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CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Module 3

Lesson 1.1: Media or Materials Used in Contemporary Art

At the end of the unit, the student is expected to:

1. Research on techniques and performance practices applied to contemporary arts;

2. Identify local materials used in creating art; A

3. Critique available materials and appropriate techniques; and

4. Justify the use of materials and the application of techniques


The media of music are classified into vocal (voices) and instrumental (musical instruments).
Vocal media, as the term suggests, refers to male and female voices. Male voices have three registers:
bass (lowest), baritone (middle), and tenor (highest). Female voices also have three registers: alto
(lowest), mezzo soprano (middle), and soprano (highest).

The highest of the female vocal registers is the coloratura soprano whereas the lowest of the male vocal
registers is the basso profundo.

Instrumental media pertain to the different instruments played by musicians. Most of these instruments
form part of the orchestra.

Based on how their sounds are produced, they are classified into string or stringed, wind, percussion, and
keyboard instruments.

 String or stringed instruments have strings which are either plucked or bowed.
Examples of plucked strings are: guitars, ukuleles, banjos, mandolins, harps, and the
erstwhile lyres while; bowed strings are violins, violas, violin cellos or cellos, and
double basses or contrabasses.
 Wind instruments require wind to produce sound so they are blown. They are
classified into woodwind instruments and brass instruments.
Examples of woodwind instruments: piccolos, flutes, oboes, English horns, clarinets,
bass clarinets, bassoons, and contrabassoons.
Brass instruments: saxophones, trumpets, French horns, trombones, tubas, and
 Percussion instruments are beaten or struck. They come into a variety of forms.
Examples: The drums (kettle drums, snare drums, side drums, etc.) glockenspiels,
xylophones, marimbas, gongs, cymbals, triangles, and chimes are belong to this group.
 Keyboard instruments have keys which are pressed to produce the desired sounds.
Examples: piano, the organ, the celesta, the piano accordion, and the harmonium.

CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College


Dance materials are those materials used for costumes, properties, and set design. Costumes
include the head gear, the upper garments, the lower garments, and the footwear. Hats, caps, fez,
bonnets, helmets, crowns, turbans, and hood are among the head gear. Blouses, kimono, kimona, baro’t
saya, malong, patadyong, traje, gowns, Maria Clara dresses, skirts, bloomers, and the like are garments
for female dancers, while shirts, camisa de chino, barong Tagalog, shorts, long pants, trousers, G-strings,
and the like are garments for male dancers. Their footwear may be shoes, slippers, sandals, socks, and
stockings. Props include the glasses with lighted candles (pandanggo sa sambalilo), fans (fan dance),
umbrellas (umbrella dance), sticks (sakuting), pots (banga), spears and shields (singkil), pom-pom (cheer
dance), towels torches, and so on. As far as set design is concerned, vintas are placed as backdropfor
singkil, a vintage Spanish-inspird house for jota, and nipa huts for tinikling.


Before when the camera, radio, and television were not yet invented, the stage was only venue used for
dramatic purposes. Nowadays, drama comes in various media. Aside from stage plays, radio plays,
television plays, and movies form part of people’s entertainment fare.

A stage play is a drama performed on stage, the actors perform live before an audience. Examples are
“New York in Tondo” and “The World is an Apple”. A radio play is a drama aired over the radio; the
actors perform live in the studio but not before an audience. Examples are “Beinte Cuatro Oras” and “Ito
ang Inyong Tiya Dely”. A television play is a drama shown on television; the play is taped days before it
is presented to the public. Examples are “Magpakailanman” and “Maalala mo Kaya”. Lastly, a movie or a
film is a drama shown on the wide screen; the film is shot months before it is presented to the public.
Example are “Rizal the Movie” and “Mauro Ami”.


The medium of literature is language. A poet, fictionist, novelist, dramatist, or essayist, makes use of
words to compose a poem, short story, novel, drama, or essay, respectively. More often than not, men of
letters exploit the suggestive power of language and use words connotatively. Poets and post writers
make use of idioms, figure of speech, and literary devices to express their ideas and sentiments regarding
a certain subject. Subjects in literature may be as ordinary as everyday experiences or extraordinary such
as an encounter with aliens, for example, Martians.


The choice of the medium is a crucial aspect in art production. Mediums differ not only in their inherent
qualities but also in the effects they produce. Luckily, painters have a variety of mediums to choose from.
Oil and fresco used to be the favourite mediums of great painters in the second half of the last millennium.
With recent developments, painters have turned to acrylic and poster colors, which are readily available in
book stores and department stores. Besides oil and fresco, an artist may opt for water color, tempera,
pastel, acrylic, and encaustic.

Oil painting is done with the use of ground pigments (from minerals, coal tar, vegetable matter, etc.)
mixed with linseed oil and turpentine or thinner.

Fresco (Italian for fresh) painting is done with the use of earth pigments mixed with water and applied
to fresh plaster or glue which attaches the color to the surface like a wall.

CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Watercolour painting is done with the use of pigments mixed with water and applied to fine white paper.

Tempera painting is done with the use of ground pigments with an albuminous or colloidal vehicle (egg
yolk, gum, glue, or casein).

Pastel painting is done with the use of pastel colors closely resembling dry pigments bound to form
crayons, which are directly applied to the surface, oftentimes paper.

Acrylic painting is done with the use of synthetic paints called acrylics mixed with a vehicle capable of
being thinned with water. Acrylic emulsion or polymer serves as its binding agent.

Encaustic painting is done with the use of hot wax as a vehicle to bind pigments to a wooden panel or

Subjects as Materials for Painting

There are so many subjects that can be presented in painting. The prehistoric men painted animals and
other things of nature on walls of caves. The early Egyptians painted fragments of life stories of the
pharaohs. The ancient Greeks and Romans were so fond of their male and female deities. The
Renaissance painters did portraits of Mary and Jesus and depicted biblical stories. Others had fun doing
landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, and the like.

Portraits are pictures of men and women singly or collectively. Before the camera was invented there was
no other means to know the face of a persons, most especially a dead one, but through a portrait.

Painters living in the countryside have access to scenes happening daily in their community. Local events
such as a barrio fiesta, a fluvial parade, a bountiful rice harvest, a big catch of fishes, and a natural
calamity are exciting painting subjects. Many realist and impressionist painters are fond of country life.
Country life is the subject of most of Amorsolo’s works (‘Farmer, Barrio Fiesta” “Tinikling Dance,” “the
Bathers,” and “Child,” and “Countryside Scene”).

Any of the landforms can be the subject of a landscape painting. These landforms include the volcano,
the mountain, the hill, the valley, the plain, the plateau, the cliff, and the like. Likewise, any of the water
forms can be the subject of a seascape painting. These water forms include the ocean, the sea, the river,
the brook, the pond, the falls, the lake, and the like. Moreover, an aerial view of a city or a portion of it can
be the subject of a cityscape painting.

Events are among the favorite subjects of painters. The “Spolarium’, and the “Blood Compact” of Juan
Luna and the “Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace” of Felix Resurrection Hidalgo are examples of
such subjects.

Religious items such as the Holy Family, Madonna and Child, Jesus Christ, angels, saints, and religious
objects are as commonly used subjects today as they were during the Medieval and Renaissance

Mythological, fictional, and cartoon characters are also favorite subjects for painting. An example of such
paintings is Raphael Sanzio’s “Galatea,” a mythological character. Supernatural beings, dreams and
fantasies, technological items, and objects dear to the painters are common subjects.

Tools Used in painting

CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Just like any worker, a painter makes use of several tools in completing his work. These include the brush
or brushes, the palette, the palette knife or spatula, and the easel. Assorted brushes are used to have a
variety of strokes. The palette is one that contains or holds the painting medium. The palette knife is used
to mix colors on the palette and sometimes to add colors to and to scrape or remove colors from the
painting surface. And the easel is the frame that supports the painting; it usually has three legs.


There are more materials, available for materials for sculptors than painters. Anything that can be used to
form a three-dimensional figure is a likely medium for sculpture. Wood, stone, paper, glass, cloth, cement,
and plastic are some of the common mediums used by sculptors. Other permanent materials such as
shells, amber, and brick, and even ephemeral ones such as feather, dough used in baking, sugar, bird
seed, leaves, ice or snow, and cake icing have become sculptural materials. These days, any material is
a possible sculptural medium (inflated polyethylene, foam rubber, expanded polystyrene, styropor, neon
tubes, any type of cloth, and even junk.

A combination of these materials is employed by an artist to create a masterpiece.

These mediums are group into two.

 Additive sculpture, the sculptor simply puts together the materials to come up with the
desired figure.
Example to produce a papier mache animal, the sculptor glues together wet strips of old
newspaper and magazines on the mold and removes the dried bound paper from the
mold by cutting the formed thing in the middle; then he puts together the cut ends by
gluing them.
Clay and clay-like substances, cloth, terra cotta (cooked earth), shells, pebbles, sand,
metal, (by means of welding used as casting in sculpture as invented by Julio
Gonzales) are choice materials for additive sculpture.
 Subtractive sculpture removes the unnecessary parts of the medium he uses to form
the desired figure.
For example, to produce a wooden horse, the sculptor marks the areas to be removed
from the entire wood, takes away the excess parts by using tools such as chisels and
saws, and does the finishing touches.

Subjects Used as Materials in Sculpture

The subjects of sculpture range from living organisms (people, animals, and plants) to
non-living things, places, events, etc.

People. Important personages such as heroes and saints are the most common
subjects for sculpture.
Examples are St. Lorenzo Ruiz, St. Pedro Calungsod, etc.

Animals and Plants. Animals and Plants are among the sculptor’s favorite subject.
Examples are The Philippine Eagle, The tamaraw etc.

CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Places. Sculptures of places are rare. An example of these is the Philippine map in
Rizal Park.

Events. Historical, biblical, and other events are also subjects of sculptural works.
“The Cry of Pugad Lawin” found in Caloocan City. “The Last Supper of Christ,”.

Religious Items. Besides the images of martyrs and saints, sculptures of a religious
nature abound.
The Ifugao bulol, the Christ’s relief, MichelAngelo’s “Pieta’ in Italy.

Others. Mythological beings such as deities and centaurs and strange objects of
sculpture, just as are symbolic scenes.


The mediums used in architecture are classified in to light and heavy materials. Light
materials include paper, nipa, bamboo, and other light wood. All except paper, form part
of nipa huts and similar dwellings in tropical countries. The advantage of these
materials is that they allow for good ventilation, but their disadvantages is that they are
not resistant to fire and other natural elements. Thus, houses made of light materials,
especially those in squatter or slum areas, are described as fire hazards. The trend now
is toward the use of heavy materials which are not only fire-resistant but also durable
and able to withstand natural forces such as earthquakes, landslide, storms, and floods.
These materials are hardwood, stone, concrete (combination of cement, gravel, and
sand), cob, mortar, brick, steel, and cast iron. They always form part of high-rise
buildings, for example, condominiums.
Lesson 1.2: Traditional Techniques Applied to Contemporary Creation


According to Boethius, the most eloquent music writer of the Middle Ages, there are three types of music.
There are musica mundana, musica humana, and musica instrumentalis.

Musica mundana is music created by the orderly relationships found among the planets and the
changing seasons of the world.

Musica humana is music created by human beings, by the unity of the unity of the body and the soul.

Musica instrumentalis is music created by musical instruments (Lamucho, 2003)

Moreover, music is classified into vocal music, instrumental music, and a combination of the two.

Vocal music is music produced by the voices of singers. The singing is done without the accompaniment
of musical instruments. Vocal music is rendered with acapella.

CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Instrumental music is produced by musical instruments. It is exemplified by a pianist doing a piano

recital or an orchestra performing without a soloist or a group of singers. Vocal music and instrumental
are combined to form mixed music or mixed ensemble.

Ensemble music is music renderd by a group oof performers- singers and/or players of musical
instruments. Ensembles are classified into the following (Sanchez, Abad and Jao, 2002): orchestra,
symphon orchestra, chamber orchestra, concerto, band, or rondalla.

An orchestra is the most spectacular of the ensembles because of its large size. Usually performing
under the direction of a conductor, the musicians playing several instruments of the same kind are given a

A symphony orchestra is a large ensemble composed of about 100 players; it includes all the principal
instrumental types divided into four sections, each of which has at least one instrument which falls under
the four basic ranges (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass).

A chamber orchestra is an ensemble larger than a chamber ensemble and smaller than a full orchestra.
A chamber ensemble I a small group of musicians playing from one to nine musical instruments.

Chamber music written for only one instrument (violin, cello, flute, oboe, horn, etc.) is called solo sonata;
for two, duo; for three, trio; for four, quartet; (for example, a piano quartet or a string quartet); for five,
quintet; for six, sextet; for seven, septet; for eight, octet; and for nine, nonet.

A concerto is a form written for an orchestra in which one solo instrument, for example, a piano or a
violin, is given prominence.

A band is an instrumental ensemble having the size of an orchestra but consisting mainly or exclusively
of wind and percussion instruments.

Nowadays, a band is used to mean a small group of performers, consisting of a soloist, drummer,
guitarist/s, and keyboardist, or a small group of singers (for example, boy bands such as A-1, Backstreet
Boys, Nsync etc.)

A rondalla is a band usually composed of stringed instruments (banduria, laud, octavina, piccolo,
guitarra, and bajo.) It is the best known instruemental group in the Philippines today.

There are also special ensembles, one of these are family ensembles (Tajanlangit and Figueroa families)
which are composed of family members and ensembles who use electronic media instead of the
traditional musical instruments.

The Pangkat Kawayan or Bandang Kawayan whose members play instruments made of bamboo is also
considered a special ensemble.

Singers and musicians perform different things; thus, they have to possess different technical expertise.
Singers must work on their vocal techniques as musicians develop their own playing techniques. In as
much as musicians play different musical instruments, they differ in the techniques they have to learn and
employ in their respective performances. For example, a stringed instruments has technical requirements
which differ from those of a percussive or wind instrument. A player of a stringed instrument must learn
such techniques as double stops, pizzicato, vibrato, tremolo, and dynamics (crescendo and

CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

decrescendo), muting, and so on. It is important for guitarists, violinists, cellists, and other string
musicians to practice these techniques and apply them when they render their performances to delight
their audiences. Singers must study the vocal scales or ranges, proper breathing, rhythm, dynamics,
timbre (the use of falsetto), correct diction, phrasing, and note visualization. These are the techniques that
help the singer learn about the mechanism of singing.


Dances are classified in many ways. According to the number of performers, they are performed alone,
by a pair, or by a group. Based on subject or content, there are the war dance, courtship dance, harvest
dance, ritual dance, etc.

According to the nature of the dance, they may be imitative (tinikling, itik-itk, and maglalatik), religious,
interpretative, and so forth. Based on purpose, they are grouped into folk or ethnic, social or ballroom,
and spectacular or theatrical.

Folk or ethnic dances are those performed by members of a tribe or ethnic group to conduct their day-to-
day activities. Examples are cha-cha-cha, boogie, samba, mambo, salsa, tango, swing, waltz, fox trot,
and other paired dances, as well as cotillion, rigodon de honor, and other group dances. Spectacular or
theatrical dances are those performed on stage as a spectacle to entertain the audience. Examples are
ballet, interpretative dance, and modern dances, and modern dances.

Techniques vary from the dance to dance. Each dance has its own dance steps. To become a good
dancer, one must learn how to execute the steps in his chosen dance, for example, ballet. Practice doing
ballet steps such as plíe, tendu, cabriole, pirouette, and so forth. Consistent rehearsal on your own, with a
partner, or with a group is an advantage.


To create an outstanding drama, a playwright uses one or a combination of the following dramatic
techniques provided by an online source (1.

Confession. A character tells his true desires or feelings to another character.

Dramatic irony. Similar to comedic irony, dramatic irony occurs when the audience or character expects
one event to happen, but the opposite happens or when something happens as a result of a character
trying to prevent that something from happening.

Music. Music sets the mood of a scene better than any other technique.

Narration. Narration done through voice-over or otherwise helps explain the multiple dilemmas of a
character, makes the audience laugh or cry, and directs or shapes the story convey certain emotions.

Surprise. Often used as a comedic technique, surprise easily catches a character or the audience off
guard. It elicits several emotions, including anger, sadness, and shock.

Suspense. A cousin of surprise, suspense occurs when a character or the audience is expecting
something to happen. The anticipation and waiting for something (either good or bad) to happen can
cause some kind of discomfort.

CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Conflict. Conflict is a clash between people, values, or ideas.

Soliloquy. Soliloquy is a speech rendered by a character who thinks aloud, rather than speaks to any
other character on stage.

Dialogue. Dialogue is a speech done by one character who speaks to another character on stage.

Aside. An aside is a comment made by a character to the audience in a way that implies no one on stage
has heard it.

Tableau. A tableau is a still picture created on stage.

Theatrical secret. The audience knows something that one or more of the characters in a play does not

Chorus. A group of actors in unison, usually by commenting on the action of the play.

Disguise. A disguise is a technique by which a character deliberately appears to be someone else.

Red herring. A red herring is employed by a writer who deliberately misleads or distracts the audience in
its expectations.


To make their writings effective, a writer make use of literary devices which include figures of
speech. The following online list contains 25 common literary techniques and figures of speech.


Alliteration. The repetition of similar sounds, usually consonants, at the beginning of words. For
example, Robert Frost’s poem,” Out, out—“) contains the alliterative phrase “sweet-scented stuff)

Allusion. A reference within a literary work to a historical, literary, mythological, or biblical character,
place or event.

Assonance. The repetition of vowel sounds in a sequence of nearby words.

For example, the line “The monster spoke in a low mellow tone” (from Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem “The
Lotos-Eaters”) contains assonance in its repetition of the “o” sound.

Caricature. A description or characterization that exaggerates or distorts a character’s prominent

features, usually for purposes of mockery. For example, a cartoon of a gaunt Abraham Lincoln with a
giant top hat, a very scraggly, and sunken eyes could be considered a caricature.

Cliché. An expression, such as “turn over a new leaf,” that has been used and reused so many times that
it has lost its expressive power.

Epiphany. A sudden, powerful, and often spiritual of life changing realization that a character experiences
in an otherwise ordinary moment. For example, the main character in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the
Artist as a Young Man has an epiphany during a walk by the sea.

CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Foreshadowing. An author’s deliberate use of hints or suggestions to give a preview of events or themes
that do not develop until later in the narrative images such as storm brewing or a crew landing on a fence
post often foreshadow ominous developments in a story.

Hyperbole. An excessive overstatement or conscious exaggeration of fact. “I’ve told you that a million
times already” is a hyperbole statement.

Image. Language that brings to mind sensory impression. For example, in the Odyssey, Homer creates a
powerful image with his description of “rosy-fingered dawn”.

Idiom. A common expression that has acquired a meaning that differs from its literal meaning, such as
“It’s raining cats and dogs” or “that cost me an arm and a leg.”

Irony. Broadly speaking, irony is a device that emphasizes the contrast between the way things are
expected to be and the way they actually are. A historical example of irony might be the fact that people in
medieval Europe believed bathing would harm them when in fact not bathing led to unsanitary conditions
that caused the bubonic plague.

Metaphor. The comparison of one thing to another that does not use the terms “like” or “as”. A metaphor
from Shakespeare’s Macbeth: “Life is but a walking shadow.”

Motif. A recurring structure, contrast, or other devices that develops a literary work’s major themes (see
below). For example, shadows and darkness are a motif in Charles Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities, a novel
that contains many gloomy scenes and settings.

Onomatopoeia. The use of words like pop, hiss, or booing, in which the spoken sound resembles the
actual sound.

Oxymoron. The association of two terms that seem to contradict each other, such as “same difference” or
“wise fool”.

Paradox. A statement that seems contradictory on the surface but often expresses a deeper truth.

Personification. The use of human characteristics to describe animals, things or ideas.

Pun. A play on words that uses the similarity in sound between two words with distinctly different

Rhetorical question. A question asked not to elicit an actual response but to make an impact or call
attention to something.

Sarcasm. A form of verbal irony in which it is obvious from context and tone that the speaker means the
opposite of what he or she says.

Simile. A comparison of two things through the use of the words “like” or “as.”

Symbol. An object, character, figure, place, or color used to represent an abstract idea or concept.

Theme. A fundamental, universal idea explored in a literary work.

Thesis. The central argument that an author makes in work.

CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Tone. The general atmosphere created in a story, or the author’s or narrator’s attitude toward the story or
the subject.


To create the desired visual effect, a painter may employ any of the following techniques: acrylic
painting, action paining, aerial perspective, anamorphosis, camaieu, casein painting, chiaroscoru,
divisionism, easel painting, encaustic painting, foreshortening, fresco painting, gouache, graffiti, grisaille,
impasto, miniature painting, mural oil painting, panel painting, panorama, perspective, plein,-air painting,
sand painting, scroll painting, sfumato, sgraffito, sotto in su, tachism, tempera painting, tenebrism, and
tromp l’oiel.

Methods of Presenting the Subjects

Every artist has his individual style of doing jis artwork. This style is almost always governed by
his choice of the method of presenting his subject. He can choose from any of the following methods:

Realism. Also termed naturalism, realism is the method of presenting subjects as they appear in real life.
If an apple is the subject, it is shown as is with either red or green color.

Abstractionism. Abstractionism is “drawing away from realism.” The word abstractionism was derived
from the verb abstract meaning to draw away. Therefore, an abstractionist draws away from reality as he
creates his artwork. His product is departure from what is present in real life. For example, in painting a
human body, a person is shown with no facial features, no fingers, no toes, and no hair.

An abstractionist selects from any of the following methods:

Distortion. Distortion is presenting the subject in a misshaped form. For example, an apple is shown as a
square or a circle or a star apple as ovoid (egg-shaped) or cylindrical (funnel-like).

Mangling. Mangling is presenting the subject with parts are cut, lacerated, mutilated, or hacked with
repeated blows (Sanchez, Abad, and Jao, 2002).

Elongation. As the word suggests, elongation is presenting the subject in an elongated form. It is done by
stretching the object, for example, the human body, vertically or horizontally.

Cubism. Cubism is presenting the subject with the cubes and other geometric figures (triangles, squares,
rectangles, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, etc.).

Abstract Expressionism. Having its origin in New York City, abstract expressionism is presenting the
subject with the use of strong color, uneven brush strokes, and rough texture and with the deliberate lack
of refinement in the application of the paint.

Surrealism. Surrealism is “beyond realism”. It is presenting the subject as if the subject does not form
part of the real world.

Symbolism. Symbolism is presenting the subject symbolically, that is, the artist shows his subject as it
appears in real life, but he intends to let it represent something. For example, Guillermo Tolentino’s
“Oblation” is symbolic of academic freedom.

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Fauvism. Fauvism is optimistic realism. It is presenting the real-life subject with the use of bright colors,
suggesting comfort, joy, and pleasure. The colors bright red, yellow, orange, purple, and the like are used
instead of blue, black, gray, red, and brown.

Dadaism. Dadaism is shocking realism. It is presenting the real-life subject with the intention to shock the
audience through the exposition of the evils in society.

Expressionism. Expressionism is emotional realism. It is presenting the real-life subject with the intention
to express emotions, pathos, chaos, fear, violence, defeat, morbidity, and tragedy.

Impressionism. Impressionism is realism based on the artist’s impression. It is presenting the real life
subject with emphasis on the impression left in the artist’s mind or perception, particularly the effect of
light on the object used as subject. Going beyond what is real, the artists may distort color or form. For
example, an apple on a table is presented not as entirely red, but with white areas showing the spots
where the light rays fall upon.

Futurism. Futurism is realism in the future. It is presenting a subject that relates not to the present, but to
the future. An example is a painting of a futuristic machine or a futuristic human being such as an android.


Sculpture are found everywhere. In the Philippines, one can find the “Oblation” in the University of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Jose Rizal’s monument in Luneta, Andres Bonifacio’s monument in
Liwasang Bonifacio, the Katipunan relief sculpture near Manila City Mall, and the busts of the Filipino
heroes in Rizal Park. These sculptures are classified into round sculpture and relief sculpture.

Also called a free-standing sculpture, a round sculpture or sculpture in the round stands on its own and is
capable of being viewed at all sides (front, rear, left, and right side). All, except the Katipunan relief
sculpture, are examples of round sculpture. Contrary to around sculpture, a relief sculpture does not
stand on its own because it is attached. It is either a high relief or a low relief. A high relief is a relief
sculpture that is most the same as a free-standing sculpture but differs from the latter because it is
attached so that the back part cannot be seen by an onlooker. The front part as well as the left and the
right sides, can be viewed. A good example is the frieze sculpture on top of the columns of the National
Museum in Rizal Park. On the other hand, a low relief is a relief sculpture that is almost the same as a
painting because it is somewhat flat and attached to a surface but differs from the latter because it has
volume and the medium used varies from the mediums used in painting. The sculpture of the Philippine
flag and the Katipunan flag in Intramuros are examples of a low relief.

Sculpture either static or mobile. Relief sculptures are permanently attached to surfaces; thus, they are
static or incapable of moving. Almost all free-standing (monuments, statues, and the like) are static, too.
Some round sculptures, however, are capable of moving; therefore, they are mobile. The yearly COD
Department Store’s Christmas display has mobile sculptures to delight paasers-by and shoppers in
Cubao, Quezon City.


Primitive men used to live in caves primarily because they did not have the tools for building houses and
were not equipped with the knowledge of construction. When they began making implements, they
started constructing tree houses and similar dwelling places. Through the years, the structures that house
men have continuously improved. With the Industrial Revolution and the introduction of steel and other

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Cavite West Point College

construction materials, the mushrooming of high-rise buildings is inevitable. Architects see to it that the
basic types of architectural construction form part of these sky-reaching buildings. These are the post and
lintel, the cantilever, the arch, the truss, the vault, and the dome.

The post and lintel consists of a horizontal beam called lintel and two vertical posts to support it. It is
usually found in doors and entrances. (Stonehenge)

The cantilever has two vertical posts for support and a horizontal beam with one end more extended than
the other. Oftentimes, Steel is used for this type of architectural construction because of its tensile

At times, wood is also used less frequently because of its tendency to warp, sag, and rot. The arch
consists of several wedge-shaped blocks of stone called voussoirs held together by a key stone. (Arch in
Binondo, Manila)

A dome is the large hemispherical roof or ceiling that looks like an inverted cup. It is an extension of the
principle of the arch capable of enclosing a wide area. (Big Dome, Araneta Coliseum)

The vault is an arched structure of masonry usually forming a roof or ceiling. It is an extension of the
principle of the arch capable of enclosing a vast expanse of space. It has several types, namely: barrel
vault, groined vault, cross vault, Welsh vault, and cloister vault. The truss consists of a braced framework
of beams or bars forming one or more triangles. An assemblage of beams forming a rigid framework, it is
usually used to support the roof.



12 | P a g e
CPAR: CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

NAME: __________________ TEACHER: ___________

STRAND/SECTION: _____________ Rating: ________
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region Answer Sheet
WEEK 9- Activity 1
MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES. Name one artwork in your region under each of the
genres and identify the local materials and traditional techniques used in the
Region IV-A
Genre Materials Techniques






13 | P a g e
CPAR: CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College


Activity 2
CRITIQUE MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES. Critique the artwork named under each of
the genres as to local materials and traditional materials used.
Genre Materials Techniques
Music- Francis
Magalona’s “Mga

Dance- Paolo
Ballesteros’ air
dance in Eat
Bulaga’s “Bulaga
Pa More” Finals

Drama- the new


Bautista’s Bata,
Pa’no Ka Ginawa
Painting- cubist

14 | P a g e
CPAR: CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Sculpture- Our
Lady of Edsa

Architecture- A

WEEK 10 - Activity 1
Matching Type. Match the items under Column A (titles of songs) with the items
under Column B (singers/interpreters) by writing the appropriate lowercase letters on
the blanks before the numbers. Use the letters only once.

Column A Column B
____ 1. “Dadalhin” a. Aiza Seguerra
_____2. “Ngayon at b. Andrew e.
_____3. “ Kay Ganda ng c. Andrew Castelo
Ating Musika”
_____4. “Isang Mundo, d. Basil Valdez
Isang Awit”.
_____5. “Farewell” e. Claire dela Fuente
_____6. “Reaching Out” f. Eva Eugenio
_____7. “ Love without g. Francis Magalona
_____8. “Dito ba?” h. Freddie Aguilar
_____9. “Laging Ikaw” i. Gary valenciano
_____10. “Laki sa layaw, j. Hajji Alejandro
_____11. “Anak” k. Imelda Papin
_____12. “Sayang” l. Janno Gibbs
_____13. “Balatkayo” m.Jaya
_____14. “Pagdating ng n. Joey Albert
_____15. “ Ikaw Lamang” o. Jolina Magdangal

15 | P a g e
CPAR: CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

_____16. “Buhat” p. Kuh Ledesma
_____17. “Paper Roses” q. Leah Navarro
_____18. “You Are My r. Martin Nievera
_____19. “Isang Linggong s. Mike Hanopol
_____20. “Tell Me” t. Nonoy Zuniga
_____21. “To Love Again” u. Raymnd Lauchengco
_____22. “Is It Over?” v. Regine Velasquez
_____23. “Tukso” w. Rico Puno
____24. “Laguna” x. Sampaguita
____25. “Humanap Ka ng y. Sarah Geronimo
Panget” z. Sharon Cuneta

WEEK 11 - Activity 1&2

Instructions: Draw and paint your experiences this past Christmas and New Year. How did
you feel in these two occasions? Express it by an art. You can used any medium or
materials that will give life in your painting. Do these in a separate Oslo paper. Explain your
work in another sheet of bond paper and paste it at the back of your Oslo paper.
Write your title in every work.
Materials: Oslo papers, bond papers, pencil, glue, pen (pastel color, crayon, and water
color, and acrylic paint, charcoal)

New Year

WEEK 12- Activity 1

Instructions: Make a 1 minute music video expressing your feelings and thoughts in year
2021. Make sure to use local materials and traditional techniques. Briefly explain your work
at the end of the video.
__________________ _____________________
Teacher’s Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature

WEEK 13 - Activity 1

16 | P a g e
CPAR: CPAR: Different Contemporary Art Techniques and Performance Practices

Cavite West Point College

Final Task
Final Task: Short Series/Film

Duration: 1-2 minutes.

Genre: drama, comedy, romance, horror, etc.

Platform: KineMaster or any video editor


1. Think of a genre you want to do.

2. Think of the Title of the series you will be doing and the theme.

3. Write a short script about your series/film. (Including the Scenes, Actors/Actresses, Location)

(Write it on a short bond paper.)

4. Making of the series/film.




Story’s Main Idea/Theme:

Story Outline: (Per Scene)

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