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CENG 6305

Alemgena Alene, PhD, MSc. BSc.


Department of Civil Engineering

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Chapter Title Ref. No.

Ch1 Introduction CENG 505

Ch2 Subgrade Investigation Ref. 4, 6 & 10
Ch3 Soil Stabilization Ref. 7 & 14
Ch4 Mechanical behavior of UGM Ref. 6
Ch5 Rheology of Bitumen Ref. 1, 2, 5 &
Ch6 Bituminous Mixture Design Ref. 1, 3, 11 &
Ch7 Mechanical Tests of Asphalt Mixtures Ref. 1, 2 & 8
Ch8 Material Modeling Ref. 8 & 9

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Mechanical Stabilization

3.3. Lime Stabilization

3.4. Cement Stabilization

3.5. Bitumen Stabilization

3.6. Other Treatment Methods

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Why stabilization? • Often soils in their natural state
cause problems or not satisfactory

Purpose of Stabilization? • Improve workability

• Improve strength and durability
• Water proofing
• Dust control
• Utilization of waste materials
eg. Fly-ash

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Alteration of existing soil properties to meet specified
engineering requirements

Strength (increase stability and bearing capacity)

Volume stability (control shrinkage-swelling)

Durability (increase resistance to erosion, weathering,


Permeability (reduce water penetration through soil)

Duct control (for unpaved roads as semi-bound surface)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Soils may be complex Main factor to that should be
Stabilization is not a straight  Can the stabilizing agent be mixed
forward application easily
 Can it be uniformly be distributed
through the soil
Number of aspects should
 Is the needed amount of stabilizing
be considered in selection material still economically feasible
of the proper mechanism of  Can it be used safely
 Is the material available and effective

 Is it cost effective

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Stabilisation Types
Stabilization can be achieved by:
Mechanical stabilization
• Compaction
• Grading and blending

Lime stabilization
• Lime and lime pozzolanas

Cement stabilization

Bitumen stabilization
 Emulsion bitumen
 Foamed bitumen

Other chemical additives

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Mechanical stabilization – a soil or gravel is mixed through the

original soil in order to improve the grading and mechanical

• Cement, lime and bitumen stabilizations are used either to

improve strength, workability or waterproofing

• The principal cementing materials that may be used include

Portland cement, lime, lime-flyash mixtures and bitumen

Portland cement has been used with great success in many

countries to improve existing gravel roads as well as stabilizing
natural soils.
• It can be used for base courses and Subbases of all type.
• It can be used in granular soils, silty soils and lean clays, but
not with organic materials
• Soils cements shows strength gains over natural materials, it is
very often used for base course construction.

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Hydrated lime increases soil strength by pozzolanic action i.e.

cementatious silicate and aluminates
• Most efficient when used in granular materials and lean clay
• The quantity required for proper hydration generally is relatively
• Flyash is generally high in silica and alumina -> addition to lime
stabilized soils speeds pozzolanic action, but high amount of
flyash is required for adequate stabilization

• Use of cementing material is limited because of cost, thus

limited quantities of materials may be added to the soil for
• Modification – A stabilization process that results in
improvement on some engineering property but does not
result in a significant increase in soil strength or stiffness

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Application of stabilization methods

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Stabilization response of major soil components

Dominant soil Recommended reasons
component stabilizer

Organic mater Mechanical Other methods ineffective

Sands Clay loam For mechanical stability
Cement For density and cohesion
Bitumens For cohesion
Silts None known
Allophanes Lime For pozzolanic strength and
Koalin Sand For mechanical stability
Cement For early strength
Lime For workability and later strength
Illite Cement As for kaolin
Lime As for kaolin
Montmorillonite Lime For workability and early strength

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Mechanical Stabilization

3.3. Lime Stabilization

3.4. Cement Stabilization

3.5. Bitumen Stabilization

3.6. Other Treatment Methods

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Mechanical Stabilization
• Mechanical stabilization – The process of mixing or

blending two or more soils or more gradations to obtain a

material meeting certain specifications.

Purpose: - to meet gradation specs. by blending different

soils & aggregates

- not only for strengthening road bases and

subbases but also surface materials for gravel roads.

Mechanical Stabilization ‫‏‬
 Essential requirements for successful stabilization:
 Proper gradation
 A satisfactory binder soil
 Proper control of the mixture content
 Objective – to blend available soils so that, when properly
compacted, they have the required stability
 Issues:
 Gradation limits – coarse side/ fine side
 Optimum Moisture Content (OMC)‫‏‬

Gradation limits – coarse side/ fine side

Fine side
Coarse side

Optimum Moisture Content (OMC)‫‏‬
Dry Unit Weight

Moisture Content

 When compaction is not met in mechanical stabilization it
is common to add fines to the blended soil.
 Adding “additional” fines to a “blended” soil can result in
a number of problems:
 Increased potential for frost heave
 Due to the potential for a gap graded soil, it can become
internally unstable and result in accelerated erosion
 Internal instability will result in a lost of stiffness and strength
 It is not uncommon that the main problem with
compaction is that improper equipment or techniques we

Soil Base Requirements
 P200 < 2/3 P40
 Aggregate top size < 37.5 mm
 Mixtures should be well graded from coarse to fine
 Cu > 6
 1 < Cc > 3
 Fines: PI < 5 & LL < 25

Proportioning – Difficult without lab control

Use of Local Materials
 The essence of mechanically stabilized soils is the use of
local soils

 Mechanically stabilized soils require:

 Experience
 An understanding of soil action when using atypical soils, e.g.,
shells, coral, soft limestones
 Required engineering properties
 Other local factors such as field proportioning, which is
typically done by loose volume.

Additive Stabilization ‫‏‬

 Quality improvement – better gradation (mechanical),
reduced plasticity, or swelling potential, and increased
strength and durability.
 Thickness reduction – increase strength and stiffness
of a underlying pavement layer via soil stabilization can
result in reduction in the thickness of the pavement layer.

Factors to be considered
 The type of soil to be stabilized

 The purpose of the stabilized layer will be used for

 The type of soil improvement desired

 Required strength and durability

 Cost considerations

 Environmental factors

Additive Types
 Portland Cement – generally well-graded granular materials
that possess sufficient fines to produce a floating aggregate
matrix are best suited for Portland cement stabilization. Used
mainly for strength and stiffness stabilization.
 Lime – used to stabilize high plasticity soils to decrease
plasticity, increase workability, reduce swell, and increase
 Fly ash – a pozzolanic material that reacts with lime and is
usually used in combination with lime in soils that have little or
no plastic fines.
 Lime-cement-flyash (LCF) – used successfully for base
coarse stabilization
 Asphalt – used for waterproofing and for strength gain and
also stiffness modification for rigid pavements.

Selection of additives
 Required information:
 Soil classification USCS
 Grain size distribution
 Percent Passing the No. 40 (P40)‫‏‬
 Percent Passing the No. 200 (P200)‫‏‬
 Atterberg Limits of P200 materials
 Plot soil based on % sand and % P200
 Soils grouped
 Sands 1A, 1B, and1C
 Gravels 2A, 2B, and 2C
 Fined-grained soils 3
Percent Sand

Percent Passing the No. 200

Table 2-1 Guide for selecting a stabilizing


Table 2-1 Guide for selecting a stabilizing



Table 2-1 Guide for selecting a stabilizing

Thickness Reduction for Base and Subbase

 Stabilized bases and subbases must meet gradation, strength
and durability criteria for reduced thickness design.

 Criteria based on unconfined compression testing and

durability testing.

 Criteria mainly for Portland cement, lime, and LCF stabilized

bases. Bituminous bases are excempted since it is assumed
that they will sufficiently waterproofed if properly designed.

Minimum unconfined compressive strengths and
Durability requirements

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Mechanical Stabilization

3.3. Lime Stabilization

3.4. Cement Stabilization

3.5. Bitumen Stabilization

3.6. Other Treatment Methods

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Lime Stabilization

An effective agent to stabilize clayey materials

 In general, all lime treated soils exhibit decreased plasticity,
improved workability and reduced swell.
 Not all soils show improved strength and durability with lime
 Commonly used types of lime:
 Hydrated high-calcium lime
 Monohydrated dolomitic lime
 Calcitic quicklime
 Dolomitic quicklime
 Hydrated lime used most often
since it is less caustic then quicklime.

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Production of lime(stone)

♦ Lime production
● Mining of limestone CaCO3
● Milling of the stone
● Calcining
CaCO3 + kCal (+/- 950 °C) CaO + CO2
● Furtherfine tuning / milling / blending
● Dispatching OR
♦ Hydrated lime
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2 + kCal

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Lime production
Produced by heating Limestone (CaCO3) or Dolomite
(CaCO3 MgCO3 ) to drive off CO2

CaCO3 + Heat CaO + CO2

This is commonly slaked for the market:

CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2 (slaked lime)

Stabilising reaction arises by:

Rapid modification in material properties

Long term strength gain

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Effects of lime

Due to the (exothermic) reaction between the moisture in
the soil and the quicklime heat will pass, and therefore the
moisture in the soil will escape.

● Hydration
CaO + H2O ==> Ca (OH)2 + heat
● Evaporation
● Aeration :

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Process of lime modification

Ca² and OH ions

Cation exchange

Clay minerals
Flocculation- Aggregation of clay particles
Increase in effective grain size
Reduction in plasticity
Less clay-like behaviour
Improved physical properties
With time
Clay destroyed
CSH and CAH formed
Cementing action

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Mix design procedure

A number of mix design procedures are available. These

are related to:
• Determination of the maximum amount of lime that can be taken by
the soil before free lime occurs (pH method)
• Specified strength level (Illinois procedure)

pH method
 pH mixture design concept, to some extent, is a strength based
 Basic trust of the pH procedure is to add sufficient lime to the soil to
insure a pH of 12.4 for sustaining the strength-producing, lime-soil
pozzolanic reaction

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Initial consumption of lime

Sufficient free lime needs to be available to:
allow complete reaction with clays
sustain a high pH to keep reactions stable

Achieved using (BS 1924:part 2 1990) test

Saturated solution of lime (Ca(OH)2 in distilled water at
* pH = 12.4 (target)
Material + X% lime = pH y
Material + Z% lime = 12.4
Usual requirement will be Z + 1% lime
(providing other requirements satisfied)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Summary of pH procedure
i. Representative samples of air-dried, passing No. 40 soil to equal 20 g of oven-
dried soil are weighed to the nearest 0.1 g and poured into 150-ml (or larger)
plastic bottles with screw tops.
ii. Since most soils will require between 2 and 5 percent lime, it is advisable to
set up five bottles with lime percentages of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Weigh the lime to
the nearest 0.01 g and add it to the soil. Shake to mix soil and dry lime.
iii. Add 100 ml of CO2-free distilled water to the bottles.
iv. Shake the soil-lime and water until there is no evidence of dry material on the
bottom for 30 sec.
v. Shake the bottles for 30 seconds every 10 minutes.
vi. After 1 hour, transfer part of the slurry to a plastic beaker and measure the pH.
The pH meter must be equipped with a Hyalk electrode and standardized with
a buffer solution having a pH of 12.00.
vii. Record the pH for each of the soil-lime mixtures. If the pH readings go to
12.40, the lowest percent lime that gives a pH of 12.40 is the percent required
to stabilize the soil.
viii. If the pH does not go beyond 12.30 and 2 percent lime gives the same
reading, the lowest percentage which gives a pH of 12.30 is that required to
stabilize the soil. If the highest pH is 12.30 and only 1 percent lime gives a pH
of 12.30, additional test bottles should be started with larger percentages of

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Illinois procedure

This procedure considers two types of stabilization


Soil-lime stabilization in which the mixture will be utilized

as a base or subbase material in the pavement system

o Based on unconfined compressive strength test data

o 51 mm dia. & 102 mm height mixture at OMC & MDD
o At various lime treatment levels are cured 48 hrs. at 49oC
o Design lime content is the lime percent with no further increase of
o Min. strength requirement are 0.69 MPa for subbase and 1.03 MPa
for base course

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Illinois procedure

Subgrade modification
o Based on the plasticity index of the soil
o LL, PL and PI of the soil treated with various %age of lime are
o Lime-soil-water mixture in loose is cured for 1 hr prior testing
o Plot of PI vs. lime content is prepared and lime content may be
designate as
i. Lime content with no further reduction of PI
ii. Min. lime content which give an acceptable PI reduction
o Depending on the stabilization objectives, CBR test can also be
conducted to evaluate stability and/or swell of the stabilized mix

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Lime stabilization methods

• Three recognized methods
i. In-place mixing
1. Mixing lime with existing material already a part of construction
2. Off-site mixing, lime is mixed with borrow and the mix is
transported to the site for final manipulation & compaction
3. Mixing in which the borrow source soil is hauled to site and
processed as in method 1
ii. Plant mixing
1. Hauling the soil to a central plant where
lime, soil and water are uniformly mixed
iii. pressure injection
1. Injection of lime slurry to depth of 2 to 3
meters for control of swelling and
unstable soils on highways under building site

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Lime stabilisation

Effect of curing time on the

CBR value of a lime-stabilised

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Lime Gradation and Content

Lime soil

 Test soils at 2, 4, 6 and 8% lime and measure the pH of the

 The lowest lime content that produces a 12.4 pH is the
initial lime design content or use Figure 3-1

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Lime Content Determination

Percent Binder

Soil PI

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Diffused Double Layer

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Stabilization with Lime-Fly Ash (LF) and

Lime-Cement-Fly Ash (LCF)‫‏‬
 Stabilization of coarse-grained soils having little to no
fines often use lime-fly ash (LF) or lime-flyash-
cement (LCF) additives.
 Types of fly ash
 Class C – lignite or subbituminous coal (Western Coal)
and has a high lime content
 Class F – anthracite or bituminous coal (Eastern Coal
generally) and has a low lime content. And generally
requires the addition of lime.
 Use of fly ash must meet
 STM C593.

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Selection of Fly Ash

 For a combination of materials a number of factors

must be varied in the mix design process:
 Percent of lime-fly ash
 Moisture content
 Ratio of lime to fly ash
 Strength and durability are directly related to the
quality of the matrix material
 The matrix is defined as the fly ash, lime, and the
minus No. 4 material
 Higher strength and durability are achieved when the
coarse aggregate particles are floating in the matrix

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Selection of Fly Ash

 The quality of matrix required for maximum dry density of
the total mixture is referred to as the optimum fines
 Based on compaction tests to reach maximum dry density
 Compaction testing should be conducted on minus ¾ inch
 Test should be conducted by increasing the fly ash % by 2% up
to a maximum of 20%
 It is recommended that in LF mixtures that the quantity of
the LF be 2% above the optimum fines content.
 Strength and durability is a function of the lime-fly ash
ratio so adjustment of this ratio can be made.
 Portland cement can be added to increase strength and

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Effect of lime

Pozzolanic Reaction
Ca++ + SiO2 + H2O = CSH (Calcium Silica Hydrate)
Ca++ + Al2O3 + H2O = CAH (Calcium Alumina Hydrate)

Water + pH > CSH


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Improvement of the bearing capacity

Dry density

The ‘plated structure’ of the clay/loam changes

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Higher bearing capacity

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Example after treatment



Min. After 1 year

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Research on soil stabilization

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Project planning – level 0

o Data collection (geological,
weathering condition)
o Local experience

o Assessment of need for
o Possible hurdles

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Pre-design – Level 1

Content Findings
● Geotechnical profile ● Kindof soil
● Sampling ● Volume to be treated
● Soil family ● Dosage of the binder
• Characteristics
• Moisture content
● Short formulation study

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Design – Level 2

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Miscellaneous tests – Level 3

Can be done if necessary

Variation in moisture
content during the season
Complete tests
Validation of hypotheses
in special soil

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Natural black with 6% cement with 6% lime

cotton soil

(Effect of lime and cement on the tilth of clay soil after 10

minutes mixing in a laboratory mixer (initial moisture
content 29 per cent) (actual diameter of heaps 225 mm)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Mechanical Stabilization

3.3. Lime Stabilization

3.4. Cement Stabilization

3.5. Bitumen Stabilization

3.6. Other Treatment Methods

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Soil Stabilization
The soil stabilization means the improvement of stability or
bearing power of the soil by the use of controlled compaction,
proportioning and/or the addition of suitable admixture or

Basic Principles of Soil Stabilization

• Evaluating the properties of given soil
• Deciding the lacking property of soil and choose
effective and economical method of soil stabilization
• Designing the Stabilized soil mix for intended stability
and durability values

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Soil Cement Stabilization

• Soil Cement is an intimate mix of soil, cement and
water, compacted to form a strong base course
• Cement treated or cement modified soil refers to the
compacted mix when cement is used in small
proportions to impart some strength
• Soil Cement can be used as a sub-base or base
course for all types of Pavements
• Effective utilization of locally available soils and
other suitable stabilizing agents.
• Encouraging the use of Industrial Wastages in
building low cost construction of roads.

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Stabilization with Portland Cement

Potential improvements:
 Improve plasticity
 Minimum cement content determined on a trial and error of the P40
 Improved gradation
 Binds fine aggregate – minimum cement based on trial and error testing
 Reduced swell potential
 Small amounts of Portland cement might reduce swell potential but is
not as effective as lime and is more expensive.
 Frost areas
 Should only be used after extensive freeze-thaw cycle testing

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Factors affecting soil cement stabilization

• Soil
• Cement
• Pulverization and Mixing
• Compaction
• Curing
• Additives

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Particle Size Distribution
• Clay content
• Specific Surface
• Liquid limit and Plasticity Index
• Soils with a high clay content and a high
plasticity are difficult to mix & requires high
additive content
• A soil is regarded to be suitable if
% < 0.075 : < 35%, % >0.075 mm : > 55%
LL : < 50 PI : < 25
Maximum grain size : < 75 mm

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Gradation and Cement Content for

Stabilized Soil




Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

A increase in cement content generally causes
increase in strength and durability

Pulverization and Mixing

• Better the Pulverization and degree of mixing, higher is
the strength
• Presence of un-pulverized dry lumps reduces the

• By increasing the amount of compaction dry density of
the mix, strength and durability also increases
• Curing is also an important factor like for concrete

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Adequate Moisture content is to be retained in
order to accelerate the strength

There are some additives to improve properties
• Lime
• Sodium hydroxide
• Sodium Carbonate
• Calcium Chloride

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Design of Soil – Cement Mix

• Soil – Cement specimens are prepared with
various cement contents in constant volume
• The compressive strength of these specimens
tested after 7 days of curing
• A graph is plotted Cement content Vs.
compressive strength
• The Cement Content Corresponding to the
required strength (17.5 kg/cm2) is taken as
design cement content

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Cement Stabilisation
Aim to increase compressive and shear strength

CAH , CSH cementing reaction

strong inter-particle bonds

CEMENT: action is rapid

5 + MPa in 7 days

LIME: action is slow

lime takes time to attack clay
action proceeds if free lime and clay are available

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Suitability of soils for stabilisation

• Determine

 Likely effectiveness
 Particle size distribution

 Coefficient of Uniformity

 Plasticity

 Chemical tests (frost susceptibility)

 Compaction characteristics

 Stabiliser content

• Desirable properties of material before stabilisation
test sieve Percentage by mass of total aggregate passing
(mm) test sieve
53 100 100 -
37.5 85-100 80-100 -
20 60-90 55-90 -
5 30-65 25-65 -
2 20-50 15-50 -
0.425 10-30 10-30 -
0.075 5-15 5-15 -
Maximum allowable value
LL 25 30 -
PI 6 10 20
LS 3 5 -

Note it is recommended that materials should have a coefficient of

uniformity of 5 or more. (D60/D10>5)

• Guide to the type of stabilisation likely to be effective

Soil properties
Type of More than 25% passing Less than 25% passing
stabilisation the 0.075 mm sieve the 0.075mm sieve
10  PI  PI  6
PI  10 PI 20 PI  10 PI 10
20 PI  60
Cement Yes Yes * Yes Yes Yes
Lime * Yes Yes No * Yes
Yes * No Yes Yes *

* indicates that the agent will have marginal effectiveness

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3


PC contains: 60-80% Calcium silicates ( C3S & C2S)

5-10% anhydrous Calcium aluminates C2A)
With water: C3S, C2S, C2A covert to hydrates CSH & CAH

These products are :

Strongly cementitious
Harden rapidly
Bind particles together

Hydration also produces some LIME

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Ip < 10: not sufficient clay present to react with lime
Ip > 25: difficult to mix with cement

Organic content: -Reacts with Ca²+ ions at high pH
-Retards, inhibits or reverses stabilisation

Sulphates -React with CSH and CAH

-Resultant product occupy greater volume
loss of strength
poor durability
SO³ content 0.25% for cohesive soils
1.00% for other soils
(Assessed using strength tests)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Stabiliser content
prepare samples to a range of stabiliser contents
Compact at pre-determined density
Cure according to specification (e.g. 7 day moist cure, 7
day soak)
Strength tests (UCS, CBR etc.)

Note: Make allowance for better laboratory mixing:

Not less than 2% cement, 2.5% lime

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Relationship between unconfined compressive strength
and cement content for five types of soil stabilised with
ordinary Portland cement

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3





Mixing-Compaction time
Mixing moisture content

Stabiliser content

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3


• Dry density/elapsed time relation for two materials stabilised

with 10% of cement (West, 1959)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3


• Relation between unconfined compressive strength and elapsed time for specimens at constant density
(West, 1959)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Effect of lime content
on the moisture
content/dry density
relation using the BS
4.5 Kg rammer
method (Littleton et
al, 1988)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

* 1% increase in density gives 10% increase in strength
* increases durability
* reduces permeability
* Depends on soil - type - temperature - water content

CEMENT * Reacts quickly

* Carbonates quickly (less effective)

Affects *Densities achieved

*Disruption of early bonding

LIME: Reacts slowly (less problem)

* Complete mixing quickly
* Lightly compact - leave to mellow
* allow lime to diffuse
* maximise effect on plasticity
* Re-mix and final compaction

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Enough water is required for Compaction
Hydration reactions

To little water : under hydration and higher air voids

To much water : under compaction

Both of these will have an effect on strength


Cement : linear effect Lime : non-linear (optimum content)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3


• Relationship between
stabiliser content and
strength of cement and
lime stabilised clay
(Dumbleton, 1962)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3



 Temperature

 Moisture of surroundings

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Relation between strength and curing temperature for three soils stabilised
with 10% of lime (Dumbleton, 1962)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Relation between strength and curing temperature of a heavy clay stabilised with 5% of lime (Dumbleton,

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Temperature
Cement: non-linear strength (curing temperature)
25 C
reality different

USC when cured at

o o o
Age (days) 20 C 25 C 10/30 C
7 2.9 3.1 3.2
28 3.6 3.8 3.95
(Sandy-clay + 10% cement)
Lime : relationship similar
often preferred in tropics

Thermal stresses: Low tensile stress


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Moisture
Moisture content at construction changes to Equilibrium value
 Lead to shrinkage
 Shrinkage manifests itself as cracking
 Often reflects to surface
Shrinkage influenced by:
 Loss of water (especially during curing
 Cement content
 Density
 Method of compaction
 Pretreatment moisture content
Proper moisture curing reduces cracking
 Mix and compact quickly

High cement content: widely spaced, wide cracks

Lower cement content: narrow spacing, narrow cracks, unlikely to reflect
Difficult to achieve density (Over-compaction)
Dynamic compaction causes higher shrinkage than static compaction
(use pneumatic rollers)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Long term durability
Cracking Water entry into pavement structure
Abrasion of edges
Peeling and pot-holes
Carbonation CaCO3 + CO2 -> CaCO3
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 -> CaCO3 + H2 O
Also reacts with hydration products
Reduction in pH from 12.4 to 8.3
Main problems associated with carbonation:
Loss in strength (40-60% UCS)
Reversal in plasticity (NP to Original)
Loosening of prime and surface

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Determination of the presence of carbonation
Indication of Carbonate
Phenol- Dilute HCI Phenol carbonation in original
phthalein Red material

Red No - None Absent

Red Effervescence Red Carbonated Absent
Red Effervescence Red Unknown Present

Clear Effervescence Red Carbonated Absent

Clear No Clear Stabiliser Absent

Effervescence not added
Red Effervescence - Possible Present
Red Effervescence - Carbonated Absent

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3


Keep material moist during curing (avoid wet/dry cycles)

Seal as soon as possible to exclude CO

Compact as soon as possible to reduce permeability

Compact to a low air void content (Do not over-stress)

Reduce possibility of reflection cracking

If delays: remove 2-3mm of carbonated surface

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3


• Allow cement and lime stabilised:

Road Base
 Sub-base

 Capping

 Selected fill

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3


Process Purpose Requirement

Improvement of access Increase in Wp

Modification on wet site Rapid increase in bearing
Improvement in Large and rapid decrease in
pulverisation and plasticity
workability Increase in passing
5mm sieve
Improvement of Increase in bearing
Cementation subgrade material capacity and durability

Improvement of base and Decrease in Ip

sub-base material Decrease in swell
Increase in strength
Bearing capacity CBR>80

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• ERA FPD Manual


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• ERA FPD Manual


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Mechanical Stabilization

2.3. Lime Stabilization

2.4. Cement Stabilization

2.5. Bitumen Stabilization

2.6. Other Treatment Methods

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

What is a bitumen stabilized material?

• Granular materials mixed with either
• Bitumen emulsion
• Foamed bitumen or
• Liquid asphalt

• Non-continuously bound material

• Increased strength and stiffness

• Improved durability
(Reduced moisture susceptibility)

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Soil- Bituminous Stabilization

• The Basic Principles of this stabilization are
Water Proofing and Binding
• By Water Proofing inherent strength and
other properties could be retained
• Most Commonly used materials are Cutback
and Emulsion
• Bitumen Stabilized layer may be used as sub-
base or base course for all the roads

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Bituminous Stabilization
 Bituminous stabilization differs greatly from cement
and lime stabilization
 Basic mechanism for fine-grained soils is water-
 Basic mechanism for coarse-grained soils is water-
proofing and adhesion.
 Criteria for design is based almost entirely on
stability and gradation requirements.


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Type of Bitumen
 Bituminous stabilization
uses the following products:

 Asphalt cement

 Liquid asphalt

 Asphalt emulsions

 Foamed asphalt

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Types of Bitumen
 Type used depends on soil type

 Frost areas – use of tar as a binder should be


 General rule – most satisfactory results are obtained

when the most viscous liquid asphalt that can be
most readily mixed into the soil is used.

 Most bituminous stabilization is performed in-place

with the bitumen being applied directly to the soil or
soil-aggregate system.

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Types of Bitumen
 The specific type and grade of bitumen will depend
on the characteristics and the aggregate, the type of
construction equipment and climatic conditions.
 General recommendations:


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Types of Bitumen


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Gradation for subgrade and bases


Subbase and base


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3


Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Factors affecting properties of soil-bitumen

• The particle size, shape and gradation of the soil
influence the properties of the soil-bitumen mix.

Types of Bitumen
• Cutbacks of higher grade should be preferred
• Emulsions generally gives slightly inferior results than

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Amount of Mixing
• Increasing proportion of bitumen causes a decrease in
dry density but increases the stability after a certain
bitumen content
• The optimum bitumen content for maximum stability
generally ranges from 4 to 6%

• Improved type of mixing with low mixing period
may be preferred

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

• Effective Compaction results higher
stability and resistance to absorb water

• Anti stripping and reactive chemical additives have
been tried to improve the properties of the mixes
• Portland cement can also be used along with the soil

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Mechanical Stabilization

2.3. Lime Stabilization

2.4. Cement Stabilization

2.5. Bitumen Stabilization

2.6. Other Treatment Methods

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

Others treatments (Reading assignment)

Mechanical treatment
Geo textile
Geo synthetic
Geo grid
Chemical treatment
Various chemical
Biological treatment
• Grass sod

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Mechanical Stabilization

2.3. Lime Stabilization

2.4. Cement Stabilization

2.5. Bitumen Stabilization

2.6. Other Treatment Methods

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

The Basics Soil Stabilization Process

Both new construction and Assessment and testing
rehabilitation projects are
candidates for soil stabilization
 Soils of the site are thoroughly
Stabilization procedures varies tested to determine existing
depending on many factors condition
including  Based on condition additives are
 Location selected and specified
 Environment
 Time requirements  Design mix depth are defined for
 Budget the contractor
 Available machinery &  Prepare mix samples and allow
 Weather to cure
 Test to ensure that the additives
The following process are will produce desired results
generally practiced

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

The basics
Site preparation
Existing materials on site
is pulverized utilizing a
Any additional soils/
aggregates are introduced
Brought the material to
OMC by drying or adding
Shape the grade if
necessary to obtain
specified layer depth

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

The basics
Introduce additives
Cement, lime or fly ash can
be applied dry or wet
• Dry – spread at required
amount per square meter using
spreader or other
• When lime is applied as slurry,
either spread with tanker or
rotary mixer
• Bituminous additives are
usually added using on-board
emulsion spray system on a
rotary mixer. It can also be
spray on surface with additional

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

The basics
To fully incorporate the
additives with the soil for
Maintain optimal mixing
Inappropriate proportioning
results in reduced load-
bearing properties
Some times multiple layer of
treated and compacted soil
When applying cement and
fly ash, finish mixing as soon
as possible due to the quick-
setting characteristics of the

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

The basics
Compacting and
• Usually follows immediate after
mixing esp. for cement & fly ash
• Some bituminous additives
require delay to allow for
chemical reaction
• Several passes using various
• Usually start with vibratory
padfoot compactor
• Shape & trim the surface
• Follows pneumatic compactor to
provide certain kneading action
• To provide smooth surface finish
with a tandem drum roller

Alemgena Alene, PhD CENG 6305 - Ch3

The basics
• Sufficient curing to allow the
additive to fully achieve its
engineering potential
• Weather and moisture are
critical factors for curing cement,
lime and fly ash stabilization
• Bituminous stabilized bases
often require a final membrane
of medium-curing cutback
asphalt or slow-curing
emulsified asphalt as a moisture
• Generally a min. of 7 days are
required to ensure proper curing


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