, ndkusl
trnkidj. I cdby.
fcudk [hl  Fcrtudl
nwny kniby>) `nrglt upkntl. Fcrlenstlr 
It fcbbcws ,thirty
fnseidntlk frc` thld
thld cd. Zhld I stnrtlk `nrglts usidj QhcdlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
n ecdslrvntivl swidj
trnkidj fcr rlnb, I hnk thl sn`l sltonegs trnkidj stybl. Bnst ylnr wl wcd twc twc
nbb slbf-tnujht trnklrs lxplrildel, out cut cf thrll trnkls, ndk cur nvlrnjl wid
I plrsistlk ndkUIJDN[\_L _L^\I_LK
wns >.5; ti`ls cur nvlrnjl bcss. >6<%
Nocut fivl ylnrs njc, I rltirlk frc` kceu`ldtlk nddunbizlk rlturd.
bnw ndk oljnd trnkidj fubb ti`l.
ti`l. I bcvl ?) Uehwnjlr cd Futurls, nd lxelb-
_ljubnr priel $99<. Unvl ;1% thrcujh thl idtrckuetcry
 [rnklrsplrick. [his cfflr vnbik kuridj thl dlxt 51 knys. Kcd’t `iss this cppcrtudity.
Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   >5
[hlrl is risg cf bcss id trnkidj stcegs, cpticds ndk ec``ckitils..

;1 sijdnbs hns olld thl `nmcr kltlrrldt fcr

Kcd’t Jlt Ldrcd’k thl `lthckcbcjy olec`idj cvlrwhlb`idj

pcpubnr kuridj thl pnst ecupbl cf klenkls
id thl \.U. Fcrtudntlby lijht tc tld cf thl
Endkblstiegs End Qrctlet sijdnbs wibb ol rlspcdsiobl fcr 91% cf thl
pctldtinb prcfits. [his `ngls thl blnrdidj
Ycur _ltirl`ldt  prcelss i``ldslby lnsilr.
Oy Utlphld Z. Oijnbcw
[ryidj tc kleiphlr whnt is ecrpcrntl
_nh-_nh ndk whnt is trul fnets olec`ls

ibbicds cf N`lriends wcrg fcr `idj frc` thl coslrvnticds klrivlk id kiffieubt whld cdl is rijht id thl `ikkbl
jcck stnobl ec`pndils. Uc wl Endkblstieg ndnbysis. cf thl fcrlst. Nbsc, thl n`cudt cf bcynbty
thidg! Ylt ecdsiklr thl twldty [hl onsie fudeticd cf idvlstidj is tc kl`cdstrntlk tc thl ec`pndy usunbby hns
thcusndk pbus l`pbcylls thnt wcrglk nt `ngl `cdly. Hcwlvlr, flw idvlstcrs nd udklrbyidj i`pnet id cdls enrllr prcj-
thl LdrcdUlptl`olr ?11>,
cffiels wns dct thl
ndynt`csphlrl id
kifflrldt thnd klvlbcp n trnkidj
prconoibitils id thlirprcjrn` thnt put thl
fnvcr. If slnrehidj fcr rlss. Hcwlvlr,
sleurity is n hijh`nidtnididj
pricrity. It iscdls rltirl`ldt
lnsilr tc neeu-
neeu -
whnt it hnk olld fcr thl prlvicus fivl ylnrs, thl ‒Jcbkld Jccsl‐ cf idvlst`ldt prc- `ubntl ycur cwd ec`pndils stceg id ycur
rcoust ndk viorndt. Qlcpbl wlrl prcuk tc jrn`s, thl eritlrin wcubk ol si`pbl7 wlbb rltirl`ldt neecudt thnd tryidj tc ndnbyzl
wcrg thlrl. [hl `ndnjl`ldt pcbieils `nkl rlslnrehlk, prcvld trneg rlecrk, ndk lnsy- nbtlrdntivls. [hl ec`pndy hns olld jcck tc
thl kniby ousidlss ldvircd`ldt n pbnel tc-ikldtify rlvlrsnb pcidts. ycu. [hl stceg priel hns olld jrcwidj
j rcwidj wlbb.
plcpbl bccglk fcrwnrk tc lvlrykny. Nbb thrll cf thlsl lbl`ldts nrl idecrpc- Cwdidj thl stceg kl`cdstrntls ycur bcynbty
Lvlrythidj wns jrlnt, ndk thlrl wlrl dc rntlk idtc Endkblstieg sijdnbs. Hudkrlk cf ndk klkienticd tc thl ec`pndy. Hcwlvlr,
prcobl`s whntsclvlr. ylnrs cf riel trnkidj rlsubtlk id thl ikldti- bigl nbb idvlst`ldt vlhiebls, ycur ec`pndy
[hl `nmcrity cf Znbbstrllt ndnbysts wlrl fienticd hijh prconoibity prcfitnobl trnkls. stceg end cseibbntl must bigl ndy cthlr stceg.
rlec``ldkidj thl stceg. [cp `ndnjl- @ngl cdl nssu`pticd. [hl sijdnbs wcubk [hlrl wibb ol ti`ls whld it is nhlnk cf itslbf
`ldt wns pnidtidj n rcsy pieturl fcr thl dct ol nrcudk tckny if it wlrl dct fcr cdl id priel. [hlrl wibb ol ti`ls thnt `ndnjl-
ec`pndy’s futurl. Dlw prcmlets wlrl olidj ecdvideidj rlsubt. Q_CFI[U! Endkblstieg `ldt `ngls `istngls id whieh kirleticd tc
idtrckuelk. @cdly wns fbcwidj. [hl futurl sijdnbs lxist tckny olenusl cf hudkrlk cf tngl thl ec`pndy’s jrcwth. [hlrl wibb ol
bccglk jrlnt. Ldrcd l`pbcylls, bigl `ib- ylnrs cf netunb prcfitnobl trnkls. Dct ec`- ti`ls thnt thl `nrglt id jldlrnb is dct fnvcr-
bicds cf cthlr ecrpcrntl l`pbcylls nrcudk putlr oneg tlstidj. Dct qulsticdnobl rlsubts. nobl fcr olidj id ndy stcegs.
thl wcrbk wlrl i``lrslk id thl kny-tc-kny Qrcfits prckuelk frc` utibizidj thl sijdnbs Mnpndlsl Endkblstiegs end net ns n `cdi-
netivitils cf thl ecrpcrnticd. Hcw ecubk thly nrl thl cdby rlnscd wl nrl witdlssidj thlsl
lvlr hnvl gdcwd thlrl wns ndy trcuobl3 sijdnbs tckny. tcr neeu`ubntidj
ol fcr whld nd idvlstcr/l`pbcyll
stceg cr `cvidj tcshcubk
[his ecubk ol thl sn`l klseripticd _lvlrsnb pcidts wlrl ikldtifilk oy riel idvlst`ldts. Dctl id Fijurl ?, Ldrcd’s
fcr thcusndks cf ecrpcrnticds nercss thl `cdthby ehnrt, thnt n Bcdj-bljjlk Kcmi sij-
dnticd, nercss thl wcrbk. Uc hcw kcls thl difilk thnt thl eurrldt uptrldk wns cvlr. [hl
idkivikunb l`pbcyll prctlet thl`slbf frc` ecrrlspcdkidj stcehnsties idkientlk thnt thl
thl udthidgnobl3 Zhnt prlenuticds end stceg priel wns cvlrocujht ndk stnrtidj tc
ol tngld thnt wibb nblrt ycu tc sc`lthidj eurb kcwd. [his wcubk hnvl olld nd idki-
dct olidj rijht id ycur cwd ec`pndy3 entcr fcr l`pbcylls tc bijhtld up cd thlir
Uc`lthidj thnt wns dct kltletlk oy thl ‒ stceg pcsiticd id thlir rltirl`ldt neecudts
kibijldt‐ Znbbstrllt ndnbysts, thl serutidy ndk tl`pcrnriby kivlrsify tc cthlr idvlst-
cf prcflssicdnb neecudtidj fir`s, thl snfl- `ldts. Zcubk thl Endkblstieg ehnrts hnvl
junrks cf ycur ec`pndy’s `ndnjl`ldt. prcmletlk thl `njditukl cf thl stceg priel
[hl ckks cf ndcthlr Ldrcd klonebl ecubk Fijurl > pubboneg3 Cf ecursl dct. Out it wcubk hnvl
ol lxtrl`lby `idutl. Out end ycu nffcrk tc trnklrs usidj vlry si`pbl ehnrtidj tleh- nblrtlk idvlstcrs ndk l`pbcylls tc rlkuel
bcsl ycur rltirl`ldt `cdly, end ycu nffcrk diquls. Ycu end tngl nkvndtnjl cf thlsl thlir pcsiticds udtib thl stceg olen`l cvlr-
tc ol hit oy thl sn`l rn`ifienticds thnt eblnr prcfitnobl sijdnbs3 Mnpndlsl riel trnk- scbk ndk n ouy sijdnb npplnrlk.
thcusndk cf lx-Ldrcd l`pbcylls nrl fneidj lrs uslk thl sn`l idfcr`nticd fcudk cd n Fijurl ?- [hl rcsy pieturl cf Ldrcd’s
tckny3 [hlrl wns n si`pbl tlbb-tnbl idkien- stndknrk onr ehnrt. [hl kifflrldel is thnt futurl kik dct ecrrlspcdk with whnt thl rlst
tcr thnt ecubk hnvl snvlk plcpbls rltirl`ldt thly put `crl wlijht cd thl cpld ndk ebcs- cf thl idvlst`ldt ec``udity ldvisicdlk.
neecudts. Mnpndlsl Endkblstieg ehnrts. idj priels ns wlbb ns thl hijh ndk thl bcw cf [hl situnticd with Ldrcd hns nwngldlk
If ycu nrl dct fn`ibinr with Mnpndlsl n ti`l plrick. Ns ibbustrntlk id Fijurl >, nd thl idvlst`ldt ec``udity tc thl pitfnbbs cf
Endkblstieg ndnbysis, it wibb ol wcrth ycur cpld thnt is bcwlr thnd thl ebcsidj priel erl- Znbbstrllt ndnbysis, prcflssicdnb neecudt-
whibl tc blnrd hcw tc usl thl ehnrts. It is ntls n whitl endkbl. Nd cpld thnt is hijhlr idj, ndk `ndnjl`ldt stcp-jnp prcelkurls
si`pbl ndk lnsy. [hl visunb ibbustrnticd cf thnd thl ebcsl erlntls n obneg endkbl. [hl dct nbwnys nblrtidj idvlstcrs cf prcobl`s.
whnt is hnppldidj id n ec`pndy’s stceg is pcsiticdidj cf thlsl endkbls, with ndnbysis It `njdifils thl dllk tc ol kivlrsifilk. Nt
eblnrby nppnrldt cd Endkblstieg ehnrts. [his cf thl ecbcrs cf thl endkbl, prcvikls vnbu- wcrst, it nblrts l`pbcylls thnt sc`l kul
si`pbl, ylt neeurntl klpieticd cf whnt is nobl idfcr`nticd. kibijldel is rlquirlk id cur cwd ec`pndy’s
thl eu`ubntivl sldti`ldt cf thl idvlst`ldt Blnrdidj hcw tc usl thl sijdnbs ecrrletby stceg. Zcrgidj thlrl kny id ndk kny cut
ec``udity rlvlnbs vnbunobl idfcr`nticd. is dcw lnsy ndk end prcvikl trl`ldkcus kclsd’t nbwnys idsurl thnt thl l`pbcylls
Fcr thl l`pbcyll, it euts tc thl ehnfl ns idvlst`ldt prcfits. \dtib rleldtby, `nstlr- gdcw lvlrythidj thnt is jcidj cd. Hnvidj
tc whlthlr idvlstcrs nrl ouyidj cr slbbidj idj thl Endkblstieg tlehdiqul hnk its krnw- Endkblstieg gdcwblkjl is n tccb thnt nbb
thl stceg. onegs. First, thlrl wlrl vlry flw pbnels tc idvlstcrs shcubk hnvl id thlir nrsldnb.
Mnpndlsl Endkblstieg sijdnbs nrl thl jc tc blnrd hcw tc usl thl sijdnbs lffletivl-   Olec`idj fn`ibinr with Endkblstieg
rlsubt cf hudkrlks cf ylnrs cf sueelssfub by. [hnt rlsubtlk id n bct cf `isidtlrprltnticd sijdnbs prcvikl cthlr pcwlrfub idvlst`ldt
riel trnkidj.[hl
stntl`ldt. Uueelssfub
Hcdshu is rlnbbyrlfidlk
fn`iby nd udklr-
thl cf
thlthl sijdnbs. [hiscferlntlk
lffletivldlss n qulsticdidj
thl endkblstieg cf
sijdnb rn`ifienticds.
thl bntl >991’s [hl rcnridj
orcujht `ndyoubb `nrglt cf
tlehdiqul. Coslrvidj thl hijhby neeurntl tlehdiqul. Hcwlvlr, wlositls sueh ns idvlstcrs idtc thl `nrglt. [hl hujl jrcwth
rlvlrsnb sijdnbs dct cdby `nkl thl` www.Endkblstiegfcru`.ec` prcvikl idvls- cf `ndy ;1>g prcjrn`s cpldlk thl lyls
wlnbthy, it `nkl thl` bljldknry wlnbthy. tcrs with n blnrdidj fcru` ns wlbb ns olidj plcpbl whc hnk dct idvlstlk prlvicusby.
[hlir idfbuldel is thl onsis cf tckny s lxpcslk tc kifflrldt kljrlls cf endkblstieg [hl tlehdcbcjy occ` erlntlk thl lbusicd
Mnpndlsl idvlst`ldt phibcscphy, stl`- ndnbysis. [ryidj tc `nstlr npprcxi`ntlby thnt lvlrythidj wns jcidj up ndk nbwnys

>; Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

wcubk. Idvlstidj id thl stceg `nrglt wns n

pbnel tc `ngl lnsy `cdly.
[hl bntl >991’s wns thl first ti`l id thl
histcry cf thl Kcw thnt kcuobl kijit jrcwth
Qyrnpcidt [rnkidj Ecursl
ceeurrlk `crl thnt twc ylnrs id n rcw.
\dfcrtudntlby, thl ‒tlehdcbcjy‐ ernsh cf
?11> `crl thnd tccg oneg thl jnids prc- Frc` thl lnrby ‘61’s Ecursl Ecdtldts= 511 pjs.
kuelk id thl pricr fcur ylnrs. Dlw kydn`- whld I oljnd tc stuky Idtrckueticd
ies ldtlrlk thl `nrglt. [hl ‒Ouy ndk Hcbk‐ sc`lwhnt id lnrdlst, Qnrt I= Fnetcrs Ecdtrioutidj tc thl
ndk fcbbcwidj nt blnst Fcr`nticd cf QY_NQCID[
idvlst`ldt strntljy `ny hnvl olld slvlrlby tc thl `ik-slvldtils, I  • Nd
 •  Nd idtrckuetcry wcrk nocut trnkidj.
ec`prc`islk. [hl rlsubtidj ehndjls plr`n- nttldklk `ndy sl`i-  • Nd cutbidl cf whnt tc lxplet id thl
dldtby nbtlrlk hcw idvlstcrs shcubk bccg nt dnrs, out I lspleinbby pnjls tc fcbbcw
thl `nrglts. [hcsl ehndjls ecubk prckuel nttl`ptlk tc nttldk  • Fudkn`ldtnbs cf trnkidj ns nppbilk tc

hujl prcfits nbb sl`idnrs nvnibnobl QY_NQCID[ ndk thlir rcbl id thl trnkidj
thl Endkblstieg ndnbyst. cdKcd
Jndd.L. Hnbb systl`.
Kuridj tc thl lnrby 81’s, thl  • [hl QY_NQCID[ systl` cf trnkidj
‒ouy ndk hcbk‐ phibcscphy wns prlnehlk Nbns, hcwlvlr! I dlvlr fcudk thl slerlt
ns shcwd oy Jndd’s vlrifilk rlsubts. Qnrt II= Ecrl Onsies cf QY_NQCID[
udklr thl juisl thnt thl `nrglt wns udklr- It wns cdby nftlr nttldkidj `cst cf thl  • Zhnt is thl klrivntivl cf this
vnbulk ndk wcubk lvldtunbby `cvl priels Jndd sl`idnrs, nk`idistlrlk oy plcpbl, nbb QY_NQCID[ systl`3
tcwnrks thlir trul vnbul. [his wns n plrick cf whc` wlrl ebni`idj tc hnvl his slerlt,  • Utukils ndk thl thlcrl`s cf whieh
kuridj whieh thl \.U. lecdc`y wns struj- thnt I en`l tc thl ecdebusicd thnt thlrl wns `ngl QY_NQCID[ vnbik
n qulsticd ns tc whlthlr thl tlnehlrs wlrl  • Onsies cf thl si`pbl squnrl
jbidj. Idtlrlst rntls wldt sgy hijh. [hl  • Upleifie QY_NQCID[ rubls
Mnpnd nutc `ndufneturlrs wlrl prckueidj netunbby kupbientidj his rlecrk. Idkllk, thly
wlrl usunbby dct lvld id fnir rndjl cf his  • [hl ecrl kntn
`ueh olttlr prckuet thnd thl \.U. `ndu- rlsubts. Qnrt III= Klvlbcpid
Klvlbcpidj j thl Nppbienticd cf
fneturlrs. [hl \.U. `ndufneturidj fneibitils Blnrdlk Onsies
It wns thld thnt I oljnd kissletidj  • [hl squnrl nppbilk
wlrl cbk. @cklrd pbndts id Lurcpl ndk Nsin his sl`idnrs ndk nssi`ibntidj elrtnid slj-  • N wcrk nocut trldkbidls
wlrl `crl lffieildt. Dlw N`lriend idkus- `ldts cf kifflrldt sl`idnrs. I en`l tc sc`l  • N
 •  N wcrk nocut thl ehnrtidj prcjrn` plr
trinb pbndts dllklk tc ol ouibt tc ec`pltl7 ecdebusicds, dct thl blnst cf whieh wns, id thl ec`putlr
ylt thl ecst cf `cdly prchioitlk ndy dlw `y cpidicd= [HN[ HL ZNUD’[ NBZNYU  • Cvlronbndel ns n tccb cf trldk
ecdstrueticd. [LNEHIDJ [HN[ ZHIEH HL ZNU  • \sidj thl thrll-pbnel fbcntidj klei`nb
NE[\NBBY [_NKIDJ. Qnrt IV= Ehnrtidj Cur Gdcwblkjl cf
Ubcwby, tlehdcbcjy stnrtlk `ngidj \.U. I end stndk ecrrletlk, out thl dlxt tld Blnrdlk Onsies
pltitivl ndk `ik
njnid. [hl slrviel
tc thl `ikec`-
91’s ylnrs
ticds. prcvlk
@r. Jnddtc `l thl vnbikity
idkientlk cf `y
thnt hl ecdvie-
wcubk dct  • Ehnrt ndk ‒sltup‐ rlecjditicd
 • Ecdtiduidj cur stuky id ehnrt nppbienticd
hnk nd N`lriend lecdc`y thnt wns njnid rlvlnb thl trul slerlt cf thl `nth idvcbvlk. Qnrt V= Blnrdidj tc \sl Cur Ehnrts tc
ec`pltitivl id thl wcrbk `nrglts. Utceg Hcwlvlr, hl nbsc idkientlk thnt if cdl wlrl tc Juikl Cur Kleisicds
priels jrlw stlnkiby. [lehdcbcjy wns sbcw- spldk thl ti`l whieh hl hnk (?< ylnrs) ndk  • N furthlr rlvilw with Muby Cnts ndk Muby
by olidj i`pbl`ldtlk idtc thl prckueticd ecvlrlk thl `ntlrinb nt blnst thrll ti`ls, thnt Ecrd
it ecubk ol rlvlnblk tc n slricus stukldt.  • N stuky id sydehrcdizidj whnt wl dcw
cf N`lriend prckuets. ^unbity iderlnslk, I hnvl qunbifilk fcr thl ylnrs, pbus sc`l, gdcw
`ndufneturidj ecsts wlrl olidj ecdtrcbblk. ndk hnvl suomletlk `y fn`iby tc nt blnst tld  • Uc`l nkkiticdnb usls tc nssist ycur
Idfbnticd wns nontlk. [hl Kcw `cvlk frc` cf thcsl ylnrs, sc`lti`ls tc thlir lxhnus- udklrstndkidj id ehnrtidj QY_NQCID[
>111 tc 9111. [hl ouy ndk hcbk strntljy ticd, I’` surl.  • N pnrnbblb lxn`pbl usidj thl stceg
wns n rlnscdnobl strntljy. I U\O@I[ [C YC\ [HN[ [HL `nrglt
[hld id thl `ik 91’s, n kuc kydn`ie QY_NQCID[ UYU[L@ IU [HL Q_IDEIQBL Qnrt VI= Qrideipbls & Lxn`pbls Nppbilk
ZHIEH HL \ULK. I end prcvl it, I fllb. tc thl ‒Firidj Bidl‐
klvlbcplk. First, thl nvnibnoibity cf idvls- Jndd dlvlr tnujht this id ndy cf his sl`idnrs,  • ^uieg lxn`pbls cf nssistndel tc us
tcr idfcr`nticd olen`l idstndtby nvnibnobl lvld tc his nssceintl, whc I hnk thl privibljl  • N wcrk nocut ? x > ndk ; x > bidls
thrcujh thl idtlrdlt. [hl N`lriend puobie tc plrscdnbby gdcw fcr sc`l slvld ylnrs,  • Furthlr usl cf ? x > bidls
kik dct hnvl tc klpldk upcd orcglrnjl @r. _ldntc Nbjhidi. ‒_ldc‐ wns with Jndd  • N bcdjlr bccg nt n ec`pbltl trldk eyebl,
fir`s ndy`crl fcr thlir idvlst`ldt idfcr`n- fcr six ylnrs, netunbby shnridj ebcsl trnkidj ndk rlbntlk usls fcr sueelssfub trnkidj
ticd. [hly ecubk neelss thl idfcr`nticd ndk klsgs. _ldc rlvlnblk thnt Jndd enrrilk idtc  • Idtljrntidj squnrls
idtlrprlt it fcr thl`slbvls. [hl ‒idtlbbijldt‐ thl trnkidj
his `cst pit n pilel
sueelssfub cf pnplrtrnkls.
rlecrklk whld Ihlhnvl
kik  • Eccrkidntidj
Qnrt `crl thnd
VII= Id Ecdebusi
Ecdebusicdcd cdl ti`l frn`l
ndnbysis frc` stcegorcglrs ndk idvlst`ldt fijurlk cut hcw Jndd uslk this pilel cf  • Coslrvnticd
Coslrvnticdss fcr ‒sltup‐ rlecjditicd
ndnbysts wns dct rlquirlk. [hl ec``cd pnplr tc sueelssfubby trnkl. I wibb tlneh ycu  • Uu``nriby Uplngidj
`nd dct cdby kik dct dllk idvlst`ldt id `y ec`pbltl QY_NQCID[ ecursl hcw I Utukldt Idtlrdlt Uuppcrt Uitl Nvnibnobl
nkvisl, ns it wns kcblk cut id thl pnst, thly fllb hl uslk this pilel cf pnplr tc suelss- Qrcjrn` Ueript Idebuklk
ecubk pbnel thlir cwd trndsneticds with cut fubby trnkl. I wibb tlneh ycu id `y ec`pbltl _lnb-[i`l [rnkidj fcr Ldsijd (Uijdnb,
QY_NQCID[ ecursl hcw I fllb hl uslk Ocddlvibbl, K[D ec`pntiobl) with Ldsijd
lxcroitndt ec``issicds thrcujh kisecudt Kl`c prcjrn`.
orcglrs. [hl cdel pcpubnr nknjl, ‒ whld this pilel cf pnplr.
thl puobie is ouyidj, it is ti`l tc slbb.‐ kis-
Yls, pblnsl sldk `l thl ec`pbltl QY_NQCID[ Ecursl fcr $><1.11 pbus \.U. U&H cf $;.9<.
sipntlk. It olen`l lvikldt thnt thl nvlrnjl
 Qblnsl sldk `l idfcr`nticd nocut n QY_NQCID[ UL@IDN_.
idvlstcr wns enpnobl cf `ngidj idtlbbijldt
glt ernshls, it wns thl idstituticds onibidj cut
thl onrjnids.
thl dlxt `nrglt ldvircd`ldt. [lehdcbcjy,
klspitl its eurrldt ndnbysis
`ngls Endkblstieg n `ust fcr thl
@lthck cf Qny`ldt=  Ehleg  VIUN  @E  N@LX
dlxt flw ylnrs. Ecdsiklr whnt wl hnvl
witdlsslk kuridj thl pnst fivl ylnrs. [hl Erlkit Enrk Dc.SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLxp.SSSSSSSSS
`nrglts rcnrlk, blk oy tlehdcbcjy stcegs.
Nbthcujh thly jct nhlnk cf thl`slbvls ndk [rnklrs Zcrbk, ?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Ut., Upridjfilbk, @C 6<8>1, 811-?88-;?66
en`l pbu``ltidj oneg kcwd, nd i`pcrtndt

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ><


`lssnjl wns klbivlrlk.

\p udtib fivl ylnrs njc, `ndufneturi
dj pur-
sulk tlehdcbcjy tc klvlbcp dlw ndk iddcvn-
tivl nkvndels. Zhld `ndufneturidj dllklk tc
olec`l `crl ec`pltitivl, it wldt tc rlslnreh
klpnrt`ldts ndk ec`pndils tc klvlbcp n olttlr
wny tc kc thidjs. Hcwlvlr, n kydn`ie ehndjl
ceeurrlk id thl `ik 91’s. [lehdcbcjy, with
ecdstndtby i`prcvlk ec`putlr tccbs, stnrtlk
tc blnp frcj cd itslbf. [lehdcbcjienb i`prcvl-
`ldts fcr `ndufneturidj
`ndufneturidj,, `lkieidl, scftwnrl,
ndk thl slrviel idkustrils stnrtlk tc nkvndel id
jlc`ltrienb prcpcrticds. I`prcvl`ldts wlrl
olidj `nkl cd i`prcvl`ldts olfcrl thly
ecubk jlt it tc prckueticd.
Hnvidj gdcwblkjl nocut Endkblstieg
sijdnbs dcw olec`ls `crl vitnb tc idvlstcrs
plrfcr`ndel. Uletcr stceg trldks `ny dct
hnvl thl bcdj jrcwth eyebls ndy`crl. It wibb
olec`l i`pcrtndt tc coslrvl whlrl ndk whld Fijurl > Ldrcd Ecrpcrnticds `cdthby ehnrt ecubk hnvl nblrtlk shnrlhcbklrs tc
fudks nrl fbcwidj tc pnrtieubnr idkustrils.
idkustrils. [his `ckify cr hlkjl thlir stceg pcsiticds. Dctl thl Bcdj-bljjlk Kcmi nt thl tcp.
is thl vnbunobl nsplet thnt Endkblstieg sijdnbs
prlsldt tc thl idvlst`ldt ec``udity. idtc n stceg priel. Idstlnk cf cdl cr twc ylnrs ldhndel rlturds fcr thl fudkn`ldtnb rlslnreh
Olenusl tlehdcbcjy stceg priels nrl jrlnt- cr `crl cf n blnklr cf nd idkustry olidj nobl tc idvlstcrs. Olidj thl olst rlslnreh ndnbyst id
by rlkuelk frc` thlir rleldt bcfty hlijhts kcls `nidtnid thlir blnklrship pcsiticd, tlehdcbcjy thl wcrbk kcls dct kc ndy jcck if it rlquirls
dct `lnd thnt thl rlsubts cf thl tlehdcbcjy thnt `ny ec`prlss blnklrship pcsiticds idtc n six sittidj id n stceg `cdths cr ylnrs olfcrl thl
lneh ec`pndy prckuelk is ki`idishlk. [hl `cdth tc n ylnr ti`l frn`l. rlst cf thl `nrglt tngls dctiel cf whnt ycur
spllk tc whieh dlw tlehdcbcjy prcelssls end Idvlst`ldt eyebls `ny olec`l rlbntivlby ndnbysis kisecvlrlk. [hl Endkblstieg sijdnbs
ehndjl thl fnel cf nd idkustry hns dct olld shcrt. [hl ouy ndk hcbk `lthck ecubk prcvl prcvikl fudkn`ldtnb rlslnreh ndnbysts with
nontlk. [lehdcbcjy is dcw pubbidj idkustry tc ol bcw rlturds id thl futurl. Hcbkidj n stceg twc vnbunobl fudeticds. First, it klvlbcps n
nbcdj vlrsusItidkustry
tlehdcbcjy. hnvidj tctc
wibb ol i`pcrtndt push fcr whld
fcbbcw olttlr thnt jcls
kcwd up ?<%
tc lvld cvlr id
thlsix `cdths,
dlxt thld oneg
six `cdths kcls pbntfcr`
n pcsiticd.fcrFudkn`ldtnb
thl `cst lffletivl ti`idj
rlslnreh end tc ldtlr
lneh ec`pndy hns jrlnt jrcwth pctldtinb ndk dct nkk ndy vnbul tc nd idvlstcrs pcrtfcbic. nd idvlstcr tc ol rlnky fcr jcck thidjs tc
whld dlw tlehdcbcjy olidj idtrckuelk [hl olst idvlst`ldt prcjrn` id this tlehdcb- ec`l id n pnrtieubnr ec`pndy. Endkblstiegs
tc n ec`pltitcr end stcp thnt jrcwth rntl. cjy-sti`ubntlk `nrglt `ny ol tc tngl prcfits ehnrts prcvikl thl `lehndis` fcr `nxi`iz-
Fcrtudntlby,, Endkblstieg ndnbysis lnsiby ikldti-
Fcrtudntlby nftlr thrll, six, cr didl `cdths. idj rlturds, ldtlridj ndk lxitidj pcsiticds nt
fils whld thl ouylrs ndk slbblrs nrl ec`idj Endkblstieg ehnrts nrl n jrlnt wny tc thl lxnet ti`ls. _lturds cd `ndnjlk `cdly
end ol jrlntby ldhndelk utibizidj Endkblstieg
Ulecdk, lstnobishlk pcsiticds end ol olt-
[HL F\[\_LU FC_LENU[ tlr prctletlk oy `cditcridj thl Endkblstieg
ehnrts. Cdel n ec`pndy hns olld rlslnrehlk
ndk n pcsiticd hns olld put id pbnel, n strcdj
[hl futurls fcrlenst usls Lbbictt Znvl ndk Fiocdneei Eyebl [lehdiquls endkblstieg ‒slbb‐ sijdnb end wnrd idvlstcrs
thnt n slvlrl ehndjl `ny hnvl ceeurrlk id thl
tc hlbp prlkiet `nmcr hijhs ndk bcws fcr futurls ndk cpticd trnklrs. fudkn`ldtnbs cf n ec`pndy. It wcubk nbbcw
fcr n quieg rlvilw cf thl ec`pndy’s cplrn-
Zhld is thl dlxt eyebl bcw fcr thl stceg `nrglt3
`nrglt3 Hns thl bcw id eur- ticds tc sll if n ehndjl cf stntus hnk ceeurrlk.
 olld `nkl3 N dlw oubb `cvl fcr prleicus `ltnbs3
rldeils olld
rldeils `ltnbs3 Hnvl wl Ns id thl Ldrcd situnticd, nbb thl jcck dlws
slld thl hijh fcr erukl cib
ci b ndk udblnklk jns3
jns 3 frc` thl ec`pndy wns dct vlrifilk oy whnt
thl neeu`ubntivl neticds cf thl idvlst`ldt
ec``udity wns thidgidj. [hl ehnrts shcwlk
Zhlrl shcubk thl bcw id [-Ocdks ol3 Zhlrl is thl hijh pcidt fcr enttbl   slbbidj. Uc`lthidj kik dct `nteh.
ndk hcjs 3 N dlw oubb `nrglt id olnds, whlnt , ndk ecrd3 Endkblstieg sijdnbs hnvl olld nrcudk fcr
hudkrlks cf ylnrs. [hly wlrl idtrckuelk idtc
Zritl cr enbb fcr ycur F_LL ecpy cf thl `cst rleldt upkntl, cr fcr idfcr-
F_LL ecpy thl \.U. idvlst`ldt ec``udity twldty―fivl
ylnrs njc. Dlw tlnehidj `lthcks nrl `ngidj
`nticd tc slt up nd neecudt. Quobishlk
Quobishlk fcr 51 ylnrs! endkblstieg sijdnbs vlry lnsy tc blnrd ndk usl.
Zhlthlr tc usl thl` ns n hijh prcfit idvlst-

`ldt prcjrn` cr tc usl thl` fcr `cditcridj
ycur lxistidj pcrtfcbic, lvlry idvlstcr shcubk
utibizl thl pcwlrfub nsplets idecrpcrntlk id
thl sijdnbs. Olidj nobl tc sll whnt stcegs nrl` kcidj vlrsus rlbyidj upcd whnt ‒thl prcfls-
sicdnb scurels3‐ nrl tlbbidj ycu, ecubk gllp
ycu frc` ldkidj up with n wcrthblss rltirl-
NK@ Idvlstcr Ulrviels `ldt pbnd sc`lkny.

>1 U Zneglr Kr. #?95< Utlphld Z.

Z. Oijnbcw is nuthcr cf ‒Qrcfitnobl
Endkblstieg Idvlstidj, Qidpcidtidj @nrglt
Ehienjc, IB 61616 [urds tc @nxi`izl Qrcfits‐. Hl end ol
rlnehlk nt www.endkblstiegfcru`.ec`,

>6 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66



Blnrd [hl ‒N_[‐ cf [rnkidj!
Ec`pbltl Hc`l Utuky Ecursl

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   >:


[rnkidj thl wcrg tc oridj Qriel id bidl with Uuppby

ndk Kl`ndk. @nrglts nrl lffieildt.
[hlrlfcrl, if suppby nbwnys lqunbs

‒[ruths‐ cf thl kl`ndk thld hcw end n `nrglt ol cvlr

ocujht cr cvlr scbk3 It `ny ol lxpld-
sivl, out lxpldsivl end ol n rlbntivl tlr`

Oy Olddltt @eKcwlbb
ns wlbb.
Zhld Uuppby lqunbs Kl`ndk, octh
thl slbblr ndk thl ouylr kisnjrll cd
vnbul, out
out njrll cd Qriel.
Qriel. Zhld this

d this nrtiebl blt’s lxpbcrl hcw thnt thly dlvlr rlnbby hlnr whnt thl `nr- hnpplds, it is n truth id thl `nrgltpbnel!
‒[rnkidj [hl ‘[ruths’ Cf [hl glt is snyidj tc thl`. [hl n`cudt cf Uuppby ndk Kl`ndk is
@nrglt‐ end netunbby i`prcvl cur [hl `nrglt tnbgs tc us thrcujh priel Vcbu`l ndk thnt nbsc is n truth! Octh
trnkidj whibl nt thl sn`l ti`l si`pbify
cur trnkidj. eurrldt Qriel  ndk
ndk vcbu`l. Zl Vcbu`l
nbb hnvl nrl
tc njrll thnt
noscbutl, Qriel ndk Vcbu`l nrl noscbutl ndk nrl
‒truths‐ cf thl `nrglt olenusl thly nrl
Hlrl is n bist cf fivl `nmcr ‒[_\[HU‐ njrll3 Qriel ndk Vcbu`l
Vcbu`l nrl dct suomlet dct kistcrtlk. Idkientcrs uslk id tlehdienb
cf thl `nrglt= tc systl` cpti`iznticd, fcr`ubns, lte. ndnbysis cftld kistcrt Qriel ndk Vcbu`l.
>. Zl enddct prlkiet thl `nrglts! [hly nrl trul `nrglt fnets, noscbutl! [hidg cf hcw `ueh blss strlssfub ycur
?. [c ol n sueelssfub trnklr wl `ust trnkl Zlbb, if cpidicds ebcuk cur trnkidj, thld trnkidj wcubk ol if nt ndy jivld `c`ldt
thl eurrldt `nrglt ns it is hnppldidj ndk wl wndt fnets, ndk Qriel ndk Vcbu`l ycu ecubk gdcw if ycu shcubk ol bcdj,
dct rlby cd cpidicds, thlcrils, cr fndtnsils nrl thl olst fnets id thl `nrglt. [hl shcrt cr cut cf thl `nrglt onslk dct cd
nocut whnt ZIBB hnppld. `nrglts splng tc us thrcujh Qriel neticd n fcrlenst out cd thl _LNBI[ILU cf thl
5. [hl `nrglt wibb tlbb us lxnetby hcw tc ndk Vcbu`l, plrick! [hly nrl noscbutl `nrglt.
trnkl if wl gdcw hcw tc bistld tc whnt it truths! Zhld trnkidj wl wcrg id thl wcrbk cf
is tlbbidj us. If wl blnrd hcw tc bistld tc Qriel ndk prconoibitils ndk risg ndk thlrlfcrl sidel
;. @cdly `ndnjl`ldt is is lssldtinb. Out Vcbu`l, thl `nrglt wibb tnbg tc us ndk wl negdcwblkjl thnt wl enddct prlkiet
`crl i`pcrtndt is hcw tc klvlbcp thl if wl gdcw hcw tc bistld, it wibb tlbb us thl futurl, wl thlrlfcrl enddct prlkiet
rijht `cdly `ndnjl`ldt systl`. whld tc ldtlr trnkls ndk lxit trnkls. [hl thl cutec`l cf lneh trnkl. Uc hcw end
<. Klvlbcpidj ‒[hl [rnklr’s @idkslt‐ is `nrglt tnbgs tc us thrcujh Qriel netivity. wl usl `cdly `ndnjl`ldt id cur trnkidj
n prl-rlquisitl fcr trnkidj ndy npprcneh Qriel plngs ndk rlvlrsls nrl stntl`ldts, tc rlnbby ecdtrcb risg3
risg3 [hl ikln olhidk
cr systl` sueelssfubby. ndk sc nrl iderlnsls id Vcbu`l.
Vcbu`l. Ndk thl
Lneh ndk lvlry trnkidj kny thl `nrglt gly is thnt thly nrl stntl`ldts cf _LNB- `cdly
thl olst `ndnjl`ldt is wl
trnkidj systl`s thntwibb
tnbgs tc us. It splngs tc us if wl gdcw I[Y, dct `isblnkidj idfcr`nticd sueh ns rijht nocut 61% tc 6<% cf thl ti`l. [hnt
hcw tc bistld tc it. [hl prcobl`prcobl` with oubbish/olnrish kivlrjldels cr cvlrscbk `lnds nocut ;1% cf thl ti`l wl wibb ol
`cst trnklrs is thnt thly nrl sc ousy try- ndk cvlrocujht ecdkiticds. wrcdj ndk hnvl bcsidj trnkls.
idj tc prlkiet thl `nrglt cr fidk sc`l [hl `nrglt itslbf is dlvlr cvlrocujht Uc, fcr lvlry >1 trnkls, wl bcsl nd
idkientcr thnt wibb blnk tc trnkidj prcfits cr cvlrscbk. [hidg nocut it. @nrglts nvlrnjl cf ; ti`ls. Ndk this is prconoby
thl olst wl end hcpl fcr. Lvld trnkidj
systl`s with thlcrltienbby hijhlr rntls cf
Jndd’s @nstlr rlturds dlnridj 81% usunbby fnbb oneg tc
n rlnbistie 61% tc 6<% rlturd whld netu-
Ehnrts \dvliblk nbby trnklk.
[hl rlnscd fcr this is thnt hu`nd
olidjs trnkl trnkidj systl`s. Ndk whld
hu`nd olidjs jlt idvcbvlk, wl usunbby
bcwlr thl rntls cf rlturds cd `cst trnk-
idj systl`s
systl`s jivld
jivld ldcujh
ldcujh ti`l.
ti`l. Zhy3
Olenusl wl `ngl trnkidj `istngls, ndk
nrl suomlet frc` ti`l tc ti`l tc l`cticd-
nb trnkidj lrrcrs. [hnt is whnt thl
thl rlnbity
is ndk whnt rlslnreh idkientls with jcck
qunbity trnkidj systl`s trnklk oy lxplri-
ldelk trnklrs.
If wl nrl bcsidj ;1% cf thl ti`l thld
wl dllk tc ecdtrcb risg! [his is kcdl
thrcujh usidj stcps ndk ecdtrcbbidj
pcsiticd sizl. Zhld wl trnkl wl dlvlr
rlnbby gdcw whieh trnkls wibb ol prcfit-
nobl. Uc, wl hnvl tc ecdtrcb risg
risg cd lvlry
trnkl rljnrkblss cf hcw surl wl thidg thl
Jlt this ec`pbltl >11 pnjl occg lxpbnididj hcw tc usl Jndd’s @nstlr trnkl wibb ol.
Uqunrl cf Didl Ehnrt, [hl Jndd Hlxnjcd Ehnrt ndk thl Jndd Eirebl [hidg nocut thlsl ecdelpts ndk hcw
Ehnrt. It idebukls n fndtnstie EK whieh ecdtnids thl lbletrcdie vlrsicd nppbyidj thl` ecubk hlbp ycur trnk-
cf thlsl ehnrts id tl`pbntl fcr` - rlquirls @iercscft Lxelb. [his occg idj. If ycu’rl
ycu’rl trnkidj
trnkidj thl _LNBI[ILU
wibb hlbp suppbl`ldt ycur cthlr tlehdienb ndnbysis tlehdiquls thnt ycu cf thl `nrglt, thld ycu nrl dct hcp-
trnkl with.
dlt Uitl Ycu qulsticds
tc nsg end nbsc jc tc sll
ndk thl Jndd @nstlr Ehnrts
thl qulsticds \dvliblk
ndk ndswlrs Idtlr-
cf cthlr idj,
tc `ngl cr ycur
cd sc`l dlws
purehnsls cf this occg. $;9.9< pbus $;.9< fcr \.U. shippidj. 51 kny
`cdly oneg junrndtll. Futurls ndk cpticds trnkidj nrl spleubntivl  Olddltt @eKcwlbb, is prlsikldt cf
ndk idvcbvls risg cf bcss. [c crklr enbb [rnklrs Zcrbk nt 811-?88-;?66 [` ndk end ol rlnehlk
cr jc tc`.`. nt 8<8-6<9->98<.

>8 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Nd Idvlst`ldt Utrntljy wnvl priel `cvl is shcwd.

Nt thl sn`l ti`l whld wl end krnw
n QHI-lbbipsl with thrll pcidts, wl fceus
Fcr Lvlrycdl cd thl fidnb pcidt. [hl slecdk sikl pcidt
cf thl QHI-lbbipsl hns tc ol nkmustlk cvlr
ti`l7 thl fidnb pcidt is vnrinobl ns bcdj ns
Oy _colrt Fisehlr
thl slecdk sikl pcidt is dct lstnobishlk.

ftlr thl hujl bcssls id thl rleldt dlw Fiocdneei [rnklr’ ndk ‘[hl dlw [hl fidnb pcidt cf thl QHI-lbbipsl is ecd-
pnst, `ndy idvlstcrs nrl nsgidj Fiocdneei [rnklr Zcrgoccg’ (Mchd fir`lk oy thl `nrglt priel. Zl hnvl tc
thl`slbvls whlthlr thlrl nrl Zibly, Dlw Ycrg, Cetcolr ?11> ), wl wnit udtib thl `nrglt priel rlnehls thl
pcssioibitils cf pnrtieipntidj cd thl stceg idtrckuel Fiocdneei trnkidj tccbs sueh fidnb pcidt ndk thld orlngs cut cf thl
ndk futurls lxehndjls with rlkuelk ns QHI-spirnbs ndk QHI-lbbipsls whieh pnrnbblb tc thl `lkind bidl cf thl QHI-
risg. ndnbyzl idvlstcrs’ olhnvicr lxprlsslk lbbipsl. [his is shcwd id thl fcbbcwidj
Id thl fcbbcwidj
n trnkidj `lthck,
strntljy whieh wibbI wibb
wcrg shcw
fcr id priel pnttlrds.
Fiocdneei Zcrgidj
trnkidj tccbs with
is lqunbby thl
i`pcr- fijurl ?.
[hl QHI-lbbipsl end ol nppbilk tc
lvlrycdl whc is wibbidj tc idvlst thl tndt tc wcrgidj with tlehdienb cr fudkn- ndy kntn ec`prlssicd. [hl thiddlr thl
ti`l ndk hns thl sgibb ndk pntildel tc `ldtnb trnkidj tccbs. [hl oij nkvndtnjl QHI-lbbipsl, thl `crl kiffieubt it is tc
lxleutl thl trnkidj strntljy klseriolk jnidlk oy wcrgidj with n QHI-lbbipsl is fidk thl ecrrlet fidnb pcidt. [hl furthlr
hlrl. thnt priel `cvls nrl dc bcdjlr rndkc`, thl twc sikl pcidts nrl npnrt, thl snflr
I trnkl vlry sueelssfubby with this out end ol uslk fcr prcfitnobl trnkidj. it is tc kltlr`idl thl trldk ehndjl cf
strntljy usidj `y cwd `cdly, sc I gdcw [hl kisnkvndtnjl cf wcrgidj with ndy prckuet cr `nrglt whld thl fidnb
it wcrgs. I hnvl dc qunb`s tc writl nocut QHI-lbbipsls is thnt‛cthlr thnd thl fnet pcidt cf thl QHI-lbbipsl is rlnehlk. N
it, fcr it end ol nppbilk udivlrsnbby ndk thnt it is nd udgdcwd trnkidj tccb‛thly vlry i`pcrtndt turdidj pcidt is rlnehlk
thlrl wibb dlvlr ol n ecdfbiet cf idtlrlst end cdby ol krnwd usidj n ec`putlr. whld wl end ldvlbcp thrll s`nbblr QHI-
with thl `ndy `nrglts ndk prckuets Cd `y wlositl,`, I lbbipsls with n bnrjlr QHI-lbbipsl.[his is
nvnibnobl fcr trnkidj. cfflr lvlry idvlstcr thl cppcrtudity tc shcwd id fijurl 5.
wcrg with thl Fiocdneei trnkidj tccbs [hl stllplr thl ndjbl cf thl QHI-
Uystl`ntie Idvlst`ldt Utrntljils (cd n trinb onsis, frll cf ehnrjl) cd `crl lbbipsl, thl oijjlr thl priel ecrrleticd
[hl `cst i`pcrtndt kleisicd lvlry thnd > ,111 prckuets cdbidl cd kniby cr wibb ol, cdel thl ldk cf thl QHI-lbbipsl
idvlstcr hns tc `ngl‛cthlr thnd ehccs- idtrn-kny kntn, id crklr tc jlt uslk tc rlnehlk. It is vlry i`pcrtndt thnt wl
idj n rlbinobl idvlst`ldt tccb‛is whnt thlsl udiqul trnkidj tccbs.
gidk cf risg hl cr shl end bivl with. [hl nbwnys stny idvlstlk
hijh vcbntibity id prckuets
ndk `nrglt with n
prcobl` with `cst idvlstcrs is thnt thly Zcrgidj with thl QHI-Lbbipsl sueh ns thl U&Q<11 Futurls Idklx, thl
cdby thidg nocut thl ehndels, dct nocut Id jldlrnb, it end ol snik thnt idvlstidj KNX Futurls Idklx, `nmcr ensh eur-
thl risg idvcbvlk. Olidj idvlstlk id thl with thl QHI-lbbipsl `lnds ouyidj bcw rldeils, cr stcegs with n bnrjl `nrglt
bcdj tlr` nutc`ntienbby `lnds thnt hujl ndk slbbidj hijh. [his kcls dct `lnd thnt enpitnbiznticd.
lquity swidjs `ny ceeur, out thnt dc wl wibb nbwnys enteh thl bcwlst bcw cf
wcrg is idvcbvlk. If wl bccg tc rlkuel thl hijhlst hijh. Out it is vlry i`pcrtndt Ndnbyzidj Qriel Qnttlrds tc Ecdfir` n
thl risg id n pcrtfcbic, thnd thlrl is, id `y tc udklrstndk thnt wl wibb nbwnys idvlst [rldk Ehndjl
cpidicd, cdby cdl wny tc nehilvl this id njnidst thl kirleticd cf thl `nid trldk. [hl fidnb pcidt cf thl QHI-lbbipsl is dct
thl bcdj rud= [hl onsie strueturl cf thl QHI-lbbipsl thl cdby lbl`ldt whieh ecdfir`s whld
@ngl thl idvlst`ldt kleisicd ycur- is nbwnys thl sn`l, nbthcujh it end ol thl `nrglt priel orlngs thrcujh thl
slbf7 Ndnbyzl lvlry prckuet id thl pcrt- bcdjlr cr shcrtlr, thiddlr cr thieglr. [hl pnrnbblb tc thl `lkind bidl cf thl QHI-
fcbic idkivikunbby7 Nbwnys wcrg with strldjth cf thl QHI-lbbipsl is thnt it end lbbipsl. Zl wibb nkk n slecdk lbl`ldt tc
n prl-kltlr`idlk stcp-bcss prctleticd7 ol nkmustlk kydn`ienbby tc priel pnttlrds `ngl thl ndnbysis lvld snflr.
Zcrg with prcfit tnrjlts cr trnibidj stcps7 ndk end ikldtify thcsl whieh wcubk dct @cst cf thl ti`l, trldk ehndjls end
[hl QHI-Lbbipsl ns nd Idvlst`ldt [ccb ol kltletlk dcr`nbby. ol ikldtifilk cd priel pnttlrds. Frc` thl
[hl QHI-lbbipsl is n vlry bittbl- Id crklr tc ol nobl krnw thl ecr- `ndy priel pnttlrds nvnibnobl, wl wndt
gdcwd idvlst`ldt tccb, whieh is ebcslby rlet QHI-lbbipsl, wl dllk nt blnst thrll tc slblet thrll whieh npplnr vlry cftld,
ecddletlk with thl Fiocdneei slquldel. pcidts= thl stnrtidj pcidt ndk twc sikl hnvl n jcck ehndel cf prcfit ndk end
Zhldlvlr thl dn`l Fiocdneei ec`ls pcidts. [hl QHI-lbbipsl end nbwnys ol ol lxleutlk lnsiby oy lvlry trnklr. Ull
up, `ndy idvlstcrs thidg cf ‘`njie krnwd whld wnvl 5 is nt blnst ns bcdj Fijurl ;.
rubls’ whieh enddct ol klfidlk7 lxnetby ns wnvl >. [hlsl priel pnttlrds end ol nppbilk
thl cppcsitl is trul. Id cur occgs ‘[hl Id thl fijurl >, n QHI-lbbipsl id n 5- tc nbb prckuets ndk `nrglts systl`-
Fijurl > Fijurl ? Fijurl 5

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   >9


ntienbby ndk nrl, thlrlfcrl, tc ol uslk cd

kifflrldt prckuets, id crklr tc ol kivlrsi-
filk. It is vlry i`pcrtndt thnt nbb thrll
priel pnttlrds ol uslk id ec`oidnticd.
If lxleutlk systl`ntienbby, thl ec`oidn-
ticd cf QHI-lbbipsl ndk thl priel pnttlrds
jivl rlbinobl trnkidj tccbs. [hl lquity
eurvl wibb ol vlry stnobl if thl idvlstcr
is wlbb kivlrsifilk.

Qrnetienb Nppbienticd cf thl [rnkidj

Utrntljy tc thl KNX Futurls Idklx
Nd idvlst`ldt strntljy is cdby vnbik if it
end ol nppbilk systl`ntienbby tc kifflrldt
prckuets ndk end ol tlstlk cd histcrienb
kntn. Id jldlrnb, this is thl rlnscd why
tlehdienb idkientcrs nrl uslk. It is n vlry
bittbl gdcwd fnet thnt usidj priel pnttlrds
end nehilvl thl sn`l jcnb. Zl nppbilk
thl priel pnttlrds shcwd nocvl tc rlnb
ti`l trnkidj‛ndk thly wcrglk vlry
wlbb. [hl ec`oidnticd cf priel pnttlrds
ndk QHI-lbbipsl enddct ol prcjrn``lk,
out this ec`oidnticd cfflrs iderlnslk
prcfit pctldtinb tc thl sgibblk idvlstcr7
thlrlfcrl, wl klseriol it hlrl. Fijurl <
[c shcw hcw cur idvlst`ldt strnt- hnvl ecvlrlk his shcrt pcsiticd nt pcidt ouy sijdnb if wl ikldtify cdl cf thl thrll
ljy wcrgs, wl bccg nt thl trnkidj sijdnbs E, whlrl wl hnk n ouy sijdnb cut cf n priel pnttlrds7 thl `nrglt priel orlngs
cd thl KNX Futurls Idklx id thl ti`l priel pnttlrd. Id hidksijht, wl gdcw cut cf thl QHI-lbbipsl7 thl `nrglt priel
oltwlld Florunry ?111 ndk Dcvl`olr thnt this wcubk hnvl olld thl ecrrlet orlngs thl pnrnbblb tc thl `lkind bidl cf
?11 > . Kuridj this ti`l, wl hnk six kleisicd. thl QHI-lbbipsl.
sijdnbs whieh nrl nbb onslk cd thl sn`l Fcbbcwidj cur idvlst`ldt strntljy, Znitidj fcr thl olst ldtry pcidt tngls
pnrn`ltlrs. [hl ec`oidnticd cf priel wl wcubk hnvl ecvlrlk thl shcrt pcsi- pntildel, kiseipbidl ndk sgibb. It is nbsc
pnttlrds ndk QHI-lbbipsl rlkuelk thl ticd nt pcidt K, whlrl thl `nrglt priel vlry i`pcrtndt tc rl`l`olr thnt thl rle-
du`olr cf trnkls krn`ntienbby withcut blft thl QHI-lbbipsl. c``ldklk trnkidj strntljy is cdby cdl
rlkueidj thl prcfit pctldtinb. [hl thrll _ijht dcw wl nrl id thl QHI-lbbipsl cf thl `ndy pcssioibitils tc idvlst. Zl
pnrn`ltlrs nrl Znit fcr thl ldk cf thl nt thl stnrtidj pcidt N ndk thl twc sikl hnvl nttl`ptlk tc suppby n trnkidj tccb
QHI-lbbipsl7 Znit fcr thl orlng cf thl pcidts O ndk L, nbcdj with thl ldk pcidt thnt end ol uslk oy ndycdl ndk whieh
pnrnbblb tc thl `lkind bidl cf thl QHI- J. Zhibl pcidts N ndk O rl`nid stnobl, is lnsy tc udklrstndk ndk tc lxleutl,
lbbipsl7 Ecdfir`nticd cf cdl cf thl thrll pcidts L ndk J nrl stibb udstnobl ndk kcls dct jivl tcc `ndy trnkidj sijdnbs,
priel pnttlrds. Ull Fijurl <. hnvl tc ol nkmustlk neecrkidj tc priel ndk end ol nppbilk tc `ndy kifflrldt
O > , O 5, O <= Ouy Uijdnbs‛U ?, U ;, U `cvls id thl futurl. prckuets.
6= Ulbb Uijdnbs Lneh QHI-lbbipsl ecdsists cf n 5- Olenusl thl QHI-lbbipsl end cdby ol
wnvl priel pnttlrd. If wl bccg nt thl krnwd oy n ec`putlr, wl cfflr this trnkidj
Zhlrl nrl wl tckny3 QHI-lbbipsl nt cur pcsiticd, wl end sll tccb cd cur wlositl`
Zith thl slbb sijdnb U 6, thl idvlstcr thnt wl nrl stibb id wnvl ?, whieh ecdsti- tc lvlry idvlstcr whc wndts tc `ngl his
wcubk hnvl pnrtieipntlk cd thl krn`ntie tutls thl ecrrleticd, ndk thnt Znvl 5 is cwd trnkidj kleisicds. Zl wibb upkntl
thl KNX Futurls
pcidts. Nt thlIdklx kcwd O,
bcw pcidt tc stibb
5 tccfjcus.oneg
_ijhtnt dcw,
tc lxplet
;,?11 cur ndnbysis wllgby.
wl kik dct hnvl n ouy sijdnb, olenusl pcidts, out this klpldks cd whld sikl  _colrt Fisehlr is nuthcr cf thl dlw
thl fidnb pcidt F cf thl QHI-lbbipsl wns pcidt L is fidnbby lstnobishlk. Out lvld occg Fiocndeei [rnklr= [ccbs ndk
dct rlnehlk. if wnvl 5 oridjs thl KNX Futurls Idklx Utrntljils fcr [rnkidj Uueelss. Hl end
[hl prcfit-crildtlk idvlstcr ecubk oneg tc ;,?11 pcidts, wl wibb cdby jlt n ol rlnehlk nt`.
Fijurl 6

?1 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

cppcrtuditils id `y `lthckcbcjy wibb blnk `l tc n wid.‐ If ycu kc

Klnbidj Zith dct olbilvl ycu wibb `ngl `cdly, prcellk tc Utrntljy #?.
If ycu wlrl tc tngl cdby <1% cf thl olst cppcrtuditils, whnt
wcubk thl rlsubts ol3 ([his ecubk ol ndy plreldtnjl)
Kistrneticds If thl rlsubts wcubk ol pcsitivl, sny tc ycurslbf=
‒I fllb ecdfikldt thnt whld I tngl SSS % cf `y cppcrtuditils, I
hnvl prlkltlr`idlk thnt thl prconoibitils cf `ngidj `cdly nrl id
`y fnvcr.‐
Oy Nkrilddl Bnris [cjhrnil, @DBQ, @EH If ycur ndnbysis kcls dct hnvl n prcfitnobl cutec`l, jc oneg tc

cr idvlstcrs cr trnklrs tc `ngl i`pcrtndt `cdly-risgidj klei- thl krnwidj ocnrk ndk rlwcrg ycur rubls.
sicds, thly `ust pcsslss thl noibity tc fceus cd thl i`pcrtndt If ycur dljntivl slbf-tnbg ceeurs `cstby id thl `crdidj, ycu dllk
tnsgs nt hndk. [c fceus, ycu `ust hnvl n quilt pbnel whlrl tc prlpnrl `crl lithlr thl
thl dijht olfcrl cr
cr lnrbilr id thl kny. _ud
cdby ycu, ycur rubls, ndk thl lxleuticd cf nd cppcrtudity lxist. [his thrcujh seldnrics tc `ldtnbby rlhlnrsl tngidj sijdnbs ns n rlsubt cf
fcr`ubn scudks si`pbl. Out, id thl [wldty-First
[wldty-First Eldtury, wl bivl pcsitivl thidgidj.
frc` sbllpidj Id nkkiticd,
prcplrby ndk endbcw nkrldnb
blnk fudeticd
tc n fllbidj cf end prlvldt ndk
lxhnusticd ycu
with `yrink kistrneticds thnt ldtlr cur bivls cd n slecdk-oy-slecdk
onsis. Kistrneticds nrrivl thrcujh cur `nibocxls, cvlr cur tlblvi- hcplblssdlss ns ycu oljid ycur kny.
sicds, oy wny cf cur elbbubnr tlblphcdls ndk, cf ecursl, ‒Ycu’vl jct If ycur dljntivl thidgidj ceeurs bntl id thl kny, ycu ecubk ol tirlk
`nib.‐ Zith this ehncs surrcudkidj us, it end fllb `irneubcus whld ndk ycur dlurcbcjy ecubk ol prctletidj ycu frc` `ngidj wrcdj
wl kc `ngl idtlbbijldt, prcfitnobl kleisicds. Fcr `cst idvlstcr/  ehciels. [ngl ti`l kuridj thl kny tc rlmuvldntl
rlmuvldntl oy tngidj n shcrt
trnklrs, thl prcobl` cf kistrneticds is lvld wcrsl whld ycu nrl dnp cr `lkitntidj.
wcrgidj frc` hc`l thnd if ycu nrl idvlstidj ndk trnkidj frc` nd Hcw `ueh nrl ycu risgidj nt ndy jivld cppcrtudity3
cppcrtudity3 Nrl ycu
cut-cf-thl-hc`l cffiel. [hnt is thl rlnscd I hnvl bistlk thl
thl fivl `cst ec`fcrtnobl with thnt risg3
ec``cd kistrneticds ndk strntljils fcr hndkbidj thl`. Ycu `ijht wndt tc nkmust ycur risg onslk cd hcw ycu fllb nocut
thl prconoibitils cf thl idvlst`ldt jcidj id n prcfitnobl kirleticd.
[hl Oijjlst Kistrneticd _ljnrkblss cf ycur risg ehciels, thly `ust ol onslk cd ycur prlkl-
[hl oijjlst kistrneticd tc scudk kleisicd-`ngidj id idvlstidj/  tlr`idlk eritlrin. It is i`pcrtndt
i`pcrtndt tc ol ecdsistldt. Ecdsistldey jivls
trnkidj is ycur cwd slbf-tnbg. Cf ecursl, this kistrneticd is prlsldt ycu n onsl fcr i`prcvidj ycurycur eritlrin fcr cppcrtuditils.
cppcrtuditils. Dljntivl
nt ycur cffiel, out it is lvld `crl idtrusivl whld ycu nrl id ycur slbf-tnbg is ycur wny cf prctletidj ycurslbf whld ycu nrl dct ec`-
cwd ldvircd`ldt ndk surrcudklk oy nbb cf thl euls thnt end trijjlr fcrtnobl nocut thl risg ycu
ycu nrl tngidj. If ycu enddct hndkbl
hndkbl risg,
thcujhts nocut thl prcobl`s ndk issuls id ycur bifl. Ycur slbf-tnbg is jivl ycur `cdly tc sc`lcdl whc end, l`pbcy n ecneh, cr jivl up

thnt vciel
ndk kcidjidndk
ycur hlnk thnt thnt
lvlrythidj tidtlrprlts lvlrythidj
hnt is hnppldidj thnt ycu
nrcudk ycu.nrlUlbf-tnbg
fllbidj idvlstidj.
end ol pcsitivl, ns id ‒[hnt wns n rlnbby jcck kleisicd,‐ cr it end ol Out It’s _idjidj!
dljntivl, ns id, ‒Hcw ecubk I hnvl olld sueh n fccb3‐ Zhibl cthlr Kik ycu lvlr dctiel hcw plcpbl jivl i``lkintl pricrity tc n ridjidj
plcpbl nrl tnbgidj tc ycu, slbf-tnbg end ol ruddidj id ycur hlnk nt tlblphcdl cvlr ndythidj lbsl thnt is hnppldidj id thlir bivls3 Hcw
nocut >?< wcrks plr `idutl. Out, whld thly stcp, it end hit tcp
spllks cf up tc ;11 wcrks n `idutl. If ycur slbf-tnbg is fibblk with
bct cf l`cticd, it end ol vlry, vlry kistrnetidj.
I`njidl thnt ycu nrl idvlstidj with n `cdly `ndnjlr. If ycu
ecubk hlnr his slbf-tnbg, ndk hl is snyidj, ‒@nyol I shcubk wnit cd
this trnkl, suppcsl it jcls njnidst `l, suppcsl I bcsl `cdly cd this
[_NKL KLQC[ ?.1
trnkl, I gdcw it wibb ec`l oneg!‐ Zcubk ycu wndt this plrscd tc Zhlthlr ycu trnkl Utcegs, Futurls, Utceg Cpticds,
hndkbl ycur `cdly3 Cf ecursl dct, ycu wcubk pubb ycur neecudt Futurl Cpticds, Fcrlx cr Ensh ecdtrnets. [rnkl
vlry quiegby frc` n sc-enbblk `cdly `ndnjlr whc thcujht id this  Klpct
 Klp ct ?.1  is thl prlflrrlk spleinbizlk neecudtidj
wny. Out thl fnet is ycu nrl blttidj ycur idvlst`ldts ol hndkblk oy
n `cdly `ndnjlr whc thidgs bigl thnt ndk thnt idkivikunb is ycu. prcjrn` uslk oy idkivikunb trnklrs, E[Ns, EQCs,
Zhld ycu ldjnjl id dljntivl, ecdfbietidj slbf-tnbg, ycu kistrnet ndk Fudk @ndnjlrs cf lvlry gidk wcrbkwikl.
ycurslbf frc` `ngidj scudk kleisicds. [rnkidj/idvlstidj enddct Qrielk fnr olbcw thl ecst cf `nidfrn`l idstnbbnticds
ol prcfitnobl if ycu nrl dct wibbidj tc bccg nt thl oij pieturl cf wid- ylt id `cst wnys fnr `crl pcwlrfub ndk ﬏lxiobl
didj. [his oij pieturl is thl
thl `ctivntcr tcwnrk pcsitivl thcujhts ndk ndk lnsilr tc usl, [rnkl Klpct ?.1 dcw nbbcws us-
neticds. Ycu `ijht bcsl n onttbl cr twc nbcdj thl wny tc `ngidj
`cdly, out ycu wibb dlvlr wid thl wnr if ycur thcujht kistrneticds lrs tc sldk thlir trnkidj crklrs kirletby frc` withid
prlvldt ycu frc` tngidj neticd. thl prcjrn` tc ndy Orcglr. Ycu end lnsiby pnrg
ycur crklrs id nkvndel, rlnky fcr sldkidj, ndk thld
Klnbidj with Ulbf-[nbg nt thl tcueh cf n gly sldk thl` lbletrcdienbby nt
Dctiel whnt ycu nrl snyidj tc ycurslbf ndk whld ycu nrl snyidj it= ndy ti`l.
Lxn`pbl= Vlry fnst ndk lnsy tc usl, [rnkl Klpct ?.1 idebukls
Zhnt nrl ycu snyidj3 ‒Nh, n jcck cppcrtudity out is it n fnbsl `ndy dlw rlpcrts pbus n du`olr cf nkkiticdnb fln-
sijdnb3 I’bb wnit n oit. Uhcubk hnvl tngld it olfcrl. @nyol it’s tcc turls sueh ns fubb dltwcrgidj, nutc`ntie slbletivl
bntl. Dc, it’s stibb n jcck cppcrtudity. Out suppcsl it rlvlrsls itslbf3 rlpcrt `lrjidj, nutc`ntie eurrldey ecdvlrsicd,
Olttlr wnit fcr thl dlxt cppcrtudity. Ccps, shcubk hnvl tngld thnt nutc`ntie eurrldey upkntidj, ndk `ueh `crl.
cdl. I wcubk hnvl `nkl $6,111.‐
Zhld nrl ycu snyidj it3 Is it first thidj id thl `crdidj cr bntlr [LEHDIEC@, IDE.
id thl kny3 5111 Lnst Uudrisl Obvk, #?O, Ft. Bnuklrknbl, FB 5551;
Nrl ycu ec`fcrtnobl with thl risg ycu nrl tngidj3 [lb= (9<;) <68-58;8 Fnx= (9<;) <68-5::1
- Cur ?1th ylnr cf slrvidj trnklrs wcrbkwikl -
Utrntljils fcr Klnbidj with Ulbf-[nbg
If ycu tccg nbb cf ycur `cdly-`ngidj cppcrtuditils, whnt wcubk FC_ F\BB KL[NIBU VIUI[ \U N[
thl rlsubts ol3
  If thl rlsubts wlrl pcsitivl, rl`l`olr thnt `ndy jcck `lthck-
cbcjils bcsl nt blnst <1% cf thl ti`l ndk ycu sny tc ycurslbf= ‒Nbb
 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ?>

`ndy enbbs nrl netunbby thnt i`pcrtndt fcr  mco, sc why shcubk
shcubk it ol n oij
oij klnb fcr
fcr ycu [hl Qlcpbl id thl Gdcw
us tc ndswlr3 Dct `ndy.
`ndy. Uhcubk ndswlr- tc tngl thl ti`l tc hlbp sc`lcdl cut fcr tld Nbb kny bcdj, idtlrrupticds nrrivl id thl
idj thl tlblphcdl tngl pricrity cvlr `ngidj `idutls3 [his is hcw `ndy plcpbl vilw fcr` cf prlkieticds, sujjlsticds, tips ndk
i`pcrtndt kleisicds nocut ycur `cdly3 It trnklrs/idvlstcrs whc wcrg frc` hc`l. nddcudel`ldts cd thl tlblvisicd, cd thl
is idtlrlstidj hcw `cst plcpbl ec`pbnid ec`putlr, ndk id thl `nib frc` nuthcritils
nocut idtlrrupticds frc` tlblphcdl scbiei- Hlrl nrl sc`l `crl >1-`idutl kis- suppcslkby `ngidj `cdly id thl `nrglts.
tcrs, rlbntivls, frildks ndk nssceintls whld trneticds. I’` surl ycu end ikldtify with Hcw ecubk ycu pcssioby ijdcrl thl`3
it is udbiglby thnt thlrl is nd l`lrjldey, thl`= [hly nrl thlrl tc hlbp, juikl ndk jivl ycu
out thly stibb ecdtidul tc ndswlr thl tlbl- thl olst nkviel nvnibnobl. Nftlr nbb,
nbb, thly
phcdl i``lkintlby whld it ridjs. •Ycur `c` must krcpplk oy nd wndts hnvl neelss tc `crl gdcwblkjl ndk olttlr
tc sny ‒hlbbc.‐ tlehdcbcjy thnd ycu kc. Zhc nrl ycu tc
Utrntljils fcr Klnbidj with thl Qhcdl • [hl giks wndt tc nsg n qulsticd nocut kisrljnrk thlir nkviel3 Zhc nrl ycu tc
Uc`lti`ls thl `cst covicus neticds fcr thlir hc`lwcrg nssijd`ldt. `ngl ycur cwd kleisicds3
i`prcvl`ldt `ust ol stntlk tc `ngl thl • [hl ent must wndts tc bcvl ycu.
ehndjls, sc hlrl jcls= • Ycur husondk must wndts n giss. Klnbidj with thl Uc-Enbblk Lxplrts
Blt ycur ndswlridj `nehidl serlld enbbs. • Ycur knujhtlr dllks ycu tc ‘onoy-sit’ If whnt ycu rlelivl id thl `nib, sll cd tlbl-
Nsg plcpbl dct tc enbb kuridj elrtnid ti`ls, thl jrndkehibkrld fcr thl `crdidj. visicd, cr ndy cthlr cutsikl idfbuldels tldk
udblss it is nd l`lrjldey. Hnvl twc slpn- tc tngl ycu cff ecursl, snvl it fcr thl ldk
rntl tlblphcdl du`olrs= [hl first du`olr Nrld’t thlsl lxeusls nbb jcck rlnscds cf thl kny cr nvcik ns `ndy cf thl cutsikl
is fcr lvlrycdl, idebukidj tlblphcdl scbiei- fcr tngidj orlngs frc` thl tnsg cf `ngidj idfbuldels ns ycu end.
tcrs. [hl slecdk du`olr is cdby fcr thcsl ehciels id ycur idvlst`ldts3   If ycu dllk tc usl sc`l cf this cutsikl
whc` ycu dllk cr wndt tc hlnr frc` ndk idfcr`nticd, hnvl sc`lcdl serlld it fcr
whc rlsplet ycur ti`l. ti`l. If n tlblphcdl
tlblphcdl Klnbidj with thl >1-@idutl [i`l- ycu ndk cdby bccg nt whnt ycu dllk ndk
scbieitcr is enbbidj ycu cd this bidl, ycu Jrnoolrs wndt.
usunbby end hlnr n ebieg ndk rlblvndt dcis- Hnvl n `lltidj with thl plcpbl id ycur bifl   If ycu kc tngl nkviel frc` nd nuthcr-
ls id thl onegjrcudk. Must sny, ‒Ucrry,
‒Ucrry, dc whc nrl thl pctldtinb ti`l-jrnoolrs. ity thnt ycu trust, rud thl nkviel thrcujh
scbieitnticd‐ cr si`pby hndj up. Ucbieitcrs Uhnrl ycur jcnbs with thl` ndk tlbb ycur cwd eritlrin fcr `ngidj ehciels.
nrl usunbby cd n rctnry kinbidj systl` ndk thl` whnt eccplrnticd ycu dllk frc` _l`l`olr, id thl fidnb ndnbysis, ycu nrl
`cvl cd tc thl dlxt enbb. Nrrndjl fcr thl`. rlspcdsiobl fcr ycur cwd kleisicds ndk
sc`lcdl lbsl tc serlld ycur enbbs. Lstnobish ycur rubls fcr idtlrrupticds. rlsubts.

Hcdly, It’s Must >1 @idutls Qut n thnt

gdcw sijdycu
cd nrl
ycurnt kccr
wcrg thnt blts dct
ndk nrl thl`
tc Ldvircd`ldtnb Nttrneticds
Ycur spcusl is ruddidj tc thl stcrl, thl ol kisturolk udblss thlrl is nd l`lrjldey. Is thl rlfrijlrntcr olegcdidj3 Nrl eblnd-
sehccb, cr thl dlijhocrs, shcutidj frc` If ycu prlflr tc gllp ycur kccr cpld, up ndk crjndiznticdnb prcmlets serln`idj
thl kccr ns ycu hlnr thl rnttbl cf glys, nrrndjl hndk sijdnbs thnt idkientl whld fcr nttldticd3
nttldticd3 Kc ycur cthlr ousidlssls
‒Hcdly, wcubk ycu tngl enrl cf thl onoy ycu wibb jlt oneg tc thl` cr hcw idvcbvlk kl`ndk nttldticd3 Is thl sud shididj must
fcr tld `idutls3‐ cr ‒Hcdly, ecubk ycu ycu nrl. tc jlt ycu cut cd thl jcbf ecursl3 Zhld
ldtlrtnid thl juys whibl I rud cut fcr tld _lwnrk thl plcpbl whc suppcrt ycu ycu nrl ocrlk, udhnppy, cr udsurl cf ycur-
`idutls tc ouy sc`l ollr3‐ [ld-`idutl id fcbbcwidj ycur rubls. Fcr lxn`pbl, prc- slbf, lvlrythidj wibb tngl pricrity cvlr ycur
y cur
rlqulsts nbwnys sll` tc ec`l nt thl sn`l vikl nttldtivl ti`l bntlr cr n spleinb kiddlr idvlstidj/trnkidj.
ti`l ns nd cppcrtudity fcr `ngidj `cdly. nt thlir fnvcritl pizzn pbnel nt thl ldk cf
Ndk, thl ti`l spldt is vlry slbkc` tld thl wllg. @ngl surl ycu thndg thl` cftld Utrntljils fcr Klnbidj with
`idutls. Nftlr nbb, ycu kcd’t rlnbby hnvl n fcr thlir eccplrnticd. Ldvircd`ldtnb Nttrneticds
First, ycu dllk n ousidlss pbnd!
Dlxt, ycu dllk n `cdthby pbnd thnt
crjndizls nbb cf thl netivitils id ycur bifl.
  Gdcw Ycur Futurl3 @ngl elrtnid thnt ycu jivl nttldticd tc nbb
cf ycur netivitils.
netivitils. It is i`pcrtndt
i`pcrtndt tc stieg
with ycur pbnd ns `ueh ns ycu pcssioby
end. [hl `crl ycu stieg with ycur pbnd,

t is thl klsirl cf [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl thnt thl `njie cf nstrcbcjy thl `crl ycur dlurcbcjienb systl` ndk thl
shcubk olec`l nvnibnobl tc ns `ndy plcpbl ns pcssiobl ns idlxpld-
sivlby ns pcssiobl. [rnklrs Zcrbk wibb hnvl n prcflssicdnb nstrcbcjy
plcpbl nrcudk ycu wibb suppcrt ycu.
rlpcrt kcdl fcr ycu. [hl prcflssicdnb rlpcrt is npprcxi`ntlby 51 pnjls olnutifubby prl-   If ycu kc dct ldmcy thl prcelss cf `ngidj
sldtlk id ecbu`ds with olnutifub fcdts ecvlridj octh ycur plrscdnb ndk prcflssicdnb bifl. `cdly, ycu `ust lithlr klvlbcp n strntljy
Ycu end usl thl prcflssicdnb pnrt cf thl rlpcrt tc klvlbcp ycur tnbldts, sc ycu wibb ol olttlr fcr ldmcyidj it cr jivl it up. Cthlrwisl,
nobl tc nttnid ycur klsirlk jrcwth id ycur prcflssicd.
prcflssicd. Qrcobl`s end ol nvciklk ndk trnds- ycu wibb snoctnjl ycur lffcrts.
fcr`lk idtc pcsitivls thrcujh idsijht ndk wisl neticd. [hl plrscdnb pnrt cf thl rlpcrt jivld
wibb klnb with ycur ikldtity, l`cticd, bcvl, klstidy, lte. Ndcthlr sleticd cf thl rlpcrt klnbs Ecdebusicd
with thl `nmcr ti`ls cf ehndjl id ycur bifl, shcwidj eblnrby id jrnphie fcr` thl `cdths Ycu end nbbcw ndy cf thl ecudtblss kistrne-
whld thlsl ehndjls nrl thl strcdjlst. [hrcujh this ti`idj ycu wibb gdcw whnt tc kc ndk ticds id ycur bifl tc krnw ycur nttldticd
whnt dct tc kc kuridj thlsl ehndjls. [hl rlpcrt is $>9.9< pbus $5.11 shippidj ndk wibb ol nwny frc` thl tnsgs nt hndk. Hcwlvlr,
sldt tc ycu oy \.U. Qricrity @nib. Zithcut ndy lxtrn ehnrjl. [c rlelivl thl rlpcrt ﬎bb cut if ycu pbnd ndk `ndnjl thlsl pctldtinb
thl fcbbcwidj fcr`= kistrneticds with sc`l cf thl juiklbidls
OirthkntlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [i`l cf OirthSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I hnvl bistlk, ycu wibb dct cdby ol nobl tc
Eity cf OirthSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSUtntlSSSSSSSEcudtrySSSSSSSSSSSSSS `ndnjl thl` out ycurslbf, ns wlbb. [his
cpidj thl kiseipbidl dlelssnry tc olec`l n
Qny`ldt @lthck SSEhleg Lde. SSVIUN SS@E SSN@NX  Nkrildd
 Nkrilddll Bnri
Bnriss [cj
hrnill end ol rln
[rnklrs Zcrbk, ?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Ut, Upridj﬎lbk, @C 6<8>1

?? Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Kiseipbidl Qrcobl`s3
Nrl ycu thl cdby prcobl`
with ycur systl`3

"Must n dctl tc blt ycu gdcw whnt n

trl`ldkcus kifflrldel plrscdnb
ecdsubtidj with ycu hns `nkl id `y
bifl...Cur fir` wldt frc` `ndnjidj
npprcxi`ntlby >1 `ibbicd kcbbnrs tc dcw
(fivl ylnrs bntlr) ecdtrcbbidj cvlr ?11
`ibbicd kcbbnrs...Nkrilddl, id su``nticd,
Nkrilddl [cjhrnil
wcrgid j with ycu wns thl olst trnkl cf `y
[rnklr's Ecneh
bi l..." (N. J., @cdly @ndnjlr, IB)

Zhy hnvl thl olst systl`

sy stl` id thl wcrbk
if ycu enddct fcbbcw it3

• Nrl ycu "trijjlr shy" cr "trijjlr hnppy3"

• Kc ycu fidk it hnrk tc jlt cut nt thl rijht ti`l3
• Is ycur `cdly `ndnjl`ldt idecdsistldt3

Hcw `ueh `cdly hnvl ycu bcst

oy dct fcbbcwidj ycur rubls3

Kcd't ycu thidg it is nocut ti`l

tc kc sc`lthidj nocut it3
"I wldt frc` $:<G tc $5@ id cdl ylnr ns n rlsubt cf Nkrilddl's
ecnehidj."  (Y. H., [rnklr, Endnkn)
Enbb` 9>9 8<> 8?88
 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ?5

@urrly @nth _lnb- tc blnrd frc` n Jndd @nstlr Blvlb [rnklr.

Bnrry Mnecos snys thnt [. Hlddidj @urrly gdcws whnt Jndd
`lndt lxnetby. [hl @urrly @nth [rnkidj Frn`l Ucftwnrl
[i`l Ucftwnrl gdcws lxnetby whnt Jndd gdlw, out dlvlr rlvlnblk, udtib it wns
prlsldtlk tc ycu thrcujh `y bnst >? nrtiebls id this `njnzidl thl
Qrlkiets _lvlrsnbs pnst fivl ylnrs. Qblnsl nsg Bnrry fcr cbk ecpils cf his `njnzidl
fcr gdcwblkjl frc` @urrly.
_lnkidj whnt @urrly hns snik id thl pnst wibb `ngl ycu n
Oy [. H. @urrly olttlr trnklr id thl futurl. Ehnrt= N= prckuels thl eurrldt (priel)
spllk cf this `nrglt (idtrnkny). [hl scftwnrl kcls it fcr ycu
blnsl bccg nt Fijurl >. [his hns fcur ehnrts= KM1?H nutc`ntienbby. It wibb ehndjl thl frn`l ns thl `nrglt ehndjls
Futurls= spllk. Ycu kcd’t tcueh it. 8:.<% cf nbb trnklrs enddct neelpt
this stntl`ldt= thl scftwnrl slts thl olst trnkidj frn`l fcr ycu.

N) Idtrnkny ― _lnb-[i`l, @cst trnklrs thidg thlir ornids end erlntl n olttlr frn`l. Zhy
O) Kny, ehnbbldjl Bcjie3
E) 6; Kny, Zhy kc stukldts (cf trnkidj) gllp slnrehidj fcr n olttlr wny
K) 5?Kny. tc bcsl3 @y bnst nrtiebl id this `njnzidl shcwlk hcw thl `nrglts
nrl prlslt tc Qriel ndk [i`l ns Jndd snik. Hcw `ndy `nrglts
[his ehnrt is fcur kifflrldt vilws cf thl Kcw 51 Futurls kik @urrly prlkiet lxnetby cd thl prlslt @@[ Bidl3
Ecdtrnet= @nreh ?11?. [hlsl fcur ehnrts jc oneg cdby (6;) trnk- Qblnsl rlnk this (bnst) nrtiebl ndk ycu wibb sll thnt nbb `nrglts
idj knys frc` Flo. ><, ?11?. Qblnsl dctiel thnt ycu nrl bccgidj nbrlnky hnvl thlir cwd Hnr`cdie Onbndel slt tc its prl-ehcsld
nt fcur kifflrldt vilws cf thl sn`l `nrglt. Ehnrt= N. Bivl _lnb- Cetnvl cvlr Qriel ndk [i`l.
[i`l= 61 @idutl= (upplr blft hndk ecrdlr). [. Hlddidj @urrly fcudk thl six ‒ebuls‐ tc Jndd’s Hcby
[hl @urrly @nth _lnb-[i`l Ucftwnrl is kispbnyidj (nutc- Jrnib ndk hns olld tlbbidj ycu (thl`) thl pnst fivl ylnrs id
`ntienbby fcr ycu) thl 8/8th= >1,1:8.>?<, ;/8th= >1,111, 1/8th= [rnklr’s Zcrbk @njnzidl. Qblnsl rlrlnk thl` nbb.
9,9?>.8:<. Ndy stukldt cf trnkidj, whc hns nttldklk ndy cf 8:.<% cf nbb trnklrs wcd’t olbilvl @urrly, olenusl thly nrl
[. Hlddidj @urrly’s Blnrdidj Nenkl`ils, wibb gdcw thnt this stibb thidgidj thly end erlntl thlir cwd olttlr wny tc trnkl. Ycu
`nrglt is ‒rcbbidj cvlr thl Cetnvl.‐ `ust kleikl if ycu wndt tc lxplri`ldt cr `ngl `cdly trnkidj.
Zl kcd’t hnvl ti`l (hlrl) tc lxpbnid hcw ‒`nrglts stnbb cut Zhnt is it3
cd hijhs (cr bcws) ndk trnkl id n dnrrcw rndjl.‐ Jndd lxpbnidlk [. Hlddidj @urrly kisecvlrlk thnt n hijh I.^. is wcrsl thnd
this stnbbhns
stukldt cutrlnk
cd hijhs ndkti`ls
it `ndy bcws id
id his
cf his occgs. Lvlry Jndd n bcw
[.I.^., whld@urrly
Hlddidj it ec`lskisecvlrlk
tc `ngidj prcfits trnkidj.
thnt n bct cf ensh id ycur
@cst trnklrs wcubk rnthlr trnkl ‒Jndd Jcssip‐ thnd tc wndt neecudt is wcrsl thnd must ldcujh ensh tc trnkl. Nrl ycu n ‒rnd-
?; Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

kc` slnreh‐ trnklr3 Cr nrl ycu n Qurl @urrly @nth [rnklr3 cf ti`l wibb jlt ycu tc sll [i`l ndk Qriel ehndjl thl frn`l.
Ycu `ny rlnk nbb thl thlcrils i`njidlk thl rlst cf ycur Kcd’t try.
bifl, out ycu wibb dlvlr ol nobl tc olnt `nth (`usie) slt tc thl [. Hlddidj @urrly ndk Gristcf Zlrbidj stukilk thl Bnw cf
Nstrcbcjienb 5=; [i`l cf thl Hnrvlst @ccd. thl Uqunrls, sc wl wlrl nobl tc kleiphlr nbjlorn rhyth`s cf
Jndd tcbk ycu nocut thl Hnrvlst @ccd Nfflet id his fn`cus `usie ns thly rlnet idsikl n Euol. Zl wlrl thl cdby twc hu`nds
@ny >9;8 Ucy Olnd ehnrt ndk ehndjlk thl dn`l tc= ‒thl @ny cd Lnrth thl pnst 6,?<1 ylnrs tc slt stcegs tc @usie.
>9;8 Ucyolnd ehnrt,‐ sc ycu wcubk jc oneg tc thl bnst hijh, Mchd Ulnrb rlkisecvlrlk thl bnw cf Uqunrls. Zl spcgl tc this
whieh wns thl >st wllg id Cetcolr, whieh is thl Hnrvlst @ccd. suomlet id cur bnst nrtiebl. Qblnsl rlflr oneg tc it.
Hl kik thlsl bittbl mcgls tc thrcw ycu cff. Kik ycu fnbb fcr this [. Hlddidj @urrly fblw tc Bcdkcd, Ldjbndk, ndk lxpbnidlk
cdl3 nbb this (ecdelpt) tc Gristcf Zlrbidj. [wc wllgs bntlr Gristcf
Jndd ndk @urrly kisecvlrlk thnt trnkidj is lnsy ndk fud rlpbilk with thl stntl`ldt thnt thl ‒kisecvlry‐ wns wcrth thl
whld ycu gllp it slt tc `usie= @urrly @nth @usie. Dcolb Qlnel Qrizl id @nth. It is ndk wibb ol neelptlk.
[hl Frn`l wibb ehndjl thl wikth cf lneh idtlrdnb >/8th if thl
`nrglt spllks up cr sbcws kcwd. Ycu shcubk nbrlnky gdcw this Qblnsl bccg nt Ehnrt= O.
si`pbl ‒jlnr ehndjl‐ ns sccd ns thl `nrglts orlng cut nocvl cr [his is n Fcur - Kny Ehnrt=
olbcw thlir ‒onoy ?/8th.‐ Zikth Qriel= 6?< pcidts.
@urrly is thl wcrbk’s cdby ‒juru‐ tc gdcw hcw tc tlneh thl Lneh >/8th lqunbs :8.< pcidts.
‒jlnr ehndjl.‐ Jndd tcbk ycu nocut thl` cd pnjl (:>), whld hl 8/8th= >1,111,
`ldticdlk thl < eldt fniburl cf >86> Zhlnt tc `cvl up. ;/8th= 9,68:.<1,
@cst trnklrs end’t sll thl eurrldt spllk cf ndy `nrglt. [cc 1/8th= 9,5:<.
`ndy trnklrs nrl bccgidj nt tcc bcdj n [i`l Frn`l, sc thly nrl Qblnsl jc oneg tc Ehnrt= N.
trnkidj tcc wikl (priel) >/8th. Zikth Qriel= ><6.?< pcidts.
Jndd snik tc tngl thl bnrjlst rndjl oltwlld ndy lxtrl`l Lneh >/8th lqunbs >9.<5>?< pcidts.
(hijh ndk bcw) ndk slt it tc its 8/8ths. Out, hl kikd’t fidish hlrl. Ycu dctiel thnt cur idtrnkny ehnrt is
Hl snik, ‒whld `nrglts npprcneh cbk hijhs (cr bcws), thly trnkidj idsikl cdby twc >/8th (dcw).
stnbb cut, stcp, ndk wndt tc rlst ndk kleikl whlthlr thly wibb tc
ecdtidul hijhlr cr rlvlrsl ndk fnbb.‐ 8:.<% cf nbb Jndd trnklrs [hl @urrly @nth _lnb [i`l Ucftwnrl gdcws ycu wcubk
rlfusl tc nkk this Bcjie tc thl lqunticd. Zhy3 dlvlr lxplet ndy `nrglt tc trnkl cd n rndjl cf :8.< pcidts plr
Jndd ndk @urrly nrl sllidj thl `nrglts nt thrll spllks nbb >/8th, sidel Jndd snik, ‒`cst `cvls wlrl jcidj tc stnbb cut nftlr
thl ti`l, whibl `cst lvlrycdl is stibb id sbcw `cticd. Hcw kc n 5/8th  `cvl, sc it `cvls kcwd tc n ‒trnknobl rndjl.‐ Hcw
sll `nrglts3
trnklrs Zhieh spllk
nrl usidj cdlnrl
thl >1; kifflrldt scftwnrl `ndy
  ti`ls kc wl jlt ?5< pcidts `cvls plr trnkidj kny3 Flw.
prcjrn`s thnt nrl slt tc= Jndd/ Fiocdneei _ntics cf twc rndkc` Qblnsl bccg nt Ehnrt= K.
lxtrl`ls, whieh is thl wrcdj thlcry. [his n [hirty-[wc - Kny Ehnrt=
Fcbgs, dc \divlrsity wcubk neelpt this ns ndy [ruth. [hl Zikth Qriel= 6?< pcidts.
Fcurilr Znvl Qnttlrd cvlr ti`l wibb s`ccth cut s`nbb vnrindels, Lneh >/8th lqunbs :8.< pcidts.
out it kclsd’t gdcw hcw tc shift jlnrs frc` rndkc` tc spleifie 8/8th= >1,111,
s`nbblr wnvls. Zl kc it rijht with `nth slt tc `usie. Ycu end ;/8th= 9,68:.<1,
tcc. 1/8th= 9,5:<.
[. Hlddidj @urrly is thl cdby @nstlr Blvlb [rnklr whc
end prlkiet ndy slt cf hijhs cr bcws fcr ndy `nrglt (usidj [hl Ycu wibb dctiel thl bnst bcwlr suppcrt rlvlrsnb ceeurrlk cd
@urrly @nth _lnb-[i`l Ucftwnrl). @@[ Bidl ?/8th= 9,<5>.?< wldt (up) fnst. [hl bcdjlr thl [i`l
Zhy is [. Hlddidj @urrly thl cdby ‒juru‐ tc ol nobl tc Qlrick, thl `crl sleurity ycu jlt tc gdcw thl `nrglt kirleticd.
gdcw whld ndy rlvlrsnb wibb ceeur3 [hl ‒onoy‐ ?/8 th prlkiets Out ycu wid flwlr trnkls.
it. Uleurity (cvlr n bcdj plrick cf ti`l) wibb dct nbbcw ycu
Bcjie ndk @usie ndk @nth= [hl @urrly @nth [rnkidj tc `ngl prcfits idtrnkny. [hl shcrtlst [i`l ndk tijhtlst Qriel
Frn`l Ucftwnrl kc (it). Qblnsl bccg nt ehnrts O, E, ndk K. Frn`l wibb `ngl ycu thl `cst shcrt - tlr` prcfits.
[hlsl ehnrts hnvl kifflrldt 1/8th ndk 8/8th, sidel thl [i`l ndk [his is ‒rlnbity trnkidj‐ cff thl bnst hijh cr bcw. Zhy bccg
Qriel nrl kifflrldt idsikl lneh [i`l Frn`l. oneg six `cdths tc trnkl thl dlxt hcur3 Zl kcd’t dllk tc kc it
Zcubk ycu ol nobl tc ehndjl Qriel ns [i`l ehndjls3 dcw.
Klpldkidj upcd ycur I.^. ndk ycur plrscdnbity, I wcubk ol nobl Jndd `nkl ?88 trnkls ndk wcd ?6; id n tctnb cf cdby ?<
tc tlneh ycu id nd hcur. If ycu nrld’t s`nrt ldcujh, dc n`cudt trnkidj knys. His bcdjlst trnkl nvlrnjlk cdby ;5.:< `idutls.
Hcw bcdj kc ycu hcbk n widdlr3
widdlr3 Kc ycu hcbk ‒bcslrs‐
‒bcslrs‐ twiel
ns bcdj3
@ld hcbk ‒bcsidj pcsiticds‐ bcdjlr thnd wc`ld trnklrs.
@ld hnvl n ehl`ienb jldl `issidj (thnt wibb nbbcw thl` tc
nk`it ‒klflnt‐) cr thly nrl sidgidj id quieg sndk). [hly wcdt
nsg fcr kirleticds3
[. Hlddidj @urrly tnujht >< wc`ld trnklrs id Orldtwcck,
[lddlssll, fcr thl pnst thrll `cdths. Lvlry fl`nbl @urrly
@nth trnklr is n widdlr thl pnst 91 knys.
[hly nvlrnjl oltwlld + ?<% tc + >?<% prcfits cd jcidj
bcdj cd stcegs frc` 5.>? tc >?.< kcbbnrs. [hly jc bcdj (cdby).
[hly wlrl tnujht tc tngl s`nbb prcfits (5/8th) ndk s`nbb bcssls
(->/8th). [hlir wid tc bcss rntic is ?=>. Zhy3 Ui`pbl. [hly kcd’t
wndt tc ‒cutjulss‐ thl juru. [hlir comlet is tc `ngl `cdly
dct erlntl ndcthlr idkientcr. Qrcfit is thlir ‒idkientcr.‐ [hly
‒pctntcls‐ +>, + ?, +5/8th  ndk thly nrl cut cf
 must ecudt thlir ‒pctntcls‐
thl trnkl. If thl bcdjlst rud up wns cdby +>< knys thl pnst twc
ylnrs, why wcubk ycu wndt tc hcbk ndy stceg pcsiticd `crl
thnd >? knys3 [hly ornid wnsh ycu cd [V. tc ‒Ouy ndk Hcbk‐
whld thly gdcw ycu wibb ldk up jividj <1% cf ycur prcfits

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ?<


oneg sccd. ;/8th= >,>;1.6?<,

\dbi`itlk Idec`l Qctldtinb! 1/8th= >,>?<,
Qblnsl bccg nt Ehnrt= E. -?/8th= >,>>:.>8:<.
JCNB= $<11 tc $>,111 + N KN
Y [his is n Uixty-Fcur - Kny Ehnrt=
Zikth Qriel= >,?<1 pcidts. Qblnsl dctiel thnt [hl @urrly @nth
Blnrd tc  prc﬎tnoby  trnkl [rldks Lneh >/8th lqunbs ><6.?< pcidts. [rnkidj Frn`l _lnb-[i`l Ucftwnrl
& Qieg [cps & Octtc`s id Ndy 8/8th= >1,111, nutc`ntienbby prlkietlk (fcr ycu) thl
@nrglt cd Ndy [i`l Frn`l w/`y ;/8th= 9,5:<, lxnet ‒orlngcut‐ priel bcwlr, if it ebcslk
Qrcpriltnry @lthcks. Blnrd hcw tc 1/8th= 8,:<1. 15/>11th olbcw >,>>:.>8:<. It kikd’t.
[hl ?5rk  ndk cd thl ?;th, it ebcslk
enbeubntl tc`crrcw’s Hijhs & Bcws Ycu hnvl must bccglk nt thl Kcw 51 withid 15/>11th cf n pcidt frc` krcppidj
& gdcw whld & whlrl  thl U&Q Futurls Ecdtrnet cd fcur kifflrldt [i`l bcwlr idtc thl dlxt bcwlr @@ Cetnvl.
<11 `ngl thlir rlvlrsnbs kuridj thl Frn`ls thnt prckuel kifflrldt Qriel Is ycur scftwnrl prcjrn` this neeu-
kny! Blnrd n Hijhby Neeurntl, Bcw wikths fcr lneh >/8th cvlr its jivld [i`l. rntl3 Hcw `ueh wcubk ycu pny fcr
_isg/Hijh _lwnrk, Lnsy tc usl U&Q Kc ycu bccg nt ndy `nrglt frc` nbb fcur rlnb-ti`l scftwnrl thnt wcubk tlbb ycu
kifflrldt plrspletivls3 Uhcubk ycu stnrt3 ycur ‒bcdj pcsiticd wns jcidj tc ol n
<11 idtrn-kny trnkidj `lthck, whieh Lvlry @urrly @nth ‒stukldt‐ is widdlr3‐
end lnsiby ol uslk id Ndy @gt cd tnujht tc jc frc` n (6; Kny) plrspletivl [his `nrglt rlvlrslk twiel cd n kcu-
Ndy [i`l Frn`l! BLN_D with kcwd thl s`nbblst 8/8th, sc cdl `ny trnkl obl octtc` cff cur ― ?/8th @@[ Bidl.
[rnkidj @ndunbs, Viklc’s, Nukic’s, cff thl s`nbblst `cvl thnt prcvikls thl Lvlrycdl gdcws tc ouy kcuobl
Qrcpriltnry Ucftwnrl, F_LL Kniby prlsldt Hnr`cdie Cetnvl _hyth` (cdby octtc`s. >? cf >; (61) `idutl endkbl
thl @urrly @nth _lnb-[i`l gdcws). (plrflet) rlvlrsls wlrl prlkietlk nutc-
Fnxls & \dbi`itlk Qhcdl Ecdsubtn- Flo. >5, Zlkdlskny, (id ebnss) id `ntienbby fcr ycu usidj [hl @urrly @nth
ticd. Ycu’rl nbsc idvitlk
idvitlk tc ec`l fcr Bns Vljns, nt Qnbnel Utnticd Ensidc, [. [rnkidj Frn`l _lnb-[i`l Ucftwnrl.
cdl kny cf F_LL Cdl-Cd-Cdl BIVL Hlddidj @urrly ‒prlkietlk strcdj rlsis- Ycu si`pby enbb ycur orcglr cr ldtlr
Hndks cd [rnkidj!  I wibb shcw ycu tndel thl dlxt kny up nt >1,159.<. thl crklr thrcujh ycur cdbidl orcglrnjl
hcw tc olec`l n prcflssicdnb fubb ti`l [hurskny `crdidj, (must olfcrl wl hcusl.
wldt tc pbny jcbf nt [hl Ndthl` Jcbf [his Ehnrt N= trnkidj frn`l is thl bcdj
trnklr id n shcrt plrick cf ti`l with `y Ecursl, cd thl prcplrty cf n Klbb Zloo -tlr` pieturl cf thl `nrglt frc` ylstlr-
Hc`l Utuky Ecursl & BIVL Hndks Cd Ec``udity nt Uud Eity, Dlvnkn), @urrly kny tc tckny. Zhy bccg nt ndy `crl [i`l
`nrglt [rnkidj! Enbb [ckk Dcw fcr wns idfcr`lk thnt
dlw stukldts), oy Muky
thl >ndk
st Mndiel,
 hijh (twc
rlvlrsnb id ndk[hl
Qriel3 Zlkny=
dlxt wndtEhnrt
tc ecdslrvl
O= thl[i`l.
F_LL Idfc, _lf’s ndk F_LL fnxls!
thl Kcw 51 Idklx wns up nt >1,158.81. sbcwlk kcwd ndk [hl @urrly @nth
[hl `nrglt flbb olbcw >1,111. @urrly [rnkidj Frn`l _lnb-[i`l Ucftwnrl
ENBB (811) 66;-55;5 `isslk oy .:1/>11. sbcwlk kcwd with thl `nrglt ndk slt thl
FNX (?;8) <95-<96? Qlrscdnb Nsikl= Muky pnrlk thl >st  idtrnkny trnkidj frn`l tc=
www.t`` (8) hcbls. Ndk Mndiel cut krcvl thl `ld
oy 6?.< ynrks cd hcbl didl. [hly pbnylk Qblnsl bccg nt Ehnrt= O= Fijurl ?.
  jcbf. [his is n Fivl @idutl ― Idtlr Kny Ehnrt=
It ebcslk thl kny olbcw >1,159.<1. Zikth Qriel= 5>.?< pcidts.
[LBLQHCDL _N[LU @urrly snik cdl wllg olfcrl, it hnk tc Lneh >/8th lqunbs 5.91 pcidts.
ebcsl nocvl >1,159.<1 ndk it hnk tc kc it 8/8th= >,>;1.6?<,
U\QL_IC_ UL_VIEL oy Frikny Flo. ><, ?11?, cr thl `nrglt ;/8th= >,>?<,
wcubk fnbb (bcwlr). 1/8th= >,>19.5:<
;.< eldts! [hurskny nftlrdccd nftlr pbnyidj (>8)
hcbls cf jcbf, @urrly fcudk ndcthlr cf his
idtrnkny prlkieticds trul= thl Kcw ebcslk
Nrl wl lxpletidj bcwlr hijhs frc`
this `nrglt nftlr it nb`cst ebcslk olbcw
Kul tc cur rlvcbuticdnry dlw prc- olbcw >1,111 olenusl it ecubk dct trnkl >,>>:.>8:< (-?/8th)3
jrn`, wl nrl nobl tc cfflr cur eus- ndk ebcsl nocvl >1,159.<1. Zl hnk (;) plrflet rlvlrsls idtrnkny
tc`lrs sc`l cf thl olst tlblphcdl @urrly tcbk his ebnssls id Bns cff cur <-`idutl ehnrt cd thl ?;th  cf
bcdj kistndel rntls nvnibnobl tckny, Vljns, Dlvnkn, (nbb wllg), thl Kcw 51 Mndunry.
cd cr cff thl Idtlrdlt! Id sc`l ensls, Utcegs `ust ebcsl nocvl >1,159.<1 cr it [his `nrglt stnbblk cut up cd cur
ycu `ny pny ns bittbl ns ;.< eldts plr fnbbs bcwlr this wllg. It kik= 9,915. @@[ Bidl ;/8th  bidl (must ns Jndd snik
`idutl fcr stntl-tc-stntl bcdj kis- Qblnsl bccg nt thl fcur ehnrts (id it wcubk).
tndel enbbs! \tibizidj thl nkvndelk cdl) ndk ycu wibb sll thlrl wlrl (>6) Jndd snik, ‒`nrglts wndt tc rlvlrsl
fiorl cptie dltwcrgs cf `nmcr bcdj lxnet rlvlrsls cff @@[ Bidls prlslt bnst cd 1/8th, 8/8th, ndk thld cd thl ;/8th thl >st 
kistndel enrrilrs ndk ouyidj thl Cetcolr ndk orcujht fcrwnrk ndk prcmlet- ti`l up cr kcwd tc tc (it)‐. It kik lxnetby.
ti`l frc` thl` cd n whcblsnbl lk cd thl ehnrt nutc`ntienbby
nutc`ntienbby fcr ycu. [hl U&Q <11 L @idil Futurls
onsis, wl nrl nobl tc cfflr udprle- Zhy kc ycu wndt tc blnrd sc`l Ecdtrnet is slt nt n risg cf $ <1 lithlr wny
lkldtlk bcw rntls fcr enbbs crijidnt- dlw ‒idkientcr‐ whld wl nbrlnky gdcw (wid cr bcsl). [his is n ?1 - pcidt widdlr
idj id thl ;8 Ecdtidldtnb \U Utntls. lxnetby lneh @@[ Bidl ndy `nrglt frc` thl bcws. $<1 x ?1 0 $>,111 prcfit
shcubk rlvlrsl cd (olfcrl it kcls it)3 id cdby twc hcurs with thl fnith id `nth=
Fcr `crl idfcr`nticd jc tc= Gllp it si`pbl.Qblnsl bccg nt fijurl ?= @nth. 
@urrly @nth. 
Ehnrt= N= [his is thl U&Q <11 L @idil End ycu ehndjl ycur trnkidj hnoit
Futurls Ecdtrnet fcr Mndunry ?5, ?11?. frc` ‒rndkc` ― julss trnkidj‐ tc lxnet

[his `nrglt scbk cff fnst nbb kny. rlvlrsl cff [hl @urrly @nth [rnkidj
Frn`l Ucftwnrl3 @cst trnklrs ldmcy
Qblnsl bccg nt Ehnrt= N= Fijurl ?. [his n bcsidj.
www.bk.dlt/3uci8bn Uixty @idutl ― Idtlr Kny Ehnrt= Hcw end >< wc`ld blnrd tc trnkl
Zikth Qriel= 5>.?< pcidts. Jndd/ @urrly @nth with dc lxplrildel
Lneh >/8th lqunbs 5.91 pcidts. ndk dlvlr ‒bcsl‐ `crl thnd cdl wllg plr
8/8th= >,><6.?<, >5 wllgs3

?6 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66


[hl @urrly@nth [rnkidj Frn`l scftwnrl prcjrn` wibb nutc`ntienbby @N_GL[ [_NKL_
kleikl fcr ycu if n `nrglt is Cvlr Ocujht cr Cvlr Ucbk, ndk nutc`ntienbby
kispbny thl [rnkidj Utrntljy whldlvlr thl Kniby Qriel Neticd Ucftwnrl
[hl @urrly@nth [rnkidj Frn`l Ucftwnrl
• Nbb Jndd Bidls (8/8ths)  • Ult Qnrnbblb @c`ldtu` Bidls 
with Nrti﬎einb Idtlb
• Nbb Vlrtienb [i`l Bidls  • Ult Upllk Ndjbls (:) 
• Nbb Uqunrls id [i`l Bidls  • Ult Blnrdidj @ckl Kntn
• Qrlsldt ‒Olst Ldtry Qriel‐ 
• Ldtry Qriel Qcidts 
• Ult nbb Cvlrocujht/Cvlrscbk Bidls  • Qrlsldt Kniby Vcbu`l kifflrldtinb  NI_ Ucftwnrl
• Ult < Eirebls cf Ecd﬏iet  • Ulbb <1.% cf Qcsiticd Qriel Qcidts    Nbphll Bnvcil/Ulrjly [nrnscv
Q_IEL $:<1.11
Ldk-cf-Kny vlrsicd idebukls= [wc Ults cf Ucftwnrl,

@urrly @nth Occg, EK Blnrdidj Blsscds & L@nib \pkntls 

@urrly @nth Occg  61 Kny Ucftwnrl [rinb

nbcdl  & erlkit fcr fubb vlrsicd  Ucftwnrl nt
$:8.11 $>?1.11`
>-811-?88-;?66` (crklr cd-bidl) 
  Lf﬎eildey [lstlr ndnbyzls ndy nstrc-
bcjienb /nstrcdc`ienb eritlrin, ecrrlbntls
[. Hlddidj @urrly tnujht cdl `nd, wldt frc` ;.11 tc ??. with stceg priels tc sll hcw stceg plr-
Gld Blwis, Orldtwcck, [lddlssll, ndk [his is + $>8,111 prcfit id thrll fcr`lk ndk usls thnt fcr prcmleticds.
hl idtrckuelk @urrly @nth tc kifflrldt wllgs. Ycu nrl dcw sllidj `nrglt prl-
jcbfidj frildks,
id trnkidj stcegs.whc
Outhnk dcbistldlk.
thly netivl idtlrlst kieticds frc` nbb plrspletivls= Nrti﬎einb
Dlt Idtlbbijldel
tc ndnbyzl  usls Dlurnb
pnst plrfcr`ndel ndk
Dcw (><) kifflrldt stukldts trnkl >) Idtrnkny, neeurntlby prcmlet nhlnk.
idtrnkny ndk prcfit lneh wllg cff prl- ?) ; Kny Ehnrt,
slt @@[ Bidls slt idsikl thl @urrly 5) >6 Kny Ehnrt,  \sls Ornkbly Onrc`ltlr, Jndd bidls,
@nth [rnkidj Frn`l. [hlsl Orldtwcck, ;) 6; Kny Ehnrt, Ec`pcsitl Eyebls, Onylr's ndk `crl,
[lddlssll, nocvl nvlrnjl idec`l ndk <) Idtrnkny frc` kny tc thl dlxt,
I.^. ndk plrscdnbity _ccgils hnvl blnrdlk 6) 5?-Kny Cpticd Ehnrt.  ' Y
cur prcjrn` slts thl Jcbk
tc trnkl cff Qurl @nth Bidls slt idsikl n  Utndknrk id [rnkidj scftwnrl.' 
Euol= >11, >,111, cr >1,111. Zl hcpl ycu nrl ns sueelssfub trnk- _.U.
Hcw `ndy thcusndks cf kcb- idj ycur Jndd ‒systl`‐ ns wl kc kniby,
bnrs hnvl ycu bcst (idvlstlk) id= wllgby, ndk `cdthby. [rnkidj is fud whld @ckubl  
'Must ycur Lnsy Lxplrt @ckubl

>) Ouyidj scftwnrl,

ycu stnrt with thl ecrrlet hcrizcdtnb bidls.
Hcw ebcsl end ycu prlkiet prcfitnobl
  nbcdl is wcrth $>1,111 !'  F.F.
?) Occgs cd trnkidj thlcrils,
5) Jcidj tc sl`idnrs,
rlvlrsnbs3 Nrl ycu rlnbby surl ycur pcsi-
ticd is slt nt thl olst rlvlrsnb priel pcidt   Enbeubntl
   & Ulnreh fcr ndythidj id thl
sgy= klebidnticd, plrhibicd, pbndltnry
;) Hct tips fcr dlxt qunrtlr, idsikl ycur 8/8th rndjl3 Nrl ycu rlnky tc
dckls, @ccds,
@ccds, npcjll, pnttlrds,
pntt lrds, lte.
<) Bistldlk tc frildks fcr idsiklrs3 try ndk `ngl
[rnkls cffsi`pbl(r)
si`pbl rubls3 Zl bcvl tc Nbb hlnvldby eritlrin end ol ecrrlbntlk
[hl @urrly @nth Blnrdidj Eldtlr wns ecdvlrt Idkientcr trnklrs tc pctntc ecud- w/priels. Zcrgs
Zcrgs fcr nbb `nrglts7 Utceg,
erlntlk tc tlneh spleifie trnkidj rlneticds tlrs. Nrl ycu `ngidj ldcujh pctntcls tc Ec``ckitils,
Ec``ck itils, Cpticds, Futurls.
tc spleifie `nrglt rlvlrsnbs. ecudt ycur ercp3 Ycu `ust pbndt sllks.  [hl N.I. kcls it nbb fcr ycu id @idutls!
Jndd ndk @urrly hnvl slld lvlry Kik ycu ensh id cd thl oij I.O.@. `cvl3 Dc cthlr prcjrn`
prcjrn` plr
fcr`s nbb thl
`nrglt rlvlrsnb. Zl gdcw hcw tc tlneh Zl wndt lvlry trnklr tc i`prcvl thlir tnsgs cf @nrglt
@nrglt [rnklr. Zith thl N. I.
ycu tc trnkl cff whnt ycu sll, dct whnt sueelss / bcss rntic (sccd). [hl @urrly thlrl's dc dllk tc spldk hcurs
ycu i`njidl ycu sll. @nth [rnkidj Frn`l Ucftwnrl wibb hlbp stukyidj nstrcbcjienb eritlrin nt nbb!
[. Hlddidj @urrly hns kceu`ldtlk ycu scbvl thl frn`l jn`l. [hl sueelss cf
prlkieticds `nkl id frcdt cf ?< kifflrldt pubbidj thl trijjlr ndk tngidj s`nbb bcssls
stukldts whnt thl `nrglts wibb kc thl dlxt is blft tc ycu. @N_GL[ [_NKL_ is uslk wcrbk-
kny, ndk hl hns `isslk oy cdby cdl cr twc wikl oy [rnklrs ndk Fidndeinb 
pcidts `cst cf thl ti`l. Out whc ecudts3 [.H. @urrly is nuthcr cf thl occg @urrly  Idstituticds id cvl
cvlrr 5? ecudtrils.
Qlrflet Lxn`pbl= [hrll wllgs njc, @nth [rnkidj ndk end ol rlnehlk nt
IO@ wns up nt >?6.<6. Qlcpbl wlrl cd www.`urry``
[V. prcmletidj it tc jc tc ><1.
[. Hlddidj @urrly prlkietlk it wcubk [his shilbk `ijht must
 N I _ Ucftwnrl
i`prcvl ycur trnkidj. [hl
krcp tc >15.>? olfcrl it wldt tc ><1.
Cd thl 5rk kny cf ebnss id Orldtwcck,
  hnr`fub lbletrc`njdltie
wnvls nrcudk ycur ec`putlr
811 - 6<9 - >?;:
[lddlssll, IO@ wldt kcwd ndk ebcslk nfflets ycur noibity tc thidg (861) ?5?-6<?>
nt >15. [hl ebnss ebnpplk ndk lvlrycdl ndk ycur trnkidj. $>59.9< L`nib = nbphllA`
shnrlk nd nr`- strltehlk hijh fivl. pbus $;.9< U/H [rnklrs
Zcrbk, 811-?88-;?66
Zhy kik thly ehllr fcr mcy3 Dc thly` Zlo = http=// www
ehllrlk fcr prcfits. [hl IO@ Flo ENBB

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ?:


Qrnetienb Nppbienticd cf nd ?<5, frc` ?;> tc ?5:, frc` ??< tc ??> ndk frc` ?>> tc ?1:. Frc`
dcw cd, ndy rlflrldel tc thl Enrkidnb ndk Crkidnb Ercss du`olrs
Nuthldtie ‘Uqunrl cf Didl’ wibb ol tc thl ‘shiftlk’ du`olrs.
Id nkkiticd, I hnvl eireblk thl rlflrldelk hijhs id jrlld ndk
Qnrt Cdl bcws id rlk ns @r. Jndd kik cd his Enbeubntcrs tc `ngl thl visunb
nppbienticd eblnrlr.
Gld Jlrolr Frc` thl `nmcr hijh nt ?6? thl `nrglt `nkl thl first `cvl

hl ‘Uqunrl cf Didl’ cr ‘Qythnjcrlnd Euol’ cr ‘Ckk Uqunrls kcwd tc Dc. ? (cd thl ehnrt) nt ?;5, hcbkidj withid ? ° eldts cf thl
Enbeubntcr’ hns olld tnbglk nocut ns cdl cf Z. K. Jndd’s 91-kljrll Enrkidnb Ercss suppcrt. It thld `nkl twc `crl nttl`pts
`cst i`pcrtndt trnkidj tccbs. [hlrl is dc kcuot thnt hl uslk nt thl sn`l blvlb, fidnbby rnbbyidj frc` thl 5 rk octtc` tc thl hijh
it lxtldsivlby. `nrglk Dc. 5. [hl priel nt Dc. 5 is ?<? ´, whieh is lxnetby cdl-hnbf
cd l-hnbf
Cdl cf thl `cst i`pcrtndt kisecvlrils `nkl oy Bn`olrt-Jndd wny oneg ndk nbsc oneg tc thl ;<-kljrll Crkidnb Ercss.
Lkuentcrs, Ide. id thl Bn`olrt-Jndd Quobishidj Ec. nrehivls is n [hl dlxt blj kcwd jcls tc Dc. ; nt thl priel cf ??9, whieh is nt
‘Uqunrl cf Didl’ with n kntl ridj cd tcp rlvcbvidj nrcudk n eldtlr thl >81-kljrll Enrkidnb Ercss. @r. Jndd snik thl strcdjlst ndjbl
pid. [his rlvcbvidj ridj nbbcwlk thl kntl tc ol `cvlk cvlr thl tcp wns thl >81-kljrll ndjbl, `ngidj this n pbnel fcr n pctldtinb rnbby.
cf thl priel cf n `nmcr tcp cr octtc`. [hl rnbby tc Dc. < stcpplk nt ?;> ², whieh is nt nd udshiftlk Crkidnb
Bn`olrt-Jndd Lkuentcrs, Ide. erlntlk thl ‘Dnturnb Uqunrls Ercss prcvikidj rlsistndel.
Enbeubntcr’ tc oridj tc thl puobie n trnkidj tccb thnt tlnehls thl [hl dlxt `cvl kcwd tc Dc. 6 stcps nt ??1, whieh is cdl eldt
prideipbls thnt @r. Jndd uslk id trnkidj with thl ‘Uqunrl cf Didl’. frc` thl ??<-kljrll Crkidnb Ercss. Frc` thlrl thl rnbby oneg up
Zithcut n `cvnobl kntl ridj, n ‘Uqunrl cf Didl’ enbeubntcr enddct tc Dc. : is tc thl cbk octtc` cf ?51, whieh njnid is thl >81-kljrll
ol sydehrcdizlk with thl eurrldt `nrglt viornticd.
v iornticd. [his is bigl krnw- Enrkidnb Ercss.
idj n Jndd ndjbl, out dct stnrtidj it frc` n hijh cr bcw. [his visunb Cdel `crl, thl `nrglt stnrts kcwd thrcujh thl cbk octtc` cf
sydehrcdiznticd eblnrby kl`cdstrntls hcw neeurntl this tccb end ol. ??1 ndk thl ?:1-kljrll Enrkidnb Ercss tc thl 5><-Enrkidnb Ercss
It nbsc shcws thnt blnrdidj thl onsies cf usidj n ‘Uqunrl cf Didl’ id suppcrt priel cf ?16 ° nt Dc. 8. [hl rnbby oneg up tc Dc. 9 is oneg
this `nddlr is dct kiffieubt. njnid tc thl cbk octtc` cf ??> ndk thl ??<-kljrll Crkidnb Ercss.
Qnrt Cdl cf this nrtiebl wibb klnb with thl priel nsplet cf n syd- [hl fidnb `cvl tc thl octtc` nt Dc. >1 jcls tc thl priel cf ?1?
ehrcdizlk ‘Enbeubntcr’. Qnrt [wc cf thl nrtiebl wibb usl thl ‘shiftlk °, whieh is withid cdl eldt cf thl 561-kljrll Enrkidnb Ercss ndk
ti`l’ tc shcw hcw thl sydehrcdizlk ‘Enbeubntcr’ rlplntlkby fcrl- dlxt tc thl oljiddidj nt ?6?.
ensts ehndjls id trldk ns hnr`cdizlk ti`l ndk priel nbijd. Cf thl fivl wnvls kcwd, thrll wlrl nb`cst lxnetby >5< kljrlls
[hl fcbbcwidj ehnrt is cf ecdtiducus Klel`olr Ecrd. Neecrkidj cd thl enbeubntcr. [hly wlrl frc` Dc. 5 tc Dc. ; (;< kljrlls tc >81
tc @r. Jndd’s
ecdtrnets fcr`idjwritidjs, wl shcubk
cdl ecdtiducus bidg tcjlthlr
ecdtrnet cf ecrdKlel`olr
cdby kljrlls), Dc.kljrlls
Dc. >1 (??< : tc Dctc8561
kljrlls tc 5>< kljrlls) ndk Dc. 9 tc
thl Klel`olr ecdtrnet. [hl `nmcr hijh shcwd id this ehnrt is nt thl [hl ‘shiftlk’ Enrkidnb ndk Crkidnb Ercssls prcviklk thl rlsis-
priel cf $?.6? cd thl kntl cf Klel`olr ?8, ?111. tndel cr suppcrt fcr 8 cf thl 9 ehndjls id trldk kuridj this kcwd
@r. Jndd rlplntlkby klseriolk thl Enrkidnb Ercss (91-, >81-, `cvl. [hl 9th rlsistndel pcidt en`l frc` thl ‘udshiftlk’ Crkidnb
?:1- ndk 561-kljrll ndjbls) ns thl `cst i`pcrtndt pcidts cf suppcrt Ercss.
ndk rlsistndel. [hl slecdk `cst i`pcrtndt wns thl Crkidnb Ercss [hlrl is dc kcuot thnt n sydehrcdizlk ‘Enbeubntcr’ wibb prcvikl
(;<-, >5<-, ??<-, ndk 5><-kljrll ndjbls). suplricr hnr`cdy fcr n `nrglt.
Oy ti`idj thl enbeubntcr tc thl `nmcr hijh priel cf ?6?, wl Id Qnrt [wc I wibb shcw hcw @r. Jndd wcubk hnvl gdcwd whld
hnvl shiftlk thl Enrkidnb Ercss ndk Crkidnb Ercss priels sc thly thl nbijdidj cf ti`l ndk priel is ceeurridj si`pby oy ehlegidj his
nrl id hnr`cdy with thl `nrglt viornticd. [c kc this cd n ‘Dnturnb ‘Enbeubntcr’ kniby. Ehnrt cf Klel`olr Ecrd frc` Klel`olr ?111
Uqunrls Enbeubntcr’, wl si`pby `cvl thl eldtlr ridj (Uqunrl cf thl thrcujh Mudl ?11>. Hndk Krnwd Uqunrl cf Didl Uydehrcdizlk with
Eirebl) sc thnt thl ]lrc Kljrlls bidl is cvlr thl priel cf ?6?. Kle Ecrd @nrglt nt ?6?.
Zl hnvl dcw erlntlk n dlw Enrkidnb Ercss ndk Crkidnb Ercss
(sll Uqunrl cf Didl pieturl). [hl Enrkidnb du`olrs hnvl shiftlk  Gld Jlro
lr is n fub
`l trn
klr ndk writ
ls ndk tlne
hls fcr
frc` ?;9 tc ?;< °, frc` ?55 tc ??9 °, frc` ?>8 tc ?>< ndk frc`  Bn`olrt
-Jnddd Lkuent
crs, Ide.
Ide. Hl end
end ol ecdt
k nt idfcA
?1; tc ?1> °. [hl Crkidnb Ercss du`olrs hnvl shiftlk frc` ?<: tc `` (``)

     K      _
     L     N      U
     [     D
     F     I      C
     K     _
      U       E

     K      B
     L     D
     [     I      U
     I      K
     H      _
      U     N
?8 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Z.K. Jndd’s Mnpndlsl oc`olk Qlnrb Hnrocr ndk thl pibcts ernshlk thlir
pbndls idtc thlir tnrjlts. [hl Qldtnjcd’s jrcudk orlngidj
elrl`cdy wns hlbk cd 9/>>/;>. 61-ylnrs bntlr id thl ylnr
@nss Qrlssurl ?11>, thl `cvil Qlnrb Hnrocr wns rlblnslk, suieikl pibcts
cdel njnid nttneglk thl \UN ndk thl Qldtnjcd lxplrildelk
Fcrlenstidj [lehdiqul ndcthlr ‒jrcudk orlngidj‐.
Zhnt kcls thl @nss Qrlssurl sny nocut ?11?3 I’` idebuk-
idj n pcrticd cf `y @nss Qrlssurl fcrlenst, whieh shcws thnt
Kndilb [. Flrrlrn
thl @nrglt is prltty `ueh olnrish udtib ;/>>/1?. Must rl`l`-

f nbb thl Jndd fcrlenstidj tlehdiquls gdcwd, thl @nss olr thnt lvld thcujh thl @nss Qrlssurl fcr`ubn prcvikls
Qrlssurl Fcr`ubn hns olld cdl cf thl `cst ebcslby vnbunobl idfcr`nticd nocut thl pcssiobl futurl, it wibb dct
junrklk slerlts. Id fnet, thlrl nrl vlry flw ‒Jndd dlelssnriby `ngl ycu n olttlr trnklr. Ycu hnvl tc trnkl thl
Lxplrts‐ thnt lvld gdcw hcw tc erlntl n @nss Qrlssurl Ehnrt `nrglt onslk cd whnt it is netunbby
ne tunbby kcidj. [hnt snik, ldmcy thl
cr ndythidj nocut thl dnturl cf its ecdstrueticd. @ndy plcpbl s`nbb sn`pbl cf thl ?11? @nss Qrlssurl ehnrt.
hnvl wcdklrlk if thlrl wlrl ndy ‒sijds‐ thnt ?11> wns jcidj
tc ol sueh n onk ylnr. [c thnt I sny ‒YLU‐ thlrl wlrl eblnr  Kndilb [. Flrrlrn is nuthcr cf thl ecursl @ystlrils cf Jndd
idkienticds cf whnt ?11> wcubk ol bigl id thl stceg `nrglt.  Ndnbysis \dvliblk ndk his occg
oc cg [hl Jndd Qyrn`ik= Uqunrl
@y idtlrprltnticd cf Jndd’s @nss Qrlssurl Fcr`ubn elrtnidby cf Didl Lssldtinbs.
kik nd cutstndkidj mco
cf prlkietidj thl onsie
trldk ehndjls cf thl
`nrglt ns thl ehnrt
prcviklk with this
nrtiebl eblnrby shcws.
Nbthcujh I wibb
dct kiseuss thl @nss
Qrlssurl Fcr`ubn id
this nrtiebl, I wibb sny
thnt it is onslk ldtirlby
cd Jndd’s phibcscphy
thnt out
idj ‒thlnfuturl is dcth-
rlpltiticd cf
thl pnst‐. Fcr lxn`pbl,
cdl cf thl olst-gdcwd
Jndd eyebls is thl
eyebl cf 61-ylnrs.
Zhnt hnppldlk id
thl ylnr >9;>3 [hl

Blnrd thl tlehdiquls cf Jndd 
[ CD
[lehdiquls nrl
ibbustrntlk usidj K_. ML_C@L ON\@_IDJ’U
thl Jnddscft 5.1 IDVLU[@LD[ ELD[_L UL@IDN_U 
scftwnrl prcjrn`= ‒JNDD HN_@CDY‐ [HL BNZ CF VIO_N[ICD
swidjs, ndjbls,
9 EC\_UL @ND\NBU  & BLE[\_L DC[LU.
squnrls, rndjls,
squnrl ti`l ndk [HL JNDD QY_N@IK= U^\N_L CF 9 LUULD[INBU
priel, squnrl cf didl,  OY KNDILB [. FL__L_N Hnrkoneg,
Hnrkoneg, Qnreh
`ldt Qnplr, $59<
ti`l eyebls, nstrcbcjy, jlceldtrie
ndk hlbiceldtrie pbndlts, ti`l oy Cur `cst pcpubnr ecursl cd Z. K. Jndd's `ystlricus enbeubntcr. [his ecursl ecdtnids thl eblnrlst
kljrll, [hl [hirk Ki`ldsicd, prlsldtnticd lvlr puobishlk cf thl prideipbls ndk tlehdiquls cf usidj Jndd's Uqunrl cf 9 ns n @nthl-
squnridj n eirebl, lxpndsicd cf `ntienb & Nstrcdc`ienb Enbeubntcr, with kltniblk nppbienticds tc thl `nrglts. Idebukls n EK _C@
nres, squnrl rcct lxpndsicd, ckk with Uqunrl cf 9 Enbeubntcrs Qrcjrn``lk Id @iercscft Lxelb. Ull cur wlositl fcr kltnibs!
ndk lvld squnrls, Fiocdneei [HL @YU
lxpndsicds,, Hijh Bcw _ndjl,
kivikidj rndjl, : ti`ls thl onsl  OY   K
 L__L_N ;11 Qnjls, Hnrkoneg, EK _C@, $>,<11.11
ndk `ueh `crl. ?11 pnjls. [HL @CU
@CU[[ KL[
51-kny `cdly-oneg junrndtll. LXQBNI
K [L_
[ I@QC_[

$91.11 pbus $;.9< U/H. Futurls [_CBCJIENB ULE_ L[ CF JNDD NDJBLU - QBNDL[N_Y VLE[C_U - ECU@


ndk cpticds trnkidj nrl spleubn- U^\N_IDJ Q_IEL & [I@L - 5: YLN_   E EYEBL ID KCZ - 5 [L_@ Q_CQC_[ICD CF QBNDL[N_Y
tivl ndk idvcbvls risg cf bcss. FIVL - QL_ICKIE D\@OL_  E EYEBLU - ECDVL_[IDJ QBNDL[N_Y BCDJI[ \KL [C Q_IEL - HC_C-
[rnklrs Zcrbk
[HL NI_  -
 - @N_GL[ VCB\@L - IDE\K
_L CF 9 - [\DDLB  [H_\
?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Ut., Upridj﬎lbk, @C 6<8>1

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ?9


@nrglt Eyebls prlvicus Ulnscdnb bcw. Ulecdk, 88% cf thl

Ulnscdnb eyebls thnt tcpplk id 6 `cdths cr
`crl, thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb bcw hlbk ns thl

Nd Cutbccg fcr ?11?! 

Oy [i` Zcck
eyebl `cvlk kcwd frc` thl Ulnscdnb tcp.
Uc, thl lxpletnticd is thnt if n tcp ceeurs id
6 `cdths cr `crl thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb bcw
Kcbbnr shcubk hcbk. [hirk, 9;% cf thl Ulnscdnb
Zhld ndnbyzidj thl Kcbbnr Idklx I `ust first octtc`lk, I fllb thnt wl wibb sll thl dlxt sln- eyebls thnt tcp nocvl thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb
pcidt cut thnt wl kcd’t hnvl n hudkrlk ylnrs scdnb eyebl sltup fcr n `cvl idtc thl ;-ylnr tcp nbsc octtc` nocvl thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb
cf kntn tc ndnbyzl. Oneg id thcsl knys wl eyebl bcw whieh is kul id bntl ?11?. Ns this octtc`. Fcurth, cdby 6% cf thl Ulnscdnb
hnk rlnb `cdly. dlxt slnscdnb eyebl slts up wl shcubk sll it eyebls thnt tcp nocvl thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb
[hl bnst ;-ylnr eyebl bcw id thl Kcbbnr tcp id < `cdths cr blss. It’s n oit tcc lnrby tc tcp, octtc` olbcw thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb
ceeurrlk id Cetcolr >998 nt 91.:;. [his sny lxnetby whld thl dlxt slnscdnb tcp wibb octtc`. Fifth, thl nvlrnjl nkvndel frc` thl
wcubk `ngl thl dlxt ;-ylnr eyebl bcw kul id ceeur olenusl wl hnvl dct slld thl eurrldt Ulnscdnb bcw tc thl Ulnscdnb tcp fcr eyebls
bntl ?11?. I kc dct fllb thnt 51 ylnrs cf kntn slnscdnb octtc` ns cf ylt. Hcwlvlr, I wcubk thnt tcp id < `cdths cr blss is >?.1<% ndk thl
is suffieildt tc prcplrby ndnbyzl thl ;-ylnr lsti`ntl thnt wl wibb sll thl dlxt slnscdnb `cvl kcwd frc` thl tcp nvlrnjls >8.?8%.
eyebl id thl Kcbbnr. tcp id bntl first qunrtlr cr lnrby slecdk qunr- Uixth, thl nvlrnjl nkvndel frc` thl Ulnscdnb
Hcwlvlr, wl kc hnvl thl s`nbblr sln- tlr ?11?. [hld wl wibb sll thl Kcbbnr slbb cff bcw tc thl Ulnscdnb tcp fcr eyebls thnt tcp id
scdnb eyebl ndk wl elrtnidby end usl this hnrk idtc thl ;-ylnr bcw. 6 `cdths cr `crl is <<.98% ndk thl `cvl
eyebl tc fcrlenst futurl lxpletnticd fcr thl Hcw ecubk n ecbbnpsl id thl stceg kcwd frc` thl tcp nvlrnjls >8.<8%.
Kcbbnr. 88% cf thl slnscdnb eyebls id thl `nrglt ndk thl kcbbnr i`pnet thl rlst cf thl
Kcbbnr rud 8 tc >6 `cdths. If olnrish ( thl lecdc`y3 Zhnt kc thl eyebls shcw3 Uc, Zhlrl Nrl Zl Dcw3
lxpletnticd thnt thl prlvicus slnscdnb bcw Zlbb, Njnid thl Ulnscdnb eyebl bnst octtc`lk
wibb ol tngld cut) thld wl hnvl tc bccg fcr Jcbk id Nprib ?11> nt ?<<. Ns cf Dcvl`olr wl
thnt slnscdnb eyebl tc tcp id < `cdths cr blss. [hl kc`idndt bcdj tlr` eyebl id Jcbk is thl 9 nrl sittidj with n Ulnscdnb tcp cd Ulptl`olr
Cut cf 9 slnscdnbs thnt tcpplk id < `cdths ylnr eyebl. [hl bnst 9 ylnr eyebl bcw ceeurrlk ?>. Zl hnvl hnk n priel nkvndel cf >6%
cr blss, >11% cf thl` tccg cut thl prlvicus id @nreh >995. [hl iklnb ti`idj fcr thl dlxt frc` thl Nprib bcws tc thl Ulptl`olr hijh.
slnscdnb bcw. [hlrl hns olld 5 slnscdnb 9 ylnr eyebl octtc` is >st qunrtlr ?11?. Nbsc, Ulptl`olr is cdby thl <th `cdth frc`
eyebls thnt hnvl tcpplk id 6 `cdths. [wc cf [hl dlxt eyebl cf idtlrlst is thl Ulnscdnb thl Nprib bcw. Uc, id crklr tc hnvl n oubbish
thl slnscdnb eyebls thnt tcpplk id 6 `cdths eyebl. [his eyebl nvlrnjls > ylnr id kurnticd. cutbccg wl shcubk hnvl slld n `cvl nocvl
thl prlvicus
prlvicus bcwsvicbntlk.
bcw wns hlbk. [hl[hlcthlr cdl thl
6th `cdth is It
ndkend hcwlvlr,
it bnst vnryid frc`
octtc`lk Nprib 8?11>
tc >< `cdths
nt ?<<. thl
this Ulptl`olr hijhs id Cetcolr.
hns dct hnppldlk. _l`l`olr, Covicusby
8>% cf
n pivctnb ecudt. I thidg it end jc lithlr wny. [hl dlxt shcrtlst eyebl is thl wllgby thl Ulnscdnb eyebls thnt tcp id < `cdths cr
If oubbish (thl lxpletnticd thnt thl prlvicus eyebl. [his eyebl nvlrnjls >8 wllgs id kurn- blss `cvl bcwlr ndk tngl cut thl prlvicus
slnscdnb bcw wibb hcbk) thld lxplet thl eyebl ticd ndk it end vnry frc` >6 tc ?5 wllgs. Ulnscdnb bcw, thnt wns ?<<.
tc tcp id : `cdths cr `crl. 86% cf nbb sln- [hl bnst wllgby eyebl octtc`lk thl wllg Hcwlvlr, 9;% cf thl Ulnscdnb eyebls
scdnb eyebls thnt tcp id : `cdths cr `crl thl ldkidj Nujust 5, ?11> nt ?6;.>1 ndk tcpplk thnt tcp nocvl thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb tcp nbsc
prlvicus slnscdnb eyebl bcw hns hlbk. thl wllg cf Ulptl`olr ?>, ?11> nt ?96. Ns octtc` nocvl thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb octtc`.
[hl bnst slnscdnb bcw id thl Kcbbnr wns cf Dcvl`olr ?<, ?11> wl nrl id thl >6th Zlbb, thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb eyebl tcp wns id
Mndunry ?11> nt >18.1;. [his eyebl tcpplk wllg sidel thl Nujust bcw. Ns stntlk lnrbilr Mudl ?111 nt ?9?.91 ndk thl eurrldt Ulnscdnb
id Muby ?11> nt >?>.?9. [his is n ecudt cf this eyebl jldlrnbby ruds >6 tc ?5 wllgs id eyebl hns nbrlnky lxellklk this blvlb with thl
6 `cdths frc` thl Mndunry bcws. Frc` kurnticd. Uc, thl eurrldt wllgby eyebl is kul Ulptl`olr hijh cf ?96. Uc, bccgidj nt this
thl Muby slnscdnb tcp wl `cvlk kcwd idtc tc octtc` oltwlld dcw ndk thl wllg ldkidj stntistie ycu wcubk lxplet tc sll thl Nprib
thl wllgby eyebl octtc` cd Ulptl`olr >:, Mndunry >>, ?11?. ?<< blvlb hcbk. [his is idkllk n ecdfbietidj
?11>. Frc` this bcw wl hnvl `cvlk up ns Dcw fcr `crl cd thl Ulnscdnb eyebl. Id idkienticd.
thl dlw wllgby eyebl hns nkvndelk tc n tcp ndnbyzidj cvlr 51 ylnrs cf Ulnscdnb eyebl
thnt hns ylt tc ec`l. I bccg fcr this wllgby tldkldeils, I fcudk n flw pcidts wcrth dct- Uc, Zhnt Kc Zl Kc3
eyebl tcp tc ceeur withid thl dlxt `cdth ndk idj. First, if thl Ulnscdnb eyebl tcps > tc < [hl 9 ylnr eyebl is kul tc octtc` id lnrby
thld turd kcwd idtc thl slnscdnb eyebl bcw `cdths frc` thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb eyebl ?11?. I fllb thnt thl `cvl cut cf this octtc`
whieh is kul id thl first qunrtlr ?11?. Ns cf bcw, lxplet thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb bcw tc wibb ol suostndtinb. [his shcubk ceeur with
Dcvl`olr ?11> it npplnrs thnt thl Mndunry ol tngld cut cd thl `cvl kcwd frc` thl thl octtc`idj cf thl eurrldt Ulnscdnb eyebl
?11> slnscdnb bcws wibb hcbk ns thl eurrldt Ulnscdnb tcp. [c ol lxnet, 8>% cf thl bcw. [hl qulsticd is, wibb it ol id ecdmude-
slnscdnb `cvls idtc thl ec`idj slnscdnb Ulnscdnb eyebls thnt tcpplk id > tc < `cdths ticd with thl octtc`idj cf thl eurrldt wllgby
bcw. Cdel thl eurrldt slnscdnb eyebl hns frc` thl prlvicus Ulnscdnb bcw tccg cut thl eyebl whieh is kul id Klel`olr ?11> cr lnrby
Fij. > \.U. Kcbbnr Fij. ? @cdthby Jcbk Fij. 5 Zllgby Jcbk

51 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Mndunry ?11? cr wibb it ceeur with thl dlxt

wllgby eyebl bcw whieh wibb ol kul oltwlld
@ny ?11? ndk Mudl ?11?. [hlrlfcrl, I
fllb thnt upcd ecd﬎r`nticd thnt thl eurrldt
wllgby eyebl hns octtc`lk, wl shcubk tngl
n bcdj pcsiticd id ndtieipnticd cf thl 9 ylnr
eyebl bcw. Uhcubk this wllgby eyebl bcw fnib
tc ol thl 9 ylnr bcw, wl shcubk cdel njnid
biquikntl thl bcdj pcsiticds ndk wnit fcr thl
dlxt wllgby eyebl bcw kul oltwlld @ny
?11? ndk Mudl ?11?. Ns cf dcw I sll this ns
thl bntlst ti`l frn`l fcr thl octtc`idj cf thl
eurrldt Ulnscdnb eyebl ns wlbb ns thl 9 ylnr
eyebl bcw nt whieh ti`l wl wibb sll hijhlr
Jcbk priels.

Kcls thl E_O ecdfir` hijhlr Jcbk

[hl E_O sll`s tc ecdfir` tc ?11? eyebi-
enb ehndjls thnt bils nhlnk. [hl E_O hns
n 9 ndk n 5-ylnr bcdj-tlr` eyebl. [hl bnst
5-ylnr bcw wns id Florunry >999 nt >85.?1.
[hl bnst 9-ylnr bcw ceeurrlk id Nujust
>99? nt >98.?<. [hl dlxt 5-ylnr bcw end ol
lxpletlk id lnrby ?11?. Uidel wl nrl sbijhtby
cvlr kul fcr thl 9-ylnr bcw I nbsc lxplet tc
sll it octtc` nbcdj with thl ec`idj 5-ylnr
bcw ns wlbb. Onslk cd this fnet nbcdl I wcubk
lxplet bcwlr ec``ckity priels udtib wl jlt
thl 5 ndk 9 ylnr bcws id pbnel. I fllb thl >85
blvlb is gly ns thlsl eyebls `cvls idtc thlir
[hl bnst slnscdnb eyebl octtc`lk id Nprib
nt ?19.81 ndk tcpplk > `cdth bnttlr id @ny
nt ??1.<1. I fllb thnt wl shcubk sll thl 5 ndk
9 ylnrs bcws ceeur id bntl >st qunrtlr cr lnrby
?dk qunrtlr ?11? ns thl eurrldt slnscdnb
eyebl `cvls idtc it’s bcw. Cdel thlsl bcws
nrl id pbnel, YLU wl shcubk sll n `cvl
hijhlr id nbb ec``ckitils ns wlbb ns Jcbk.

Kc Ocdks sll Id﬏nticd3

[hl Ocdks hnvl slvlrnb bcdj tlr` eyebls nt
pbny. [hlrl is n >1 ndk 5 ylnr eyebl. Octh
cf whieh octtc`lk id Mndunry ?111 nt 89.
[hl `cst rleldt slnscdnb eyebl octtc`lk
id @ny ?11> nt 98 ?;/5?. ndk tcpplk cd
Dcvl`olr >, ?11> nt >>? >8/5?. [hl ecudt
frc` thl @ny bcw tc thl Dcvl`olr octtc`
is 6 `cdths. I fllb thnt thl slnscdnb eyebl is
thl cdl tc wnteh hlrl. :1% cf thl slnscdnb
eyebls thnt tcp frc` > tc ; `cdths tngl cut
thl prlvicus slnscdnb bcw. >11% cf thl sln- prlvicus slnscdnb bcw hcbks. Nbsc, >11% cf slnscdnb bcw. Uc, sidel thl eurrldt slnscdnb
scdnb eyebls thnt tcp id < `cdths cr `crl thl thl 5-ylnr bcws hnvl tngld cut thl prlvicus tcpplk id 6 `cdths I wcubk lxplet tc sll thl
@ny ?11> bcws hcbk ns wl `cvl idtc thl
ec`idj slnscdnb bcw whieh is kul bntl >st
qunrtlr cr lnrby ?dk qunrtlr ?11?. Cdel this
slnscdnb bcw is id pbnel I bccg fcr thl Ocdks
tc `cvl up idtc n dlw Ulnscdnb tcp thnt
shcubk ceeur oltwlld > ndk ; `cdths frc`
thl ec`idj slnscdnb bcw. [his wibb slt thl
Ocdk `nrglt up fcr n slbb cff idtc thl 5-ylnr
bcw whieh is kul id bntl ?11? cr lnrby ?115.
Uc, I wcubk sny thnt Ocdks wibb ol sllidj
id﬏nticd ns wlbb ndk I n` wntehidj fcr thl
ecd﬎r`nticd cf this neticd.
 Nrtiebll kn
tl >?/5
1>.. Nd nk
nrtiebl end ol fcudk cd stcegs cd`. [i` Z. Zcck end ol
rlnehlk nt eyebls`ndAmn`.rr
Fij. ; E_O Fij. < Ocdks

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   5>


Hcw tc \sl thl n pcsiticd, out thl idkivikunb pcsiticds nrl rlpcrtlk sidel
sprlnkidj id this jrcup is rlbntivlby s`nbb.
Ec``it`ldts cf [hl bnst bidl cf this fceus is thl ‘Ec``it`ldts’ bidl.
[hlsl nrl thl netunb rlpcrtlk vnbuls fcr lneh jrcup. [hl first
[rnklrs _lpcrt fcr vnbuls thnt wl sll nrl thl bcdjs, shcrts, ndk sprlnkidj cf thl
Dcd-Ec``lreinb jrcup. Zhnt dllks tc ol klrivlk is thl ‒Dlt
Futurls [rnklrs Qcsiticd‐ cf thl Dcd-Ec``lreinb jrcup. [c klrivl this, tngl
thl kifflrldel oltwlld thl bcdjs ndk thl shcrts. Id this ensl,
9:,<<9 - >1;,;;1. [hl rlsubt is ―6,88>. Zhnt this `lnds is
Oy _colrt Mn`ls Klnk`nd thnt thl Dcd-Ec``lreinb trnklrs nrl pcsiticdlk tc thl shcrt
hibl Ec``it`ldts cf [rnklrs (EC[) kntn hns olld sikl oy 6,88> `crl ecdtrnets `crl thnd thly nrl tc thl shcrt
nrcudk fcr cvlr n klenkl, its usl id futurls n`cdj sikl (n pri`nriby olnrish pcsiticd). [hlrl is dc dllk tc nkk thl

thl rlnscds
twc pri`nry ensunb trnklr is nb`cst
fcr this7 olenusldcd-lxistldt.
thl `nmcr kntn[hlrl nrl
prcvik- sprlnkidj pcsiticds
vnbul. If thly id sidel
wlrl nkklk id,itthld
wcubk rlsubtwcubk
?8,<;< id thlol
sn`l ‒dlt‐
nkklk tc
lrs kcd’t suppby thl idfcr`nticd ndk thl flw whc kc kcd’t octh thl bcdj ndk shcrt pcsiticds sidel n sprlnkidj pcsiticd
suppby it id n rlnkiby uslnobl fcr`. Ns ti`l prcjrlssls, this hns n ecdtrnet hlbk cd octh sikls.
fnetcr wibb ehndjl. [hl slecdk rlnscd is thnt thlrl is bittbl [hlrl is dc dllk tc nkk thl sprlnkidj pcsiticds id sidel it
idfcr`nticd cd whnt thl Ec``it`ldts cf [rnklrs lvld is, blt wcubk rlsubt id thl sn`l dlt vnbul. If thly wlrl nkklk id, thld
nbcdl hcw tc usl it. [his slrils cf nrtiebls wibb try tc nbblvintl ?8,<;< wcubk ol nkklk tc octh thl bcdj ndk shcrt pcsiticds
this prcobl`. sidel n sprlnkidj pcsiticd hns n ecdtrnet hlbk cd octh sikls.
Utnrtidj id >96?, thl Ec``ckity Futurls [rnkidj Zl plrfcr` thl sn`l dlttidj prcelss cd thl Ec``lreinb
Ec``issicd (EF[E) stnrtlk rlquiridj nbb sijdifiendt trnklrs pcsiticds= ??9,16? bcdj pcsiticds `idus ?11,91< shcrt pcsi-
`lltidj elrtnid eritlrin tc rlpcrt thl futurls pcsiticds thly ticds rlsubts id ?8,><: dlt bcdj. Ec``lreinb trnklrs nrl pcsi-
wlrl hcbkidj. Kul tc its idfrlquldey ndk klbny id rlpcrtidj ticdlk cd thl bcdj sikl oy ?8,><: ecdtrnets `crl thnd thly
tc thl puobie (cdby cdel n wllg ndk nt blnst thrll knys bntl) nrl tc thl bcdj sikl-thly nrl oubbish.
it kclsd’t hnvl `ueh vnbul id kny-trnkidj usl, out prcvikls [hl prcelss wcubk fidnbby ol plrfcr`lk cd thl Dcd-
vnbunobl idfcr`nticd cd thl kniby, wllgby, cr `cdthby senbl. rlpcrtnobl pcsiticds= 91,5<9 bcdj pcsiticds `idus >>>,65<
shcrt pcsiticds rlsubts id -?>,?:6. [hl Dcdrlpcrtnobl pcsi-
_lnkidj thl EC[ rlpcrt. ticds (s`nbb trnklrs) nrl pcsiticdlk tc thl shcrt sikl oy ?>,?:6
[hl EC[ rlpcrts ecdtnid fnr tcc `ueh idfcr`nticd fcr n `crl ecdtrnets thnd thly nrl tc thl bcdj sikl (n pri`nriby
kltniblk lxpbndnticd hlrl. N shcrtlr vlrsicd wibb ol lxpbnidlk. olnrish pcsiticd).
Olbcw is n sn`pbl cf thl EC[ Uhcrt Fcr`. Dctl thnt nbb cf thl rlspletivl pcsiticds, whld nkklk
[hlrl is n bct cf idfcr`nticd hlrl, out blt’s fceus cd cdby tcjlthlr, endelb lneh cthlr cut. Nbb cf thl bcdj pcsiticds
n flw nrlns. ec`oidlk fcr thl 5 jrcups (;>6,981), whld nkklk tcjlthlr,
[hl first pnrt is thl ikldtifyidj bidl. It bists Dcd- wibb `nteh nbb cf thl shcrt pcsiticds fcr thl 5 jrcups ec`-
Ec``lreinb, Ec``lreinb, [ctnb, ndk Dcdrlpcrtnobl pcsi- oidlk (nbsc ;>6,981). [his hns tc hnppld olenusl fcr lvlry
ticds. [hl Dcd-rlpcrtnobl pcsiticds wcubk ol thl s`nbb bcdj pcsiticd thlrl is nd cppcsidj shcrt pcsiticd tngld nt thl
trnklr pcsiticds. [hl first thidj tc dctl is thnt thl ‘[ctnb’ is sn`l ti`l. Uidel thl du`olr cf bcdj pcsiticds ndk thl du`-
dct thl tctnb fcr nbb pcsiticds, out cdby thl tctnb fcr thl Dcd- olr cf shcrt pcsiticds is ikldtienb, nkkidj thl du`olr cf Dcd-
Ec``lreinb ndk Ec``lreinb pcsiticds. [hl Dcdrlpcrtnobl Ec``lreinb sprlnkidj pcsiticds (?8,<;<) tc thl tctnb cf lithlr
pcsiticds hnvl olld lxebuklk frc` thnt vnbul. sikl (;>6,981) wibb rlsubt id thl tctnb Cpld Idtlrlst (;;<,<?<)
Ulecdk is thl bidl ikldtifyidj thl pcsiticd hcbkidjs. Lneh fcr thl ec``ckity ns cf thnt kntl.
pcsiticd hns Bcdjs ndk Uhcrts nvnibnobl, lxelpt thl Dcd- @cst plcpbl c`it thl sprlnkidj pcsiticds frc` thlir EC[
Ec``lreinb whieh nbsc hns sprlnkidj. [hl Ec``lreinb trnk- enbeubnticds. [his is olenusl sprlnkidj pcsiticds nrl tryidj
lrs nrl dct vilwlk ns sprlnk trnklrs sidel thly nrl hlkjidj tc prcfit frc` thl kifflrldel oltwlld ecdtrnet priels, whibl
njnidst nd netunb ec``ckity. [hl U`nbb [rnklrs `ny sprlnk dcd-sprlnkidj pcsiticds nrl tngld typienbby fcr ndtieipnticd
5? Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

cf thl futurl vnbul cf thl udklrbyidj

ec``ckity (usunbby trldk fcbbcwidj cr`
hlkjidj purpcsls).

Qbcttidj EC[ @cvl`ldt.

@ndy plcpbl vilw must gdcwidj thl
eurrldt pcsiticds ns olidj suffieildt.
Yls, it’s i`pcrtndt tc gdcw whlrl lneh
jrcup bils, out it’s cdby n s`nbb pilel cf
n tctnb pieturl. @cst trnklrs wcubk vilw Qrcvld
Qrcvld Uwidj [rnkidj Ut
n sdnpshct cf n ec``ckity’s priel ns
olidj uslblss. Must gdcwidj thl priel
hns vlry bittbl vnbul withcut gdcwidj
whlrl thl priel hns olld. [rnklrs bccg
fcr trldkidj netivity, suppcrt/rlsistndel
bidls, idkientcr enbeubnticds, lte. Zith
gdcwblkjl cf must cdl priel, n wcrbk cf` cfflrs fcur hijh-plrfcr`ndel,
idfcr`nticd is olidj bcst. [hl sn`l is
trul fcr Ec``it`ldts cf [rnklrs idfcr- shcrt-tlr` trnkidj strntljils thnt wlrl
`nticd. Must gdcwidj thl dlt pcsiticds sueelssfubby trnklk id thl oubb `nrglts cf 
`lnds vlry bittbl withcut gdcwidj if n
pnrtieubnr jrcup is nequiridj cr kistrio- >999 ndk thl olnr `nrglts cf ?11>.
utidj thlir bcdj cr shcrt pcsiticds. Cur trnkls wcrg, whlthlr thl `nrglt
Cdl cf thl pri`nry `lthcks uslk id jcls up, kcwd cr siklwnys.
EC[ ndnbysis is pbcttidj thl dlt pcsi-
ticds histcrienbby. Zhibl `cst prcviklrs
shcw thl kntn id n wllgby fcr`nt (olidj Cdl lnsy-tc-fcbbcw trnkidj fcr`nt with
rlblnslk cdel n wllg), this nrtiebl wibb kniby ouy ndk slbb tnrjlts fcr thl
shcw thl wllgby EC[ kntn prcpnjntlk
fcr thl kniby trnkidj knys thnt nrl prls- netivl idkivikunb idvlstcr.
ldt id thlthl
tc nppby ehnrt. [his `ngls
idkientcrs it pcssiobl
ndk ndnbysis tc
usl with kniby kntn, ns cppcslk tc cdby` pcrtfcbics jivl ycu
wllgby cr `cdthby trnkidj strntljils. kivlrsifienticd idtc stcegs, kc`lstie/fcrlijd
[hl fcbbcwidj ehnrt shcws thl `nrglts ndk `ndy idkustry sletcrs.
kntn fcr thl Endnkind Kcbbnr. [hl
Ec``lreinbs dlt pcsiticds nrl shcwd
oy thl thid bidl, thl thieg bidl shcws thl
Dcd-Ec``lreinbs dlt pcsiticds, ndk
thl kcttlk bidl shcws thl Dcdrlpcrtnobl
(U`nbb trnklr) dlt pcsiticds. Cthlr` Ulrviels ndk Qrckuets=
Cdl cf thl `cst hlnviby uslk
strntljils with EC[ is tc ‒fcbbcw thl  Frll Zllgby @nrglt Dlwsblttlr (l`niblk cr cd Zlositl)
Ec``lreinbs‐ sidel thly nrl thl cdby
cdls id thl gdcw. Hcwlvlr, coslrvn-
 Kniby @nrglt Ec``ldtnry & Qcrtfcbic \pkntls (l`niblk)
ticd shcws thnt fcr n trnklr tc fcbbcw thl   [hl Vcbu`ldtu`® Idkientcr fcr [rnklUtnticd ?111i/6.1
netivitils cf thl Ec``lreinbs cdby is
prconoby jcidj tc rlsubt id kisnstlr. [hl 
typienb olbilf is thnt thl Ec``lreinbs  Vnbunobl Lkuenticdnb
Lkuenticdn b [ccbs
netunbby usl cr klnb with thl udklrbyidj
ec``ckity ndk wibb thl` gdcw cf thl
futurl suppby cr kl`ndk cf thl prckuet.
Cd thl surfnel this scudks bigl jrlnt [ry us Frll fcr Fcur Zllgs
nkviel, lxelpt thnt thl Ec``lreinb
trnklrs hcbk thlir pcsiticds fcr ec`- ec``ckity. [hly ouy cr slbb ecdtrnets oy hcbkidj `cstby bcdj pcsiticds whld
pbltlby kifflrldt rlnscds thnd cthlr with dc idtldt cf klbivlridj dcr tngidj thl `nrglt is klebididj), cr oy `cvidj
trnklrs kc. [hl Ec``lreinbs nrl `crl klbivlry cf thl ec``ckity idvcbvlk. thlir pcsiticds njnidst thl kirleticd cf
idtlrlstlk id bcegidj id n priel rnthlr [hlrlfcrl ndy jnid cr bcss frc` n thl trldk. Cd thl cthlr hndk, thl Dcd-
thnd `ngidj n prcfit frc` ndy `nrglt ecdtrnet is n rlnb bcss withcut ndy Ec``lreinbs (kcttlk bidl) nrl typienbby
`cvl`ldt. [hl futurl ecdtrnet is uslk prckuet tc hlkjl njnidst. [c fcbbcw `cvidj thlir ecdtrnets tcwnrks, cr tng-
tc cffslt ndy vnrinticds id priel, ndk thl phibcscphy cf ‒nbwnys fcbbcw thl idj pcsiticds id, thl sn`l kirleticd ns
thly end kc this olenusl thly lithlr eur- Ec``lreinbs‐ is tc nbwnys fcbbcw thl thl trldk.
rldtby pcsslss thl udklrbyidj ec``ck- cdl jrcup whc hns bceglk id n priel Oy coslrvidj whieh pcsiticds lneh
ity with idtldt tc kistrioutl nt n klbivlry ndk thlrlfcrl dc bcdjlr hns n sijdifiendt jrcup is tngidj nt ndy pnrtieubnr ti`l,
kntl, cr thly wibb ol nequiridj thl ec`- ecdelrd ns tc whlthlr thl futurl priel n trnklr hns thl noibity tc wnteh thl
`ckity nt n klbivlry kntl (rl`l`olr, jcls up cr kcwd. ouibkup cf pcsiticds oy ndy pnrtieubnr
this is whnt futurls ecdtrnets wlrl netu- [his end ol kl`cdstrntlk nocvl jrcup, ndk thlrlfcrl hns ndcthlr tccb tc
nbby klsijdlk fcr). Olenusl cf this, lvld id thl pieturl cf thl Endnkind Kcbbnr ndtieipntl priel `cvl`ldt.
if thlir ecdtrnet `cvls njnidst thl`, thl with thl dlt EC[ idfcr`nticd nbsc
netunb ec``ckity cffslts thl bcss. kispbnylk. [hl `nmcrity cf thl ti`l thl  _colrt Klnk`nd end ol rlnehlk nt 
[hl prcobl` fcr ndy cthlr trnklr Ec``lreinbs (thid bidl) nrl lithlr pcsi- [rnkidj Uystl`s Ndnbysis Jrcup,
is thnt thly kcd’t klnb with thl netunb ticdlk njnidst thl trldk (fcr lxn`pbl, rklnk``

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   55


@ccd[ikl cthlr [ikl. [his switehidj frc` cdl [ikl tc ndcthlr is enbblk nd
‒idvlrsicd.‐ Idvlrsicds hnppld id nbb ehnctie sytl`s. @nrglts nrl
prcvnoby ehnctie, sc thly hnvl idvlrsicds. [hnt’s n dnsty rlnbity cf
Oy Nb Bnrsld
trnkidj. Out thidg nocut it. If thly kikd’t hnvl idvlrsicds, sc`lcdl
wcubk hnvl ecrdlrlk thl `nrglts ndk wl wcubk hnvl dcthidj tc

ccd[ikls nrl lbletrienb wnvls Cd this kny, thlrl wns n shnrp `cvl kcwd must nftlr >;=11.
slt up id thl lnrth’s lbletrie filbk [hnt wns n ebul thnt nd idvlrsicd hnk ceeurrlk. Idstlnk cf `ngidj
oy thl @ccd, ndk tc n blsslr lxtldt, thl cthlr pbndlts. n hijh dlnr >;=;1, thl `nrglt wns `ngidj n bcw. Nftlr thnt, it fcb-
[hlsl wnvls nrl flbt oy trnklrs ns lbletrienb eurrldts, ndk trijjlr bcwlk thl jrlld +[ikl. [hl senbl ehndjlk n oit ns wlbb.
l`cticdnb ouyidj ndk slbbidj. [hus thly nrl vlry uslfub fcr ti`idj [his pnrtieubnr kny hnppldlk tc ol n Frikny, ndk wl wlrl
kny trnkls. [hly nppby tc nbb `nrglts, out nrl lxtrl`lby uslfub id kcidj cur bivl Ehncs ebidie. Cur >NKny hctbidl trnkl scbk thl turd
thl U&Q <11.  mustt nftl
 mus nftlrr >>=1
1, ndk wl enu
jht thl idv
icd ndk wlr
wlrll bcdj
bcdj cd thl
[his ehnrt shcws ? knys cf thl U&Q, with @ccd[ikls. [hl bntl rnbby. Uc thl @ccd[ikls jnvl us n eblnr trnkidj lkjl.
first thidj tc dctiel is thnt thlrl nrl ? @ccd[ikls, n pcsitivl cdl Oy dcw, ycu end sll thnt thl [ikls nrl uslfub. [hly tlbb ycu
shcwd id jrlld (+[ikl), ndk n dljntivl cdl, shcwd id rlk (-[ikl). thl pnttlrd, jlt ycu ebcsl tc thl turds, lsti`ntl thl lxtldt cf n
Zhld thl ldlrjy frc` n @ccd/pbndltnry lvldt hits thl lnrth’s pctldtinb jnid, ndk tlbb ycu hcw bcdj n `cvl `ny bnst.
icdcsphlrl, it sldks twc wnvls nrcudk thl lnrth, cdl id lneh [hly nrl lvld `crl uslfub whld ecupblk with n ecupbl cf
kirleticd. Ns thlsl wnvls `llt nt ndy pcidt, thly nrl cf cppcsitl trnegidj tlehdienb idkientcrs. Nftlr `ueh rlslnreh, wl hnvl slttblk
pcbnrity, hldel thl twc wnvls. cd twc si`pbl idkientcrs thnt lvld thl bn`lst cf trnkidj prcjrn`s
[hlsl wnvls erlntl lbletrienb eurrldts thnt nrl udecdeicusby end kispbny-n >>1 `idutl lxpctldtinb `cvidj nvlrnjl (LX@N)
flbt oy trnklrs ns l`cticdnb swidjs. @nrglts nrl prcvnoby nocut ndk n ?1 `idutl LX@N. [hlsl twc idkientcrs nrl nbb cdl dllks tc
61 plr eldt fudkn`ldtnb, ndk ;1 plreldt l`cticdnb. [hl l`cticdnb sll whieh [ikl thl `nrglt is rlspcdkidj tc, ndk whld tc ldtlr n
ec`pcdldt is vlry eblnr id knytrnkidj. Uc gdcwidj whld thl l`c- trnkl. I hnvl nkklk thl` tc thl ehnrt wl snw lnrbilr. [hl obul bidl
ticdnb swidjs nrl biglby tc ehndjl jivls ycu n trnkidj lkjl. is thl >>1 `idutl LX@N, ec`putlk cd cdl `idutl ebcsls. [hl
[hl slecdk thidj tc dctiel nocut thlsl [ikls is thnt thly kcd’t ylbbcw bidl is thl ?1 `idutl LX@N.
sll` tc bidl up with priel vlry wlbb. Bccg nt thl rlk -[ikl cd Bccg nt thl obul >>1 LX@N. Dctiel hcw its sbcpl trnegs thl
?/8/?11?. It stnrts cut CG, out jcls hijhlr thnt priel cd thl first sbcpl cf thl rlk -[ikl id thl `crdidj. [hld oltwlld >5=51 ndk >;=
plng. Ndk thl jrlld +[ikl isd’t lvld ebcsl tc priel. Uc whnt’s 51, thl >>1 LX@N ecudtidulk kcwd whibl thl -[ikl turdlk up.
jcidj cd hlrl3 Uc this wns n ‒trnegidj fniburl.‐ It jnvl nd lnrby wnrdidj thnt nd
thl U&Q nrl ldlrjy
cr ndy cthlr `nrgltenbeubnticds.
lxists, lxelpt[hly kcd’t lvld
fcr gdcwidj gdcw
thl kntl it idvlrsicd
nocutolit. ec`idj.
N trnegidj idkientcr is bigl bccgidj cutsikl tc
first trnklk. Dc priel idfcr`nticd is lvlr uslk id @ccd[ikl enbeu- ehleg thl wlnthlr olfcrl jcidj cd thnt piedie, ndk dct must rlbyidj
bnticds. [hl cdby thidj thnt jcls idtc thl enbuenticds nrl thl first cd thl wlnthlr fcrlenst. Netunbby, wlnthlr systl`s ndk `nrglts
trnkl kntl, n hnr`cdie du`olr, ndk thl kntl ndk ti`l. @ccdtikls nrl octh ehnctie systl`s, sc fcrlenstidj thl` is lqunbby kiffieubt.
end thlrlfcrl ol enbeubntlk fcr ndy pcidt id thl futurl. [hly end cdby ol prlkietlk withid thl ocudks cf ehncs thlcry,
Uc whld pbnelk cd n trnkidj ehnrt, thl [ikls hnvl tc ol senblk ndk dlvlr plrfletby. Oy usidj n trnegidj idkientcr, wl end `cditcr
ndk shiftlk vlrtienbby. [hl senbidj tldks tc hcbk fnirby ecdstndt, hcw wlbb thl @ccd[ikl fcrlenst is wcrgidj.
sc cdel fcudk, end ol uslk tc junjl thl pctldtinb cf n trnkl. [his Uc, n quieg wny tc tlbb whieh @ccd[ikl is nt wcrg, is tc
ehnrt shcws must ?/8/?11? with thl [ikls nkmustlk. ec`pnrl thl sbcpl cf thl >>1 LX@N tc thl sbcpl cf thl twc
Dcw bccg nt hcw wlbb thl rlk -[ikl fcrlenst thl priel neticd @ccd[ikls. If thly `nteh fcr 51 `idutls cr sc, thnt [ikl is prco-
fcr thl first ;.< hcurs. It kik dct fcrlenst thl bittbl swidjs, out it noby thl cdl nt wcrg.
fcrlenst thl pnttlrd ndk thl ti`ls quitl wlbb. [his is typienb cf thl [hl ?1 LX@N jivls ycu n trnkl ldtry ndk lxit tccb. First,
@ccd[ikls. dctiel thnt thl ylbbcw ?1 LX@N wibb tldk tc stny nocvl thl obul
[hl onk dlws is thnt priels kcd’t nbwnys fcbbcw cdl [ikl. >>1 LX@N kuridj n rnbby, ndk olbcw it kuridj n klebidl. Uc thl ?1
[hl jcck dlws is, thnt whld thly kcd’t, thly usunbby fcbbcw thl LX@N trnegs thl swidjs, ndk thl >>1 trnegs thl trldk.
5; Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Zhld thl ?1 LX@N ercssls thl >>1, it sijdnbs n ehndjl id

trldk. Bccg nt thl ercssidj dlnr >>=5<. It wns n eblnr slbb sijdnb
ndk en`l ebcsl tc thl fcrlenst @ccd[ikl turd. [hnt’s n hijh
prconibity sijdnb-n jcck cdl tc tngl.
Kuridj n trldk `cvl, sueh ns thl cdl frc` >>=51 tc >=
51, thnt thl ?1 wibb npprcneh out dct tcueh thl >>1, ndk thld
slpnrntl frc` it. [his piegs up thl swidj ecdjlsticds, whieh
end ol uslk tc nkk tc n pcsiticd cr tc ldtlr nd lxistidj trldk.
Cd thl ehnrt, fidk thl ?1 LX@N pubbonegs dlnr >>=<1, >?=;1,
ndk >5=?1. If n @ccd[ikl turd ecideikls with cdl cf thlsl, ndk
thl fcrlenst shcws n jcck fcbbcwidj `cvl, ycu end ldtlr whld
thl ?1 LX@N stnrts pubbidj nwny frc` thl >>1 LX@N. [hlsl
‒trldk ecdtidunticd‐ trnkls cftld wcrg wlbb if suppcrtlk oy n
jcck fcrlenst.
Dcw bccgs enrlfubby nt thl twc LX@N’s oltwlld >;=11 ndk
><=11. Fcr ycur ecdvldildel, thl ehnrt is rlplntlk olbcw.
Dlnr >;=18, thl ?1 LX@N orcgl nocvl thl >>1 LX@N. Cdl
`ijht thidg thnt this wcubk ol n ouy sijdnb. Out thl obul >>1
LX@N rl`nidlk fbnt. Dcw jlt this. [his is i`pcrtndt.
It tngls n ercssidj oy thl ?1 LX@N ndk n ‒eurb‐ id thl >>1
LX@N tc jivl n jcck ouy cr slbb sijdnb. Ndk it shcubk ol dlnr
n @ccd[ikl turd.
Dlnr >;=>8, thl ?1 LX@N krcpplk oneg olbcw thl >>1
LX@N. [hl lfflet cd thl obul >>1 LX@N wns sbijht, ndk it
wns dct dlnr n @ccd[ikl turd, sc it wns dct n jcck slbb sijdnb.
[hld dlnr >;=;1, thl ylbbcw ?1 LX@N orcgl thl >>1, whieh
eurblk up, rijht nt thl @ccd[ikl turd. Zl mu`plk cd thnt cdl
with octh fllt. Zl ecubk sll thnt thl `cvl shcubk bnst udtib thl
ebcsl, ndk hnk thl pctldtinb cf ruddidj 9 cr sc pcidts. [hcsl nrl
thl hijhlst pctldtinb trnkls.

twcDctiel cdlCd
nvlrnjls. `crl thidj-thl
n wlbb senblkndjbl
ehnrt cf slpnrnticd
(bigl thl cdls oltwlld thl
cd this sitl)
thnt ndjbl is nocut ?1 kljrlls if it is n ehnctie ‒strlng‐ `cvl.
Zhld ycu sll thnt ndjbl klvlbcp ndk ycu nrl id with thl `nrglt,
ycu gdcw thnt thl trnkidj jcks nrl with ycu. Ndk thnt’s whnt
trnkidj thl @ccd[ikls is nbb nocut.
[hl prcelss is dct hnrk. Jlt n fcrlenst. Ull whlrl it snys thl U\QL_ [I@IDJ
jcck turds nrl. Jcidj idtc thl turds, trneg thl fcrlenst. Zhld  
lvlrythidj slts up rijht, tngl thl trnkl. \sl n ebcsl stcp. Cvlr Z.K. Jndds Nstrcbcjienb fcr`ubn fcr Utcegs ndk Futurls 
ti`l ycu wibb enteh sc`l s`nbb jnids, sc`l sn`bb bcssls, ndk Oy @ybls Zibscd Znbglr
sc`l oij jnids - bigl this cdl. [hl slerlt is thnt ycu dlvlr tngl
n oij bcss. Ndk thl @ccd[ikls put thl ckks cf entehidj ol oij Id U\QL_ [I@IDJ this fcr`ubn is shcwd id kltnib. Nbb cf Jndds
jnids id ycur fnvcr. puobie prlkieticds wlrl ndnbyslk tc rlvlnb thl cdl ec``cd fnetcr.
Uuplrti`idj lxpbnids nbb cf Jndds prlkieticds oy usidj thl cdl fcr-
 Nb Bnrsld
Bnrsld end ol rlneh
lk nt
nt www.@c
.ec` `ubn. It shcws ycu whieh pbndlt wibb ol sijdnbidj thl dlxt trldk turd
ndk it wcrgs cd nbb `nrglts. Ns wlbb ns Jndds ti`idj `lthck thlrl
is thl priel tnrjlt `lthck whieh is kl`cdstrntlk oy his prlkieticds
ndk frc` rlnb bifl lxn`pbls id rleldt `nrglts (this is dct n pbndlts
bcdjitukl ecdvlrtlk tc priel). Cd `y wlo sitl I hnvl uslk cdl cf
Jndds ehnrts tc prcvl thnt hl rlnbby kik usl nstrcbcjy olenusl
thlrl nrl stibb n bct cf plcpbl whc thidg hl uslk cdby swidj ehnrts,
ndjbls cr fixlk ti`l plricks. Dcdl cf thlsl end ol uslk tc ecdsis-
tldtby lxpbnid nbb his puobie prlkieticds. [hl pbndltnry idjrlss ndk
pbndlts ecdvlrtlk tc priel shcwd is lxpbnidlk id kltnib
kltnib out this is
cdby n `idcr `lthck uslk fcr n pnrtieubnr situnticd. [hl rlnb ndswlr
is id Uuplrti`idj whlrl ycu wibb blnrd thl pnttlrd ec`oidnticd thnt
is fcudk id nbb cf Jndds prlkieticds octh bcdj ndk shcrt tlr`.Ycu
wibb sll hcw this wcrgs cd n swidj onsis ns wl wcrg thrcujh whcbl
slquldels cf shcrt tlr` trnkls thnt Jndd netunbby kik.Dcthidj hns
olld c`ittlk Ycu wibb sll why hl ldtlrlk thl `nrglt whld hl kik
ndk thl rlnscd hl tccg prcfits cdby tc rl ldtlr nt n olttlr priel thl
dlxt kny. [hl `nrglts ecvlrlk nrl ecffll, scyolnds, ndk ecttcd
out thl sn`l `lthck wcrgs cd ndy `nrglt ndk `crl i`pcrtndtby
it is stibb wcrgidj tckny. Zhld ycu tngl thl ti`l tc prcplrby stuky
Uuplrti`idj ycu wibb prcvl tc ycurslbf thnt this rlnbby is thl olst
ti`idj `lthck nvnibnobl. [hl `lthck is netunbby quitl lnsy tc blnrd
ns thlrl is dc ec`pblx Nstrcbcjy (it is onslk cdby cd thl pcsiticds
cf thlnpbndlts
hnvl nsprcjrn`
frllwnrl slld frc`
fcr lnrth ndkwibb
ycu thnt thlir ndjubnr
kc nbb rlbnticdships)
thl enbeubnticds [hisI
nbsc ecdtnids nbb thl trnkls id thl occg pbus dlnrby >11 ylnrs cf thl
Kcws `nmcr hijhs ndk bcws sc ycu end sll hcw wlbb it hns wcrglk.
  Qriel= $?<1 idebukls shippidj wcrbk
[c Crklr Enbb [rnklrs Zcrbk nt >-811-?88-;?66
cr crklr cdbidl nt`

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   5<


Lebipsls ndk
us nd ikln cf its dnturl. It is elrtnidby n
fnseidntidj idsijht prcviklk oy trnki-
ticdnb nstrcbcjy. [hl cdby prcobl` with
wcrbk lvldt nstrcbcjy id thnt it is tcc

thl Znr Eyebl

udspleifie tc ol `crl thnd n euricsity fcr
`cst cf us. [hl gidk cf nstrcbcjy I bigl
is thl prnetienb gidk thnt I end plrscd-
nbby usl. Fidndeinb nstrcbcjy fits thl oibb
ndk its lffletivldlss is nbsc vlry lnsy tc
Oy @ybls Zibscd Znbglr nsslss. It is rublk oy thl octtc` bidl.
hl `cst krn`ntie lvldt tc hnp- kljrlls ndk thlrlfcrl id thl pbnel cf thl Nt ndy ti`l thlrl is usunbby sc`l-
pld id bividj `l`cry wns thl lebipsl.‐ thidj cf nd nstrcbcjienb dnturl ceeurridj
[lrrcrist nttneg id Dlw Ycrg Eity I kleiklk tc `ngl n si`ibnr rlvilw out dct `ndy cf thlsl lvldts wibb i`pnet
cd Ulptl`olr >>th  ?11>. [hl Qrlss wns cf thl scbnr lebipsl thnt orcujht thl \.U. n spleifie `nrglt.

nb`cst i``lkintlby cd thl hudt fcr thl
nstrcbcjlr cr psyehie whc hnk prlkietlk
it. Zns thlrl ndycdl3
Znbtlr Jcrd Cbk (>86; ― >9?9) olt-
idtc Zcrbk Znr ?. I fcudk it tc ol quitl
idtlrlstidj. [his lebipsl wns Nprib :th
>9;1 Uud >:.91 @ccd >8.;1. @lreury
hit this pcidt cd @ny 51 cd Nprib > ships
@y wcrg klnbs with pbndltnry
eyebls thnt end ol spleifienbby bidglk
tc idkivikunb `nrglts. It is dct udtib I
hnvl rlslnrehlk ndk idvlstijntlk n bnrjl
tlr gdcwd udklr his pld dn`l Ulphnrinb wlrl `cvlk tc Qlnrb Hnrocr tc kltlr thl kntnonsl cf lvldts kc I idecrpcrntl ndy-
wrctl `ndy occgs cd nstrcbcjy idebuk- Mnpndlsl whc hnk mcidlk thl nxis ndk thidj idtc `y trnkidj fcrlensts. [his is
idj wcrgs klnbidj with thl stceg ndk wlrl `ngidj Znr dcisls id thl pneifie. thl rlnscd fcr thlir neeurney id prnetienb
ec``ckity `nrglts. Nftlr thl lvldts @nrs fidnbby `nkl it tc thl lebipsl pcsi- nppbienticd.
cf Ulptl`olr >>th  I wns rlnkidj n occg ticd cd Nujust 8th >9;> ndk cd Nujust Qriel is nbsc i`pcrtndt. Id Uuplr
oy Ulphnrinb Id whieh ecideikldtnbby, hl :th Gcdcyl hnk nsglk FK_ fcr n su`- [i`idj I usl cdl cf Z.K.Jndds blsslr
`ldticdlk thl lfflet cf lebipsls id Znr `it `lltidj. Cetcolr 9th @nrs wns gdcwd enbeubntcrs tc prcvl thl trnkls
situnticds. rltrcjrnkl nercss thl lebipsl pcidt. [hl thnt hl `nkl. [hly nrl nbb bidglk oy this
‒oc`o pbct‐ `lssnjl tc Gitn thnt hnk cdl enbeubntcr thnt I hnvl fcudk tc ol fnr
Lebipsls ndk thl Znr Eyebl olld idtlrelptlk cd Ulpt ?; wns fidnbby `crl lffletivl thnd thl Uqunrl cf Didl id
Ulphnrinb wrctl this cd lebipsls with trndsbntlk cd Cet 9th. Kle :th Qlnrb kny tc kny priel tnrjlt wcrg.
rljnrk tc thl oljiddidj cf Zcrbk Znr > Hnrocr nttneg. Kle ><th @nrs ercsslk Zhibl `ldticdidj priel tnrjlts I
‒I suo`it tc ycu thl fcbbcwidj. Cd Nprib thl
bnst lebipsl
ti`l. pcidt id kirlet `cticd fcr thl wcubk bigl tcisshcw
ehnrt whieh ycu thl
thl rndjl cf fcbbcwidj
thl ensh
>:th >9>? thlrl wns n vlry bnrjl lebipsl
cf thl sud visiobl cvlr Lurcpl. It flbb id   Endelr is thl rubidj sijd cf Dlw dk
U+Q frc` thl @ny ??  ?11> hijh tc thl
bcdjitukl ?: kljrlls lnst cf thl lquidcx Ycrg Eity. Mudl ?> ?11> thl Ucbnr lebipsl Ulptl`olr ??dk bcw.
ndk wns eldtrnb id bntitukl ;5 kljrlls wns nt zlrc kljrlls cf Endelr. @nrs wns [hl rndjl hns olld spbit idtc 8ths
dcrth. [rneidj this pcsiticd cd thl `np id cppcsiticd tc thl lebipsl pcidt Ulpt 9th ndk 5rks ns Jndd nkvislk. Ycu wibb
wl fidk it ndswlrs lxnetby tc thl bcenticd twc knys olfcrl thl [lrrcrist nttneg cd dctl thnt cd Mndunry ; th  ?11? thl U+Q
cf Nrkindcpbl. Cd Cet >; >9>? @nrs Dlw Ycrg cd Ulpt >> th. rnbbilk tc thl </8ths bidl whieh Jndd
wns id cppcsiticd tc thl bcdjitukl cf thl @nrs wibb trndsit thl lebipsl pcidt cd snik wns n strcdj rlsistndel pcidt.
lebipsl. [hl first shct id thl Onbgnd wnr, @ny ?8th ?11?, thl sn`l kny ns thl thirk [hl `nrglt thld klebidlk. [hl cthlr
thl prleurscr cf thl Jrlnt Znr wns firlk pnss cf thl Unturd Qbutc cppcsiticd. idtlrlstidj pcidt cf dctl wns thnt id
cd thnt vlry kny id Nkrindcpbl! \dklr [hlrl is dct ldcujh idfcr`nticd id `y Nddunb Fcrlenst fcr ?11? I nkvislk
nd nr`istiel hcstibitils en`l tc nd ldk this bi`itlk kntnonsl tc sny thnt sc`l- thnt Mndunry ;th  wns n hijh fcr thl U+Q.
out dljctinticds orcgl kcwd ndk fijht- thidj wibb klfiditlby hnppld, cr lvld
idj oljnd nbb cvlr njnid cd Mudl >?th. spleifienbby whnt thnt wcubk ol. Out thl @ybls Zibscd Znbglr is nuthcr cf Uuplr
Cd thnt vlry kny @nrs wns id Nrils ?: lvldts blnkidj up tc thnt ti`l `ny jivl [i`idj ndk [hl Oljiddlrs Juikl tc
 Nstrc [rnkidj .

Dlw Occg- Idtrckueticd tc

Nstrcbcjieinb ndk [lehdieinb
[rnkidj cf Utcegs ndk
 Oy @ybls Zibscd Znbglr 

Qnrt Cdl= Fcr Oljiddlrs, Qbndlt jbyph,

Zhllb lxpbnidnticd, [lr`s, Fixlk
(Nutc`ntie) Nstrc Eyebls ndk lxn`-
pbls, Utceg Idklxls, Jrnids ndk Ocdks,
Hcw tc Fidk Fixlk eyebls fcr ndy Utceg
cr Ec``ckity, Qbndltnry Idjrlss,
_ltrcjrnkl - Kirlet pbndlts ns n Eyebl
ti`lr, Mupitlr Idjrlss ndk Ucyolnds,
_lplntidj Nsplets, Hcw tc Fidk thl
Kydn`ie nstrc Eyebl fcr ndy Utceg cr
Ec``ckity, Dntnb Nstrcbcjy, Ornk-
bly Idkientc, [i`l oy Kljrlls, Ehnrt
Qnttlrds, [rnkidj Crjndisnticd, Qrc﬎t
jcnbs, Nppldkix, Ec`pbltl Jbcssnry.
>51 pnjls.
Qriel= $<1.11`

56 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Qrcfits frc`
Oy Nbnd Qnrry Fijurl ?

pleinbizidj id Cpticds rlquirls bigl tc kc this whld thl du`olr cf knys tc ltlrs thnt klfidl whieh Enbbs ndk Quts ycu
n thcrcujh udklrstndkidj cf thl lxpiry is fnirby shcrt, sc thnt I n` dct nt risg wcubk bigl tc slnreh thl kntn fcr. Id thl
prideipbls cf cpticds trnkidj, ndk id thl `nrglt fcr tcc bcdj. I wcubk nbsc bigl lxn`pbl id Fij. >, I hnvl ldtlrlk vnbuls
enddct ol cvlr-l`phnsizlk. Cdl cf tc slbb cpticds thnt nrl rlnscdnoby fnr ‒cut id _cw 5 (Enbbs) ndk _cw ; (Quts), tc bccg
thl nrlns cf spleinb idtlrlst tc us is thl cf thl `cdly‐, sc thnt thlrl is n hijh prco- fcr cpticds thnt7 n) hnvl blss thnd ?> knys
shcrtidj cf cpticds. noibity thnt I wibb gllp thl ldtirl prl`iu`. tc lxpiry, o) hnvl n kniby vcbu`l cf >1 cr
Uc snik, I olbilvl thnt thl slbbidj cf Ndythidj nocvl $?11 id prl`iu`, I ecd- olttlr, e) hnvl n prl`iu` jrlntlr thnd $?11,
cpticds is nbb nocut stntisties, ndk with stn- siklr tc ol n wcrthwhibl trnkl. k) hnvl n prconoibity cf lxpiridj ‒cut cf thl
tisties cd ycur sikl it end ol vlry prcfitnobl. Ecdsiklridj thl nocvl rlquirl`ldts, if `cdly‐ cf olttlr thnd :1%.
Zhld ycu hnvl thl enrks stneglk id ycur ycu bccg nt Fij. >, whieh shcws thl `nid [hl FC\_[H stlp is tc blt thl ec`putlr
fnvcr ldcujh ti`ls, ycu `ust ec`l cut n idput nrln cf thl sprlnkshllt, ycu wibb sll dcw jc ndk slnreh thl kntn ndk ec`l up
widdlr. If ycu ecdsistldtby cdby kc trnkls thnt thlrl nrl fcur ocxls jividj ycu thl fcur with thl ndswlrs.
thnt hnvl n prconoibity cf olttlr thnd :1% cf stlps tc fidkidj thl cpticds lvlry kny. Fij. ? shcws thnt slvld cpticds wlrl
olidj sueelssfub, thld :1% cf thl ti`l ycu [hl FI_U[ stlp is tc eblnr cut ndy cbk fcudk, ndk thl cdl thnt pnrtieubnrby nttrnets
shcubk ol n widdlr. Fuddy ldcujh thnt is kntn thnt is dc bcdjlr rlquirlk `y nttldticd is thl \dblnklk Jns Enbb
nocut `y widdidj plreldtnjl! [hl ULECDK stlp is tc kcwdbcnk dlw cpticd. [hlrl is $?>8.;1 id prl`iu` if I slbb
I hnvl olld usidj n sprlnkshllt thnt I kntn (whieh is nvnibnobl frll cd thl Idtlrdlt) it, ndk I hnvl n prconoibity cf :>.8% cf it
erlntlk, enbblk CpticdsEhciel , tc nssist `l fcr thl npprcxi`ntlby >1,111 cpticds thnt I lxpiridj ‒cut cf thl `cdly‐ withid thl dlxt
id fidkidj jcck cpticds tc shcrt. Zhld I slnreh thrcujh kniby. [his kntn fibbs up thl 5 knys. I bigl thnt scrt cf stntistie
stnti stie cd `y sikl!
slbb nd cpticd I n` jivld thl prl`iu`, ndk sprlnkshllt frc` rcw >1 cdwnrks= lneh rcw Cdel I hnvl sntisfilk `yslbf thnt thlrl is dct
if thl cpticd lxpirls ‒cut cf thl `cdly‐, I olidj cdl cpticd’s kntn. n strcdj upwnrk trldk thnt `ijht enusl thl
gllp thl ldtirl prl`iu`. I wcubk covicusby [hl [HI_K stlp is tc slblet thl pnrn`- cpticd tc jc ‒idtc thl `cdly‐, I wibb ecdtnet
`y orcglr tc slbb this cpticd fcr `l.
\sidj this `lthck tc slblet cpticds tc
slbb, ndk ceensicdnbby vnryidj thl slnreh
pnrn`ltlrs, I hnvl fcudk thnt I n` `ngidj
widdidj trnkls, ndk ecbbletidj prl`iu`s,
`crl thnt :1% cf thl ti`l. Bigl ndy trnk-
idj systl` thlrl is thl ceensicdnb trnkl thnt
jcls wrcdj. I hnvl fcudk thnt thl quieglst
ndk lnsilst wny cut is tc ouy oneg thl cpticd
nt n s`nbb bcss ns sccd ns pcssiobl, ndk bccg
tcwnrks thl dlxt trnkl.
(Fij. end olpnrn`ltlrs
slt tc ndyidec`oidnticd
rcws 5 ndk cf
vnbuls id thl ?? ecbu`ds. It is quitl sur-
prisidj sc`l cf thl rlsubts ycu jlt whld
ycu blnst lxplet thl`. Uc`l trnkls nrl must
oljjidj fcr sc`lcdl tc tngl thl `cdly. Id
thl oljiddidj I wns tripplk up n flw ti`ls
oy onk kntn, out sccd jct tc rlecjdizl thlsl
fnbsl nbnr`s. If n trnkl bccgs tcc jcck tc ol
trul, it usunbby is!
Dct nbb trnkls jc thl wny wl lxplet. Zl
dllk tc gdcw hcw tc `ndnjl thlsl trnkls
whld thidjs jc wrcdj, ndk whld tc tngl n
bcss, ndk whld tc pcssioby ecvlr thl cpticd
pcsiticd with n futurls ecdtrnet. I hnvl
klvlbcplk ndcthlr sprlnkshllt, whieh wibb
hlbp with `ndnjidj thlsl trnkls, whieh
I wibb kiseuss id n futurl nrtiebl.

 Nbnd Qnrry
Qnrry is prlsikldt
prlsikldt cf _css [rnkidj
id Ucuth Nfriein ndk is spleinbizls id
 futurls ndk cptic
d trnki
dj Hl end ol
rlnehlk nt

Fijurl >

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   5:


Kcuobl Lquitils, Fcrlx, ec``ckitils ndk stceg

`nrglt idklxls octh id thl \U ns wlbb
ns nrcudk thl wcrbk. [hl hnbb`nrgs cf

_l-Qldltrnticd thl sijdnb nrl ecdtidulk ndk sustnidlk

thrust, bnstidj udtib thlrl is n pldltrnticd
cf n fcrwnrk kispbnelk `cvidj nvlr-

Oy Mcl KiDnpcbi
njl. Mcl’s rlslnreh hns idkientlk thl 5
kny si`pbl `cvidj nvlrnjl, kispbnelk
fcrwnrk thrll knys (5X5) hns thl olst

dby ; knys olfcrl thl trnjie lffletivlby usl it id cut trnkidj3 rlsubts, thcujh sc`l trnklrs end’t rlsist
lvldts cf Ulptl`olr >> Mcl Ndswlridj thl first pnrt cf thnt quls- twlngidj thlsl vnbuls n oit.
KiDnpcbi wnrdlk, ‒If this sijdnb ticd is lnsilr thnd ndswlridj thl slecdk, Ycu end pbnidby sll thl thrust id
`ndiflsts it is vlry kisturoidj tc thl \U sc wl’bb stnrt with hcw thl sijdnb is ehnrt ?, thld thl orlng cd ebcsl thrcujh
ns wlbb ns wcrbk lecdc`ils.‐ klsijdlk tc ol uslk id thl cvlrnbb trnkl thl 5X5. [c ec`pbltl thl pnttlrd thl
Fijurl > shcws n pnttlrd KiDnpcbi pbnd l`pbcylk oy KiDnpcbi trnklrs. `nrglt dllks tc jc oneg nocvl thl 5X5
trnklrs hnvl olld usidj sidel >986. It’s N [rnkidj npprcneh, end, if it is cf cd ebcsl thld ebcsl njnid olbcw it. [hl
enbblk thl Kcuobl _l-pldltrnticd pnt- jcck qunbity, ol orcujht kcwd
kc wd tc n slrils ecdscbiknticd pnttlrd rlprlsldtlk oy
tlrd cr ‒Kcuobl _lQc‐ ndk hns olld nd cf rlbntivlby strnijhtfcrwnrk, rijcrcusby thl `cvl`ldt thrcujh thl Kispbnelk
iderlkioby neeurntl fcrlenstlr cf sijdifi- crjndizlk, ndk rlpbnelnobl stlps. @cvidj Nvlrnjl shcubk ol blss onrs
endt `nrglt `cvls. Id KiDnpcbi [rnkidj tlehdiquls thl thnd thl thrust ndk thl tcps shcubk ol
Mcl wldt cd tc sny, 5 `nmcr stlps nrl @ndnjl`ldt, Ecdtlxt, rlbntivlby ebcsl tc cdl ndcthlr. [hl pnt-
‒Zl wcubk lxplet :611 KCZ ndk ndk [rnkl pbnel`ldt. tlrd is si`pby rlvlrslk fcr n kcwd thrust-
thl >111 nrln id thl DNUKN^. @ndnjl`ldt rlflrs tc `ndnjl`ldt idj `nrglt. N fniburl cf this fcr`nticd,
[his is n rlnb pcssioibity= Lxplrildel cf thl trnkl, I. L. Ycurslbf ns wlbb ns is n slecdk pnttlrd fcr KiDnpcbi trnklrs.
tlbbs `l thnt `cdthby ndk qunrtlrby thl `cdly idvcbvlk. Ecdtlxt rlflrs tc Nptby dn`lk thl kcuobl _lpldntrnticd
Kcuobl _lQcs nrl `crl rnjjlk thnd thl biglby hcck thnt n `nrglt wibb jc up fniburl. It kclsd’t hnppld nbb thnt cftld,
kniby cr wllgby sijdnbs, whieh `lnds cr kcwd, ndk [rnkl pbnel`ldt rlflrs tc out whld it kcls hcbk cd fcr n wibk rikl!
Bccg-N-bigls nrl tc ol tngld `crl slri- thl l`pbcy`ldt cf nkvndelk Fiocdneei N kltniblk klseripticd cf prleislby whnt
cusby. tlehdiquls (KiDnpcbi Blvlbs) tc pid- ecdstitutls n fniburl is olycdk thl secpl
[hl octtc` bidl= Jlt vlry klfldsivl, pcidt ldtry, prcfit comletivls, ns wlbb cf this nrtiebl ns it rlquirls nd nklquntl
cr onttld
slricus kcwd thlcfhntehls
kltlricrnticd fcr sc`l
lquity rltirl`ldt ns stcps. udklrstndkidj
npprcxi`nticd cfcf KiDnpcbi blvlbs wcubk
sueh n fniburl out nd
[hl Kcuobl _lQc eitlk nocvl fnbbs
pbnds, lte... Kc dct jlt senrlk cut nt thl idtc thl entljcry cf thl Ecdtlxt cf ol n ebcsl olycdk thl .6>8 rltrnel`ldt
suppcrt blvlbs, sijhtlk nocvl. thl trnkl. It is n`cdj 9 pnttlrds Mcl cf thl ecdscbiknticd nrln. Dctl= thl 5X5
It shcubk jc withcut snyidj thnt KiDnpcbi hns klvlbcplk nftlr cvlr 51 end ol lxellklk tc thl upsikl ndk thl
qunbifilk trnklrs hnvl hujl cppcrtudi- ylnr cf trnkidj. [hlsl pnttlrds prcvikl sijdnb end rl`nid idtnet.
tils id shcrt slbbidj thlsl `nrglts. hijh prconoibity trnkidj cppcrtuditils fcr Nbb KiDnpcbi trnkls ec`l with
[his wnrdidj, jivld cd thl prcpri- thcsl thnt nrl trnidlk tc rlecjdizl thl`. spleifie prcfit comletivls klfidlk oy
ltnry KiDnpcbi Ebildt wlo pnjls prcvlk [hl Kcuobl _lQc wns first rlecj- KiDnpcbi blvlbs. Zhld thlsl du`olrs
tc ol llriby neeurntl. dizlk oy Mcl KiDnpcbi whibl netivlby nrl hit, thl trnkl pnttlrd is ec`pbltl
Fijurl ? is n ehnrt cf nd iklnbizlk trnkidj U&Q’s id >986 kuridj sc`l cf ndk dc bcdjlr fcrels it’s wibb upcd thl
kcuobl _lQc lxelrptlk frc` [rnkidj thl hijhlst vcbntibity lxhioitlk oy thl `nrglt. [hl ebcslst prcfit comletivl
with KiDnpcbi Blvlbs (pnjl :?). Dctiel idklx up udtib thnt ti`l. wns `lt nt :991 KCZ (Kle futurls).
thl strigidj si`ibnritils oltwlld thl twc Id its si`pblst idtlrprltnticd thl [hl `cst kistndt rl`nids cutstndkidj
ehnrts, lxelpt fcr thl `nssivl `cvl kcuobl _lQc is n pcwlrfub kirleticdnb nt :1:;. Nt this writidj I thidg wl hnvl
kcwd whieh is dcw id pbnel. ehndjl pnttlrd, n klfidlk kcuobl tcp cr n prltty jcck ehndel cf `ngidj it. If
Uc must whnt is n Kcuobl _l- kcuobl octtc`. [his sijdnb hns neeu- wl jlt n pcsitivl trldk sijdnb cr cdl

Qldltrnticd sijdnb ndk hcw end wl rntlby enbblk sijdifiendt `nrglt `cvls id cf thllxnetby
thnt’s didl pnttlrds
whnt I’bbtlbbidj
kc! I us tc ouy,
fcbbcw `y
npprcneh I rnrlby nrjul with it.
It’s wcrth dctidj thnt thl pnttlrd
thcujh rl`nrgnoby si`ibnr tc thl iklnb-
izlk ehnrt lxelrptlk frc` thl occg wns
dct tlxt occg plrflet. [hl slecdk pld-
ltrnticd cf thl 5X5 tc thl upsikl, wns
dct ec`pbltlk cd ebcsl. [his is whnt
wl rlflr tc ns bccg- n ― bigls ndk jivls
trnklrs with jrlntlr lxplrildel ndk with
`crl wibbidjdlss tc tngl cd risg, n wny
cf trnkidj pnttlrds thnt kcd’t lxnetby
`llt thl eritlrin. Kcls this idvcbvl sc`l
 mukjl`ldt33 Yls ndk I hnvl dc qunb`s
nocut stntidj sc. I lsti`ntl nocut ?1%
cf `y trnkidj npprcneh idvcbvls mukjl-
`ldt, ndk id thnt wny it prcvikls thl
trnklr with thl noibity tc nehilvl n vlry
hijh plreldtnjl cf widdidj trnkls. It
nbsc gllps thl npprcneh frc` olidj cvlr
trnklk nt gly blvlbs. Zl nbb gdcw thlrl’s
dcthidj wrcdj with thnt.
Fidnbby, [i`l frn`l pbnys n pnrt id
Fijurl > this sijdnb. Nbthcujh `ndy cf cur ebildts

58 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Fijurl ?
usl this pnttlrd cd idtrn-kny ehnrts ndk rlpcrt lxelbbldt rlsubts,
wl sujjlst Kniby, Zllgby, ndk @cdthby ehnrts ns olidj `cst
neeurntl. N `cdthby slbb sijdnb (thl 5rk id >1 ylnrs!) jnvl us
nd lxit id thl \U stceg `nrglt lnrby id ?11>. Zl nrl eblnrby
cd rlecrk ns dctifyidj cur ebildts nocut thl `nmcr i`pbienticds
cf this i`pldkidj slbb sijdnb id Dcvl`olr cf >999. [hl hijhlr
thl ti`l frn`l thl `crl i`prlssivl thl sijdnb, hldel thl strcdj
bndjunjl uslk id thl cpldidj pnrnjrnph cf this nrtiebl.
[his pnttlrd hns olld iderlkioby uslfub ndk neeurntl fcr
`l ndk `ndy cf `y ebildts ndk thcujh I lxplet it tc wcrg ns
wlbb id thl futurl ns it hns id thl pnst, ycu shcubk pny nttldticd
tc thl neec`pndyidj kisebni`lr ndk rlnbizl thnt thcsl whc
l`pbcy it withtlehdiquls,
`ndnjl`ldt cut prcplr stcp
wibb pbnel`ldt, prcfit comletivl,
biglby dct rlnbizl ndk
thl oldlfits it
hns tc cfflr.

 Mcl Kidnpcbi
Kidnpcbi end ol rlnehlk
rlnehlk nt www.fiot
 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   59

Lvcbvidj Dnsknq= nssistndel frc` nd idtlr`lkinry - wns

thl lxebusivl pbnyjrcudk cf netivl idki-
vikunbs, cr kny trnklrs. Out, cvlr thl
[hl _isl cf bnst >8 `cdths, kirlet neelss hns ouibt

n sijdifiendt diehl cd thl ouy sikl, ndk
is dcw pnrtieubnrby pcpubnr nt s`nbb-tc-
`ik-sizl hlkjl fudks ndk qundtitntivl
Oy _colrt Unbls Id nkkiticd tc kirlet neelss tc LEDs,
thcsl fnst-`cvidj ouy sikl pbnylrs nrl

`njidl ycu nrl n kny trnklr cr nd UuplrUcls, ns lxpletlk, hns jcooblk up
netivl idstituticdnb idvlstcr. Ycu idtlrlstlk id ndy pbntfcr` thnt end
n bnrjl ehudg cf thl Dnsknq shnrl vcb-
usl kirlet neelss scftwnrl tc lble- i`prcvlr thlir trnkidj plrfcr`ndel.
u`l thnt cdel olbcdjlk tc UlbletDlt.
‒Fcr idstituticdnb idvlstcrs, UuplrUcls
trcdienbby rcutl
lxleuticd ycur crklrs
klstidnticds tc Dnsknq
thnt flnturl thl @crlcvlr,
UuplrUcls plrhnps `crl sijdifiendtby,
hns lquipplk Dnsknq pnr- is cdby n jcck thidj,‐ snys Jrlj U`ith,
olst stceg priels. @cst cf thl ti`l, ycu sldicr rlslnreh ndnbyst nt MQ@crjnd
tieipndts - pnrtieubnrby netivl idkivikunb
sldk ycur crklrs tc lbletrcdie ec``u- H&^, MQ@crjnd’s Und Frndeisec-onslk
idvlstcrs - with thl priel trndspnrldey
dienticds dltwcrgs (LEDs)-hijh-spllk rlslnreh ndk ecdsubtidj nr`. ‒Ndythidj
ndk lxleuticd spllk thly dllk tc `crl
trnkl-`ntehidj ldjidls thnt kc`idntl thnt `ngls thl `nrglt `crl lffieildt is
lvldby onttbl `nrglr `nglrs fcr biquik-
thl Dnsknq lxleuticd bndksenpl. jcidj tc oldlfit thl`, ndk hcplfubby
Ceensicdnbby, hcwlvlr, ycu dllk tc bcwlr thlir trnkidj ecsts.‐
Gnrld Qltlrscd, n kirletcr id
rcutl ycur crklrs tc Dnsknq `nrglt [hnt snik, whibl UuplrUcls hns
Dnsknq’s trndsneticd slrviels kivi-
`nglrs, withcut snerifieidj priel, lxl- tnstlk sc`l sueelss id thl rltnib, idstitu-
sicd, snys thnt thl nvlrnjl ti`l tc fibb
euticd spllk ndk fibb rntls. Uc, whieh ticdnb ndk `nrglt `ngidj ec``uditils,
nd crklr hns jcdl frc` fivl slecdks
systl` end ycu turd tc3 it hns ylt tc stlnb nwny ndy sijdifiendt
id Ucls tc ‒blss thnd cdl slecdk‐ id
Zlbb, thl truth is, pricr tc thl su`- Dnsknq vcbu`l frc` LEDs. Idkllk,
UuplrUcls. Zhnt’s `crl, shl snys,
`lr cf ?11>, thlrl rlnbby wns dc vinobl neecrkidj tc n rleldt lquity `nrglt
oy lbi`idntidj kunb binoibity ecdelrds
nbtlrdntivl fcr kirlet neelss trnklrs whc shnrl rlpcrt puobishlk oy MQ@crjnd
ndk jividj `nrglt `nglrs thl rijht tc
dllklk nd nutc`ntlk cpticd tc LEDs. H&^, LEDs neecudtlk fcr rcujhby
trnkl cd olhnbf cf thlir cwd neecudts,
Dnsknq’s ideu`oldt crklr klbivlry ndk ;: plreldt cf Dnsknq’s vcbu`l id thl
UuplrUcls hns ldtielk `nrglt `nglrs
lxleuticd systl`s, UlbletDlt ndk Ucls, thirk qunrtlr cf ?11>. Id ecdtrnst, bnst
tc kispbny `crl sizl cd Dnsknq Blvlb
wlrl cutkntlk systl`s thnt l`pbcylk II - thl stceg `nrglt’s puoie quctnticd Ulptl`olr, UuplrUcls wns rlspcdsiobl
nrendl, `nrglt-`nglr-frildkby rubls. fcr >8.: plreldt cf Dnsknq’s vcbu`l,
Bnst Muby, hcwlvlr, Dnsknq’s whibl UlbletDlt hndkblk >1.: plreldt,
Cd tcp cf i`prcvlk priel trnds-
crklr klbivlry ndk lxleuticd ldvircd- thl rlpcrt stntls.
pnrldey ndk fnstlr lxleuticd spllk,
`ldt wns krn`ntienbby nbtlrlk oy thl Lssldtinbby, thl kntn cd UuplrUcls,
UuplrUcls hns nbsc prcviklk iderlnslk
bnudeh cf UuplrUcls - n dlxt-jldlrn- tc kntl, shcws n pnttlrd cf thl dlw dlt-
fibb rntls ndk ldhndelk neelss tc `nrglt
ticd trnkidj pbntfcr` thnt wns ouibt tc wcrg enddionbizidj UlbletDlt’s Dnsknq
`nglrs’ crklr occgs fcr nbb cf thl 5,<11
rlpbnel UlbletDlt ndk Ucls ns thl scbl vcbu`l. Id thl `cdth pricr tc thl
dnticdnb `nrglt sleurity stcegs it ecv-
lxleuticd piplbidl fcr `nrglt-`nglr- bnudeh cf UuplrUcls, id fnet, UlbletDlt
lrs, snys Obnegwcck [rnkidj fcudklr
nkkrlsslk crklrs. \dbigl Ucls ndk neecudtlk fcr rcujhby ?6.: plreldt cf
Oldmn`id Zlidjlr. Obnegwcck, n
UlbletDlt, UuplrUcls is nd nutc`ntie Dnsknq’s vcbu`l, ec`pnrlk tc n pnbtry
kirlet neelss vldkcr whcsl ebildt onsl
lxleuticd systl` thnt kcls dct jivl >.6 plreldt fcr Ucls. Out LEDs ecdtid-
is ec`prislk cf n `ix cf idkivikunb ndk
`nrglt `nglrs ndy ti`l idtlrvnb tc ul tc ol thl lxleuticd vlhiebl cf ehciel
idstituticdnb idvlstcrs, dcw rcutls nocut
rlspcdk tc crklrs. Qricr tc UuplrUcls, fcr idvlstcrs whc trndsnet id thl Dnsknq
?< plreldt cf its eustc`lr crklrs tc
nd idvlstcr thnt sldt nd crklr thrcujh `nrglt. ‒Zhld n trnklr sldks nd crklr
UuplrUcls. [hl rl`nididj :< plreldt cf
UlbletDlt ecubk dct endelb thnt crklr cut idtc thl `nrgltpbnel, it rlnbby ec`ls
Obnegwcck’s ousidlss, snys Zlidjlr,
fcr nt blnst >1 slecdks. Ui`ibnrby, kcwd tc cdl qulsticd= whlrl is thl olst
jlts sldt tc LEDs.
`nrglt `nglrs thnt trndsnetlk thrcujh Olfcrl thl bnudeh cf UuplrUcls, priel cfflrlk3
biquikity cd thl...LEDs
Ndk rijht
thlrl dcw,‐
is n bct cf
Ucls wlrl nbbcttlk n >:-slecdk widkcw hcwlvlr, Obnegwcck rcutlk nocut ?<
tc lxleutl njnidst ecdsleutivl, sn`l- Obnegwcck’s Zlidjlr.
plreldt cf its crklrs tc UlbletDlt, whibl
prielk crklrs. MQ@crjnd H&^’s U`ith, `lnd-
:1 plreldt wldt tc LEDs ndk cdby fivl
[hlsl idtlrvnbs, cf ecursl, prcviklk whibl, kcls dct fcrlsll n sijdifiendt
plreldt wns nbbcentlk tc Ucls. Zlidjlr
`nrglt `nglrs with nklquntl ti`l tc shift id shnrl vcbu`l nwny frc` LEDs.
snys thnt Obnegwcck, whieh lxleutls nd
`ndipubntl crklrs thly rlelivlk vin UuplrUcls, hl snys, fnels n tcujh ehieg-
nvlrnjl cf oltwlld ?< ndk 5< `ibbicd
Dnsknq’s dltwcrgs. Out fcbbcwidj thl ld-ndk-ljj kibl``n, olenusl it wndts
shnrls plr kny, snw dc rlnscd tc sldk
bnudeh cf UuplrUcls, UlbletDlt wns thl biquikity thnt LEDs, sueh ns Idstidlt,
crklrs tc UlbletDlt nftlr it wns trnds-
trndsiticdlk idtc n dcd-binoibity systl`. Isbndk ndk Nrehiplbnjc, dcw pcsslss.
fcr`lk idtc n dcd-binoibity systl`.
@nrglt `nglrs whc rlelivlk crklrs vin Out whibl it `ny dct ylt hnvl thl
UuplrUcls, hl snys, rlprlsldtlk
thl systl` wlrl dc bcdjlr cobijntlk tc tlehdcbcjienb firlpcwlr tc burl idvls-
nd ‒lxtrl`lby i`pcrtndt tlehdcbcjienb
lxleutl njnidst thcsl crklrs, ndk, ecd- tcrs whc hnvl trnkiticdnbby trnklk cvlr
ehndjl‐ fcr Dnsknq thnt stripplk `nr-
slquldtby, `nrglt `nglrs dc bcdjlr hnk LEDs, UuplrUcls nt thl vlry blnst rlp-
glt `nglrs cf udfnir nkvndtnjls whibl
tc frlt nocut prcvikidj kunb lxleuticds rlsldts nd lvcbuticdnry blnp fcrwnrk
si`ubtndlcusby l`pcwlridj octh netivl
fcr crklrs thly rlelivlk si`ubtndlcusby fcr Dnsknq. ‒It’s `cvidj thl` id thl
idkivikunbs ndk idstituticdnb idvlstcrs.
thrcujh UlbletDlt ndk Ucls. Cd thl kirleticd cf LEDs, ndk it’s n `nmcr stlp
Idstituticds wibb olec`l `crl ndk `crl
id thl rijht kirleticd cvlr UlbletDlt,‐
cthlr hndk,
crklrs `nrglt `nglrs
vin UuplrUcls wlrlthnt rlelivlk
cobijntlk tc idtlrlstlk
dcstientls,idnsUuplrUcls, Zlidjlr
thly klbvl furthlrprcj-
idtc Zlidjlr su``nrizls.
prcvikl i``lkintl fibbs fcr crklrs thnt kirlet neelss tlehdcbcjy.
`ntehlk thlir olst puobieby kispbnylk  _colrt Unbls, n vltlrnd ousidlss
\p udtib rleldtby, kirlet neelss
tlehdcbcjy mcurdnbist, is thl nuthcr cf 
priel. scftwnrl - whieh nbbcws eustc`lrs
[hl rlsubts cf Dnsknq’s lxleu- ‒[rnkidj Utrntljils fcr Kirlet Neelss
tc lxplkiticusby rcutl crklrs tc `ub-
ticd lvcbuticd hnvl olld krn`ntie. [rnkidj= @ngidj [hl @cst Cut Cf Ycur 
tipbl lxleuticd klstidnticds withcut ndy
Enpitnb.‐ (@eJrnw-Hibb, @ny ?11>)

;1 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

_lnb [rnklrs [lneh

[hl Dnticdnb [rnkidj Idstitutl hns
fcr`lk n strntljie nbbindel with thl

Znddnols Hcw tc [rnkl

_lutlrs-cwdlk ec`pndy, Lquis, `ng-
lrs cf @ltnUtceg
@ltnUtceg ehnrtidj scftwnrl. Nbb
cur stukldts rlelivl n suoseripticd tc
Oy @igl Orikjls _lutlrs KntnBidg, ndk thl bntlst vlrsicd
cf @ltnUtceg fcr thlir `nrglt ndnbysis.

hl Dnticdnb [rnkidj Idstitutl is ecursl cd futurls trnkidj. I sldt nwny Id nkkiticd, lvlry stukldt rlelivls=
n rnpikby jrcwidj lkuenticdnb fcr it, klvcurlk it, ndk fcudk `yslbf
fneibity thnt tlnehls plcpbl hcw fnseidntlk frc` thld cd. Zhld I stnrtlk
stnrtlk >) [hl Fcrtudl Fcrlenstlr, cur
tc trnkl ec``ckity futurls oy pniridj trnkidj fcr rlnb, I hnk thl sn`l sltonegs kniby `nrglt
`nrglt upkntl. It fcbbcws thirty
thl`, cdl-cd-cdl, with nd lxplrildelk nbb slbf-tnujht trnklrs lxplrildel, out `nrglts usidj n ecdslrvntivl swidj
trnklr/ecneh. @cstthlir
thl fneibity, cr `llt stukldts dlvlr
tlnehlr fnelsll
tc INocut
plrsistlk ndk jrnkunbby
fivl ylnrs i`prcvlk.
njc, I rltirlk frc` trnkidj stybl. Bnst ylnr wl wcd twc
cut cf thrll trnkls, ndk cur nvlrnjl wid
fnel. [hly rlelivl thl `cst nkvndelk bnw ndk oljnd trnkidj
trnkidj fubb ti`l. I bcvl wns >.5; ti`ls cur nvlrnjl bcss. >6<%
trnkidj `ntlrinbs ndk scftwnrl nvnib- thl frllkc` thnt thl trnklr’s biflstybl kceu`ldtlk nddunbizlk rlturd.
nobl tckny7 out thl netunb blsscds nrl nffcrks, out `y ycudjlst ehibk is cdby ?) Uehwnjlr cd Futurls, nd lxelb-
ecdkuetlk oy tlblphcdl ndk l`nib. [hl njl >?. \dtib hl is cut cf thl dlst ndk bldt ldeyebcplkin cf tlehdienb ndnbysis
bneg cf physienb ecdtnet kclsd’t sll` tc cff tc ecbbljl, I dllk tc put `y isbndk prcviklk oy [rnklrs Qrlss.
kltlr thl wcubk-ol trnklrs whc ldrcbb hcppidj ndk @ni [ni-sippidj cd hcbk. 5) [hl D[I prcpriltnry scftwnrl
lvlry `cdth, cr nfflet thlir sueelss. @y wifl bcvls tc spldk `y trnkidj ndk ecursl eurrieubu` cd idtlrnetivl
N prlvicus stukldt cf cdl cf cur trnk- prcfits, out shl kclsd’t shnrl `y ldthu- EK-_C@.
lrs wldt cd tc wid thl nddunb Futurls sins` fcr thl
thl jn`l. If I tlbb hlr nocut ;) Frll suoseripticds tc slrviels
@njnzidl trnkidj ecdtlst. nd lspleinbby jcck kny id thl `nrglt, sueh ns EC[`.
Zhy nrl thly sc ndxicus tc blnrd hlr rlspcdsl is, ‒[hnt’s diel, Klnr, dcw <) >6 wllgs cf plrscdnbizlk ecneh-
hcw tc trnkl ec``ckitils3 tngl cut thl jnronjl.‐ [rnkidj is `y idj oy blnkidj idkustry prcflssicdnbs.
Qlrhnps it wns thl fniburl cf nbb prcflssicd ndk `y hcooy nbb rcbblk idtc
thcsl ‒`’s.‐ Qlcpbl wndt tc cdl. I bcvl it, ndk I bcvl tc tnbg nocut it. If n stukldt puts id thl wcrg, hl
idvlst id sc`lthidj tndjiobl bigl n Nt D[I, I end idtlrnet with `y flbbcw wibb jlt rlsubts. N stukldt
stukldt whc nppbils
oushlb cf whlnt cr n onrrlb cf cib. `ldtcrs (frc` nbb onegjrcudks idebuk-
Qlrhnps its kissntisfneticd with idj fbccr trnklrs frc` Ehienjc) ndk `y hi` cr hlrslbf rlnbby end blnrd tc trnkl
cdl’s eurrldt mco.
mco. [hlrl nrl prleicus stukldts ― plcpbl whc nrl ns fnseidntlk
flw cf us whc end fcbbcw cur obiss ndk oy trnkidj ndk thl `nrglts ns I n`. It’s @igl Orikjls is Futurls @ldtcr ndk
`ngl n kleldt bividj nt it. it. Jcck trnklrs fud ndk lxeitidj. Ndk, tlnehidj gllps end ol rlnehlk nt www.>`
`ngl jcck `cdly, ndk it kclsd’t tngl `y cwd trnkidj ns shnrp ns it end ol.
thl` nbb kny tc kc it. [hly end pby thlir Nftlr hlnridj nocut `y onegjrcudk,
trnkl frc` ndywhlrl id thl wcrbk with n
tlblphcdl bidl. [hly lnrd thl `cst prl-
eicus ec``ckity cf nbb ― ti`l. ti`l. [i`l tc
`y stukldts end rlbntl tc `l ns n hu`nd
olidj with thl sn`l wndts ndk dllks ns
thlir cwd.
kc whnt thly wndt, id n pbnel thly wndt
tc ol id, with thl plcpbl thly wndt tc
  [hl netunb ecursl oljids with n
prcfibl enbb whlrl wl wibb kltlr`idl
‒;1 ID ;‐
ol with. whieh trnklr thly wibb ol wcrgidj with Fcr thcsl whc bigl n si`pbl systl`
Qlrhnps it’s thl `ldtnb ehnbbldjl. onslk upcd thlir lkuenticd, sueelss,
@ndy trnklrs rlvlb id thl jn`ls`nd- ndk stybl cf trnkidj thus fnr. Zl thld Comletivl= +;1% jnid cr `crl,
withid ; trnkidj knys.
ship ndk strntljizidj. [hly ldmcy idtrckuel thl` tc thl ecdtldts cf cur
pittidj thlir idtlbblet njnidst thl jrlnt ‒tccbocx,‐ thl trilk-ndk-trul idkientcrs Hc`lwcrg= >1 tc ?1 `idutls
ecs`ie fcrel cf thl @nrglt. Uc`l oy whieh wl prlkiet priel kirleticd nftlr thl ebcsl.
lvld bigl thl fnet thnt whld thly wid, ― @NEK, %_, Mnpndlsl endkblstiegs, Kntn dllklk= U&Q >11
thlir fnelblss cppcdldts `ust bcsl id fiocdneei rltrnel`ldts lte. Zl thld idklx cpticd priels cdby.
thl jrlnt zlrc-su` jn`l cf trnkidj. npprcneh @nrglt ndnbysis, hcw tc jlt
Zhntlvlr thlir `ctivnticd, D[I’s id n trnkl, hcw tc spct n trldk rlvlrsnb Uijdnb bcjie= pbnid `nth jivls ycu ycur dlxt
stukldts nrl udklrstndknoby sglptienb olfcrl it ceeurs. It’s nocut hcw tc `ngl kny’s [rnkidj Lkjl vnbul whieh ecdtrcbs thl
prc﬎t cutbccg.
iditinbby. [hlir first
first qulsticds nrl usu- lffletivl usl cf thl cbk nknjl, ‒[hl
nbby sc`lthidj bigl= ‒Uc, whc’s this trldk is ycur frildk.‐ Dlxt, wl tnegbl \slr Untisfneticd= striet eritlrin plr`it pnrtinb
@ldtcr juy3 If hl’s sueh n jcck trnklr `cdly `ndnjl`ldt. I shcw thl` hcw cr fubb fll rlontl.
why isd’t hl cd sc`l trcpienb isbndk tc `ngl surl thly end nffcrk thl trnkls
@cklst Cdl-[i`l Fll=  rndjl is $59< tc
sippidj n kridg with n bittbl u`orlbbn id thly tngl. @cdly `ndnjl`ldt is is nocut $6;<, klpldkidj cd hcw prc`ptby ycu crklr.
it3 Zhy is hl tngidj his prleicus ti`l hcw tc jlt cut cf n trnkl ― whld thidjs
tc tlneh nd X-rny tlehdieind frc` Icwn jc cur wny, ndk whld thly kcd’t. It’s Qlrfcr`ndel=  @cst trnkls jnid +;1% cr
hcw tc trnkl3 [hlsl nrl fnir qulsticds. nocut hcw tc `ngl lffletivl usl cf thl `crl ecdsistldtby. @cst cf thcsl thnt `iss
stibb ldk up with n jnid. Jlt thl prccf, with
[hl ndswlrs wcubk ol sbijhtby kifflr- cbk nknjl, ‒Blt prcfits rud, eut bcssls nkkiticdnb kltnib ndk eurrldt cfflr, oy Fnx cr
ldt fcr lneh @ldtcr. Out, `y plrscdnb shcrt.‐ Fidnbby, wl bccg nt thl prneti- `nib, enbb tcbb frll tckny=
situnticd hns `ndy lbl`ldts ec``cd enbitils cf thl
thl trnkidj ousidlss. Zhnt
tc thcsl cf `y ecbblnjuls’, sc hlrl’s `nrglts shcubk thly trnkl tngidj idtc   GLY VCB\@L U[_N[LJILU
`y I’`
cwdn oic.
<5-ylnr-cbk dntivl Enbifcrdind, neecudt thlirHcw
idvlst`ldt3 enpitnb
kc wlonsl ndkn ti`l
pbnel stcp dcw id cur 55rk ylnr7
`nrrilk with thrll
thrll giks. Crijidnbby, I crklr3 [hrcujhcut, I l`phnsizl thnt 811-55;-1;>> x>?-w
wns n eivib trinb nttcrdly, out I stnrtlk thl olst trnklrs nrl thcsl whc hnvl 8?8-69?-5;1>
trnkidj ec``ckitils cd thl sikl nocut fcudk n trnkidj `lthck thly end nppby FNX 8?8-698-;859
fiftlld ylnrs njc. Bigl `ndy cf `y ecdfikldtby ndk lnsiby, ndk whieh kcls
L-`nib= idfcAgly-vcbu``
stukldts, I snw nd nk fcr sc`l occg cr dct cvlr-tnx thlir plrscdnb blvlb cf risg

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ;>


Gly Blvlbs
Oy Qnub Dcmid
  Z.K. JNDD 
id rlnb-ti`l trnkidj 

cr thcsl whc nrl udfn`ibinr with thl plrflet sldsl tc ldtlr thl onttbl ns n oubb Blnrd thl
lxprlssicd, n Gly Blvlb is `lrlby n whld nocvl thl gly suppcrt, olenusl it is
prcfcudk blvlb cf rlsistndel cr sup- frc` thlrl thnt ycu wibb ol n pnrt cf thl oij- tlehdiquls cf
pcrt. jlr hlrk. If thl suppcrt fnibs, it thld `ngls trnkidj Z.K. Jndd
[hly nrl thl pcidts nt whieh thl vlry plrflet sldsl tc lxit. Nftlr nbb, thl onttbl hns
olst trnkidj cppcrtuditils nrl tc ol fcudk. olld fcujht, ndk thl olnrs, thl cppcsiticd,
id rlnb-ti`l
Upleifienbby, thly nrl thl blvlbs nt whieh hnvl olld vietcricus. trnkidj.
rlvlrsnb ndk ecdtidunticd seldnrics udfcbk. [hl cppcsitl is trul nt thl gly rlsistndel If ycu fllb thnt ycu wcubk bigl tc
Fcr sueelssfub trnklrs thl wcrbk cvlr, Gly blvlb. [hlrl is dc fcr`ubn fcr ikldtifyidj n
Blvlbs nrl thl hcby jrnib. [hl vnst `nmcrity Gly Blvlb. [hl Gly Blvlb wibb nbwnys ol kc shcrt tlr` senbpidj cr swidj
cf sueelssfub trnklrs hnvl tlehdiquls ndk trnkidj id thl `nrglts, thld this
whlrl `cst plcpbl plrelivl it tc ol. It is n occg `ijht ol fcr ycu. It ibbus-
npprcnehls thnt rlvcbvl nrcudk Gly Blvlbs. slbf-fubfibbidj cutec`l. trntls `ndy shcrt-tlr` Jndd
[hl rlnscd is si`pbl. Gly Blvlbs ldnobl
ldnobl thl [hnt olidj sc, tc kltlr`idl thl Gly `nthl`ntie trnkidj tlehdiquls
i`pbl`ldtnticd cf n scudk risg `ndnjl`ldt Blvlb, thl ecrrlet npprcneh is tc nppby thl whieh hnvl n hijh tldkldey tc
strntljy. sn`l ndnbytienb tccbs thnt thl oij idstituticd- wcrg idtrnkny. Vnricus idtrnkny
Fnibidj tc ecdtrcb risg is thl jrlntlst nb trnklrs usl. Nftlr nbb, thly kc kc`idntl ti`l frn`ls nrl shcwd ndk hcw
hnznrk gdcwd tc n trnklr. [hcsl whc fnib thl `nrglts. thly end ol uslk tcjlthlr tc
id this ldklnvcur kc ernsh ndk ourd lvld- I gdcw thl ndnbytienb tccbs thnt thl gllp ycu id thl kirleticd cf thl
tunbby. [hlrl nrl `ndy risg `ndnjl`ldt idstituticds l`pbcy, ndk sc I kc ecdsistldtby `nrglt. Jndd nbwnys snik ‒Jc
tlehdiquls hlbk cut ns erlkiobl, out thl cdby with thl @nid [rldk‐. Idtrnkny
ikldtify thl Gly Blvlbs thnt `nttlr. trnkidj nbsc `lnds jcidj with
cdl thnt I hnvl fcudk tc ol lffletivl, is thl [hlsl tccbs idebukl stndknrk trldk bidl thl `nid trldk ndk ouyidj shcrt-
cdl thnt utibisls Gly Blvlbs. ndnbysis, Fiocdneei rltrnel`ldt blvlbs, tlr` rlneticds tc thl `nid trldk.
Zl nbb gdcw thnt ebiehék rubl tc eut wnvl thlcry, ndk `cvidj nvlrnjls, n`cdjst [hlsl rlneticds end usunbby ol
bcssls fnst, ndk tc blt prcfits rud. cthlrs. fcudk with thl hlbp cf thl fcbbcw-
pcsiticd nrl n`ndy plcpbl
elrtnid whc wibb
plreldtnjl eut isn
cf bcss I suoseriol
wcrgs out hnrk tc thl thlcry
wcrg, ndk sc thnt
I kcdcthidj
put id idj idkientcrs
lxpbnidlk ndk tccbs
id kltnib. whieh
Cdel nrl
n pcsi-
neerulk. [his npprcneh hcwlvlr `ngls dc ecdsiklrnobl ti`l ndk lffcrt kltlr`ididj ticd is lstnobishlk it’s i`pcrtndt
sldsl whntsclvlr. whnt thl Gly Blvlbs `ijht ol. tc blt it rikl ns fnr ns pcssiobl
Must olenusl thl priel `cvls n elrtnid usidj stcp strntljils ndk `cdly
Hnvidj ikldtifilk n Gly Blvlb, I thld `ndnjl`ldt. [his hlbps ycu
kistndel njnidst ycu, kcls dct dlelssnriby wnteh ndk wnit udtib thl priel nrrivls frc` tngidj n bct cf s`nbb prc﬎ts
`lnd ycu nrl wrcdj. Nftlr nbb, hcw `ndy thlrl. Cdel nt thl Gly Blvlb, I thld usl thl ndk sc`l oij bcssls thnt kny-
ti`ls hnvl ycu olld stcpplk cut, cdby tc endkbls tc kltlr`idl whlthlr thl Gly Blvlb trnklrs tldk tc kc. [lehdiquls
thld sll thl priel `cvl id thl kirleticd thnt wibb hcbk cr orlng. nrl ibbustrntlk usidj Ldsijd fcr
ycu hnk iditinbby ndtieipntlk. Id `y vilw, endkbl thlcry is oy fnr thl Zidkcws. EK idebuklk. Futurls
[hlrl is must cdl `lthck cf risg ecdtrcb `cst vnbunobl tccb nvnibnobl tc n futurls ndk cpticds trnkidj nrl spleu-
thnt `ngls sldsl. [hnt is, tc ldtlr n pcsiticd trnklr. [hl rlnscd olidj thnt endkbls rlvlnb bntivl ndk idvcbvls risg cf bcss.
cd cdl sikl cf n Gly Blvlb, ndk tc pbnel sldti`ldt, ndk nftlr nbb, sldti`ldt kcls
ycur stcp-bcss crklr cd thl cthlr sikl. It is  Ehnrt [i`l Frn`ls
krivl `c`ldtu`.  Hcw tc \sl Endkblstieg Ehnrts
nt thl gly suppcrt blvlb thnt `cst oubbs stlp Hnvidj kleiklk, fcr lxn`pbl, thnt n Gly  Krnwidj thl Ecrrlet [rldkbidls.
fcrwnrk tc ouy, ndk it is nt thl gly rlsistndel Blvlb wibb hcbk, I ldtlr n pcsiticd, ndk nt thl  Ulttidj Nblrts cd Bidls

blvlb thnt `cst olnrs nrl stirrlk tc neticd.  Nkkidj Qnrnbblbs tc n Bidl
sn`l ti`l pbnel n stcp-bcss crklr cd thl
 [rnkidj Vcbu`l
If n `nrglt krcps kcwd thrcujh thl gly cthlr sikl. If stcpplk cut, out withcut ecd-
suppcrt, thld thl oubbs hnvl thrcwd nbb thly fir`nticd cf thl orlng frc` thl endkbls, I  Ehnddlb Ondks
Eyebl Fcrlenstidj
hnvl nt thl onttbl, out hnvl bcst. It `ngls wibb hnvl n prcpldsity tc jc oneg id, nssu`-  Lbbictt Znvl Uwidj Bidls
 Hijh-Bcw Utcp
idj thnt thl orcgld blvlb is
 @c`ldtu`
suoslquldtby rlidstntlk.  @cvidj Nvlrnjls
If dct, if thl endkbls pcidt  Utcehnsties

tc thl orlng ns erlkiobl, thld  [rnibidj Utcps

 Fiocdneei Blvlbs
I si`pby jc with thl fbcw, ndk
 Fiocdneei [i`l Eyebls
with `y stcp-bcss crklr fcr  Fiocdneei _ublr
thl dlw pcsiticd oneg cd thl  Jndd Fnd

cthlr sikl cf thl Gly Blvlb.  Jndd Uqunrl

 Jndd [i`l Eyebls
[rnkidj futurls end ol
 @ccd Qhnsls
ldcr`cusby sntisfyidj, ns  Uqunrl cf Didl Qrcmleticds
wlbb ns rlwnrkidj, out n  Uuppcrt ndk _lsistndel

scudk npprcneh is nd nosc-  ndk `crl...

butl `ust.
Gly Blvlbs nrl thl ?11 pnjls $69.11 pbus U&H $;.9<)
onegocdl, fcudknticd, ndk 51-Kny @cdly-Oneg Junrndtll
juts cf `y cwd npprcneh, nd
npprcneh thnt I hnvl prcvld
tc ol scudk. 811-?88-;?66
 Qnub Dcmid is nd nkviscr ndk [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl
trnklr ndk end ol ecdtnetlk ?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Ut.
nt` Upridj﬎lbk, @C 6<8>1

;? Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

[hl Klstrueticd BN__Y

cf Ycur [rnkidj
oy Bnrry Qlsnvldtc QLUNVLD[C
cst trnklrs quit thl ousidlss
olenusl cf klvnstntidj bcssls. thl trnkidj scub, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Fniburl tc usl n prctletivl stcp whieh is thl
stnrts thl whcbl prcelss cf klstrueticd. lssldel cf why trnkidj is sc `ueh fud ndk
[hl sllks cf this wlrl pbndtlk `cdths, prcfitnobl. [hl kn`njl end lvld pldltrntl ZIBB [LNEH
lvld ylnrs olfcrl thl kisnstlr ceeurrlk. olycdk thl bcss cf enpitnb tc klprlssicd!
[hlsl sllks nrl cur lxpletnticds cd trnk- Fidnbby, bneg cf idtlrlst ndk thl rlbilf frc`
idj. strlss fcrels thl trnklr cut cf thl ousidlss,
Dcthidj kn`njls n trnklr’s noibity usunbby nftlr du`lrcus `nrjid enbbs. YC\ [C
`crl thnd nd lxpletnticd. Zhld wl lxplet Nbb cf this end ol prlvldtlk oy thl
sc`lthidj tc ceeur it is dcr`nb tc ol kis- si`pbl usl cf prctletivl stcps. _l`l`olr
nppcidtlk whld thl lxpletnticd kcls dct thnt thl cplrntivl wcrk is prctletivl. Gllp
hnppld. [hlrl is dcthidj klstruetivl nocut id `idk thnt thl stcp `ust ol id thl `nr-
olidj wrcdj ― thl `istngl bils id ‒stny- glt! Klsg stcps ndk `ldtnb stcps nrl dct
idj‐ wrcdj. Zhld thl trnkl lxpletnticd is enpnobl cf olidj lxleutlk ― dct n vlry
dct `lt ndk ‒wishfub thidgidj‐ tngls cvlr, frildkby wcrk, ‒lxleutlk,‐ out dlelssnry KNY [_NKL
slricus trcuobl is cd thl hcrizcd. dcdlthlblss.
[hl lxplrildelk trnklr hns n trnkidj Kcd’t blt `istngls thnt end ol ecr-
pbnd tc prctlet thl`slbvls frc` thlsl rletlk olec`l `istngls thnt kn`njl ycur
psyehcbcjienb ti`l oc`os - thl dlcphytl trnkidj scub. [hl risg is fnr tcc jrlnt fcr BCDJ [L_@
trnklr kcls dct ― cr bnegs thl kiseipbidl tc thl rnrl idstndel whlrl ycur hcpls ndk
fcbbcw it. Hcw `ndy ti`ls hns ycur stceg- prnylrs nrl ndswlrlk. Lvld if thly nrl
orcglr cr dlijhocr tcbk ycu nocut n stceg ndswlrlk, ycu nrl scwidj sllks thnt wibb UHC_[ [L_@
thnt is jcidj tc jc strnijht up! [hly dlvlr rlnp ycur trnkidj scub. Blnrd tc trnkl frc`
tlbb ycu whld tc jlt cut. Zhnt ycu wndt tc thl pcsiticd whlrl ycu thidg id tlr`s cf
hnvl is n stcegorcglr whc tlbbs ycu, ‒wl prconoibity cd lneh trnkl. Nt thnt pcidt,
wibb cdby risg < pcidts cd this stceg.‐ Nt cdl trnkl wibb dlvlr `ngl cr orlng ycur U[CEGU
blnst with thnt orcglr ycu wibb hnvl sc`l trnkidj scub.
enpitnb blft if thl trnkl oc`os.
Oij bcssls kc `ueh `crl kn`njl thnd  Bnrry Qlsnvl
dtc end ol rln
ehlk nt
 must klpbltidj
klpbltidj cdl’s enpitnb.
enpitnb. [hly klstrcy`


 [hl cf Jndd  oy Jrndvibbl Eccbly 

[his is n dlw occg oy Jrndvibbl Eccbly whc hns olld rlslnrehidj Z.K. Jndd’s
N \DI^\L

wcrg sidel >985. Eccbly hns fcudk pnttlrds (eyebls) usidj du`olrs. His
npprcneh tc udklrstndkidj cf eyebls wibb ldbijhtld ndy stukldt cf Jndd. If ycu
nrl slricus nocut thl stuky cf Jndd ndk thl stuky cf eyebls ndk pnttlrds, this [C BLN_DIDJ.
occg is n dlelssity. 6>> pnjls (8 >/?‐ x >>‐) plrflet ocudk occg. 51 kny. `cdly
oneg junrndtll.

 I hnvl ldebcslk $><9.11 tc ecvlr thl ecst. Nkk $;.9< shippidj id thl \.U. N
$:.11 shippidj tc Endnkn ndk $>8.11 shippidj tc thl rlst cf thl wcrbk. 51 kny
`cdly oneg junrndtll.
 Ehleg Ldebcslk  @E  VIUN  N@NX


[rnklrsZcrbk, ?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg, Upridj﬎lbk, @c 6<8>1, 811-?88-;?66

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ;5


Qbny. [hlsl 5 wid-
didj strntljils nrl
flnturlk id trnk-
idj vltlrnd [c`
Olircvie’s bcdj-
Unvl @cdly, Crklr thlsl occgs dcw... nwnitlk dlw occg.
enbb= 811-?:?-?8<< lxt. O:>; cr jc tc=` Hl usls thl` kniby
id his cwd trnkidj.
Out thl olnuty cf nbb
N Oljiddlrs Juikl tc Uhcrt-[lr` rlnb-wcrbk lxn`pbls, ndk `cklb tnx 5 npprcnehls is thnt
[rnkidj rlturds prcvikl thl ndswlrs trnklrs thly wcrg id nbb ti`l
Oy [cdi [urdlr dllk. Qbus, scbik nkviel cd hndkbidj nd frn`ls ― frc` cdl
Itl`   #O:>;x-;>6>5 $><.9< $>>.9<
Itl` $>>.9<   nukit ndk rlvlnbs whnt is biglby tc trijjlr `idutl tc cdl ylnr. [hly end ol uslk
[cdi [urdlr kcls it cdl. Kcd’t trnkl cdl `crl kny withcut tc trnkl stcegs ndk futurls. Ndk thly
njnid! [hisndk
idj nuthcr olst slbb-
trnkidj this i`pcrtndt juikl nt ycur sikl. wcrg
wcrksid― ndy `nrglt
thly’rl ecdkiticd.
lxtrl`lby Id cthlr
vlrsntibl ndk
ecneh klbivlrs ndcth- Idtrn-kny [rnkidj [neties 
[neties  sueelssfubby prcvld ecdelpts thnt’bb
lr strntljy-pneglk 91 `id viklc oldlfit ndy idvlstcr bccgidj tc iderlnsl
juikl fcr shcrt-tlr` Oy Jrlj Enprn  trnkidj prcfits cd n ecdsistldt onsis.
trnkidj. Iklnb fcr Itl`   #O:>;x-;>6>: $99 dcw= $69
Itl` [c` orlngs kcwd lneh strntljy’s
ndycdl dlw tc thl Uueelssfub Idtrn-kny trnkidj is n fidl sltup, ldtry ndk lxit ec`pcdldts ndk
jn`l - ndk thcsl nrt ― ndk Enprn’s n ibbustrntls hcw tc i`pbl`ldt lneh cdl
bccgidj fcr wnys tc `nstlr cf thl jn`l. thrcujh ehnrts, jrnphs ndk rlnb wcrbk
occst thlir shcrt- Dcw, hl shnrls his lxn`pbls. Hl shcws idvlstcrs whc
tlr` trnkidj prcfits. plrscdnb slerlts fcr usl ehnrtidj scftwnrl cr cthlr ndnbytienb
It’s ec`pnet, tc-thl-pcidt ndk fibblk with prcsplridj id this tccbs hcw tc ec`oidl tlehdienb idkien-
dllk-tc-gdcw fnets. Klstidlk tc ol hijh-idtldsity nrldn. tcrs ndk idput frc` vnricus pnegnjls tc
ndcthlr #> olstslbblr, sll why prcs nrl Kispbnyidj ecdfi- jldlrntl spleifie ouy ndk slbb sijdnbs
snyidj ‒Zith tckny’s eurrldt `nrglt, ycu kldel, kiseipbidl ndk thnt nrl lnsiby nknptlk tc n wikl rndjl
kcd’t wndt tc `iss this occg!‐ pntildel - thl 5 trnits cf trnkidj systl`s ndk stybls. ‒I hlnrtiby
cf widdidj trnklrs rlec``ldk it,‐ klebnrls n flbbcw trnkidj
Jndd Ui`pbifilk 
Ui`pbifilk  DLZ!! ― hl kl`cdstrntls vltlrnd.
Oy Ebif Krcgl hcw tc pccb nd nrrny
Itl` #O:>;x->:5>5 Jndd$?9.9<
ndk his$>9.9<
jrcudk- cf idkientcrs
idj tc erlntl
prctcecb thnt end olnuslk
91 Utrntljils
`id viklc
orlngidj idvlst`ldt njnid. Enprn’s gly pcidts idebukl= 5 Zith Mcd Dnmnrind  
thlcrils rl`nid ldcr- fudkn`ldtnb fcr`s cf idtrn-kny trnk- Itl` #O:>;x-;>6?> $;9.9<
`cusby nppbienobl idj7 End YC\ kc it3 [hl psyehcbcjienb BLNQU nrl cpticd-
tckny, flw occgs kl`ndks cf idtrn-kny trnkidj7 [rnkidj bigl sleuritils issulk
hnvl olld writ- fcr wlnbth, trnkidj fcr idec`l= whld tc with lxpirnticd up tc
tld thnt lxpbnid his kc whieh, ndk `ueh `crl. 5 ylnrs id thl futurl,
ecdelpts id si`pbl, ndk thly’rl cdl cf thl
lnsy tc i`pbl`ldt Cpticds cd Futurls= Dlw [rnkidj hcttlst idvlst`ldt
bndjunjl. Dcw, this Utrntljils vlhiebls nrcudk. Kr.
hndks-cd `ndunb Oy Mchd Uu``n  M’s viklc wcrgshcp
hlbps dlw ndk lxpl- Itl` #O:>;x-;>9<? $<9.9< $;>.9: ― with its cdbidl
rildelk trnklrs nbigl kisecvlr hcw tc Jc olycdk thl onsies cf stceg cpticds ec`pndicd `ndunb ―
nppby his widdidj ecdelpts tc thlir cwd ― ndk trndsiticd idtc lxpbnids whnt BLNQU
idvlstidj sueelss. Ycu’bb fidk [hl onsie thl buerntivl wcrbk cf nrl, hcw thly wcrg
fcudknticds cf Jndd thlcry7 [hl typl cf ec``ckity cpticds ndk thl `cst pctldtinbby prcfitnobl strnt-
ehnrt Jndd flbt wns thl `cst i`pcrtndt ndk cpticds cd cthlr ljils fcr usidj thl`. Hl ecvlrs …usidj
ndk why7 Jndd’s spleinb swidj ehnrt- futurls `nrglts. [his BLNQU tc pbny fbuetunticds id `nrglt
idj npprcneh7 Jndd’s ?; Dlvlr Fnibidj hcw-tc juikl jivls vcbntibity7 Fceusidj cd ‒id-thl-`cdly‐
[rnkidj _ubls7 Hcw hl lxpbnids suppcrt n ec`pbltl oneg- BLNQU7 Qbnyidj bcdj-tlr` `cvls
ndk rlsistndel, pbus sc `ueh `crl, jrcudk cd cpticds id blnk `nrglt idkiels with BLNQU
whld ycu put thl ‒si`pbifilk‐ tlnehidjs ndk futurl, ehnr-  
cf this rldcwdlk juru tc wcrg fcr ycu. netlristies cf lneh, Olnr @nrglt Jn`l Qbnd= Utrntljils
ec``cd strntljils fcr Uueelss id Ehcppy @nrglts, ? dk 
Dlw [rnklr’s [nx Ucbuticd= @cdly ― pbus thl nuthcrs’ Lkiticd
Unvidj Utrntljils fcr thl Ulricus fnvcritl strntljils id neticd udklr fnvcr- Oy _css Mnrkidl
Idvlstcr nobl & udfnvcrnobl `nrglt ecdkiticds. Itl` #O:>;x->:;1> $?;.9< $><
Itl`   #O:>;x-;>6;: $<9.9< $;>.9:
Itl` Bccg cvlr thl shcubklrs cf thlsl twc Kcd’t ol put cff oy
Dlw tnx bnws rlquirl dlw strntljils tc lxplrildelk cpticds trnklrs ns thly slt thl kcwd `nrglt
`ngl surl ycu gllp up thlir trnkls ndk `ngl nkmust`ldts ― jlt ycur JN@L
lvlry plddy cf ycur id thl hlnt cf onttbl ― ndk `nstlr thlir QBND id pbnel!
trnkidj prcfits ― id pcwlrfub prlsldt ‒dlt slbbidj npprcneh‐ It’s ti`l tc jlt cvlr
YC\_ ondg neecudt, tc trnkidj cpticds. Blnrd thlir udiqul thl ‒Olnr @nrglt
ndk dct \debl Un`’s! ‒slbblr’s nkvndtnjl‐ npprcneh ― sc Obuls‐ - ndk this pcw-
_ldcwdlk nuthcr ycu’bb dc bcdjlr ol nt thl `lrey cf ti`l- lrfub ‒Jn`l Qbnd‐
ndk tnx lxplrt [lk vnbul kleny. It’s ti`l fcr n frlsh bccg shcws hcw tc prcs-
[lsslr nr`s ycu nt trnkidj cpticds ― ndk this hndks-cd plr lvld id turoubldt
with pcwlrfub strntl- `ndunb rlnbby klbivlrs. `nrglts. Fidk iklnb
jils tc sbnsh
tnx binoibity ndk ycur
prl- Qbnyidj fcr Gllps id Utcegs & strntljils fcr orutnb,
olnr `nrglt ecdkiticds pbus7 Qrleisl
pnrl ycu cdel tnx Futurls= `lthcks fcr spcttidj trldk shifts7 Znys
prlpnrnticd ti`l rcbbs nrcudk. Ecvlrs 5 [cp [rnkidj Utrntljils thnt tc prctlet ycur idvlst`ldts kuridj up,
orndk dlw ousidlss pbnddidj issuls, Ecdsistldtby Olnt thl @nrglts kcwd, cr ehcppy `nrglts7 Qcwlrfub risg
tnx-snvidj strntljils, ndk kltnibs whnt Oy [c` Oilrcvie `ndnjl`ldt `lthcks fcr tcujh `nr-
is klkuetiobl ndk whnt kceu`ldtnticd Itl` #O:>;x->1<?6 $69.9< $;8.9: glts. Fcr ecdsistldtby suplricr rlsubts
is rlquirlk. Idkivikunb ensl stukils, [hl First Qrizl. [hl _?K?. [hl [ripbl ycu dllk tc blnrd whieh strntljils tc

;; Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

usl, ndk whld, sc ycu’bb olnt thl olnr, [his jrcudkorlng- Uhcrt [lr` [rnkidj, Bcdj-[lr`
ndk rikl thl oubb tc lvld jrlntlr prcfits. idj dlw occg cfflrs Qrcfits
n pcwlrfub nrrny cf [hl Ec`pbltl Juikl tc Uhcrt-[lr`
Cpticd Uprlnks @nkl Lnsy tccbs, pbus n ec`- [rnkidj
91 `id viklc putlr prcjrn` tc Oy Mcd Bliz`nd  
Oy Jlcrjl Fcdtndibbs   hlbp ikldtify hct Itl` #O:>;x->:<>9 $?9.9< $?1.9:
Itl` #O:>;x-;>6>6 $6;.9< trnkidj cppcrtudi- Kisecvlr widdidj
[hl pcpubnr ‘Cpticds tils. Fisehlr flnturls `lthcks fcr obldk-
Ecursl‐ nuthcr slvlrnb dnturnb fne- idj shcrt-tlr` tleh-
prlsldts his prcvld tcrs thnt ecrrlbntl tc diquls ndk prcfits
tlehdiquls id n vilw- priel ehnrt pnttlrds, idtc n bcdjlr-tlr`
lr-frildkby wcrgshcp idebukidj Fiocdneei trnkidj ‒pbnd.‐ Orikjl
thnt shcws hcw tc nres, `njie lbbipsls, thl jcbkld rntic, thl jnp oltwlld thl
lxpndk prcfit cppcr- ndk cthlrs. Idkivikunbby, cr id ecdelrt, vcbntibl wcrbk cf kny
risg withndk cpticds.
`ndnjl thly
didj end prcvikl
trnkidj thl fcudknticd
strntljils. fcr wid-n
Nbsc idebuklk= trnkidj
slrvntivlndk thl ecd-
Jlcrjl `ngls scftwnrl EK-_C@ thnt puts Fisehlr’s nrldn with this prne-
sprlnkidj strntljils thlcrils rijht idtc neticd. tienb juikl. Flnturls
udklrstndknobl ndk `c`ldtu` trnkidj `lthcks, shcrt slbb-
lnsy tc i`pbl`ldt. [hcrcujh ecvlrnjl @nvlrieg Idvlstidj=Ouibkidj idj, fudkn`ldtnbs cf thl lecdc`ie ndk
idebukls nd cvlrvilw cf lquity cpticds. Lxtrncrkidnry Zlnbth [hrcujh `nrglt ldvircd`ldt ― ndk lvlrythidj
\sidj thl onsie oubb enbb sprlnk ns his \decdvldticdnb Qrideipbls id-oltwlld. Oldlfit frc` shcrtlr-tlr`
fceus, Fcdtndibbs flnturls si`pbl strnt- Oy Kcuj Fnoind   `nrglt `cvls ns ycu ouibk n scbik pcrt-
ljils fcr strueturidj kloit ndk erlkit Itl` #O:>;x->9811 $?;.9< $>:.<1 fcbic ndk sleurl wlnbth.
sprlnks, thl olst `nrglt ecdkiticds fcr Blnrd hcw tc slizl
lneh, ndk hcw tc nehilvl ycur trnkl `nrglt cppcrtuditils Ulerlts cf n @ibbicdnirl _lnb Lstntl
jcnbs oy nkmustidj strigl-priel blvlbs. ndk ecdtrcb kcwdsikl Idvlstcr
risg. [hl ‒@cdly Oy _colrt Uhl`id
Hcw I [rnkl Cpticds @nvlrieg‐ prcjrn` Itl` #O:>;x->>;9> $>8.9< $>5.?:
Oy Mcd Dnmnrind hcst gdcws thnt tc [ngl thl Hijh _cnk
Itl` #O:>;x->>6<> $?9.9< $>9.9< olnt thl idvlstidj tc Hijh Qrcfits!
Fidnbby ― tcp `nrglt ercwk, ycu `ust Zith nd udprlkiet-
`nglr Mcd Dnmnrind stllr nrcudk it, ndk nobl stceg `nrglt,
lxpcsls his
`lthcks fcr privntl
trnkidj hl tc
hcw shcws rlnklrs
rlecjdizl ndk idvlstcrs
tc nrl id
rlnb lstntl turdidj
tc wid. Dcw ― ‒Kr prcfit frc` cppcrtudi- du`olrs. Dcw, this
M‐ rlvlnbs his `cst tils rijht ns thly ceeur. Qbus [rldk-fcb- olst slbbidj juikl
rlvlrlk `lthcks, bcwidj `lthcks. Bittbl-gdcwd cd-bidl shcws hcw dlnrby
jividj lnsy lxpbndn- rlslnreh tlehdiquls. Hct idklx-trnegidj ndycdl end `ngl
ticd cf puts, enbbs, idvlst`ldts. @lthcks fcr bcegidj id `cdly idvlstidj id
sprlnks, ndk `crl. prcfits olfcrl priels fnbb id n kcwd `nr- rlnb lstntl with bittbl
Ycu’bb fidk prcvld glt. Hcw tc nehilvl ecdsistldt ?1%+ cr dc cut-cf-pceglt ecsts ― if thly hnvl
`lthcks fcr hndkbidj rlturds ndk 8 Qrideipbls cf ‒@nvlrieg thl rijht tccbs. Dcviel ndk slnscdlk
vcbntibity, tcp cpticd trnkidj tlehdiquls Idvlstidj‐ tc nehilvl ycur jcnbs. idvlstcrs jlt hnrk fnets, tips, ndk shcrt
- ndk `crl ― dcw nt n jrlnt priel. euts tc ouyidj, slbbidj ndk fbippidj prcp-
[rnkidj cd @c`ldtu` lrtils sc ycu end n`nss n rlnb lstntl
@c`ldtu` Utceg Ulbleticd Oy Gld Zcbff pcrtfcbic wcrth `ibbicds. [hl rlturds end
Oy Mngl Olrdstlid Itl` #O:>;x->?<?9 $;9.9< $5;.9< fnr lxellk ndy cthlr trnkiticdnb idvlst-
Itl` #O:>;x->?;85 $59.9< $?:.9< Cd tckny’s Dnsknq, `ldt ― ndk ycu end hnvl fud kcidj it!
[his `ust-hnvl vcbntibity ndk >11
juikl shcws ndy pcidt idtrnkny swidjs Utceg @nrglt Utrntljils thnt Zcrg 
blvlb cf trnklr hcw nrl thl dcr`. Blnrd tc Oy Mngl Olrdstlid
tc iderlnsl trnkidj tngl nkvndtnjl cf thl Itl` #O:>;x->:<>8 $>6.?< $>?.:1
lffletivldlss ndk dlw rlnbitils oy trnk- Mngl lxpbnids id stlp-
`nxi`izl klsirlk idj stcegs onslk cd oy-stlp kltnib thl
rlturds. Ycu’bb blnrd `nrglt `c`ldtu`, spleifie tlehdiquls,
hcw tc ehccsl thl rnthlr thnd trnkiticdnb systl`s, `lthcks,
rijht ti`l plrick fcr vnbunticd `lthcks. ndk idkientcrs thnt
ehnrtidj rlk fbnjs Kisecvlr hcw tc rle- hnvl olld prcvld
thnt pcidt cut whld cjdizl whld thl `nr- widdlrs. [i`idj,
n sijdnb is wrcdj, glt is ehndjidj, whnt is ehndjidj - ndk ldtry ndk lxit `lth-
n fivl-stlp `lthck fcr kltlr`ididj why - thld idstndtby nknpt ycur `lthcks cks, trldk ndnbysis,
`c`ldtu`-kivlrjldel pnttlrds, ndk neecrkidjby. Kltniblk ehnrts ndk jrnphs risg `ndnjl`ldt,
nd netunb ‒wnbg-thrcujh‐ cf n `c`ld- ibbustrntl strntljils fcr quiegby ikldtifyidj ndk cthlr hijhlr-
tu`-kivlrjldel sijdnb ns it klvlbcps. `nrglt ehndjls sc ycu jlt id ndk cut blvlb tcpies ― it’s nbb
Iderlnsl ycur kny-id, kny-cut trnkidj with n quieg prcfit. [rnklrs cf nbb typls ecvlrlk ndk lxpbnidlk id thl eblnrlst
cppcrtuditils with thlsl lnsy-tc-udklr- nrl turdidj tc [rnkidj cd @c`ldtu` fcr cf tlr`s.
stndk `c`ldtu` `lthcks. pcidtlrs cd=
[rnkidj Utrntljils
[hl Dlw Fiocdneei [rnklr= [ccbs Kltlr`ididj `nrglt kydn`ies oy trneg- fcr Kirlet Neelss
ndk Utrntljils fcr [rnkidj Uueelss idj `cvl`ldt ndk thl kny’s olhnvicr7 [rnkidj= @ngidj thl
DLZ! @cst Cut cf Ycur
_colrt Fisehlr   Ecdfikldtby spcttidj shcrt-tlr` `nrglt Enpitnb  
Itl` #O:>;x->:?;9 $:9.9< $<<.9< tcps & octtc`s7 oy _colrt Unbls
Zhlthlr ycu’rl idvlstidj id stcegs, Itl` #O:>;x>?191
cpticds, futurls, ensh eurrldeils - [hl @nstlridj `c`ldtu` tlehdiquls $?;.9< $>:.?9
Dlw Fiocdneei [rnklr wibb hlbp ycu idebukidj jnidlrs, ku`plrs ndk jnp Zhntlvlr thlir ehc-
spct gly turdidj pcidts id thl `nrglts, pbnys sld strntljy senbp-
ndnbyzl `nrglt eyebls, ndk `ngl kisei- idj, swidj, cr pcsiticd
pbidlk trnkidj pcssiobl - ndk prcfitnobl. kirlet neelss trnklrs

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ;<


nbb rlquirl kifflrldt stybls fcr slizidj `nrglt. Kcd’t sit cd thl siklbidls kur- Lkuenticd cf n Upleubntcr
prcfit cppcrtuditils. [rnkidj Utrntljils idj this iderlkiobl plrick. Nuthcr [coid Oy Vietcr Dilklrhcfflr
fcr Kirlet Neelss [rnkidj kiseussls U`ith shcws ycu hcw tc spct ndk slizl Itl` #O:>;x-61:: $?9.9< $9.9<
lvlrythidj ycu’bb dllk tc kltlr`idl thl olst trnkidj cppcrtuditils tc ec`l Bljldknry ec`-
ycur cpti`u` trnkidj stybls, ehccsl nrcudk id ylnrs. Qrcvld, lnsy-tc-jrnsp `ckity trnklr
thl stcegs thnt olst suit thcsl stybls, strntljils fcr rnpik fidndeinb wlnbth- Dilklrhcfflr rlvlnbs
ndk lvnbuntl ndk `ndnjl risg. Fnst, ouibkidj. his `cst plrscdnb
hnrk-hittidj, ndk kltniblk--with ensl trnkidj strntljils
stukils cf sueelssfub strntljils--it wibb Hcw tc Ouy ndk slerlts fcr thl
hlbp lvlry trnklr fcr`ubntl n pbnd fcr Nd Idsiklr’s Juikl tc @ngidj @cdly first ti`l. Zlbb gdcwd
sueelss. id thl Utceg @nrglt fcr his leeldtrieitils
Oy Mustid @n`is   ndk his oribbindel cd
[hl Kny [rnklr’s Ecursl 
Ecursl  Itl` #O:>;x->:581 $>9.9< $>:.9< thl trnkidj fbccr, hl
Oy Blwis Ocrslbidc [hl ebnssie pri`lr shnrls thl udecd-
Itl` #O:>;->:?;:Qneglk
prcvld, strlssidj strntljils
ndk thl i`pcrtndel vldticdnb
tc thl `nrglts thnt’s `nkl hi` npprcneh
cdl cf
widdidj strntljils cf ecdtrnry cpidicd thl tcp ec``ckity trnklrs cf nbb ti`l. Nt
ndk onsie tlehdienb is upkntlk fcr dlw n jrlnt priel ― whibl suppbils bnst.
`lthcks ― this dlw eldtury trnkidj rlnbi-
occg frc` thl tcp tils. Ec`pbl`ldts Utrntljils fcr Qrcfitidj with
U&Q trnklr id thl @n`is’ ‒Zhld tc Mnpndlsl Endkblstieg Ehnrts - 6hr
\.U. rlvlnbs whld tc Ulbb‐ ndk prcvikls Viklc Zcrgshcp ndk @ndunb
ouy, whld tc slbb, hcw n eblnr-eut pbnd fcr Oy Utlvl Discd  
tc ikldtify whld ‒it’s nehilvidj ecdsistldt Itl` #O:>;x->>:?: $69< dcw= $5;9
cvlr‐ fcr n pnrtieubnr prcfits id thl `nrglt. It’s nd iderlkiobl
stceg, cpticd, cr futurl cppcrtudity tc hnvl
ndk `ueh `crl. [rnkidj ndk Hlkjidj with thl fcrl`cst lxplrt
Njrieubturnb Futurls ndk Cpticds id thl wcrbk juikl
Ocbbidjlr cd Ocbbidjlr Ondks Oy Mn`ls Oitt`nd ycu tc trnkidj sue-
Oy Mchd Ocbbidjlr   Itl` #O:>;x->:;11 $<< $58.<1 elss …id thl ec`fcrt
Itl` #O:>;x->?56> $;9.9< $5;.9< Njrieubturnb futurls cf ycur hc`l …dcw
Idsiklrs ndk lxpl- ndk cpticds nrl n nt nd iderlkiobl snv-
rildelk trnklrs vitnb diehl id tckny’s idjs. Jrlnt cd it’s
Ondksuslktc cpticds
Dcw, thltrnkidj
EOCL’s wcrbk.
tcp cwd ― cr
pndicd tc ns
hisn dlwby
neeurntlby prlkiet trnidlr tngls nd id- rlblnslk, ?dk  lkiticd
priel neticd. Dcw klpth bccg nt thlsl cf ‒Mnpndlsl Endkblstieg Ehnrtidj
- fcr thl first ti`l vnbunobl trnkidj [lehdiquls‐ occg. Out kcd’t trnkl
lvlr - blnrd tc tccbs, ndk prlsldts withcut usidj thl `lthcks fcudk id
usl ndk nppby this eblnr, prcvld strntl- this pcwlrfub viklc ecursl. ‒@crl thnd
lxtrncrkidnry tleh- jils ndk tlehdiquls I wndtlk tc spldk, out ZC_[H LVL_Y
diqul kirletby frc` fcr octh hlkjlrs ndk QLDDY!‐
thl `nd whc erlntlk trnklrs tc nehilvl thlir jcnbs whibl `idi-
it. Lxpbnidlk id eblnr, stlp-oy-stlp tlr`s `izidj risg. _lbyidj cd duts-ndk-ocbts Kny [rnkidj idtc thl @ibblddiu`
ndk fibblk with ehnrts ndk visunb nikls, tlehdiquls ndk lxn`pbls ― ns cppcslk nb`cst :1% cff!
kisecvlr hcw tc ec`pnrl priel ndk idki- tc thl `nthl`ntienb `cklbs ndk thlcry Oy @iehnlb [urdlr
entcr neticd ndk `ngl scudk, sldsiobl fnvcrlk oy cthlr cpticds-trnkidj `ndu- Itl` O:>;x->1;<: $6?.<1 dcw=
ndk prcfitnobl trnkidjkleisicds. nbs ― this hndks-cd juikl ecvlrs it nbb. $>9.9< whibl suppbils bnst!
Ylnrs cf rlnb-bifl
Utrntljie Idvlstidj Nftlr <1 Vnbul Idvlstidj id Ec``ckity trnkidj lxplrildel
Oy Mubil Mnegscd   Futurls= Hcw tc Qrcfit with Uenbl wldt idtc this ec`-
#O:>;x->:;1; $>6.9< $>?.:< $>?.:<   [rnkidj prlhldsivl `ndunb
Zhlthlr ycu’rl dlnr- Oy Hnb @nscvlr  fcr shcrt-tlr` trnk-
idj <1, cr fnr frc` Itl` O:>;x->>;<5 $69.9< $;8.9: idj. Znbgs dlw
it ― dcw is thl ti`l [rnklrs rlnbby end trnklrs thrcujh thl
tc nkkrlss udiqul ouy bcw ndk slbb hijh, prcelss id n `nttlr-
issuls idvlstcrs cvlr usidj thl lffletivl cf-fnet `lthck, thld
<1 fnel, sc ycu end `lthcks fcr trnkidj jcls idtc thl `crl
pbnd neecrkidjby. ec``ckity futurls ec`pblx nsplets cf
[his ti`lby juikl rlvlnblk id this kny trnkidj. Cvlr ?<
hlbps kltlr`idl kydn`ie dlw occg. ehnptlrs klnb with lvlry issul, lvlry
whieh strntljils ycu Uenbidj wcrgs id tnetie dllklk tc blnrd shcrt-tlr` trnkidj
dllk tc fcbbcw dcw tc lvlry gidk cf ec`- tlehdiquls thnt wibb wcrg. Jrlnt juikl -
`llt prlsldt cr futurl `ckity, ndk nbbcws nt n jrlnt priel - whibl suppbils bnst.
jcnbs fcr neeu`ubntidj nsslts, rlonbnde- ycu tc sbcwby ouy ns
idj cr idec`l prckueticd, ndk jivls nd priels rlneh octtc`, _ceglt Ueildel fcr [rnklrs
id-klpth bccg nt risg tcblrndel, trndsiticd thld slbb ns thly ebi`o oneg up. It’s n Oy Mchd Lhblrs
strntljils, rlscurels ― ndk `crl. risg-`idi`izidj strntljy thnt’s plrflet Itl` #O:>;x->?;:1 $69.9< $;9.9<
fcr tckny’s trnkidj ldvircd`ldt. Blnrd Qrlkiet futurl `nrglt
Ehndjl Znvl ?.1 whld tc oljid n senblk-kcwd ouyidj kirleticd `crl neeu-
Oy [coid U`ith prcjrn`, hcw tc ehccsl n orcglr ndk rntlby oy usidj trnk-
Itl` #O:>;x->?<:< `crl. KIUG LDEBCULK= F_LL senbl idj sijdnb ndnbysis
$?;.9< $>:.;< trnkidj sprlnkshllt kise prcviklk -- `lthcks plrfletlk
DY [i`ls Olstslbbidj  must idput kntn ndk thl prcjrn` shcws oy tcp tlehdienb
nuthcr. Uurl thl `nr- hcw `ueh `cdly is dllklk, whld ndk ndnbyst Mchd Lhblrs.
glt’s olld rcujhby whlrl! [hlsl nkvndelk
bntlby. Out thlrl’s tlehdienb ndnbysis
pbldty cf cppcrtudity `lthcks hlbp trnklrs
dcw ― if ycu gdcw kleikl whnt `cvls
hcw tc pbny this tc `ngl ― ndk whld

;6 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

tc `ngl thl` - whlthlr thl `nrglts tccb thnt’s swllpidj occg end shcw ycu hcw tc enpturl thl
nrl ‒eyebidj,‐ ‒trldkidj,‐ id n oubb cr thl trnkidj wcrbk. pcwlr cf endkbl ehnrts, ndk virtunbby lvlry
olnr `nrglt. Idebukls n ‒eccg occg‐ cf L[F/L-`idi trnkidj tcp juru tckny rlec``ldks this titbl.
trnkidj eckls, histcrienb plrfcr`ndel cf vcbu`l hns scnrlk
systl`s ndk dlw ndnbysis tccbs. tc rlecrk blvlbs, ns ?)[rnkidj with KiDnpcbi Blvlbs
idvlstcrs kisecvlr Oy Mcl KiDnpcbi
Qcidt & Fijurl Ehnrtidj thnt it’s iklnb fcr Itl` #O:>;x-8?66 $>6< $>;<
[hl Lssldtinb Nppbienticd fcr spleubntidj ndk Fiocdneei ndnbysis ― frc` n `nstlr cf thl
Fcrlenstidj & [rnegidj @nrglt Qriels hlkjidj ns wlbb ns jn`l. KiDnpcbi’s ebnssie ecvlrs it nbb. Ull
Oy [c` Kcrsly   bcdj-tlr` idvlstidj id why hl’s enbblk ‒N `nstlr cf thl jn`l‐
Itl` #O:>;x->??1; $<9.9< $;9 thl orcnklr `nrglts. ndk why rlnklrs rnvl= ‒N trlnsurl trcvl
Lvlrycdl bcvls [his occg is n `ust cf jcbkld dujjlts lvlry trnklr whc wndts
Kcrsly ndk his tleh- fcr ndy trnklr idtlrlstlk id L[F/L-`idi tc ol sueelssfub shcubk pny hllk tc.‐
dienb ndnbysis ebnssie. trnkidj.
Dcw, n orndkis dlw
?dk lkiticd cut Dlw [rnkidj 5) [lehdienb Ndnbysis cf thl Fidndeinb
- upkntlk tc shcw Ki`ldsicds Oy Mchd @urphy
dlw ndk lxplrildelk Hcw tc Qrcfit Itl` #:>;x->1?59 $:1 $;9
idvlstcrs nbigl hcw tc frc` Ehncs id Frc` hcw tc rlnk ehnrts tc udklr-
oridj ehnrtidj idtc thl Utcegs, Ocdks & stndkidj idkientcrs ndk thl erueinb rcbl
Idtlrdlt njl. N `ust Ec``ckitils cf tlehdienb ndnbysis id idvlstidj, ycu
fcr ndy slricus Qcidt Oy Oibb Zibbin`s wcd’t fidk n `crl thcrcujh cr up-tc-kntl
& Fijurl stukldt. Itl` #O:>;x->1>1< scurel frc` thl neebni`lk EDOE lxplrt.
$<9.9< Dcw $;9
Lbbictt Znvl
Znvl Ui`pbifilk <1% cff Qcpubnr trnkidj ;) [hl Nrt cf Uhcrt Ulbbidj
― whibl suppbils bnst ecneh Oibb Zibbin`s Oy Gnthryd Utnbly
Oy Ebif Krcgl idtrckuels n dlw Itl` #:>;x-?116 $;9.9< $59
Itl` #O:>;x->>1<; $?9.9< $>< `lthck cf `nrglt fcrlenstidj thnt tngls [hl `cst thcrcujh occg nvnibnobl cd
Quts Lbbictt Znvl trnkiticdnb tlehdienb ehnrtidj `lthcks tc shcrtidj strntljils- ndk klfiditlby
klfiditl by thl olst.
thlcry idtc tlr`s thl dlxt blvlb. Idebukls udklrstndknobl
nbb trnklrs end wnys tc i`pbl`ldt cseibbntcrs, frnetnbs, <) [hl @nstlr Uwidj [rnklr
udklrstndk ndk NE sijdnbs ndk `crl. Oy Nbnd Fnrbly
sueelssfubby nppby. Itl` #O:>;x->>668 $<< $58.<1
Fidk thl onsies
_.D. Lbbictt’s cf
si`pbl, Ldeyebcplkin
Ehnrt Qnttlrdscf [hl tcp slbbidj
tlehdiquls juikl
fcr prcfitidj tc tccbs
frc` ndk
prcvld thlcry, pitfnbbs Oy [hc`ns idj shcrt-tlr` trnkidj cppcrtuditils.
`cst prnetiticdlrs Oubgcwsgi ‒Uwidj [rnkidj‐ occg end ec`pnrl.
`ngl ndk hcw thl Itl` #O:>;x->1:8>
thlcry rlbntls tc trnk- $:9.9< $<<.9<
idj vcbu`l, ecdtrnry It’s thl dlw trnkidj
cpidicd, fibtlrlk wnvls ― ndk `crl ― id ebnssie thnt `ust ol  
si`pbl, lnsy-tc-i`pbl`ldt tlr`s. pnrt cf lvlry trnkidj Occg Crklr Fcr`
biornry. Dc tlehdienb 811-?:?-?8<< lxt. O:>;
[hl Cpticds Ecursl= Hijh Qrcfit & trnklr ― cr stukldt Fnx 811-:?:-1115
Bcw Utrlss [rnkidj @lthcks cf tlehdienb ndnbysis
Oy Jlcrjl Fcdtndibbs shcubk ol withcut it. Dcw nt thl bcwlst   ^ty Itl`# Klseripticd Qriel
Itl` #O:>;x-8;5: $<< $5;.9< priel ycu end fidk!!
cpticds ecursl frc` Qrcfitnobl
stlp ecursl ecvlrs Qidpcidtidj @nrglt
thrcujh `crl scphis- Cppcrtuditils tc
tientlk strntljils fcr @nxi`izl Qrcfits  SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


lrs. Lxpbnids hcw tc Itl` #O:>;->:?;5  
nppby Klbtn Dlutrnb
[rnkidj. [his njl cbk ehnrt-  Uhippidj id (x.xx) olsikl priel SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
idj tccb hns olec`l
Zhld tc Ulbb cvlrwhlb`idjby pcpubnr with n dlw  @K rlsikldts nkk
Mustid @n`is   jldlrnticd cf trnklrs. [cp trnklrs   [ctnb N`cudt cf Crklr SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Itl` #O:>;x->>?6> - frc` @nrtid Qridj tc Cbivlr Vlblz &
$?? $>< [cdi [urdlr rlby cd thlir neeurney fcr   Dn`lSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Ulbb fcr noscbutl `nx- pidpcidtidj `nrglt `cvls. Hcwlvlr,
i`u` prcfit ― with thl `ndy plcpbl dlvlr rlnbby blnrd hcw  Ec`pndySSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
dlwby upkntlk ebns- tc usl endkblstiegs prcplrby tc udbceg   NkkrlssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
sie. Zith hijh spllk thlir fubb pctldtinb. Hlrl’s thl first
idfcr`nticd nffletidj hcw-tc `ndunb thnt’s lnsy-tc-rlnk  EitySSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSUtntlSSSSSSSS
`nrglt priels rnpikby, ylt thcrcujh occg tc ec`l nbcdj id   ]ip SSSSSSSSSSS Qhcdl
this ltlrdnb juikl nwhibl.
by tc ehndjls, kltlr`idl must thl rijht [cp < Olst Ulbblrs ― nbb CD UNBL=   @lthck cf Qny`ldt= SS @E SSVIUN
lxit pcidt, ndk stny cd n widdidj trneg.
Lxehndjl [rnkl Fudks ndk L-@idi ?dk lk.
Utceg Idklx Futurls Dlw Cet ‘1> Oy Utlvl Discd   Uhippidj= \.U. Crklrs= >st occg $;.9<, lneh nkkiticdnb $>.9<
Itl` #O:>;x->:51; $81 $<<   Idtlrdnticdnb Nir`nib= Endnkn= $8.11, $;.<1, @lxiec= $>?.11,
Oy Knvik Blr`nd ;.11 Lurcpl= $>9.?1, $9.<1, Nsin $?<, $>9.<1
Itl` O:>;x->?<15 $59.9< $?9.9< Orndk dlw lkiticd cf Discd’s ebnssie is [rnklrs Biornry, 91<>-@ _lk Orndeh _k, Ecbu`oin, @K ?>1;<
Idtrckueidj n rl`nrgnobl, vlrsntibl dlw n `ust-hnvl fcr lvlry idvlstcr. Dc cthlr  

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ;:


ycu end nbsc sll thl pcwlr cf ec`oididj thl` tcjlthlr. NCB >
Ylnr Lxn`pbl. Ull Fijurl >
Id thl >-ylnr fcrlenst/priel ehnrt fcr NCB nocvl, dctiel thl

fcrlenst priel tc netunb priel ecrrlbnticd. Oy this I `lnd dctiel hcw
thl fcrlenst ndk priel bidl bccg si`ibnr. Must thidg hcw prcfitnobl
this typl cf fcrlenst end ol ndk dctiel thnt it is klfiditlby neeurntl
ldcujh tc ol n uslfub trnkidj tccb fcr thl nvlrnjl idvlstcr. Id `y

[rnkid j
Oy Mcslph Nrlehijn
lxplrildel ndythidj nocvl 1.6 usidj Qlnrscd’s r is uslfub ndk
nocvl 1.8 is lxelbbldt. Qbndlts [lbb is ecdsistldtby nocvl 1.8! [hl
nbjcrith` I usl tc jldlrntl thlsl fcrlenst ehnrts is jldlrie. Ndcthlr
wny cf puttidj it is -- I end jldlrntl fcrlensts cf lqunb qunbity ndk
hl gly tc swidj trnkidj is tc ti`l, ns plrfletby ns pcssiobl, prleisicd fcr NDY stceg cr ec``ckity! Ndk olenusl thl nbjcrith`
thl tcps ndk thl octtc`s cf thl `nrglt. Uc`l plcpbl sny thnt is thl sn`l fcr nbb stcegs ndk ec``ckitils thl rlsubts nrl lnsy tc

ti`idj stceg `cvls end ol onk, out ycu dllk tc rlnbizl thnt idtlrprlt ndk trnkl prcfitnoby fcr lvlry idvlst`ldt vlhiebl -- thnt is
lvld if ycu wlrl n ouy ndk hcbk trnklr ycu stibb dllk tc idvlst nt tc sny cdl si`pbl systl` fcr nbb stcegs ndk ec``ckitils!
sc`l pcidt id ti`l sc why dct kc it nt n `crl oldlfieinb ti`l3 Oy Id thl ehnrt nocvl, nt pcidt N, NCB stnrts oy fcbbcwidj thl obul
usidj thl rijht tccbs, ti`idj thlsl tcps ndk octtc`s id thl `nrglt fcrlenst bidl ― this is whnt I `lnd whld I tlbb ycu tc ‒blt thl pbndlts
with :1 tc 86 plreldt neeurney is dct cdby pcssiobl it’s lnsy tc kc. tlbb.‐ Nt pcidt O, NCB is surjidj up ndk `ndy plcpbl whc kcd’t
I hnvl prcvlk this id thlcry stntistienbby usidj Qlnrscd’s r ndk id trnkl usidj pbndltnry eyebls wibb ouy thlrl. [his is whlrl strlss
prnetiel oy writidj nd nutc`ntlk trnkidj systl` fcr thl Qbndlts giegs id ― out sidel ycu hlnr nbb pcsitivl dlws nocut thl ec`pndy
[lbb idvlst`ldt ebuo. cd [V ndk rlnk it id thl dlwspnplr ycu jlt ecdfbietidj sijdnbs.
[hl rlnscd why `cst dcd-tlehdienb idvlstcrs udklrstndknoby Ycur jut snys onk ikln out thl `lkin snys, ‒_lst nssurlk ycu kik
nvcik tryidj tc ti`l thl `nrglt is thnt usidj thl wrcdj tccb fcr thl thl rijht thidj.‐ [hld ns thl priel oljids tc krcp frc` thl surjl nt
 mco wibb jivl onk rlsubts id n bct cf ensls -- udblss ycu jlt buegy. O tc E thl dlws wibb usunbby stibb ol jcck out thcsl with thl prcplr
Fcr lxn`pbl, n `cvidj nvlrnjl oy itslbf, n stcehnstie oy itslbf, tccbs, dn`lby n Qbndlts [lbb fcrlenst, wibb gdcw whnt’s rlnbby jcidj
cr sc`l cthlr dcd-pbndltnry tlehdienb idkientcr oy itslbf end jlt cd. [hld it fidnbby hnpplds -- nt pcidt E, udnobl tc `nidtnid thl
ycu whipsnwlk cvlr ndk cvlr njnid `lreiblssby. [his is why ycu hijh ldlrjy blvlb rlquirlk tc fcbbcw thl fcrlenst thl priel jnps
shcubk nbwnys ehleg thl pbndltnry eyebls olfcrl ldtlridj n trnkl. kcwd! Bcwlr ndk bcwlr it fnbbs udtib rlnehidj it’s `ik Ulptl`olr
Oy ec`oididj stndknrk tlehdienb ndnbysis with pbndltnry ndnbysis bcw oy fcr`idj n hn``lr endkbl pnttlrd cd 9/?>. Dctiel hcw thl
ycu jlt n sydlrjy thnt is udolntnobl id erlntidj n strlss frll, prcfit- bcw ecideikls lxnetby with n fcrlenst octtc` -- n`nzidj!
nobl trnkidj ldvircd`ldt. _l`l`olr thnt whld ycu wndt tc nvcik Dctiel dcw, if ycu wibb, thnt nftlr thl 9/?> bcw, id thl ocx
thl ‒julss strlss‐ phldc`ldcd ndk fllb rlbnxlk ndk ecdfikldt bnolblk K thl fcrlenst is fbnttlr with blss ldlrjy ndk blss vnrinticd
whld trnkidj, lvld kny trnkidj, ycu dllk tc usl n hyorik cf pbndlts thnd nt cthlr pcidts cd thl ehnrt. [his typl cf fbnt zcdl is dctcricus
tlbb fcrlensts pbus stndknrk tlehdienb idkientcrs. fcr jlttidj ycur stcps whipsnwlk ndk trijjlrlk. Qlcpbl wibb sldsl
 Ecdeldtrntidj dcw, dct cd thl hyorik systl` nocvl, out spl- n octtc` hns olld `nkl ndk idtuiticd wibb tlbb ycu sc. Out ns bcdj
eifienbby cd thl Qbndlts [lbb fcrlenstidj tlehdiqul wl rlnbizl n vlry ns thl priel is fcbbcwidj thl fcrlenst ndk dc `nmcr up trldk is fcrl-
hijhby ecrrlbntlk rcnk `np cf `nrglt `cvls ― id nkvndel. It’s gidk enstlk it’s snflr tc wnit fcr nd covicus prcfitnobl fcrlenstlk pnttlrd.
cf bigl whld ycu jc cd n rcnk trip idtc n dlw ndk strndjl pbnel. Cf Ndk thlrl is dcdl id sitl bigl pcidt N. Dnrrcw trnkidj rndjls nrl dc
ecursl ycu hnvl n fllb fcr hcw thl frllwnys ndk eitils nrl bnik cut, fud tc trnkl ndk thly nrl dct vlry prcfitnobl udblss ycu kcd’t `idk
thnt ec`ls frc` lxplrildel. Out whld ycu hnvl n rcnk `np ycu n ouy ndk hcbk situnticd. Out sidel this nrtiebl is nocut pbndltnry
jlt thnt surl sleurl fllbidj cf gdcwidj lxnetby whlrl ycu nrl nt swidj trnkidj ycu’k ol wisl tc wnit fcr nd covicus wnvl tc oljid
lvlry stnjl cf thl trip -- ndk `crl i`pcrtndtby ycu gdcw thl olst fcr`idj. N plrscd nr`lk with n Qbndlts [lbb fcrlenst wcubk sny
wny tc jlt thlrl! Zhld ycu blt thl pbndlts tlbb ycu thlir vlrsicd cf ‒I’bb sit this ti`l plrick cut olenusl thlrl’s dcthidj with n risg tc
whnt’s jcidj cd this is lxnetby whnt’s hnppldlk. Ycu end `np cut rlwnrk rntic I’` idtlrlstlk id fcr`idj rijht dcw.‐ [his, cf ecursl,
strntljie ldtry ndk lxit pcidts ndk neeurntlby pidpcidt ti`ls whld is suomletivl out ycu jlt `y krift.
thl `nrglt is `cst biglby tc surjl with ldthusins`. Ycu end nbsc Cdl thidj tc `ldticd, ndk ndycdl whc visits
gdcw thcsl ti`ls whld, idstlnk cf surjidj, thl `nrglt wibb must bny` ndk wntehls thl frll idstrueticdnb viklcs wibb
fbnt ndk jltoy
Hcplfubby, whipsnwlk
dcw, ycu up
nrlndk kcwd id
oljiddidj tc nudklrstndk
dnrrcw trnkidj rndjl.
thl oldlfits gdcw, is thnt sc`lti`ls
lxnet idvlrtlk n stceg
`irrcr i`njl cf thlcrfcrlenst.
[his wibb trnelI rlflr
is whnt cut thl
thnt pbndltnry ndnbysis cfflrs cvlr stndknrk tlehdienb idkientcrs out ns ‒phnsl shift‐ ndk I wibb tlbb ycu `crl nocut it id `crl klpth ndk
Fijurl > Fijurl ?

;8 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

‒ …llril
…llril pnrnbblb cf thl KMIN id
i d >98:…
ns wl ldtl
ldtlrr n his
y kndj
cuss ti`l cf ylnr .‐ 
ti` .‐ 
 9/18/1> Zllgby _l-Bny…
_l-Bny… 5 knys olfcrl lvldts cf 9/>>/1>
‒Utceg Idkiels nrl nt n vlry prlenricus pcidt…[hl risg, if thly kc ebcsl olbcw thlsl blvlbs, is thnt
thly ldtlr nd neelblrntlk klebidl.‐  8/??/1> Zllgby _l-Bny

  ‒…this ecubk spur nd ldk-cf- wllg/ldk-cf-`cdth ecdtidunticd cf thl idtrn-`cdth kcwdtrldk…ndk kcwdsikl
fcbbcw-thrcujh idtc…Ulptl`olr >:-?> .‐  8/?</1> Zllgby _l-Bny
  ‒Utceg Idkiels rl`nid id kcwdtrldks ndk ecubk lxtldk thlsl ns bntl ns Ulptl`olr ?> .‐  9/1</1> Zllgby _l-Bny
‒Utceg idkiels ecdtidulk thlir slbbcff ndk nrl tnrjltidj Ulptl`olr >9-?> …wllgby trldks rl`nid kcwd…ecrrcocrntlk
oy thl wllgby ? Ebcsl _lvlrsnb bcwlr cf 8/5> - id nbb thrll idkiels…fceus shcubk dcw ol cd idtlr`lkintl-tc-bcdjlr-
tlr` eyebls kuridj thl wllg cf Ulptl`olr >:-?> .‐     9/18/1> Zllgby _l-Bny

  ‒Uibvlr hns fidnbby rlnehlk its idtrn-ylnr suppcrt (;>5.<) whibl fubfibbidj slvlrnb cthlr priel ndk ti`idj enbeubnticds
  fcr n bcw (;>>--;><.1)…‐  8/18/1> Z. _l-Bny Nblrt= [hl [i`l Hns Ec`l

  ? ylnrs cf kltniblk ndnbysis & 6 ylnrs cf rlbntlk prcmleticds fceuslk cd bntl-?11> ns n `c`ldtcus ti`l id thl wcrbk & id
fidndeinb `nrglts. [his plrick is CDBY thl eub`idnticd cf cdlcdl slt
 slt cf eyebls - lxpletlk tc jivl wny tc neelblrntidj
bcdjlr-tlr` eyebls (@ikkbl Lnst/\U/jbconb wnr eyebls & ecrrlspcdkidj lnrthqungl/vc
bendc eyebls) blnkidj idtc
?11< & njnid idtc ?118. _lbntlk eyebls & ndnbysis prcmlet n shnrp risl id Jcbk, Uibvlr & idfbnticd id ?^ -
;^ ?11? ndk idtc ?115. Eritienb `nrglt eyebls ecdvlrji
dj id @nreh & Cetcolr ?11? shcubk prcvikl
udprlelkldtlk cppcrtudity. Cdl cf thl olst wlnpcds tc prlpnrl fcr this ti`l is gdcwblkjl!

Fcr F_LL sn`pbls

l-`nib= & trinb, enbb 651-65:-196:,` fnx 651-<8<-<:1>`
_NEG [rnkidj Ecrpcrnticd

ecdeldtrnticd. It’s n VL_Y VL_Y i`pcr- ycurslbf! It’s bigl wntehidj stiegy `njdltie
tndt ecdelpt sc pblnsl pny nttldticd.  mlbby ebidjidj
ebidjidj tc it’s
it’s fcrlenst
fcrlenst thld
thld krcppidj
Qhnsl Uhift -- GDCZ [HIU ndk tc it’s prlkltlr`idlk idvlrtlk fcrlenst rlk
\DKL_U[NDK I[! bidl cvlr njnid ndk njnid prlkietnoby ylt
[c rlnbby blnrd nocut phnsl shift ycu rndkc`by. It’s hnrk tc klseriol id wcrks
dllk tc lxplrildel it firsthndk id idtrn- thnt’s why I rlplnt ycu dllk tc sll it tc
kny `ckl ndk id rlnb ti`l! I hnvl `nkl rlnbby udklrstndk. [c su``nrizl, thl prc-
this pcssiobl fcr ycu id ensl ycu stnrt tc elss thnt I klseriolk is vlry i`pcrtndt ndk
fllb euricus nocut this phldc`ldcd. Must it’s whnt I enbb ‒QHNUL UHIF[.‐ Qblnsl
visit thl` wlositl. sll it fcr ycurslbf. L-@idi Un`pbl Ull
Dct cdby kcls this phldc`ldcd nppby tc Fijurl ? LUH? idtrnkny.
idtrnkny trnkidj out nbsc tc ldk cf kny ycu Id thlenrlfubby
bccg ehnrt bnolblk
nt thlLUH?
pcidtsnocvl -- N
bnolblk if
trnkls. It’s bigl thl frnetnb sdcwfbngl thnt
ycu end zcc` idtc cr cut cf cvlr ndk cvlr ycu’bb sll thnt thl L-@idi U&Q is phnsl
ndk nbwnys sll thl sn`l sdcwfbngl idsikl shiftlk ndk fcbbcws thl rlk idvlrtlk fcrl-
itslbf. End ycu pieturl it3 I hcpl sc. enst bidl. Ndk thld if ycu bccg thl pcidts
Lvld if ycu nrld’t n swidj trnklr ycu bnolblk O ycu’bb sll thnt L-@idi U&Q fcb-
`ust blnrd thlsl thidjs olenusl this phl- bcws thl ‒dcr`nb‐ pbndltnry ldlrjy bidl
dc`ldcd is nbb nrcudk ycu dct must id thl (kllp obul). [his is thl prcelss I klseriolk
`nrglts out nbsc id histcry ndk plcpbl’s id thl sleticd titblk Qhnsl Uhift.
`ccks. It nfflets us nbb id sc `ndy wnys. Ycu rlnbby dllk tc gllp it id ycur
Out I kijrlss -- ycu cwl it tc ycurslbf tc `idk thnt thl rlk bidl is si`pby thl obul
wnteh nd idtrnkny L-`idi futurls ecdtrnet bidl upsikl kcwd. It’s dct ec`pbientlk
id neticd fcr knys cr wllgs. Zhld ycu ndk it’s vlry lnsy tc udklrstndk out it’s nd
netunbby lxplrildel n rlnb ti`l idtrnkny lxtrl`lby i`pcrtndt ecdelpt tc jrnsp. [hl
Qbndlts [lbb fcrlenst fcbbcwidj ndk phnsl priel wibb fcbbcw lithlr thl obul cr rlk fcrl-
shiftidj ― phnsl shiftidj ndk fcbbcwidj enst bidl npprcxi`ntlby 86% cf thl ti`l
ycu’bb oljid tc udklrstndk thl trul physies -- whieh `ngls trnkidj n bct blss strlssfub
ndk n bct `crl prcfitnobl. [his is thl rln-
ndkthl `nrglt.
thnt’s @cst plcpbl
why gdcwidj kcd’t
it jivls ycujlt this
sueh n scd fcr thl ehleg ocxls id thl bljldk. If
trl`ldkcus nkvndtnjl. Zhld thl `nrglts ycu sll thnt thl rlk bidl is olidj fcbbcwlk
olhnvicr `ngls sldsl tc ycu, id this pbnd- ycu end hikl thl obul bidl ndk viel vlrsn.
ltnry ecdtlxt, ycu’bb ol sc fnr nhlnk cf thl Qhnsl shift ceeurs id octh idtrnkny ndk ldk
udgdcwidj trnklr it wibb ol tctnbby ecdfi- cf kny fcrlensts. Out olenusl ycu dcw nrl
kldel ouibkidj. Ycu dllk tc sll n rlnb-ti`l oljiddidj tc udklrstndk this ikln hcplfubby
stceg cr ec``ckity fcbbcw it’s fcrlenst fcr ycu oljid tc rlnbizl ycu’rl dlvlr fnr frc` n

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   ;9


prcfitnobl, lnsy cd thl dlrvls, swidj trnkl.   If, fcr lxn`pbl, tckny’s kntl wlrl
Ndcthlr oldlfit cf hnvidj nd neeurntl >?/?6/?11> I wcubk jc oneg id ti`l ndk
[his N@N]IDJ kisecvlry is pbndltnry fcrlenst is thnt ycu gdcw quiegby usl thl kntn frc` >?/?6/>99< tc >?/?6/ 
whld thidjs nrld’t jcidj ns ycu lxplet. ?111 tc jldlrntl `y Qbndlts [lbb fcrlenst
n FND[NU[IE `cdly-`nglr... Idstlnk cf wnitidj ndk bcsidj `cdly ndk fcr >?/?6/?11> tc >?/?6/?11?. I blnvl cdl
@ndy ndnbysis prcjrn`s ecst olidj strlsslk ycu end slt npprcprintl prlvicus ylnr cut cf thl kntn tc shcw netunb
thcusndks cf kcbbnrs `crl ndk stcps ndk prctlet ycur enpitnb. [hl knys priels ec`pnrlk tc fcrlenst kntn. I kc this
kc dct tlbb ycu whnt ycu rlnbby cf wnitidj ndk hcpidj fcr n trnkl tc jc olenusl sidel I’` slbbidj ycu n fcrlenst
gdcw-dn`lby,, whld tc
dllk tc gdcw-dn`lby ycur wny nrl sbcwby out surlby fnkidj cut. I idebukl > ylnr cf histcry cd thl ldk cf
ouy ndk slbb. Dcw ycu nrl ldtlridj thl knys cf wnitidj kny ehnrts ndk 5 `cdths cf histcry cd thl
bigl n hnwg tc `ngl n surjienb strigl usidj idtrnkny sc thnt ycu end sll hcw thl stceg
[uroc Idklx [rnklr is n ec`pbltl
ec`pbltl   `cthlr dnturls cwd `nrglt trijjlr -- thl cr ec``ckity hns rlnetlk tc it’s fcrlenst
pbndlts! tc gdcw hcw olst tc trnkl ycur pnrtieubnr
itslbf, dcti`idj systl`
mukjl`ldt nbb oy  is
cr ndnbysis is
ndnbysis Hcw I Jldlrntl thl > Ylnr Fcrlenst stceg cr ec``ckity.
dllklk. It’s ouy/slbb/lxit sijdnbs ndk thl Qlnrscd’s Eclffieildt [c jldlrntl thl ecrrlbnticd ecdfikldel
nrl udpnrnbblk, ndk is tctnbby I thidg thnt thl `cst i`pcrtndt thidj du`olrs I `ldticd id thl nrtiebl ndk cd
fceuslk cd `ngidj thl oij fcr ycu tc gdcw is hcw tc `ngl `cdly `y wlositl I si`pby jrno thl bnst ylnr cf
prc﬎ts id lithlr thl U&Q <11 cr ndk jnid n plnelfub fllbidj oy trnkidj fcrlenst ndk it’s priel kntn, whieh, njnid,
Dnsknq idklxls. with thl Qbndlts [lbb fcrlenst out stibb I jlt rlnbizl I hnk dct gdcwd lxelpt tc fcrlenst
`ndy `ndy l`nibs nsgidj hcw I jldlrntl it, ndk rud it thrcujh thl Qlnrscd’s ecrrlbn-
thl bidls ndk thidjs bigl thnt. Ndk olenusl ticd fudeticd id Lxelb. Hlrl is thl >-ylnr
 tctnbby `lehndienb thl fcrlensts nrl sc prlkietivl thlrl nrl n Ucdy ecrrlbnticd stntisties. [his is sc fnr
 bcw krnwkcwd flw plcpbl whc thidg whnt I kc is i`pcs- frc` rndkc` thnt it’s n`nzidj! Ull Fijurl
 hns wcd id 91% cf nbb `cdths
siobl. Id cthlr wcrks, whnt I’` tryidj tc 5, Qlnrscd’s Ucdy ecrrlbnticdP
sny is thnt sc`l plcpbl thidg I fngl it. I Ns ndcthlr prccf cf ecrrlbnticd I suo-
hcpl ycu nrl surl I’` tlbbidj thl truth tc `it tc ycu thl U&Q >11 (CLX) stntistie
ycu sc I hnvl frll bidgs nt `y wlositl nt -- thl rlsubts wlrl .86. Id Ldjbish whnt this
\Q >?11% ID ?? @CD[HU www.Qbndlts[` whlrl ycu end sll `lnds is thnt 86% cf thl idklx’s `cvl-
trnkidj thl Dnsknq >11 Idklx! fcr ycurslbf, fcr frll, thnt thl priels kc `ldt wns lxpbnidlk (prlkietlk) oy thl
idkllk fcbbcw thl fcrlensts ― fcr frll. I Qbndlts [lbb fcrlenst. I junrndtll ycu wibb
www.spxti`` kcd’t jivl nwny, fcr frll, `y `cst prcf- dct `nteh this plrfcr`ndel with ndy cthlr
itnobl fcrlensts out I kc hnvl stcegs ndk systl`. Ndk if ycu kc I’bb suoseriol tc it.
ec``ckitils fcr frll thnt ycu ecubk `ngl Olenusl I rnd cut cf rcc` fcr ehnrts
(8<9)?5;-869: `cdly with whld ycu usl thl`. I’k bigl tc `ldticd sc`l lxn`pbls cd
Lvld if ycu kcd’t trnkl out wcubk si`- www.Qbndlts[` fcr ycu tc bccg nt
pby bigl n frll physies blsscd cd thl
th l stceg cr thnt nrl rlnbby quitl n`nzidj ―
futurls `nrglt ycu shcubk visit. Ycur fllk- Ebieg cd thl G`nrt lxn`pbl tc sll
oneg is vnbunobl tc `l. I’` nbwnys i`prcv- hcw thl pbndlts fcrltcbk cf G`nrt’s
bcdjtlr`` idj thl systl` ndk klpldk cd ycur suppcrt.
suppc rt. klebidl id nkvndel. Ycu’bb dctiel id thl
Ndywny pblnsl kcd’t must ol euricus7 visit G`nrt ehnrt hcw dielby thl stceg hns
Nkvndelk, Bcdj [lr` ndk blnrd. Ndk nbsc pblnsl rlnbizl thnt nbb olld fcbbcwidj its fcrlenst. _l`l`olr
Ec``ckity [rnkidj Uystl`s & fcrlenst bidls nrl jldlrntlk frc` priel thnt thl fcrlenst wns jldlrntlk ldtirlby
@cdly @ndnjl`ldt [ccbs kntn dct visiobl cd thl ehnrt. Cthlrwisl it frc` priels dct shcwd cd thl ehnrt. I end
wcubkd’t ol n fcrlenst wcubk it3 lxtldk thl fcrlenst fcr ylnrs ndk stibb jlt
Fllb bigl ycur cpti`izlk trnkidj Fcr lxn`pbl -- tc jldlrntl n > ylnr n vlry jcck ecrrlbnticd.
systl` is jcidj dc whlrl3 Ourdt fcrlenst idtc thl futurl frc` tckny I jc Ebieg cd thl \ditlk Nirbidls bidg tc
cut trnkidj lvlry kny3..[rnkl oneg 6 ylnrs ndk jrno thl dlxt < ylnrs sll hcw thl pbndlts fcrltcbk cf its tlr-
with cur
systl`s ndkrcoust,
ndk bcdj-tlr`
jlt ycur bif
l oneg !!  kntn ns
dlxt `y fcrlenst
ylnrs wcrgidj onslk
kntn. Icd
<-ylnr riobl obcw
‒[lrrcr id thl
frc` thlUlptl`olr >>th ?11>
Ugils‐ entnstrcphl.
kntn slt. Dctiel thl krcp blnkidj kcwd idtc thl
>11% `lehndienb & ec`putlrizl
k 9/>> [lrrcr Nttnegs it wns nb`cst bigl
bcdj-tlr` ec``ckity systl`s thl `nrglt gdlw this wcubk hnppld id
Nbb usl ec`pbltlby dcd-cpti`izlk nkvndel.
pnrn`ltlrs tc trnkl nbb ti`l I nbsc hnvl `cvil ebips cf thlsl ndk
frn`ls ― dc cpti`iznticd jn`ls!  `ndy cthlr stcegs ndk ec``ckitils fcr
Nbb nrl tlstlk njnidst thl sn`l 51- ycur ldmcy`ldt ndk lkuenticd. [hly nrl
ylnr, ?>-ec``ckity pcrtfcbic ― dc nbb kcwdbcnknobl fcr frll.
 pcrtfcbic ehlrry-piegidj
ehlrr y-piegidj jn `ls!  Ns ycu hnvl slld thlrl nrl dnturnb
Nutc`ntienbby nknpts tc ehndjidj rhyth`s id thl stceg `nrglt. [hl rln-
`nrglt ecdkiticds scd thly nrl sc hnrk tc kltlet is thnt
\sls Zllgby cr @cdthby kntn ― thlsl rhyth`s nrl ec`pcsitl pbndltnry
cdby pbnel crklrs >/wllg cr >/`c!  eyebls. Out oy udklrstndkidj thl phys-
ies ndk olhnvicr cf thl `nrglts ns thly
If ycu fidnbby rlnbizl thnt thl tndtnbizidj rlbntl tc pbndltnry eyebls ycu wibb fidk
idstndt riehls prc`islk oy hijhby thnt thl `crl ycu blnrd ndk udklrstndk
cpti`izlk cr pccrby kisebcslk systl`s thlsl thidjs thl `crl rlbnxlk, ecdfikldt
is n `yth, wl cfflr n vinobl, hcdlst ndk prcfitnobl ns n swidj trnklr ycu
nbtlrdntivl nt n frneticd cf thl ecst. olec`l.
Visit us nt www.bcdjtlr``
 Mcslph Nrlehijn end ol rlnehlk nt
& ec`pnrl cur trneg rlecrks with
Futurls [ruth
[ruth [cp >1…thld kleikl !! 
Fijurl 5

<1 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

"[urd thl Utceg @nrglt idtc ycu plrscdnb

F.O.I. Ec`putlr Ecdtrnetcr _lvlnbs......
 "Hcw tc pieg Utceg @nrglt turdidj pcidts with "QidQcidt" Neeurney usidj
ecdelpts first Klvlbcplk oy Lidstlid, Isnee Dlwtcd ndk Blcdnrkc Fiocdneei"

‒I'` Ecdvidelk Ndyocky End Ecpy Zhnt I'` Kcidj, Cdel [hly \dklrstndk It.‐
If thl Krln` cf trnkidj ndk `ngidj ecdsistldt I wldt oneg tc thl onsies cf `y `nth ‒I hnvl fidnbby Qrcvlk thnt
ndk coseldlby bnrjl prcfits kny id ndk kny cut  onegjrcudk ndk kustlk cff sc`l vlry cbk
hns nbbuklk cr ycu nrl bccgidj fcr prccf thnt  occgs cd Blcdnrkc Fiocdneei
Fiocdneei tc try ndk fidk Fiocdneei du`olrs rlnbby kc
\divlrsnb Bnws cf dnturl end ol uslk fcr ndythidj thnt rlbntlk tc his ‒Dnturnb Du`olrs‐ wcrg id kny trnkidj ndk
`ngidj hujl prcfits id thl Utceg ndk Futurls thnt rlplnt id dnturl ndk sll if thlsl sn`l
`nrglts, thnd ycur slnreh ndk qulst fcr this
pcsiticd trnkidj `nrglts !!!!!‐
du`olrs rlplntlk id thl `nrglts.
gdcwblkjl is CVL_ !!!!!
I hnvl kleiklk tc shnrl this `lthck with thl
Zhnt I fcudk  wcrbk, sc I hnvl writtld n `ndunb enbblk thl
@y dn`l is Eurtis Lonujh ndk this is `y
N@N]LKLK `l!!!
!! ‒QidQcidt [rnkidj @lthck‐
stcry. I hnvl [wc Ldjidllridj kljrlls frc` n
I tccg lvlry ecdelivnobl enbeubnticd ndk Id thl `ndunb I rlvlnb lvlry pcssiobl
bnrjl wlbb-gdcwd ecbbljl. Nocut twc ylnrs
vnrinticd cd thl ‒Fiocdneei Du`olrs‐ ndk  prcfitnobl wny tc trnkl thl QidQcidt
QidQcidt `lthck
njc I wns wcrgidj fcr thl F.O.I. cd n
tlstlk lvlry pcssiobl wny thly ecubk ol uslk with fndtnstie rlsubts.
ecdtrnetidj onsis ns n gly prcjrn``lr f cr
cd thl U&Q<11 usidj < `idutl kntn fcr thl Ycu wibb blnrd…………
thlir fidjlrpridt rlecjditicd scftwnrl tc hlbp
ec`pbltl ylnr cf ?11>. >. [hl Onsie QidQcidt @lthck
krnstienbby klerlnsl thl ti`l it wcubk tngl tc
?. @y K Kynd`ie
ynd`ie Fio stcps
slnreh @IBBICDU cf fidjlrpridts.  Dcw thnt is n [CD n kntn
kntn tc tlst cvlr, out I 5. [hl QidQcidt Erudeh
wns surl thnt if I ecubk fidk ndythidj thnt wns ;. QidQcidt prcfit tnrjlts
 prcfitnobl, I wcubk ol cd `y`y wny tc n truby Out thnt’s dct nbb…..
IDU[ND[BY !!!!!
histcrie `nrglt kisecvlry!!!!!! Nbsc idebuklk id thl occg nrl sc`l cf `y
Zhnt I sccd blnrdlk frc` usidj thl F.O.I.’s `cst privntlby hlbk trnkidj slerlts thnt hnvl
Uuplr Ec`putlrs wns thnt I ecubk fidk hikkld [hl QidQcidt [rnkidj @lthck thlir onsis id thl ‒BNZU cf J_NVI[Y‐
 pnttlrds id fidjlrpridts thnt wcubk
wcubk nbbcw thl wns Ocrd!!!!!
ec`putlr tc thrcw cut 99% cf nbb fidjlrpridts [hl QidQcidt `lthck enpturlk n [CD cf pcidt I uslk thl onsie bnws cf Uir Isnee Dlwtcd tc
thnt kik dct `nteh thl F.O.I.’s slnreh. @y id thl DNUKN^ ndk U&Q. Id fnet I wns klvlbcp n `lthck tc pcsiticd trnkl @utunb
 ocssls wlrl thribblk!!! I wns nobl tc slnreh
slnreh fcr studdlk tc wnteh thlsl trnkls id rlnb ti`l ns fudks ndk Futurls ecdtrnets with bcw risg ndk
thl rijht fidjlrpridts with bijhtld spllk. thly glpt `ngidj `cdly cvlr ndk cvlr. udolbilvnoby hijh rlturds.
I flbt bigl I wns hit with n Id ?11> ‒Bnw cf @cticd @ngls
[CD cf Oriegs !!!!! QidQcidt Enpturlk……. $;,;15,81>.56‐
Cd thl wny hc`l, I wns sittidj id `y Mnjunr @y ‒BNZ cf @C[ICD‐ `lthck `nkl
with thl tcp kcwd ldmcys thl ldk cf n J_LN[ U&Q<11 [ctnb pcidts $;,;15,81>.56 usidj Dc-Bcnk @utunb fudks
wcrg kny whld it hit `l, I ecubk usl this sn`l
@nthl`ntienb nbjcrith` tc fidk rleurridj
?,818 ndk hns olld oneg-tlstlk >96? !!!!!! Ycu
wcubk hnvl cdby `nkl $>65,<<8: with n
 pnttlrds id thl Utceg ndk Futurls `nrglts
`nrglts ndk DNUKN^ [ctnb Qcidts ouy ndk hcbk `lthck
if thlsl pnttlrds rlnbby lxistlk, usl thl` tc
`ngl n fcrtudl id thl `nrglt!!!!
Nbsc idebuklk id thl `ndunb is n `lthck fcr
Zith nd n`nzidj trnkidj thl Kcw 51 idklx with cvlr
Zlbb nftlr this thcujht hit `l, I krcvl hc`l
spllks thnt `y Mnjunr hnk dlvlr slld olfcrl. +91% widdidj knys 9<% widdidj trnkls
oneg tlstlk fcr 51 ylnrs!!!!
I stnrtlk thnt dijht prcjrn``idj dcd-stcp tc --------------------------------------------------
sll if I ecubk truby fidk hikkld trnkls ndk  Dcw, I gdcw whnt ycu nrl nrl thidgidj. >>,9:8
lxpbcit thl`. \sidj thl @ntn`ntienb  DNUKN^ pts. [hnt’s i`pcssiobl.
i`pcssiobl. Zlbb I hnvl I wibb nbsc idebukl `y
`y Z.K. Jndd
nbjcrith` I hnk klvlbcplk nt thl F.O.I. tc fidk nbb thl trnkl oy trnkl rlsubts tc prcvl it. [hl Jlc`ltrie ‒Lxenbiolr‐ [rnkidj `lthck
fidjlrpridts.  olst pnrt cf thl `lthck wns thnt thnt thl lquity whieh fidks thl rlnbby OIJ `nrglt `cvls
ehnrt wns s`ccth ns sibg, thlrl wlrl dc oij fcr nbb `nrglts ndk nbb ti`l frn`ls. [his is
krnw-kcwds thnt wcubk wipl cut thl s`nbb n ec`pbltlby dlw wny tc trnkl Jndd
I hnk cdl OIJ Q_COBL@………
trnklr. Ndjbls!! Ndk is thl CDBY Jnd `lthck I
Zhnt wcubk I tlbb thl ec`putlr tc bccg fcr333
I blt n ecupbl cf `y trnklr frildks blnrd this hnvl slld thnt end ol uslk oy Kny[rnklrs
I `lnd ycu must endt sny bccg fcr thidjs thnt
n`nzidj `lthck cf trnkidj ndk thly wlrl ndk pcsiticd trnkls.
`ngl `cdly.
 obcwd nwny nt hcw lnsy thl `lthck wns tc I wish I ecubk sll thl bccg cd ycur fnel cdel
Uc I wldt oneg tc `y `nth occgs….
fcbbcw. ycu udklrstndk hcw QidQcidt rlnbby wcrgs….

[c crklr= Enbb [rnklrs Zcrbk nt >-811-?88-;?66

F_LL with Ecursl Qurehnsl
Frll L-@nib Uuppcrt QidQcidt [rnkidj Ecursl $?;:
pbus $<.11 shippidj
Frll @l`olrship tc thl QidQcidt Iddlr Eirebl
Frll Idtlrdlt Ecdflrldel Enbbs [rnklrs Zcrbk
 Ocdus Idslrt= ?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Ut.
[hl Ueildtifie @lthck cf Ecudtidj Lbbictt Znvls Upridjfilbk, @C 6<8>1

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   <>



Qbndltnry Hnr`cdies
oy Bnrry Qlsnvldtc.
Qrcvikls phldc`ldnb
trldk ehndjl kntls ndk
[hl Qrc﬎t @njie cf Utceg [rndsneticd [i`idj _l`idiseldsls cf n Utceg Cplrntcr
Nppbils Jlcrjl Onylr’s
oy M.@. Hurst oy Lkwid BlFlvrl  
Ulerlts cf Fcrlenst-
Oij `cdly id thl stceg [his rlpridt cf thl >9?5
idj Qriels tc ﬎dndeinb
`nrglt ec`ls frc` ec`- ebnssie hns olec`l
`nrglts, Qrcvls thl
pcudkidj prc﬎ts cd shcrt cvlr thl ylnrs cdl cf
vnbikity cf pbndltnry hnr-
tlr` trnkls, out udtib thl `cst wiklby scujht
`cdies, Ibbustrntls hikkld
dcw, dc tccb cf idvlstidj nftlr ndk rlnk occgs
Fiocdneei rntics. ?1?
hns nehilvlk thl ti`idj lvlr puobishlk cd thl
pjs.$;9.11 $;;.>1
neeurney dlelssnry tc stceg `nrglt. [his wcrg
kc it. [his occg rlpcrts cf ﬎eticd is id fnet n
cd n priel-fcrlenstidj thidby kisjuislk oicjrn- Hnr`cdie Viornticds
oy Bnrry Qlsnvldtc
tlehdiqul thl nuthcr phy cf thl `cst ecbcrfub
Id this occg, Qlsvndtc
hns rl﬎dlk cvlr thl ecursl cf ?1,111 `nrglt spleubntcr id thl stceg ndk
klnbs with pbndltnry
hcurs cf ec`putlr rlslnreh. $?<.11  $?<.11   ec``ckity trnklr’s Hnbb cf Fn`l, Mlssl
nsplets ndk thlir rlbnticd-
Dcw $?1.11 Bivlr`crl.[his wcrg cf ﬎eticd is id fnet
ship tc kny-trnkidj. Hl
n thidby kisjuislk oicjrnphy cf thl `cst
tngls ycu tc thl ﬏ccr cf
Mlssl Bivlr`crl= Upleubntcr Gidj  Gidj  ecbcrfub `nrglt spleubntcr id thl stceg
thl Ehienjc @lrendtibl
oy Qnub Unrdcff  ndk ec``ckity trnklr’s Hnbb cf Fn`l,
Lxehndjl with wnvl trnk-
Mlssl Bivlr`crl, thcujh Mlssl Bivlr`crl. $>9.9< $>6.9<
idj tlehdiquls sueh ns
hl kilk cvlr fcrty ylnrs
n jlc`ltrie trnkidj pbnd
njc, is stibb gdcwd tckny Znbb Utrllt Vldturls & Nkvldturls
onslk cd Jlcrjl Onylr’s slerlt `ls-
ns cdl cf thl `cst ecb- oy _iehnrk K. Zyegcff 
snjl, Ec`oust (cdl cf thl `cst i`pcr-
crfub, ﬏n`ocyndt, ndk [hl nuthcr is olst gdcwd
tndt nstrc-hnr`cdie eyebls id scyolnds)
rlspletlk `nrglt spleu- ns thl fcudklr ndk puo-
ndk thl _csh Hnshndnh Eyebl. >:6 pjs.
bntcrs cf nbb ti`l. Gdcwd bishlr cf thl @njnzidl
$;9.11   $;;.>1
oy lpithlts sueh ns Ocy cf Znbb Utrllt. It ecvlrs
Qbudklr, thl Jrlnt Olnr, his fnseidntidj enrllr ns
Jlc`ltry cf thl @nrglts 
ndk thl Ecttcd Gidj, Bivlr`crl octh slbf-`nkl stceg `nrglt
`nkl, ndk suoslquldtby bcst, fcur `ubti- cplrntcr frc` >888 tc oy Oryel Jib`crl 
Occg lxpbnids thl thlcry
`ibbicd kcbbnr fcrtudls kuridj his enrllr >9?8. @ndy cf thl `nrglt
olhidk ti`l id thl `nr-
ns n spleubntcr, whieh spnddlk thrll cplrntcrs cf thl kny,
glts, Ndeildt Jlc`ltry
klenkls. ?<.11 
?<.11  Dcw $>:.1< sueh ns Bivlr`crl ndk Glldl, wlrl
ndk Du`lrcbcjy, Uqunr-
plrscdnbby gdcwd tc Zyegcff ndk id thlir
idj Qriel Blvlbs, [i`l
\dklrstndkidj Fiocdneei 
Fiocdneei  wcrg hl rlenbbs thlir vilws ndk `lthcks
Uuppcrt ndk _lsistndel.
oy Lk Kcoscd. cf trnkidj. [his is n `ust-hnvl occg fcr
Hlbiceldtrie Qbndltnry
[his pri`lr occgblt cd thl stukldt cf `nrglt bcrl. 5>5 pjs. [his
Eyebls. $;9.11 
$;9.11  Dcw must
Fiocdneei du`olrs is `nmcr Znbb Utrllt ebnssie wns ﬎rst puo-
idtldklk tc= Jivl thl bishlk id >951. $>9.9< $>:.9<
$>9.9< $>:.9<
rlnklr nd iditinb nequnid-
[hl Cpldidj Qriel Qrideipnb
tndel with thl ecdelpts [hl [nybcr [rnkidj [lehdiqul 
oy Bnrry Qlsnvldtc
cf thl Fiocdneei du`olr oy Kcujbns J. [nybcr 
[hlrl is nd n`nzidjby rlbi-
slquldel,nppbyidj thl Fcr thcsl idtlrlstlk id
nobl rlbnticdship oltwlld
ecdelpts tc trnkidj kny trnkidj ndk shcrt-tlr`
thl cpldidj priel ndk
stcegs ndk ec``cki- swidj trnkidj id futurls,
thl hijh/bcw rndjl fcr thl
tils. $<.11 this ebnssie >9<1 wcrg is
ldtirl kny. [his rlbnticd-
nd idkispldsnobl rlflr-
[hl [rnkidj _ubl [hnt End @ngl Ycu ldel. [hl 5-Kny @lthck ship
cdby tcisslnscdlk
_ieh (n.g.n. [hl Occg @lthck)
[his dlw occg frc` ?
oy Lk Kcoscd  klseriolk hlrlid, `nid-
trnklrs with cvlr <1 ylnrs
Kiseussls n si`pbl out tnids thnt `nrglts `cvl
ec`oidlk lxplrildel rlvlnbs this ecd-
lffletivl `lthck fcr id n thrll-kny eyebl thnt end ol trneglk
sistldt pnttlrd, ibbustrntls it with `ndy
ti`idj `nrglt ldtry, oy `lnsuridj rnbbils ndk klebidls. Bidkn
tnoubnr ndk ehnrtlk lxn`pbls, ndk tlbbs
onslk cd n tlehdiqul Ornkfcrk _nsehgl hijhby rlec``ldks
ycu hcw tc trnkl prc﬎tnoby usidj it. If
uslk oy thl bljldknry this occg ndk thl prideipbls it tlnehls.
ycu nrl n shcrt tlr` trnklr id LI[HL_
Z.K. Jndd, whc snik (>?8 pjs) $?;.9<
stcegs cr futurls, thl gdcwblkjl ycu wibb
cf this `lthck, Ycu end
jnid frc` this occg wibb jivl ycu n trl-
`ngl n fcrtudl oy fcbbcw- NstrcEyebls= [rnklrsVilwpcidt
`ldkcus nkvndtnjl lvlry kny fcr thl
idj this cdl rubl nbcdl! oy Bnrry Qlsnvldtc 
rlst cf ycur trnkidj bifl. $?9.9< $?5.:1
Idecrpcrntls n tlehdienb trnkidj rubl Qlsnvldtc oljids nt thl
whieh utibizls n ecdsistldtby rlpltitivl vlry oljiddidj cf this
Ec`pbltl Utceg @nrglt [rnkidj ndk
pnttlrd cf `nrglt olhnvicr. Nppbils tc occg oy tlnehidj thl
Fcrlenstidj Ecursl
nbb `nrglts ndk nbb ti`l plricks, whlthlr onsies cf nstrcbcjy. Hl
oy @iehnlb Mldgids 
shcrt tlr` (idtrnkny), i``lkintl, cr idebukls thl onsie kl﬎di-
Id this ecursl Mldgids
bcdj tlr`. @ndy trnklrs hnvl writtld ticds ndk lxpbndnticds
cr enbblk us `cdths nftlr rlnkidj this fc thl pbndltnry `cvl-  Ec`pbltl tlnehls usidj
`nrglts ycu tc
thltrnkl thl
ti`l ndk
occg ndk tcbk us it hns olld thl sidjbl `ldts. Idebuklk id thl Utceg @nrglt
priel prideipnbs cf Jndd..
`cst uslfub occg thly hnvl lvlr rlnk tcpies ecvlrlk nrl lxpbn- [rnkidj
Hl nbsc rlvlnbs his slerlt
cd futurls trnkidj. (6: pjs) $?9.9< 
$?9.9<   dnticds cf thl ]ckine ndk its rlbnticd- Fcrenstidj
trnkidj tlehdiquls whieh
$??.9< ship tc thl sijds ndk hcusls, lebipsls, Ecursl
hl cdby hns rlvlnblk tc
lquidcxls ndk scbstiels ns wlbb ns
sc`l cf his ebcsl
Budnr phldc`ldn.(>91 pjs) $;1.11
frildks.(?8; pjs) $<?9.11

<? Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

[hl Jlc`ltry cf Utceg @nrglt Qrc﬎ts ndk ﬎dndeinb trldks... fcrlsllidj `nrglt Ehnddlbs ndk Eyebls 
oy @iehnlb Mldgids  psyehcbcjy... ndk prlkietidj jbconb oy Orind @ibbnrk  
[his occg is nocut lvldts thnt end klvcur ycur prc﬎ts cr Fcr `ndy ylnrs I hnvl
Mldgids’ prcpriltnry kcuobl thl` cvlr dijht. $?9.9< hlnrk hcw vnbunobl thl
tlehdiquls, with `nmcr wcrg cf M.@. Hurst hns
l`phnsis cd eyebl Fiocndeei [rnkidj with Qnttlrd _lecjdi- prcvld tc thcsl idtlrlstlk
ndnbysis, hcw hl vilws ticd id thl usl cf eyebls id thl
ndk usls thl `lthcks oy Bnrry Qlsnvldtc   pursuit cf `nrglt prc﬎ts.
cf Z. K. Jndd, ndk thl ^uctlk frc` _colrt @id- It is with jrlnt prikl thnt
jlc`ltry cf ti`l ndk lr’s Kydn`ie [rnklr Ndnb- wl prlsldt thl wcrg cf
priel. N`cdj thl `ndy ysis _lpcrt, Qlsnvldtc Orind @ibbnrk, Ehnddlbs
tcpies ycu wibb blnrd= *Zhieh ndjbls nrl hns olld trnkidj fcr 51 ndk Eyebls, whieh ebnri﬎ls thl crijidnb
i`pcrtndt & hcw tc krnw thl` ecrrletby, ylnrs. [ckny, hl is pri- wcrg cf Hurst ns wlbb ns upkntidj it ndk
typls prcflssicdnb
cf strntljils trnklrs
thly uslthidg
knyndk thl
tc kny, `nriby n kny
dlw occg trnklr.
is wlbb His
fceuslk oridjidj it fcrwnrk tc thl prlsldt ti`l.
$;9.11 $;1.<1
$;9.11  $;1.<1
*Hcw tc pbnel stcps ecrrletby, *Hcw tc ndk crjndizlk. [hl oubg
ecdstruet ndk usl Jndd Uqunrls fcr cf thl occg klseriols n [hl Jndd Qyrn`ik= Uqunrl cf Didl
ndnbysis ndk fcrlenstidj cf idkivikunb bi`itlk du`olr cf hijh prconoibity pnt- Lssldtinbs
stcegs ndk ec``ckitils, *Hcw bcdj tlrds whieh ecideikl with ebustlrs cf Fio oy Kndilb [. Flrrlrn
thl onsie trldk end ol lxpletlk tc bnst, priel prcmleticds thnt prcvikl thl shcrt- N dlw jrcudk orlngidj
*Zhld ndk whlrl tc ouy ndk slbb, *Hcw tlr` trnklr with hijh prconoibity ndk bcw ecursl cd thl Uqunrl Cf
tc utibizl Jndd ndjbls ndk @lthcks thnt enpitnb lxpcsurl trnkl slt-ups. [hlsl Didl, Z. K. Jndd’s `cst
prlkiet lxnet turdidj pcidts with hijh trnkl slt-ups nrl lqunbby vnbunobl fcr `ystlricus enbeubntcr.
prconoibity, *[hl du`lrcbcjienb idtlr- idtlr`lkintl tlr` trnklrs ns wlbb. [hl [his ecursl is fubb cf dlvlr
rlbnticdships cf priel ndk ti`l fcrlenst- shcrt-tlr` slt-ups end nbsc ol uslk tc olfcrl slld prideipbls
idj, *[ld trnkidj tips tc `ngl ycu rieh. ldtlr fcr nd idtlr`lkintl tlr` pcsiticd. ndk tlehdiquls cf ndnby-
[his occg is n trnkidj ebnssie ndk ycu $;9.11 $;5.9< sis usidj Jndd’s Uqunrl
wibb trlnsurl thl ecdtriouticd it wibb `ngl cf 9, with kltniblk lxpbndnticds cf thlir
tc ycur trnkidj prc﬎eildey ndk prc﬎ts. Utceg Qnttlrds fcr Kny [rnkidj nppbienticds tc thl `nrglts. $59<.11
$<1.11  $;<.11
$<1.11 $;<.11 oy Onrry _ukk 
^uctlk frc` _colrt
Ehnrt _lnkidj
oy @iehnlb fcr Qrcflssicdnb [rnklrs
Mldgids  @idlr’s
[rnklr NdnbysisKydn`ie
[his occg is n ec`pbltl, ec`prlhldsivl Qlsnvldtc hns olld   Occg Crklr Fcr`
stuky cd rlnkidj ehnrts, trnkidj fcr 51 ylnrs. 811-?88-;?66
fcrlenstidj thl `nrglt, [ckny, hl is pri`nriby Fnx ;>:-886-<>81
ti`l eyebls, ndk trnk- n kny trnklr. His dlw
idj strntljils. Lxpbnids occg is wlbb fceuslk ndk
rlvlrsnb cf trldks, whld crjndizlk. [hl oubg cf   ^ty Itl`# Klseripticd Qriel
tc lxplet thl`, ndk hcw thl occg klseriols n bi`itlk du`olr cf
tc gdcw thl trldk hns hijh prconoibity pnttlrds whieh ecideikl  SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
ehndjl. Uhcws ycu hcw with ebustlrs cf Fio priel prcmleticds thnt
tc fcrlenst with jrlnt prcvikl thl shcrt-tlr` trnklr with hijh
rlbinoibity hcw bcdj thl dlw trldk wibb prconoibity ndk bcw enpitnb lxpcsurl  SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
bnst ndk its priel tnrjlt. Ns kcls Jlc`- trnkl slt-ups. [hlsl trnkl slt-ups nrl
ltry cf @nrglts, this occg kiseussls id- lqunbby vnbunobl fcr idtlr`lkintl tlr`
klpth thl Jndd tlehdiquls cf ti`l ndk trnklrs ns wlbb. [hl shcrt-tlr` slt-ups  SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
priel. Qrcjrlssls tc thl vlry nkvndelk end nbsc ol uslk tc ldtlr fcr nd idtlr`l-
ecdelpts cf kny trnkidj cff cf eireubnr kintl tlr` pcsiticd. $9<.11 $6<.9<  

ndk slj`ldts ndk enbeubntidj
bcw priel tnrjlts. ﬎dnb hijh
Lneh prideipbl is Qrc﬎tnobl Qnttlrds fcr Utceg [rnkidj
 Uhippidj id (x.xx) olsikl priel SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
kl`cdstrntlk with du`lrcus ehnrt ibbus- oy Bnrry Qlsnvldtc 
trnticds ndk rlnb wcrbk nppbienticds. [hl Cvlr thl pnst ?1 ylnrs  @K rlsikldts nkk
idfcr`nticd fcudk id this occg is udiqul thl usl ndk `isusl cf
with `ndy cf thl tlehdiquls kisecvlrlk thl Fiocdneei Uu``nticd
plrscdnbby oy @r. Mldgids ndk fcudk slrils hns prcbiflrntlk tc   Dn`lSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
dcwhlrl lbsl! $:<.11  $6:.<1
$:<.11 $6:.<1 thl pcidt thnt ec``ldtn-
tcrs cd thl dnticd’s [V
Idvlstidj oy thl Utnrs 
oy Hldry Zlidjnrkdlr   dcw rlsikldt lxplrts. I
Ycur juikl is prc`idldt bny dc ebni` tc olidj nd
﬎dndeinb nstrcbcjlr lxplrt. I hnvl, hcwlvlr, stukilk thl   ]ip SSSSSSSSSSS Qhcdl
Hldry Zlidjnrtld, suomlet cf Fiocdneei du`olrs lxtld-
`ndnjidj kirletcr cf sivlby, lspleinbby hcw it rlbntls tc trnk-
thl Nstrcbcjlrs Fudk idj. I hnvl nbwnys tngld thl prnj`ntie   @lthck cf Qny`ldt= SS @E SSVIUN
ndk prlkietcr cf sueh pcsiticd thnt if I ecubk dct usl whnt I wns
`nrglt oldeh`nrgs ns stukyidj tc hlbp id trnkidj, thld I wns
thl >991
@nrglt [cgyc
Ernsh ndkUtceg
thl dctthis
If idtlrlstlk
`ntlrinb idend
pursuidj it ndy
sti`ubntl furthlr.
ycur idtlr-
nkk $>.9<\.U. Crklrs= >st occg $;.9<, lneh nkkiticdnb
  Idtlrdnticdnb Nir`nib= Endnkn= $8.11, $;.<1,
stnrt cf thl Qlrsind Jubf Znr. Hlrl hl lst id thl suomlet, thld idtrckueidj ycu @lxiec= $>?.11, ;.11 Lurcpl= $>9.?1, $9.<1,
hlbps rlnklrs blnrd whnt `ndy oij- tc thl suomlet wibb hnvl olld wcrthwhibl Nsin $?<, $$>9.<1
ti`l `cdly `ndnjlrs nbrlnky gdcw=  $;5.9<
$;9.11 $;5.9<
  [rnklrsZcrbk, ?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Ut., Upridj﬎lbk, @C 6<8>1
thnt n bittbl elblstinb gdcwblkjl end jc
nbcdj wny tcwnrks neeurntlby ti`idj`
thl `nrglt... ehnrtidj lecdc`ie eyebls

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   <5


[rnklrℯ ;.1
hl Fiocdneei [rnklrℯ Qrcjrn` wns
klsijdlk oy _colrt Grnusz. Hl hns
writtld slvlrnb nrtiebls fcr [rnklrs
Zcrbk   ndk is nd lxplrt id Jndd, Fiocdneei,
ndk @ubtipbl [i`l Frn`l [rnkidj cf thl `nr-
occg Z.K. Jndd [rlnsurl Kisecvlrlk=
glts. Hl nbsc is nuthcr cf thl occg Z.K.
Ui`pbl [rnkidj Qbnds fcr Utcegs ndk Ec``ckitils ndk
Ec``ckitils ndk wns cdl cf
thl trnklrs thl Dlw
id thl Dlw
[hl Fiocdneei @nrglt Ziznr
[rnklrℯ Ziznrks
;.1 ks occg.
wns lnsy tc idstnbb, ndk wcrgs
with nb`cst lvlry rlnb-ti`l ndk ldk-cf-thl-kny kntn slrviels nvnib-
nobl tckny. [hlrl is nbsc nd ldk-cf-thl kny vlrsicd thnt wcrgs with
 [hl onsie ecdelpt cf
thl Fiocdneei [rnklrℯ idkientcrs end ol ehndjlk, dct cdby thl enbeubnticds out nbsc thl
is thnt nbb ehnrts nrl slt ecbcr, thiegdlss ndk qunbity cf thl bidls. Ycu end nbsc erlntl DLZ
up id thrll ti`l frn`ls idkientcrs id ndy ti`l plrick.
whld ycu klfidl n ecd- [his prcjrn` nbbcws ycu tc erlntl ycur cwd trnkidj systl`
trnet. If ycu’rl trnkidj with ndy du`olr cf idkientcrs. I hnvl kispbnylk nd lxn`pbl whlrl
thl UQ<11, ycu end pieg I erlntlk n systl` onslk cd Onbndel Qcidt, Cwd, Dlxt, Hijhlst ndk
Kniby/Zllgby/@cdthby Utcehnsties. [hl systl`s ycu erlntl end ol nppbilk tc nbb ehnrts
ti`l plricks. Cdel thl with must n ebieg cf n outtcd.
ehnrt is cpldlk, nbb idki- N s`nbb jrlld squnrl id thl ecrdlr cf thl serlld jivls idstndt
entcrs ndk krnwidj tccbs neelss tc thl ‒Uercbb Onr‐ whieh nutc`ntienbby netivntls thl [utcrinb
end ol vilwlk fcr kniby, wllgby ndk `cdthby onsis. Fcr lxn`pbl, Fneibity. [his ldnobls thl trnklr tc kc n oneg-trneg onr-oy-onr, sc
ycu end vilw thl stcehnsties fcr kniby, wllgby ndk `cdthby ehnrts kcidj n physienb ehleg cf n trnkidj systl`. It’s n vlry i`pcrtndt
nbb nt cdl ti`l. Oy kcidj this, ycu end sll if thl hijhlr ti`l plricks flnturl ns it nbbcws ycu tc prnetiel with ycur trnkidj systl`.
nrl ecdfir`idj thl kniby ti`l plrick. If ycu hnvl thl idtrnkny vlr-  Cdl vlry dlnt flnturl cf this prcjrn` is Ldenpsubnticd. It is thl
sicd cf this prcjrn`, ycu end lvld nppby this kcwd tc n > `idutl ocxlk ldebcsurl cf thl s`nbblr ti`l frn`l’s onrs oy thl bnrjlr ti`l
onr. [hl idkientcrs shcwd cd thl serlld end ol ecbcr eccrkidntlk frn`l’s rndjl, furthlr ldfcreidj thl vnbikity cf thl `ubtipbl ti`l
sc thnt ycu gdcw frc` whieh ti`l frn`l thly nrl frc`. Nbb `nmcr frn`l `lthckcbcjy. Id cthlr wcrks, thl kniby onrs end ol ldebcslk
oy n ocx rlprlsldtidj thl wllgby rndjl (cr hcurby tc kniby, wllgby
tc `cdthby, lte.). [his nbbcws ycu tc sll thl twc ti`l frn`ls `cv-

[rnklrs Zcrbk
idj id tndkl`, nbbcwidj fcr n `crl lxnet ndnbysis cf thl twc ti`l
[his prcjrn` flnturls n du`olr cf prcpriltnry idkientcrs thnt
nrl dct nvnibnobl cd ndy cthlr prcjrn`. Fcr lxn`pbl thl Onbndel

Nrtiebls cd Utlp is cdl cf thlsl thnt I nppbilk tc thl nocvl ehnrt. It prcvikls
stlp fcr`nticd bidls thnt `cvl with thl trnkidj rndjl klfididj thl
trnkl, prcvikidj ldtry ndk lxit pcidts ndk trnibidj stcps. Ndcthlr

EK $;9.9< 
udiqul idkientcr nrl thl ‒Fiocdneei ]cdls’ thnt klfidl suppcrt
ndk rlsistndel ondks cd thl hijhlr ti`l plrick. Ndcthlr idtlrlstidj
idkientcr is thl Fiocdneei _ndjlr, ndcthlr Fiocdneei onslk tccb. [hl
bcwlst priel_ndjlr
cf thl is sltklfidlk
uslr tc idlk
klf klfidl n swidj
du`olr onslk
cf knys cd thl
usidj thl hijhlst
(Jlt nbb thl oneg nrtiebls cd EK whieh idebukls hudklrlks slquldel. It end ol uslk ns nd idkientcr cf trldk ehndjl ndk nbsc fcr f cr
cf nrtiebls, ehnrts, ndk ibbustrnticds frc` thl nrehivls cf ldtry ndk lxit pcidts.
[rnklrs Zcrbk. @crl nvnibnobl tccbs idebukl Neelblrnticd Ondks, Nrgny Bidls,
Yls, Qblnsl sldk `l nbb thl nrtiebls id thl oneg issuls cf [rnklrs
Ocbbidjlr Ondks, Ec``ckity Ehnddlb Idklx, Kndtcd Utcps,
Zcrbk cd EK id QKF fcr`nt fcr must $;9.9< pbus $;.9< \.U. shippidj. Klvinticd Bidls, Kirleticdnb Vcbntibity, Kcdehind Ehnddlbs, Kcuobl
Hi-Bc Qcidts, Kydn`ie Onbndel Qcidts, Kydn`ie Fioc]cdls, Jndd
Dn`l SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Uwidj Ehnrtist Dlxt ndk Cwd, Cwd, Mnegscd ]cdls, Grnusz _ntic Ondks
[hl Fiocdneei [rnklrℯ hns zcc` ecdtrcb7 idebukidj nd
EitySSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS idtuitivl flnturl thnt nbbcws ycu tc `cvl thl serlld up cr kcwd tc
Utntl SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ]ipSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS neec``ckntl nd lxpndkidj trnkidj rndjl. It hns ecbcr ndk scudk
nbnr`s, pnjl snvidj cpticds, `ubtipbl onr cpticds (bidl, endkblstieg
L`nibSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS cpld-hijh-bcw ebcsl, hijh-bcw-ebcsl), onr idslrticd, jctc kntl enpn-
Ehleg @E Visn N@NX oibitils, ndk `ndy `crl.
[hl Fiocdneei [rnklrℯ is nd lxelbbldt prcjrn` ecdtnid-
Enrk#SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLxp.SSSSS idj `ubtipbl Utndknrk Idkientcrs ndk kczlds cf Dlw [ccbs
ndk Idkientcrs, `cstby Fiocdneei-onslk. Nbb cplrnticds nrl id
@ubtipbl [i`l Frn`l fcr`nt, thnt shcubk hlbp thl trnklr ndk
[rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl thl ndnbyst tc npprcneh thl Ec``ckity cr Utceg @nrglt frc`
811-?88-;?66 n dlw ndk scbik plrspletivl.
?<18 Z. Jrnyrceg Ut. Upridj﬎lbk, @C 6<8>1`  Fcr `crl idfcr`nticd jc tc`
`crl idfcr`nticd

<; Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

Oy Bnrry Mnecos Un`sudj >8>[ [rnkidj @cditcr
hlrl nrl slvlrnb stlps n trnklr end sicd ehnrtidj. Id this ec`putlr wl hnvl

[ tngl tc ehndjl his ldvircd`ldt sc

hl end trnkl withcut kistrneticds.
[hl first stlp is tc turd cff thl tlblvi-
sicd. [his wibb frll his `idk frc` thl
nd cpticd cf @iercscft Zidkcws XQ prc
cr Zidkcws ?111. @iercscft cffiel ndk
Dcrtcd ndtivirus is nbsc nvnibnobl.
Ndcthlr i`pcrtndt thidj wl nkklk
[rnkidjUcbuticds is n ec`-
prlhldsivll scftwnrl pnegnjl
thnt hlbps ycu `ngl olttlr
ecdstndt ecdfusidj ehnttlr. Hl shcubk wns 811 du`olr tlehdienb suppcrt ndk
ebcsl thl kccr cf his cffiel tc lbi`idntl dlxt kny cdsitl slrviel fcr hnrkwnrl trnkidj kleisicds. It ec`oidls
kistrneticds. [hl trnklr shcubk nbsc blt prcobl`s, oneglk oy cdl cf thl strcdjlst trnkiticdnb tlehdienb ndnbysis
lvlrycdl gdcw thnt hl kclsd’t wndt tc ec`putlr ec`pndils id thl wcrbk. [hl  with stntl-cf-thl
-nrt nrtifieinb
ol kisturolk ndk thnt hl dllks his ecd- ec`putlr lvld hns n slbf-hlnbidj `ckubl idtlbbijldel tlehdcbcjils tc jivl
eldtrnticd tc ol nobl tc sueelssfubby trnkl tc fix itslbf. N trnklr end’t nffcrk tc ol  ycu nd nkvndtnjl
nkvndtnjl id prlkieti
thl `nrglts. withcut his ec`putlr fcr vlry bcdj. His
[hl dlxt thidj thl trnklr dllks tc bividj klpldks cd it. tckny's `nrglts.
kc is tc jlt thl rijht trnkidj lquip`ldt Zhnt `cditcr cr `cditcrs shcubk thl
whieh wibb hlbp tc lbi`idntl thl dcisl trnklr usl fcr this trnkidj ec`putlr3 Zl
ndk tldsicds idsikl cf his cffiel. hnvl rlvilwlk `ndy `cditcrs ndk hnvl
[hl trnklr dllks tc upkntl his ec`- fcudk thl Un`sudj `cditcrs tc ol lxelb-
putlr tc cdl thnt hns thl enpnoibity cf bldt fcr thl trnklr. [hl Un`sudj ?;1[ is
lffletivlby trnkidj thl `nrglt. [rnklrs thl `cditcr cf ehciel fcr thl trnklr whc [rnkidjUcbuticds Vlrsicd
Zcrbk   slnrehlk thl `nrglt enrlfubby tc dllks tc put lvlrythidj cd cdl serlld. ?.1 is lvl
d `crl
`crl nkvndelk
fidk thl rijht trnkidj ec`putlr fcr trnk- Its netunb sizl is ?>.5 idehls. Its kijitnb
lrs. Id thl ldk wl fcudk it dlelssnry tc ndk hns nd lxelbbldt pieturl ecdtrnst cf thnd its prlklelsscr, with dlw
hnvl n ec`putlr ec`pndy ouibk cdl tc ?51=>. Its vlry orijht ndk shnrp ndk hns n flnturls sueh ns kniby trnkidj
cur spleifienticds. [hlrl wns dcthidj cut tijht pixlb piteh cf .?:``. Its enpnobl cf sijdnbs with ec``ldtnry,
thlrl thnt `lt nbb cf cur rlquirl`ldts. suppcrtidj n rlscbuticd cf >611 x >?11 idid i`prcvlk plrfcr`ndel ndk nd
[hl plrflet trnkidj ec`putlr wl kijitnb `ckl. It hns n wikl vilwidj ndjbl lnsilr-tc-usl idtlrfnel.
klsijdlk thnt wl flbt `lt thl rlquirl- cf >61 kljrlls ndk end suppcrt >6.:
`ldts cf n trnklr is n Qldtiu` ; ec`- `ibbicd ecbcrs. Uplnglrs nrl nbsc nvnib-
putlr with nd 8;<K `cthlrocnrk whieh
nbbcws usl cf KK_ `l`cry whieh is
nobl, whieh end nttneh tc thl sikl cf thl
`cditcr tc frll thl klsg cf ebuttlr. Zl UNVL $?11
`ueh fnstlr thnd stndknrk UK_N@. It fcudk thnt cdl ecubk lffletivlby put up cff thl rljubnr priel cf thl dlw
end nbsc usl thl dlw ?.1 JHz Idtlb <>? tc 8 bnrjl ehnrts cd its serlld fcr vilwidj [rnkidjUcbuticdss ?.1
enehl prcelsscr ehips. It’s hcuslk id n with dc prcobl`.
 \sll cffl
 \s cfflrr eck
eckll 88?
ensl with kunb nir eccbidj fnds. Zl nbsc [hl olst `ubtipbl `cditcr systl` fcr
quiltidstnbblk thl olstcd5<1
pcwlr suppby thl wntt whisplr
`nrglt. [hl thl trnklr oy
`cditcrs uslsUn`sudj.
thl dlw [hlsl
>8>[ ndk >9>[
ec`putlr wcubk hnvl thl cpticd cf thl hnvl thl bntlst kispbny tlehdcbcjy with
@ntrcx <<1 kunb kijitnb enrk fcr twc rlscbuticd cf >?81 x >1?; pcssiobl. [hlir
`cditcrs cr thl Nppind _ush`crl kiji- olzlb is cdby .: cf nd ideh, whieh `ngls
tnb enrk fcr fcur cr lijht `cditcrs. \sidj it diel stnegidj thl` sikl oy sikl cr cd
n kijitnb enrk thlrl is dc bcss cf serlld tcp cf lneh cthlr. [hly hnvl nd lxelbbldt
shnrpdlss whld n trnklr usls n kijitnb ecdtrnst rntic cf <11=>, >:1 kljrll ndjbl
fbnt pndlb `cditcr. [hlrl is n kifflrldel vilwidj, n pixlb piteh cf .?9`` ndk
oltwlld ndnbcj ndk kijitnb cutput. [hl nd lxtrl`lby orijht shnrp serlld. [hly
kijitnb cutput prcvikls thl shnrplst tlxt kcd’t hnvl n pcwlr orieg whieh nbbcws
ndk i`njls cd ycur serlld. It’s `crl fcr n eblnd sltup. [his `cditcr wibb nbsc
suplricr thnt ndnbcj cutput, olenusl pivct frc` bndksenpl tc n pcrtrnit vilw.
ndnbcj cutput rlquirls thl sijdnb tc ol [his hns n oij sijdifiendel. Quttidj fcur
ecdvlrtlk idtc kijitnb ndk id thnt ecdvlr- stndknrk bndksenpl `cditcrs tcjlthlr
sicd thlrl is bcss cf kltnib. sikl oy sikl tldks tc `ngl tcc wikl cf nd
Zl nbsc hnk idstnbblk thl olst quilt nrln tc vilw. Zith thlsl `cditcrs, id thl
hnrk kisg krivl nvnibnobl. [his cdl netu- pcrtrnit `ckl thl trnklr hns n `ueh olt-
nbby ruds cd n fbuik krivl systl` idstlnk tlr vilw id n `crl ecdeisl nrln ndk fcur
cf onbb olnridjs, `ngidj it `ueh `crl `cditcrs end fit cdtc n stndknrk klsg. 44 Visit us nt
quilt ndk bcdjlr bnstidj. N dcr`nb krivl
bnsts nocut 511,111 hcurs. [his krivl  Fcr `crl idfcr`nticd cd jlttidj cdl`
shcubk bnst <11,111 hcurs. cf thlsl whisplr quilt trnkidj ec`-
[hl ec`putlr nbsc hns nd @U  putlr enbb 811-?88
-;?66 cr jc tc cr enbb (811)
Idtlbbi`cusl Lxpbcrlr `cusl fcr prlei-`

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   <<


i`pbl`ldt nd nkvndelk tlehdienb ndnb-
ysis trnkidj systl`. [hl Qcwlr [ccbs
idebukl thl @ltnUtceg Lxpbcrlr fcr
fidkidj sleuritils thnt `llt elrtnid ecd-

Qrcflssicdnb kiticds, thl Uystl` [lstlr fcr tlstidj

trnkidj systl`s tc sll hcw prcfitnobl
ycur iklns hnvl olld id thl pnst ndk
thl Idkientcr Ouibklr fcr erlntidj ycur

Vlr. :.? cwd idkientcrs, ndk thl Lxplrt Nkviscr

fcr kispbnyidj eustc`izlk ec``ldtnry,
hijhbijhtlk onrs, sy`ocbs ndk nblrts.
[hlrl nrl twc wnys tc usl thl
ltnstceg hns olld nrcudk fcr Cd thl blft sikl pndlb ycu’bb dctiel plrfcr`ndel systl`s. Cdl wny is tc

nd ti`l. Crijidnbby
ldk-cf-thl thly
kny trnk- n bnrjl du`olr cf bidl stukils. [c neti- ehccsl thl stceg ycu wndt tc trnkl ndk
vntl cdl, must ebieg cd thl outtcd ndk thld fidk thl systl` thnt wcrgs olst
idj prcjrn` enbblk must @ltnUtceg. n pcidtlr wibb npplnr cd thl serlld tc
Npprcxi`ntlby ; ylnrs njc thly en`l with thnt stceg. Cr ycu end ehccsl thl
usl it. Qcsiticd thl `cusl outtcd cd systl` ycu wcubk bigl tc usl ndk thld
cut with thlir first rlnb-ti`l trnkidj thl serlld id thl rijht bcenticd, ebieg
prcjrn` enbblk @ltnUtceg Qrc vlrsicd fidk thl olst stceg tc trnkl with it. I
ndk hcbk thl outtcd kcwd ndk krnw ndk tlstlk thl stceg IO@ usidj thl `lthck
:. Vlrsicd :.? is thl first `nmcr upjrnkl rlblnsl it whld ycu wndt tc stcp thl
tc thnt prcjrn`. [hl vlrsicd wl tlstlk tc fidk thl olst systl` ndk it jnvl `l n
krnwidj. [his is vlry s`ccth. [hlrl nrl bist cf nbb thl `lthcks frc` thl olst tc
wcrgs with KOE nd O@I kntn strln`s. vnricus bidl stukils nvnibnobl idebukidj
Zith this ecddleticd thl prcjrn` end thl wcrst nbb id n `nttlr cf n flw `id-
bidls, nres, ndjbls, lte. Ycu end lnsiby utls. It end lvld pbct ycur lquity ns thl
rltrilvl histcrienb idtrnkny ndk ldk-cf- ehndjl ndy cf thl bidl stukils prcplrtils trnkls wlrl `nkl.
thl kny kntn kirletby frc` lUijdnb’s oy must ebiegidj ycur `cusl cd tcp cd [hl Lxpbcrlr id @ltnUtceg Qrc
cdbidl kntnonsl usidj @ltnUtceg’s thl bidl stuky. Ycu end nbsc krnj ndk bccgs fcr stcegs thnt hnvl jldlrntlk
KntnCdKl`ndk tlehdcbcjy. [his krcp ndy cf thlsl bidl stukils nercss thl ouy cr slbb sijdnbs. It kispbnys thl plr-
`ngls it rlnbby diel ns ycu kcd’t hnvl serlld tc ndy bcenticd. [hly end nbsc ol fcr`ndel cf n jivld systl` vlrsus n
tc ouibk nd lxtldsivl kntnonsl id ycur klbltlk idstndtby, with thl klbltl gly. ouy-ndk-hcbk strntljy. [hl Lxpbcrlr
ec`putlr. Ycu nbsc nvcik thl prcobl`s Cdl diel thidj nocut thl ldtirl prc- rlquirls bcenb kntn, ycu end’t usl thl
cf hnvidj bcst kntn kul tc pcwlr cut-
njls ndk idtlrdlt idtlrrupticds. jrn`oy
nobl is thnt
jcidjthlrl is nbwnys
tc thl hlbp nvnib-
hlbp outtcd frc` cdbidl kntnonslQrc
@ltnUtceg cf KOE.
idebukls thl Lxplrt
[hl prcjrn` wcrgs cd n Qldtiu` thl @ltnUtceg prcjrn` ns wlbb ns hlbp Nkviscr whieh nutc`ntls ycur trnk-
QE. Zl rlec``ldk n Qldtiu` ; with cd thl Idtlrdlt. idj systl` oy nppbyidj ycur systl`’s
nt blnst <>?@O cf _N@ `l`cry. [hl @ltnUtceg prcjrn` nbsc hns rubls tc thl bntlst kntl lvlry ti`l ycu
Idstnbbnticd cf thl prcjrn` wns vlry its Qcwlr [ccbs. [hlrl nrl sc`l 81 cpld thl ehnrt. If n sijdnb is jldlr-
lnsy. N EK is uslk fcr idstnbbnticd with @ltnUtceg Qlrfcr`ndel Uystl`s. ?6 ntlk, nd nblrt wibb npplnr, ndk nd nrrcw
n sltup gly whieh is fcudk cd thl oneg ec`l with thl scftwnrl ndk thl cthlr <; wibb pcidt cut thl sijdnb cd thl ehnrt.
cf thl EK ensl. I nbrlnky hnk lUijdnb end ol purehnslk ns n pbuj id. Onsienbby
sltup sc thl prcjrn` idstndtby ecdfij- this is n ecbbleticd cf thl olst trnkidj Zl hijhby rlec``ldk this ec`prl-
urlk itslbf tc thnt kntn suppbilr. Ycu end systl`s lvlr klvlbcplk fcr @ltnUtceg. hldsivl prcjrn` tc octh oljiddlr ndk
usl koe cdbidl kntn cr bcenb kntn frc` [hrcujh usidj thlsl @ltnUtceg vltlrnd stukldts cf tlehdienb ndnbysis.
ycur ec`putlr whieh end ol kcwdbcnk- Qlrfcr`ndel Uystl`s ycu nrl nobl tc
lk thrcujh vnricus kntn slrviels. blt thl ec`putlr kc `cst cf thl wcrg cf  Fcr `crl idfcr`nticd
idfcr`nticd ecdtnet
Qubbidj up n ehnrt with thl prcjrn` tlehdienb ndnbysis fcr ycu. Ycu nrl nobl`
is vlry si`pbl. Must jc thl fibl, ebieg tc usl thlsl systl`s tc klsijd, tlst ndk
it ndk thld jc tc dlw ehnrt. [ypl thl
sy`ocb id ycu wndt tc sll ndk slblet
thl plrickieity, whieh end ol tieg, >, <,
>1, ><, 51, 61 `idutl, kniby, wllgby,
`cdthby, qunrtlrby cr ylnrby kntn cr
[c pubb up idkientcrs, jc tc thl idki-
entcr quieg bist ndk slblet thl idkientcr
ycu wndt kispbnylk. Ycu end sercbb
kcwd thl bist udtib ycu hnvl thl idkien-
tcr ycu wndt kispbnylk. [hld must krnj
id cdtc thl ehnrt ndk slblet thl pnrn`-
ltlrs frc` thl pcpup widkcw. Idstndtby
thl idkientcr is kispbnylk cd thl ehnrt. It
ecubkd’t ol ndy si`pblr thnd thnt.
<6 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

hl C`di[rnklr wns klvlbcplk
oy Lk Kcwds tc ol n kifflrldt
prcjrn` thnd cthlrs id thl `nr-
glt. @cst tlehdienb ndnbysis prcjrn`s
nssu`l thnt thl uslr wndts tc kc n ecd-
siklrnobl n`cudt cf rlslnreh tc ec`l
up with sijdnbs oy hi`slbf. [hlsl

idkientcrs prlsldt
fcr hi`thl trnklr
tc put with nidtc
tcjlthlr tccbocx cf systl`s
n trnkidj ndk
cjy. [hl C`di[rnklr wns klsijdlk tc ol prcjrn` thnt kcls
`cst cf thl wcrg fcr thl trnklr. [hnt `lnds thnt it’s tctnbby
nutc`ntlk. Nbb thl trnkidj systl`s id thl prcjrn` hnvl olld
tlstlk ndk ecrrlbntlk. Nbb thl tlehdienb pnttlrds hnvl olld
enbeubntlk ndk krnwd. Lvlrythidj is kistibblk kcwd idtc ouy
ndk slbb sijdnbs prlsldtlk id n rlvilw bist. [hl trnklr netunbby
kclsd’t dllk tc gdcw ndythidj nocut tlehdienb ndnbysis tc
nrl ec`idj
usl thl prcjrn`.
Id cur rlvilw, wl idstnbblk thl prcjrn` cd n Qldtiu` ;
ec`putlr with <>?@O cf _N@. Idstnbbnticd wns lnsy with
dc prcobl`s. Zl erlntlk n prcfibl cf sy`ocbs wl wndtlk tc
wnteh. [hl sy`ocbs end ol nutc`ntienbby upkntlk thrcujh
C`di[rnklr cd n kniby onsis. [hl prcjrn` ecbblets thl `nr-
glt kntn, tlsts its biornry cf sc`l >?1 trnkidj systl`s
sy stl`s cd lneh Enbb tckny fcr ycur 
sleurity cd thl bist, thld slblets thl olst plrfcr`idj systl`s
tc jldlrntl ouy ndk slbb sijdnbs. It prcvikls nbb thl stntisties
olhidk its ndnbysis fcr thl trnklr’s rlvilw. It nbsc pbcts ehnrts
with trldkbidls, suppcrt ndk rlsistndel blvlbs, ndk cthlr tleh-
dienb pnttlrds tc hlbp thl trnklr ecdfir` thl sijdnbs ndk slblet
F_LL Uidjbl
Futurls Utceg
thl olst endkikntls tc trnkl.
trnkl. [hl stntisties, idebukidj nkviscr
rntidjs, nrl thld writtld idtc thl fceus bist.
Onsienbby lvlrythidj is kcdl fcr thl trnklr tc `ngl his
trnkidj kleisicds fcr hi` sc hl kcls dct hnvl tc tidglr nrcudk
with n trnkidj tccbocx cf idkientcrs fcr wllgs tc blnrd whieh
cdls wcrg cd lneh sleurity. [hl prcjrn` lvld jivls thl
trnklr n Utcps Ecdtrcb whieh npplnrs cd thl serlld whieh
(811) 9?9-<611
nbbcws hi` tc pbnel stcps ns sccd ns hl ldtlrs n pcsiticd.
C`di[rnklr nbsc ec`ls with n fubb fudeticd ouibt id
pcrtfcbic sc thl trnklr end gllp trneg cf his pcsiticds ndk
lvld rud du`lrcus rlpcrts sueh ns thl Uehlkubl K (jnid
 mr cyAnb
ndk bcss) rlpcrt fcr ylnr-ldk tnxls. Id this rlvilw wl bccglk
nt thl stceg sleuritils prcjrn`. [hl C`di[rnklr nbsc hns n
Futurls ndk n _lnb [i`l Vlrsicd whieh nrl `crl spleifienbby
klsijdlk fcr thcsl `nrglts.
 Fcr `crl idfcr`nticd
idfcr`nticd ecdtnet Dirvndn nt <>?-5;<-?<;<
<>?-5;<-?<;< cr 

Olfcrl idvlstidj id sleurity futurls prckuets, ycu 

`ust cotnid n ecpy cf thl sleurity futurls risg 
kisebcsurl stntl`ldt. Uleurity futurls prckuets
nrl dct nvnibnobl fcr trnkidj nt this ti`l. _ubls
rljnrkidj sleurity futurls prckuets hnvl dct ylt 
olld fidnbizlk. [hlrl is n suostndtinb risg cf bcss
id trnkidj futurls ndk cpticds. Uleurity futurls
nrl dct suitnobl fcr nbb trnklrs. >-5>-1? 
 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   <:

UQ <11 Ulptl`olr :, ?11>

Ulptl`olr Ecdtrnet
Mneg Zidgbl`nd, cdl cf thl ecudtry’s `cst rlspletlk Jndd
K. ZIDGBL@ND Quobishlr  ,
trnklrs, is jividj n cdel id n biflti`l plrscdnb trnididj cd
thl `cst nkvndelk Z. K. Jndd trnkidj `lthck tc trnkl
lithlr stcegs cr futurls. [hl ecst cf thl trnididj is $?,<11.
@r. Zidgbl`nd hns trnklk thl `nrglts fcr thl bnst 51 ylnrs

 U  > 

ndk eurrldtby puobishls thl Zidgbl`nd dlwsblttlrs. @r.

 l  9 
 p  U 
 l  l
`  p
 o   t  

Zidgbl`nd wibb tlneh ycu thl slerlt tc trnkidj usidj his

 l `
r   o 
>   l
 1  r 
>  > 
>   : 

Jndd `nthl`ntienb tlehdiquls, dlvlr rlvlnblk olfcrl!

HcwJndd’s slerltthl
tc fcrlenst du`olr ndk hijhs/bcws
prconobl hcw tc nppby
ndkit tcthlir
kntls. Hcw tc tlbb if its jcidj tc ol n hijh cr n bcw cd n spl-
ei﬎e kntl. Hcw tc nppby squnrls id n dnturnb wny frc` hijhs
ndk bcws. Zhlrl tc lxplet thl dlxt rleurridj eyebl. Hcw
tc nppby nstrcbcjienb ti`idj cf thl `nrglts.Ycu’bb nbsc blnrd
hcw ycu ycurslbf shcubk trnkl thnt `nrglt. Hcw tc jlt nd
nb`cst plrflet >11% trnkl ndk `ueh `crl. [hl `ntlrinbs
BCDJ [L_@ [_LDK= KCZD Utnrtlk @nreh ?;, ?111 nt ><:;.11. Qrcmletlk tc ldk Nprib ?115 nt
6:1.11. Zl nrl dcw <5? knys (<56 i`pcrtndt), :6 wllgs,
wllgs, >8 `cdths idtc thl trldk.
jivld id thl sl`idnr nrl vlry pcwlrfub. Cdel ycu sll whnt
ID[L_@LKIN[L [L_@ [_LDK= KCZD Utnrtlk @nreh ?;, ?111 nt ><:;.11. Qrcmletlk tc ldk Ulptl`-
is prlsldtlk, ycu wcd’t ol kisnppcidtlk. [his is thl cdby
olr >>, ?11> nt >1:?.11. Zl nrl dcw <5? knys, :6 wllgs, >8 `cdths idtc thl trldk. `lthck cut thlrl thnt wibb jivl ycu n futurl ti`idj pcidt id
UHC_[ [L_@ [_LDK= KCZD   Utnrtlk @ny ??, ?11> nt >5?9.11. Qrcmletlk tc ldk Ulptl`olr
Ulptl`olr >>, ?11> thl `nrglt ndk whlthlr it is n hijh cr n bcw! Olenusl cf thl
nt >16>.11. Zl nrl dcw >18 knys, >< wllgs, ; `cdths idtc trldk.
klbientl dnturl cf this `ntlrinb, ycu wibb ol rlquirlk tc sijd n
[his wllg shcubk ldk thl rlbldtblss kcwdtrldk fcr thl shcrt tlr` ndk idtlr`lkintl tlr` kcwd trldks. dcdkisebcsurl kceu`ldt. Ycu wibb dct ol nobl tc rlvlnb ndy
Hcwlvlr, cdl `ust gllp id `idk thl bcdjlr tlr` trldk is kcwd fcr n bcdj ti`l tc ec`l. I `ust sny thnt thlsl
trldks nrl ldkidj id ebnssie stybl. N jrlnt eblnd cut is id thl wcrgs. Zl nrl cd n jrlnt prleipitcus neecrkidj tc cf this idfcr`nticd tc ndycdl udtib @r. Zidgbl`nd kils.
thl Flklrnb _lslrvl ^unrtlrby Quobienticd,
Quobienticd, thl ondgs nrl dcw nt 91% pbus bcnd tc klpcsit rntics ndk this is dct
jcck. Cdby >?% cf thl Flklrnb Oukjlt is fblxiobl. [hl rlst is bnw `ndkntlk. Lxplet dlws tc `cvl thl `nr-
glt kcwd. [hnt olidj snik, thlrl is stibb ? tribbicd kcbbnrs ndk jrcwidj tc ol idvlstlk id thl `nrglt.
`nrglt. Lxplet thnt Zllgby UQ<11 Dlwsblttlr $?? plr `cdth, Zllgby Ucyolnd
tc kc thl `njie fcr thl idtlr`lkintl ndk shcrt tlr` up trldks.

[his blttlr is puobishlk frc` scurels olbilvlk tc ol neeurntl ndk rlbinobl. It is dct dlelssnriby ec`pbltl ndk is dct junrndtllk. Fu- Dlwsblttlr
lrs Zcrbk nt$??
plr `cdth. Ul`idnr
fcr `crlecst
$?<11. Ecdtnet
cr jc tc=[rnk-
turls ndk cpticd trnkidj is idhlrldtby risgy. Nbb kleisicds `nkl shcubk ol ycur cwd. Nbwnys usl stcps. Ehnrt Oy Ldsijd.

© Mneg K. Zidgbl`nd
dgbl`nd ?11> QC Ocx ;<
?, _lkwcck Fnbbs, @D <6?85`
Futurls ndk cpticd trnkidj
trnkidj idvcbvls risg cf bcss. Nbb kleisicds `nkl shcubk ol cd ycur cwd. Nbwnys usl stcps.

JL[ [HL GLY [rnkidj
[hl trnklr’s ehnir is n
vlry i`pcrtndt pilel cf
lquip`ldt ndk dllks tc
ol slbletlk with enrl. [hl
trnklr dllks n ehnir, whieh
nutc`ntienbby nkmust tc his
`cvl`ldts ndk jivls hi`
ecdstndt oneg suppcrt.
Hletcr Ulrolr, Qrlsikldt cf thl N`lriend
Lrjcdc`ies Ecrpcrnticd klkientlk thl pnst ><
ylnrs cf his bifl klvlbcpidj slntidj prckuets.
Hl hns olld nwnrklk du`lrcus \U ndk
fcrlijd pntldts fcr his wcrg, ndk hns olld
[C eitlk id sueh puobienticds ns thl Dlw Ycrg
[i`ls, Fcrtudl ndk Ousidlss Zllg. His
rlslnreh blk tc thl kisecvlrils, whieh hl hns
idecrpcrntlk id n dlw cffiel tnsg ehnir enbblk
JNDDD thl UwidjUlntℯ. [his ehnir sll`s tc hnvl nbb
thl rijht flnturls fcr thl kny-trnklr. It nkmusts
id hlijht, klpth ndk ndjbl cf slnt ndk oneg.
Cdel thl trnklr nkmusts thl ehnir tc fit his
ocky, its ‒s`nrt `cticd‐ is nutc`ntie. It sup-
YC\ END ULL [HL Q_CCF! pcrts hi` kydn`ienbby ns hl `cvls thrcujh
Zl Cfflr= 51 Ylnrs Lxplrildel, thl `ndy-slntlk tnsgs thnt hl kcls lneh kny.
[hl ehnir’s `cvl`ldt is lffcrtblss. [hl slerlt
?11 [itbl
[itbl Occg & Ucftwnrl Entnbcj,
En tnbcj, is thl UwidjUlnt’s suspldsicd systl` thnt
nkmusts frc` thl trnklr’s eldtlr cf jrnvity. It’s
[rnkidj @ndunb, Nkviscry Ulrviels, & nbwnys onbndelk, thl slnt ndk oneg `njienbby
Ecursls - Oljiddidj & Nkvndelk fcbbcws thl trnklr. [hl ehnir’s ‒s`nrt `cticd‐

\dbceg Jndd’s @cst [rlnsurlk Ulerlts. prcvikls mustwhlthlr

`cvl`ldt, thl rijhtthl
trnklrcf wlijhs
suppcrt ndk
pcudks cr ?<1 pcudks. I hnvl dlvlr slld ndy
cthlr cf﬎el ehnir thnt end suppcrt thl trnklr’s
Ecdtnet \s [ckny! `ndy pcsturls sc lnsiby.
[hl ehnir is rljubnr $699 dcw prielk nt
[lb. 9;>-<9;-5959 cdby $;89 pbus U&H. Fcr `crl idfcr`nticd jc
enbb [rnklrs Zcrbk nt 811-?88-;?66
811-?88-;?66 cr jc tc

<8 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

 BIVL ... Cdbidl [rnkidj Ehntrcc`

Ehntrcc` klkientlk
klkientlk tc bcentidj
bcentidj thl OLU[
 Kny [rnkidj Utceg @nrglt stcegs tc pbny
pbny ndk ecdvly thl` tc `l`olrs
id ... _LNB [I@L !!
‒Zhlrl Qrcflssicdnb Kny [rnklrs ec`l tc [rnkl thl Utceg @nrglt...
 Bcdj cr Uhcrt!!‐ 

 tcCdl ‘ Cdbidl Frll
cur ...Zllg  [rinb!‘
[rnkidj Ehntrcc` 
Idebukls [rnididj _cc` Neelss

 Bivl _lnb [i`l [rnkidj _cc` fcr Qrcflssicdnb Knytrnklrs nvnibnobl ?;/:!

  _lnb [i`l Ouy, Ulbb, Uhcrt & Uhcrt Ecvlr Nblrts orcujht tc ycu
lxebusivlby oy [rnkidj _cc` @cklrntcrs= BIJH[DIDJ & [H\DKL_!

  Idtlrnetivl [rnididj fcr Kny [rnklrs nvnibnobl [ulskny ndk [hurskny

  frc` ;=>< p` tib <=>< p` L[ id thl [rnididj _cc`.
  _lnb [i`l Dlws ndk Qrl-@nrglt Jnpplr Nblrts!

  Frll ‘Kniby _lenp’ Dlwsblttlr Uuoseripticd!

  Lnrdidjs ndk Utceg Upbit idfcr`nticd prcviklk kniby vin cur ‘Kniby
  _lenp’ dlwsblttlr!
  lUtcrl Uhcppidj @nbb’ fcr Kny [rnklrs!
Visit cur [lsti`cdinb s pnjl ndk sll whnt cur @l`olrs hnvl tc sny nocut us!

 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   <9

   

      

             
                  
       

              

 

       

Enbb 
Quobishidj Ec`pndy
 
Jibblttl _k
Ecbvibbl ZN
ZN 99>>;-96;: \UN
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61 Upridj ?11? • [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66

_lfecKirlet/QntUystl`s= bivl upkntidj

 [rnkl priel ndk occg klpth cf `nrglts trnk-
lk7 `cusl cr glyocnrk trnkidj7 si`pbl
‘cd ebieg’ crklr ldtry ndk `ndnjl`ldt7

Utceg, rlnb-ti`l Q&B widkcws7 bivl onsie priel

neticd ehnrt kispbny7 ndk Enbldknr
Uprlnk @ntrix.

Fcrlx ndk _lfecLxprlss= rlnb-ti`l neecudt idfcr-
`nticd, crklr stntus ndk ﬎bbs, ehnrts,
rlnb-ti`l sdnpshct quctls ndk `ueh

Cpticds `crl. Zl hnvl klsijdlk _lfecLx-

prlss with nbb thl flnturls rlquirlk
oy octh lxplrildelk ndk oljiddidj

 Zith \p tc 
6 Kifflrldt
_lfecBivl= wlo-onslk trnkidj scbu-
ticd thnt nbbcws quieg ndk lnsy neelss
tc `nmcr lbletrcdie ndk cpld cutery

`nrglts. Fblxiobl crklr ldtry ndk crklr
 [rnkidj stntus, neelss tc rlnb-ti`l neecudt
idfcr`nticd, ndk n ec`pbltl risg `nd-

njl`ldt systl`.
Qbntfcr`s   Blc;= lbletrcdie/kirlet tc thl trnkidj

nt Cdl Bc- ﬏ccr ndk id sc`l ensls nrl lxleutlk

lbletrcdienbby. @ubtipbl widkcws tc
eustc`izl its usl tc eustc`lr dllks.

enticd. BLC; hns olld klvlbcplk ndk is sup-

pcrtlk oy lxplrts with ylnrs cf lxplri-
ldel id ec``udienticds tlehdcbcjy,
ec`putlr prcjrn``idj ndk thl ec`-
• [rnklr Lkuenticd `ckitils idkustry.
• Bivl ?; Hr. [rnkidj Klsg 
_lfec FX= cfflrs rlnb-ti`l bivl quc-

• Ec`prlhldsivl Jbconb _lslnreh ticds, trnkl lxleuticd, trnkl bistidjs

• Orcglr-Nssist [rnkidj ndk neelss tc rlslnreh. Cur dlw
stntl-cf-thl-nrt oneg cf﬎el cfflrs prl-
• Frll ^uctls ndk Ehnrts trnkl `nrjid ehleg ndk ebildt neecudt
• Qcrtfcbic @ndnjl`ldt `cditcridj. [his slrviel idebukls spct,
fcrwnrks, cpticds, swnps, LFQ’s ndk
• Uuplricr ?; Hr
Hr.. Eustc`lr Ulrviel eustc` klrivntivl cvlrbnys.
• Idkivikunb Eustc` Ulrviels
• Idklpldkldt @nrglt Ndnbysis
_lfec Uleuritils Cdbidl= prcvikls eus-
• Nuthcrizlk NU[ Orcglr tc`lrs thl noibity tc lnsiby ldtlr stceg
• Qnplrtrnkl Qrcjrn` ndk cpticd crklrs thrcujh thl idtlrdlt.
@utunb fudk idvlstidj. Zlo neelss
• Zirlblss [rnkidj tc neecudt with rlnb-ti`l strln`idj
• Qrcflssicdnb Uystl` [rnkidj
[rnkidj quctls ndk ehnrts.

Dcw fcrVciel Neelss
n F_LL
F_LL Utnrtlr
 Utnrtlr Git ndk _lelivl n F_LL
F_LL Cpticds
 Cpticds [rnkidj
[rnkidj Occg ns n OCD\U!
Enbb [cbb
[cbb Frll=
Frll= (811)-<<1-6881
 (811)-<<1-6881 cr (?>5)-5<>-?>56
[hl risg cf bcss id trnkidj sleuritils, futurls, fcrlx, ndk cpticds end ol suostndtinb ndk sueh trnkidj is
dct suitnobl fcr nbb idvlstcrs. Cdl `ust ecdsiklr sueh trnkidj id bijht cf thlir ﬎dndeinb ecdkiticd.
 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   6>


[hl ecudtry’s blnkidj lkuenticdnb fneibity fcr ec``ckity ndk stceg trnklrs is dcw ldrcbbidj
n bi`itlk du`olr cf plcpbl id cdl cf thl `cst sueelssfub `ldtcridj prcjrn`s lvlr

Zcrg with sc`l cf thl dnticds `cst hijhby lxplrildelk ndk sueelssfub trnklrs id n

[hl D[I phibcscphy is thnt lvlrycdl is nd idkivikunb. Ycur trnkidj lkuenticd ndk strntljy
wibb ubti`ntlby rl﬏let thnt.

[hl Dnticdnb [rnkidj Idstitutl hns fcr`lk n strntljie nbbindel with thl _L\[L_U cwdlk
ec`pndy Lquis, tc oridj ycu thl dnticds blnkidj lkuenticdnb pnegnjl thnt idebukls thl
nwnrk widdidj @L[NU[CEG ehnrtidj scftwnrl ndk kntn fllk, nbcdj with >6 wllgs cf
wcrgidj with ycur plrscdnb `ldtcr.

Nbbcw us tc hnvl cdl cf cur trnklrs eustc`izl n trnkidj strntljy with ycu. Ycur `ldtcr wibb
wcrg ebcslby with ycu lxpbnididj thl idtrneils cf nbb trnkidj stybls, ndk sc`l prcpriltnry
D[I `lthcks, (Kceu`ldtlk >6<% nddunb rlturd, D[I Uwidj [rnkidj Uystl`*), Uystl`*), tc hlbp
ycu nehilvl ycur idkivikunb jcnbs.

Zhlthlr ycu nrl n slnscdlk prcflssicdnb cr noscbutl oljiddlr, wl junrndtll, thnt if ycu
put id thl wcrg, wl wibb klbivlr thl rlsubts.



Enbb us nt >-811-858-551; ndk nsg fcr nd ldrcbb`ldt ecudslbcr

cr visit
visit us nt http=//www.>`/

‒ I dlvlr thcujht I ecubk `ngl `cdly ‒ Qhldc`ldnb! Nd lxtrncrkidnry lxplrildel,

kny trnkidj. I wns wrcdj,$>?,111 id cdl eblnr ndk ecdeisl.
ecdeisl. I hnvl n dlw sldsl cf
kny.[hndgs Gld!‒ ec``it`ldt ndk ecd﬎kldel.‐
Ocooy Klhnrt, [X [hc`ns Utnpblfcrk Lk. Kirletcr
Kirletcr DY

‒[hndg ycu, thndg ycu! N fub﬎bbidj ndk

‒Iderlkiobl pntildel ndk udklrstndkidj, `y pblnsurnobl lxplrildel thnt wl wcubk
trnkidj sueelss hns iderlnslk krn`ntienbby‐ rlec``ldk tc ndycdl.‐
Mlrry _hlidhnrkt, ID Knbl ndk Bidkn Bystlr
Hypcthltienb cr si`ubntlk plrfcr`ndel
plrfcr`ndel rlsubts kc dct rlprlsldt netunb trnkidj. Uidel thl trnkls hnvl dct netunbby olld lxleutlk, thl rlsubts
`ny hnvl udklr-, cr-cvlr ec`pldsntlk
ec`pldsntlk fcr thl i`pnet, if ndy, cf elrtnid `nrglt fnetcrs, sueh ns bneg cf biquikity. Ui`ubntlk trnkidj
trnkidj prcjrn`s
end ol klsijdlk with thl oldl﬎t cf hidksijht. [hlrl hnvl olld dc prc`isls, junrndtlls cr wnrrndtils sujjlstidj sujjlstidj thnt ndy trnkidj wibb rlsubt
6? Upridj ?11?
id n prc﬎t, cr •wibb
[rnklrs Zcrbk
dct rlsubt id n@njnzidl •`
bcss. _lsubts • >-811-?88-;?66
end ndk wibb vnry oltwlld idkivikunbs. Ec``ckity, stceg ndk cpticds trnkidj is dct fcr lvlrycdl.
Nbb trnkidj idvcbvls hijh risg, ndk cdby risg enpitnb shcubk ol uslk.. Qnst plrfcr`ndel is dct dlelssnriby
dlelssnriby idkientivl cf futurl rlsubts

_    D   
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e  g  u  
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 [rnklrs Zcrbk @njnzidl •` • >-811-?88-;?66 • Upridj ?11?   65


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