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3/9/22, 12:43 PM Safe Drive Control including Safe Torque Off (STO)

Safe Stop 1 (SS1)

If a defined stopping time is needed, a controlled stopping function will be required followed by entry into STO. This stopping function is called “Safe Stop 1” (SS1).

SS1 is directly related to Stop Category 1 [4, 9.2.2]. As described in [4], Stop Category 1 functions as follows:

stop category 1 — a controlled stop (see 3.11) with power available to the machine actuators to achieve the stop and then removal of power
when the stop is achieved;
A “controlled stop” is defined in [4, 3.11]:

controlled stop
stopping of machine motion with electrical power to the machine actuator maintained during the stopping process
Once the controlled stop is completed, i.e., machine motion has stopped, the drive may then be placed into STO (or category 0 stop). The stopping process is shown in Fig. 2

Figure 2 – Safe Stop 1

The stopping process starts where the orange arrow and dotted line are shown. As compared to Fig. 1 where the deceleration curve is gentle and exponential, the active
stopping period in Fig. 2 is a linear curve from operating speed to zero speed. At the blue dotted line, the drive enters and stays in STO. The yellow/black zebra striped area of
the curve outlines the complete stopping function. This stopping method is typical of many types of machinery, particularly those with servo-driven mechanisms. 1/1

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